From: "ercgreen"
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #85
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 06:09:32 -0500
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the individuals named as recipients in the message. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify me immediately and delete the material from any computer. I welcome articles, BIO's, stories, etc and certainly hope that all ASA Turkey Vet's will contribute and make the newsletter worthwhile. The newsletter started with the FOCK Rock Series, then it was the HOURGLASS Series and now its DAY OF OUR LIVES at the suggestion of Mike Findley (SP4, 05H, Det 4-4, 68-70, Rhinelander, WI). Not only is the DAYS OF OUR LIVES a great way to renew old friendships, but to get to know other vet's life after ASA that I'm thinking of adding a new section "LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN THE ATTIC." This will be a recurring feature because that's where most of our long 'lost' papers are stored for a rainly day, but that day never comes. I hope you enjoy #85 and have a wonderful Labor Day week-end.
The DET 27 patches
From: GLUBKA, Roger A., 72B Det 27, FE64-JL65, (CW3 Michelle), PSC 303, BX 25 APO AP 96204-0025 (Korea),
Elder, I got the patches you (Det 27) and Clark Bryan (Det 4-4) sent. I don't know about that Det 4-4 patch, a lot of letters and intricate work? For sure I'll have a hundred of the Det 27 patches made (if they don't back out of the previous agreement) only a little bit smaller (maybe 4'' instead of 6"). I'll try and get them to you before the 12th of September so that you can take them and the ASA patches to the Hershey reunion.
email changes
Comroe, Mike, E4 059 Det 27, 61-62, (Jane), 205 Pinetown Rd., Audubon, PA 19403,610-666-7402, Gentlemen: My internet provider has been down for 10 days and has forced me to get a new provider. Please note my new email address and I would most appreciate relaying any and all emails since DOOL's 83 and any additionl reunion information.
HAMILTON, Mark DOB:1943 E5 71B S4 Det 27, JL64-DE66, (Marilyn), 5891 Countryview Dr., Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-892-2270, Please change my e-mail address to and post for the group. Have not received any "Days" in recent months dont know what happened. Please forward the last few so I can catch up. Thanks. Its Chaos here with the move and our business expansion Ill keep you posted.
HAMILTON, Mark DOB: 1943 E5 71B S4 Det 27, JL64-DE66, (Marilyn), 5891 Countryview Dr., Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-892-2270,
This is a new addition to the weekly DAYS OF OUR LIVES and to make it WORTHWHILE, I need INPUT from every VET who served in the ASA in TURKEY. I wonder who will be the FIRST?
BIO of Edward J. Gallant, Jr
PFC to SP5, Det 27, January 1967 to May 1968
P.O. Box 13, 22 Lobster Cove Rd., Spruce Head (Island), Maine 04859, (207) 596-7427
Spouse: Gayle M. Gallant, nee Waskewicz from Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Hello Guys!
Elder - You asked me for a brief bio and a picture awhile back and, as way leads on to way, I've been delinquent in getting it out to you. I am sorry for the delay.
I left Fort Devens, Massachusetts and headed for TUSLOG Det. 27 in late January or early February 1967. My MOS at that time was 81E20 (Illustrator). When I arrived at Manzarali Station it was after I and another young PFC from Devens were treated to our taxi cab driver running another taxi off the road in downtown Ankara. The driver of the taxi who ended up in a ditch promptly rammed into the rear of our cab, exited his vehicle and punched out our driver somewhere in the middle of Ankara. We were in the country approximately one hour at this time. I was eighteen and remember wondering what the hell I was doing in Turkey. I don't remember the other soldiers name.
After being assigned a room and all the other formalities I reported to whoever was in charge of personnel, or recently transferred new guys, and found that the illustrator position I was supposed to fill was already being occupied by someone that the Commanding Officer, I think it was a Col. Comfort, was fairly happy with and saw no reason to upset the apple cart. To make a long story short, I was then assigned to work with Lt. Gary Gibbs and SFC John Thunert at the Property Book section. I had absolutely no idea what that was at the time I was told about it. I soon found out, however, and enjoyed my entire tour there working for a tight knit crew led by a highly competent officer and an excellent Sergeant First Class. Lt. Gibbs and Sgt. Thunert thought I should be trained in my new job as a 76U20 and sent me TDY to Obberammergau, Germany to attend a two or three week school. It was interesting and apparently successful because I was awarded the new MOS and later promoted to SP/5 with 18 months in the Army. Some of my fellow Property Bookers were David Althouse, Marvin Eisenhart, and Lonnie Ugalde. The most memorable time was the pressure we were under when the United States decided to turn Det. 27 over to the Turks. We absorbed a lot of extra people to help us try to account for everything and I recall working many late hours. Then, of course, there was the move to a hotel in down town Ankara for the last several months. That was probably the most interesting times. Many of the names of people that I saw everyday and worked with, I just don't remember. I left Turkey sometime in late May or early June 1968. I look on the experience as one of the best in my life.
When I was processing into Ft. Devens, Massachusetts (again) after returning from Turkey, I met up with Charlie Hillis processing in from Vietnam whom I also knew from my early days at Manzarali. He later ended up being the best man at my wedding. He knew a girl in Fitchburg, a city in central Massachusetts that I had never been to, although I was born in Waltham and lived in Massachusetts all my life. The girl he had met had a friend named Gayle Waskewicz. The only place Charlie knew of was McDonalds Restaurant on John Fitch Highway and enlisted me to go with him as I was automobile deficient, my girl friend having rolled over my new VW while home on leave. Anyway, I met Gayle and less than a year later we were married. We still are and that is the picture of me that I sent, getting ready to dive into a few lobsters, which was taken last summer not far from our new home on Spruce Head Island, Maine. We have two children Edward in Newtown, PA (Special Agent F.B.I.) and Laurie in Watertown, NY (X-ray and Cat Scan Technician. Both are married and we have four grandchildren.
When I was discharged in 1970 I took a civil service test for police officer and ended up taking a job with the Fitchburg, Massachusetts Police Department. I was somewhat familiar with it because the Army allowed me, through "Project Transition" to work there for half days my last six months before discharge. I advanced through the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain while helping raise my family and getting an M.A. in Criminal Justice from Anna Maria College and graduating from the F.B.I. National Academy in 1982. In May 1987 I accepted the job of Chief of Police in Fitchburg and retired from that position on January 26, 2001. In addition to my career in law enforcement I was an adjunct professor of criminal justice in the Massachusetts state college system. Gayle is a software engineer who works mostly from our house in Maine, which we moved to permanently shortly after my retirement. After serving fourteen years as head of a law enforcement agency I guess you could say that I welcomed retirement and a return to my first love - painting and art. Since that time I have found David Althouse, Gary Gibbs, Mark Mankopf and my long lost buddy Charlie Hillis. I have also had time to smell the roses, watch the water from my windows, do some boating and enjoy my family and, especially, my grandchildren. I know that some of the people that I worked with in Turkey are no longer with us and they are missed. Most, I believe are still around and I have been glad to be reacquainted with them through your newsletter. Thanks again for the outstanding job you are doing and the continued interest and effort you show every day. Sincerely, Ed Gallant
Great site!!! I can't thank you enough for putting this together. The photos are excellent, and I've already spent hours going through them. I can't thank you enough. Out of all the names on the roster, the only ones I recognize is Ron Stachowicz, Maj Vannoy, Lt Lardner, SFC Osborne -- who we called whenever or equipment broke down. I arrived in May, 1966, after basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, and a few months at Fort Gordon. I worked in the "vault" and I believe it was Capt. Vannoy who was in charge at the time, assisted by SFC Barnes, and SSG Sam Savage. I worked rotating shifts in the CommCenter until I made SGT, and was assigned to the "vault" office, working under CW2 Gerald Elkins (who replaced Vannoy) and SFC William Osborne (who replaced Barnes). Don't hold me to this as gospel because I might be off on some of the names and their responsibilities, but I'll be pretty close. I lived in the barracks for a while, but after I made E-4 my wife, Kitty, flew over and we rented a penthouse apartment in Bachilieveler on 4th street. When I began looking for an apartment in Ankara, my OIC, CWO Jack Wilson referred me to CWO Vincent Domanski, who lived in the penthouse where I eventually moved. Mr. Wilson vividly comes to mind--tall guy, glasses, balding, and a ready smile. Took the Varan out to Site 23 everyday. Kitty got a job at Manzarali working for Lt. Rex Lardner and later got a secretary job with the Air Force in Ankara near the NCO Club.
Some of the Manzarali Vet's that I remember
I'm doubting myself about some of the names I remember--could have been Vint Hill Farms guys--I was drinking during those days (hic!)--but I'm sure about John Peidel, or Piedle, or Peidle--just don't know how to spell it. He worked with Ron Stachowicz, and was a big lumbering type of guy, married, living off base. Stan Marple and Ken Mullen(s) lived in Florida--Marple in Holywood, FL--not sure about Mullen. They were both 72B40's, as well as Pete Adams, Hart, Schultz, Doug Holcomb (we played softball together--he worked in special services) WOW! My mind just went blank--I know there's more. Oh yeah, a guy named "Jeep" and his wife Marlene--they were from Ohio and lived near our apartment in Ankara. Midnight's was great! We had a war going with the "diddy-bops"--would sneak out of the "vault" with blowguns and attack them at their positions and then run back to the refuge behind the thick steel doors. This went on for weeks, and they would set up ambushes and nail our ass whenever we came out. Spitballs in long tubes--relatively harmless and a whole lot of fun! I remember where the T/A office was located, and especially recall one night on mids when we were out in the hall playing grab-ass. Somebody was mopping the floor, and one of our guys with a blowgun was chasing down an "enemy". All of a sudden his feet went out from under him on the slick tile and he slid about 20 feet on his back, legs up in the air, open wide, and did a horseshoe landing around the doorjamb of the T/A office. I still get a queasy feeling in my stomach everytime I think about it. I was part of a team that stayed behind to shut down the facility. All of our equipment was moved off the hill and placed in a secure room in the admin building until it was crated and shipped elsewhere. Can't remember how many days or weeks went by before they pulled the final plug on that grand place they called the 15th USASA Field Station. I recall we had to patrol around all the vacant buildings in case the Turks came over the fence to steal. Talk about a ghost town! I was initially assigned to an 18 month tour, and after Kitty arrived, I applied for and received a year extension. I completed my four-year TOUR OF DUTY at Vint Hill Farms, in Warrenton Virginia--discharged November 28, 1969.
My marriage to Kitty was a disaster and we were divorced in 1974, but our union did produce beautiful twin daughters, Kirstin and Melissa, born 7 February 1970. I was hired by a small municipal police department in St.Louis County Missouri in October 1970 (Richmond Heights Police Department) and worked uniform patrol until 1983. At that time I was assigned to the detective bureau, and worked undercover narcotics in the MEG unit until mid 1986. Following the drug stint, I became a member of the Major Case Squad of Greater St.Louis and worked general assignments as a detective in our local bureau until I took early retirement in 1992. I moved to Sarasota, Florida with my wife, Carol, during that year, and have been writing crime fiction in hopes of being published one day. I'll keep thinking about my TOUR of Duty in Turkey and maybe some of the atrophied brain cells will rejuvenate. There's no way we can make it to the Hershey reunion. That's all for now. I'll try to dig up some more memories.
SCABAROZI, Ted, DOB: 24MY47 E5 33B Det 4, AP69-AP70, (Barbara), 9 Lavenham Ct., Mantua, NJ 08051, 856-464-0413, Ted saw the American Legion reunion announcement and called me. I sent him the reunion info, but he's been NIL HRD since. Ted Midtaune will be relaying the DOOL to Ted effective with #85
VAN BROCKLIN, Jim Det 4, (Samsun), MR-SE56, (Marcia), 39 Therin Dr., Hamburg, NY 14705, 716-649-9232,
Hi. Saw your reunion notice in Aug issue American Legion Mag. I was there from March to Sept 1956. The Det 4 CO was Maj. Arthur T. Lawry who was replaced by Maj. James A. Green about mid 1956. Huge increase in personel at Sinop. Got up there twice from Samsun. I recall the hotel and Lt Rose who was the OIC at Sinop. How many coming to reunion? Send me details.
HAMILTON, Mark DOB: 1943 E5 71B S4 Det 27, JL64-DE66, (Marilyn), 5891 Countryview Dr., Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-892-2270,
Please change my e-mail address to and post for the group. Have not received any "Days" in recent months dont know what happened. Please forward the last few so I can catch up. Thanks. Its Chaos here with the move and our business expansion Ill keep you posted.
STEVENS, Ralph 01-02 Det 27, 61-63, PO Box 1736, Mesquiste, NV 89024 928-347-6064, From TAVERNETTI, David E 61y O1-O2 Watch Officer TK#4 Det 27, MR62-SE63, (Suzanne-Sue), 238 Rio Vista Dr., King City, CA 93930, 831-385-4458,
Elder: I finally tracked down Ralph Stevens. He was assigned to TUSLOG Det 27 and was there when I arrived in March of 1962. He was the Trick 1 Watch Officer until Lt. Jon Kettenring arrived in early 1963, when he became Asst. Ops. Officer under Major Lynch. He came up through OCS. He spent the full time in the US Army before retiring. Ralph would like to hear from anyone he served with at Det 27. [This is the ex-Lt that Walt Dubicki has been seeking for years; however, Walt thought his name was Charles- - -gH] Has anyone in our group any information on Judd Reynolds (1Lt. while in Turkey). He was the Trick 2 watch officer 1962-1963. None of our group has been able to find him since he retired from the Army, although we last heard he had moved to Florida. [Sure can, its:
REYNOLDS, Justus Dandridge (Judd) 02 Watch Officer Det 27,61-63, (Gwen-div & Narcie), Rte 1, Box 48B, Pounding Mill, VA 24637 276-963-4147, contacted, no e-mail]
Dwayne Glen Modisette
Manzarali and Karamursel
DOB: 2 February 1945
305 W. 2nd st. Venus, Tx. 76084-0387
Po Box 0387 972-366-9924
Spouse: Bonnie Copeland, divorced. Two kids, Amanda, 26 and DGM the second.
Merhaba! My first thoughts of Turkey has to be the "FOCK Rock", at Det 27 and then of "Boots", and her mini-skirts. I think that she was the wife of SSG Richard, but not sure. I think that Sgt Richard was the Trick NCO in the Non-Morse section at Manzarali. As I recall someone painted FOCK on a rock on the road to operations and an officer had it busted up. .As I recall that rock was a morale booster for us Trick workers. Another rock was found at Karamursel and was painted FOCK II and Maj Cima allowed us to place it in the hallway near the Orderly Room at 4-4. After 1968 was it still at 4-4? Anyone? I'm a machinist. I've made parts for auto a.c.s, jet engines, mail sorting machines, etc. Looking forward to hearing from others in Days Of Our Lives. Thanks to Elder via Gary "The Kid" Jorgensen. I still have a Morse Key-Type J-36 (Signal Corps U.S. Army) that I purchased in Ankara. Its dated 5-4-40. Anyway I can still go dit dit dit dah anytime. Would like to hear from any of my OLD
friends from Turkey
"A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel." -- Robert Frost
SP5, Det 17 & 27, AP65-JN66
750 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931, 321-230-0652
Whoa! This is too much for my memory. A fellow worker, Wes Jester also remembers some VET's from Manzarali. . Lynn Arthur Gontero is at 1558 Prarie Du Chien Rd, Iowa City, IA (319) 337-4776. Spoke to his wife (I think) and wished him a happy birthday.... I'll never forget the date....and I don't think he will either. I called it "Farch Mirst" ... just kid stuff..... There was an experienced man...a Sergeant Kalish who may not be with us anymore, he went off to NSA after his tour which ended in 1965.... I was there (Det 27-working at Det 17) 4/65-6/66 as a SP5. - - - Details.... I had a phone in my Ankara apartment room for emergency calls... and once changed a tire on the medical truck we used for shuttle service by starlight. One time we all put our HI-FI's and Stereo speakers outside and ran a racing record at full blast for the guys who missed the "roar" of the engines! My room was always inspection ready. The guys even threw sand on the floor to "rough it up" while I was on leave.... Then there was the very "thin" man, a heavy smoker who lived in the STAR apartments..... an E6 with his very gorgeous blonde wife. Can't find the fellow with the first name of "Bernice"... also missing is a guy who loved motorcycles... Drove me up to the old Roman castle on the cobblestone back streets behind the "Kerahani?" standing straight up because of the steep angle..lived in St.Pete FL whose last name was Sweatavage....Jack? Anyone know the name of the local who cleaned up Det 17...and cooked the most pungent lamb on the face of the earth?... wore baggy pants, and old jacket and a they all did! Gotta go!
Spouse: Elaine (divorced) Dominic A. Iannelli., LMEIS; Sr. Staff; Lead., Pgm. Control & Planning., Orlando, Fl. 32825
Cell: (321) 230-0652., Cell Text Message, Office: (407) 306-4737
Fax: (407) 306-3770
" Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now."
Hey Elder, Here is the update information for the 2002 Memory Book. Claude E. Vannoy, Tuslog Det 27, Capt.--Major, Operations Officer and S-3, summer 1965 to summer 1968, retired from the Army April 1977 as LTCol. Currently retired and living in North Carolina. Wife, Virginia (Ginny), 177 Welcome Home RD., North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, 336-667-7036,
From: CARROLL, Mike Det 4, (Linda), 345 Duck St., Front Royal, VA 22630, 540-636-9575, - Elder Green, I am sorry to have to report that my wife and I will be unable to attend the reunion in Hershey. A medical problem has developed (probable surgery involved) and this has put most of our plans on hold. I had ordered a golf shirt from you, with the intention of picking it up at the reunion. Also, of course, was the money for the dinner reservation. Due to the circumstances, is it possible to get a refund on the dinner reservation, minus whatever the shipping would be for the shirt? I definitely still want it. 22630
From: "Sue & David Tavernetti" <>
Elder: I talked to Tom Fittante last night and he is planning on coming down for the dinner. His wife, Beverly, has a conflict and cannot make the trek to Hershey. Tom will come with (or to visit with) Mike Comroe. Both played on the Trick 4 football team. Actually, Tom has quite a sports record while at Manzarali Station. At the end of my tour SSGT John Hagamon (in San Antonio now) was my trick
1st sgt. and Tom was @ 2 - quite a quy. I visited him after I came back stateside but haven't seen him in person in 38 years (although we've kept in touch). Sue and I will arrive in Hershey on Thursday night, the 12th but late. We'll probably spend the early morning on the 13th adjusting to the time change but then be up and ready. We are staying there until Sunday and then move to Lancaster for 3 days. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Received an email from Hank Neil and he echoes my thoughts, have big print on the name tags. Next month it will be 40 years since I left Turkey and I am sure we all have changed somewhat. Thanks for all you are doing.
From: "Gil Bouffard" E6, Det 4,>
Elder, - Please inform the DAYS OF OUR LIVES subscribers to visit Click on "ENTER" and click on the SAD Patch. It takes you through a history of two unique organizations in ASA. that most did not know existed.
From: Bill Lockert,
Dear Elder Green: - Unfortunately, my trips to P1 (Adana) were not with VQ-2, but with the Navy
Patrol Squadrons (VP). Twice we used the Neptune's for ELINT collection flights Rota to Sicily overnight up the Adriatic and return to Athens overnight east by south to Alexandria, along the Israeli coast up to Adana, overnight and return the same way.
My association with the ASA is when I flew the East West German border with VQ, and our ASA friends would come along. They tried not to stick out by not talking Army Talk. The two troops that I made several trips with became good friends. Unfortunately, they were killed when PQ-15 blew up in midair near Munich.
I was associated with ASA in January-March 1961. We flew out of Frankfurt and landed at San Vito, Italy. We (Navy/Army) used Army Vans to do a hearibility test at San Vito. Worked out of the Fire House. We had some good Army troops with us. I have pictures of them when we finally got a day
off and took a trip down to Tarantino in an Air Force Bus. Had a SFr with us we called Lucy because his last name was the same as Lucy Van Pelt (Peanuts). Take care Best to you Army troops
From: Tom Fittante
FITTANTE, Tom E5 98GRomania Linguist Det 27, JL61-29JA63, Tk#4 A/Plt Sgt, (Beverly), 46398 SR 46,(PO BX 59), New Waterford, OH 44445, 330-457-2950,
VA Registers
If you believe you were exposed to Agent Orange while in Vietnam you should be registered on the appropriate VA Registry. To do so go to your nearest VA Medical System Facility and request your name be added if not already on it. You do not have to have a VA C-Number to do this. If you are already enrolled at the facility as a patient verify you are on the register. In order to obtain treatment under the Public Laws of "presumptives" you must be on the register. The Office which handles this process varies with each Facility but every VA Medical Facility has a Registry Coordinator [RC]. Every facility should also have a VA Med Facility Representative Program. To find out who the representative is for your local Facility contact the Facility Volunteer Services. This is a VA authorized position of appointment. This representative can assist you to be placed on the appropriate register as they are familiar with the persons involved. The Facility should then set you up for a Physical and assign you to a Primary Care Person [PC]. The PC, during your first appointment, will then decide referrals to Specialty Clinics for treatment under the Public Laws governing same. For each treatment visit the attending medical person treating you will fill out a form. Before you leave that person, ask them to show you that they have checked the appropriate 'box' to indicate that visit is service connected in order that you not be charged for the visit.
For more info go to
The story of Mrs. Thompson and one of her students named 'Teddy'.
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same.
But that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.
Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn't play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. And Teddy could be unpleasant.
It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then putting a big "F" at the top of his papers.
At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.
Teddy's first grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners ... he is a joy to be around."
His second grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."
His third grade teacher wrote, "His mother's death had been hard on him. He tries to do his best, but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."
Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class".
By now, Mrs Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents, wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy's. His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag. Mrs Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents.
Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume. But she stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.
Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to." After the children left she cried for at least an hour.
On that very day, she quit teaching reading, and writing, and arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children.
Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and, despite her lie that she would love all the children the same, Teddy became one of her "teacher's pets."
A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.
Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs.Thompson that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had in his whole life.
Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still the best and favourite teacher he ever had. But now his name was a little longer - The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, MD.
The story doesn't end there. You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he'd met this girl and was going to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom. Of course, Mrs Thompson did.
And guess what? She wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. And she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together. They hugged each other, and Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs.Thompson's ear, "Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference."
Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back. She said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I met you."
Warm someone's heart today ... pass this along. Please remember that wherever you go, and whatever you do, you will have the opportunity to touch and/or change a person's outlook. And please try to do it in a positive way.