Subject: Days of our Lives #72
Date: 11 JUN 2002



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Elder RC Green - - -gH


From: Mark Hamilton,

Subject: Web Site Back Up - Elder: - Finally got the web site back up. We're successfully out of Orlando and close to being settled in Cincinnati. I had accidentally let my domain name lapse so down went the site. All that's fixed and will get the roster and photograph additions caught up over the next few weeks. Let everybody know in your next "Days..." Thanks, Mark Hamilton



Some people come and go in our lives, like passing ships, nameless faces, never meant to be part of our lives, but they are. Friends share simple, ordinary times in our lives, moments that become memories that stay in our hearts forever and we will never, ever be the same........ Author Unknown

Newly found VET's

ACKERMAN, Don, Det 4, Anaheim Hills, CA., 714-281-1258,
Original Message Follows----
From: "ercgreen"
Don, - I enjoyed your Sinop entries on Bill Simon's website. We are having a ASA TURKEY reunion this year at Hershey, PA = 13-15 September 2002. If interested, please contact me
FM: Don Ackerman - Might be able to make it. Any more information, who has said they will be coming?

LANCE, Harry SP4, 058, Det 4, AP59-AP60, (Frances), 50 S. Fairview St., Nazareth, PA 18064, 610-746-9141,

(Extracted and edited from Bill Simon's Sinop website): For sometime now I have been thinking about my days on the "hill" but never really knew how to start looking for information. I would like to share my experiences with all of you, and perhaps in the process, find some old friends I knew in Sinop. I enlisted in the Army on August 8, 1958 when I was 18 years young. After basic training at Fort Dix, NJ., I was assigned to Ft Devens, MA. for schooling. I originally wanted crypto school, but they needed 058’s and I ended up in Morse intercept school for six month at Devens. After school I was assigned Tuslog Det 4 Sinop Turkey. We left Devens via train and proceeded to Charleston Air Force Base, proceeding to Bermuda, the Azores, Tripoli, Athens, and finally Ankara. My first encounter with Turkish culture happened ten minutes after we deplaned. Upon entering a beautifully tiled bathroom, I noticed only a slightly raised cone in the middle of the floor along with a spigot and brush. Quite a culture shock. Like everyone else, we processed through Ankara and finally left by airplane to Sinop. I will never forget that flight. The pilot made us strap on a parachute and I damn near crapped in my pants. We made it though and landed on a cow path on the out skirts of Sinop and proceeded to Diogenes Station in a deuce and a half. Like most arrivals, my first impression of the "Hill" was one of disbelief. I had never seen a more desolate and primitive place in my life. I was sick!! I remember my first night on base. I walked the interior perimeter of the base along with a Turkish soldier who walked the outer perimeter. Neither of us understood one another but we talked to each other all night. At about 5 or 6 am he raised his rifle east or west, I don’t know which, and was going to fire. It scared the hell out of me as I thought I might be next, since I didn’t know what I said to him all night. Someone told me later that it had something to do with the Koran but I never believed it. I still think he was trying to scare me. I only remember being on guard duty one night. Lucky I guess. I remember when I first saw my home for the next year. A pot-bellied stove stood in the middle of a wood-constructed excuse for a barracks. No toilet, no running water; just a bed and a small area you could call your own. I don’t remember the NCO room in the "barracks", but there is a hell of a lot I don’t remember from that year. I remember the first time I had to use the facilities. You have to understand, I HATE BEE’S. I am afraid of them and they know it. When I opened the door for the first time, guess what greeted me. BEE’S- hundreds of them. I made many excuses to go the dispensary so I could use their flush toilet. Surprisingly, the medics and doctor never caught on. Anyway they never let on that they did. I remember the EM club. It had the most breathtaking view of Sinop. I spent many a night in the club trying to forget where I was. I did some gambling at the crap table, but never won a dime. I learned to drink scotch, because that’s what all the college guys drank. I remember one night I (19 years old) was going to teach Leo Rice (about 26 or 27 years) old how to drink. We started at 6 PM. Guess who was falling off their chair at 7 PM? Later in the summer of 59, I remember Leo spending a Saturday morning on the patio with the fabulous view of Sinop with his old friend Mr. SCHLITZ. Somewhere around 10 am Leo fell asleep. When they woke him up he was so red that he literally could not walk. He was diagnosed with sun poisoning. I remember there was talk of disciplinary action, but I don’t know if they ever did anything. Leo went to Berlin when his time at Sinop was up. I remember my best buddy was Tom Yanko from Akron, and later Poland, OH. Tom and I were the same age and shared many common interests. Not least among them was our rabid love of rock n’ roll. I remember he had one of those tape players with the big reels and must have recorded every rock n’ roll song ever made up to that point. A lot of the college guys in the barracks didn’t appreciate it; they liked jazz or elevator music. We didn’t care. "Rock N’ Roll was here to stay. Tom later went to Youngstown State. While I am on the subject of friends, I would like to share my list of buddies and bunk mates. Joe Musula (I think), Mt Vernon NY, I went to Athens on leave with him. Bob Malone( I think its Bob), I forget his home town, my crypto guy-went to Athens with him. Art(?) Jennings, No idea where he hailed from, went to Athens with him. Ed Harrison, Philadelphia PA, a college guy but a good egg. Tony Vitale, Detroit MI, Sports guy-organized football games. Don Elkins ,from Georgia, a drinking buddy. Leo Rice, Rhode Island, another drinking buddy. Tom(?) Allen. Not sure. Traveled from US to Turkey with me. Father was a big shot for BOAC airlines.------ Staffin, Toledo OH. Traveled home with him. Had a wild night in Rome on the way home. He was a champion swimmer. I remember the post mascot, Gimp. He virtually ruled on the "Hill". I was told my first day that you don’t screw around with Gimp. I had a black dog named Spike. Unfortunately, I was told that about a month after I left all the animals (including Gimp) were put to sleep. The post commander had some problem with them ( I guess he hated to see his troops happy). I remember trying to find out, from one of the Turkish orderlies in the cafeteria, how a person could get a date in Sinop. I tried to be diplomatic and tried not to offend. But I sure must have said something wrong because someone later told me that I had asked something about his daughter. He came after me with a paring knife. I never was much of a linguist. I loved visiting the old ruins both on the hill and in the town of Sinop. I always loved history and I spent a lot of time looking and taking photos. I still have some, but many have disappeared in the last 40 years. One of our barracks mates (Jack McKenna) wrote a book while at Det 4 of Ancient Sinop. He was always crawling around the ruins and researching the book. I believe he published it. I never saw a copy of it. I was very surprised to see that a Leslie Delaney wrote a similar book. I would love to get a copy if any are available or if anyone wants to sell theirs. I remember these giant bugs with hard shells. I forget what we called them but I do remember that those folks who worked out on the DF shed at the end of the base told us that when they hit the hut they were in, it sounded like bullets. Sometime during my tour I visited Athens, Greece. I do remember that the 7th fleet was filming the Guns of Navarrone while we where there. I spent seven days there and had the time of my life - The night life, the girls, the history, everything!! I can still remember most of what I did, where I did it and who I did it with. I left on my seventh day, with one dollar to my name. A girl paid for my cab ride to our Military base in Athens or Piraeus where I got a hop to Istanbul. There, at Tuslog Headquarters, I got a bed to sleep in, an advance on my pay, and a hop to Ankara. After one night there, I accompanied some British chaps back up to the "Hill" in one of their Land Rovers (They were the SUV’s of the 50’s). Finally I remember the beginning construction of the new base. I think I have a picture of the first building that was under construction. I thought at the time, what a difference it will be here in a couple of years - No muddy roads, actual sidewalks, running water and toilets in the barracks, semi private rooms, movies, gyms, bowling alleys, swimming pools, and maybe even a golf course. As I have been writing this, many more memories are starting to come back. I know I can’t record them all. To bad. Looking back, the "Hill" wasn’t really that bad. On a personal level, it changed a very naive 19 year old into an adult. I always harbored the secret desire to return to Sinop and see how it changed. I guess now that Turkey has taken over the base, that is all but impossible. I left Det 4 in March or April of 1960 and was supposed to go to Vint Hill Farms, VA. Two weeks before I was to leave they changed my orders to Camp Wolters, Mineral Wells, TX. I was stationed there for a year. Six months into the assignment the word came down that the ASA Battalion was breaking up. We were to take all our excess equipment to Fort Huachuca, AZ, and Two Rock Ranch, Peteluma CA. Before going to Two Rock Ranch we participated in an exercise at Camp Irwin, CA. Believe it or not, it was fun running all over the Mojave Desert in a jeep playing spy. We returned to Camp Wolters after the maneuver and I was reassigned to an Engineering company for the balance of my enlistment. I made many friends while a part of the ASA. I met Richard Stinson at Fort Devens in 1959. He and his wife went to Chitose Japan after school at Devens. I could have went with them but I chose Sinop. (told you I was naive). We did stay close though, he was my best man at my wedding; he and his wife were god parents for my daughter; they also agreed to be guardian for my children if fate deemed it necessary. I stayed in touch with Dick for many years. Unfortunately in 1990 his wife passed away and I have not seen or talked to him since. That’s my fault. I never kept in contact with all the good friends I made during my three-year hitch. That’s unfortunate. They were probably the best bunch of guys I ever met. If you’re out there, call, write or Email me.

WILLIAMS, Dan (ditc), Det 66, JN66-DE67,

I served in Det 66 June 66 through Dec 67 and I have forgotten most names. I would be interested in corresponding with anyone that served over there. What is your website?



From: Tom Bodine

The origin of TAPS
We have all heard the haunting song, "Taps." It's the song that gives us that lump in our throats and usually creates tears in our eyes. But, do you know the story behind the song? If not, I think you will be pleased to find out about it's humble beginnings.

Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the Civil War, when Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrison's Landing in Virginia. The Confederate Army was on the other side of the narrow strip of land. During the night, Captain Ellicombe heard the moans of a soldier who lay severely wounded on the field.

Not knowing if it was a Union or Confederate soldier, Captain Ellicombe decided to risk his life and bring the stricken man back for medical attention. Crawling on his stomach through the gunfire, the Captain reached the stricken soldier and began pulling him toward his encampment.

When the Captain finally reached his own lines, he discovered it was actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier was dead.

The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and went numb with shock. In the dim light, he saw the face of the soldier. It was his own son. The boy had been studying music in the South when war broke out. Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in the Confederate Army.

The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a full military burial despite his enemy status.

His request was only partially granted.

Captain Ellicombe had asked if he could have a group of Army band members play a funeral dirge for his son at the funeral. The request was turned down since the soldier was a Confederate. But, out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him only one musician.

The Captain chose a bugler.

He asked the bugler to play a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in the pocket of the dead youth's uniform.

This wish was granted. The haunting melody, we now know as "Taps" used at military funerals, and at the end of each day on US military bases was born.

Day is done.......Gone the sun........From the lakes....... From the hills.........From the skies.
All is well, Safely rest.......God is nigh........ Fading light..........Dims the sight........And a star......... Gems the sky,..........Gleaming bright From afar, Drawing nigh, Falls the night. Thanks and praise, For our days, Neath the sun, Neath the stars, Neath the sky, As we go, This we know, God is nigh.



Colman R. Lalka

The Cuban missile crisis occurred in late 1962, and I, at first, "pushed up my number," i.e., volunteered for the draft. I was eighteen years old at the time, and volunteering for the draft resulted in being drafted in about three month's time rather than around age twenty-two or so. I subsequently spoke to an army recruiter, and enlisted. After induction I went to Fort Dix, New Jersey for basic training, and then on to Fort Devens for advanced training. After Fort Devens I was assigned to Ankara.

I arrived at Manzarali Station the same time a plague of frogs, for lack of a better description, descended on the area. They were everywhere. A person had to walk on the sidewalk slowly to give the critters time to get out of the way. Of course, I met a lot of interesting new friends at Manzarali, and had a lot of good times, especially on the Trick 3 flag football team. A lot of camaraderie, and willingness on the part of all concerned to make the team work. I also met a family of Turks and was invited to dinner at their place in Ankara every month or so. I've thought about everyone over the years, wondered what has happened to them and am happy to see some information is now available on the web. From Ankara, I transferred up to Berlin and completed my tour of active duty.

I was separated from active duty in December, 1965, worked in my hometown area for about nine months, and then went to Tokyo, Japan for a little over a year. I completed my first year of college while there. After returned to the USA, I worked in the coke plant of a local steel mill, and then returned to college. I worked various jobs and attended college, ending up on the Cleveland Fire Department four courses shy of graduation.

After five years with the Cleveland Fire Department, I decided to return to college, graduated, and went on to law school. After graduating law school, I opened a private practice in a small town near my home. My practice consisted primarily of civil trial work, with some labor arbitration. The labor arbitration portion of the practice grew, and in 1996 I closed the law practice. I have been working solely as a labor arbitrator/mediator since.

In the meantime, I got married in December, 1969, raised six kids, the youngest just graduated from high school and is on her way to college. The kids are doing well, and I hope to wind down and relax for the next twenty years or so.

Thanks for the excellent BIO. Is it possible for U to include a blurb or two about the interesting events/happenings that U encounted while in the ASA as a 058/059, and at Manzarali? What about the Flag football championship that Tk 3 won in 63. Who won it in 64? Who was your best friend in Turkey? Do U have any current family photo's/portraits of U, Charleen and your six children. Thanks again and keep the emails acomin as that's what motivates me to do a better job with the DAYS OF OUR LIVES. You haven't said if you'll be to the reunion- - -gH


From: Dumbo, Bill Binney, SP5,

From: Philip W Kelly

Elder, - Have the emails stopped? I haven't received anything from you in several weeks. Perhaps I was inadvertently deleted off the "list". The wife and I have made our airline reservations (flying is not my cup of tea) and are firmly committed to be there for the Hershey event. I am still recovering (still have incontinence) but with plenty of diapers I can go anywhere.

I had some virus trouble with a worm called "Klez" but with some help from Symantec, it seems to be OK now.

From: Philip W Kelly

Elder, I just got #71. Thanks. I hope things work out for your deliveries. I don't know the answer, either.


From: Daryl Waite <>

Subject: C* Still there?

Elder: - Haven't heard from you in over two weeks. No news, or are messages not being delivered? Spam seems to be flowing freely!

From: williams, dan (ditc)

Subject: RE: Manzarali Station/Site 23/Det 27 and 66

I served in Det 66 June 66 through Dec 67 and I have forgotten most names. I would be interested in corresponding with anyone that served over there. What is your website?

Hi Dan -

I appreciate your email and am wondering how U located me. Regardless, I am the contact person for the ASA Turkey reunion group and the DAYS OF OUR LIVES missives that I try and send out every week. I've included Don Tarr (from Edison, NJ) as a Cc to this email as he is a member of our reunion group and was at Det 66 during the same time frame as U. Perhaps U remember each other. I've also included Ralph Richter as Cc as he too lives in the Columbus, OH area and was in the ASA at Det 27 about the same time as U. We had the first reunion last year at Ft Devens and w/b having another 13-15 Sept 2002 at Hershey, PA. I w/b sending U info on the Hershey reunion in DAYS OF OUR LIVES #65 and hope to hear from U in the near future. and is Ed Gerow and Daryl Waite who were mbrs of STRATCOM DET 66 in 62-64 and 63-65 respectively. Perhaps y'all might want to correspond- - -gH

Thanks. Much appreciated. There is a link for reunions on the web site. I was in there reading Gen. Hackworth's column. Go to Army and scroll down through the listings, which I was just browsing out of curiousity. Dan Williams


From: Mike Gillespie, Det 4, ?-?, (Ginger), Lone Jack, MO.,

Hello. - My wife told me you called the other night. I will not be able to travel to Pennsylvania for the reunion, but I wouldn't wind receiving the e-mail newsletter. I have made contact with a handful of fellows since posting those memories on Bill Simons webpages. (It turned out that one of the guys lived a mere twenty miles away from me!) I have one or two addresses I could forward to you, if you want them.

Did U know:

Special Forces 'Enhancing' Georgian Troops
Soldiers in the former Soviet republic of Georgia are about to get a crash course in Western military tactics, as the United States expands its partnership against terror - and its sphere of influence - to the Caucasus.


From: Mark Mankopf, SP4, 76T (Signal Supply), Det 27, MY67-DE67, Det 4-3, DE67-OC68, Arlington Hts., IL.,

Subject: Fock Rock Sitation Hi Elder,
I was wondering if there are any former Det 27 and 4-4 guys who might have a copy of the Fock Rock citation that was above Fock Rock in the barracks in Karamusel. Thanks
[[Any one out there have a copy of the FOCK Rock citation? If so, send it to me and I'll include it in the DAYS OF OUR LIVES- - -gH]]