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Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 11:51 AM
NOTICE - - - I've been having trouble sending the DAYS OF OUR LIVES and am re-sending it. When U receive it, please send me a separate email with only "Received #59" in the subject line and no TEXT except U can inform me the # of the last newsletter that U received. Thanks. I sent #60 out yesterday- - -gH, ercgreen@yourinter.net
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity named as recipients in the message. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this message, and do not disclose its contents or take any action in reliance on the info it contains. Thank you.
We just returned from a two week vacation to Florida and am trying to catch up on my FULL in-box. So be patient. I hope that I haven't missed any new vet's as listed below. If
I have, please inform and I'll get that corrected. This week Patty and I will be travelling to Hershey to get the 2002 reunion finalized face to face with the people at the Holiday Inn. Shortly thereafter, I will include the details as several have gotten no response or incorrect data from them. I am working on the possibility of the SINOPER's joining us, but that w/b a task that I don't look forward to undertaking- - -gH
Newly found VET's
ARENA, Richard J., SP4, 05K, Det 27& 4, JA62-MR63,
830 Jones Rd., Roswell, GA 30075, 770-992-3263, rjaims@earthlink.net
BROWN, Robert P., SP6, 98C, Det 27, 66-67, (Marcie Lundy), 22704 Magnolia Trace
Blvd, Lutz, FL 33549, 813-948-1547, rpbrown@prodigy.net
CARRIGER, Gary, 05K, Det 27, 65-67, 11535 Sagewood Ln., Parker, CO 80138,
303-840-2445, garywc@ibm.net
GORDON, Rudy, Atty, SP6, 98GRU, Det 27, OC65-DE67, (Ruth), 416 Eagle Ridge Trl.,
Canton, GA 30114, 770-926-7326, rgordon@bellsouth.net
GRAY, David H. Gray, 05H, Det 27 @64, 2573 Rexford St., Gadsden, AL 35903,
256-494-9146, d.h.gray@worldnet.att.net HAGER, Jack, CPT, Last CO at Det 4-4, 73-74, (Mariam),
1529 Lincoln Rd., Yuba City, CA 95993, 530-755-4988, jjhager@syix.com LALKA, Colman, Det 27 @63, wth62@yahoo.com
LANDSKOV, Art, Sp5, 05H, Det 27
LAUDERMAN, Jim, Det 27, 65-66, 14808 Carver Dr., Miami, FL 33176, 305-252-4241,
jlauderman@webtv.net - Lauderman,
Jas W Det 27 E3 RA13806250,left Det27 E5 to 330RR Pleiku, Vietnam discharged
Seattle 9/16/67. What is info on reunion in Hershey Penna.? Still in shock.
Thanks for the contact.
PARISIAN, Richard D., 05K, Det 4-4, @69, 2044 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401,
707-578-4027, r.parisian@worldnet.att.net
Jim, Det 27, 54-65, 6333 Copperfield
Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89108, 702-646-7142, jamesp@accessnv.com RANDANT, William D., 05H, Det 4-4 @74, 103 Eastwood Dr., Collinsville, IL 62234,
618-344--6817, wdrandant@papadocs.com
ROTEN, Larry W., 05H, Det 27 @63 (Patty), 28150 Holiday
Ln., Pioneer, CA 95666, 209-295-7407, larryandpatty@volcano.net
TITMAS, Richard C., 05H, Det 27 @61, (Lynn), 1 Shoal Dr.,
Barnegot, NJ 08005, 609-660-8044, richlynnt@aol.com VANVEKOVEN, Larry, SP5, 05H, Det 27, 61-62, (Diana), 918 S.
Lee Ave., Lodi, CA 95240, 209-368-4520, van918@netzero.net
WHITE, Ronald D., SP4, SP5, SP6, SSG, 98CRU, Det 27,
SE65-NO67, (Linda), 1200 W. Riverside Ave., Wichita, KS 67203, 316-263-6890,
Thanks for
the phone call and sending the e-mail. I'll review and get back with you. I
should have some names and addresses to add. Ron White
WHITLEY, Eugene P., 71B, Det 27, 64-65, 4504 Haywood Farms
Rd., New Bern, NC 28562, 252-636-0483, epwhitley@coastalnet.com WOLVERTON, Ronald M., 98C, Det 27 @62, (Dee), 1829 McCormick,
Olympia, WA 98506, 360-352-4681, deeandron@aol.com
Thank You.... Something I probably never thanks loud enough or often enough. As I re-read the Disney blivet I wrote, I felt a need to clarify the thank you comment. What I was trying to say in my somewhat bumbling manner is that too often I got caught up in the day to day stuff -- that sort of the "grown men don't" cry and real "army officers don't get mushy and say thanks" syndrome. While I was rambling, it dawned on me that I probably never said thank you to all those who served with me at Det 4-4. It's sort of like when you're flying and the pilot comes on intercom and says "We'd like to thank you for flying with us today" -- you notice he doesn't thank you, he just says he'd like to. Well, to the case in point THANK YOU TO THE MEN OF DET 4-4. No one can do it alone and only the team can succeed. We witness it time and again in business and sports -- regardless of who the CEO or coach is, it's the players on the field who determine success and/or failure.
Anyone who knows what we did, knows ops is where our success or failure was determined and at Det 4-4 ops made us what we were.
In my own convoluted way I got to thinking of Arthur Anderson, the shredding and Romania a few moments ago which took me back to KAS. Anyone who knows me knows I was not ops trained -- but in it's wisdom HQASA decided, in it's SOPs, that the commander had to be involved in certain critical decisions -- big mistake when it comes to ops issues and me. I figured that's why we had Watch Officers, NCO's and superior enlisted technicians. I knew my limitations and tried to avoid real operational issues. However, and this brings me to shredders and Romania, one dark and dreary night I was awakened from my sleep and summoned to ops -- it seemed there was something that demanded my immediate attention. I was sleepy, however, to wake me up I jumped on my trusty ten-speed and rode to ops. The bike ride was invigerating and when I got out there I was wide awake and I was told it was a "Romanian Issue" and that the ops officer from Sinop was on the TT and needed to chat with me. I knew the Major on the other end (he was an ops type) and I did not see why he couldn't handle the situation. Maybe it was the time of day or the general confusion that sometimes seemed to rule, but the TT converstion was not going well. I felt the need for sleep more that a dialogue with him .. well, we discussed an intercept that indicated Romanians were attacking the Russians. He did not seem to understand what I was trying to say and I certainly didn't understand what his problem was. So in desperation, I swore.....and banged out one last message.....something like NO YOU STUPID S.... IT'S THE ROMANIANS ATTACKING THE RUSSIANS (that's what someone had determined). Well, the system took over from there. some well meaning sole looking over my shoulder, saw my last message and took the initiative (we were often applauded for taking the initiative). I guess he thought -- my gosh if the CO says it, it must be true and dropped a CRITIC on the network and things started to happen. Before I could leave the area, the AF next door was receiving and reacting to a CRITIC --- when questioned, the origin seemed to be us. OOOOPS ... well, all hell broke loose. But you know what? When the investigation was concluded -- nothing could be confirmed nor denied nor validated -- we were however criticized for not having a proper "paper trail." How about that, in a world of paper, we didn't have enough. There were allegations of everything from incompetence to cover-up but we prevailed.
Again, a belated thanks from me. Norm
FM: Mike Comroe -
Elder please send a broadcast
e-mail to all on master roster to ask
help in locating a Richard C Frank,
RA19611861. Dick was a career EM who was from Oregon State and later from Texas.
Last known duty station was Ft Meade Md.(Puzzle Palace). He was a comm ctr NCO
who served with me in Turkey in 61-63. Heard a rumor that he received a
commission and put some time in Central America. I would love to find him for
our Sept Reunion. Thanks
FM: RAY Fink - Hey...Just a 'different' thought about the salute for President Bush and President Clinton... Does anybody wonder at the 'miracle' and complete turn around of our military - from totally unprepared, and dispirited under Clinton to the greatest fighting military machine in the world under Bush??? All in the 'blink of an eye'??? I do not feel much for either of them, in so far as how history will rank them, but I do think many people confuse their politics with their morality in viewing people, and presidents.... I never cared much about anyone's sexual life, so long as they stayed out of mine. And I never met a man who wouldn't lie about his sexual prowess, especially when confronted about it...And I know its not smart to give your opinions when they are unpopular, but if honesty counts for anything... I was just outside New York in eastern Pa. on Sept 11, and would have been in the city with my wife as we had planned our vacation but for a train schedule item we noticed that would put us closer the second week from another place we were staying the following week, so we decided not to go in on Sept 11....I ONLY BRING THIS UP BECAUSE I KEEP WONDERING WHY AND WHERE DOES IT END?? I traveled in Europe and Asia several times, and spent 18 months in Turkey, but that was mostly years ago, and I wonder if I would feel safe doing so now?? Are we really the saviors of the world or just our way of life that we want to make available to everyone whether they want it or not.... I have seven brothers so you can imagine the 'discussions' are very interesting to say the least...One of them who spent his life with AT&T all over the world, especially in the mid-east, said something to the effect that if AT&T were a country it would be the 11th 'largest' or wealthiest in the world given its net worth a few years ago... I don't think many Americans understand our dominance in the world, speaking of just one company, and the effect it has on everyone else whether they want it or not...I don't like it when my neighbor parks in my driveway, so it doesn't take much for me to appreciate what other peoples must think for our ships to sail by their shores and our troops stationed next to their borders...How far do our borders stretch, and what pretext will bring us into your backyard halfway around the world next week??? As a nation we have probably averaged 50$ billion a year for defense over the past 50 years - or my lifetime - since President Eisenhower (SP) warned about the military/industrial complex in the 50's and where is our security better if we have only alienated many peoples by not respecting their way of life or at least not trying to dominate or change them...Some do not equate success with wealth, and I think perhaps respect does not follow there either.. But enough, obviously I do not know when to stop Ray Fink, Englewood, OH., Det 27, TUSLOG 62/64, 600th ASA Vicenza, Italy 64/65.....
FM: Dave Tavernetti,
King City, CA., 1LT, Det 27,
62-63, dstaver@dedot.com
Cc: dominic.iannelli@lmco.com
Subject: Re: Memory Book CD-R - Memory Book CD mailed today from King City to Dominic in Florida. I have a complete copy in a folder on the hard drive plus a complete print out, if ever needed.
Art - I sent the Master roster via e-mail.
There was no attachment to it. Did U receive the three
newsletters that I
sent? There were attachments to each of them. Also, U told me that U had cable
modem and Chuck Bergmann forwarded the Memory Book to U this morning. Did U
get any of these?- - -gH
FM: Art Landskov - We have an iMac and it would't download the roster file. Can you send it as e-mail rather than an attachment? That is one way we have been able to receive some attachments. Thanks. I will send you a list of some names of guys that were at Det 27 when I was there in a few days. Probably next week as I'm going to be tied up until then. Art Landskov [[Art - I sent the Master roster via e-mail. There was no attachment to it. Did U receive the three newsletters that I sent? There were attachments to each of them. Also, U told me that U had cable modem and Chuck Bergmann forwarded the Memory Book to U this morning. Did U get any of these?- - -gH
FM: Zip
Hargus: Elder. I've checked
Vern's data base off and on for quite a while looking at TUSLOG DETS and not
finding much. Tonight I tried "Turkey" and got one hell of a list. If you
haven't checked it, it is asalives.com. and is worth a little time and effort.
(You can access the whole thing with ID asalives and password alltheway.) Thx 4
ur hard work.
Craig McClelland,
Det 27, @61 died 1970 of cancer per
Larry Vanvekoven
Ralph G. Neu, Det 27, 65-66, DOB: 9 March 1944 DOD: 18 June
1994, 338-36-2974 issued Illinois, per Ron White and SSDI
Your Opinion Counts
Did y'all know that:
Hi Elder, What's with the disclaimer? Getting some advice? Probably a good thing to do. I remember I received similar advice when I began recording Celtic Festivals. I put a disclaimer on every tape label I create....".....for private listening only, not for sale or reproduction."
Did I tell you I do some sound engineering at Celtic(Irish&Scottish music) Festivals? Also do some recording and editing of the music. I have about 500 live performances I've captured over the last 15 years. Am also one of a team of Executive Producers for several CD's. That means I threw money at it and enjoy a return on sales.
Do you think any of our ASAers would be
interested in enjoying any of the stuff? I'm more than willing to share my tapes
I've recorded. If anyone is interested, they can contact me via email. wdhartranft@comcast.net
don't "sell" the stuff, I share it.
Often wondered how retired people spend their time. Now I wonder how I can find more time to spend because I run out of it(and energy) every day. How I ever worked the long hours and accomplished stuff when I had a "real" job amazes me.
Well, got to run, job jar is overflowing for the day and it's time to "Rock and Roll".
Great posting from the folks. Thank you for all your efforts. I really appreciate it.
FM: Art Landskov:
Hi Elder- I did receive the
other three e-mails and they had attachments right in the e-mail so could read
them without any problem, but the master roster was in an attachment in a Zip
file and our iMac wouldn't download it. Thanks for everything, I did call up the
manzarali site. Interesting.
From: Jack Hager <jjhager@syix.com>
New address is 1529 Lincoln Rd, Yuba City, Ca 95993.
All other info is correct. Thanks much for the info. Will have to dig through my
files and see what I can find for you on Det 4-4.
From: James L.
Perlowski <jamesp@accessnv.com
Hi, Thank you for your call the other evening. I was
already in bed <g> . My wife told me you were looking for information. I
don't know how you found me - but you did good!!! I was the editor of the post
"rag". You list Ed Reed as asst. editor he was really the post artist. Ed lived
in Mathoon, Mass. His father was a banker. He also married a Turkish girl. Her
name was Gidiss. I
inherited the job when Tom Plunkett when he was reassigned
stateside. He was the previous editor. We worked for Lyle Boyd who was a W.W.II
leftover. I have old copies of the Mauler as well as a scrap book my previous
wife had put together. I'll have to get into the garage and find it. I was
replaced by a Sgt. Bowman when I was reassigned to Two Rock Ranch in Nov. of
1965. My son was born in Turkey September 8th, 1965. I wanted to finish out my
tour but as.....Boyd made sure I didn't. I'll dig out what I can find. If you
email me your phone number I'll call you or give me a call makes no difference.
Best, Best Jim Perlowski
Fm: Norman Ryan <nryan@intrex.net
Subject: Re: Master Roster Det 27, 4-4, 17, 53 & 66 as of 15 March
Hello Elder, Just received the three or four DOOL's.
Interesting jog to the memory!
I even recall a few of the guys on the list--
Harold Brookshire, Charles Kindermannn, Dan Nass, Ted Rosick.
Here is
what you have under my entry:
RYAN, Norman 05K Det 27 @60, Box 99005
Durham, NC 27708, nryan@duke.edu
Here is what you should have under my
RYAN, Norman E4 059 Det 27 JL60-JL61, P O Box 71481, Durham, NC
27722-1481 nryan@intrex.net
From: Steve MacCartan shm@gallatinriver.net
Subject: phone call
Been gone for three weeks and got your call late
tonight on my message machine so I will use this as a way for you to get my
correct e-mail address. I was in DC for two weeks and if I had remembered you
first name or took my machine with me I would have gotten in touch with
From: Richard
Subject: Dets 4 and
My details are as follows:
Arrived det 27 January, 62 E-3 departed det 4 March '63 E-4. Received E-5 at Devens in '63.
Here are some people I remember:
Larry Hinkle - SP5 Det 27 '62
Kenneth Barlow - SGT Det 27 '62 (From Mississippi)
*Joseph Parker Sullivan, E4, 'Det 27 '52. From Sand Springs, OK. Last known to be in Conway, TX
*Trent (Yancy) Eubank, E-3, Det 27. From Mississippi. Also has family in Danville, Ky
*Larry Bynum, Sp4, Det 4. '63 From Western, Ky
George Myrick, SP4, Det 27, '62. From Mississippi
*Raymond Carroll, SP5, Det 4, '62. From New Hampshire
David Davies, SP4, Det 4, '62
Vernon LaDue, SP4, Det 4, '62
Charles Bierbauer, SP5,Det 4, '62. Now a senior correspondent with CNN. Lives near DC
*Ronald K. (Rick) Tarr, SP4, Det 4, '62. From Oil City PA
The * indicates guys I'd really like see again. I've talked with Charlie Bierbauer a couple of times over the years. He's accessible through CNN.
For those who can relate, here's a remembrance from the winter and early spring of '62 at Det 27.
A small group of us arrived on a cold snowy night in the dead of winter in '62. We were shipped out of Devens in a block allocation to Turkey so the RFA's that were called up during the Berlin crisis could move into the barracks. Since everyone else was "frozen", when we arrived there was no place to bunk. Some guys were housed temporarily in the unfinished bowling alley, while a few of us "bunked" in the baggage room. We were all eventually moved in and stacked three high in a day room.
As winter gave way to spring and unremitting rain came pouring in, the landscape went from frozen tundra to a sea of mud. On the first day of a two-day break, Joe Sullivan and I got up on the barracks with a pair of high-powered binoculars to scout the landscape. As far as we could see it was mud. We counted twenty-one objects that we reckoned were plants. The mountains that almost rung base sat far off in the distance except on one side where a range of hills seemed to be maybe a half hour's hike. We decided that the next morning we'd get up early, hike up there and see what there was on the other side.
The morning of our trek blew in on cold northwest wind. Wearing field jackets with liners and winter hats, we headed out with little more than the binoculars and a canteen of water. No compass, no food, no brains. Out the gate, through the antenna field and off to the hills we slogged. The mud was thick and ankle deep, making the going slow and difficult. After an hour we began to realize that the "nearby" hills were a lot further than they appeared. We slogged on for another hour, finally reaching the base of the hills. The going got better because the mud wasn't so deep on the hill side. Up we went, further and further. My God it was long way to what looked like the top. When we finally got to what we thought was going to be a ridge that would give us a view to the other side, we found a swale and another ridge on the other side. Down and up we went only to find another swale and ridge beyond. We hiked on this way all day. I don't know about Joe, but when I started, I imagined a nice walk in natural surroundings. Something that would be good for the soul. It was turning out to be a cold, miserable, meaningless meander into the unknown.
As daylight began to fade, we finally came over a ridge and there before us was the panoramic view we sought. It was a large expansive valley. There was no sign of life. Just mud. Joseph Parker Sullivan was possessed with Irish humor. As we looked out on that valley, my spirits flagging, but Joe began to laugh. He's big man and he has a big Oklahoma laugh. He pounded me on the back, wiped tears from his eyes and said, "Well, Mr. Columbus, here's your new world." I couldn't help but laugh too.
We drank a bit of water and turned to head back to the base. As daylight fell into darkness, the night air penetrated our clothes, chilling us to our tired and hungry bones. The one relief was that the ground started to freeze so we didn't sink into the mud. We walked and walked as a billion stars rode overhead in crystal clear night sky. Since we didn't have our bearings, we weren't sure if we weren't just going in circles. Our previous light mood turned serious as we began to realize that we might be in deep trouble. After a few hours of walking up and down hills in the moonless night, we saw the glow of manmade light beyond a hill to our left. That could only be Manzarelli. It gave us hope and renewed energy. We finally came up a ridge a saw the base on the other side. I started to head toward it when Joe grabbed me by the jacket. "Where do you think you're going?" He said in an uncharacteristically hard tone. He then reminded me that we would have to pass through the antenna field and he reckoned there were Turkish guards out there prepared to shoot trespassers. That was a sobering thought.
I stared at the base and thought about stories we'd heard about the Turkish guards shooting locals who went in the antenna field to steal copper. We lay flat on our bellies looking for guards through the binoculars. We didn't see any -- which was worrisome. After fifteen minutes of agonizing we headed down the slope shouting, "Hey Abie! GI's. Yoke bang, bang." The Turks were probably laughing their butts off. The guards at the gate said something about yeni's and took us to the infirmary for a once over by the night crew.
Looking back at that time, it is now a fond memory bacause of Joe. He had great joyful spirit. Sure it was a stupid thing to do, but Joe Sullivan was such a positive individual that he actually made the experience fun. I don't know where he is or what he's doing, but I know he's having a great time.
Richard J. Arena, President
Impact Media
Services, Inc.
Five Concourse Parkway, Suite 2400
Atlanta, Georgia
770 390-9032
Fx: 770 390-0995
Cell: 770 313-6717
From: Preston Bell
Subject: Re: DAYS OF
Enjoyed the picture of the belly dancer. I am sure I was close by as that was a highlight for a young man in 66. I have enjoyed having my memory jogged by all the stories and occasional pictures. One thing I really would like to find out was the identity of the lady that taught crafts at the rec center. I learned so much during my short stay there and in particular remember the ceramics and photography sessions. I remember her as a family member (wife), very attractive, extremely nice, and a very sharring person. She was interested in having her 'charges' learn something other than how to do the beer thing at the club in the most expediant manner. Anyone know her name or how I could contact her to say 'thanks' I was there 1965-66 and believe she was there during the 66 part. I also remember another lady, older than the first one that gave lessons in cards like bridge. How about it gang, any ideas? Preston Bell 98c SP4/5 BUM Straigt Night Trick.
From: Michael Comroe mfcomroe@onix.com
Greatly enjoyed the cd...please advise who to send to next. Mike GHQ am ready to forward cd to next person in line. Enjoyed immensely and brought back memories both good and bad.
From: Ted Midtaune midtaune1@llnl.gov
Subject: Photos
I have contacted a friend who has agreed to scan some pics that some of the people may enjoy - I will leave it up to you as to what to include. Some are faded, so may not reproduce too well. She mentioned a day or two until she gets around to it. Again, your choice as to what, if any, to share. (I didn't include several dozen that I did not know if anyone would be interested in). I hope that she includes the notes on the back as to location. See ya.