Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #84
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 07:08:38 -0500

  MAIL-call  - PRESERVING FORGOTTEN ASA MEMORIES This message may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged.  It is intended only for the use of the ASA TURKEY Veteran's named as recipients in the message.  If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer.  Comments or submissions to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES are most welcome.  I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein.  If you have received this message in error, or you wish not to receive future DAYS OF OUR LIVES, please send that request to
Thank you,  the wannabe Editor - Elder RC Green

From: SFC (Ret) Dorssie A. Melvin, Jr., O5K4HK2K3, Don't know if you remember me, but you were my first shirt when I was in A company, FS Berlin back about 72-75.  I was a SP5 kilo on A trick (the Aardvark's) and worked on the Ackman position.  I had a room on the second floor with big Don "the Bear" Byers.  I helped you with setting up the bar in the basement of the barracks. I did a little painting for you.  I was an avid hearts and spades player and Byers and I were always down there playing cards.  I had a Thai girlfriend that used to hang out with me there.  We called it the Tiger's Den. One afternoon, down in the Den, you told me that I was going to stay in the Army for life and I laughed that off and said I was gettin out at the end of my hitch.  Well you were right; I stayed in for 23 years.  I never got to be a first shirt, but you were the first sergeant that made the biggest impression on me and years later when I had my own section or my own platoon, I handled my people using you as my model of how a real sergeant acted and treated his people.  I will always remember your gruff good humor and strict fair play.  You always treated me with respect, yet always seemed a little amused by my antics.  You also called me by my trick nickname, " the mouth",  and that may clue you in on who I am better than anything....I hope you are doing well and have had a good retirement.....I am enjoying mine.  Drop me a line when you get a chance.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
From: "Dumbo", SP5, 98C, Det 27, JA66-JN67, (Carole), Severn, MD.,                                                  The 50's                                   
This will bring back memories
  Were you a kid in the Fifties or earlier?  Everybody makes fun of our childhood!
  Comedians joke. Grandkids snicker. Twenty-something's shudder and say "Eeeew!"
  But was our childhood really all that bad? Judge for yourself:  In 1953 The US population was less than 150 million... Yet you knew more people then, and knew them better... And that was good.
  The average annual salary was under $3,000... Yet our parents could put some of it away for a rainy day and still live a decent life... And that was good.
  A loaf of bread cost about 15 cents... But it was safe for a five-year-old to skate to the store and buy one... And that was good.
  Prime-Time meant I Love Lucy, Ozzie and Harriet, Gunsmoke and Lassie... So nobody ever heard of ratings or filters... And that was good.
  We didn't have air-conditioning... So the windows stayed up and half a dozen mothers ran outside when you fell off your bike... And that was good.
  Your teacher was either Miss Matthews or Mrs. Logan or Mr. Adkins... But not Ms Becky or Mr. Dan... And that was good.
  The only hazardous material you knew about... Was a patch of grassburrs around the light pole at the corner... And that was good.
  You loved to climb into a fresh bed... Because sheets were dried on the clothesline... And that was good.
  People generally lived in the same hometown with their relatives... So "child care" meant grandparents or aunts and uncles... And that was good.
  Parents were respected and their rules were law.... Children did not  talk back..... and that was good.
  TV was in black-and-white... But all outdoors was in glorious color....And that was certainly good.
  Your Dad knew how to adjust everybody's carburetor... And the Dad next door knew how to adjust all the TV knobs... And that was very good.
  Your grandma grew snap beans in the back yard... And chickens behind the garage... And that was definitely good.
  And just when you were about to do something really bad... Chances were you'd run into your Dad's high school coach... Or the nosy old lady from up  the street... Or your little sister's piano teacher... Or somebody from Church...
ALL of whom knew your parents' phone number... And YOUR first name...  And even THAT was good!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  Send this on to someone who can still remember Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello, Sky King, Little Lulu comics, Brenda Starr, Howdy Doody and The Peanut Gallery, The Lone Ranger, The Shadow Knows, Nellie Belle, Roy and Dale, Trigger and Buttermilk as well as the sound of a real mower on Saturday morning, and summers filled with bike rides, playing in cowboy
land, playing hide and seek and kick-the-can and Simon Says, baseball games, amateur shows at the local theater before the Saturday matinee, bowling and visits to the pool...and eating Kool-Aid powder with sugar, and wax lips and bubblegum cigars
  Didn't that feel good, just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that! And was it really that long ago?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                     
I am slowly chugging away at the 2002 Memory Book and it should be ready for distribution around the end of October as I want to include photo's from the Hershey reunion in it.  Immediately after the reunion we are going to Colorado Springs for two to three weeks to visit our new grandson - TYLER AUSTIN GREEN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From:  GLUBKA, Roger A.,  E1-E3-E1, 72B, Det 27, FE64-JL65, (CW3 Michelle), PSC 303, BX 25 APO AP 96204-0025 (Korea), Subject: PATCHES  Elder,  Well I made contact with 6/7 embroidery/sewing shops. and the cheapest I
could get those patches made for was 1500 won a piece; that's about a buck and a quarter with the won rate fluctuating between 1185 and 1200 to the dollar. That's 100 Det. 27 patches and 100 Det.4-4. I offered them a buck a piece and none of them would accept that offer. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for not taking a copy of the patch to Vietnam with me.  Anyway I'm going to Beijing in Sept. 19-23 but that will be to late by then. Do you or anyone else have one they could send me as a sample and I would send it back. I really wanted to buy these on my own and send them as a gift but it's just not feasible.  If you can come up with a solution let me know!   I'm not going anywhere for a year.  I'll keep you posted. [Roger Glubka has been one of my best fans since I started with the FOCK Rock series to the present DAYS OF OUR LIVES series.  I sent Roger my Det 27 patch for them to copy and Roger informs that it would take about a week to get duplicates made with Det 27 and 4-4 respectively across the top and get them back to me for distribution at the Hershey reunion. 
IS IT POSSIBLE THAT NO ONE FROM THE OTHER ASA TURKEY DET'S ARE INTERESTED IN A PATCH FOR THEIR DET? IF THERE IS, THEN GET YOUR REQUEST TO ME IMMEDIATELY.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               BIRTHDAYS                               Today, the 23rd of August is my 66th BIRTHDAY- - -gH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   

From:  ISLER, Rod E4 05H Det 4-4,15OC68-69, (Kyuhee), 1703 Mansion Ridge Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401, 410-849-3482, Elder,  Have some bad news for you -- I will now not be able to attend this years get together as planned.  I now have to go out of town to meet with a foreign customer starting the 13th of September.  I did all I could to get this delayed but since it is a foreign customer we could not.  My company has
been trying to do business with this customer for some time and now the opportunity came about.  I am in the process now of canceling my Hotel Room and if I owe you any money just let me know.  Please invite me next year and will try my best to attend.  Pass on my sincere regards to all.  Rod Isler
                    THE ATTACHMENTS 1).  Lt Leopold is  from Mike Comroe, SP4, 059, Det 27, 61-62, Audubon, PA Roy DesRuisseaux wrote: Elder:  Lt. John Leopold or "The Leeper" as some of the MP's called him (not to his face of course) was indeed a good guy all around type as Mike Comroe points out. He pretty much left us MP's alone and let the NCO's take care of business. I seem to recall he perhaps went back to the States or was promoted in the summer of 1962 and no longer was the Provost Marshall much to the dismay of us MPs.  Perhaps Robert Brown or Allan Chermack could comment on him. 2).  SP4 Stuart Smith sent me the letter from Maj Hughes to his parents & should bring a chuckle from everyone who served under Major Hughes at Manzarali.  I have not found Maj Hughes YET. 3).  The Grimes2 photo is a current picture of John W. Grimes~ ~ ~ See his BIO below   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                            New veteran finds
Michael E E5 05K Det 27, 66-68, (Alyson), CA., 310-377-0516,  
LEWIS, Lola USN Sinop, 85-86 &89-90, Hawaii, From: Lola Lewis  Subject: SINOP Mr. Green,  My name is Lola Lewis. I just got an email from Jerry Snaper on Sinop, Turkey talking about a reunion.  I was wondering how to hear about people who were in Sinop. Although I was there with the Navy in 1985-1986 and 1989-1990. The second time I believe is where I met Jerry Snaper. Please let me know what  need to do to be put on a Sinop list or something. [[Lola, I believe that Jerry Snaper obtained the 13-15 September 2002 Hershey reunion info from Bill Simons SINOP website.  To access it, use www.altavista,com search engine and then when it comes on the screen, type in Det 4 Sinop Turkey and Bill Simons website will be the first one listed.  I'm certain that you will enjoy the info that he has posted and you just might find some old friends.  Until recently, Det 4 was no a part of my ASA leanings, but about 4 months ago it was decided to bring aboard all Vet's who were part of the SIGINT and ELINT that were stationed at Det 17, 27 115, 120, 4, 4-2, 4-4, and 66.  I publish a weekly newsletter called DAYS OF OUR LIVES and is issued via email to over 400 vet's every Friday.  I can add you to the subscriber list if you so desire.  I will send you the latest issue and another with the ASA TURKEY Reunion info therein.  Thanks for inquiring and if you need further assistance, please ask. Elder RC Green 

NAPIER, Reid SP5 058 Tk2 Det 27, MY62-26OC63, (Married & divorced 3 times), 1210 S. M St., Apt 6, Lakewood, FL 33460, 561-585-8826,

PAUL, Don SP5 05H Det 4-4, JL68-MY71, (Leslie),  fm MA per Morrissette My name is Don Paul and I served in Det 4-4 at Karamursel, Turkey from July 1968 to May 1971.  I was on Trick Two as an 058 (ditty-bopper). My wife Leslie joined me for 15 months. We had a good time. Would appreciate any former 058's e.mail. Thanks for listening.
SCREWS, Eldon E7 05K, Det 4 and 4-3, PO Box 127, Holly Bluff, MS 30988, 662-828-3212,    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
From:  MURPHY, Bob E3-E5 058 Det 27 and Det 4, AP61-AP62, (Peg), 7623 Turnbrook Dr., Glen Burnie, MD 21061, 410-255-0320, Elder, I think I mentioned Bill Brittingham to you in earlier correspondence. He was a SP5 058 at Det 27 about the same time as me.  I can't recall if I told you that I managed to contact one of his relatives, who lives in my neighborhood.  She said that Bill is a recluse.  He doesn't go anywhere and doesn't talk to people, generally.  I asked her to give him my phone number and tell him about the reunion.  I really thought I'd get a call from him, but the call never came.  I talked to her several times and twice gave her my phone number for Bill to call me. I wanted to send him the DOOL stuff, but she wouldn't give me his address. I'm going to continue to try to contact him, mainly out of curiosity about what life events so changed his personality.  But I have this deep, sinking feeling that I should just leave it alone.  Thought you might like this update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends
                      BIO of Jerry Anderson                            
SP4, 341.10, Det 27, 56-JN58                                                                             Racine, WI I spent the next two years out of high school in a co-op program, working holidays and summers from the University of Wisconsin as a detail draftsman at Racine, Hydraulics. Dropping out of the university and working full time as a detail draftsman my draft eligibility level rose.  Deciding to enlist rather then getting drafted I was steered into the ASA and conned into a four year hitch. Started with basic training in September 1955 at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri then onto Fort Devens in Massachusetts in December 1955 for language school testing, found I could not handle English let alone another language! Then in January 1956 I was off to Camp Gordon (changed to Fort later) and spent maybe four months at Teletype Repair school (MOS 341), next Fort Dix and McGuire AFB in New Jersey for a MATS flight to Frankfort, Germany in May 1956 where I spent my days at SHAPE Hqtrs. the I.G. Farben building and my nights drinking that wonderful nectar of Germany. The Army one day came to our group requesting "volunteers" in my MOS for a new ASA detachment in Turkey, and against all rules of prudent behavior, I volunteered for the 18 month assignment! Well now starts my real adventure as I was pulled for further testing, which took three days, and Turkey was not notified. I arrive on a Saturday afternoon, of course AWOL, and nobody to meet me at the Ankara "International" airport. (I use International for a little humor) It was the smelliest place I have ever experienced, then I remember standing outside waiting and hoping that someone would come to my aid and direct me to where I was supposed to go. I waited and waited.  It was getting late and I decided that I should get my butt to Ankara and the only visible transportation was taxi's. I spotted  a caravan of Nomads going by and knew that that was not the way to get to Ankara.  I couldn't imagine what was in store for me next. I finally hailed a dolmus (taxi - this is before they had a rate book for Americans) for the ride to Ankara and the driver took me to a hotel frequented by us "Ugly Americans" as we 'yankees' were relatively new and openly disliked, or so it seemed by the TURKS. It was there that I was introduced to a Turkish-type bathroom. Was, finally, put in touch (I don't know how) with a Captain who picked me up on Sunday morning and took me up to a sorta nice Villa (Turkish standards) that 6 or 7 of the guys had rented. I lived there for a short time, then moved to the billets that the AF had constructed, I think,  near the American Embassy.  I can't for the life of me remember the Captains name, but remember babysitting his young daughter and have a picture of the little tyke. There was a Major there too, but can't remember his name. Also a young lieutenant who because of his junior status among the JUSMMAT higer-ups usually spent his off-duty time playing bridge with us EM.  There was a older gentleman who was in charge of the Comm Center and his name might have been CWO Diehl. I remember a black Sgt was the NCOIC of the Comm Center and have been told that his name was Ron Crocheron.  I believe that the senior NCO at Det 27 from 1956 to 1957 was a SFC Ray Gazolla (sp?) who took a liking to me because I always steered him away from the Club where he did his drinking. When he rotated, he told me that if I needed any assistance in getting a good stateside assignment to contact him.  I did and got stationed at Two Rock Ranch which was a haven for Major's, etc. The Supply Sgt was a LIFER, but can't remember his name.  Other names that I recall at Det 27 were Tim Connelly and George or Joe Goeble. A Dick Nilsson, from Muskego, WI called and we talked about the early "Ugly American" days in the making of the future 15th USASA Field Station, aka Det 27, Site 23 and Manzarali Station.                           
We were the ASA pathfinders in Det 27's embryonic days
  I want everyone to know that the 'historians' completely overlooked us guys in their write-up when they show that Det 27 was organized under TD 93-8623, dated 1 October 1957. That might be the official date, but we were definately members of the ASA and Det 27 was on our orders.  The historian further states that Det 27 was put into operation on 26 December 1957 with an authorization of 3 Officer's and 15 EM. That was about the size of the unit when I was there 56-58 and we all were associated with the Comm Center.  The initial location of the detachment was in the JUSMMAT Hqs complex. On 01 February 1958, the detachment moved from the JUSMMAT complex to the new Hqs bldg located at 329A and 331A Ataturk Blvd across from the American Embassy. It was known as Det 4-1. So from this point in 1956 to my departure in May 1958 are some of the best days of my life, and better told in private!  Arriving home (6/58) married my sweetheart Sally and spent our Honeymoon traveling to my next assignment, Two Rock Ranch in Petaluma, California. I got there early on a weekend and went for a look-see noticing a trap shoot in progress. I stopped and entered the Turkey shoot and won a live bird! That was my introduction to what I refer to as a Retirement Home, and I had a wonderful time there till my discharge in Oakland, California.(9/59).  I went back into Hydraulics first as a Draftsman, then Sales Engineer, into a Regional Sales Managers position working for these companies, Racine Hydraulics, Rucker Products, Bosch, and retiring from The Ellwood Corp. in March of 1999.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at Hershey and maybe someone will jog my memory from the past to the present. I will have pictures of Connelly, Goeble, Gazolla, and Sgt. George Kerns NCOIC of maintenance which I just found, by Wed. 8/21. I can get them in the mail to you the same day which will put them your house on or about 8/24, will this be soon enough to make #84? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad.  It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow.  Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today." ~ Robert J. Hastings
                                                      BIO         John W. Grimes III
Grimes, John W. III, RA16781472, E3-E4, 98C20, Det. 27, JL64-DE65
                                           See attached photo Enlisted in the Army at Fort Wayne, MI in August 1963, after completing three years at Ferris State College in Big Rapids, MI.   Took Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO., then in October 1963 I was off to join the elite ASA'ers at Fort Devens, MA for training as a Traffic Analyst which I completed in April 1964 and now was known as a 982.20 and received orders for a place called TUSLOG Detachment 27 in Turkey. Over the Thanksgiving break of 1963 I became engaged to Miss Dianne Daunt of Flint, MI.                            ARRIVED  AT  MANZARALI  IN  JULY  1964 AS A TRAFFIC ANALYST In July 1964 I joined Det 27 at Manzarali Station, Turkey and went to work on one of the Tricks as a Printer and Floor T/A specialist in operations.  I was never a good writer of T/A reports and this BIO will attest to that fact; however, I'm giving it my best shot.                                                  

GOT HITCHED AT THE MANZARALI CHAPEL In February 1965 Miss Daunt flew to Turkey and Father Butler married us in the Manzarali Chapel with the help of Chaplain Polhemus.   We immediately found an apartment at 39 Kennedy Caddessi near the American Embassy.  Our marriage was a no brainer from the start and lasted only three months.  In May 1965 Dianne returned to the states and I completed the rest of my Tour of Duty in the barracks at Manzarali   Neither of us remarried and I have not seen Dianne in over twenty-five years.  I said gule, gule to Turkey in December 1965 for assignment to the 6th USASAFS at Homestead AFB, Florida.   I was at Homestead from January 1966 until my discharge in June 1967.   During the summer of 1967 I returned to college at Northern Michigan Univ., but my heart was not in it for many reasons, one being that Dianne and I were divorced in July 1967.   In the fall of 1967 I started working for the Realtron Corp in the Detroit area and became the Admin Assistant to the President, where I worked until 1970.   In January 1970 I became General Manager for a group of investors that had purchased a Car Wash in Midland, MI.   In July 1970 went to work with Boutell Enterprise as Development Manager in which I procured land, designed and built several car wash locations.   Next, the Kar Klean Equipment Co., hired me as VP of Engineering and I worked for them for two years or so building car washes in Southeast, Michigan.  After this, I started a Service and Equipment Co with a partner and it was known as "Grimes Enterprises, LTD".  Over the next 25 years I have owned, operated, designed, built and serviced many Full Service Car Washes in Michigan, Ohio and Arizona.   In 1995 I became Plant Manager to Proto-Vest, Inc., a manufacturer of Air Dryers to the Car Wash Industry in a small plant in Oxford, MI and was instrumental in moving the plant to a larger facility in Glendale, AZ.  In July 1997 I left Proto-Vest and went back into business for myself again, this time as a Laundromat Owner.  In April 2002 I sold this business. Will see you in Hershey on the 13th.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Did you ever notice: When you put together "THE" and "IRS," it spells "THEIRS?"
Bob VAN EREM, SP4, Radar Intercept Op,  Det 4, OC59-OC60, (Fran), Olney, MD., Bob sent the following to Howard Stephers apparently thinking that he was the originator of the DAYS OF OUR LIVES newsletters:  "Thank you for your newsletter #82.  I know you asked me then what my MOS and ASA assignment was in Turkey.  I do not remember what my MOS was, and I do not have any of my paper work from back then.  I think my MOS was 204, but I am not sure.  I worked in the operations building, which as I remember it was on the left side of the operations complex.  My duties were as a Radar Intercept Operator.  Perhaps you or someone else would know what that MOS is.  I took my training at Fort Monmouth in NJ.   I see VET's in the DAYS OF OUR LIVES newsletter  mention many different places in Turkey.  Most mentioned is Det 27.  Where were the other places ASA people where stationed in Turkey, other then Sinop.                                                              A SHORT BIO ON BOB VAN EREM                                       
I'm a native of Green Bay, WI.  Enlisted in  December 1958 and did  Basic Training at Fort Lenoard Wood, MO., then  in March 1959 to Fort Devens, MA. - then in  May 1959 did AIT at Fort Monmouth, NJ., then back to Fort Devens in August 1959 where I received orders for Sinop, Turkey where I served  October 1959-October 1960. October 1960-March 1962 was stationed in Germany, with the 77th out of Rothwestern, outside of Kassel, then up to build the site at Dahme and back to Offenbach after we were married in Frankfurt.  My wife is from Teaneck, NJ, we met when I was at Fort Monmouth.  She came over to Germany and we were married there.  I stayed in the Electronics field after I got out of the service and now I am semi-retired, but still have my own business.  I export used electronic test equipment to Europe. Let me know if any other guys from the ASA live around the Maryland area, I would like to get together with them.   Look forward to seeing you at the reunion in Hershey.

From: "HOWARD C STEPHENS, SR", (Steve), SP4, Det 27, DE60-SE62, (Judy), Rochester Hills, MI., Robert Van Erem,  - Good to hear from you - and to know that another one of our old cold warriors still survives!  I appreciated your taking the time to provide a little on your ASA background.  Actually, you are among the few that I have been in contact with, who were actually stationed in Turkey back in the days when Dwight Eisenhower was still our Commander-In-Chief!  That's going back a ways!  I was assigned from December 60 to September 62 to Det 27 HQ, which was located at Site 23 outside of Ankara.  Det 66 was there also.  In addition to Det 4 at Sinop, I can't remember many of the other Det No's.  Sorry, it's just been so very, very long ago.  I returned to the U.S. in September 62 and was station with the 313th ASA Bn at Ft. Campbell, KY, until my discharge in July 63.  I returned to my native Michigan, where I have remained all these years.  I married in April 66 and had 3 beautiful children - which now include 6 grandchildren.  We live in Rochester Hills, just north of Detroit.  Being from Michigan, I don't have many contacts in Maryland,  I will "cc" our fearless leader, Elder RC Green, and see if he can provide any contacts in the Maryland area.  He's got a lot of contact info and I am sure he'd be happy to share. Hope you and your family are enjoying life the way it's supposed to be lived. Have a great day! Howard "Steve" Stephens
Web Smith
Fw: Meredith Gardner, 89, Who Broke Code in Rosenberg Case, Dies.htm
From: Julian Hargus By DAVID STOUT

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 — Meredith Knox Gardner, a linguist and puzzle solver whose skill at deciphering codes played a pivotal role in the Rosenberg spy case, died on Aug. 9 at a hospice in Chevy Chase, Md. He was 89.

Fluent in French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Lithuanian, Spanish and Russian, Mr. Gardner arrived here early in World War II to work for the Army Signal Intelligence Service, a predecessor of the National Security Agency.

He spent the war poring over messages between Germany and Japan. After their defeat, his focus turned to the Soviet Union. He was assigned to help decode a backlog of communications between Moscow and its foreign missions. The project, named Venona, was based in northern Virginia. In recent years, the National Security Agency has made public some of the exploits of the code breakers.

Starting in 1939, the Signal Intelligence Service intercepted thousands of Soviet communications, but they were not studied while America and Russia were allied. By 1946, Mr. Gardner was among the hundreds of people trying to decode the accumulated messages.

On Dec. 20, 1946, Mr. Gardner discerned that a message from 1944 had contained a list of the leading scientists on the Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bomb. More months of toil by Mr. Gardner and his colleagues turned up a reference to an agent code-named Liberal who had a wife named Ethel.

"Liberal" and his wife were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage. They were executed in 1953.

Mr. Gardner worked closely with Robert J. Lamphere, an F.B.I. agent who was assigned to chase spies. Mr. Lamphere marveled at his partner's decoding talents.

"I would bring Meredith some material, and he would print in a new word over a group of numbers," Mr. Lamphere said in 1996 in an interview with The Washington Post. "Then he would give a little smile of satisfaction."

Mr. Gardner attributed his code-solving talents to his language abilities, sense of logic and, as he told The Post in 1996, "a sort of magpie attitude to facts, the habit of storing things away that did not seem to have any connection at all."

Meredith Knox Gardner was born in Okolona, Miss. He graduated from the University of Texas and earned a master's degree in languages from the University of Wisconsin. He was a language teacher at the Universities of Akron, Texas and Wisconsin before World War II.

Surviving are his wife, Blanche; a son, Arthur, of Milwaukee; a daughter, Ann Martin of Annapolis, Md.; and 11 grandchildren.

Mrs. Gardner said her husband, after retiring in 1972, loved to solve the crossword puzzles in The Times of London, which are noted for being extremely difficult. He also traced his Scottish genealogy, disdaining computers for the pencil and paper that he had used to attack codes.

Because the Venona project was not disclosed in detail until the mid-1990's, its work was never widely recognized. In a speech in 1997, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York said the deeds of Mr. Gardner and Mr. Lamphere, in particular, were contributions "that Americans have a right to know about and to celebrate." Mr. Lamphere died in February.

Despite his pride in having helped to smash an espionage ring, Mr. Gardner was sorry that the Rosenbergs were put to death. Mrs. Gardner said her husband's reasoning was that "those people at least believed in what they were doing.

rom: FINK, Raymond G E3-E4 Det 27, DE62-MY64, Opns Co clk, (Gail),  6873 Packingham Dr., Englewood, OH 45322, 937-836-2269,     -  I have never seen, but perhaps I missed, any contact with Gary Borden, who was at Det 27 about the same time as myself ie. 25DE62 to 15MY63... Do you have an address or email for him that I missed on one of the DAYS OF OUR LIVES??   Thanks,  [[Ray.  This is the 1st mention of a Gary Borden. I found 33 Gary Bordens in loc in AL; CA; FL; IN; MD; MI; MS; NY; OH; OK; PA; TN; TX; VA; WA and WI.  A middle initial might reduce the 33 number.

William Cook, Sr.


Thank you for your quick response and for the information.  I have a few questions if you don't mind.  How old is your organization and how many "Members" do you have currently? Do have information broken down by location and tour years?  Just curious as to how many might have been there at the same time as I.   I arrived in Ankara in April of 1963, served @ Manzarali Station and departed in October of 1964.  I was an  058 [later changed to 05H20?] or something like that. We had a flying club that built and flew control line airplanes. I have recently located 2 of my roommates from that time period and have had the pleasure of spending some time with one of them.  I don't know if I've become aware of this opportunity in time to take advantage of it.  But I would like to keep in touch and possibly attend a future reunion if not this one. Thanks again...  Bill Cook   RA 15675174 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   From: Tom Fittante EG      I WON'T KNOW UNTIL MONDAY 8/26/02 IF I CAN ATTEND THE REUNION.  IF I AM ABLE TO ATTEND I'LL PROBABLY COME ALONE, FOR MY WIFE HAS A COMMITMENT FOR THAT WEEK END.  I WILL ALSO BE STAYING WITH RELATIVES IN THE AREA IN LIEU OF THE HOLIDAY INN. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: gH, we just came back from a day drive in Northern Minnesota (saw a nice bull moose) and forwarded the DOOL #83. Also I added Willie Modisette to my list of guys to forward to. One month and you will be able to go on straight time and no overtime with this project. Gary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: MANKOPF, Oscar M (Mike), SP4, 76T-Sig Supply, Det 27, MY67-DE67, Det 4-3, Dec67-OC68, 525 Hoppfield Dr., Arlington Hts, IL 60004, 847-368-9792, I am replying to the quote at the start of #83.  If you and Stuart think of our country in terms of left and right I think you have missed the whole point of our democracy.  I didn't fight in Vietnam for one groups point of view.  Suppressing another groups point of view is what the Soviets did.  There is a lot more to being patriotic that wearing flag pins. Mark Mankopf,  CW2 USAR, Ret
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BURNS, Paul H Jr 95K Det 4, 64 & 66, 113 Notre Dame, Lafayette, LA 70506, Dear Elder,
Thanks for the response,  I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I came aboard.   In fact the first message I deleted, becasue I didn't know from where it came,  and that's my habit, not opening e-mails from unknown senders. I don't remember the first one I opened. My wife and I won't be able to make it to the reunion,  she's a special ed teacher, and it is smack dab in the middle of school time, and I'm out of vacation time this year.  I do the same thing you describe, copy and paste interesting tidbits from DOOL to disk. I guess I'll just continue,  since Det 4 Sinop came on-line not that long ago.   Thanks for getting this group together, after many years, I guess we all want to look back and see where we've been. Thanks again,  Paul Burns  Tuslog Det 4, Summer 64-65  Summer 66-67

From:  DUBICKI, Walter L E5 Det 27 DE61-JN63 05H/K Trick Chief #1, (Beverly), 6701 Tamarind Ct., Louisville, KY 40219, 502-969-1534,  
I'm Fine - How are you?
There's nothing the matter with me,
I'm just as healthy as can be,
I have arthritis in both knees,
And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.
My pulse is weak, my blood is thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

All my teeth have had to come out,
And my diet I hate to think about.
I'm overweight and I can't get thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

And arch supports I need for my feet.
Or I wouldn't be able to go out in the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night,
But every morning I find I'm all right.
My memory's failing, my head's in a spin.
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
Old age is golden I've heard it said,
But sometimes I wonder, as I go to bed.
With my ears in a drawer, my teeth in a cup,
And my glasses on a shelf, until I get up.
And when sleep dims my eyes, I say to myself,
Is there anything else I should lay on the shelf?

The reason I know my Youth has been spent,
Is my get-up-and-go has got-up-and-went!
But really I don't mind, when I think with a grin,
Of all the places my get-up has been.
I get up each morning and dust off my wits,
Pick up the paper and read the obits.
If my name is missing, I'm therefore not dead,
So I eat a good breakfast and jump back into bed.

The moral of this as the tale unfolds,
Is that for you and me, who are growing old.
It is better to say "I'm fine" with a grin,
Than to let people know the shape we are in.


From: CHESSER, Joe E4 Postal Clk Det 27, 60-61, (Helen), 21563 Awbrey Pl., Ashburn, VA 20148, 703-729-1229, Subject: Military Appreciation
Lets take just a moment to show the men and women who are defending our country that we really appreciate what they are doing for ALL OF US!
This takes about 20 seconds.
If you are so inclined, visit the Department of Defense web page below and sign a brief message thanking the men and women of the U.S. military services for defending our freedom.  The compiled list of names will be sent out to our soldiers at the end of the month. As of a moment ago, there were
less than 500,000 names. A shame. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   The 7 Second Prayer
                                 Just repeat this phrase and see how God moves!!
                                  Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart,
                                  and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends,
                                  in Jesus' name. Amen.
PS~ remember waking up is a miracle for some people so don't take it for granted.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: GLUBKA, Roger A E1-E3-E1 72B Det 27, FE64-JL65, (CW3 Michelle), PSC 303, BX 25 APO AP 96204-0025 (Korea),
Nominated for Quote of the Year is the statement made by Texas Congressman Dick Armey when asked:  "If you had been in President Clinton's place would you have resigned?"

Armey's reply:  "If I had been in the president's place I would not have gotten the chance to resign.  I would have been lying in a pool of my own blood, looking up and listening to my wife say "How do you reload this thing?"