Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #92
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 00:22:40 -0600

I welcome articles, BIO's, stories, etc and certainly hope that all ASA Turkey Vet's will contribute and make the newsletter worthwhile. You can write whatever message you would like, and it will show up right here for you to share with the ASA Turkey group! I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein. Thank you, Elder RC Green, aka gH (

On Veteran's Day, Monday, November 11th, from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, all 400+ Golden Corral restaurants spanning 39 states will offer veterans and retired and active duty military members a free dine-in dinner buffet plus beverage. The offer includes members of the Reserves and the National Guard. To receive the free dine-in buffet, military guests should state their military status when coming through the ordering line the night of the event. This is the second year in a row that Golden Corral and the Disabled American Veterans have joined forces nationwide to honor military members and retirees. This year, retired Army General Norman Schwarzkopf is supporting Military Appreciation Night through a public service announcement, which encourages veterans and active duty military to participate and be recognized for their sacrifice and dedication to protecting our nation's freedom



RODRIGUES, Charlie Supply Det 4, 59-60, 210 Benham Ave., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315-487-1195, &"> & - Dear Mr. Green, My father, Charlie Rodrigues, is trying to contact a Bruce "Buck" Barrie whose name is on Bill Simons Sinop website, unfortunately the email address must have been changed. Would you happen to know it? Please let me know. Thanks, P.S. My father did get web tv, his address is <> He is new to the internet, so I am trying to help him. Barb Bocyck size=2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
OUR FLAG INFORMATION sent to me by Mary Norman, wife of Roy Norman Do you know that at military funerals, the 21 gun salute stands for the sum of the numbers in the year 1776?

Have you ever noticed the honor guard pays meticulous attention to correctly folding the American flag 13 times? You probably thought it was to symbolize the original 13 colonies, but we learn something new every day!

size=2> The 1st fold of our flag is a symbol of life.

The 2nd fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life. The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world. The 4th fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for His divine guidance.

size=2> The 5th fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decaur, "Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.

The 6th fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America, and the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

The 7th fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic.

size=2> The 8th fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day.

The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood, and Mothers. For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded.

size=2> The 10th fold is a tribute to the father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born.

The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews' eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians' eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.

size=2> The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost reminding us of our nation's motto, "In God We Trust."

After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington, and the Sailors and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges and freedoms we enjoy today.

There are some traditions and ways of doing things that have deep meaning. In the future, you'll see flags folded and now you will know why.

Share this with the children you love and all others who love the symbol of "Liberty and Freedom" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
COMROE, Mike E4 059 Det 27, 61-62, (Jane), 205 Pinetown Rd., Audubon, PA 19403,610-666-7402, color=#000000> - Merahaba Elder: I have a question that I've wanted to ask you for a long time. So here goes...what is the story behind the Det 27 patch with the Turk riding backwards? This must have been designed after my time in Turkey, and since no one ever asked about it, I assumed everyone knew but me. Say hello to Patty for me. Mike [I'm not sure, but I believe that it was designed from a Turkish postcard. Does anyone know who originated it? If so, tell us the story. Thanks- - -gH ***********The Det 27 patch shows Nasreddin Hoca (pronounced HO-ja) riding backwards so he could teach his followers as he traveled around Turkey. At least that's what I remember.Gary Dunnam >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
, Edward J., O4, CO Det 4-4, (Lois), RR4 Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, 724-547-4425, [edited] Hi Elder, Thought might you would want to see an album of Det 4-4 over the winter. I used glue to hold a lot of them in and it bled through. I'd appreciate getting them back in the spring but thought you might not have seen all of these. We are heading west on 31 October 2002. Been a busy summer and I know you have been busy with the DOOL and the reunion. I'll contact you when I get back in the spring and retrieve the album and we can say hello in person. Good luck and have a good winter and happy holidays and stay healthy. Take care.Ed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

L-R: Sgt Billie Allen, Ed Kurocka, Walt Haas, unk, Bryant Hunter, unk, Howie Lovell and Dick Gondek

e-mail changes

BRINKMAN, Wm H O3 DDS DOB: 1JA39, Det 27, OC64-66, (Katie), 8675 The 5th Green, Atlanta, GA 30350, 770-992-1025,

CASH, H Wayne US52579828 E3-E4 MP Det 27, JN64-OC65, (Mabel), 66 Bel Grene Dr., Fishersville, VA 22939, 540-949-7929, <>



ALLEN, Billy F., DOB: 1944, E4-E5, 05H (op sign FA), Det 27 & 4-4, MY66-JL69, (Juanelle), PO BX 596 Commerce, GA 30529, I've had Billy Allen's address for a long time, but could never connect until 2 November 2002 after Gary Dunnam informed that Billy could be found on e-bay and was still living in Commerce, GA. Billy reminded me that he had attended the 7th Army NCO Academy and that the drill instructors there were the finest NCO's that he'd ever met. Billy was being groomed to be a career 05H soldier in the ASA, but it was not to be. He enlisted for 4 years and got a 29d early out. It took him 10 months to make E-4 and 2y2m to make E-5 (hardstripe). During his TOUR of DUTY at Det 27 and 4-4 he copied RJDY 00101 and RMCY 00117 (the 104th Guards Airborne Division, stationed in the Transcaucasus Military District) which were two of the hardest for a ditty-bopper to copy because of their many unique characteristics, etc. It is his opinion that the dashing Scotty Sowers (Det 27) was one of the most gifted 05H's that he had the pleasure of working with. Hello Elder, -(Seems truly odd to not call you Sergeant.) I checked the site immediately upon finishing our conversation on 2 Nov 2--2. You've done a fine job; I commend you for your work as well as the result. You may recall I said I have little recall of the later arrivals at Karamursel, so I regret say that with the exception of the tall fellow in the middle I am unable to identify any of the newly promoted SP-4's. The soldier in the middle is indeed Bryant Hunter. A rather quiet person, he was somewhat reserved and very polite. He had attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA, where I believe he had taken a degree in math-ematics, and since I was from Atlanta we readily struck up a friendship. We were both fond of billiards, and I recall pleasant episodes at the pool table in the dayroom. One of the best aspects of pool is the more or less "intimate" nature of it; in-depth conversation is possible.Bryant and I compared notes on a variety of subjects at those times. I respected both his demeanor as well as his intellect. Our pool games tended to last a good while, sometimes several hours, and we would often adjourn to the mess hall for a meal followed by drinks at the club. The conversation was always lively and stimulating. I enjoyed his company immensely. It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday. It was great fun to reflect on some of the names that came to mind, people I had not thought of in many years. Such things are always beneficial! Memory and reflection, especially when shared with a comrade, are in my opinion crucial to life well lived. Best Regards, Billy

BARSH, Vic DOB 4AU45 E3-E4 05H Det 27, SE64-FE66, (Gail-div), 308 Hermey Ave., Pensacola, FL 32507, 850-455-5211, Contacted Vic on 5 November 2002.

BRANTLEY, Bernie DOB: 27NO46, 058, E3-E5, Det 27, SE65-SE67, (Katherine), 2101 Heights Dr., Brooklyn, MI 49230. 517-592-4014/8869, <> Contacted on 4 November 2002. Ron Parizek gave me Bernie's name and I found him on Bernie was on the Manzarali Mauler Basketball team in 65 and 66. He is a graduate of the 7th Army NCO Academy at Bad Toltz, Germany. He toured Europe with the Basketball team and already e-mailed me extracts from the Mauler and two Basketball team photo's with the players identified! He served 26.5 years as a Lt on the Detroit, MI police force and is presently the Chief Investigator for the Lansing police dept. One of his sons is a sophomore at WEST POINT and a member of the Cadet Track and Field Team. His youngest son is being recruited by Oregon and Notre Dame to play football. Our conversation rekindled quite a few old memories! I have attached a few of the articles from "back then" and two photographs. On the back of the larger photo I have the names (Bottom Row) Hatfield, Holmes, Jim Hatmaker, Lt. Jim Crane & Wiese (Top Row) CWO McAdoo, Bernie Brantley, Tony Moulton, Lt. Bill Krasnewsky , Vaughan & Ross. On the smaller photo, The man in fatigues was Arthur A. Wells, #25 Watts, I'm 34 and the third from the left in the rear row is Al Lassiter (From Florida). These are Black & White photos and came out rather dark. Feel free to contact me at anytime.

Thanks, Bernard (Bernie) Brantley. To view the 1965/66 Manzarali Basketball Team go to

GILE, John C 058 Det 27 @65, (Renie), 1717 Harlem Blvd., Rockford, IL 61103, 815-968-7958, and Welcome to You have entered a website devoted to the wonderful world of words and writing, a world of powers that help us make the best of any situation and get the most out of life. My name is John Gile. My passion is writing — starting with writing for newspapers, television, magazines, and radio; growing into business communication consulting and publishing; leading into books and work with educators which launched me on a global mission focused on literacy, lifelong learning, and love. I write to teach and I teach to write. These pages are extensions of my programs and workshops designed to foster personal growth and professional enrichment through effective communication. is sponsored by JGC/United Publishing.

GONDEK, Richard F (Dick) DOB NO47 E3-E4 98C Det 4-4, DE68-NO69, (divorced), 7408 Baer Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46809, 260-747-1190, Contacted on 3 November 2002 per info from Gary Dunnam. Dear G. Hornet - Thanks for finding Gondek. Boy is he in trouble!

GUNN, Calvin (Pete) DOB: 1JL44 E3-E4 059 Det 27, SE64-DE65, (Mary-div, 2/W-Patrice), 2288 Chene St., Apt #6, Detroit, MI 48207, 313-393-7815, Contacted on 7 November 2002. Pete was extremely pleased that I called. He has kept in touch with Vic Barsh only. Pete says that the FINEST memories of his youth are of his TOUR of DUTY at Çerkezhöyük, Turkey (Manzarali Station). He remembers departing on Xmas day 1965 via a van with Vic Barsh and Phil Holmes for the ride to the airport. As they left the front gate - he looked back at the antenna field and told himself that he was going to remember those antenna's for the rest of his life. After Turkey, Pete went to OCS, but washed out and then went back to Detroit where he's been ever since. He relates that for 30+ years he was hooked on heroin and coccaine, but is clean now. In fact, Pete was saved in 1991 and is now referred to as Elder Calvin Gunn and is the Associate Pastor of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in the Detroit area. At Manzarali he was a member of the Manzarali Mauler All-Star Softball, Basketball and Flag Football Teams. He remembers Skip Boone, John Lampe and especially Jimmy Hatmaker who also was a 3-Sport Star at Manzarali. His wife has e-mail, but he couldn't remember the address. When informed on the 2003 reunion he said that he would be there as the ASA people were the BEST that he's ever met and is eager to exchange correspondence with anyone who knew him at Manzarali. I gave him the website for the DAYS OF OUR LIVES and he promised to send me his BIO and photo's from his scrapbook in the near future. He is presently recovering from a major heart by-pass operation.

HARITAN, Bruce Det 66/27 @66, 7383 W Sunrise Blvd., Plantation, FL 33313, 954-587-2086/2582 Contacted on 6 November 2002. He was to get back to me, but hasn't thus far.

KRUGLER, Philip H., DOB MR45, E3-E5, 05H, Det 27 & 4-4, AP67-DE68, (Lucille), 137 Fairfax Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, 610-525-4340, <> Contacted on 3 November 2002 per info from Billy Allen.

MADISON, Danny R (Spanky) DOB 4AP48 98C E4 Det 4-4, 68-69, (Marilyn), 5501 Harris Farm Ln., Clarksville, MD 410-531-3251, <> Gary Dunnam - Had an email from Danny Madison this morning. Good work! G Duck

PARIZEK, Ron E3-E5 058 Det 27, 64-JN65, (unm), 902 Sherman St., Dysart, IA 52224, 319-476-2492, no e-mail. Contacted on 3 November 2002. Ron is a farmer and never married. He remembers Vic Barsh, Bernie Brantley, Jerry Faulkner, John Gile, Peter Gunn, Earl Hurt and others. He plans on updating his PC and hopes to be on-line soon.

STORTENBECKER, Jim DOB: DE41, E2-E5, 76G20, Det 27, AU64-AU66, (Patricia), 118 E 4th St., Lansdale, PA 19446, 215-362-5225, Contacted on 4 November 2002. Jim worked in accounting-property book at Manzarali. He remembers CPT Kristufek, SFC Thunert and several others including Donald Dabrowski. He retired from the ARMY in August 1985 as a SFC with 21 years of active duty. Promised to get back to me with a BIO and photo's after he reads the DOOL at <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Arasta - - Open Market size=2> Haman - - Public Bath size=2> Kaplica - - Thermal Baths size=2> Cami - - A Larger Mosque size=2> Harem - - Women's Quarters size=2> Medrese - - Theological School size=2> Cesma - - Public Fountain size=2> Hisar - - Fortified Castle size=2> Turbe - - A Mausoleum size=2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size=2>

DID YOU VISIT THE HOLY LAND YET? That was the caption of an article in the May 1965 Manzarali Mauler. The opportunity to go there is now available to us at Site 23 through the good graces of the Det 30 Chaplain's Office. We are allowed to travel only into Jordan. Because of this peculiarity it would be easier to plan the tour if all those from the Site travelled together. If you are interested, call and leave your name at the Chapel Office. >>>> Daryl Waite's remembrance of TURKEY TOURS in 1964

Istanbul $52.75*

Adana, Iskenderun, Antakya, Selucia, Karatene $55.50

Ski trip to Bursa $43.50

Afyon, Denizli, Pamukale $25.00

Crete, Israel, Isle of Rhodes (price not specified)

Eskisehir, Kutahya, Seyitgazi $19.50

Goreme $19.50*

Europe Vienna, Zurich, Munich, London, etc $500 (on GIs income?)

Troy, Gallipoli, Canakkale $55.50*

Isparta, Afyon $25.00

Eskisehir, Bursa $25.00

Eastern Turkey - Malatya, Diyarbakir, Van, Agri, Mt. Ararat $175*

Princess Islands $40

Akcakoca $19.50

Izmir, Ephesus, Priene, Miletus, Didymos $87.75

Karabuk, Amasra $28.00

Lake Aband $20.00

Black Sea cruise (Istanbul, Hopa, Samsun - Black Sea) $80.00

Cruise - Istanbul to Iskenderun (Mediterranean) $85.00*

Antalya, Alanya and other South Coast sites $50.00*

Athens $150

Konya, Mevlana $11.00

* Was interested in trip to Eastern Turkey, but was called off for lack of interest. So, went alone to * sites! Cruised from Adana to Izmir for $17.50 - so saved quite a bit. Spent more on film than all other expenses combined. Cubuk Dam and city tour. ACT also sponsored tours of Ankara. On this one, you could go to the top of the Citadel. To reach it, one had to go through a private home - arranged by the tour guide. Our lady guide was very informative, pointing out all the sites and the history thereof. At one point on the tour bus, we were on the street between Ulus and Altindag, and one GI pointed over to the "Big K" and asked "What's that building?" No response! Isn't this all great to look back upon? Daryl

<<<<<< INCENTIVE AWARDS AT MANZARALI in May 1965 [edited]

On 26 March 1965 the Det 27 Incentive Awards Committee gave out cash awards to the following personnel: size=2> SFC Howard A. Morris, Jr -$10 [not located] size=2> SSgt Allen E. Kellam - $15 [Motor Pool NCOIC-not located] size=2> SSgt James C. Kidle - $10 size=2> SSgt Vergil E. Rearick - $15 size=2> SP5 Bernard C. Wholrab - $25 [not located] size=2> SP4 Harold H. Mertes - $40 size=2> SP4 John P. Narrin - $40 [not located] size=2> SP4 Howard T. Nebe - $20 size=2> SP4 Edward V. Reed - $20 [not located] size=2> PFC James A. Altman - $20 [not located] size=2> PFC James R. Kovic - $7.50 size=2> PFC Jimmy L. Lomax - $10 [not located] size=2> PFC Harvey E. Poff - $10 size=2> PFC Douglas L. Runnels - $40 [not located] <<<<< MANZARALI MAULER - April 28, 1967 Erbe, Childs Make MSC Bowling Team, by SSG Glen Reed The 1967 MSC Bowling Tournament, held in Adana April 17-21, 1967 is now history. For the Mauler's bowling team, it was a week of disappointment, frustration, and utter amazement, however for two members of the team these emotions were short lived. The tournament opened with the team event being swept by the Adana team with a 5461 total pin fall, followed closely by the Cigli-Izmir Twins, who finished in 2nd place with a 5400 total. The Mauler's team finished far back in the pact in 7th place. [the article continued on another page, but not available to gH] >>>>> Vol. 1, NO. 9.....S.P.E.C...S.V.C.S....N.E.W.S.L.E.T.T.E.R....29 JULY 66 1. POST SOFTBALL TEAM: Now that the summer softball season is over, the only softball competition left is the District One and Mediterranean sports conference tournaments, held this year at Karamursel. The post team will leave on August 1st and compete in a double elimination tournament. Here is the complete team roster: size=2> 1. Roy Anderson..........Det 27.................Pitcher size=2> 2. Sam Savage............Det 27.................2d base size=2> 3. Jim Walkley.............Det 27.................3d base size=2> 4. Larry Kudlac............Det 27.................Outfield* size=2> 5. Bill Habel.................Det 27.................Catcher size=2> 6. John Williams...........Det 27.................Catcher size=2> 7. Max Morrison...........Det 27.................1st base size=2> 8. Ron Roberts.............Det 27.................Outfield size=2> 9. Bob Marker..............Det 27.................Outfield size=2> 10. Jim Hatmaker...........Det 27.................Shortstop* size=2> 11. Bruce Hariton............Det 66................3d base* size=2> 12. Clif Mitchell...............Det 66................Outfield size=2> 13. Bill Jones..................Det 27................Coach size=2> 14. Glen Reed................Det 27................Coach, P size=2> 15. Rex Lardner..............Det 27................Coach, IF-OF* size=2> *Denotes found 2. SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE: After four rounds of competition, five of the eight teams in the league are tied for first place, all with identical 3-1 records. Indiv- idual game high scorer thus far in the season is Jim Hatmaker with a 33 point outburst last Tuesday night. Here are the leagus standings and top scorers to date: size=2> Standings Top Scorers size=2> 1. Royals........3-1 1. Jim Crane............94 (23.7ppg) size=2> 2. Pistons.......3-1 2. Jim Hatmaker.......78 (19.5ppg) size=2> 3. Bullets........3-1 3. Bernie Brantley.....71 (17.8ppg) size=2> 4. Celtics........3-1 4. Mike Regan..........62 (15.5ppg) size=2> 5. 76'ers.........3-1 5. Mike McCormack..57 (14.3ppg) size=2> 6. Lakers........1-3 6. London Bell...........57 (14.3ppg) size=2> 7. Knicks.........0-4 7. Bill Kraznesky.......55 (13.8ppg) size=2> 8. Hawks.........0-4 8. Harry Wilson.........52 (13.0ppg) VOL.1, No.10.......S.P.E.C.....S.V.C...N.E.W.S.L.E.T.T.E.R......12 Aug 66 1. TOP FOUR TEAMS IN THE SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE size=2> 1. Celtics 2. 76'ers 3. Bullets 4. Royals 2. FINAL STANDINGS: After 7 complete rounds, here are how the eight clubs finished the season: 1. Celtics........6-1 5. Pistons...........3-4 2. 76'ers.........5-2 6. Lakers............3-4 3. Bullets........5-2 7. Knicks............2-5 4. Royals........4-3 8. Hawks.............0-7 3. LEADERS IN STATISTICS: After the final games, here are the complete leaders in four departments: scoring, assists, free throw percentage, and rebounds. Scoring Rebounds 1. Jim Crane (Lt) 1. Mike Regan 2. Bill Krasnesky (Lt) 2. Bill Krasnesky (Lt) 3. Mike McCormack (brat) 3. Arthur Wells (SP5) 4. Bernie Brantley (Sgt E5) 4. Bernie Brantley (Sgt E5) 5. Mike Regan 5. Harry Wilson 6. Harry Wilson 6. Larry Kupp (SP5) 7. Noel Ross 7. Noel Ross Free throws Assists 1. Simmons 1. Arthur Wells (SP5) 2. Rex Lardner (Lt) 2. Mike McCormack (brat) 3. Bernie Brantley (Sgt E5) 3. Jim Crane (Lt) 4. Bill Krasnesky (Lt) 4. Frank McCormack (brat) 5. Mike McCormack (brat) 5. John Williams 6. Arthur Wells (SP5) 6. Ron Zebbs 7. John Williams & Bruce Hariton 7. Denny Merrifield (Lt) THE MANZARALI MAULER - April 28, 1967 Dear Fish Fans.... Since First Sergeant Wilbur Rodkey's fish story was so big this time, his "Outdoors Callings" column has been expanded into a feature article located on page three....ed [I don't have page 3- - -gH] HQ 1 Takes Crown In Spring Basketball by 1LT Rex Lardner With a team comparable to the great Boston Celtics, the Headquarters Provisional team number one ran away with this year's spring basketball league. The club finished with a near-perfect record. Captain Larry Kupp lead the league in assists, while center Kerry King win the circuit's rebounding title. Most of their scoring punch was provided by forward Ron Zebbs, a short-shooting corner man, and Andy Wills, a 6'4" rebounder who joined the team late in the season. The basketball championship was Hq's second straight intramural victory; they won the volleyball playoff last month. The complete team roster included Dale Theriault, Burnis Bobbitt, Tim Kohl- meyer, Andy Wills, Kerry King, Ron Zebbs, Bill Sherman, Ray Gomez, John Bauden-distel, Dave Kraft and captain Larry Kupp. Hq's 1 was undoubtedly the most proficient team in the league, relying primarily on fast breaks and tenacious rebound- ing. With everyone on the team returning, this team may spell trouble for oponents when the Manzarali summer basketball league swings into operation! Scoring Statistics: Trick one's Bernie Brantley, a 6'3" high-jumping forward, captured the scoring championship with a total of 198 points in this spring's intramural basket-ball League. Don Watts, of Com Center, finished second (190 points) and Harry Wilson of Hq's 2, finished third (174 points). The rebounding title went to Kerry King (150) and Larry Kupp fed the most players to win the assist award (58). Hq's Company's Dale Theriault won the dubious honor of having committed the most fouls. Here is the list of standings and statistics: FINAL STANDINGS TOP SCORERS TOP REBOUNDERS ASSISTS MOST FOULS HQ 1..........11-1 Bernie Brantley 198 Kerry King 150 Larry Kupp 58 Theriault 41 Trick 1........ 9-3 Don Watts 190 Al Lassiter 139 Stiffler 50 Lassiter 27 Trick 3........ 8-4 Harry Wilson 174 Harry Wilson 121 Dale Theriault 45 Brantley 26 HQ 2........... 6-6 Ken Karpy 169 Ken Karpy 121 Harry Wilson 37 Stiffler 26 Com Center. 4-8 Ed Jones 168 Bernie Brantley 119 Don Watts 26 Karpy 24 Trick 4......... 2-10 Officers........0-12 THE 1967 MANZARALI MAULERS ALL-STAR BASKETBALL MEMBERS First Team Second Team size=2> F Larry Kupp Ken Karpy size=2> F Bernie Brantley Kerry King size=2> C Andy Wills Al Lassiter size=2> G Don Watts Ron Zebbs size=2> G Harry Wilson Bob Marker size=2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size=2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Here's an interesting article regarding the Kent Hotel and the night club Gar Gazinosu in Ankara. I'd like to hear from those who frequented either place. WOW - notice the cheap prices THE MANZARALI MAULER - November 1964 edition HOTEL KENT The Hotel Kent, located just off the corner of Mithat Pasa street and Ataturk Boulevard in addition to being a first class hotel, contains a restaurant considered to be one of the best in Ankara. The menu features international cruisine, with specialties from Turkey and Northern Europe. Particularly recommended are: size=2> Chicken Kievski size=2> Chateaubriand size=2> Tournedos des Rouissini size=2> Kent Kebab Something to please any taste. Also to be noted is a complete stock of domestic wines and beer, and of course, a delightfully full cocktail list. A delicious three or four course meal may be had at about $1.25 up: excluding wine. Reservations will be accepted. Call 12.11.15. A must for continental gourmets, or those who just like good food. GAR GAZINOSU This is one night club that shouldn't be missed. Large and smoke filled, featuring dining and dancing till the wee hours of the morning. It is possible to dance with the entertainers and occasional unattached members of the opposite sex. The show starts about 11:30, but for good seats it's best to be there early. If your late, some good seats can usually be found in the vicinity of the "American Bar". The latest show this month features the: size=2> Ballet Issa Pereira - Spanish singers and dancers size=2> The famous Alleuya - leading stripteaser from the Crazy Horse Saloon in Paris A show well worth seeing, sports fans. There is no cover charge; the drinks start at $1.75 up, but its possible to see the show and stay as long as you like on one drink if your brave enough. size=2><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< size=2>

THE MANZARALI MAULER - November 1964, front page MANZARALI N.C.O. WIVES NEWS (A NEW COLUMN) The Manzarali NCO Wives Club is a relatively new club organized on this post. Our ultimate goal and purpose is to promote social and useful activities for the community. Through the efforts of our NCO Wives, we have almost reached the 100% membership mark of wives residing on post. Our club would like to extend a cordial welcome to all dependant wives of enlisted personnel stationed at or attached to Site 23 to join our club. One of the most rewarding and useful projects is the clubs household pantry. This is composed of everything from silverware to an ironing board. These items are loaned to outgoind personnel and new comers whose household goods are shipped home or haven't arrived. Our Hospitality Chairman has donated a spare room to store these items. Officers of the Club are as follows: President: Mrs Mary Lamb. Honorary President: Mrs Dennis L. Barton. Secretary: Mrs Martha Morgan. Treasurer: Mrs Sue Vacek. On September 14th, 1964, the NCO Wives held a do-it yourself fashion show. The ladies participating made their own fashions. Awarded prizes were Millie Morrison, Eleanor Kidle and Ethel Crusse. Two of our projects that are currently in progress are a Barbie and Ken Doll Set Raffle, and a Christmas Cards from Turkey sale. The dolls and their ward-robes will be raffled off at the NCO Club November 5th. Tickets are on sale in the NCO Club at 50 cents each and a winner need not be present to win. We have some beautiful Christmas Cards, with two typical Turkish scenes. The package contains fifteen cards with envelopes for only $1.25. Anyone who desires to buy a package should contact any member of our club. Our members would also like to welcome all newly arrived enlisted wives and extend to them a warm invitation to our club. [A photo with the caption "Manzarali NCO Wives hold fashion show. Pictured left to right Mary Lamb, Ethel Crusse, Millie Morrison, Jo Ann Duffer and Eleanor Kidle" was underneath the photo. I've scanned the photo and will include it in the 2002 Memory Book if any of them are found as NONE of the above mentioned NCO Wives and their husbands have been found. Anyone know their whereabouts?]