Sent: Friday, August
09, 2002 6:27 AM
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #82
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the ASA TURKEY Veteran's named as recipients in the message. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. Comments or submissions to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES are most welcome. I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein. If you have received this message in error, or you wish not to receive future DAYS OF OUR LIVES, please send that request to
Thank you, the
wannabe Editor - Elder RC Green
Reunion News
1. I've got most of
the REUNION BADGES finished and will have them laminated on
Monday, the
12th. Anyone not attending the reunion who would like to receive
a badge, simply send me a SASE and I'll get one made and sent to
the requestor. Patty says that I've gone MAD making the BADGEs,
but admits that they will generate a lot of conversation and that
everyone will enjoy them and compare their's with everyone else's
at Hershey. They are 3" X 4". There is still time for
additions if anyone wants a particular item on the badge and to
be sure DUMBO will have PRICELESS on the back of his......DUMBO
joined us at the ASA picnic and we found that DUMBO isn't really
a DUMBO as he retired from NSA with the pay grade equivalent to a
TWO STAR General and to think that DUMBO once worked for me and
Gene Cram at Manzarali.
If you haven't heard of or seen a photo of PRICELESS, look Bill
Binney up at Hershey and he will proudly show you PRICELESS!!!
Here's a quote by Bill Hartranft (SP5, 058, Det 27, 62-64)
regarding PRICELESS: "Your 'PRICELESS' attachment was
Priceless!!! Was this a test to see who reads your mail?
Turkey!!... I do and love it!!! wdh"
2. If anyone wants to
reserve a table to make sure that OLD friends sit together at the
or at the Saturday breakfast, just give me a e-mail holler and
the tables will be reserved IAW the requests.
3. Every VET at the TURF CLUB will be called upon to talk about his experiences during his TOUR OF DUTY in Turkey. Some VET'S and even their wives were really blessed with seemingly unbelievable events that will keep everyone interested and prepare themselves for their turn at the mike.
4. Any former ASA'er that had a TOUR OF DUTY in TURKEY is welcome to join us at the TURF CLUB without partaking of the meal, but to gain entrance one will need a official Reunion Badge. So, if you're planning on attending the TURF CLUB or the Hospitality Room at the Holiday Inn, please send me your name so that "I" can make a badge for you!
5. Thus far, fifty-five Vet's and their wives have signed up for the reunion
6. The reunion list
will be included in DAYS OF OUR LIVES #83 FYI.
From: Bill Walters, 1LT-CPT, Det 27, Det 4-4 and Det 4, (Susan),
Fayetteville, NC
Have the 'speck taters' been getting 'em BIO's to you or is 'em
still being 'hezzie taters'. I sent mine, so you can call me one
of 'em 'sweet tater' veteran's. - Come on you ex-ASA'ers, REACH
OUT and send the gH your BIO so that he don't have to WALK all
over you to get the DAYS OF OUR LIVES and the 2002 Memory Book
out to us FREE of charge.
From: Walters, William
[edited] Elder, - I
sure do enjoy the news you provide about our great folks from the
days in Turkey. Unfortunately Susan and I will not be able to
make it to Hershey or to the August picnic.
[Bill Walters is a retired ASA & INSCOM COLONEL- - -Gh]
SWENSON, David E5 98J30 Det 27 & 4-2, MR66-68, (Michelle), 40 Kennedy Dr., Keene, NH 03431, 603-357-5651,
Just a quick "heads-up" to advise that we have a new email address. We are now signed on thru RoadRunner cable modem-It screams! THE best to you all, Dave
From: Chuck Martin,>
My new email address is .... will not make ithe reunion this year....just returned from a Vietnam get together in DC for the 407th was a real healing for me and I am sure the rest of the guys....just out of bucks and I have little ones and they are on their way back to school. Last year was a real bummer ....had everything lined up till the 9/11......Well God Bless All and hopefully Corena and I can get there. Thanks for everything....Wud like to get another hat....resend that one transmission...I don't think I saved it....if possible...Agn Tks.....Chuck and Corena
From: Charles Mcclevish <>
ELDER: Sorry I didn't get to see you last Saturday. I had to run up to Beaver Falls this past weekend and I decided to find you. I guess I should have called you, but what is life without a little chance taking. I was there about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the white IROC in your driveway. Is it yours and what year is it? How come it's covered? I have and was driving an '87 red 5.7 IROC-Z which I bought new in '86. A mid life crisis thing at the time I guess, but I still enjoy driving it. I always wanted a red 62 vette, and I figured this was close enough. It now has 231,000 miles. I also have a 67 camaro I bought new, but have to do some work on it. I've attached a pic I took last year. Next time I plan to visit my folks in Pa, I'll call you. BTW, you have a nice place and the flag in the middle of the yard helped me find it. --- Charles Mcclevish
ERICKSON, Ron SP4, 059, Det 27, MY61-DE62, (Kathy), Independence, MO,
Got your mail and thanks for helping put some of us together. It don't seem like it has been 40 years since I was in that isolated place. We still had fun of our own making with rough flag football. NCO club fights, getting the donkeys drunk, watching and betting on stray dogs getting hung up. Still remember the MIG's buzzing our barracks and even giving the old wing wave to us if we happened to be outside. I told Elder that we will be celebrating our wedding anniversary in Las Vegas at the same week, so hope there will be another reunion next year possibly in your area and we would be sure to make it. Ohio would be a nice central location and it has the football hall of fame and many other attractions worth a visit. Thanks again and I'll keep in touch. Ron & Kathy Erickson Independence, Mo
CHAMNESS, Ike, E6, Det4, 64-65, E7, Det 27 & 4-2, 67-68, (Dora), 22248 Haas Ct., NE., Ten Strike, MN 56683, 208-586-2735, replaced E7 Rhodes per Swenson
GARDNER, Lee DOB 1935 SP3 Det 7 (Sinop), JA58-JA59, 3047 Garfield St., NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418, 612-781-2903. no email. Called me 8/6/02 IAW Legion reunion notice
From: <>
Subject: New Army Member, Edward Holland!
Vet welcomes Edward Holland who served in the Army with the following units: TUSLOG DET 27 ASA
To learn more about Edward , log on to with your email address and password. Select 'Search' and then enter Edward Holland with the Army selected*.
*Gold Membership dues may be required.
MERHABA to U, a former friend of Bob Murphy, Art Landskov and many other 058's who served with U at Manzarali. The above mentioned 27'ers + others have mentioned your name to me wondering if I knew where U are located. Thry thought that U were from Berlin, MD. I'd like to hear from U ASAP and if U are from the MD area, then U can jump on up to Hershey and join Bob and Peg Murphy from Glen Burnie, MD who have reserved a table for Ken and Donna Lady from Santa Monica, CA; Larry and Jean Heese from Cedar Rapids, IA; Roy and Mary Norman from Caldwell, TX and Chuck and Penny Teschker from Hartland, MI.
I am pressed for time at present and to make a long story short, will attach the reunion info below FYI. We had the FIRST reunion at your old ditty-bopper training ground in Massachussetts, namely Fort Devens. I publish a weekly e-mail newsletter called the DAYS OF OUR LIVES and will include U once I get the okay from U. My phone # is 724-349-7395, Gule Gule,Elder RC Green- - -aka - - -gH
VAN EREM, Robert, Det 4, 59-60, (Fran), Olney, MD.,>
Subject: REUNION
Hello Elder RC Green, - I plan to arrive in Hershey, PA with my wife, Frances, on Friday late afternoon and will check in at the hospitality room. We will attend the dinner. We will stay for the Saturday breakfast and later meet with Bill Simons and any other DET 4 people after breakfast. We will not be going to the TurF Club. We will be leaving after meeting with the Det. 4 people. Please add me to your news letter. Look forward to the Reunion.
Bob and Fran Van Erem
1. The Det4.jpg is from John Owen and was scanned from a cigarette lighter that he bought while assigned to SINOP. Se his e-mail below. NOTE: I've tried to copy the Det 4 logo's on the web, but they just don't have enuf clarity for me to use on the reunion badges. I requested that I'd like to receive a scanned patch, etc.. with the Det 4 logo's, but thus far no one has responded, except John Owen.
2. The Ike.jpg is a photo of Ike and Dora Chamness taken at the 2002 ASA picnic at Blobs Park. Ike replaced Fred Rhodes as the Senior EM at 4-2 at Incirlik AFB in Adana, Turkey. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MILPO, Det 4, AU65-AU66 & MR69-SE69, (Mari),
[edited]. Thank-you for the e-mail regarding the ASA TURKEY reunion at Hershey, 13-15 Sept. I printed it for my husband, Jim. He mentioned that he wouldn't know anyone there, but has decided that perhaps he will think about it. It's been over thirty years since he went to Sinop. I assured him that I could be the 'suffering' wife at Hershey for the weekend. I think if he decides to go, that he will meet some friends again and he will never know if he doesn't. b The ASA reunion at Blobs Park was nice; we enjoyed it. Jim was stationed at Det 4 (SINOP) Aug 65 to Aug 66 and again in Mar 69 to Sep 69 in the military personnel office or MILPO. He spent a couple of tours in Vietnam as well. We met in May 72 and were married in August of that year. We are celebrating 30 years of marriage this year. We have two children, Bonnie, our daughter is going to be 28 this year and James has just turned 24. Bonnie is studying Spanish nightlife in Madrid and returns to work next month and James is working and studying in Seattle, though he has switched his major to a girl in Michigan. He is planning on moving to Michigan and finishing his degree there sometime next year. Jim has retired from the military, though not from military life. He is working at the Military Personnel Office at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He processes military retirements there. We plan to retire in about five years from federal service. His interests are fishing and gardening, though this past year, he has combined these two interests into his goldfish pond. His garden pond has 19 goldfish of various colors and sizes and 2 koi. Well, that's about it. I hope you can catch up with your other friends. Please let us know if anyone was stationed at SINOP around the same time as Jim, he would enjoy catching up with them. Take care, Mari Mills
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI BIO FOR ED HOLLAND
HOLLAND, Edward W E3-E5 058 Det 27, JN60-JN62, (Dottie), Salisbury, MD,
[edited] Hi. Just to
say a word that I was pleasantly surprised to hear from Bob
Murphy Friday night and from Elder RC Green. I will not be able
to attend the reunion this year. Too many things going on that I
am involved with at this time. I sure would have liked to. My
hope is that there will another reunion and maybe then I would be
able to attend. I would like to be added to the list of men that
was a part of Det. 27. I was there from June of 60 till June of
62. As I told Bob I have lost all of my papers and I have
absolutely nothing to look back on except what few things I can
remember. I recognize some of the names of the list. I remember
Bob Murphy quite well and Darrell Mezo. Others I just can't seem
to put it all together. Maybe it will come to me later. You have
sure got the juices flowing as to my life in those long ago
years. Thanks for contacting me. Yes, I was from Berlin, MD I am
now living in Salisbury, MD I have a wife, Dottie and three grown
children and three grandchildren. I have been employed by Giant
Food Inc. for 27 years and I am also an ordained minister in the
Wesleyan Church and I pastor a small congregation in Mardela
Springs, MD a 10 minute drive from where I live. The church is
the reason I am too busy to attend this year. Too much going on.
I went to Turkey as a PFC and came home as a SP/5. Again thanks
for contacting me and I sure would like to receive the
Newsletters. Edward W. Holland (Wayne)
Mike Comroe
I will start this at
the beginning of 1960 when I thought that the draft was close to
grabbing my young butt; so made the trip down to see my friendly
Recruiting Sergeant to talk about enlistment possibilities. His
name was SFC Comly and was a pretty good guy. He suggested that
with my test scores and background, I would be a good candidate
for that super secret Army group the "Army Security
Agency" (if Id only knew better I should have got up
and started running). Well I bit and off I went to Ft Dix for
basic and on to Ft Devens for Diddy-Bop training. Boy did I hate
that Shit and was lucky to be the last in my class to divert to
059 (there really is a God). Our instructors kept telling us that
if were good little Pfcs and study hard we would have
the choice of assignments in order of class standing, such as;
Hawaii, Northern or Southern Japan, England or Hdqtrs Europe .
Did I believe them, you betcha! I studied my little ass off and
finished second in my class, and now the big day came
allocation time
and here I go
Hawaii! However this
Spec/5 comes into our class and puts five names on the
blackboard., guess whose name was first
mine! He announced
that because of the needs of the service, the following EM will
have to take hardship tours to Turkey because of their class one
teeth and lack of dental personnel in Turkey. Did you ever wonder
where "FTA, originated, I think I can tell you! Well after I
sobered up, wrote my Congressman and went on leave, I found
myself on a chartered Super Constellation with stops in Gander,
Ireland, Rome , Frankfort, and Ankara (did I tell you where FTA
originated). We were met by converted 2 1/2 ton truck to a bus
for the drive to Site 23. All the way thru the little villages on
both sides of Ankara greeted us by the Turkish welcoming greeting
of extending the middle finger of both hands and throwing little
dried meadow muffins at us. Well we finally made to the base and
were quartered in one of the day rooms until assigned to a
trick.. The first time I went downtown; what did I find
Zoomie dentists with nothing to do but play with their drills.
Did you ever wonder where FTA originated? Six weeks later after
the Army found my lost records, I was assigned to trick 4 where I
completed my time at Manzarali Station. I should have stayed in
supply where I was TDY until my records were found, I would have
made E-5. Some of my favorite memories were playing on the 1962
Championship football team., playing tree interior guard (Sir,
all trees are present and accounted for, Sir), boycotting the
mess hall for Thanksgiving dinner because we were ordered to wear
class A uniforms; this was just after we stopped tree guard and
someone painted FTA on the water tower. Two of my more favorite
memories were playing football against Capt Gibbs, and
Headquarters Co. and the Colonels daughter. I will not
comment any further on these items, except after having more than
a few drinks
. you buying gH? The best time I had at Site 23
was our Trick Christmas party 12/62, but I think Ill let Lt
Tavernetti tell that story since he will be there with his lovely
wife. Sorry but I was too early for Fock Rock. I completed my
Army service at Two Rock Ranch Station, Petaluma, CA, which was
one of the nicest bases I have been to in my short Army career.
Beautiful country, and we had the nicest corn growing on post
plus a herd of sheep grazing in the antenna farm. TRRS was the
last duty station for short timers of the M/Sgt and Major types,
so we had very little BS to put up with. Did I mention that TRRS
had its own 48 ft fishing boat; and also its own tour bus run by
Special Services? Returned to my old job at Fisher Scientific and
retired April 1,1992 after 38 years of service as a Regional
Sales Manager. Ive been married for 32 years to my loving
wife , Jane, who is an Internal Auditor for Merck & Co, West
Point, Pa . I have two adult sons ; Brian, 28, a Special Ed
teacher in Berlin, MD and David, 25 an Information Systems Mgr
for SUNY in Syracuse, NY. Brian is a graduate of Duquesne
University and David from Syracuse University. Both are advanced
Black Belts in Taekwondo and David is a Pennsylvania State
Champion in Trapshooting. We currently live in Audubon,Pa, which
is just outside Valley Forge National Park.
BIO of Nelson Murray
Elder, following is my bio. Hope it's what you're looking for. Thanks for sending the ASA patch. Appreciate your keeping me in mind when you get more Det 27 patches. I'd like to order an XL golf shirt in teal. As you've heard before, a $25 check will be in tomorrow's mail Aug 3. M Nelson (Butch) Murray
Manuel Nelson (Butch) Murray, SP5, 059, DET 27, JN60-JL62
Our friend Mr. Kennedy was kind enough to extend our stay at Manzarali an additional six months, so many of us that helped open the operations facility were able to end our military career when we arrived back in the U.S. at the end of our hitch. After signing all of the final papers and getting my final pay, we all went our separate ways. I've lost touch with most of those guys. Has anyone heard from Ken Chittim (originally from Newcastle, WY I think) or Don Norris from Silver Springs, MD? Since Missouri was my home, I went there to visit my folks for a few weeks, then on to Denver where I had planned to work and live. My first job was with Montgomery Wards, but I soon started a career in the oil business, initially with Exxon in Montana and North Dakota. After being caught out in a blizzard and having to attempt driving about 30 miles without seeing the hood ornament on my car, I left good ole North Dakota and moved my family to Kansas City where I began a 25 year career with Conoco in St. Louis, Missouri as a sales representative, then moved to Houston headquarters for a 14 year stretch and several different positions, all in Marketing. In 1989, my wife Sandy and I were transferred from Houston to the Denver area where we lived in Castle Rock, Colorado and both worked at Conoco in South Denver until I got an early retirement package in June 1992. Sandy continued working for Conoco. In order to stay busy, I started an ad specialty business which kept me out of trouble for a few years. Then, in 1998, Sandy decided to end her 23-year career with Conoco, so we sold our home and moved to the Mexican village of Ajijic, 40 minutes SE of Guadalajara, for three years. This was a marvelous experience, and we were reluctant to leave, but lately had been receiving a lot of pressure from our two sons to "come home." So May 1, 2002, we left Mexico and are currently renting a house in Katy, Texas on the west side of Houston so that we can be close to all of our family. We have enjoying catching up on the activities of our busy sons, nieces, and their families. It looks like we will be here for a while, so it would be great to hear from any of the guys I worked with at
DET 27 before leaving
in July of 1962. I can be reached at: M. Nelson (Butch) Murray,
19938 Upland Creek Dr., Katy, TX 77449, email: Phone 281-855-4255
From: Brian Alpert
Dear Elder Green
About my listing under new found vets. The dates shown for my stay were wrong.
Looking at my old army records I see that I arrived in Sinop Turkey (TUSLOG Det 4) on May 29th 1964. I was an 056 RDF and was assigned to the point site. I left Turkey enroute to my next and last Duty Assignment the 600th US ASA Co in Vicenza Italy on April 30th 1965. I received an overseas discharge on April 25th 1966. While in Italy I served at Det B both in Lecce and after its move to San Vito and later I served at Det A in Ravenna. During my stay at TUSLOG Det 4 I was sent TDY for a short time to Det 27. I don't remember anything about my stay at Det 27 other then I was sent there with another 056'er from Sinop, Wayne Inman. I would love to hear from anyone who was stationed at Sinop during that time and of course from any 056 guys who were at the point site including any Navy (Squids) from that time. no matter what lies they may have written about me or my trick in the Point Site Log Book.Regards, Brian Alpert
Question of the Day from DUMBO: "Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the universe are pointed away from Earth?"
Subject: See You At The Hershey Reunion
Hi Elder & Patty: - Just a quick note to let you know that Val and I will be attending the Hershey reunion 13-15 Sep. I made reservations at the Holiday Inn. Will drop a check into the mail, first thing Monday morning, for the dinners at the Turf Club. Got to run now, we're on are way to the ASA Reunion at Blobs Park, today (1200 - 1700). Hope to see you there! Take care & KTF.
Subject: Re: Blob's park foto - Hi Elder & Patty: - What a pleasant surprise it was when we got out of the car at Blob's to see you both. We were hoping that you would be there. It was also nice to see that Raje seemed to enjoy the party along with everyone else! Thanks for the photo. It is excellent! We already sent a copy to our kids in Alabama and friends and family in England. Again Thanks! Take care and see you in Hershey.
From: "John Owen", RA17652043, E3-E5, 93J, (Janette), Elkhart, IA.,>
Subject: Tuslog Crest
[edited] Elder: - I haven't found my patches yet but did find a cigarette lighter. It's pretty close to the patch, however I think it was somewhat different. I have a box of patches and some of those fancy awards they give out when you left SINOP. I haven't found these yet. We have just accumulated too many treasures over the last 40 years. Here are jpeg scans of the Crest and Ft Dix orders to Det 4 & 27. Still finding bits and pieces. Will copy some of them and send by mail.
[[The Special Orders 184, dtd 2 July 64 is too big KB to attach and I've extracted the following names on those orders and the names add a special twist as John W. Owen and John W. Grimes from Sun City West, Arizona will be to the Hershey reunion and Mark Hamilton (the founder of the Manzarali website) might be able to attend as he just completed a move from Orlando to Cincinnati, OH
To Det 4
SP5 James D. Ford
PFC John W. Owen
PFC Charles R. Smart, RA14814384
PVT Robert J. Morgan, RA14808343
To Det 27
PFC John W. Grimes, RA16781472
PFC Kenneth R. Hall, RA12688304
PFC James E. Holmquist, RA17549573
PFC William McDonald, RA19790786
PVT Mark N. Hamilton, RA19782118
From: "Norman Ryan, SP4, 059, Det 27, JL60-JL61, Durham, NC.,>
Hello, Elder, - Thanks for sending out the latest DOOL. The earlier issues were being forwarded to me from another list, but were unreadable due to a glitch somewhere. I devised a workaround, but it was in plaintext and limited to a certain length at which point the text would suddenly stop. Anyway, I hope we can stay with this mailing set-up. It's working well. Vy 73 de Norman KG4SWM (Det 27, Jul 60 to Jul 61)
From: Dick Barthol,
SP5, 058, Det 27, 60-62, (Jean), Mayfield, NY.,
Jean and I are looking forward to meeting you at the reunion, but
will not be at the Turf Club dinner. Dick Bartholf
Hi Elder, My wife and I are coming to the reunion and would also
like to partake of the dinner on Saturday night. We're staying at
the Hershey Lodge. Thanks, Kevin and Silvia Camson
From: "Nelson
I read a couple of comments about the "tree incident".
My memory is probably not what it used to be, but I seem to
recall that after the "tornado" struck and the
"fit hit the shan", for a short time some of the guys
had to pull guard duty on the trees that were left carrying a
broomstick handle since the Turks wouldn't allow us to have M1's.
M Nelson (Butch) Murray
From: Julian Hargus
Subject: Manzarali patch - Elder, I would like to get one the Manzarali patches when you send the order. thx. I just now opened the attachments and saw the patch and it reminded me to let you know.
From: Brian Hennessey
Turkey about the same size as New Hampshire???? Its about 32 times as large as New Hampshire. (Maybe that reference was to a Thanksgiving turkey.)
There's two theories to arguin' with a woman. Neither one works. - Will Rogers
From: Jim Harber, 058, SP5, Det 27, 62-63, (Becky), Acworth, GA.,>
[edited] gH, - The clock is ticking... won't be long till Hershey. We are really looking forward to this trip. July was a hectic month here.... Do you have any listing of all those with confirmed reservations?
From: joe chesser
Subject: Fw: MERGER TIPS FOR 2002
In the wake of the Exxon/Mobil deal and the AOL/Time Warner implode, I wanted to make a few close friends aware of the next expected mergers so you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks. Watch for these consolidations in late 2002 and make yourself a bundle.
1. Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W.R.Grace Co. will merge and become Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.
2. Polygram Records, Warner Bros, and Zesta Crackers join forces and become Polly, Warner Cracker.
3. 3M will merge with Goodyear and issue forth as MMMGood.
4. Zippo Mfg, Audi Motor Car, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge to become ZipAudiDoDa.
5. Federal Express is expected to join its major competitor, UPS, and consolidate as FedUP
6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become FairwellHoneychild.
7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become Poupon Pants.
8. Knotts Berry Farm and the Nat'l Organization of Women will become Knott NOW!
The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed.
From: <>
Elder, - There have been some changes in family plans and my wife and I will be unable to attend the Sept reunion. We will try again next year.
Identity Theft Victim Action: If you become a victim of identity theft, there are ways to recover your good credit rating. First, report the identity theft to Social Security's Fraud Hotline at 1-800-269-0271. Then, report it to the Federal Trade Commission's ID Theft Hotline,
1-877-IDTHEFT. You also should contact the three major credit bureaus, tell them you're an identity theft victim and ask them to place a fraud alert on your records. The credit bureaus are:
· Equifax: 1-800-525-6285 or
· Trans Union: 1-800-680-7289 or
· Experian: 1-888-397-3742 or
Also, write your creditors and ask them to contact you before opening any new accounts in your name or changing existing accounts or credit limits. For more information on identity theft, visit the Social Security identity theft page at It is important to be aware of the threat of identity theft. For example, some Courts are considering or may have put recorded documents on line to make them accessible through the Internet. This could provide crooks and as well as others unlimited and uncontrolled access to recorded documents to steal another person's identity. [Source: NAUS Leg Up for July 26, 2002]
Subject: (no subject)
Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from.
Major companies that import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 - 8/31/01).
Shell................ 205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco....... 144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil......... 130,082,000 barrels
Marathon............. 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco................ 62,231,000 barrels
If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION!
Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo 0 barrels
Sunoco 0 barrels
Conoco 0 barrels
Sinclair 0 barrels
BP/Phillips 0 barrels
All of this
information is available from the Department of Energy and can be
easily documented. Refineries located in the U.S. are required to
state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.
They report on a monthly basis.
Keep this list in your car; share it with friends. Stop paying
for terrorism.............
But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers.
It's really simple to do!!
Now, don't wimp out
to forget and buy GAS
where it is the cheapest.......NO MORE SHELL....NO MORE