Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 5:12 PM
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #67
Have you ever wondered what the other side of a smiley face looks
like? Well, wonder no more!
(picturte missing)
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Thank you. Elder RC Green - - -gH
Some people come and go in our lives, like passing ships,
nameless faces, never meant to be part of our lives, but they
are. Friends share simple, ordinary times in our lives, moments
that become memories that stay in our hearts forever and we will
never, ever be the same........ Author Unknown
Newly found VET's
ARMSTRONG, Bob, (aka Mitch & ATATURK), 059/K, Det 27, 60-62,
(Dorothy Louise), 1007 Colony Dr., New Bern, NC 28562,
252-637-2525, (dsl).
Bob is 62 and remembers
his Tour of Duty in Turkey like it was yesterday. He was the NM
supervisor on his trick and did a LOT of hunting for wild boar in
Turkey instead of beer drinking like his friend Harold Probert
did. Has promised to send his BIO, photo's and tentative plans
are to get together with Harold Probert and Charlie Kindermann
and for them to attend the Hershey reunion
BICKETT, Larry, E2-E5, 98C, Det 4-4, DE68-JN70, (Deborah), 16757
Tupper St., North Hills, CA 91343, 818-891-2534,
Larry is 52 works for the city of Los Angeles as a supervisor of
the traffic lights, etc. He worked the Transcaucasus Military
District cases with Gary Dunnam.
COSGROVE, Charles L., SFC, MP NCOIC, Det 27, 63-65, (Dorothy),
7654 Wesley Rd., Monassas, VA 20109, 703-368-3520, no e-mail.
Chas is a native of Johnstown, PA. He retired as a E7in 1967 and
then worked 23 years on the Capital Police Force. He is 72 and
hopes to attend the Hershey reunion. His wife, Dorothy, was with
him in Ankara.
COURTEMANCHE, Bernard (Bernie), 05H, Det 27, 61-62, (Sandra), 9
Old Manchester Rd., Raymond, NH 03077, 603-895-2811,
Bernie is 62 and was
on active duty 1960-66
EADENS, Dave, E3-E4, MP,
Det 27, 61-62, (Nova - div - 3 kids), 280 Eadens Rd., Bowling
Green, KY 42101, 270-777-3786, no e-mail. I called Dave on 28
April 2002. Dave is 60, a christian and is the owner of a 690
acre farm on which he raises beef cattle and is a tobacco farmer.
He remembered the following MP's: Joe Andrews from OK; Jack
Birdwell from TN; Sgt Rowan; Cpl Kompier from IN and Maj Joe
Lindgren. He would like to attend the Hershey reunion, but it is
right in the middle of his tobacco (yeni harmon) crop.
GAMBLE, Leslie B. Jr., (Buzz), E5, 05K, Det 27, 66-67, (Linda), 248 Walkers Mill Rd., Bethel, ME 04217, 207-824-3060, Buzz is 55 and works for the Dept of Educationconducting teacher workshops. Linda is a University Professor. Buzz has relatives in the Hershey area and is planning on attending the reunion.
GONTERO, Lynn, E3-E5,
Microbarograph Spec Det 17, 64-66, (Cylda), 1558 Prairie DuChien
Rd., Iowa City, IA 52245, 319-337-4776,
Lynn is 57 and a native of Emporium, PAand still has relatives
living in Hollywood, PA which is next to Scattertown, Force,
Weedville and St.Marys, PA. He informs that Det 17 was a small
ASA detachment of about 20 men, a CO (Cpt John Anderson), 1SG
(Kolish?). After Kolish a RIF'd officer took over as 1SG. He
remembers SFC Bob Galloway who was from NJ and a few other names
that he will send to me. Det 17 was co-located with the AF Det 18
about 6-7 miles from Site 23. Does anyone remember if it was
colocated with Det 66?
E3-E5 059/K, Det 27, 60-61, (Sue), 13628 Glenhurst Rd., North
Potomac, MD 20878, 301-977-2434,
Hi! Chuck Teschker sent us your Turkey Memory Book CD, which we
downloaded to our hard drive. Charlie hasn't looked at it yet, or
your "Days of Our Lives" email, but I'm saving it all
for him, so please keep them coming. (Charlie hasn't been on a
computer since he retired last year, but expresses an interest in
looking at the things you have put together, if only I can get
him away from sports on TV!). Do you want us to forward the CD to
someone? If you don't have someone right now, we can hang on to
it until you do. You have our email, so just let us know. Sue [I
had to call Chuck Teschker to find out how Sue Lindgren was
connected. There is a Joe Lindgren on the roster, but he doesn't
have e-mail. Chuck and Penny Teschker informed me that Sue is
charlie Kindermann's wife. Bob (Mitch) Armstrong and Harold
Probert will be contacting the Kindermann's to re-new their OLD
KRISTUFEK, Anne, widow
of CPT Robert W. Kristufek, QMC, Det 27, 65-67, 6 Westlake Dr.,
South Barrington, IL 60010, 847-836-8321.
I called and left a message for Anne. She returned my call on the
29th from Rochester, MN where her 2nd husband, Dr. Richard C.
Berglund (sp?) was ungoing a knee operation at the Mayo Clinic.
Anne is 60 and informed me that Bob was deceased from a massive
heart attack in 1994. We talked for about an hour as she sure did
enjoy their Tour of Duty in Ankara and at Manzarali. Briefly she
told me that Bob had spent a year in Vietnam after Turkey and
then resigned his commission as the Army plans for him was to go
back to Vietnam after an assignment in Dayton, OH. They had two
children, Catherine (born in the USAF Hosp in Ankara) and Jim.
Anne kept the Kristufek name because of her occupation, otherwise
I would not have been able to find her. Rick, her 2nd husband was
an EM in RVN where he was wounded while serving with a Special
Forces Team. He got out of the Army and went to Medical School
and did his residency as a Navy Doctor. His active duty time
totalled 10 years. Anne remembers Col and Bette Lewis, Maj Paul
Sanders and his German wife, Claude and Ginny Vannoy and Lt Bill
Walters and his lovely wife. She was shocked to hear that Dr.
(Cpt) Goretsky was in a Personal Care Home in NY. She said that
the Catholic priest at Det 27 was Father Nosser. She is planning
on attending the reunion in Hershey unless other schedules might
conflict. Anne's quick wit reminds me of Penny Teschker without
the Brit twist. (just kidding Penny lope).
Det 27 @63, (Diane), 977 S Shore Rd., Quinault, WA 98575,
360-288-2409, Talked to Diane. Doug is in NM, and she expects to
join him soon and will get back in touch with me. Doug Lisherness
and Eddie Rathbun were MSC wrestlers according to Ben Haagenson
and Larry Lett, et al.
MOSER, Alan H., DOB:
22JL29, SP6, 98C3L68, Det 4, 64-65, (Mary), address unk,
Greetings Elder' Regrets about Det 4 reunion 13-15 Sep 2002. I
have already committed to FS Berlin reunion at Bethesda with a
tour of the Cryptologic Museum at the Puzzle Palace. SP6 Jerry
Sweeney, 98C was also there at that time. Actually if I were
truly with you at the reunion it would probably be in spirits as
well. Best wishes, and let me know when the Next reunion will be.
MURPHY, Robert A., (R.A.
and Bob), E3-E5, 058/H, Det 27 and Det 4, AP60-AP62
I'd like to attend the reunion and bring my wife. I'm Robert A.
Murphy. Iserved in Turkey at Det. 27 from April 1960 to April
1962, an 18 month tour that turned into two years because of the
Berlin crisis. I was an 058 and reached the rank of SP5. I
arrived in Ankara before Manzarali Station was opened, so they
sent me and another GI to Sinop for a couple of weeks. We were
there when Powers' U2 was shot down. Another interesting point is
that when I arrived in Turkey, the revolution that ousted
Menderez was just winding down. There were still tanks and
soldiers everywhere, and a curfew in force. The Web site is a
great idea! How long have you been in operation?
PROBERT, Harold,
E1-E3-E1-E3, 059/K, Det 27, 60-62, (Judy), 660 S. Bailey St.,
Fallon, NV 89406, 775-423-4906, Call me Harold, not Hal, nor
Harlie or Late for dinner, just call me HAROLD. Harold, now 65
and retired from the Teamsters and Operating Engineers, enjoyed
his Tour at Manzarali even though six months of it was spent in
the USAF stockade. Harold was a hardcore Airborne Ranger before
his ASA assignment and nearly everyone knew better than to mess
with Harold when he was drinking. He did the pushing and jumping
and now is afraid of flying. Seems that one nite in 1962 Harold
had one too many beers at the NCO Club and went a lookin for a
friendly chat with Fearless Freddie Frye, (a ROTC alumnus and his
Platoon Officer) in the BOQ. He was told that Freddie wasn't
there and for him to get out! Harold insisted that he'd wait for
him, but a BIG and BURLY and also highly inebriated officer (who
always wore sunglasses and was already barred from the Officer's
Club because of his obnoxious drinking habits,......) there
insisted that he leave or he would bodily throw Harold out of the
BOQ. Needless to say, Harold now admits that he shouldn't have
been in the BOQ in the first place, but he wasn't about to be
bullied around by another lush and all it took was a swing by the
captain and Harold's airborne ranger training took command of the
situation. All it took was one punch for the KO. Soon the
commotion attracted others and the OD (a Warrant Officer) plus 4
or 5 MP's finally cuffed Harold and he was taken to the PMO.
Harold Brookshire, Baby Huey and Bob Armstrong told me that
Harold Probert pulverized them all and it was a struggle for them
to even get the handcuffs off Harold when he was in the cell for
the simple fact that he would clobber them when they tried. The
next morning Bob was able to get the handcuff's off, as they were
friends then and still are today as they have kept in touch all
these years. Several vet's have told me that the officer's that
Harold roughed up were also intoxicated, but lied on the witness
stand at his court martial. The JAG officer who represented him
at trial was a brand new 2LT who was afraid of his own shadow.
Harold served his time in the stockade, returned to Manzarali and
made re-made PFC before he left Manzarali and was Honorable
discharged from the Army. He holds no grudges against anyone over
that drunken caper. He would like to attend the reunion, but does
not like to fly anymore, but maybe Bob Armstrong, Baby Huey and
Charlie Kindermann can convince Harold to come EAST in September.
Harold and Judy own a shop in their hometown. [[Hey, any of U,
1960-62, MP's out there remember the incident with Harold
Probert? If so, Harold would like to hear from you in this forum.
I'm still trying to find Freddie and the Captain who was
involved. Can anyone add to, correct or delete portions of this
story? - - -gH]]
SUTTLES, Stephen B.,
E3-E5, MP, Det 27, JL64-AP67, (Keumsoo), 14829 London Ln., Bowie,
MD 20715, 301-805-5866, (cable)
LtCol., AIS, Det 27, JL64-65, DOB: 12 July 1916 DOD: Feby 1986,
Covington, LA 70433
HESSE, Larry J., 058/H,
Det 27 @62, DOB: 16 Nov 1946 DOD: 14 Feby 1999, 52y, 353-38-5623
Issued IL.
Widow lives at 606 Wexford Dr., Quincy, IL 62305, 217-222-1855.
Roy Norman submitted Larry's name. This is all the info at this
Cpt., QMC, Det 27, 65-67. DOB: 3 Feb 1938 DOD: 18 Dec 1994, 55y,
SSN: 349-30-3852 iss IL -
See Anne Fristufek's entry above under new finds.
It is with the saddest of heart that I must send this news. Please join me in remembering a great icon.
The Pillsbury Doughboy
died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from
repeated pokes in the stomach. He was 71. The graveside was piled
high with flours. A long-time friend, Aunt Jemima, delivered the
eulogy, describing Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he
was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his
later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a
very "smart' cookie. Wasting much of his dough on half-baked
schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he even still, as
a crusty old man, was considered a roll model for millions.
Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of
celebrities came to pay their respects, including Mrs.
Butterworth, Hungry Jack, Captain Crunch, Betty Crocker, the
Hostess Twinkies and the California Raisins. Doughboy is survived
by his wife, Play Dough; two children, John Dough and Jane Dough,
plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly
father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20
minutes. Sorry you were unable to attend! - Tony Antonello
ATTACHMENTS - check 'em out!1. The Bieber attachment is John B. Bieber, C/C, Det 27, AU66-FE68. The photo is from the album of Dave Althouse2. The MP's attachment is L-R, Rob Nearpass, Reuben Kidd and ? Lam. Anyone know the whereabouts of Kidd and Lam? The photo courtesy of Rob Nearpass3.
The Salcido attachment
is none other than ex-058 Don Salcido whose BIO is below. The
embroidered T-shirt that Don is wearing is one of the many that I
had made for the Fort Devens reunion. The Det 4-4 items were
identical, except the logo. I'll order similar items for the 2002
reunion if there is enough orders. The Hats, T-shirts,
Sweatshirts, and Golf shirts were $10., $10., $15., and $20.
respectively. If interested, send me your order and sizes. The
hats fit all sizes of heads. I might be able to get the supplier
to embroider the other Det's on the items, that is if there is
enough orders as the set-up fee will be the deciding factor.
ex-SFC(Retired) Roger Glubka is in South Korea with his active
duty CW3 wife, Michelle, and will send me some ASA patches and
the backward riding TURK on the A-SHAK for the reunion. The cost
per item has not been determined yet.4. The Orders for Soldier of
the Month attachment comes from Ronald D. White who worked for me
at Manzarali as a 98C Russian Lingi who made SSG E-6 on his one
and only enlistment. We sent Ron on a vacation to the NCO Academy
at Bad Toltz, Germany as a SP5 and he finished 1st in his class.
Several others at Manzarali did the same feat. Thanks for the
orders. Note that Louis (Tony) Antonello's name is on the orders
and also sent me the article before this one. I am quite proud of
my Tour of Duty at Manzarali, but DID encounter a problem at
Karamursel that prevented me from making E-9 at 18 years. I can't
remember who we selected as the Soldier of the Month. Do U
remember who it was?- - -gH
E-mail changes
Annual ASA Picnic: August 3rd, Blobs Park, Jessup MD:
The 5th Annual ASA
Picnic will be held on Saturday, 3 August 2002 at Blob's Park,
8024 Blob's Park Road, Jessup, MD 20794. POC is Nels Johnson at or phone (703) 941-8645. Website
[[Patty and I will be to this reunion. If any of U TUSLOG'ers are
planning on attending - please let me know and we can meet up and
enjoy the festivities while getting to know each other in
Did U know:
1. That U former 058's/05H's/059's/05K's may be eligible for HEARING AIDS from the VA if U have a hearing loss! A former 05H reports that he wasn't required to prove that his hearing loss was due to wearing headsets and that he was impressed by the level of VA "customer service" even though it was his first experience with the VA. They also provide all the batteries, maintenance, etc. This is all free. Yes, free. He did have to wait for the appointments but ended up with a set of state-of-the-art hearing devices. Remote controlled, digital, etc. The type of hearing aids the VA provides can cost several thousand dollars. Suggest that interested ex-058/059'ers contact their nearest VA hospital for the details in your area. As a part of the process you also get information on VA benefits that you are eligible to receive. Health care, glasses, medications, etc.
2. that I don't know the true meaning of a message telling me that my DAYS OF OUR LIVES missive was undeliverable because of ..... Does the system keep trying, or is that it?
3. that Burt Slesinger ( puts out a periodic ASA newsletter. If anyone is interested in receiving it contact Burt with your complete snail-mail address, phone number, name of significant other (if such is the case), and a brief BIO of ASA service (unit, location, and years (e.g. TUSLOG Det 4, Sinop, 58-59; Hq ASA Europe, Frankfurt, 59-62; etc.)). He'll take care of the rest.
4. that will enjoy going to:
5. that God won't ask........
God won't ask what kind of car you drove,but He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
God won't ask the square footage of your house,but He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet,but He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.
God won't ask about your social status;but He'll ask what kind of class you displayed.
God won't ask how many material possessions you had,but He'll ask if they dictated your life.
God won't ask what your highest salary was,but He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
God won't ask how much overtime you worked,but He'll ask if your overtime work was for yourself or for your family.
God won't ask how many promotions you received,but He'll ask how you promoted others.
God won't ask what your job title was,but He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
God won't ask what you did to help yourself, butHe'll ask what you did to help others.
God won't ask how many friends you had,but He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
God won't ask what you did to protect your rights,but He'll ask what you did to protect the rights of others.
God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived,but He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.
God won't ask about the color of your skin,but He'll ask about the content of your character.
God won't ask how many times your deeds matched your words,but He'll ask how many times they didn't.
God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation,but He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the
gates of Hell.
God won't ask how many
people you forwarded this too, but He'll ask tohow many people
you didn't because you were too ashamed.
SR Cc: Julian Hargus
Hi Elder, Good to hear from you, as always! I am re-sending our
family Christmas photo, circa Dec, 2001. I'm in the back row, 2nd
from left. My wife Judy is next to me, 3rd from the left. We've
been married 36 years tomorrow, April 23rd. The family we enjoy
surrounds us in this photo. (The old guy seated, with the white
beard, looks familiar but he's not a family member!).So far as
Cox, everyone had the same opinion of him. A bad character, even
on a good day. I think he had an OPS MOS, but am not sure what it
was. I think he was transferred to HQ from OPS, but I don't
really remember why. If he had a security clearance at OPS, it
was probably pulled when he was transferred. Cox ended up bunking
with Zip Hargus and I, before he got into more trouble running a
crooked gambling game in the HQ barracks. I think he was
motivated by an investigation that was probably leading to a
court martial - but I am not sure. It would explain why he was
anxious to "escape" from Turkey after that. Therein
follows the grisly Cox and Brisindine story.My pal Zip lives in
MO and we stay are in touch occasionally. He's got a phenomenal
memory. I will "cc" Zip and ask him to reply if he can
recall Cox's MOS? Looking forward to the 2002 edition of Days of
Our Lives Memory Book. Thanks for all your support for the
"old gang". As always. Howard "Steve"
[[Steve - Thanks for the
Family photo. Its aresolution size is too big to include herein,
but it's already in the 2002 Memory Book. - That sure is a fine
looking family that U and Judy have. I wish others would send me
their family portraits for the DAYS OF OUR LIVES Memory Book for
From: Julian Hargus
Subject: Sinop MP - Roses are red - Violets are blue - I am crazy
- and so am I. With that being said, the voices in my head told
me that the MP flown out of Sinop was named Michaud. Maybe the
voices are right, I think it sounds right. CU L8tr
From: Julian Hargus
To: HOWARD C STEPHENS, SR Cc: Roy & Josie DesRuisseaux ;
ercgreen ; Joe Thomas
Subject: Re: Sinop MP
You're right. Got 'em mixed up, but It was a name similar to
that. I have chastised my voices so maybe they will get it right
next time.. ha Roy, have you heard from any of the officers
(61/62).LtCol Epperson, Major Hutcheson, Major Garrity, CWO
Ketchside (pilot), Major Underwood??One of those guys should
remember the name. it's bugging me now.
Fm: Howard C STEPHENS,
To: Julian Hargus
Subject: Re: Sinop MP
Hi Zip, Arguably, you've got one of the best memories I've seen.
It must be good or Linda would have caught you in a little white
lie, now and then, over the years. Steel traps do tend to do
that, over time - even tender ones. :-) I remember working with
Michaud when I was assigned to the PM office. He was a big guy
with a bit of a baby face. Somehow, I don't think he was the guy
that was flown down from Sinop. I could be wrong. Maybe a couple
of our other comrades can recall? How's everything going on your
end? Glad to see winter end in Michigan. It wasn't a bad one -
just long, dark and cold. Looking forward to getting outdoors and
working on the lawn. North of the Mason-Dixon line, we call it
"cabin fever" (as Linda will no doubt affirm).Gotta go
for now. Take care and have a great weekend!
Cc: Julian Hargus ; ;
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 10:46 PM
Subject: Michaud
Hi all: "Tiny" Michaud was not the guy flown back from Sinop.When I was speaking to Ed Larkin sometime last year,"Tiny's" name came up. He and Ed came over from Vint Hill Farms together.This was sometime in 1960(Nov. I think) I'm pretty sure I told this story to some of you if not all but "Tiny" was an important person in my first few weeks at Det 27. I got my license to drive in my senior year of HS but I really didn't know how to drive very well. When I got to Det 27 Dennis O'Leary my friend from Arlington Hall who was now my squad leader said I had to drive. O'Leary told "Tiny" to take me out in the antenna field after a swing shift and show me how to work a stick shift. Never worked one but got it perfect on the first try."You sure you've never done this before" Tiny asked. Nope I said and then did about 5 bucking starts in a row but I finally got it down and was ok to drive. By the way do any of you remember his first name or where he was from? We might be able to locate him on Switchboard. As someone mentioned in one of Elders' newsletters someone mentioned "Moose" as the name or nickname of the guy. That sounds possible or else I'm just grasping at a name. By the way Robert V. Brown said he remembered that we kept this guy in the Ops building for awhile.
Howard in a few days if
I can find it I will send you and Alan Chermak a list of names of
MPs that I remember from that time I have 20 or so names but most
have no first name. If you can remember any first names that
would be nice. If you can't no big deal Sent the list to Larkin
& Dave Eadens in Ky but they didn't respond Oh Well. Sorry
for this long "nose bleed"(an expression my brother the
writer uses)but once in awhile this Det 27 stuff get me on a long
winded roll. Ok I'm outa here.
From: Chuck Bergmann
Subject: E-Mail of memory Book
Hi Elder 4/26/2002Since we have been having a hard time sending
the memory book out over the email to people because their
internet provider will only allow for a maximum of 3000000 size
and our book is 5700000 size I have come up with a way to over
come this problem. I have taken the book and separated it into
two parts. Part1 is the first 40 pages and Part2 is the last 45
pages. Then I have converted it to a PDF file which makes it even
smaller. By doing this the file sizes are small and everyone
should be able to get a copy over the e-mail system. If you have
anyone that would like a copy now just let me know and I'll send
out the 2 parts for them. This should open it up to everyone now
because the file size is under 2000000. Hope this takes care of a
lot of the problems we are having. With the new book being around
200 pages, you say, we can break it down into smaller parts also
and I can convert it to a PDF file and then we can send it out
over the internet. I can do all of that if you will send me the
new book when you finish it. If it's as big as I think it will be
you may have to send it on CD to me. My System can handle it but
I'm not sure if your internet provider will let you send over
10000000 in size. Let me know what you think?
[Anyone who has not
received the 2001 Memory Book - SEND AN E-MAIL TO Cc - -gH]
From: Don Salcido
Subject: Rememberences
As you have requested, I finally decided to provide some history
of the things I remembered in the military. I went to Ft Devens.
I was there during the winter of 65. However, I did not
have to shovel coal which was fortunate. However, because of the
spinal meningitis outbreak, the heat was turned totally off in
the barracks and the windows nailed open. I am told the disease
is dormant below 38 degrees. The snow was up to the window
sills!I remember taking a 17 hour flight to Ankara from JFK
airport, then taking a military bus with a couple of other guys
to Site 23, arriving about 2:00pm, and was told to sleep in a
room as a roommate another guy who had been in the 101st
Airborne. I can't remember his name, however, he was a
ditty-bopper like me, and liked music, rather he liked Ricky
Nelson, had about 4 or 5 LP's of Ricky and that is all he played
- day in and day out. To this day, I kind of like Ricky Nelson
records - I think because I kept out of the room most of the
time.I remember the guy who assigned me the room coming to me
about 4:00am and saying I needed to report to the Mess Hall to
assist with serving of food. I may have been a wet behind the
ears kid; however, I had not just fallen off the turnip truck. I
said a few expletives to him, rolled over and went to sleep. My
roomy at that time was working mids and I remember him waking me
to introduce himself when he came in - for which I thank him
profusely. I told him about the KP and he laughed, saying I had
passed. He said to go with him to breakfast and he'd show me.
Well, I was hungry and went to eat. One of the other two guys who
came in with me from Stateside was there serving food. As guys
moved down the chow line, I could hear some guys saying
"You're new here, aren't you?" As I went by, the guy
serving noticed me and said something, I remember saying I was
just lucky. I never lived off post, arriving sometime in early 66
and being assigned to Det 27. I don't remember what shift I was
on. I remember the shift SSGT or SFC, Bergeron (sic). Joe
DeMarsh, a Guy named Gan who unfortunately had a terrible body
order problem and was continually harassed and excluded from
activities because of it. I am not generally good at names, but
incidents I can remember.
The "A" Co. CO decided everyone should march to work, and wanted us to be more GI. We always thought our motto was, "we're lovers, not fighters." Our then trick sergeant would have us form up outside the barracks and we would march to work. However, marching might be an overstatement. He would walk on one side of the street; we would "march" on the other. In our group, people would be talking, smoking, drinking, and generally grumbling about how we had to march. He tried to count cadence the first day to get us in step, for which he received a whole bunch of beer cans, coffee cups, and other objects thrown in his direction. That ended that and we more or less wandered up to ops. The CO would get upset and threaten us, and we would "march" to the corner and then drift up the hill to ops. About this time, the CO also wanted the rooms to be "military." There was a lot of frustration with all this military crap and the work at ops slowed down. This went on for a few days. I was told a message came down from DIRNSA to the Post Commander saying he had 48 hours to correct the problem, or he would be relieved. For whatever reason, the marches and inspections abruptly ceased. The downside was there was an investigation trying to show that a conspiracy existed and we had mutinied. Investigators come onto the site and questioned a lot of us. To my knowledge, there was no mutiny, just a whole bunch of frustration. I believe nothing ever came of the investigation.
I had the fortunate experience to meet a guy who reported in after me and later brought his wife, Helen over to live in beautiful downtown Ankara. J.C. Bergmann. We were friends, I remember going to his apartment and enjoying myself. I liked boysenberry pie, which I could not get in Turkey. Helen was kind enough to get the berries and bake me one. I have positive memories with regards JC, who I later met again in Vietnam. He had some unfortunate experiences in Turkey, but those are his stories. As there was not much to do I went to the movie theater for every new movie. If I did not want to watch the movie, I could watch the previews of other movies. In the good shoot-um-up movies, people would yell out things, and get somewhat riotous. It eventually got to the point that some of us would used the hand pumped water fire extinguishers to have water fights in the theater. This was normally at a midnight special showing for the guys who just got of work.I already mentioned my thoughts on the FOCK ROCK. I really liked that ROCK! How many Det 27 Ditty-Boppers remember Weed Killers? A guy towards the back of the room at ops would make a baseball size wad of duct tape and yell to some poor unsuspecting sap, "Hey Weed" and would throw the Weed Killer wad of tape at the back of the new guys head. If the poor new victim would turn when he heard his name called "Weed" he would get it in the face. I do remember Great Rubs, or rather Grate Rubs. I told everyone that I did not say they could not give me a grate rub when I got short, I just asked the question, "Was it worth it?" I would not go down passively and I would seriously hurt anyone who attempted to grab me. Well a few days prior to leaving, I was working, it was hot and I had on a white T-shirt. As I was focused on what I was doing, I did not notice about six guys sneak up on me until I had a guy on each leg, on each arm, an arm around my neck in a strangle hold, and one on my stomach. I could not even twitch, although I tried. They took me behind the line of consoles and laid me down with my back on the grates. I was really fighting them, so one of the "Weeds" sat on my chest, while the rest dragged me on the grates, giving me a great grate rub. I guess revenge is sweet! I was lucky because they did not put the Red India Ink on me. I think because they saw as they were dragging me, the grates were turning red. Because of the guy sitting on me, the grates were scrapping the skin of my back and my white t-shirt was turning red from blood. Just good ole fun! And you know what, it really was!After my next couple of assignments, I realized just how good we had it at Site 23.
When I left Det 27 in about August of 67, I asked to go Stateside, as I wanted to see girls. My friends were okay, however I always liked girls better. I missed being able to walk down a street and being able to understand everything. My orders said 265th ASA Co., Ft. Campbell, KY. I did not think too much about this. I had almost 60 days leave coming to me stateside, however, I only took about 30 and decided to report in to my new unit early thereby having time to get back and see my girlfriend on Christmas. I landed in Chicago from San Diego and noticed quite a few puking buzzard (Screaming Eagle) types around the airport. I got on the DC3 to Clarksville, and it was half-full of 101st Airborne types. I rechecked by orders, and it said nothing about the 101st and I realized there is usually more than a single organization on a post. Sure enough, when I arrived at Clarksville, home of the "101st Airborne Division, and as I went through the gates, I confirmed this was their home post. I again checked my orders, and there was nothing I had missed. The cab driver had a little trouble locating the company, and when I got there, it said, 265th ASA Co., (Airborne). They had left the airborne stuff of my orders. Had I known, I would have gone to Vint Hill Farms and tried to get them changed. I had turned down Taiwan, or Paris to go stateside. I reported in, I had arranged my report time for a 3 day holiday and got there about 2:00 pm so I would have to time to get set. I went into the squad bay, and met a couple of guys I knew in Turkey, Craig Clark, and Tommy Nelson. I met a couple of guys who had been with the 82nd who I had gone to Ditty-Bop school with - all Sp5s. It turned out I was senior by 1 day and I became a team leader. I was in the Army now, and was going to be forced to be what I could be. However, it was kind of a joke, because, when I had enlisted as a really dumb turd, I had planned to enlist into the Airborne Infantry. Now the cycle had been completed. When I got there, I was immediately told - we were on orders to ship out to Vietnam in 30 days. (I should have remained on leave). One thing led to another and we did not leave until December 17, 1967. I had a chance to become an airborne trooper, and even became an instructors instructor for teaching repelling out of perfectly good helicopters. Believe it or not, it was easier to jump out of a perfectly good plane that repel out of a helicopter. Once you jump, it is all over. Repelling, you have to control yourself for the hours it takes you to slide down the rope. If you screw up - too bad!We had to run the Horn, a 3.5-mile jog, every morning in formation along with 10,000 other people in the Division. I kind of liked the run. The advantage was after such a run, all of the poisons from the devils brew you had consumed the night before would be out of your system and you were ready to work. As we ran, there were hundreds of guys on the side puking their guts out. Me only once - I do learn! Also, everyone finished the run!!!! We had an IG inspection just prior to leaving. Because we were a new unit formed to support the 101st, we did not have all of our equipment. We would fail because we did not have fire extinguishers. I again said heck with this, and went and acquired the two fire extinguishers I needed from another unit who left their equipment unguarded and unwatched. When others saw I had my equipment, their equipment started to appear. We passed the inspection, however, I heard another unit in the Division failed. I did a few similar things in Vietnam. The night prior to leaving Stateside, a fight broke out between our company and the Engineer Battalion next door. We used the same mess hall, and since almost everyone was an E-5 or higher, we bucked the food line. Almost all of their guys were E1-3 and resented our top heavy organization, and upset because they did not know what we did. Hell, we did not know what we did! We had live ammo for our guns. An artillery simulator was thrown into one of our squad bays, blowing out all of the windows, and shaking up the guys in the bay. A couple of our guys opened up with their M-16's and shots were exchanged. We set up an M60 machine gun and started shooting at them. We were shooting at each other, however, we did not really want to hurt anyone, just shoot them. Finally a Company of MP's arrived, stopped the shooting, put everyone to bed with only minor scratches, and we all left for Vietnam the next morning - no repercussions
I flew directly from Ft. Campbell to Alaska to Japan to Ben Hoa in a C-151 with 13 other guys in my team, a ¾ ton commo van with trailer, and a Jeep with trailer. I was lucky we got to sit in the navigators chair and watch the flight if we wanted to. Guys in the troop flights, sat shoulder to shoulder, with their ruck-sacks and rifles under and between their legs. We made hammocks and slept in the hammocks during the flight. We had all new equipment, including the commo units and ¾ trucks to put them on. The only thing, we could not get a crane to lift the units. I said crappola to that and got a couple of 2 by 4s put 4 or 5 guys on a side, lifted up the front of the unit, backed the truck under the front of the unit, then put the two by fours in the back of the unit, lifted and pushed the unit onto the truck. When other people saw what I had done, everyone used the two by four method to load their units. When the crane did finally arrive a couple of days before we were to leave, they said we could not hand lift the units, they had to be lifted by crane. We sent the guy on his way. When we arrived at Ben Hoa, we drove off the C-151 which never stopped moving. We had circled the field and watched it being attacked by rocket/mortar rounds. We were assigned to the unit which I think was the 101st RRU at Ben Hoa, to learn what we had to do. I then was assigned to Camp Eagle, between Phu Bai and Hue right after the Tet Offensive of 68. I was subsequently assigned to the 8th RRU, Phu Bai and served there as my primary duty station until I left the country. While there I was TAD to a unit called FOB 4 coming back and forth as assignments required. I never did get to go on R&R. We did some special work for MACV.
I got back to the states, got out, knocked around, became a Deputy Sheriff, got medically retired, went to Law School and obtained my JD degree. Worked in law a few years, but decided I did not like prostituting myself and went to work for State Farm Insurance, (not in law). I still work for them in claims, have a business on the side, and I just become reunited with my wife, have a daughter in her 3rd year at college, a son starting high school. I always think I have led a rather mundane life. However, when I think about some of the things I have done, (some of the things I have left out because of security reasons) I have had some excitement in my life. I just cant remember when it was because of the boredom between the excitement. Thanks for the opportunity to send this rather long missive to you, however, you asked for it Thanks for now. I will try to make the 2nd Reunion
[[Don caught the first
flight out of San Diego - to Pittsburgh - to Hartford, then
rented a car and drove to Fort Devens for the 1st reunion. That's
what one would call TRUE DEDICATION - Thanks for the BIO. It's
already in the 2002 Edition.- - -gH]]
From: mlnorman
Hi, Thought you might like to have Roy Norman's e-mail address at
work. I believe I might [have] addresses that
you don't have. I have enjoyed going through your list. If I can
be of help let me know. Mary L. Norman
[Mary - Please send me those addresses]
From: Colman R. Lalka
To: Elder Green (E-mail)
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 4:20 PM
Hello Elder, For your records my first name is Colman (it's
listed as Chuck) Hope you have had success in locating more old
Turkey-ites. Any luck with Waltemyer or Wagoner? I e-mailed Steve
MacCartan to the address on your list, but the e-mail bounced
back. He probably got a new e-mail address. Is there anyplace on
the Web that list is posted so we can check it periodically to
see if anyone new has been found? Thanks
From: Mark Mankopf,>
Hey Elder, Mark Mankopf Det 27, Det 4-3 May 67 to Oct 68. Does
anyone have the dedication that was over Fock Rock at Karamusel.
Thanks for your help.Mark Mankopf CW2 USAR Ret.
From: Chuck Bergmann
Hi Elder 4/23/2002 Since the new memory book will be coming out
soon maybe we should stop sending the old one out now and wait
till the new is done. I am assuming that everyone will want a new
on by then. It sounds like we will be sent the old one out then
about 60 days later send the new one out. What do you Think? From
From: J.R. Rooks
How do I go about getting a copy of the Memory Book and Roster?
What is the cost? Thank You.Dixie (Shatzer) Rooks Daughter of
Sgt. Charles Shatzer (1962-1964)
From: Howell D Lovell
This is great stuff. Will send copy of orders ASAP as I have alot
of deadlines to meet in the next couple of days.Thanks,
From: Jim Princehorn,
Hello, RC. Thanks for
the note and invitation. I guess I am one of those Det 4,
Sinopians, who really aren't part of your fold. Although I would
welcome someone setting something up, unfortunately, I haven't
yet retired, and really can't take that on. Please be aware of
me, send me your newsletter is you will, and let me know it you
hear from any others from "the hill."Jim Princehorn,
TUSLOG Det 4, 06/69 - 06/70
From: Fred Parsons
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 10:10 AM
Subject: Fw: TUSLOG Reunion
Hi again. That's what I get for not reading the whole thing, I
originally sent this message to It of
course did not go through. We still like the idea of the 14 and
15 Sept. I received a message last night from one of our brethren
in the Dallas area and he invited me for the North Texas Reunion,
however I belonged to TUSLOG and I'm not sure how many down there
belonged to units which I was associated with -----
Original Message -----From: Fred ParsonsSubject: TUSLOG ReunionHi again RC:My wife and I have talked this over for the past few days and the more we talk the more we like the idea. There is one problem though. I have looked over your roster and find very few names from Det 4 and even fewer from the time that I spent there. When I was at Sinop the only aux det we had was the aviation det stationed in Ankara. When I first arrived in Sinop we had only Jamesway tents to live in and did not have wooden buildings until the Marines went into Lebanon in 58. The stone chapel had been started by that time and was very nearly completed by the time I left and I guess we had about 600 people on the hill. I'm not sure but I believe that Det 27 was in Ankara at that time. Speaking of the aviation Det, they flew L20s and landed on the beach on the east side of the hill. I'm sure that things changed later but we had no real airstrip. I was Stationed with the 319 in the winter of 63 and Det 27 requested help for their commcenter. I went down and stayed 45 days (15 days longer than I was supposed to). I recall one of the first things that I did was burn about 6 file cabinets full of classified material. All the message traffic that they had sent and received for the past two years.
I took the opportunity
to go back to Sinop to see how things had changed. Boy was I
surprised, they had permanent buildings, running water and even
pay for the movies. When I arrived the first time. we had showers
a couple of times a week, (water was hauled up on the hill) Four
holers for latrines and tubes in the ground. Movies were free and
included TV movies commercials and all. We had an old dog that
used to lay down front in the theater and a couple of guys would
start to howl and he would start up. Needless to say the main
form of entertainment was found in the bottom of a bottle of beer
can. We couldn't even purchase soda drinks at the club as it was
used for mixed drinks. I volunteered for Turkey when I reenlisted
in 57. I knew a guy at AHS who had spent the biggest part of the
Korean war in Turkey and from what he told me he was billeted in
a hotel. That sounded pretty good to me until I finally spent a
night in a Turkish hotel. I really did enjoy myself though. I am
somewhat of a history buff and the history of our divination was
written in that part of the world. C U L 8 R
From: Dave Althouse, E5,
Property Book, Det 27, SE66-FE68
[Thanks Dave. I've been
scanning the photo's and a lot of them will be in the 2002 Days
of our Lives Memory Book. I had to use a higher resulution in
scanning the small photo's and for that reason will not attach
them to these Days of our Lives missives. Thanks again and I wish
that other Vet's would surprise me with photo's, either via
e-mail or the PO or UPS, etc., that I will return or as U may
direct!- - -gH]
Subject: When You Thought I Wasn't Looking
A message every parent should read, because your children are watching you and doing as you do, not as you say.
"When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life.
When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I felt you kiss me good night and I felt loved and safe.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and every-one in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry. When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, "Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking.'"