Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:55 AM
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #69

Newly found VET'S

ABRIALS, Tom, DOB: 15AU36, SP4, Supply, Det 4 and 4-1, OC57-OC58, (Beverly), 1901 Somersby Ln., Virginia Beach, VA 23456, 757-427-3016, (T-1, Hi-Speed). Found Tom on Bill Simons website. Called on 5 May 2002. Tom retired from the Army after 23 years as a CW3.

ASPINWALL, Paul C., DOB: 3OC42, 2LT, Signal Supply, Post Supply, Post Office, 3562 Valley Ridge Rd., Middleton, WI 53562, 608-831-0670,

Thanks for the offer. Others there included: Lt Jim Wellman; SSgt Russ Harris; Capt John R Vice Sgt Charles Schwantes; CWO Matthew Suddath; PFC John Reuss; CWO Raymond Jacquez and others I can recall later. Regards, Paul C Aspinwall, Process Architect, IPD BPE Staff, Route 100, Som2 4J-15, 8-826-2505 (914-766)

BOMAR, James L., III, (Jim), DOB: 1941, E3-E5, 058, Det 27, NO62-JL64, PO Box 490, Bell Buckle, TN 37020, 931-389-6792, . Jim owns a Real Estate business in the Shelbyville, TN area. He has a ton of remembrances of his time in Turkey (being 'rolled' and left with nothing but a bedsheet to get from Ankara to Manzarali!) and plans to work his schedule into attending the reunion. His late father was the LT Governor of Tennessee at one time.

BRANTAL, Donald G., E3-E4, F&AO. Det 27, 64-65, 5307 E. Superior St., Duluth, MN 55804, 218-5256128,
From: gH, I'm slow but sure. I talked to Don Brantal this evening and gave him your adr and he will contact you. He was in finance in 64 at Manzarali.

CARPENTER, Chuck, E4, 05H, Det 4-4, 68-70, (Tomi), 3200 26th St., Great Bend, KS 67530, 620-792-6278,

Elder - I would like to know the site of the newletter for the Tuslog Det. 4-4 group or reunion. Thank you. Chuck Carpenter, Karamusel 68-70 05H20

I arrived at Karamusel the middle of October of 1968 and went on to Viet Nam, November of 1970. Rod Isler and I roomed together until my wife arrived in Oct 1969. I talked to Rod today and he told me about the reunion and then I checked some web sites and got the reunion information from the ASALIVES website, password, ALLTHEWAY. I have not received any newsletters or master roster. Thank you for the information. I have found some others that were at Karamusel that I will notify. We had a good friend (Chris Andress) die recently that went to school with us then Viet Nam and we met up again in Turkey before I shipped to Viet Nam. He died of cancer and yes he was also too young. We need to thank God for each day we have.- - -

This was a blast from the past alright. I am amazed at the memories this website invoked. My wife and I rode our Harleys to Salina for a ceremony at the Moving Viet Nam Vet Wall that was there this weekend. I thought of those who served and remembered those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Country. My wife, Tomi and I plan to be at the reunion. Tomi was with me in Turkey the last year there. We lived in Yalova. Great memories. Thank you for your dedication and let us know what your needs are and with all of us I'm sure you will get what you need. This has to be a lot of work. Thanks again.

CARRIER, Frank, DOB: 1939, E3-E5, 982, Det 27, 4JL63-DE94, (Lucy), 829 E. Ironwood Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85020, 602-997-0527, no email. Frank worked in the T/A section with John Gazaway. They have kept in touch over the years. Lucy was from Mule Shoe, TX and they lived in Ankara. Lucy also worked at the Manzarali NCO Club. Both are on disability

DUFFER, John R. Jr., 75y, E6-E7, 32Z, Det 66, 62-DE64, (Shirley), 4910 Paulson Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28304, 910-425-6230. John told me that I'm the first one that has ever contacted him about his Tour of Duty at Manzarali. He related that his promotion to E7 at Det 66 came from a "Blood Stripe" when a E7 named Fitzsimmons (Fitz) was busted from E7 to E6 for sending a SECRET message over the airwaves in the clear. The Duffers lived across from the NCO Club at Manzarali and were neighbors of the Shatzers. John told me that the Shatzer's gave them a kitten and that that cat lived with them for the next 30 years!

ELSBERRY, George (Joe), PFC-SP5, 058/059, Det 27, FE63-OC64, (Darbie Ann), 171 Lockwood Rd., Columbus, MS 39705, 662-327-4300, Joe is a dentist in Columbus, MS. Darbie joined him in Ankara with their new baby and their youngest was born in Ankara.

FINLEY, Tom, 1LT, Det 4, 72-73, (Mary), 16650 Clayton Rd., Ballwin, MO 63011, 636-458-5392,
Tom is a retired LtCol.

From: Tom Finley,
Re: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #65 & Det 4

Elder: Good to speak to you this evening. The website I mentioned belongs to Bill Simons. The address is"bssimons/ <> I found the site using the meta search engine Dogpile. I think I was searching for "Tuslog&det4" at the time. Bill has over 1400 Sinop alumni listed. Just click onto the Sinop buttton on the homepage. Then go to Roll Call. Look forward to the next letter. ASA Lives!
FOSTER, Mike, 56y, 98J, E2-E4 Det 4, MR66-MR67, E5 Det 4, JA69-JL69, (Nita), 1205 El Sonoro Dr., Sierra Vista, AZ 85635, 520-458-0185, . Mike retired in December 1986 as a CW2

GAMBINO, Ray, E3-E4, 59y, Antenna Climber, Det 27, 63-65, (Sema), 359 Lotus Point Rd., Irving, NY 14081, 716-549-5483, . He marrried Sema while at Manzarali.

GAZAWAY, John, E3-E5, 982, Det 27,NO62-MY65, (Sue-div, 2/W Eileen, dec), 2074 Riverbend Rd., Plainville, GA 30733, 706-295-5307,

HOLLAND, Marvin DOB: 1959, E6, 98J, Det 4, 88-89,

In 1983 I enlisted in the US Army, going to Ft.Dix, NJ for basic training. From there my orders carried me to Ft. Devens, MA for Non-Communications Interceptor Training. The next leg of my military experience took me to Wurzburg, W.Germany. I reenlisted in 1985 and went to Ft. Huachuca, AZ. In 1987 I went to Ft. Bliss, TX for PLDC (Primary Leadership Developmental Course). In 1987 I received orders for Sinop, Turkey. The following year I went to Ft.Cambell, KY. In 1989 I went to Ft. Devens for BNOC (Basic Non-Commisioned Officers Course), and then back to Ft. Campbell for the AIr Assault Course. In 1990 I left the Army and started school in 1991, graduating from the University of Arizona in 1995. After working several jobs from 1990-1998, I was hired by Raytheon Co.

HOOD, Ron, DOB:1944, E3-E4, 982, Det 4, 64-65, (Karen), PO Box 549, Garden Valley, ID 83622, 208-462-1916,

Thanks for sending the Newsletter! The stories sure brought me back to Turkey. Some day I hope to return to Det 4 just to look over the old site, drink some Raki and munch some of that fine lamb they had. Please add me to your list. Thanks a ton

LAWSON, Harlow P., SP5-SP4-SP5, 058, Det 27, 61-62, (Ginger-deceased), 16450 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268, 480-836-2192, (cable). Bob Murphy of Glen Burnie, MD gave me Harlow's name and I found him on

PAULEY, Robert S., DOB: 6NO52, 03, Inf, Public Affairs Officer, Det 4, OC86-JL87, (Christine), 1324 Red Oak Plantation Dr., Ballwin, MO 63021, . Left active duty August 1987

PEARCE, Lewis A., E3-E5, 05K, Det 27, 66-67, (Nancy), 13609 Turnmore Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906, 301-871-1132,

RANDGAARD, John G., 722, E5-E6, Det 4, AP62-AP63, HC 8 Box 701, Payson, AZ 85541, 928-474-5403, John never married. He retired from the Army in Feb 1971.

RINEHOLD, John W., Det 4, PO Box 1495, Philomath, OR 97370, 541-929-3374,
Keep me on your list. It's not likely I'll make any ASA Turkey meeting back east though. I live just a few miles from the Pacific Ocean.

"If you think there is good in everybody, then you obviously haven't met everybody."

RUSSO, Anthony (Tony), Det 4, 64-65, Fulton, NY 13069,

I was assigned to Tuslog Det. 4 in Sinop,Turkey in 1964 and 1965. I worked in the tower on one of the operations going on up there. I enjoyed my tour, but remember many things I would like to forget. I was glad to come back to the US. I was on one of our basketball teams, played flag football, and was on the bowling team that went to Isle of Crete for the main tournment. Bill Spruce, Gary Davis, Sgt. Waldo, two other men Neil and Gary,but cannot remember there last names at this time. I went to NSA with Neil and Gary to take a course in telemetry signal analysis (SA430 course designator). I have our paper we could but to write letters, and have most of their signature,s on them. Some time I will send a list of them to one of our Tuslog Det. 4 to one of our web pages. My E-mail address is Most of the men new me as Tony (top wop of the hill.)


Thanks for sending the newsletter, I found it very interesting. Would it be OK to post it on an internet site so the people on the Sinop web site could see it? Or do you have it available there already? I'm within driving distance to Hershey from my location in NJ and plan to attend the reunion on Saturday only. The party Friday night sounds like fun but I'm on the wagon and it might be too much temptation (grin). Best, Bill Simons - Manager, Sinop site.

STAFFIN, Roger, Det 4, 59-60, Kyrgyzstan. Elder RC Green: Sorry I won't be able to attend the festivities and reunion but I am tied up here in Kyrgyzstan, not far from Turkey. Please say hello to the gang for me and wish them well and much happiness and future prosperity. I decided after many years to make an effort to return to this part of the world and I am enjoying the people and the mountains. Currently I am teaching Literature and Composition at American University Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek) where I have been since November 2001. I joined the Peace Corps at the ripe age of 60 and served in Balykche, Kyrgyzstan teaching World Literature and TEFL English at the Balykche Institute of Law and Management on Lake Issyk-Kul. But after 9-11 all Volunteers in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan were evacuated (311 total) back to the United States and discharged. I stubbornly turned around and came back 3 weeks later. I'm happy to announce that I soon will get married and plan on staying in this part of the world for years to come. And of course I will plan a trip or two to old Sinop. Good luck to all. Roger Staffin



STANCEL, Dennis, E3-E4, 98J, Det 4, SE74-SE75, (Melinda), 265 Meadow View Ct., Grayson, GA 30017, 770-962-5364, . Dennis is 49 and is the youngest of the ASA Turkey Vet's that I've located. I found him on Bill Simons Sinop website and talked to him on the 18th and hope to get a BIO from him in the near future

VAN GUILDER, Rodney F., DOB: 1943, E9, Det 4, 87-88, 49 Holden Rd., Shirley, MA 01464, 978-697-4337,
Rod retired in 1992 with 28 years active duty. He is the golf pro at the Grofton Club.

WENDELL, Joe, E3-E4, 05K, Det 27, DE65-DE66, (Joice), 3540 Countryside Dr., Glenwood, MD 21738, 410-489-4576,

BLONDE, Female - A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his attractive blond female neighbor came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox. She opened it then slammed it shut and stormed back in the house. A little later she went to the mail box and again opened it, then slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into the house she went. As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came out again, marched to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it closed harder than ever. Puzzled by her actions the man asked her, "Is something wrong?" to which she replied, "There certainly is!" My stupid computer keeps saying, "YOU'VE GOT MAIL."


BLOUNT, Robert (Bobbie), E8, Det 4, 68-69. I need the details (DOB; DOD and POD) for my former BOSS at Bad Aibling.


by Eugene C. Cram

At Bad Aibling I remember him well. We all knew him as BLUNK, not BLOUNT. One night we were playing pinochle at his house and he and his partner just couldn't draw a decent hand - - Old Blunk excused himself to go to the bathroom. We waited maybe 15 minutes, then Tex Traweek (anyone remember him) went to see where he was. He'd just gone to bed leaving us holding the bag - - One day he drove on base in a new sports car. I said its beautiful, but it's not big enough to carry all your kids - - his reply - - it's beautiful. When he was at Sinop he went on a severe diet and dropped down to 150 lbs (about 90 lbs loss), got the dentist to make him a set of false buck teeth, and bought new uniforms. All this just to bug his wife. Didn't tell her when he was coming home, just took a cab from the airport, put his bags out of sight and knocked on the door. His wife (whose name I don't remember) came to the door - - - Lisping thru his buck teeth, this skinny little man asked to come in her house - - in the ensuing argument Bobby demanded to come in, because it was his house. The wifey said it is not, "My husband and I own this place!). About that time one of their little kids said, "Mommy, I think it's Daddy!". When I arrived at Fort Campbell in 1963 I was greeted by 1st Sgt Blunk who took me to meet the CO... turned out to be a CPT Ed Reed who I had served with when he was Sgt Ed Reed. Between them they had concocted a welcome for me, a new Warrant Officer, - - a set of orders giving me all the duties that an officer could be assigned. I took a look at it and said what happened - you got a really sorry bunch of Lieutenants? A little later we were informed that we were to become the nucleus for a new ASA unit. The 313th was shipping to NAM. We were to form the 317th and move to Bragg - - One thing we were told to do was devise a new crest for the new unit. One Wednesday afternoon, Reed, Blunk and I were water skiing on the river and Blunk remarked that the new crest had to be sent that day to the hearldry branch to meet the deadline - - so the Capt/ the CWO and the MSG went into conference as only people who had drunk too much beer to continue water skiing can do. Since the new BN CO was to be Major Jay "Batshit" Smith - Blunk drew this big yellow moon with a black bat superimposed on it and under the crest the latin words "ano ad guano" (BATSHIT). We hilariously packaged and sent it to the hearaldry branch. We sobered up and spent the next three weeks waiting for the sword to fall. Someone at the hearldry branch had a sense of humor - - it came back approved with the latin words replaced with "THROUGH THE NIGHT" - - No question in my mind that Bobby Blunk had a truly warped sense of humor, but he was a GREAT GUY to know and serve with


E-mail changes


gH - Sorry for the confusion on email addresses. The is my son’s address that I submitted some time ago to receive the memory book as he has a dsl connection. He’s been getting the DOOL’s but didn’t realize I wasn’t. You can delete his address, and I’d be pleased to keep getting future editions at Thanks again - Brian Hennessey


ATTACHMENTS - check 'em out!

The MORSE.WAV attachment is for the newly found vet's who were 058's and 05H's



That's easier said than done. Here I sit, frustrated that I'm not getting the reunion news out. Perhaps U are not in a position to actually get involved with helping to set up the 2002 reunion, but there are other areas where U might want to apply some of your talents. Let's face it, it is more than a one man job. I am always looking for your BIO's, and writers to assist me with the newsletter and the Memory Book. Up-dating the Memory Book from BIO's and from items included in the newsletter takes a lot of my time and it feels like it is a never ending task. I have been going through all of my newsletters (FOCK Rock, Hourglass and Days of our Lives) and pasting the interesting items into the Memory Book. Boy does that take time. Chuck Bergmann (JC-his op sine at Manzarali) has volunteered to copy the 2002 Memory Book for those attending the reunionat no cost to anyone.

Anyone want to volunteer to make the BADGES?


From: James L. Perlowski, PFC, Det 27, 64-65, Las Vegas, NV,

Subject: Finding "stuff" gH - I have not forgotten you - honest. It's just that I have over 200 boxes to go through. So far I'm about half done. One good thing as a by-product - I'll be able to fit one of the cars inside this damm garage when I'm finished. Hang in there, it will not be much longer. Best, Jim Perlowski (Former editor of the Manzarali Mauler)

From: Michael Comroe

Subject: 1962 Football Team

gH: As I sit now and look for the right keys to push, my wife is at work enlarging and copying the several pictures and article for the memories book. I wish I had more to send, but age and dampness ruined most of them. I did have the 1962 Championship Team photo though. Will be mailed to you via snail mail Tues. or Wed. By the way Elder, my Company Commander is now considering coming, what activities are planned for the
ladies? Mike P.S. I still have my trophy from 1962, I think I'll bring it for a table decoration.


Mark -

I haven't heard from U in a long time. I think in your last communica that

U were moving from Orlando to Cincinnati.

Is your website still active? Are U planning on attending the reunion at Hershey

13-15 Sept?

Waiting to hear from U. Sincerely, - - -gH

FM: Mark Hamilton

gH: Good to hear from you. Yes, we're still in the process of moving from Orlando to Cincinnati. I've been up here since January and have been commuting back and forth. Looks like we'll finally make the move and get the family up here at the end of this month. Unlike most of you guys, I started a lot of things late in life and instead of retiring or being near it, am still trying to make a living and raise a family. Don't know what happened to the web site. It just disappeared one day. Have tried to get it straightened out with my ISP, but to no avail. I've got a complete back up so will probably re-publish it with a new provider up here in Cincinnati. I want to attend the reunion but must wait to commit, due to so many things that are up in the air with us right now.

Am attaching a message I received from the current Turkish CO of Site 23. Quite interesting.

Mr. Hamilton

As the current commander of Manzarali Site, I visited your web site. It is interesting to see the old times of our site. Photographs helped us to understand the situation in the past. Manzarali site is still in use and it is called "Bayrak" Site which means "Flag" in Turkish. We would like to express our thanks to you because of providing us with these possibilities and we further our best regards. Sincerely Adem Demir Brigadier General

gH - I'll be in touch - lots going on right now. Really enjoy the "Days of our Lives" Warm Regards, Mark Hamilton


From: Jim Crane, O1-O2, FC, Det 27, 64-66, Kennesaw, GA., </ym/Compose?>

Thanks for caring enough to call the other evening to update me on ASA Turkey. It has been a long time since I have had a chance to reminisce about my wonderful experience in Turkey. Another thanks for sending the back copies of "The Days of Our Lives." It appears that it is a labor of love for you. Thanks for bringing back so many good memories. A brief update: After leaving Det 27 in December 66 I went to work for GE on the Financial Training Program. Graduate School followed resulting in an MBA from The University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. Back to GE where I worked in Transportation, Consulting Services, Major Appliances, Television and Projection Display Products (Commercial Projection Devices). Following the close of the Projection Display Business I worked for AmPro Corporation in Florida and for the past five years have been the VP and General Manager for BARCO Projection Systems. We sell commercial display devices including indoor and outdoor LED Walls and projectors for staging events, Control Room Walls, Digital Cinema Projectors, Outdoor Digital Singage and high end projectors for board rooms. Thanks again for caring.

From: Colman R. Lalka </ym/Compose?>

Hello Elder, Please send the Manzarali web address. I lost all the stored web addresses on my computer. Thank you, and I hope you've had luck in locating others. I saw you found Larry Lett and Dan Danko. We were stationed together at Det 27. [[Mark Hamilton's Manzarali website is no longer on the internet. See Mark's email above for the details- - -gH

Your Opinion Counts

For comments or submissions to the "DAYS OF OUR LIVES," e-mail </ym/Compose?> and the lone editorial staff will respond to every e-mail, but reserves the right to edit for content and clarity.



This is too good!
They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-three students filing into the
already crowded auditorium. With rich maroon gowns flowing and the
traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt. Dads
swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and moms freely brushed away tears.
This class would not pray during the commencement--not by choice, but
because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it. The principal and several
students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling.
They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned
divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their
families. The speeches were nice, but they were routine--until the final
speech received a standing ovation.
A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and
silent for just a moment, and then he delivered his speech--an astounding
SNEEZE! The rest of the students rose immediately to their feet and, in
unison, they said, "GOD BLESS YOU!"
The audience exploded into applause. The graduating class found a unique
way to invoke God's blessing on their future--with or without the court's



by Roy DesRuisseaux, MP, Det 27, 61-62 </ym/Compose?>


Thanks for the write up of Jon Wood, the Det 27 photographer. Phil Kelly and I spoke briefly about Jon during the reunion last year. Jon showed up at Det 27 in the spring or early summer of 1962. Jon was from California and had worked as a photographer on a newspaper and was fired and I think that's how he ended up in the army at Det 27. One of Jon's first jobs at Det 27 was to make badges of the Turk workmen. They had "pasos" but they were pretty beat up. We had a file box at the main gate with 4x6 index cards some with pictures, some without. If a Turk showed up without his pass we were suppose to get it from the box. Half the time the Turk would pull out a card with a picture and you couldn't tell if it was him or not. When Jon did it we then had a good set of ID's of all the workmen. Since he did this at the PMO I got to know him a bit and as I was thinking of going into photography he was always willing to talk shop. I left in Sept of 1962 and about a year later. I was hired by United Press Newspictures in Washington D.C. as a bureau assistant processing film, printing pictures, and doing the transmitting and receiving of the pictures around the world. We were in the same building as the now defunct Washington Daily News and I used to do some work for them. My first published picture for them was of a congressional bike race that was won by some young upstart congressman from Illinois, Donald Rumsfeld. Anyhow I'm not sure when probably in late 1964 or early 1965 Jon and I ran into each other. Not sure where but he may have stopped by UPI looking for work. I guess it was about May of 1965 Jon called me and wanted to come over and shoot the breeze. I was living in an apt. in Arlington Va. and Jon was sharing an apt. in Georgetown. Jon and his roommate stopped by one evening and we talked for a few hours and Jon critiqued some of my work. The best story Jon told me was that he had an assignment at the White House a week before. This was when LBJ was being photographed with his beagles. Anyhow LBJ was walking the dogs and the press guys were walking backward in front of the dogs and stooping down to take pictures and at some point Jon stumbled and landed on his rear, right in front of Johnson and the dogs. We said our goodbyes with "let's keep in touch or whatever you say when you think you'll be seeing someone. This was the last time I saw Jon.

Looking at a 1965 calendar I have a strong feeling that Jon lost his life at Great Falls on the 4th of July.

I remember driving into D.C. on a Monday and hearing the news on the radio as I was on the Key Bridge going into work. Either that day or the next I got a call saying there was going to be a memorial service for Jon. I think I got this info from another Det. 27 MP whose name was either Richard or Robert Warren. Anyhow after the service we all went to Jon's apt which was a ground floor apt with a nice back yard. I remember going into the apt and seeing some of Jon's work on the wall and someone saying everyone's out back. As soon as I went into the backyard I saw a guy in class A's. I recognized him and he knew me . Don't remember his name but he was a career NCO from my Det 27 days. I think he was a S/Sgt or SFC and I think he worked in Ops. Nice guy. It was during this time that he and Warren were talking about the article on Baldwin which was in the June 25th issue of Time. As I said on my web page the letter to the editor about Baldwin I saw which was printed in the July 9th Time. (Thanks to Daryl Waite or I would be clueless) This was the last time I saw anyone from Det 27 until the reunion last year. Please feel free to print this, edit it, or trash it. I just had to unload on someone as I was feeling really melancholy and somewhat sad thinking back to those days so long ago.


Fm: Stanley T. Winarski </ym/Compose?>

Subject: Re: Jon Wood

Carol and I attended Jon's funeral and the get together at his apartment later but I don't recall meeting Roy or who else was there from Jon's service days in Turkey. I still have a bottle of Coke that Jon's parents gave to me at the get together. It has Arabic on one side and English on the other. Jon had picked it up on one of our trips to Teheran.
Apparently he had written his parents about the trip and the bottle and when we met them this one and only time, they insisted that I take it as a rememberance. I recall once proudly showing Jon one of my "very best" photos that I had taken during a previous tour of duty in Hawaii (terrible job but somebody had to do it). He dutifully admired it and commented, "Isn't it courious that water runs uphill in Hawaii." Sure enough, the camera had not been
held level and one side of the Japanese garden pond was (ever so slightly) higher than the other. Needless to say, when ever we see that photo or the Coke bottle it brings back memories of Jon.


From: Roy DesRuisseaux, PFC, MP, Det 27, 61-62, (Josie), Upper Darby, PA </ym/Compose?>

Hi Elder:

I have not a clue what the Sinop guy's name was. Someone mentioned "Moose" a few Days of our Lives back. That may have been his nick name. I knew this guy fairly well but damned if I can remember his name. Cooper (the semi driver) is also made up, neither Ed Larkin nor I can remember his name. I knew him at the time because he was part of the motor pool and was always off post for bringing in equipment & supplies. Jones (the GI who bought a horse and kept it in one of the nearby villages) also made up. Wouldn't know the guy if he walked up to me today. Was a newbie in summer of 1962 & by then I think all I was thinking about was getting out!! Harris was indeed Jim Brisindeen. I wasn't sure how he spelled his name so I just used Harris. Of course Kimble is Baldwin. I figured if Baldwin ever saw the sight and I had the facts wrong he'd sue me(well maybe not ha ha) so Baldwin is the name of a piano and there used to be a Kimball piano so I made it Kimble.

I knew Mark was moving but I'm sorry to here he took down the site. He got a lot of the history down and did a good job. Hopefully when he gets settled in Cinncy he'll put it back up. I think he was using his ISPs free space so when he moves he looses it.

I want to thank you for forwarding my e mail to Stan Winarski. After I read his post about Jon Wood I couldn't stop thinking about Jon so I wrote that e mail to you just to get it off my chest so I could move on. There are times when the past comes up and bites me in the ass and that was one of them. I think you are like me in that you have a great memory and can recall stuff from 30-40 years ago.

I always get a little bummed out when I try to remember first names and can't.Unfortunately Ed Larkin & Alan Chermack aren't any better. Well I'm rambling a bit here so I'll close .I am looking forward to Hershey looks like it'll quite a bit bigger than Devins. I am going to now check and see if I can locate a Det. 27 guy who I didn't know but I remembered his name and I think he lived on Long Island. I'll let you know it I find him.


DID U KNOW: That it was Mike Findley who suggested that my current missive be called "DAYS OF OUR LIVES". For the NEW GUYS & GALS, the earlier missives were titled: "HOURGLASS" and "FOCK ROCK respectively and most of the data is in the 2001 and 2002 MEMORY BOOK



From: Murphy, Robert A., SP5, 058, 61-62, Glen Burnie, MD </ym/Compose?>

Subject: Memories

Elder, There are some other names I remember and some additional details for a few of the names I saw on the roster. Charlie Hart is actually from Hagerstown, MD, not Baltimore. Ed Holland is from Berlin, MD. I saw him twice after he got back from Turkey. There was a guy named Steve Howard. Also, Larry Thomas, from somewhere around Philadelphia, I think. Bill Brittingham is from Reviera Beach, MD, not far from me. I last saw him around 1971 at the local community college. He told me that when his enlistment was up, he re-uped for six so he could go to Vietnam, to see what was going on. There was an E-6 named Missey or Missy, from somewhere in the south, who went home to get married while we were there, and then came back to finish his tour. There was a guy nomed Harvey Carlin from Texas, who finagled a way to go home early...some kind of family trouble. Also, Harlow Lawson. There was also this guy named Wills, who was older than the rest of his thirties, I believe. He had a twin brother and they had agreed that one would work while the other went to college. So the brother went to
college while Wills went into the Army. Some where along the way, thought, the brother's Korean war shell-shock remanifested, and he blew all the savings and had to leave college, ruining their plans. Also, Art Rayhawk, one of my roommates. Art was a re-up, an 058. His father had been a GS-15 at NSA. Art had a legendary capacity for CocaCola. There was also Roy Carroll, who is on your roster. He was also one of my roommates. He is from Covington, KY. All these guys were 058s, although Wills changed to the radio repair MOS--he pretended he couldn't copy code, and got away with it. All arrived and left after I did, but there was considerable overlap to our tours.

A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his attractive blond female neighbor came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox. She opened it then slammed it shut and stormed back in the house. A little later she went to the mail box and again opened it, then slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into the house she went. As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came out again, marched to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it closed harder than ever. Puzzled by her actions the man asked her, "Is something wrong?" to which she replied, "There certainly is!" My stupid computer keeps saying, "YOU'VE GOT MAIL."


Fm: Gary Jorgensen, 05H, Det 27 & 4-4, MY66-SE658, (Vergie), Duluth, MN., </ym/Compose?>

Subject: Al'szimers & Don Brantal


With my great memory, after I sent you what I remembered about Don Brantal I saw the "light" and remembered that I talked to him last year and that he had been at Manzarali and that he was in the process of getting a new email adr. I called and talked to his wife and she said he was out of town til this weekend and he had been in Turkey . I said I would call him next week. So I will follow up and report. The "kid" who's losing his mind from old age


From: Drew < </ym/Compose?>>

gH, Thanks for the continued hard work, I really enjoy hearing what is going on in peoples lives after 35 years.

From: Stanley T. Winarski < </ym/Compose?>>

Elder, Thanks for #68. The Lt with the pretty eurasian wife was CPT Billy Biscomb and Liza, a strikingly beautiful girl of Philipine heritage. You might want to compare tour of duty dates and see if that fits. [[It was him. John Kittenring also ID'd the couple. See his entry below. Bill & Liza live at Bainbridge Island, WA 206-842-6905, </ym/Compose?>

Fm: JAMES A HARBER, SP5, 058, Det 27, 19MY62-27OC63, (Becky), Acworth, GA 30102 </ym/Compose?>

Elder, I know you must be overwhelmed by the response from the new findings of Turkish vets.... I really don't know how your are keeping up with the name listing.... However, Brian Hennessey has not received any DOL's since that last break around #59... I was current until tonite.... but, I never received #67. I have been forwarding Brian all of the misses... could you add Brian back to you listing.. (his email is spelled different from his name spelling) .... </ym/Compose?> Many thanks... [[Jim - Brian has changed his email several times. I have his email as </ym/Compose?>..... but will change it to </ym/Compose?>

From: Donna Lady Among Other Things </ym/Compose?>

Elder you're a "kick". Is that your picture with the beard? Thanks for all the info..Donna Lady (Ken's wife)


From: Daryl Waite </ym/Compose?>

Elder: I seem to be missing Days #67. I suspect that not all mail is being delivered, although plenty of junk mail zips through. Did you get the one yet from the "South-African businessman" offering $2 million if you'll help him smuggle $26 Meg out of the country via your bank account? Guess he had to leave Nigeria!

From: Walt Dubicki, E5, 058/059 Tk #1 Tk Chief, Det 27, DE61-JN63, (Beverely), Louisville, KY </ym/Compose?>


Will be on the road again Friday. Going to Austin , Texas to visit with my daughter, son-in-law, grandson and my next grand baby, due in Sept. Have fun, take care of the loved ones and I will be back to my PC by Memorial Day.. I'LL BE BACK !!!! -

[[Hey Walt. When U get to Austin - get in touch with Ralph (The eternal Weed) Tilney - 512-833-5906 and show that RED HEAD how a CREW CUTTER from the 61-63 Manzarali days gave GRATE RUBS]]


Universal Trade Language

The European Union commissioners have announced that agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for European communications, rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year phased plan for what will be known as Euro English (Euro for short).

In the first year, "s" will be used instead of the soft "c". Sertainly, sivil servants will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard "c" will be replaced with "k". Not only will this klear up konfusion, but typewriters kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced by "f" This will make words like "fotograf" 20 per sent shorter.

In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent "e"s in the languag is disgrasful, and they would go.

By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" by "z" and "w" by " v".

During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou", and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst place…Ron Morgan

1.Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
2. Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
3. The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.
4. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
5. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.
6. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
7. Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.
8. The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.
9. The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.
10. A Boeing 747's wing span is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.
11. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating 1 olive from each salad served in first-class.
12. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
13. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
14. The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
15. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.
16. The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
17. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
18. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.
19. Marilyn Monroe had six toes.
20. All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public.
21. Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
22. Pearls melt in vinegar.
23. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
24. The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, CocaCola, and Budweiser, in that order.
25. It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.
26. A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why.
27. The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases.
28. Richard Millhouse Nixon was the first US president whose name contains all the letters from the word "criminal." The second? William Jefferson Clinton.
And, the best for last.....
29. Turtles can breathe through their butts.

From: Dixie </ym/Compose?>

Got a copy of the 2001 Memory Book. Thank you. Dixie (Shatzer) Rooks


Schwartzenegger has a big one
Michael J. Fox has a small one
Madonna doesn't have one
The Pope has one but doesn't use his
Clinton uses his all the time
Mickey Mouse has an unusual one
George Burns' was hot
Liberace never used his on women
Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his
We never saw Lucy use Desi's
What is it?
>Answer below! (this is really good)

>The answer is: "A Last Name."
>You didn't think I'd send you a dirty joke, now did you?


From: John Kettenring, </ym/Compose?>

You may be thinking of William Biscomb, a Lt. in charge of the MPs during some part of the 62-64 period I was there.[[Tks John. How's the new grandchild doing? Still waiting for your BIO and some photo's for the 2002 BOOKLET- - -gH]]

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