Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #94
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 07:10:30 -0600
I welcome articles, BIO's, stories, etc and certainly hope that all ASA Turkey Vet's will contribute and make the newsletter worthwhile. You can write whatever message you would like, and it will show up right here for you to share with the ASA Turkey group! I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein. Thank you, Elder RC Green aka gH,
The 2002 ASA TURKEY Memory Book is
nearing its completion. It was not an easy task as my old mind
isnt what it used to be. Simply put, Im an old fart
from the brown shoe army. I acknowledge gratitude to those who
submitted their BIOs that I included in the Days of our
Lives and has found someones hand and eye, even perhaps
someones mind and heart. It has distinctive character
partly because it is brimming with connections that flowed in
from a multitude of memories. It contains memory tidbits that ASA
Turkey vets have written about their experiences and
perhaps infamous stories that we must never allow to be
We have gone over forty years unable to tell anyone what we did
in the ASA. At last some of the stories are being told and
isnt it true that older people tend to read BIOs and
turn on the History Channel. These vignettes are gripping and
graphic in many cases. Many long-dormant memories have been
awakened. It's about time! If you havent submitted your
BIO, then its your loss as this might be the last Memory Book
that I prepare. I will let the acturial statistics speak for
themselves but strongly hint that there are a few more years
ahead for our group. Lets not fade away behind graying
ELLIS, Chas W., E4, Medic, Det 27, AU63-FE65, 74 Cleveland Ave., Elmira, NY 14905, 607-737-7405, Subject: SP/5 Charles Puckett [edited] Mr. Waite, although I did not remember Mr. Puckett's name I do recall the incident. During my tour as a medic at Det. 27 on 4 or 5 occasions I was detailed to Sinop. This occurred when they were short of or without medical staff. While on TDY at Sinop I received a call one evening about an accident at the gym. Mr. Puckett had tried to dunk and his ring caught in the hook holding the net to the rim. He pulled off his finger ( I think the pinkie) when he came down. It was a clean separation and I stopped the bleeding, wrapped the appendage and gave him pain medication. The portion of the separated finger was packed in ice. Early the next morning, Mr. Puckett and I were transported to the Ankara Air Force Hospital. I believe CWO Wooten flew us to Ankara. This happened in 1964, before micro-surgery, and the Air Force doctors were unable to reattach the finger. I flew back to Sinop and never saw Mr. Puckett again.
STEPHENS, Howard C., (Steve), PFC-SP4, 711, Det 27, 31DE60-SE62, 3149 Rochester Hills, MI 48309, 248-375-0081,,
Spouse: Judy, wife in good standing since 23 April 1966
Children: (1). Janet Stephens Marchelletta , graduated Michigan State Univ (MSU) 1988, MSU school of management 1992. (2). Christine Stephens Files, graduated MSU 1991 and Detroit College of Law 1994. (3). Howard Stephens, III, graduated MSU 1992, Oakland University 1997.
Hope this qualifies as an honest effort for my BIO
I really enjoy all the messages, photos and memories. The way you have put everything together, using today's "state of the art", reinforces my conviction that we had some of the best and brightest at Manzarelli, even if it was a life time ago! As with most of our old comrades, we lost contact with each other and even an awareness of what ever became of the ASA. I appreciate hearing about all that transpired, once I left after my tour. I was born 23 October 1940 in Detroit, MI. Attended the public school system and entered Eastern High School in 1954, just as the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation case was ordered. Our high school was already integrated so we kind of didnt "get it". Guess we were just naïve concerning the basis or need for the court order. Took Army ROTC courses for 4 years. Graduated in January 1959 Attended Wayne State University, Detroit for a while, but got bored with Liberal Arts studies and figured I was "draft bait". My best buddy was joining in July 1960 so I signed up with him on the Army "buddy plan" and took Basic Training at Ft Riley, KS with the 1st Infantry Division, July 60 September 60. My memories of Basic was that it was hot and dirty but the barracks were new and spanking clean. I didnt think it was too rough and we all ended up in great physical shape. Some of the combat aspects of training seemed a little over done, but thats because we werent headed for combat during that peaceful summer at least we didnt think so. Was trained at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. In MOS 711Clerk. I selected that MOS thinking I would get an assignment in the 5th Army area, hopeful HQ in Chicago. ASA recruited at or near the top of the graduating class (was never sure of exact selection criteria), but thats how Don Broaddus, Julian (Zip) Hargus and I were given the opportunity to accept an ASA assignment. Seemed like a unique opportunity although I knew nothing about the ASA or where we would be assigned.
Roy Des Ruisseaux's "memories" are amazingly accurate! Our tours were extended, due to the Berlin Crisis, before we finally rotated back to the states for re-assignment in September 1962. Although I am a little fuzzy on the exact dates and sequence of some of the events, I wanted to try to parallel the stories Roy has already "posted".
WELCOME. Zip Hargus and I came "in country" through the hospitality of the 21st Repo Depot in Frankfurt, Germany in December 1960. The affect of post WWII Germany were still evident, but I liked the country and the people. Zip and I kind of got misplaced for a couple of days during the 1960 Christmas Holiday while we explored the local hospitality. All turned-out well and we arrived in Turkey just before New Years day. Reality hit shortly thereafter when we were enroute from the airport to Site 23, it was late at night on a very cold winter evening. We were half asleep in the back of a deuce-and-a-half way out in the boonies. The truck was stopped by a road block, perhaps an hour from Site 23. We were ordered out and onto the frozen road. While waiting for the truck to be "inspected", I recall there was gunfire as someone from a vehicle ahead of us had taken off running. Quite an introduction to our new assignment ..... hmmmm.
YENI ASSIGNMENT: Zip and I did get lots of good natured "yini" harassment before making pals with our new room mate, Jim Grobe who worked in Special Services, but settled into our new assignments quickly. I was assigned to the PMO, and reported to Sgt. Rowan. Although only a clerk, I tried to maintain my uniform at the level of my pals in the MP shack (tailored shirts, etc.) I knew every one of the MP's Roy mentioned in his "memoirs" very well. I knew Driscoll and O'Leary fairly well at the time. Rented an apartment in Ankara with Zip and Jim Grobe for about 6 months just to "get away" to a bachelor pad. Probably ended up being more trouble and expense than it was worth.
PMO DUTY ASSIGNMENT: I was promoted to PFC in 1961 kind of automatic schedule. My promotion to SP4 was almost on schedule. It was delayed a couple of months by a Sgt Billie Clark who was on the promotion board. It is my guess that Sgt Clark was kind of piddly about the minor alterations to my uniform. While I was in the PM office in that assignment, I got to know a guy who was in the stockade awaiting court martial. His name was Jim Watson. I recall he was charged for stealing from the PX - and I think other guys lockers! I testified as a character witness but it did little good. He was sent to a stockade in Germany, where I heard he stole some more. He ended up in Ft Leavenworth.
REASSIGNMENT: I was eventually joined in the PMO assignment by Bruce "Bopper" Philips. There really wasn't room for two clerks on the TOE so I was transferred to Hqs as a clerk, where I remained for the duration.
SINOP INCIDENT: I do recall the incident at Sinop and the near riots it caused up there. I also recall the single engine plane finally bringing the soldier down to Site 23. Roy is right, the entrance road was designed as a make shift landing strip, weather and visibility permitting.
SIGN OF THE TIMES: I recall Larkin and the short lived "sign". I thought it must be "counter intelligence" as what idiot would put a public sign up displaying the identity and military branch "ownership" of the "secret" facility. Gee, you've got to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. I guess the truck beat us to it and removed it poste haste!
DE PLANE DE PLANE: I wasn't on the site road that day, but do recall hearing about the "near miss".
BEN HUR: I remember seeing the movie. I also remember the 1LT from Special Services begging for some repayment (with little success). He was terribly agitated and embarrassed. I suspected he got his tail chewed off by his commanding officer.
MY KINGDOM FOR A BARN: We all had experiences with the "locals". I remember the village but don't recall it was all that friendly. Probably because we had some stones thrown at us when we were "touring" their area one sunny afternoon. I also remember the "cowboy" that bought that horse. However, I don't remember ever really seeing the horse.
THE UGLY AMERICANS: Cox was definitely a trouble maker 1st class. And everyone had the same opinion of him. A bad character, even on a good day. I think he had an OPS MOS, but am not sure what it was. I think he was transferred to HQ from OPS, but I don't really remember why. If he had a security clearance at OPS, it was probably pulled when he was transferred. Cox ended up bunking in the same room with Zip Hargus and I in HQs Co before he got into more trouble running a crooked gambling game in the HQ barracks. He was running a lot of crooked things in his spare time, including some after hours gambling operations. He was in hot water - all of the time! I believe he befriended Brisindine, who was having problems "back home". After the girl was attacked in Ankara, I was part of a post-wide search party looking for those fools. I figured that Cox must have suckered Brisindine into some nonsense about breaking free and heading back to the States. I think he was motivated by an investigation that was probably leading to a court martial - but I am not sure. It would explain why he was anxious to "escape" from Turkey after that. I never got the part about assaulting the Turkish female. I heard in later years that Cox ended up in a civilian prison where he eventually hung himself. The story about Cox taking his own life makes sense and it sure does tie up loose ends with a certain logic.
AN AMERICAN HERO: I remember Ken Baldwin very well. All the stuff about black market and eventual "banishment" was true. I also remember the bring-a-car in and sell it scam. Zip and I did that legally, just once in the summer of 1961. When we tried to expand on the popular idea of "buying" new GI's powers of attorney, we got bogged down and I seem to recall, a stern talking to. I still don't think we would have broken the letter of the law - but on the intent of the law, I am not so sure. We just dropped it as an issue. Not surprised that Ken Baldwin seems to have gravitated back to Turkey, with varying degrees of success, both personally and professionally. His life and times could probably serve as a mini-script for a made-for-tv-movie.
HEADING HOME: In August 1962, I was pulled from my assignment for some debrief time. I was idle and available so got the "honors' of being assigned as a chauffeur driver in a motor pool of USAF and ASA vehicles, that were at the disposal of (then) VP Lyndon Johnson, who was on a good will tour with Air Force One and a ton of press people. There were a few well oiled nights which I would like to discuss, hopefully at one of the reunions. Especially the "birthday party" the embassy people threw in LBJ's honor. He out-drank and out swore everybody that night. The next morning I was in a lot of pain. It's a funny story. A few days after LBJ and his family left Ankara, Zip and I left on a Pan Am flight. We laid over in Rome and I saw the VP's plane waiting on another runway at the airport. I wonder if Roy recalls that particular flight? If he does, we were the "other guys" he mentions that flew back on the same plane to NY that day. Like so many others, I still have a very good long-term memory. Many of the memories are of good times and great pals at Site 23. We were all so young, in great shape (mentally and physically). I didnt participate in any sports at Manzarali, but did ref a few of those rough and tough flag football games. As the cliché goes: "They were the best of times .....", etc. In perspective, I can honestly say that neither the site nor the troopers were perfect - but they were so far ahead of what ever is in second place, that I still bear a fair amount of pride and patriotism for having been selected by the ASA to have served there as a cold war warrior. Many of us owe you big time Elder RC Green. There is a huge debt of gratitude due for pulling together so many guys, memories and connections - from a past we all thought was lost and gone forever. Life is just plain too short to ever forget any of it! Thanks for making it real again.
Some memories that I still recall
We had all been extended overseas because of the Berlin Crisis that spring. As we approached Thanksgiving, there were a lot of morale problems due to doubling up in the barracks, and general overcrowding. The troop replacement logistics were in absolute chaos because of the assignment "freeze" overseas.
I remember the "hate campaign" in the fall of 1961. The low point was when the Post CO, Col. VanOosten, ordered everyone to wear their uniforms to the holiday dinner in the Mess Hall. Very few EM chose to do so. Most of us went to town or ate in the NCO club in civvies. Actually, I had mixed emotions showing the Turks that we were less than patriotic that day. It wasnt about being ashamed of our uniforms. It was resentment that boiled over when we had to "stand to it" on our holiday. Seems silly now, but thats how I remember it.
I remember some fools got drunk and broke some of the trees along the walk beside the parade grounds (a.k.a. the football field). I hear about a short list of suspects nearly 40 years later.
I remember a couple of steam baths in Ankara. The masseuse walked on my back and twisted my arms. I jerked him over my head and he came crashing down on the tile floor. Guess its an "acquired taste" and I never really acquired it!
I remember a leave in July 1961. Went to Athens, Greece with Zip Hargus and Jim Grobe. Zip bought an old Plymouth and we drove it back through Istanbul and returned to Ankara. He sold it to a Ankara taxi cab driver for a small fortune. It should come as no surprise that a lot of GIs were caught up in the get rich scheme in Turkey.
Yup, I remember visiting the Kari-Hani. It was a turn-off and seemed somewhat brutal as we understood the pavement hostesses were "sentenced" (fined) to work there. The nightspots were over rated and over priced but something to do on occasion. Just avoided the bar girls and "bowling.
My DD 214 lists the usual stuff. Nothing glorious.
Hobbies are light exercise, home photography and my PC.
After discharge in July 1963, returned to Wayne State University. Menial jobs while attending school.
Opportunity to work for local bank in December 1961 in computer operations on afternoon shift. Ended up working many hours of OT the bucks were great for a change.
Opportunity to work for Detroit Board of Education in computer operations January 1966 through June 1968. Transferred to programming in June 1968 through June 1971. Worked through the riots in Detroit. Didnt enjoy seeing my old pals from the 101st patrolling Woodwind avenue (main street) in front of our office building.
Opportunity to work for Macomb County IS department 6/71 through 11/76 as a systems analyst.
Opportunity to work for GM as an IS manager 11/76 through 1/85.
GM bought EDS in 1/85 and 6,000 of us were transferred into this subsidiary in 1/85. remained in different assignments on the GM account through 1993. Eagerly took an early retirement package.
Worked for St Johns Health Care system in IS 1994 1999.
Working for Mt Clemens General Hospital in IS, 2000 to present.
I always look forward to the weekly DAYS OF OUR
LIVES newsletter, and to "sharing" the experiences and
current activities. Always a treat to hear how some of our old
pals turned out. For most of us, it was a time of learning and
growing up - fast! I will always feel fortunate to have been
"invited" to join the ranks of the ASA. I met some
truly outstanding men and learned much from many of the very
best. Most interesting are the scraps of information about what
we did while we were there, and what eventually became of Site 23
which brings me to another perspective. My own view after
all these years is that U.S. influence in Turkey was based solely
on "dollar diplomacy". I saw a lot of waste, greed and
corruption in the Turkey in the early 1960s. I certainly
thought that a lot of U.S. "aid" (a.k.a. dollars) was
squandered on government "feel good" projects (like
building Attaturks Tomb), rather than actually
"aiding" the poor people of that country who were poor
when I arrived and just as poor when I left. I felt that the
Turkish government of the 1960s, were not like
comrades-in-arms, united in a mutually beneficial action against
the "red menace". It was more simply about the U.S.
paying exorbitantly for small pieces of totally undeveloped land,
only to gain a small, short-term intelligence advantage
before turning over the developed asset to our Turkish allies.
Little has changed about those relationships, in all the
third-world countries. I doubt it ever will.
2003 ASA Turkey Reunion
I just returned from the hunting camps and havent had time to finalize the 2003 ASA Turkey reunion.
PERON, James E., DOB: 18OC32, RA13496045, PFC-SP3, 058, Det 4, 2MY56-DE57, (Jean), 48 Long Ln., Kirkwood, PA 17536, 717-529-2561,
I was transferred from Rothwesten (Kassel), Germany to Sinop, Turkey, Det 4 in April 1956 and served there until December 1956. We were among the first group to serve in Det 4 and literally built the base. When we arrived it was extremely primitive. We lived in tents for the first several months then the Jamesway shelters were brought in and set up. The first permanent building erected was the Mess Hall and the 058 Operations Building. The Crypto Annex was later constructed. I believe there was a transmitter site at the end of the peninsula at that time. Our first antennas were simple long wires until the towers could be erected. That is an interesting story in itself. We nearly destroyed the place when dynamiting the bases for the antenna towers. Rocks flew everywhere and landed on the Mess Hall and Company Hqs much to the displeasure of Maj Green, the Company Commander. While there we built the EM Club which contained a bar and a room for showing movies. We were a very small detachment/unit of I believe, no more than 60 to 70 GIs. I left the "hill" the week before Christmas, 1956 in a blinding snow storm in a convoy of three 2 ½ ton trucks for Ankara via the mountain sheep trail road. To this day, I dont know how we even got there alive! Many dormant memories have been awakened with gHs Days of our Lives newsletter and reunions and its about time.
DesRUISSEAUX, Roy, PFC, MP, Det 27, JN61-AU62, (Josie),176 Springton Rd Upper Darby, PA 19802, 610-622-3343, is his Manzarali website. Heres a note from Roy that I found in my lost file: [edited] I felt the 2002 reunion was well organized. The Friday night slide shows with beer and soda was very nice. The Holiday Inn Hotel was excellent. Saturday at the fifth floor Turf Club was very, very nice. Food was GREAT. Possible improvements for the 2003 reunion (easy for me to say because I wasnt involved with all the leg work). It would be nice to have tourist information and directions for the attendees to review either before or upon arrival at the reunion so that those who desire to partake can plan accord- ingly. I would like to see the reunion meeting to be held on Friday eve or immediately after the Saturday breakfast. Me and Josie prefer to use Saturday afternoon to sightsee. All in all, the 2002 reunion was about 95-97% smashing success. Reunion trip to Turkey would be great.....but probably couldnt afford it. Thanks, Roy and Josie
JORGENSEN, Gary C., (The Kid & Jorgy), 05H, PFC-SP5, Det 27 & 4-4, MY66-SE68, (Virgie), 211 W House St., Duluth, MN 55808, 218-626-3676 & Subject: Elk - gH, That is a really nice Elk. I never thought there were Elk in PA. Sounds like you've got quite a variety of hunting opportunities and I'll bet it's nice to hunt with your brothers. I know I've really enjoyed hunting with my brother in Alaska the past 8 years whether we get anything or not. I'll look forward to more pics. Jorgy
JONES, Ira DOB 2NO42, E4, Det 4, 62-63, Jacksons Gap, AL 36861,
I've finally decided to contact you myself. My daughter, Pam Shurum, has been doing this for me. I am a newkt at this so here goes. I would like to recieve your newsletter.
NUTTALL, Tom , 98C, Det 4-4, MY70-?, 912-748-3870, Savannah, GA
Elder Mike Frazee got me the info on your site. FANTASTIC!!!!! My name is Tom Nuttall. I landed at the floating bridge on a hot Saturday evening, a couple of days late. It was in May of 1970. I was with about 6 other nubies. I'll never forget that bridge that night, waiting for the ferry, having some beers with some British Navy personnel. More later on all that. Elder, Im in the late stages of pancreatic cancer, diagnosed in August of 1999 and at times, I get tired pretty quick. I turned 53 yesterday, but because of the disease, my memory isnt what it could be all the time. I'll write more to you after Im sure we are connected. I also sent your address to another 4-4 guy, TED LEHBURGER, Seattle, WA. Youll probably be hearing from him. Id love to hear from anyone who might still remember me. More later, thanks, TOM NUTTALL
CHAMNESS, Ike, E7, Det 4, 64-65, Det 27 & 4-2, 67-68, (Dora), 22248 Haas Ct., NE., Ten Strike, MN 56683, 208-586-2735, replaced E6 Rhodes Subject: Old Memmories of Good Food!???
NODOREK, John, DOB: 21NO46, E3-E4, 76P 76T 95B,
Det 27, AP67-NO67, Det 4-3, NO67-NO68, (divorced), PO Box 50125
Albany, GA 31703, Dear Elder, Recently I was looking around the web and
found a site that might interest some my fellow ASAer's and any
that may have been at Fort Devens. The site has photo's of Fort
Devens in the era of 1917-1919. The site is <>. Once the page opens, you will need to scroll down
till you see "Fort Devens", and then click on it. This
1st page also has several other Forts listed and after viewing
Devens, they may wish to explore some of those or other things
listed on the page. Possibly by going to the main site of <>, they may find other areas they wish to explore.
Respectfully, John (Det-27 & 4-3)
CARSTON, Peter Y., 981/982, Det 4, 63-64, 3137 Burbank Ln., The Villages, FL 32162, 352-750-9361, Subject: Shirts - Hi Elder; Just a short note to tell you, that everytime I've worn my Sinop shirt or hat, someone comes up to me to talk about when they were in Turkey! Sailors, business men, school teacher that taught in Ankara, last night, a man that was an engineer at Manzarali Sta. I've worn shirts with the ASA emblem, but never got a response like this. Sounds like the reunion was great.....Hope to make it in 2003....Just one note on the collared shirts...the XLG is REALLLY XLG..I'm 6'1 @198lbs and the sleeves are down to my elbows..most shirts I get XLG with no problem....tee shirt was OK...and this is not a complaint, just info you might be able to use as a reference......Later Pete Carston Sinop 63-64
LOVELL, Howell D., (Howie), DOB: 1947, E4 , 05H, Det 4-4, Oct 68-AP70, (Wendy-div, Sheila), 5204 Sandy Shoals Ln., Stone Mountain, GA 30087, 770-498-8333, [edited] Regarding the promotion Photo - I recognize all the faces but only Billy Allen and Bryant Hunter, specifically. Sorry I have not communicated more. I've gone back to school and am a bit overwhelmed. Billy Allen and Commerce, Ga is just up the road from me here in Stone Mtn. I'll try and contact him. Thank You for all your efforts and concern, Howell Lovell
STRICKLAND, Randy E5 05K Opns Clk, Det 4-4,
14JA69-FE71, (Kathy), 504 Augusta Dr., Arnold, MD 21012,
410-757-1011, - Elder, If I remember correctly the story on the
Turkish Sub is as follows: There was an USAF Captain that had his
office down by the Sea of Maramara. I believe that he was the
Karaqmursel Housing Officer, and was looking out the office
window and saw what appeared to be a boat sinking and called the
Air Police. As it turned out it was a Turkish Sub that was
training the sailors from
the Turkish Naval Academy, that was located about half way
between KAS and Istanbul. This is the same officer that had a
sail boat (approx 30 ft) built for him in Turkey and then got
sent to Nebraska. Hope you enjoyed your Holiday Randy