[[I have to have a headcount to Penn National for the banquet dinner NLT 15 August. Hopefully everybody will get the meal money ($35. per person) to me by the cutoff date. However, everyone is welcome to join us at the TURF CLUB without partaking of the meal, but to gain entrance one will need a official Reunion Badge. Thus, if you're planning on attending the TURF CLUB or the Hospitality Room at the Holiday Inn, please send me your name so that "I" can make a badge for you! Looking forward to seeing you all. Elder RC Green- - -gH
ALPERT, Brian, Det 4, 68-69, from NY, alpert@worldnet.att.net
ANDERSON, Jerry, Crypto repair, Det 27, NO56-MY58, (Sally), 5209 Lindermann Ave., Racine, WI 53406, 262-634-8509, jsa@wi.net
Elder - Thank you
for the newsletters. Hope to make it to the reunion one way
or the other. I'm using a telephone line. I believe my tour of
duty was 18 months which would put me in Ankara 10/56 thru 5/58
as I came home to get married 6/58 and we went out to Two Rock
Ranch ASA post in Petaluma Calif. till my discharge. Here's a
couple of names that came to mind while going thru some old
slides: George Gobel; Tim Connoly and Ray Gazola (sp?) Thank you CLEMONS, Oran Det 27,
NO62-AP64, (Linda-div), PO Box 1981 Mesilla Park, NM 88047,
505-522-1569 Lived in Ankara fm OK per Kempf, oranc@zianet.com Joe Elsberry gave me your
email. I was at Site 23 from about Nov 1962 to April
1964. I don't know what you would like, but I would be
happy to participate. ERICKSON, Ron, DOB: 1940, SP4, 059,
Det 27, MY61-DE62, (Cathy), 17204 E 37th Ter. S, Independence, MO
64055, 816-373-3349, rke3349@cs.com IVERSON, Randy E2-E5 059 Det 27,
JN66-JN68, 7805 S. College Ave., Tulsa, OK 74136, 918-481-5561, civerson@oru.edu JONES, Ira, DOB NO42 E4 Det 4,
62-63, AL. Ira saw my add in the American Legion Magazine
and had his daughter, Pam Sherum, 1-800-633-6282 ext 2172 and
256-839-6787, psherum@madixinc.com. She, too, could
not send an email because of the error. From: "Sherum, Pam", PSherum@madixinc.com - I just spoke
with you concerning my father, IRA JOHN JONES, about
the reunion. I just wanted to verify my email address
for you. Thank you for your time.
KAHLER, Charles, Det 66-1
(Sinop), NO60-NO61, 1044 Ext. E. 8th St., Bloomsburg, PA
17815, 570-784-4151, Dkahler8@aol.com Subject: Army
Security Agency Det 66-1 Sinop Turkey Mr. Green, - I saw
your comrade notice in the Legion Magazine. I am unable to
attend any gathering that the article mentioned about Sept
13-15. I was stationed at Det 66-1 from November of
1960 to November 1961. It would be nice to hear from any of
my comrades that were at Det 66-1 at that time. I also
spent a
short time with three other buddies at Det 66 in
Ankara. A family member is sending this e-mail on my
behalf. You can send an e-mail response back to this e-mail
address, dkahler8@aol.com. My
mailing address is below in case you should talk to or know
of anyone that would recognize my name.
Charles Kahler, 1044 Ext. East 8th Street., Bloomsburg,
PA 17815, 570-784-4151
Joe, E4-E6, 98J, Det 4, 66-67, (Lois),
3500 E Ironwood Cir., Sioux Falls, SD 57103, 605-332-2272, mattecheck@sio.midco.net Subject: Reunion
asa - Just looking for a little more information. Thanks
for your time [Joe saw my ASA Turkey reunion notice in the
American Legion Magazine and called me on the 30th. Joe informs
that he served 3y11m29d12h13m&26s in the ASA & then
worked 35 years in the telecommunications field
1932, E3-E4, Det 4, 56-57, (Donna), 26 County Club Rd., Shalimar,
FL 32579, 850-609-5725, meis244@netscape.net. George saw my
reunion add in the American Legion magazine and called about the
reunion. He married Donna, a native of Carlisle, PA., while
he was TDY to the
Training facility at Carlisle Barracks in 1951. George, a native
of Oregon, had a rocky 15 years of active duty which ended
in 1965 when he was given a medical discharge of 10%, then
increased to 30% and now is at 100%. They have 5 children,
the oldest is a retired USAF Full Bull. It's almost
unbelieveable, but George departed SINOP for Ankara in a DOLMUS
(cab) when he rotated to the states. A newly assigned Lt
had rode from Ankara to Sinop in the DOLMUS and George asked the
CO if he could take the DOLMUS back to Ankara as he was scheduled
to rotate in a few days. Per George the CO was glad to get rid of
him and away he rode to Ankara RODRIGUES, Charlie, Supply,
Det 4, 59-60, 210 Benham Ave., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315-487-1195, bbocyck@twcny.rr.com Subject: Turkey
reunion. - Dear Mr. Green, You spoke with my father, Charlie
Rodrigues, the other day regarding the reunion. Could you
please send me any information you have regarding it.Thank you,
Barb Bocyck, bbocyck@twcny.rr.com SAUKAS, Joe E4-E5 981 Det 4,
60-61, (Diane), 2886 Pebble Beach Dr., Elliott City, MD 21042,
410-418-9399, S3A9U1K0A2S9@comcast.net (cable). First off
can anyone guess the DOB of Joe? Joe was a Crypie in the ASA and
included that data in his email. He is 62 with DOB being
29Oct1939. Joe saw my ad in the American Legion Magazine and
called as my email was listed wrong in the Legion magazine.
Joe said that he should have deciphered it once it got kicked
back to him, but decided to call instead. He retired from
NSA in November 1997 as a GS-14. He remembers the incident
at SINOP when a Turk was shot at the front gate by a NEW GUY who
was detailed for MP duty. He can't remember the name, but
might once he gets his memory to a working. He told me that
all newks were detailed for MP duty at Det 4, but that he NEVER
had to work the front gate! His wife, Diane, also works for
NSA. They do a lot of travelling in their RV and might
drive it to Hershey and camp out in the Holiday Inn parking lot.
Joe reports that he copied the 85 page 2001 Memory Book
onto his ZIP disk and read it that way. He had no
knowledge of Bill Simons excellent SINOP webpage until I gave him
instructions to log onto it and reports that he found the SINOP
home page and one for Shemya the other place he
served. Since I have field assignment's with the NSA
in Harrograte and Misawa I will be looking for them later
also. I have a history of Sinop and one of Shemya (WW2 to
ASA) but I will read the other files before I send Sinop to
you. tks for the info. [[To find the SINOP or
Manzarali websites, use one of the many search engines
(altavista, yahoo, etc), then type in Det 4 Sinop Turkey and Det
27 Manzarali Turkey respectively- - -gH]]
Julian Hargus on July 19, 2002 wondered if John Kerns who was also at Det
4 in 60/61 remembers the name of the MP that was involved in the
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHAFER, Don Det 27, 66-68, VP
& Gen Mgr., TORSTAR Media Grp Television, One Yonge St., 9th
Flr., Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1E6, 416-969-4969, dshafer@tmg.ca Just received an email
from Don Salcido who advised me of a ASA reunion. As I was there
some-where around 66 - 67/68 (its a blur) this could be fun. I
have seen the list of attendees and don't recognize many names
but then again, its a long time ago. Hope to hear from you and
please feel free to add me to any list or email string you are
building. Don Shafer, VP & Gen Mgr., Torstar Media Group
Television, One Yonge Street, 9th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5E
1E6, Phone: (416) 869-4969
Fax: (416) 869-4566
Cell: (416) 432-6408 E-Mail: dshafer@tmg.ca STUMBAUGH, Doug, Det 27,
69-62, dstumb@hotmail.com Hi -
Received a call last night from Chuck Tescker who I served
with for two years at the test site in 60',61'62'. Sounds
like you are the man for information on everything. Sure
would like to contact some of the guys but haven't had much luck
over the years. Stayed in touch with a couple but thats it. Put
me on your e-mail list for your newsletter. Sounds
great. If I can ever help with anything, let me know. THIEDEK, Vic, SP5, 059,
Det 27, 60-2JN62, victhiedek@isd.net Elder Green - Mirhaba...
My name is Vic Thiedek. RA16635174. SP5. USASA Site 23.
TUSLOG DET 27.. I was there from I believe early 1960 until June
2 1962....2 years+ in oblivion. I had a call from
Chuck Teschker last nite (great suprise) and he told me about
you. I can remember quite a few names of
people who were there during my time. Chuck says you
publish a newsletter. If so, Please put me on your mailing list
and also any questions, please e-mail me at victhiedek@isd.net Gule Gule...vic
TRUMPOWER, Glenn WO1 Det 4,
66-67, (Jeanie-dec, 2/W Nancy), 18 N. Michigan Dr., Falling
Waters, WV 25149. Glenn saw my Legion ad regarding the Hershey
reunion and called me. Glenn is 67, an ex-supply officer
and native of Hagerstown, MD., retired as a CW4 at Ft
Meade, MD in 1974. Jeanie, his 1st wife passed away
in 1991and later he married Nancy who will accompany him to the
reunion. Glenn says that he enjoyed his Tour of Duty at
Sinop and that there is a lot of proud military tradition and
service within his and connected family. Lots of West Pointers.
He remembers the time that they had to literally SHIP a Det
4 GI out of Det 4 in a COURIER BAG to Samsun, then on to Det 27
and rotation to the USA. The incident as Glenn reported it
to me was over a dog. The GI (name unknown) was either a MP or
was detailed as a guard when a TURK with a mean dog approached -
The "kid" instructed the Turk to control the dog, but
he did not - and the 'kid' pulled out his 45 to protect
himself - the incident ended - BUT the TURK reported that the GI
had threatened to shoot him and not the DOG. Why you
ask "IN A COURIER BAG?" - because the courier
vehicle was always driven by a TURK with an MP or detailed GI
guard riding shotgun! This plus many more interesting
events that happened during Glenn's year tour at Sinop will be
told by Glenn at the reunion . Glenn wants to know it any
subscriber to the DOOL knows the whereabouts of a RICHARD ADAMS who was a
ex-supply sgt who married an Italian gal while he was stationed
in Asmara. They had 5 or 6 kids and Glenn Trumpower told me that
Dick Adams was one of the finest NCO that he ever met. Glenn
informs that he is in the process of updating his computer system
and will be back on line very soon and that he will, in the
meantime, be drafting a BIO
THE ATTACHMENTS The Hershey#10 photo is that of my wife,
Patty, and was taken outside the TURF CLUB entrance at the Penn
National Race Course which is one mile from the Holiday
Inn. The TURF CLUB is on the 5th floor overlook- ing the one
mile horse race track. The Det 27 Patch1 is the official Det 27
logo patch. The other ASA Det's will have their # in place
of 27 and, of course, the location, etc will be changed. It
all depends on Roger Glubka whose wife (Michelle) is a active duty
CW3 stationed in Korea. Roger sent the following on the
29th: Going down to the part of town [Seoul] that do those
patches this weekend. Now with the World Cup over ,
maybe they need the work? Like I said before it's not the
material that cost but the program that runs the design. I
should have taken the picture to Vietnam and had it done there
dirt cheap........hindsight. Later! Roger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bbask@erols.com Cc: Elder RC Green Hi Bill
Baskervill, - Where the heck do you live that you
haven't run across one single ASA guy in nearly 40 years?
Let me tell you something that may astound you. One of my closest
neighbors (I live in a rural part of the Mojave desert North
of Los Angeles) is a guy I went to Turkey with on the same Pan Am
flight back in Dec '62. We left Manzarali together and were
reassigned to the same duty station, Fort Devens, where we both
spent our last year. Now he always worked in OPS and I in HQ as
administrative types, but we were pals and spent time doing stuff
in Ankara and went to Greece a couple times on leave, dated girls
in Massachusetts who were also friends of one another, and
when we mustered out after our 3 year enlistment, I
mentioned to him that if he wanted to leave his old city
neighborhood in Long Beach, there were jobs where I lived and we
could room together until we could afford other arrangements. Well, shortly after I got
home in July of 1965, he showed up at my folks house and we
pitched our funds together and bought an old camp trailer (early
50's vintage) and rented space in a cheap park in town. Well, not
much time went by before he met a gal and not too much more until
I did too and we both got married to local girls. He's still
married to the same one and lives just 500 feet from my house.
I'm on my second wife but that's another story. Both of us moved
around the country a bit, but ended up right back here in
Ridgecrest, CA. I don't know what time frame you were in Turkey, so
you probably may not know me or my army buddy, Andy Cook, or
"AJ" as he was called when he was a clerk at OPS in all
of '63 and half of '64. It's not a great story, but it still amazes me that
you never ran across any of us in all these years. Heck, I was flying one year
maybe around 1967 and ran into John Hasbrouck (another guy who
worked in HQ, Det 27 in the terminal at San Francisco. I
just know he was working for the government in secrecy and
was abit taken back that someone recognized him and called out to
him. "No time to talk", he said as he rushed on to
wherever it was he was headed. I lost track of a neighbor lad
that enlisted with me in June of 1962. His name was Marshall
Turner and he lived just up the street from me. He asked me that
Summer what my plans were as he walked down our street one day
and I told him that I had been accepted in the USASA, where only
the "top 10%" were accepted. This impressed him and he
asked about my recruiter and where he could go to test for this
opportunity. I told him, he went and he tested high in
language skills, we went to basic together and he not only
excelled as a soldier (very gung-ho, as we used to say), but he
went to the Army Language school there in Monterey and studied
Russian. He was sent to Chitose, Japan on his first assignment
overseas and I have never heard about or from anyone who has
ever seen him. One thing more, Marshall's last name was changed
to Coover by the Army. Apparently, that was his legal last name.
Any one out there ever run across him? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Did y'all know that: 1. That ex-ASA'ers
are unique and one of a kind 2. Some people don't seem too
worse for wear.
3. Your life can be what you want it to be 4.
Walking, seeing, hearing and comprehending are things that we
take, too often, for granted. ======================================================================
Phil and Donnie Kelly [edited] Since you and I were
UNDERGROUND MINERS - we can share, theory, our memories and
experiences with those of the 9 trapped, but now rescued
coal miner's here in Western PA. One can only imagine
the ordeal they went through waiting and wondering if they
would be rescued. What bothers me is that when they were
that close, the face sound should have aroused the miner
operator's attention as the sound when approaching a cut-through
is unique in that the pressure causes the coal to buckle and
squeeze for the lack of a better explanation in my limited
vocabulary. I'm basing this on personal experience - when I
recall the miner operator cutting through into a cross-cut or
parallel heading, the sound is very tintee or unique in sound and
on the other side it gets your attention very quick and caused
many a newk to RUN. They say that the cut into mine was an OLD
mine. It probably was mined in the 20's or 30's and the
roof support system was in shambles and more or less non
existent, meaning that most of it was caved in. I remember
once cutting into a BIG drill hole and the amount of water
spewing out of it was unbelievable and it took several days to
get it plugged with the end of a tapered creosote pole. We just
set pumps and pumped the spewing water into dams in the #6 and #7
return air passageways and then other pumps pumped the water
outside. The intake and or return entries had to be walked
once a month by the crew for familiarization, etc. Sometimes it
was 4 or 5 miles in height's ranging from 3ft to 5ft and the
faithful pick hammer was used as a walking cane especially in the
low coal. EVERYONE dreaded the walk, but it was a MSHA law.
The terrain in the coal mines where I worked for 20+ years had
hills and valleys just like on the surface. The normal
transportation from the portal to the feeder (dumping point onto
a conveyor belt) is via a 10 man DC powered mantrip. Not
one time did I hear the term BLACK DAMP used. Normally old
and abandoned mines have no or very little oxygen and on several
occasions I had the opportunity to work in a COAL mine that was
nearing an old mine and we kept our self sustaining rescue
equipment on our belts or inby the feeder in case of an
emergency, BUT that gear was primarily for use when smoke was
present in the mine. In my experience, nothing is more scarier
than cave in's and especially where the miner operator is trapped
in the operator compartment and is covered up with really
BIG slabs that had to be removed with dynamite blasts.
Sometimes it took 2 days to get the miner operator out of the
continuous miner machine. You name - I've been
involved in most happenings which includes a run away
mantrip, caves, ignition of the methane gas, and I was
always able to walk away more or less unscathed. I never
brought my work experiences home to the family as I didn't want
them to worry everyday about my safety. But like all miner
operators, the name of the game is COAL and production regardless
whether one is a laborer or supervisor. A face crew
normally consists of 9 men. (A miner operator, his helper, a roof
bolter and his helper, 2 shuttle car operators, a mechanic, a
laborer and, of course, the boss). I truly do miss
the COAL MINES, especially the crews and the men that I was
friends with. The language of a COAL MINER when underground
is truly unique in that the vocabulary can be sumed up in about
10 cuss words, and nearly everyone chewed Copenhagen or
Skoll SNUFF, which included me. I've attached three
photo's that we took on Tuesday when we drove to the area where
the 9 coal miners were rescued. The Miner2 photo is the
hole where the 9 were lifted to safety. There is a small
USA flag atop the oblong rock covering the hole. Miner4 photo is
Patty standing opposite the rescue hole and U can see the cattle
keeping cool in the small farm pond. Miner 6 photo is gH and Raje
standing near the rescue bore hole. Just below my right
elbow is a white square pad that is covering the 6" AIR HOLE
that was the 1st hole drilledand was used to pump air into the
mine. The whole area is being scooped up and hauled
away. The air is very offensive as it is from the soapy
mixture that they used when drilling the BIG holes. We had
been to the Shanksville area (about 10 miles away) three times to
where Flight 93 plowed into the edge of a stripped and barren
area, but the rescue area and site is VERY picturesque
and is designated as a agriculture security area . The
rescue site is no more that 75 yards off Rte 985 From: Phil Kelly, SP4, S2, Det 27, DE62-MY64,
(Donnie), Ridgecrest, CA., res037jb@gte.net Subject: Nine men out! Hello
Elder and Patty, You got part of it right,
pard. I was a drill and blast miner nearly 20 years ago, but it
wasn't coal. I worked here in the West really not too far away,
about 140 miles from my place on the East side of the Death
Valley monument in an underground Colemanite mine. That operation
is quite different than coal mines (my grandfather worked in them
near Shamokin, PA). In coal mines it appears that the excavation
follows the seam of coal and rarely is there much height
for walking upright. In
the mine where I worked we used 5 yard diesel front loaders to
muck out the drifts and stopes. In some haulages it was possible
to pass by another loader or low profile dump truck. The main
haulage was 14' high and 16' wide in most of it and occasionally
even larger where the rock was unstable and steel sets had to be
erected. We stoped out drifts to a
height of 70' and used double drum slushers to pull the loose
muck under a lip for safe loading. I have never been in a coal
mine, only had it described to me and my granpap showed me how he
walked with his lunch bucket clasped behind his back. The Billie Mine (where I worked) was in
very unstable tertiary ground (ancient sea bed) and the rock
tended to flake from the back in tombstone sized to Cadillac
sized pieces. It was in one such rockfall that I missed going to
an early grave simply by being observant and electing to work in
another area of the mine. One man lost his life and another was
maimed so badly he never worked underground again. I tell my
story often to people who don't believe in a Higher Power,
particularly in AA meetings when I get the opportunity. Maybe I
can share it with you or some other vets sometime when there is
time. I enjoyed the pictures very
much. Hard to believe that the site of the rescue is so quiet
now. Boy, you live in a busy little corner of the world there in
PA, with the Sep 11th thing and this 9 guys stuck underground. To tell you the truth, without the
knowledge that the people there had, I had given up much hope of
finding those guys alive. I didn't know what they were up
against, but being flooded out like that conjured up a pretty
rough picture. I thought if the water didn't get them, bad air,
or no air would have done it. You
are right about the language of the miner. Not just the bad, but
also the terms used were something else indeed. We called the
ventilation experts, "wind fairies", I was on the
graveyard shift for a lot of my time in the mine, doing heavy
maintenance work on the workings so that the production (days,
swings) could get out more ore. I learned rockbolting, timbering,
the use and handling of several kinds of explosives (we used ANFO
in the down holes in stoping) and how to operate quite a number
of specialty vehicles used in that operation. Most of our mine had to have the back
(roof) completely rockbolted and wire meshed. Even then, great
rockfalls occured and a number of fellows were killed or hurt in
the four years I worked there. The mine was shaped like a wheel,
the main haulage spiraled from the lowest level (1240' down) up
to the 760' level with spokes driven out in the richest lode and
stoped between levels. It was exciting work, I thought. I was 37
when I started and in great shape. I'll send along a few photos. Your dog, Raje reminds me of the poodle
that my wife had until last Winter. I used to take him for walks
in the surrounding desert here and unfortunately he ate some
coyote bait that someone left out. He died during the night
unbeknownst to us. He had a little pooch playmate that also ate
the poison but lived. I had to give her away to my grandson who
had a dog that needed a playmate because Tootsie was too lonely
without Pepi the poodle.
That's me in
the 3rd and 4th picture otherwise I took the pictures myself. I
have lots more if you want to see. Best
wishes and looking forward to seeing you and all the guys at
Hershey.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THE STORY OF BUGNUTS From: "Daryl Waite, SP4, Det 66,
DE63-JA65, (Hope), Carthage, IL., k9jpq@hotmail.com Elder: - The
Story of "Bugnuts"
Young Lady: "Aw, what a cute puppy. What's his
GI: "Bugnuts"
YL: Says nothing, just gives him a
strange look!
GI: Explains that bugnut is common term
for split-bolt connector.
But, most of the time, Bugnuts hung out at the transmitter site.
As I recall, several men were TDY to Sinop once after a
storm, and one came back with a cute little puppy, who
essentially became a Det 66 mascot. I remember a Lopez
became especially attached to Bugnuts, and for several
months watched him grow, often
with "leftovers" from the Airmen's Mess Hall.
(Being billeted in downtown Ankara, we usually ate at the
Airmen's Mess Hall.) But, after several months, like many
pets, he became curious as to what the bottom of a tire
looks like. His "opportunity" arrived one
afternoon with the Varan shift change bus. The event was
particularly devastating to Lopez, who asked one of the
Turkish guards to put him out of his misery. Refused on
the grounds that all rounds had to be accounted for.
Before and after there were other pups, but I'll bet every
Det 66'er (mid-64) remembers Bugnuts. (Attempts to
locate Lopez futile - 100+ matching names on
switchboard) Daryl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Your Opinion Counts 1. Keep the bio's and stories
coming - this is a terrific exchange and I owe lots of
people my thanks for their hard work. I won't know about
coming to the reunion until we get closer to September.-
Vic Pryor, Mesa, AZ, SP4, 05K, Det 27, AU60-JN62
2. Send me your opinions and then read them here.
Your responses will help me formulate my opinion and make this
newsletter a splash rather than a drip!
===================================================================== From: Roy
DesRUISSEAUX, PFC, MP, Det 27, JN61-AU62, (Josie), Upper Darby,
PA., desrx2@comcast.net [edited] Elder : -
Just heard from Ed Larkin's wife . They may just pop into the
breakfast .We'll see; they have a lot going on with his mother in
Fla. etc. Any how I think I might see him after 40 years. I
may have another MP or two to add to the found list pretty
soon,thanks to Allan Chermack. Ok I know you are busy and the
wife and I are in the process of house hunting. I'm both excited
and dreading this move. Oh well that's what life's about. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sam
Brungard, SP5, 98J, Det 4-2, FE65-FE67, (Linda), Mill Hall, PA.,
no e-mail Linda called me on the 1st
of August and enthusiastically said "We're coming to the
reunion and I want to buy Sam an early Christmas gift by ordering
a Det 4-2, XL, Navy, Golf Shirt. [Thus far Sam is the ONLY
4-2'er that has registered for the Hershey reunion- - -gH] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Murphy, SP5, 058, Det
27 & Det 4, AP61-AP62, (Peg), Glen Burnie, MD., Please reserve a Table for 8 at the
TURF CLUB for us four ex-ditty boppers Elder, - Thanks!
I want to order a golf shirt and a sweat shirt, both in size
XL. I'll be sending you a check for the dinner and the
shirts today.As far as the place cards
go, the eight seats will be for me, my wife Peggy, then: Ken and Donna Lady; Roy and Mary Norman; Larry and Jean Heese Thanks. You know, I didn't know about
your reuinion at Ft. Devens. Sorry I missed it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stuart B.
Smith, SP4, 05K, Det 27, OC64-MR66, Chesapeake, VA., STUBSMITH@aol.com Subject: ASA -
Haven't heard from you in a while. How are the plans going
for the reunion? I heard from Jim Lauderman. He
and I were friends at Devens and were stationed together in
Turkey. I few names I recall are James W. (Bill) Black
Covington Ky; Larry Termaat, Sheboygan Falls WI.; George Hensley
Texas. I never did get a copy of the group picture taken at
Devens last year. How can I get a copy? Stuart Smith
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Buzz Gamble, SP5, 05K, Det
27, JA66-JN67, (Linda), Bethel, ME., bgamble@saturn.caps.maine.edu HI Elder: - Could you
please retransmit the Master List DET. 27 to this address.
Thanks, Buzz
Additional names: circa 1966 and early 1967 at Det 27,
mostly 059's
James G. Linville from Paris KY area
Thomas N.? Rumbaugh from Wooster Ohio area
Robert T? Badger was in Colorado
Harvey Haddix was from Ohio 058
William Habel NW. Pa area (I gave you this already)
Randy Iverson Tulsa OK
Alvin Terrell was from Pennsylvania (we used to
"commute" on weekends" Phila when we were at Vint
Hill in 68)
I will try to look them up on the internet when I am on vacation
next week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Michael Comroe, SP4, 059,
Det 27, 61-62, (Jane), Audubon, PA., mfcomroe@onix.com
Just got back from 2 weeks vacation and am starting to rearrange
my life...several things to cover with you: 1. My wife and I
are going to the reunion and reservations have been made. 2.
We will be attending the Saturday dinner and I will forward
a check to you to cover expenses.3. I wish to purchase
2 golf shirts and a cap and will also forward a
check to cover. 4. Please save me an ASA patch. 5. My
biography is finished and I will email it to you as as as I
find out how to do it. 6. A large envelope is on
its way to you with pictures etc...finally got off my ass
and finished them. 7. I found and spoke with another ex Det
27'er who is interested in the reunion if you can email him
with info: Ron Erickson, 17204 E 37th Ter. S, Independence,
Mo 64055, 816-373-3349, E-4, Det 27, 059, 61-62. email is rke3349@cs.com. Watch for
the biography. Regards, Mike Comroe. p.s My server has been
down since Tues a.m.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jerry Hurst,
2LT-1LT, Det 17 & Det 27, 65-66, (Sherrie), Hampton, VA., jerry.hurst@monroe.army.mil Subject:
RE: Hershey reunion Elder - sorry not getting back to you sooner.
My son is stationed in Korea. My wife and I just
received confirmation on our travel plans to Korea. Dates
are the same as the reunion. We will not be able to
attend. Keep up the good work and keep me on your email.Thanks, Jerry R. Hurst ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Dave Cribbs, Det 4-4,
MY70-JL72, (Barbara), Charlotte, NC., DBMJL@aol.com [edited].......we have a
conflict that can't be avoided...being in two places at the same
time.....it's our loss, for sure.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Larry Bickett, PFC-SP5,
98C, Det 4-4, NO69-JN70, (Deborah), North Hills, CA., LBickett@aol.com
To: Chuck Bergmann, cbergmann@insp-eng.com
Subject: ASA - DOOL Newsletters
Hi! I have no clue as to who you are but I have been
getting DOOL's from you for several weeks now. PLEASE
keep them coming. I was at Det 4-4 from Nov, 69 to Jun
70. Most of the traffic in the DOOL seems to be "older
folks" but I keep hoping some of my old buddies will
pop up. Thanks alot. Larry Bickett. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DITS and DAHS A pessimist is a person who has had to
listen to too many optimists. - Don Marquis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"We gain strength, and courage, and
confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look
fear in the face ... we must do that which we think we
cannot." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Did you know that TURKEY is about the size of NEW
HAMPSHIRE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Chuck
Bergmann I am finding out
a lot about sending these Dools out. When a lot of pictures are
attached to the file I find that a lot of people can not get the
e-mail. It is because the file is so big in size and the
person receiving the e-mail does not have the capability to go
get it. That is an e-mail provided problem. I have also found
that a lot of people do not look at there e-mail very offten and
then there e-mail box is full. I think that the size is the
biggest problem though. Not much you can do about that.
How many of you TURKEY VETERANs
still have the small American - Turkish dictionary that you used,
to try and communicate with the houseboys, townspeople, etc...
in an attempt to mold the Turkish language into your
version? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: ercgreen To: don_ackerman@hotmail.com Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 8:32 AM
Subject: Your Sinop Memories Don, I enjoyed your Sinop
entries on the Sinop website. We are having a ASA TURKEY
reunion this year at Hershey, PA = 13-15 September 2002. If
interested, please contact me.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he
started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot
him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.-
Will Rogers
Should I waste my
time on a vet who isn't willing to share a moment of their
time on us? - - - It seems that I can't light a fire
under some vet's and its not that I have no matches or
spark! - - - I'm having trouble linking up and
getting BIO results! - - - Is there a special button
to push or should I consider looking for alternative approaches?
- - - For some reason I'm running into a inevitable brick
wall and can't jump over it! - - - A teacher who expects
less from students gets less, and one who expects more gets
more! I'm wondering - where in the heck does this place me
in respect to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES and the Memory Book? - - -
Maybe I don't have the gift of gab to inspire anyone and not enuf
oomph to be a wannabe editor! - - - Those of you who are
regular readers know me only from what I write and that I try too
hard to convey the BIO message. Is it that my instructions are
too wordy and not simple enuf or is it that many think that their
BIO is not impressive enuf......We ex-ASA'ers are
enormously proud veteran's and our ex-skills are in the hidden
past unless y'all reveal them in my missives and the Memory
Remember.....It is good to have an end to journey toward; but
it is the journey that matters, in the end! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard
Arena, SP4, 059,
Det 27, JA62-MR63, (Maxine), Roswell, GA, rjaims@earthlink.net
Thanks Roy Springmeyer for your tales of Det
27. I had forgotten about the tree incident. As
I recall they were all snapped over at about the same height and
in the same direction -- indicating that probably it was the work
of one person. Thinking about those trees and the Hq
staff's valiant efforts to grow grass around the billeting
area, I'm reminded of seeing the Turkish grounds keeper watering
the grass with a fire hose during the torrential spring
rains. I can still see him wearing his slickers
and hauling that damn hose around. It made about as much
sense as everything else, so I doubt that many people even
took notice. We won't make the Hershey reunion. It's great
fun thinking back on those bygone days. I never have heard
a word about Joseph Parker Sullivan or Ron Luther. I did
catch up with Larry and Linda Bynum -- stopped by to see them in
Hopkinsville, KY. I've also messaged with Ray
Carroll. The three of us were transferred from Det 27 to
Det 4 when they needed an emergency injection of 059's on the
rock in '62. My wife's name is Maxine. We have
four children and five granddaughters. To my knowledge,
Kelly Arena of CNN is not kin, nor is Bruce Arena, the coach of
the USA World Cup Football team. I am related to Dominick
Arena, the former police chief in Martha's Vineyard that arrested
our boy Teddy Kennedy. If you ever get down this way, Maxine and
I would enjoy seeing you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some
people move our souls to dance.They awaken us to new
understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some
people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our
lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts and we are
never, ever the same. ~Author Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sooner or later we must realize there is
no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all - The true
joy of life is the trip. by Robt J. Hastings, 1924-97, "The
Station." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Dumbo and others
A friend of mine
forwarded this to me ..... thought you might like to
see it as well - __________________________________________________________
FINALLY SAID IT! Hip Hip Hooray!! Finally, someone
has said what I think has been on every American's
mind!!!!! This is an editorial written by an American
citizen, published in a local newspaper. "IMMIGRANTS,
NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT!!" I am tired of this
nation worrying about whether we are offending some
individual or their culture, here in the USA. Since the terrorist
attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge in
patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust
from the attacks had barely settled when the
"politically correct" crowd began complaining
about the possibility that our patriotism was offending
others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold
a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by
coming to America. Our population is almost entirely comprised
of descendants of immigrants. However, there are
a few things that those who have recently come to our
country, and apparently some born here, need to
understand. This idea of America, being a multi -cultural community, has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language! ENGLISH. "In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, of Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is and always will be part of our culture. If the Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. Remember, "Delta is ready when you are and they can have you there by nightfall". This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But, once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE. If you agree with this message, pass it on . If you don't agree, pass it on anyway. What the heck! This is AMERICA, after all! __________________________________________________________ |