Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #99
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 08:21:21 -0600
I welcome articles, BIO's, stories, etc and certainly hope that all ASA Turkey Vet's will contribute and make the newsletter worthwhile. You can write whatever message you would like, and it will show up right here for you to share with the ASA Turkey group! I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein. Thank you, Elder RC Green aka gH, <>
The 7 SPRINGS resort is near Champion, Pennsylvania in the beautiful Laurel Highlands. It is known as the place where you can do it all! The resort is easily accessible from either Exit #91 (9) at Donegal or Exit #110 (10) at Somerset of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The Pittsburgh International Airport is the nearest metropolitan terminal. Pick-up from the airport is available by prior arrangement with the Seven Springs management at 800-452-2223 ext. 5000. Seven Springs is a picturesque resort surrounded by majestic hills and is tucked away in the southern mountain region of Pennsylvania. It is a excellent mountain top resort that is used year round, even though it is the BEST SKIING site in Pennsylvania. A chairlift is available to ride to the top of the mountain and down to enjoy unique views of the mountain scenery and the lodge itself. An indoor pool with access to outdoor hot tubs facing the ski slopes is also available for registered guests.
The average High/Low for each
season at 7 Springs is:
Spring - 62-38
Summer - 84/59
Fall - 64/42
Winter - 38/21
The driving distance and times
Baltimore, MD - 4 hours
Cleveland, OH - 3 hours
Columbus, OH - 4 hours
Latrobe, PA Airport - 45
NYC, NY - 6 hours
Pittsburgh Airport - 1 hour
Washington, DC - 4 hours
What other things should I know?
1. I have 70 rooms blocked off for the ASA Turkey reunion. The cost per room is $85.00 + tax for each room.
2. For reservations call 1-800-452-2223 or 1-866-437-1300. Note: If you want to arrive before the 29th or stay after the 31st of August - at the same rate - make that knoiwn when you make your reservations or later.
3. Inform the receptionist that you are with the ASA Turkey reunion group
4. Request a room on the 6th floor or above that faces the ski slopes. Each room has a balcony and the view is breathtaking! For the same rate you can reserve a 3 or 4 bedroom modern condominium at the resort, but the condo's are located on the top of the ski slope area and is about a mile away from the main resort buildings.
5. We will use the ALPINE room on the 3rd floor as the main hospitality room and for the Saturday night buffet. After the meal we will be able to socialize in the Alpine room and for those who want to dance - can use the Foggy Goggle Lounge for that purpose. The Alpine room is most impressive and has a bar and an outdoor covered and uncovered deck facing the ski slopes at the resort. It is 3 times the size of the Pennsylvania suite at the Hershey reunion.
6. The other hospitality room will be on the 6th floor
7. For the golfers, there is a fabulous championship golf course nearby.
<> and also <>
DUNLAP, Jack E., E6, Facilities Engineer Section, Det 4, 58. (1928-July 1963)
Jack Edward Dunlap
SFC E6, Facilities Engineer Section, TUSLOG Det 4, 1958
American Spy for
(1928 - 1963)
I was assigned to Fort Meade with duty as the NCOIC of the Senior Cryptologic Course (CY-155) and remember reading about Sgt Dunlap. I never met the man who I believe worked in "C" Branch, but I'm probably mistaken. The one thing that sticks in my memory was that he owned a large boat and several expensive automobiles- - -gH. Does anyone, other than Jim Baker, remember this Jack Edward Dunlap at SINOP in 1958? If so, I'd appreciate hearing from you so that the rest of the story can be told.
The year (1958) I was on The Hill was definitely a watershed concerning the post. There was a constant round of construction of barracks, additions to the ELINT and COMINT facilities, upgrades to the power, etc. Power was supplied by diesel generators that were increased in size practically monthly. Because of the mission, it was critical to have an uninterrupted source of power. Commercial power from Sinop was nowhere near satisfactory, so we generated our own. All of the construction meant a large force of Turkish workers who were mostly locals hired by the company that had the contract for all of the renovation and new construction.
One of the foremen, if not the main boss, of these workers was a blond-haired Eastern European. Because his physical appearance was so much different than the Turks, he certainly stood out. I learned much later, back in the States, that he was a Hungarian Intelligence agent who was assigned to learn about the mission at Sinop.
Another person assigned as a facilities engineer was SFC Jack Edward Dunlap whose background was in the Airborne Infantry. Sinop was his first ASA assignment and, following his clearance coming through, he was brought to operations and thoroughly briefed on our mission. The rationale was that knowledge of the mission would impress upon him the importance of uninterrupted power. I became good friends with him and our friendship continued after we both left Sinop and were reassigned to Ft. Meade, with duty at NSA. Since he had no operational background, his initial assignment at NSA was as driver to the NSA Chief-of-Staff (the position would later be Deputy Director for Operations [DDO] ), MG Garrison B.Coverdale, [born 12 July 1905 and died 8 June 1988]. Dunlap continued in that assignment until General Coverdale left NSA, and, at the General's request was given an assignment in an operational position. This was some two years later, in 1960, and I left Ft. Meade for a three year tour in Germany. In 1963 I was back at NSA, and we resumed our acquaintance, but I had married in the meantime, so we weren't as close. In the summer of 1963, he received another ASA assignment, but decided to quit the Army after 11 years active duty and seek employment at NSA. During the routine polygraph examination, several discrepancies were noted and the FBI was called. I remember in July of 1963, a research analyst at NSA named Victor Hamilton turned up in Moscow and announced that he was defecting. One day after Hamilton defection to Moscow, my former Sinop friend, Jack E. Dunlap, was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning - an apparent suicide in the Glen Burnie area where he resided. I t is quite possible that Hamilton's defection was brought about with his knowing that Dunlap had flunked the polygraph and was afraid that he might be next to be found out and wanted a safe place to hide from prosecution. About three years earlier two other former NSA employees, Bernon F. Mitchell and William H. Martin [both homosexuals] had defected to the Soviet Union. I've heard that Jack Dunlap was buried with honors at Arlington National Cemetery. and read that about a month later, Dunlap's wife, Diane, found sealed packets of classified documents in the attic of their house, and it was then learned that Dunlap was a Soviet agent and that he had been providing the Soviets with information for over two years. I believe that Jack Dunlap was targeted and recruited into spying for the KGB while in Sinop and working daily with the construction foreman above mentioned and not after he was assigned to NSA. In the end, he committed suicide. All of this is, of course, another story, but I wanted to mention it to give some idea of the great, worldwide interest in the mission at Sinop in the 50's.
One of America's most secret organizations the NSA was thought to be impenetrable by foreign agents. Its security was said to be ironclad, its tight-lipped officials unapproachable. The KGB had for some time targeted the NSA but found no way to obtain its secrets until it discovered Sergeant Jack Dunlap, a beer-drinking clerk-messenger with five children, a tired wife and mounting bills.
Louisiana-born Jack Dunlap was a career Army man. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1952 and served with distinction in Korea. Remaining in the service, Dunlap rose to the rank of sergeant and was assigned to the NSA in 1958. He was given top secret messages to carry to NSA officials before they had been put into code. Moreover, Dunlap was given a top-secret clearance to view these "raw" unencoded messages.
Somehow learning of Dunlap's sensitive position. a KGB agent approached the sergeant in 1958, bluntly telling him that he would be paid handsomely for the contents of the pouches he was carrying. Dunlap did not hesitate and began selling the Russians copies of all the documents he carried about. His method was reportedly simple. Before delivering the documents, he slipped them under his shirt, drove to a rendezvous in Washington, D.C., had his contact make copies or photograph them, then returned them to the pouch and went on to make his delivery.
By June of 1960, he bought two Cadillacs and a Jaguar. Next, Dunlap acquired a statuesque blonde mistress, paying her expenses. It was later estimated that Dunlap was receiving from the Soviets between $40,000 and $50,000 a year. When neighbors asked about his new riches, Dunlap said that he had inherited a plantation in Louisiana.
NSA security paid no attention to Dunlap's new lifestyle. The spy brought attention to himself in 1963. He was about to be transferred to another post, which would cut off his access to documents. To continue making money from the Soviets, Dunlap believed that he could stay on at NSA by simply not re-enlisting when his tour of duty expired. He would then go to work for the agency as a civilian.
After being mustered out, Dunlap applied for work at NSA as a civilian. As such, he required a new clearance and, unlike the military working for NSA, he was compelled to take a lie detector test. He was given a polygraph test, which he failed. Dunlap learned that NSA and Army intelligence were both looking deeply into his background.
Dunlap fearing exposure, opted for suicide. The nature of Dunlap's death did not deter the Army from burying him with honors at Arlington National Cemetery. Then the spy's wife, Diane Dunlap, discovered a large number of classified documents in their home and turned these over to NSA which then pieced together Dunlap's traitorous activities, although it was never learned exactly how many documents Dunlap had turned over to the Russians, a vexing and costly problem for America's most secret organization.
THE SPY WARS by Edward Jay Epstein, New York Times Magazine, September 28, 1980
The primary task of any clandestine intelligence service... is to establish moles within the enemy's inner sanctum who are in a position to warn changes in its plans and intentions. "No intelligence can function unless it has secret sources. The clandestine service specializes in the spotting, compromising, recruiting and handling of moles on a regular basis. This is called Human intelligence, or simply, HUMINT. Within the Intelligence community, this question has been the center of a bitter and destructive debate that has persisted unresolved for many years. Most of these agents, according to their public admissions, were induced to work for the KGB by financial rewards or sexual blackmail rather than an ideological sympathy with Communism..... During the Cold War, there were dozens of important spy cases: Sgts. Jack Dunlap, William Martin and Bernon Mitchell at NSA, etc..... Our .... Intelligence community... watch for spies from other nations.....They usually do a very professional job. Although sometimes they really "drop the ball," as in the case of Sergeant Jack Dunlap, who drove his "KGB money" sports car to work - to the NSA HQ parking lot - every day for weeks! [Flash: Strikingly similar to the last-breaking, but worse, Ames/CIA case.]
Behind a ring of three barbed-wire electrified fences at Fort Meade, Md., is the headquarters of America's most secretive intelligence service the National Security Agency (NSA.). Even though it has more employees and a larger budget than any other American intelligence including the CIA. Even though its very existence had been classified a secret in the mid 1950s, such secrecy is considered necessary because it is responsible for protecting the security of the channels through which the leaders Of the United States Government, military forces and intelligence services communicate with one another. In most cases, the NSA designs the ciphers, encoding machines and protected lines through which the nation's most closely guarded secrets are transmitted . Any breach of this system can have disastrous consequences.
Aside from protecting the nation's secret communications, the NSA intercepts and deciphers the secrets of foreign governments. Such-signal intelligence includes intercepts of telephone and radio signals, telemetry from missiles and electrical impulses from radar and sonar. Vast quantities of information about the testing, capabilities and deployment of Soviet weaponry are derived from the NSA's electronic intelligence, or ELINT. Information about Soviet intentions comes from its code and cipher operations, which is known as Communications intelligence, or COMINT.
Despite its aura of secrecy, NSA has had multiple penetrations by Soviet intelligence. On July 22, 1963, Victor Norris Hamilton, a Syrian-born research analyst at NSA headquarters, turned up in Moscow and announced that he was defecting. He had been presumably an agent of the KGB In Moscow, he joined two other former NSA employees, Bernon F- Mitchell and William H Martin, who had defected to the Soviet Union three years earlier. While working as KGB moles at NSA, they had provided the Soviet Union with information about the technical capabilities and locations of the super secret sensors that the NSA had employed against it, and also with data about the NSA's codes and breaking techniques.
One day after Hamilton defected from the NSA, Jack E. Dunlap, an employee of the NSA since 1958, was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning - an apparent suicide. One month later, when Dunlap s wife found sealed packets of Government documents in the attic of their house, it was reported that he was a Soviet agent.
Col. Thomas Fox, the chief of counterintelligence of the DIA at the time of the investigation, told me that Dunlap, a native of Bogalusa, La. had been recruited by the KGB while employed at the NSA communications-interception base at Sinop, Turkey. He had met there Major General Garrison Coverdale the chief of staff of the NSA. General Coverdale then selected Dunlap to be his personal driver at NSA. General Coverdale further arranged for Dunlap to receive top-secret clearance and a position in the NSA.'s traffic-analysis division. Since the general's car had "no inspection" status, Dunlap could drive off the base with documents hidden in the car and then return without anyone knowing that the material had been removed from the base.
Moreover, Dunlap had other high-level connections in the NSA The Carroll Report, a secret DOD document (part of which I received through a Freedom of Information Act request) named after Gen. Joseph F. Carroll, who was asked to investigate the case, noted that Dunlap had helped a colonel at NSA pilfer some "expendable items of Government property" from his office. >From this incident, the report deduced, "Dunlap had already had experience in circumventing NSA procedures under relatively high level tutelage." The implication was that he had expanded his access to secret files by offering to help officers appropriate furniture and other articles from their offices.
When General Coverdale left NSA in August 1959, Dunlap was reassigned as a driver to the new NSA. chief of staff, General Watlington. By continuing his chauffeuring, Dunlap retained access to the "no inspection" vehicle necessary for smuggling documents on and off the base.
The Carroll Report makes it clear that Dunlap was interrogated by NSA investigators just before he died. According to Colonel Fox, the DOD investigating team did not establish any connection between Dunlap and the three NSA employees who fled to Moscow. Since four KGB. moles had been uncovered in the NSA., the agency found it necessary to change its secret codes, encoding machinery, security procedures and entire modus operandi.
While Dunlap was chauffeuring around the NSA chief of staff at Fort Meade, the KGB developed another mole at the pinnacle of American military intelligence Lieut. Col. William Henry Whalen. Colonel Whalen who was the intelligence advisor to the Army Chief of Staff. Since Colonel Whalen, as intelligence adviser, could demonstrate a "need to know," he had access to virtually all military planning and national intelligence estimates. In return for money, he regularly supplied secrets to his Soviet case officer over a three-year period , even after he had retired from the Army because of a physical disability. According to his subsequent indictment, the highly classified data sold to the KGB included "information pertaining to atomic weaponry, missiles, military plans for the defense of Europe, estimates of comparative military capabilities, military intelligence reports and analyses, information concerning the retaliation plans by the United States Strategic Air Command and information pertaining to troop movements. " He gave away, in short, a wide range of national secrets available to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Pleading guilty in 1966 to charges of conspiring with a Soviet agent to divulge national defense documents, Col Whalen was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and paroled after six years.)
Through the services of Dunlap and Whalen, the KGB succeeded, as Angleton put it, in "opening the window" on virtually all American intelligence-gathering activities in the Soviet bloc. Just as the CIA was able to ferret out KGB moles by tracing the documents that Goleniewski provided from Moscow to their source,, the KGB could presumably trace the military intelligence reports and analyses that Whalen provided to whatever traitors existed in the Soviet intelligence apparatus. During this period, 1958 to 1963, the KGB did in fact succeed in catching the CIA's two prize moles in Moscow, Peter Popov and Oleg Penkovsky. Both were executed.
Even in the light of these past Soviet successes in penetrating the NSA and Defense Department, there is considerable resistance in the intelligence community to confronting the possibility that the KGB has used the same techniques and resources to establish new and undetected moles in American intelligence. For one thing, there is little bureaucratic incentive for searching for moles: If the search is a failure, it will be viewed as a demoralizing witch hunt; if it is successful, it will completely undercut trust in the past work of the intelligence service. Just as the British Secret Service resisted the idea that it had been infiltrated by KGB moles even after it had received the incriminating documents from Goleniewski, the FBI elected not to pursue evidence of a mole. For example, William C. Sullivan, A/Director of the FBI for Domestic Intelligence until 1971, claims that J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI Director, refused to allow him to move against what he was convinced was a Soviet mole in the FBI's New York office. In his autobiography, Sullivan describes how he discovered the leak and, unable to identify the mole, proposed transferring, one by one, all personnel out of the suspected section. Hoover replied, "Some smart newspaperman is bound to find out that we are transferring people out of the New York office," and flatly rejected the request. The source of the leak had not been removed from the office, or further identified, when Sullivan retired. Similarly, the CIA has relied on polygraph examinations to uncover moles, even though there is no empirical evidence that they work. In 1978, for example, a 23-year-old watch officer in the CIA named William Kampiles sold to the KGB a top-secret manual explaining the technical operations of the KH-11 satellite system that is used over the Soviet Union. When the CIA investigated, it discovered that there were at least 13 other missing KH-11 manuals. Kampiles had passed all his polygraphs.
The strategy denial is of course self-fulfilling. So long as a secret service denies it is possible to penetrate it, it is unlikely to find evidence of such penetration.
BUTTLEMAN, Leslie L., LtCol, Cdr, Det 4, 59-60, b-30 March 1914 d-11 October 1998 in Fairfax, VA Spouse: Alice
Col Leslie Louis Buttleman died at age 84 of pneumonia on the afternoon of 11 October 1998. He served much of his military career in the Army Security Agency. COL Buttlemen specialized in Communications Intelligence and Security. He served in the Panama Canal Zone during World War II. After the War he was posted to Washington D.C. and then to Frankfurt, West Germany. He later commanded the Army Security Agency Post in Sinop, Turkey. In the 60's, he was Chief of Operations for HQUSASAEUR in Frankfurt, Germany. Later he became Chief, Army Security Liaison to the National Security Agency. Following his retirement from the Army in 1969, he worked for Page Communications Inc., in Vienna, VA and for Quest Research Corp in McLean, VA. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Alice Buttleman of McLean, VA and by three children Keith Buttleman, of St. Paul, MN; Kim Buttleman of Chantilly, VA; and Jill Britton of Annapolis, MD. He also had four grandsons. He was cremated and laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery on 28 October 1998.
IVES, Wayne Det 4, @61, died at age 29 from a stroke. He was from Scottbluff, NB and a good friend of Pete Castigliano.
UEBERSETZIG, Janice widow of Bill Uebersetzig, b-12OC38 d-12AU01 E5 058 Det 27 @61, 323-256-5114, <>. Talked to Janice on 8 January 2003 and she informed me that Bill had passed away on 12 October 2001 in South Pasadena, CA. Bill was born on 12 October 1938 in Madison, Wisconsin, but had moved to California when he was 14. Janice and Bill were high school sweethearts and corresponded while he served his Tour of Duty at Manzarali and married shortly after his return to civilian life. Bill got a degree in business accounting, then worked as a controller and lastly in residential real estate. Janice gave me Roger Smith's current address
WINTERS, Roy Edward, Det 4, 58-59 Spouse: Barbara Ann Here is a tribute to 1SG Roy Edward Winters, Jr, from his wife, Barbara Ann Winters. Roy Winters enlisted in the U.S.Army in January 1952. He was selected to be in the Army Security Agency at that time. He never left ASA, was a member till he died. The Trust of the ASA was never broken. Roy retired from the U.S. Army after 20 years, 6 months and 5 days of service. Throughout his military career, he received no disciplinary action, he was a good soldier.
Roy Winters was stationed at:
1952: Fort Knox, KY and Fort Gordon, GA
1952-55: Memmigan, Germany
1956-58: Fort Bragg, NC
1958-59: Sinop, Turkey
1959-62: Two Rock Ranch Station, CA
1962-63: Vietnam
1963-65: Fort Devens, MA
1965-69: Rothwesten, Germany ( 1SG of A Company, 184th ASA)
1969-70: Kangwa, Korea
1970-72: Fort Devens, MA
1972: Malta, Ohio
Roy and I were married for 45 years and had 3 children. Kim, Roy III, and Fred; 9 Grandchildren and 2 Great-grandsons. He was a family man, a good teacher and leader of his children. Taught and lead with strength and Love. Was a most loving Husband and I loved, adored and respected him. He died April 29, 2001, after 18 months in the care of Hospice Society, he had emphysema. He was a baptized Christian, and was prepared to meet his Lord. He died peacefully in his sleep, at home, and went with God. Roy was loved and adored by all his family. His youngest Grandson, 3 1/2 year old, William, talks of his Grandpa often still, as they were good friends. I took a lovely picture of them, on one of the visits of Fred and his family. It is a prizewinner.
We have one grown Grandson, E-5 Steven Craig Riley II, in the U.S.Navy, Submarine Corp. Stationed in Seattle Washington. He was on a Nuclear Submarine, a Missile Tech, and had a clearance as high as his Grandfather Winters. Roy loved Steve, so proud of him, and all he accomplished. They were good friends. Steve misses his Grandpa a lot.
The cable company finally got our computer wired and we have new email addresses: Sue Lindgren is now Charlie Kindermann is now The old addresses may work for a while; I'm trying to figure out how to automatically forward any incoming mail there to the new accounts, but have not had any luck so far. I'll monitor it occassionally. Sue
I sent a query to about 20 Det 4 veteran's who were the earlybirds at Sinop requesting that they put in writing their remembrances of what it was like there in the late 50's. I intend to consolidate the reports into a history that I will include in my weekly DAYS OF OUR LIVES newsletter and also in the 2003 Memory Book. Thus far I've received only one report and it is an all inclusive report from Jim Baker. Because of its size, it will be in DOOL #100. The part dealing with Jack Edward Dunlap is above.
BAKER, James E5, 1709/982, Det 4, MR57-MR58, . Merhaba. I do, indeed, have memories of Sinop. About five years ago, I set down some of those memories because my own memory was getting a little rusty. Originally I wrote the piece for a journal called "After Action Report," and since then for the ASA vets website. I have attached it and you can do with it as you wish, so long as I get credit for the writing (that is like giving birth, you don't want anyone else to get the credit). Let me know what you think. Jim Baker
CASTIGLIANO, Richard (Pete) DOB: 15JA42, E4-E5, Medic, Det 4, AP61-MY62, (MaryJo), PO Box 25864, Prescott AZ 86312, 928-778-9231, Contacted on 9 January 2003. Pete was surprised and glad to talk to someone about his Tour of duty as a Medic at Sinop. He wasn't sure of the exact dates, but remembered that he spent 13 months on the Hill and those memories are forever etched in his memory. He remembers the young Turk who was shot in the spleen and later went into shock before or during the ambulance ride to the hospital in Sinop from the Det 4 dispensary. Captain Roger Reitz was the Det 4 doctor who did the initial diagnosis and treatment of the injured. Dr Reitz wasn't allowed to leave post and Pete was designated by the black Medic NCOIC to take the Turk to the Sinop Hospital. He remembers 100's of angry Turks on the road to and from the village of Sinop. He could not remember if Doctor Orhon from the Sinop Hospital visited the dispensary or when the young Turk soldier died, but he was saddened by his death. 'It was a sad moment.' At one point the ambulance was halted and a Turk soldier stuck the bayonet on his Springfield into Pete's throat, but no blood was spilled. Pete remembers shaving the head of Eddie Wood whose head had been split wide open from the butt of a M1 carbine, He believes that it required over 100 stitches to repair the wound. There was another GI injured at the gate, but cannot remember the name. He believes that the commander at Det 4 was a Full Colonel who had high blood pressure. He further believes that there was a senior officer there who was disguised as a Private and after the RIOT that person became the Post Commander. He also remembered nearly all 25 GI's listed on Howard Herndon's remembrance list that he had sent to me. After his Tour of Duty at Det 4 he was sent to Ft Bragg for 3 or 4 months where the 1SG was his 1SG at Sinop and wanted to know who was responsible for torching his hut at Det 4. Next he was sent to Ft Riley, KS for 9 months and his discharge. Graduated from Midland College in Freemont, NB and then moved to California, then to Colorado and finally to Prescott, AZ where he owns a Orthopedic Footwear company. Pete promised to find his old Turkey orders, photo's and send them to me. Also, he has marked Labor Day week-end on his calendar to attend the 2003 reunion.
ELDRIDGE, Frank DOB: 3JA41, E4-E5, 283.10, Det 4, FE61-MR62, (Arlie), 8219 Lone Bridge Ln., Humble, TX 77338, 281-540-3478, Contacted on 9 January 2003. Frank remembered the riot and killing of the Turk soldier at the front gate in July 1961, but could not recall any of the details. He initially worked as the so-called Field First for the Yenni Orderly Room and later in the R&D 'bubble' as a maintenance repairer. Only remembered GI's named Love from MA;, Sheedy a school teacher and Zerby. Upon discharge he married Arlie in 1963 and worked 27 years for Western Electric, which later became part of AT&T and is now Lucent Technologies. He retired in 1989 and is enjoying life in Humble, Texas. Arlie and Frank are interested in attending the 2003 reunion at 7 Springs, PA
FULTON, Richard O 57-58 1125 Texas
St., Denton, TX 76209 940-387-1671
My name is Richard Fulton and I was
sent to Sinup in 1957-8, It was a 50 man outpost then and we all
lived in 4 man tents. The station got to a low of 25 men and
stayed that way for a while before they brought it back up to 50.
I remember building the EM Club and the church, this was before
they expanded the base and built barracks. Just a few of the
names I can still remember : Bob Finn, Robert Phaelon, Harold
Seime, ? Kurksey, Wayne Beuhler. If my youngest daughter still
has my photo album that I put together of Sinup I'll send some
photo's to your site. I'll also send a younger brothers email
address, Don Fulton, he was there in
the 60's but I can't remember which years. Thanks, Richard Fulton
HERNDON, Howard, E3-E5, Det 4, 60-NO61, (Janice), 2073 E Hwy 54, Linton, IN 47441, 812-847-4557, [edited] Merahaba -
I remember waking up that morning and there were several armed Turk soldiers outside our hut.. I don't remember how we got word, but we were told to stay put and not leave..actually I think the Turk's wouldn't let us leave. I sorta remember that the incident started when one of our new guys at the gate (on guard duty) hit a Turk soldier who was also working at the front gate in the mouth.... and then all hell broke loose... PFC Churchill (forgot first name, but he was from Marion or Muncie, Indiana) was the trained MP on duty and another guy from Denver, CO., (forgot his name but I know he had a common law wife at that time because I was finance clerk and filled his allotments out) and some others, but don't remember any names.
I was also part of the team of clerks that typed up the whole riot incident at the gate. Anyway I remember the guy from Colorado telling me that he took off running after shooting started... back up... after the new guy struck the Turk, the Turk stuck him with his Springfield rifle bayonet through the stomach and then the shooting started and ... that's when a young Turk soldier got shot in the groin area and later died ... in our dispensary or on the way to the Sinop hospital.... anyway the troop from Colorado started running up the hill and was so scared he stopped to relieve himself and the Turks caught him and beat the crap out of him ... I'm not sure if he was the one who required over 100 stitches to his head area. I think that two GI's were injured in that melee.
[Charles Eberhard informs that he don't remember anyone running up the hill and getting the crap beat out of them .... that might have been rumors about Eddie Wood. I do vaguely Turkisher hearing about Biff O'hara hitting the Turkish guard in the mouth. Sometimes it takes something to get told to remembering. The MP I said was Churchward could have been Churchill.]
Meanwhile back at the barracks, we were scared as I remember
... it seemed like a nightmare at that time. I remember that me
and another guy were 'volunteered' to leave the hut and try to
get to the headquarters building. We left in daylight and had
several rocks hurled at us from building tops, but we made it to
headquarters. We carried back a plan for a selected few to get to
motor pool, pump gas into the vehicles and ready everything to
move out at dark ... I was to be one of drivers and remember
sitting in our 2 1/2 ton (iki-pa-chuke..sp?) truck and one of the
guys suddenly became hysterical from fright ... it was not a
pleasant moment. All this time I remember Turk jets flying over
very low ... anyway all of a sudden some Turk officers came in
... in helicopter and there was some meetings and our command
turned over one or two guys for trial. I don't remember what
happened to them from that point. I do remember that I was one of
two or three selected to drive trucks to the landing strip on the
other side of hill to pick up officers ... I was the first truck
entering Sinop on that one lane road through town and recall
people screaming and throwing rocks and jumping on the running
boards and spitting at me ... it scared the crap out of me. I
floored the gas and got through town and up the mountain
...that's when the engine blew up! Anyway things finally settled
down and I think I left there about October or November 1961.
Some guys I remember were Robert Manning (black), Robert Miner,
(a black from St Louis), Jess Hodge (from Poland, Indiana), Phil
Cote, Churchill, Marcus "Smooth" Poe, (from Mountain
City, TN), Lt. William Sharkey, (My boss - a former gung-ho
Airborne Ranger), Lt. Michael P. Hyland, (a Turk interpretor
& grad from Colorado School of Mines), Bill Murphy from
Texas, and if I thought long enough others. I have always
wondered what happened to everyone there. -----Original
MICHAELIS, Gerald, DOB: 20AU40, E4, 623.10 (Diesel repairman),
MR61-FE62 (11m10d), (Elizabeth), 979 NW 230th Rd., Russell, KS
67665, 620-935-4230, no email. Contacted on 7 January 2003. He
was known as Farm Boy and remembers the 1961 riot at Sinop, but
little else. He said that he was detailed to guard duty for about
60 days or until replacements GI's arrived, when he arrived for
duty at Det 4.
ROSKELLY, Myron D (Dee), DOB: 13MR41, 61-62, (Deanne), 4588 S 150W, Washington Terrace, UT 84405 801-392-4911
SMITH, Roger L E5 058 Det 27, MY61-MY63, (Nancy), 261 E Ave 33, Los Angeles, CA 90031, 323-223-6817,
CHESSER, Joe E4 Postal Clk Det 27, 60-61, (Helen), 24 Out of Bounds Rd., Lake Monticello, VA 22963, 434-598-2133, Bowler on 61 Mauler team.
I do not remember names, I have trouble with that. I do remember some stuff that might help others remember.. I was stationed at Det 27 for 20 months. I worked in the Post Office. It was located in the same building as the Barber shop. One of my roommates was the guy who cut up a local girl in Ankara. [William Eugene Cox] I also remember the guy who purchased the white Cad to sell on the market. I thought he wrecked the Caddy on the way back from Ankara. He did end up in a Turkish prison. The rumor was that he had enough money hidden to live very well there. [Ken Baldwin - Det 66]
There were a lot of folks who worked the black market. Remember the American good store in Ankara. The story was that the merchandise came from GIs who purchased the goods from the PX and exchanged the merchandise for Turkish money. The exchange on the post was 9 to 1 or 10 to 1. The open market was 15 to 1 or higher depending. A lot of guys would buy their ration of cigarettes at the PX and then exchange those for the higher rate on the market. There was a tailor that would give good rates in exchange for American made products.
I also remember Moose. [Bruce Mondale] He visited us a lot at the post office once he was allowed out of the Ops unit. He had a pretty rough time. He finally got out late one evening on an APO mail shipment. He was a big guy who liked to fly fish. He gave me a fly rod he really liked, just to get it out of Turkey for him. We never connected afterwards and the fly rod is gone.
I almost had a 300 game at the bowling alley. Played a lot of tennis. Lost a lot of weight. Read a lot of books . Played a lot of pool. Saw a lot of movies. Played football. Watch the Jackass come for the beer. He and a sheep got so drunk they leaned against the buildings to stay standing. Got drunk more than I should.
The guy who killed the girl got drunk on Aqua Velva. He was in bad shape.
Happy hour at the NCO club had drinks for 10 cents. Remember the free drinks and the large buffet at the NCO club in Ankara and the dancers.
A group of us check out a deuce and a half and went camping up north over a weekend. Had a great time. Got the truck stuck down to the front axle. Some locals pulled us out with a bull dozer. We returned with a busted muffler. Ever hear a deuce and a half without a muffler? I left Det 27 and returned to Ft Bragg attached to the 118th Airborne Corps. That is enough.
HENNESSEY, Brian E3-E5 05H Det 27, 19MY62-OC63, (June), P.O. BX 397, Lakeport, CA 95453, 707-263-5015, - Elder: Attached are pics of The Countrymen, the barbershop quartet you mentioned in the TAPS section of DOOL#97 for Jim Deasey. In Quartet.jpg, l-r, Jim Deasey, Bradford, Pa.; Rick Nollenberger ( ; Don Amos, Maryland; and Roger Smith, Iowa. QuartetPlus.jpg has the addition of two air force wives from Ankara (names not recalled) and yours truly. The ladies added singing talent and visual appeal, and I clumped along on the piano. We put on a few shows at the NCO clubs on Site 23 and in Ankara in the fall of 62. Heres a few more names. They were all there during some part of my tour from 62 to 63. Except as noted, these were hometowns then: Dennis F. Baran, Dearborn, MI Dave Botts, Illinois, Bill Uebersetzig, Los Angeles - there are two in an old LA phone book: (323) 256-8590 & (323) 256-8148, John S. Biehl, San Bernardino, CA., Robert J. Brow, Arlington, VA., Robert C. Biondi, Pueblo, CO., William D. Hunter, Nashua, NH., James D. Hopkins, originally Youngstown, OH, later Lakewood, CO., Preston Martin, Chula Vista, CA., Roland E. Teague, Marblehead, MA., Dan Levy, Plaquemine, LA., Paul Martin, Aroostook County, ME (Fort Kent, maybe?), Mike Cattella (sp?), CT., Terry Mai, Salinas, CA. Hope you have a happy new year, and thanks again for all your hard work. Brian Hennessey
MIDTAUNE, Ted B E4 05H Det 27, 24OC62-64, (Merry), 3859 Santa
Clara Way, Livermore, CA 94550, 925-443-3252, - I will
be retiring this Friday. I will be out of the office until the
end of February, at which time I will be coming to work a day or
two a week for a year of so, or until either side decides to
terminate. This e-mail address will be operable during that time
and I will be sporadically answering messages. Merry and I are
planning on an going
on-line at home sometime after retirement also. We will inform
each of you when that occurs.
The home phone number is still 925/443-3252. The first 4 days of
retirement will be spent up at Calistoga rolling around in the
mud baths and getting facials, massages, mineral baths, gambling,
and eating/drinking with some friends. Then back to Livermore to
work on the house and bother each other. See you all.
MURPHY, Joe, DOB: AP36, E3-E4, 286, Det 4, AP61-SE61, (Never married), 2100 Quail, Billings OK 74630, 580-725-3372, no email. Contacted on 7 January 2003. Very surprised to hear from anyone asking about his Sinop Tour of Duty.
PEAK, Wm (Bill) Det 4, 61-62, - Merhaba
back to ya. I don't know any details of the riot because I
arrived at the tail end of it. Tempers were still hot at the
time, but the action was calming down. Since I was
"yeni" no-one was talking to me much. Sorry I can't
help. Bill
PRINCEHORN, Jim E4 98J/95B Det 4, JN69-JN70, (Marilyn), PO Box
410, Rush, NY 14543, 585-0533-1022, - Hi,
Elder. After reading many of your notes, without running into
anyone that I knew, your last issue had two old buddies. I worked
with both Jack Grace and Mike Jobe. You asked a couple of
questions, that I can help with. The song "going home"
was really the Peter, Paul and Mary hit "Leaving on a Jet
Plane." Eddy Lacompte, I remember as well. I think that he
was a DA MP that was drafted into the ASA. As I recall, he wasn't
very happy about it. There wasn't much action in Sinop. The
Harder guy was Jerry Harder. Another DA MP was Dennis Wheeler,
from Grand Rapids, Michigan. We was stationed at the Prescidio,(
spelling ) in California and was sent to the Pentagon during the
peace demonstrat-ions in 1965 or 6. He had some good stories
about that duty. He ETS'ed from Sinop. Another MP there was Don
(Dot) Dotson. He was from Padukah Kentucky. His dad used to mail
him a jug of real, home made, white lightening every once in a
while. The jugs were one gallon glass and so that they didn't get
broken in the mail, they were packed in huge boxes of shredded
newspapers. When the boxes arrived, EVERYONE know what was in
them. That stuff was almost as powerful as Turkish Raqui! As I
remember, when Dot left Turkey, his next duty station was in
Hawaii. #98 was a good issue, keep up the good work,
RODRIGUES, Charlie E4 Supply Det 4, 59-60, 210 Benham Ave.,
Syracuse, NY 13219, 315-487-1195, Hi
Elder--- Harry Lance sent me a copy of your search for history
on the Hill. I would like to partake, also. Willstart shortly.
Looking forward to meeting you and everyone at the 2003 Seven
Springs Reunion. Keep up the good work and great service you
provide us. Got quite engrossed over the incident at the front
gate, where Yinni MP got attacked. That happened after I left.
Later Charlie R
SMITH, Roger L E5 058 Det 27, MY61-MY63, (Nancy), 261 E Ave 33, Los Angeles, CA 90031, 323-223-6817,
ULLMANN, Tom E5 Spec Svcs Det 83 & Det 27, MY61-JL62, (Holly), 132 E. Courtney Ln., Tempe, AZ 85284-4046, 480-949-9300,
From: Tom & Holly Ullmann To: HOWARD C STEPHENS, SR <> - Sure enjoy getting these stories especially as the years go by. It seems difficult to realize that most of us were over there 40 years ago. I came in 1961 assigned to the short-lived Det 83 and extended like everyone else that arrived in 1960 or 1961 due to the Berlin Wall going up and I wound up being in special services running the post theatre, never having been trained for this. The fact that I had worked for a major theatre chain in Chicago as a ticket taker must have meant I at least knew what went on in a theatre. The duty was easy but at times bizarre with USO girls lonely to go back home (how did they think we were feeling) after having been gone 6 to 8 weeks. Turks standing on the toilet seats in the theatre to use them, they could never conceive that you might sit on them to take a crap. Thanks goodness their aim was good. That solved the mystery of footprints on the toilet seats in the theater. Midnight movies, all kinds of problems getting in films and the correct films. Projectionist previewing films and then burning a frame when they saw a piece of skin on a woman and wanted to freeze the frame only to burn the frame since if the film did not keep moving the heat from the red hot light would melt the film. Ever notice films with splices when you were there. Smelling Turks in the dark watching movies and throwing them out and back to work for whoever they worked for. Vehicles breaking down and staying with the vehicle so the Turks would not strip it clean while we were gone. A very unusual story on one of those breakdowns involved my staying with the vehicle. A couple of Turk dogs with a sheperd stalking me thinking I was lunch. Gave the Turk a US Gov't pen showed him how it worked. This totally amazed him. He gave he a leg of lamb that he killed, I accepted it not knowinmg what to do with it. Gave it to the German cooks who immediately tossed it into the garbage.
STEPHENS, Howard C (Steve) E4 Det 27, DE60-SE62, (Judy), 3149 Tamarron Dr., Rochester Hills, MI 48309, 248-375-0081, - Hi Tom, Good to hear from you! I think we've all been pleasantly surprised with the number of contacts from our service life of oh so long ago. We owe a lot to Elder, who was the one really put the contacts together and keeps it going! Many of us just naturally assumed we'd never hear a thing about the old ASA after our years in Turkey. Then along came the internet and voila! Here we are thinking back to the good old daze. I was there from 12/60 through 09/62. The post was fairly well developed by the time I left. I do remember the movie theater and I do remember the (lets be honest), less than warm mutual admiration of many of our Turkish hosts (both military and civilian!)! Thinking back after all these years, I certainly can understand the Turkish resentment of young U.S. soldiers - all of whom were earning more pay and had a higher standard of living than most of the Turkish citizens could ever aspire in their lifetime! However, since 9-11, I have a deep suspicion that for some of the Turkish citizens, their distrust was based more on their religious "beliefs". In fact, I am sure they thought I dishonorable to cheat a fellow Moslem in business - while it was much to their credit to do it to a no-Moslem. Guess it was a modified "do unto others, as long as they are Moslem" philosophy. While it's always dangerous to generalize, let me go out on a limb here by saying that mixing religion and state is a VERY bad idea indeed. 'Nuff said. Hope all goes well with you and yours, as we all continue to enjoy the freedoms earned over so many years, by so many brave young men that preceded and followed our honorable years in the service. Take care of yourself, your health and your loved ones my friend. Howard "Steve" Stephens
HQ Det 27
VA Enrollment Priority Categories:
Veterans seeking VA medical care will be enrolled under the
following priorities to receive treatment:
Priority Category 1. Veterans with service-connected disabilities
rated 50% or more disabling
Priority Category 2. Veterans with service-connected disabilities
rated 30% or 40% disabling
Priority Category 3.
· Veterans who are former POWs
· Veterans awarded the Purple Heart. [Note: The Veterans
Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act placed veterans awarded a
Purple Heart in enrollment priority group 3 for VA medical care.
The law also exempted them from co-payments associated with VA
care. The VA has ordered that such veterans be reimbursed for any
co-payments that they paid on or after November 30, 1999.
Eligible veterans may submit documentation, such as DD-214s,
service records, orders of award, or the certificate, for
inclusion in their VA health records.]
· Veterans whose discharge was for a disability that was
incurred or aggravated in the line of duty
· Veterans with service-connected disabilities rated 10% or 20%
· Veterans awarded special eligibility classification under
Title 38, U.S.C., Section 1151, "Benefits for individuals
disabled by treatment or vocational rehabilitation"
Priority Category 4. Veterans who are receiving aid and
attendance or housebound benefits or who have been determined by
VA to be catastrophically disabled
Priority Category 5. Veterans who are:
· Nonservice-connected veterans and noncompensable
service-connected veterans rated 0% disabled whose annual income
and net worth are below the established VA Means Test thresholds.
This includes veterans receiving VA pension benefits and veterans
eligible for Medicaid benefits
Priority Category 6. Eligible veterans who are not required to
make co-payments for their care including:
· World War I & Mexican Border War veterans
· Veterans solely seeking care for disorders associated with:
§ exposure to herbicides while serving in Vietnam; or exposure
to ionizing radiation during atmospheric testing or during the
occupation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; or
§ for disorders associated with service in the Gulf War; or
§ for any illness associated with service in combat in a war
after the Gulf War or during a period of hostility after November
11, 1998
· Compensable 0% service-connected veterans
Priority Category 7. Veterans who agree to pay specified
copayments with income and/or net worth above the VA Means Test
threshold and income below the HUD geographic index effective
retroactively to October 1 2002.
· Subpriority a: Noncompensable 0% service-connected veterans
· Subpriority c: Nonservice-connected veterans
Priority Category 8. Veterans who agree to pay specified
copayments with income and/or net worth above the VA Means Test
threshold and above the HUD geographic index.
· Subpriority a: Noncompensable 0% service-connected veterans
· Subpriority c: Nonservice-connected veterans
[Note: The VA Health Care Programs Enhancement Act, signed into
law in JAN 2002, required VA to create a new category of veterans
that takes into consideration the high costs of living in many
parts of the U.S.. Veterans in the new Priority Category 7 must
have incomes that exceed VA's national
income threshold ($24,644 in 2003 for a single veteran, $29,576
for a veteran with a single dependent) but are below a
geographically based income threshold set by HUD for public
housing benefits. Information about the HUD threshold is
available at <>.
All other veterans who previously were in Priority Group 7 where
reassigned to the new Priority Group 8.
Medical Care IS NOT authorized for your dependents. If you are
rated 50 percent or higher for service connection or currently
receiving payments for vocational rehabilitation, the VA will
provide all of your medical care in the states. Vocational
rehabilitation recipients receive dental care.
Copayments apply for non-service connected treatment for
categories 2 through 8. Call your nearest VA healthcare facility
for specific enrollment requirements. They can be located in the
blue pages of the telephone book under government offices.
[Source: VA News Release 26 DEC 02 & VA Enrollment Priority
Groups Health Care Fact Sheet]
Vietnam Cross of Gallantry
Veterans who served in Vietnam between 1 March 1961 and 29
March 1973 are eligible to receive the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry
with Palm Award. Vietnam veterans whose DD-214's do not reflect
the award may receive government acknowledgement of this medal by
requesting a DD-215 from the National Records and Personnel
Center using a standard SF-180 form. The SF-180 form is available
<> or