Days of our Lives # 76 - July 12, 2002.
MAIL-call -
message may contain information that is confidential and/or
legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the
individuals named as recipients in the message. If you are
not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the
sender immediately and delete the material from any
computer. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this message,
and do not disclose its contents or take any action in reliance
on the info it contains. Thank you. Elder
RC Green -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. The attire for the
reunion is informal
2. If you are flying into Harrisburg, PA - send an e-mail ( or call
(717-469-0661) the Holiday Inn with your ETA and they will send a
van to pick you up for the 115 mile trip to the Holiday Inn. It
might be a good idea to request e-mail confirmation regarding the
airport pick-up. The same is true for your return trip, but
you must inform the Holiday Inn in advance
3. Shortly after registering at or arriving at the Holiday
Inn go to the 1st Floor Hospitality Room (Penn Suites) where
everyone will sign in and receive a badge and schedule of events
for the week-end.
4. The Friday meal will be from 1730-1830 at the Holiday
5. From 1830-?? there will be an
informal BS session in the Hospitality Room at
the Holiday Inn where free beer, soda's and chips will be
6.. Please bring photo albums, slides, etc with you.
The Holiday Inn has a projector for our use.
7. The Saturday group breakfast will be at
the Holiday Inn from 0800-0900.
8. Jimmy Nolan will organize a round of GOLF on Saturday
for those who are interested. If interested, please let me
know ASAP.
9. A caravan tour of the Chocolate Factory will be made
available if enough people are interested.
10. Will you be staying with friends in the area or
commuting to the reunion. If yes, please send me a e-mail
so that badges can be made and available.
11. The Main Attraction of the reunion will be the Saturday
meal at the Turf Club at the Penn National Race Course.
Please be at the Penn National Race Course (about 1 mile from the
Holiday Inn) NLT 1700 hours.
The meal will be approx from 1730-1830. Maj Gen (Retired) Rod
Isler (Det 4-4, 68-69) will then address the group and tell us
about his army career and how he went from a SP4, 05H at
Karamursel (4-4) to a 2-Star General via the OCS route.
After Gen Isler's remarks, each Veteran will be alloted up
to five minutes to relate his Turkey experience to the
group. If the veteran's wife was in Turkey, then she, too,
will be given time to relate what it was like to
live in Ankara, Manzarali, Yalova, Karamursel, etc.,
amid the eskegee's, gypsies, suey and other experiences
that a normal housewife would NEVER experience in a
12. The horse racing is from 1930-2300 and can be viewed by
EVERYONE without crowding from the 5th floor windows over-looking
the race track while listening to the talkers in the Turf
13. There will be a pay as you order bar and a betting window in
the Turf Club.
14. There is a elevator to the Turf Club and there is ample
parking for everyone.
15. Please send any additional requests or thoughts to make this
reunion the BEST possible.
From:Allan M. Chermak, CPL,
MP, Det 27, 27DE61-MR64, (Dorothy), Kasson, MN Please change my e-mail address from to From Chuck Bergmann. Here
are the two that did work this week. I think Joe Hey was retiring
from his job and probably has some other e-mail and ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Newly found Veteran
Ted Nelson, SP5, 058, Det 27, 63-64, Santa Monica, CA
I was able to locate Ted Nelson on the 6th of
July after calling the 23 Ted Nelson's listed as living in CA. I
finally wised up and tried Theodore Nelson. He was
surprised to hear from a TURKEY vet. Ted is 63 and retired
in 1998 from the LA City Fire Dept after 30 years as a
fireman. Ted in his younger days was a premier and
versatile runner and was the 20th person to run the metric mile
in under 4 minutes. I believe his time was 3:59.4 and that he
finished third in that race behind Jim Ryan and Tom Farrell. Ted
is a native of MN and graduated from the Univ of MN State at
Mankota. He informs, modestly, that he missed making the
Olympic Team (Tokyo) in 1964, but in 1966 in a
West Berlin Track and Field Meet he set a WORLD record in the 800
meters. Someone later beat his world record time, but he
held the USA record for 20 years until Johnny Gray, the 4
time Olympian beat his time. Ted told me that he
thought that Lanny Couvillon was living nearby, but I find thru
mapquest that Novato, CA is almost 7 hours away in the SF area.
In my attempt to locate Ted Nelson I received assistance from
Janet Robertz and Tim Zbikowski, but it was my sleuthing that
tracked Theodore J. Nelson to Santa Monica, CA.
All-Time American Sub-Four Minute Milers
All American men who have broken the four minutes on an outdoor
or indoor track: Ted Nelson, 3:59.4, Woodland Hills, 10
August 1966
Hall of Fame USATF Minnesota established the Minnesota Track & Field Hall of Fame in 1996 to recognize and honor outstanding performances and/or contributions by individuals to the sports of track & field, long distance running, cross country, and racewalking in Minnesota. Each year, nominations are accepted by the three member Hall of Fame Committee, who then prepare a ballot and submit it to an established panel of voting members. The annual Hall of Fame Banquet is held in October, honoring the year's inductees. |
Minnesota Track and Field Hall of Fame Members
1996 | 1997 | 1998 |
Colin Anderson | Karl Anderson | Mark Nenow |
Ron Backes | Al Halley | Ted Nelson |
Garry Bjorklund | Jim Kelly | Mike Slack |
Ron Daws | Bob Kempainen | Bill Andberg |
Buddy Edelen | Mark Lutz | Tom Lieb |
Roy Griak | Jane Oas Benson | Orv Bies |
Fortune Gordien | Cathie Twomey Bellamy | |
Janice Klecker | ||
Van Nelson | ||
Steve Plasencia |
1999 | 2000 |
Jan Ettle | Jody Eder-Zdechlik |
Bruce Mortenson | Tim Heikkila |
Leslie Seymour | Steve Hoag |
Bob Fitch | Alex Ratelle |
Jim Deane | Byrl Thompson |
Bob Hoisington | Dave Griffith |
Rick Kleyman | Jack Moran |
Ed Register, E7, Spook, Det 27, 62-64, (Inez), Lexington,
Hi Elder Nasiliniz! First, I want to thank you for all the
time and effort that you have put into making this reunion
possible. It was interesting to see what Bill Schulz had
been doing. I haven't heard but I'm sure Stan Winarski's
"afterlife" would also be interesting. Both are
good men and I'm sure they have accomplish much. I see
where Bill was looking for something he could do for his
country. Aside from all the good things he has already
done, he might consider teaching West Palm Beach natives how to
count. He could have saved the tax payers a lot of
money. Maybe we could persuade him to get into
politics. He has my vote. Concerning "Stalag
27". Yes, I remember my exodus from Turkey the second
time from Ankara. After Turkish customs shook me down for a
few Turkish lire and a meerschaum pipe, I was off to my new duty
station, the meerachaum MI Detachment, Fort Carson, CO.
What a contrast of duties. It was a fatigue-wearing STRAC
unit working for G-2. I was assigned to the IG's team and
conducted security inspections of units of the 5th Inf. Div., and
did other CI duties.
From beautiful Colorado to humid Okinawa. I was assigned to
the US Army Pacific Intelligence School (USAPAC INTEL). All
MI courses were taught, very similarly as the
"Bird". I was assigned to the CI Section and
taught those courses. Many, if not most courses were taught
through interpreters, to officers from seven different Southeast
Asian countries. School emphasis were placed on
"our" collections. From sunny Okie and a great
assignment to hot Atlanta and no doubt the worst assignment, the
111th MI group. The same outfit that had sent me to Det 27
in '62.
I was assigned to the Tech Shop and having had no tech training,
I protested as loud as I respectfully could, all to no
avail. Col. McBride, group commander would have no part of
it and promised me that I would be well qualified when I left his
unit. What a prophet he was. Fortunately for me, I
had an excellent Chief Warrant Officer. He took me by the
hand and led me all over the Southeast (3rd Army at the
time). We used a Dodge van loaded with all imaginable tech
equipment. We did both announced and unannounced tech
inspections on military units from North Carolina to Alabama and
Florida. Most were done on missile sites in Florida.
Everything from surreptitiously, inspection security vaults,
photographing, picking locks, and frequency monitoring of
classified meetings of war rooms. If someone requested it,
we did it, often without request. We made a lot of people angry.
Just when we thought we had things under control and running
smooth, our bubble burst ... big time. April 1968 Lorraine
Motel, Memphis, Tenn., Martin Luther King was assassinated.
Activity picked up very quickly. Plans were
formulated. Three agents, a motor home loaded with
electronic and photo equipment, we were off to Memphis in
preparation for the Poor Peoples Campaign (Mule Train), from
Memphis to Washington. This motor home literally became a
mobile photo lab. We photographed during the day and
developed, printed and shipped at night. We were also
talked with establishing and maintaining communication for all
military units from Mississippi to North Carolina. After
weeks on the road, we were finally relieved by the 109th MI Group
in VA.
Back to Atlanta and our routine Tech inspections. Then we
were off to Miami Beach and the Republican National
Convention. Hosea William, now the leader of the SCLC was
there to make known his organization's position and there I was
with my 35 mm Sony video, making sure his views were documented
and preserved. This usually took 12 to 15 hours per day.
Nonetheless, when "Tricky Dick" won the nomination,
Hosea and his followers in Liberty City (suburb of Miami) were
not too pleased. Liberty City went up in fire bombs and
smoke. This lasted for another two weeks. During this
time we maintained liaison with the G-2 Section of the Florida
National Guard.
After the smoke cleared in Liberty City, we returned to Atlanta
and picked up where we had left off. Most of our
inspections were far behind schedule, therefore our work was
intensified from North Carolina to Alabama and up and down the
Florida peninsula, all the time in fear that we may be sent to
Chicago, to cover the Democratic National Convention. What
a mess that was ... remember? We did relax a bit when we
learned that the 115th MI Group would be used.
In mid January '69, in preparation for the presidential
inauguration, we were off to "war torn" Washington, DC
(it had been pretty much tasked earlier). Everyone was
expecting a total trashing this time. We worked out of the
Pentagon in concert with the Secret Service. Things went
well and we returned to Atlanta. By now I was saddle sore
and worn out, Viet Nam was still raging. I finally, after
21 plus years, realized that I just could not adjust to military
service, so in March 60, I hung it up. I returned to
Columbia, SC and went to work for SC National Bank (SCNB) in June
69. SCNB had recently obtained a franchise with Bank
America to issue BankAmericards (now Visa) for the state of South
Carolina. I organized and ran their security and
investigations department for the next 15 years. Primary
duties were to purchase, transport, secure, issue and reissue
cards to customers. We were also tasked with investigate,
identify, and prosecute individuals who found, stole, or made
cards for the purpose of making illegal purchases of goods and
Since most of this work was criminal, I managed to pick up a
degree in criminal justice. This helped greatly, especially
during court proceedings. During this time, my wife, Inez
decided to finish her education and graduated from Southeastern
Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. She was ordained a
Southern Baptist Minister and now works as a chaplain for the
After 15 years with the bank, I retired and became a "house
husband". I also dabbled in art, got involved with
pastel portrait painting. I soon grew tired of that and
decided I wanted to see South and Central America. After
several trips, I found a good fishing hole about 50 miles
southwest of San Pedro Sul, Honduras. Big Bass, no limit.
In late 1998, disaster struck. I fell and broke my
hip. Apparently it did not heal properly. I still
have to use a cane. What a way to get around! I had
both hands operated on for carpal tunnel syndrome. No
hands. No feet. I recently underwent laproscopic surgery to
remove an adrenal gland. Its tough growing old. So
old that I don't make promises anymore, but I do hope that I will
be able to make it to Hershey in September.
I will stay in touch. Elder, tesekkur ederim for all the good
news and allaha ismarladik.
From: "Callero, Joseph" Subject: RE: John
Obrien Mr. Green, I
forwarded the info to Eddie Obrien, He was going to contact
his brother John. I hope this all works out. Good Luck Coach
Callero [This is in response to my query for info on John Obrien-
- -gH]
From: Sue & David Tavernetti, 1LT, Watch
Offcer, Det 27, 62-63, Subject:
The Reunion - Elder: Reservtions confirmed at the Holiday
Inn and flight tickets purchased. We will arrive in
Baltimore on Thursday evening and drive up to Hershey that night,
staying there until Sunday. I will send you a check for 2
meals at the Turf Club. ($70.00 as I read it). If you have
a schedule of events or a timetable please let me know.
Looking forward to the visit. Ric Balderson, who was with
me at Manzarali Station (and met me at the airport when I flew in
on Pan Am) is coming down from Mendham, NJ. He arrived in
Turkey just before I did and we pretty much had identical
tours. He was the finance officer - whom Hank Neill
replaced. dt
"Steve MacCartan", SP5, 059, Det 27, 63-64, Savanna,
IL., Elder, -
Appreciate what you are doing with this information
service. It certainly brings back the memories with
all the name connections. My 22 months in Ankara, Jan
1960 to Nov 1962, and the people I associated with
during that time, had a direct influence on my future. I
will certainly give you some info about my years after the
military asap. Do you have any info on Gary R Stuart?.
I think he retired as a Major and may be living in St
Petersberg, Florida. If so would you please let me
know his address or phone #. Thanks again
"Don Creig Myers", SP4, 05K, Det 4-4, JA70-JN71,
Houston, TX., Subject: asa reunion. -
Great minds are on the same track. I have been working
on my attendance. Just made reservations at Holiday Inn
with confirmation #64701563. Now for flight
arrangements..will let you know.
From: Walter Sinor, SP4, F&AO, Det 27, (Betty), 3049 County
Rd., 239 Valley Head, AL 35989, 256-635-6860, 877-453-5097,> Subject: Det
27 (Manzarali) Reunion, etc Elder RC Green, - When you get a
chance please e-mail the roster we spoke about, and I
would like to put on the list to receive the DAYS OF
OUR LIVES newsletter via e-mail. In addition, please
forward me a copy of the newsletter which details
the reunion in Hershey, PA 13-15 September. Thanks!
I have not been contacted by Ken Patterson however he may
have been celebrating the holidays with family. Hope
you were able to enjoy the celebration of our freedom
and independence.
From: "Roger Glubka", PVT, 72B, Det 27, 64-65,
(Michelle), Korea,> Subject:
touching base. Just got back Monday from a few day in
Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam. Went on a package tour
that included air, rooms, meals and tours. Flew over
on Asian Air (5 hours) couldn't eat the food on the plane,
an omelet with fish and shrimp is not appetizing. Stayed at
the same hotel Clinton and his family stayed at called the
New World! Took a boat up the Mekong river to My Tho
and had a tour of the Ben Dinh tunnel in that area and
showed us the bamboo traps, trip wires and all that jungle
warfare. What a lot of people don't know is that they (Cu
Chi Province) started building those sophisticated
tunnels in 1955. I see what our media meant when
they said that we were in control during the day but
at night the Cong were. The tour guide knew English
very well but was a little brain washed as to why we were
there in the first place. I asked her if she took any
political science courses abroad? They refer the war as
"The American War". I asked her what happen
to the political dissidents, educators, professional people,
and she said they were sent to
"re-education camps", and I said bull shit they
were executed and only the lower class were sent to
reeducation camps. Since the country opened there doors in
1986 to tourist and free trade you would think they would be
more advanced but they are so far behind the rest of Asia
it's pathetic. I won't go into details but if anyone has
any particular question I'll respond to that. The
upside is that DVD's of current movies i.e.: Back in Black,
Spiderman, Minority Report and etc. can be purchased for
$1.25 and music CD's for a dollar. We bought 20, now
the question is how is the quality. We haven't watched
any yet. Bought 5 wooden Harley motorcycle models.
The other thing I picked up was diarrhea from a Tiger beer
that I thought was over but it
hit me again today. Next trip Beijing in Sept. I
hope! I'll keep you posted unless I hear other
wise. Roger "G"
From: Eric Balderson, 1LT, Fin O, Det 27, 62-63, Mendham, NJ., Elder, We
have our reservations at the Holiday Inn for the 13 -15. My
check for the Turf Club is in the mail. Looking
forward to meeting you. Eric and Ramona Balderson
From: Claude Vannoy, Maj, Opns O., Det 27, 65-68, (Ginny), N.
Wilksboro, NC., Hey Elder, -
Thank you for thinking about us; but, we will not be able to
attend the reunion. I'm sure you will do it up right. I
received the rosters and next week I will see what I can do to
From: Ted Willingham, SP5, 33C, Det
27, 66-68, (Susan), Easthampton, MA Thanks for the reunion
heads-up. We had called in late June for a room and got a smoking
room because they said non-smoking were all full. Per your
E-Mail we got changed to a non-smokiing room . Looking forward to
see you and everyboby again. I will be sending you a check for
the Turf Club on Aug 1 for Sue and I and again Thanks for all the
work you've done.Take Care
From:, To:,Cc: Elder RC Green
Subject: Ronald Ostroski Roy, I was in Det 27 and was
friends with Ronald Ostroski who was in Signal Corp (Det 66)
from 1-62 through 6-63 and we were both married, and
lived off base on Bachalavia Street in Ankara. He had
this amazing ability to use his voice to make sounds of a cat
fight, and we used to sit on our balconies (drinking a few
beers), and laugh at all of the Turkish citizens who would
come out of their houses to check out the disturbances. They
held the "Cat" to be sacred. So far as I
can remember they never discovered the source of the cat
fights. Do you know his current whereabouts? After 40 years
I may have the spelling of his last name slightly off. He
was a native of New Jersey. Do you remember this individual
and any particulars? Thanks!
From:> Betty and I will be
attending the TUSLOG Det 27 and 4-4 reunion
From: "Clark L Bryan", SP5, Bulgarian linguist, Det 27
& 4-4, 67-69, (Althea), Webster, NY., I'll work on [re-scanning
the family photo] it. By the way, funny thing happened last
month. I've been
searching for an old Turkish friend who I met on an Ankara street
in 1966, and who, believe it or not, attended the same university
as I did in Colorado (CSU). We lost track after his
marriage and our departure from Turkey. I've been
trying for years to relocate the family and once, while
stationed in NY, NY I went all the way to the Turkish delegation
at the UN in an attempt to find him. Well, last month,
a former Navy doctor who is now in private practice and who
also promotes pharmaceuti-cal products for major supplier,
went to Turkey on a pleasure/business trip, and provided his
tour guide information that I sent him about my
Turkish friend. It's a small world after all - the
tour guide located my friends in Izmir and via e-mail, we're
now in touch again! They were as delighted as I was at
finding friends via the electronic highway.
It certainly beats an international direct dial phone call -
HA! I made one of those too and I'm still awaiting my
telephone bill from last month. How much does it cost to
call direct dial from Rochester, NY to Izmir, Turkey and yak
away for over an hour during daylight hours ??
Althea said that if it's too much, she'll dock my monthly
beer allotment:-). Curses.
From: Don Philbrick,
Maj, S2, Det 27, 67-68, (Lois), Humble, TX.,
Thanks for the heads-up on the Hershey reunion, but Lois and I
will not be able to attend this year.. Thanks thou for all
the great messages.
From: Don Gee, E4, 058, Det 4-4, 68-69, Plant City, FL., To: Received your
e-mail and information----thanks. Hope your remodeling
turns out to your satisfaction as I'm sure it will. Have
not talked to Dave Brunger in a long time but my wife stays in
contact with Nancy (his ex). I did received an e-mail
from Sgt Green about the upcoming reunion. I did
forward the information to Jim and Lana Ayers. I have not
made any decisions about myself going.
From: Richard Nilsson, SP5, Det 27,
OC59-JA61, (Bonita), Muskego, WI., Thank you
for the info on the reunion in Hershey. Unfortunatley we
cannot make it this year. Please don't forget us for the
future. I went to Ankara before most of you all.
Arrived in October, '59; before the post was built outside
of town. Thanks again. Dick & Bonnie Nilsson,
Muskego, WI
From: Rick Corriveau, SP5, 98C, Det
27, MY65-AP67, (Leslie), Glen Burnie, MD., Subject:
Computer is back in Operation Elder - My virus has been removed
after much anguish on my part. I had to bring it in to the shop
to get it done since none of my efforts were successful. Sorry
you got zapped. I am receiving the DOOLs from Chuck Bergmann
without problem. [I didn't get zapped! My ISP scans
all my incoming mail for viruses by "Declude Virus" and
I keep my Norton anti-virus up-to-date. I've noticed that a
lot of the virus warnings that are being sent have the sender's
e-mail correct except for the .com (dot com) or .net (dot
From: Gene Hamrick, Maj, S4, Det 27, 62-63, (Linda), Deltona, FL Thanks for the
Master Roster. Dr Derby (CPT, 62/63) took his Residencey at
Walter Reed and last I heard he was a very
sucessful Orthopedic Surgeon in Conn. He was a good Dr
and nice guy. I talked him into the Army Residency. I
was supply officer when the family quarters were being built. Due
to thievery by the Turks we had to order 3 times the amount of
furniture required. It was stolen during off loading in
Istanbul. We can't attend the Hershey reunion. We
are babysitting an 8 year old granddaugher who is a
handful. Her mother is a single parent (manages a
TGIF Restaurant at the DFW Airport. She is a
handful. The only one of 5 daughters who didn't want
to attend college. Try Col Jerry Gibbs for Derbys
first name. Trust the reunion will be a sucessful
one. I read everything you send me and thankful for
it. Again Thanks, Gene
From: Ralph Richter, E5, 05K, Det 27, 66-67, Columbus, OH Subject: Re:
DAYS OF OUR LIVES #75 Sent it DOOL @75 on, Top. Thanks and
hope you and Patty are having a great Independence Day
From: Maurice Cammack To: Ron Crocheron Cc: Jimbo Stephens ; ercgreen Subject: Like an Old, Bad Penny - Ron,
You may not even remember me, but I was one of the 6 ops shipped
in from Frankfurt in Dec 57. Tom Stephens, also one of the
6, lives near me and we get together as often as we
can. Until your name appeared, I was beginning to think Tom
and I were the only PRE-Site 23 guys left. Most of the bios I
read start in the 60 time frame after the site was going
in. Do you have any information on CWO Diehl? If my memory
is accurate, I think he was close to retirement in the 50's, but
not sure. He may be gone. Best wishes and glad to finally see a
name I remember.
From: gh, would you please
correct the spelling of my wifes name-Virgie. Thank you. It looks
like you are busier than ever contacting people. I'll bet the
"original" bear hunt would have been easier. I'll get a
check for two dinners in the mail to you next week. We are going
to drive to Hershey so we will play the "tourista" on
the way out and back. I haven't been reading many stories
lately so either all the rest of the guys were good(ha) or they
are so old they can't remember.Gary
From: "J.W. Heffner", SP4, 98C, Det 27, 63-64, (Linda),
San Jose, CA., Subject: flight
93-meanderings. I just saw a TV show [on ESPN] that had 3
wives and a mother of the 4 that probably rushed the flight
93 cockpit. ESPN [ESPY] gave them an award because
all 4 were jocks. This brought to mind an old Readers
Digest article (re: Korean War) about high school jocks
(with football in particular) having a much higher survival
rate as POWs and combatants. Flight 93 gives me hope and
reassures me of the survival of our American culture.
My feelings about this give me some insight to the elevation
of men and women to the status of Heroes, Demigods, and Gods
in the past. My biggest fear while serving in
combat zones was that when the "pucker factor" got
high I would not perform well which probably explains the
high esteem I hold all the occupants of Flight
93.......THEY DONE GOOD.
From: "Paul Kuehl", SP5, 05D, Det 27, 65-67, DePere,
WI., Am unable to attend the
Hershey reunion......... but I know some how you'll all have a
great time without me. Enjoy!!
From: Joe Elsberry, SP5, 058/059, Det 27, FE63-OC64, (Darby Ann),
Columbus, MS., DDS., We will not be able to
attend the Hershey reunion. Family wedding. Maybe next
time. Thanks for keeping us informed.
From: Jack Wilson, CW2, C/C, Det 27, OC65-AP68, (Chris),
Amissville, VA., Elder: You're doing a great job
and I hope I can make the reunion after this one.
I'll be over in Japan, Korea and Hawaii working with our soldiers
again this year. Man, they are so much smarter and better than we
were it kinds of hurts at times. Now that's in the mental
area - the old folks still have a little more AMERICAN
heart. ALOHA
From: Robert Dandridge, SP4, 72B, C/C,
Det 27, FE64-AU65, (Jo), Wagener, SC., Elder, Sorry
but I will be working. Also, I still owe you some
pics..will try to scan to you before reunion.
George Maloof, SP5, Det 27,
60-62, Plymouth, NH., hi, hope you guys have a
great can take me off the mailing list since I
don't know anyone anymore...thanks
From: Vollmering, Lance, SP4, 05K, Det 27, 66-68, Ft Worth, TX
love to come to the Hershey reunion and jaw with all but can't
make it.
Did U know that: In the United States, more Frisbee discs are sold
each year than baseballs, basketballs, and footballs combined.