Subject : DAYS OF OUR LIVES #57
Date : Tue, 12 Mar 2002 01:27:13 -0600


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Newly found VET's

MEAD, Larry T., E-4, 05H, Det 27, 63-64, (Kathy), 1719S 141st East Ave., Tulsa, OK 74108, 918-437-5854, . Had a very interesting conversation with Kathy. She was working at the US Embassy in Ankara when they met. They were married in Athens and rotated to Ft Devens. Larry went to OCS and made Captain and was caught up in the Reduction In Force that took place after the Vietnam War. Larry is 60 and both are Christians and enjoying life. The email address is for their son-in-law

MELI, Charles P., 04-05, CO Det 66, 62-63, (Marjorie), Sacramento, CA., Talked to Meli on 9 March 2002. Very pleasant person. Retired as a LTC (05) and has worked in the Sacramento Postal System as a carrier, clerk and dock person. Is 78 years young and STILL working 6 days a week for the Post Office. Remembers Ken Baldwin and said that he was in the Ankara hospital with a bloody nose when he DEROS'ed.

MENHENNETT, Daniel R. E-6, 71H, Det 27, (Carol), 5309 Aurora Ct SW., Lilburn, GA 30047, 770-381-5933, Dan was a lifer and retired as a E-8

TOLBERT, Henry H. (Hank), SP6, 98CRU, Det 27 and 4-4, MR65-JL68, (Juanita), 4555 Ashmore Cir NE, Marietta, GA 30066-1615, 770-926-1565, Hank worked for me and Gene Cram as a T/A Trick Chief. He was one of the few to make E6 on the 1st enlistment (Gary Stolp and Larry Oliver were others that I remember). in Turkey. The AF personnel at Karamursel couldn't believe that such a feat was possible as they were lucky to make E4 on their 1st hitch. Anyway I tracked Hank to Marietta, GA and he didn't remember many people, but was elated that I called and promised to contribute his BIO and remembrances for the missives. Hank has a PhD in Russian Linguistics from Brown University in RI and for the past 21 years has been a tech writer in data pro-cessing at Marietta, GA. Hank was one of the few blacks that served at Manzarali and remembers once when he and Larry Oliver were in downtown (Ulus) Ankara and a Turk said to them, "Yankee's go home." and their reply was, "Pay our ticket and we're outta here." Hank is one of us old geezeers at 58!

FM: Hank Tolbert: Elder, Thanks for making the effort to track down this ole 98CL63! Your call brought back some wonderful memories & #8212; some amusing, some embarrassing, but all memorable & #8212; of my three and a half-year tour at Manzarali Istasyonu and Esenboga. I heard from John Arcziszewski and Luis Bolanos shortly after leaving the Army in the early 70s, but lost contact with everyone shortly afterwards
.I have lived in Marietta, GA (about 25 miles NW of Atlanta) since 1981, where I have worked as a technical writer. My wife, Juanita, is an elementary music teacher who is about to retire after 34 years in teaching. (How time flies when you're having fun!) Our son Michael is a 21-year old junior at New York University. Our daughter Stephanie is an 18-year old high school senior who has just been admitted to the chemical engineering program at Georgia Tech. I have attached a copy of our family newsletter where you can read about the latest scoop on the Tolbert clan. I look forward to catching up on the stories of the guys of Tuslog Det [27 and] 4-4! Henry H. Tolbert (770) 926-1565

ATTACHMENTS - check 'em out!
1. FM: Mixie and Althea Bryan (0128_002)
2. FM: Steve Stephens (Lessons Learned.doc)
3. FM: Tony Antonello (Quiet night Det 27 NCO Club)
4. FM: Norm Frickey (Disney RVN on Roof)
5. FM: Hank Tolbert (chron2K1.pdf)

FM Steve Steohens: Hi Elder, Saw your latest Days of Our Lives #56. I always look forward to the e-mails, and to "sharing" the experiences and current activities. Always a treat to hear how some of our old pals turned out. Also good to hear some closure on villains like Cox and (to a lesser extent) Brisindine. Not surprised that Ken Baldwin seems to have gravitated back to Turkey, with varying degrees of success, both personally and professionally. His life and times could probably serve as a mini-script for a made-for-tv-movie.

For most of us, it was a time of learning and growing up - fast! I will always feel fortunate to have been "invited" to join the ranks of the ASA. I met some truly outstanding men and learned much fomr many of the very best.

Speaking of outstanding, I received the attached "speech" from a retired USAF pal. Thought you might be interested in a read.

Have a great day pal - and thanks again for all your sustained efforts to keep the ASA memories alive and well. As always. Howard "Steve" Stephens, Det 27 12-60 thru 09-62

Sure enjoyed the lyrics and "photos" from the concert.

Thought I would repay your courtesy on this co,d, rainy afternoon with a copy of an old tune. No fair looking at the title, but can you identify and do you remember when? Have a great weekend.

E-mail changes
John Cruddas,
Nelson and Sandy Murray,
Don Salcido,

Fm: Norman Frickey
Subj: Re: Leonard Disney and Stanley R. Owen

Boy, I was thinking the other day about him [Disney] and others with whom I'd worked while in the Army ... and how we sort of met, did our thing, and parted ways -- often without even a thank you. Not because we were rude, but because what ever we did, we just did our jobs the best we could with out expectation.

I'm sure Disney got more than his fill of me. He was the field 1SG with me at Bragg when I was CO of the 358th ASA Company (ABN) ... because the other 1SG (a name I've blocked) was often not available and Disney was a defacto 1SG most of the time. We were on field exercises together, jumped out of planes together, went to DC in October to save the Pentagon from the protesters together and we went to war together. When the 358th was re-organized and the unit deployed to RVN in Feb 68 Disney was the semi-top dog -- Field 1SG first and later 1SG (again, for some reason that escapes me now our Detachment, supporting the 3 Bde, 82d Abn Division, had an E-9 who stayed with us for a short period and then returned to Bragg and I don't recall if Disney ever received or wore the coveted (or dreaded)diamond in RVN). After a couple of years at Bragg and six month in RVN, I think he was glad for a respite when I was reassigned to the 8thRRFS in July 68 when I got promoted. [to Major]. I sort of lost track of him until after I was assigned as CO Det 4-4. When 1SG Owens left (retirement??) I'll bet Disney thought he had drawn the short straw again when he saw I was the CO. He was however, from my perspective, a welcome addition to the 4-4 officer and NCO cadre. I recall that he was a excellent soldier; outstanding NCO; and an excellent leader -- I believe he had a true ASA background and not from another branch -- 05H I think. It is interesting how, in the Army, one can work so closely with someone and rely on them so much and they have so much to do with what little success I had --- yet I know so little about him; except he got the job done, he was there when I needed him and he took care of the really important unit assets -- the men of the unit. You'd think after almost four years together I'd know more about him than this little blivet, but I don't. I ran across an interesting picture of him in Vietnam ...he was always on patrol ... in the picture he is on top of our dug-in ops ctr near Phu Bai. [Thanks for the excellent remembrance of Leonard R. Disney. Norm & Sharon Frickey live at Fort Morgan, CO. Norm is a retired USAR Colonel.]
FM: Tony and Val Antonello: Hi Elder and Patty, Tony and I were giving closer perusal to the picture of the belly dancer and think it was probably a New Year's Eve party (notice the party hats on the people in the background). We also think that the two ladies sitting to the right of the belly dancer are Beth Gammell and Patty Green. Could this be? We are searching through old pictures to see if we can find any more of interest to the partygoers (as opposed to the sporty types)! Val Antonello. [I've attached the BELLY DANCER photo hereto - and PATTY says NO! that's not her. If it is her, then that's me dancing behind the Belly Dancer. In my younger years I've been known to do things on a dare!!!!

FM: Bill Hartranft

Hi Elder, What a treat to hear from you. Now I have a voice to go with the pictures you've sent.

I see you added my Comcast dump to your missive. If you noticed, I cc'd their customer service on that note. Had an email the next day. Gave details and was "awarded"...actually given back, two months of free service for time it wasn't available. I still meant all that I said, I'm no fan of Comcast but right now, it's the only real game in town. DSL from VZ isn't available to me. Be well, have some fun and do something nice for yourself today. wdh
FM: Gary Jorgensen

gH, I got the same response sending to John Randall mailbox full. I know he has kids scattered from Milwaukee to Mpls, so it's possible he is out of town. I'll wait a few days and try again, also he may be switching providers which seems to be happening alot these days. We finally got winter here in MN. Spent a couple days riding my snowmobile. Gotta be careful west of town because the deer are really thick and on the trail. It's an old railroad bed blacktopped and used by bikers and roller blades in the summer. It goes through a state park so the only hunting is a special muzzleloader season in Dec to thin the herd. My wife and I rode today on the north shore trail out of Duluth that they also hold the John Beargrease sled dog race every year. Lots of rolling hills that parallels Lake Superior for about 200 miles.
None to report
Your Opinion Counts
Did y'all know that:
From: Nelson and Sandy Murray
Subj: Re: AARP CONCERT ~~this is good,
Hey there. I am changing my e-mail address, so please change your address list to . M N (Butch) Murray


This is pretty neat how it works out.
This is cool chocolate math!!!!!!!
It takes less than a minute.......
Work this out as you read.
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like

to have chocolate. (try for more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (Just to be bold)

3. Add 5. (for Sunday)

4. Multiply it by 50 I'll wait while you get the calculator......

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1752....

If you haven't, add 1751 ..........

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number ......

The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many times

you want to have chocolate each week).

The next two numbers are ...........YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it IS!!!!!)

Fm: Dumbo
Subj: Health Alert
At least my kids will know what's wrong with the old geeezers......

Health Info: The long term implications of modern drugs must be fully considered. Over the past few years, more money has been spent on breast implants and Viagra than is spent on Alzheimer's Disease research, it is believed that by the year 2030 there will be a large number of people wandering around with huge breasts and erections who can't remember what to do with them.

FM: Jeff Gammon

Subject: FS Berlin Reunion

Greetings! For some of you this will be a repeat message. I was finally able to merge the data base on the web site with my new address book, so for many of you this is new info.

The reunion is set for September 13 & 14 at the Hyatt in Bethesda, MD (1-800-233-1234 for reservations). Rooms are $99/night and the dinner on the 14th is $45/person. Make room reservations through the Hyatt and be sure you tell them you are with the Field Station Berlin group to get the rate. I will collect for the dinner in July.

We will tour the NSA museum and hopefully the White House and Capitol if they have re-opened to the public. The hotel sits atop a metro stop so touring on your own is a convenient option.

Please let me know asap if you will be attending, how many for dinner, tours, etc, so I can line up transportation, dinners, etc. Email me or call 707.446.4141, and I will be able to keep you updated with any changes. Jeff Gammon C Trick 67-70 [Company A, Field Station Berlin, holds a special place in my and Patty's heart. We really enjoyed that THREE year Tour of Duty there where I was the 1SG of Co A. The FSB reunion dates are the same as ours, 13-15 Sept. We attended a FSB reunion in Maryland about five years ago and didn't know a soul and both of us felt like OUTSIDERS as we knew NO ONE and no one attempted to get to know us. That will NEVER happen at OUR reunion as everyone gets involved and if anyone leaves HERSHEY without meeting and making friends with everyone in attendance, then something has to be wrong with that person. Patty and I can honestly say that we enjoyed the Fort Devens reunion and made lifelong friends with everyone there. Every-one was so friendly and we tried our best to be good hosts even though the 9/11 disaster kept a lotta vet's away- - -gH]

A man boards an airplane and takes his seat. As he settles in, he glances up and sees a very beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realizes she's heading straight towards his seat. Lo and behold, she takes the seat right beside his.

Eager to strike up a conversation, he blurts out, "Business trip or vacation?"

She turns, smiles and says, "Business. I'm going to the annual Nymphomaniac Convention in Chicago." He swallows hard. Here is the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen, sitting next to him and she's going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs! Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asks, "What's your business role at this convention?"

"Lecturer," she says, "I use my experience to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality."

"Really," he says, swallowing hard," what myths are those?"

"Well," she explains, "one popular myth is that African American men are the most well endowed when, in fact, it's the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that French men are the best lovers, when actually it is the man of Jewish descent. However, we have found that the best potential lover in all categories is the Southern Redneck."

Suddenly, the woman becomes a little uncomfortable and blushes. "I'm sorry," she says, "I shouldn't be discussing this with you. I don't even know your name!"

"Tonto!" the man says, "Tonto Goldstein! But my friends call me Bubba!
From: Dumbo


Dialog From a Tonight Show ... Johnny Carson ... His guest was Lee Marvin.

Johnny said, "Lee, I'll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima ... and that during the course of that action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded."

And you know how Lee was ...

"Yeah, yeah ... I got shot square in the ass and they gave me the cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi ... bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys gettin' shot hauling you down. But Johnny at Iwo I served under the bravest man I ever knew ... We both got the Cross the same day but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap

in comparison. The dumb bastard actually stood up on Red Beach and directed his troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach. That Sergeant and I have been life long friends.

"When they brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and passed it to me lying on my belly on the litter ..."Where'd they get you Lee?"... "Well Bob ... if you make it home before me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse."....."Johnny, I'm not lying ... Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man I ever Knew ... Bob Keeshan ...You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo."

FM: Philip W. Kelly: Elder, This borders on the political, but if there is a modicum of truth to it, pretty amazing. I'm just forwarding for you to use or not in DofOL

Why and How the Military Salutes President Bush

Have you noticed a difference in the salute given by our military men and women as President Bush walks by? Most folks would not notice anything, but military people see it right away. Watch: when President Bush leaves his helicopter or Air Force One, the honor guards salute and face him as he disembarks, then turn their faces towards him as he passes by. They continue to salute his back as he walks away. This kind of salute has not been seen in the previous eight years, though it is customary courtesy to the Commander-in-Chief. You see, soldiers aren't required to turn and face the President as they salute. They are not required to salute his back. They are only required to salute. They can remain face-forward the entire time. And that is what they did during Bill Clinton's entire Presidency.

Our soldiers were forced to obey Clinton's orders, but they were not forced to respect him. From their salutes, we can surmise that they did not. Why is such respect afforded to President Bush? He doesn't even know how to bite his lower lip and get teary-eyed whenever he speaks! The following incident from Major General Van Antwerp may give us an insight. Gen. Antwerp is president of the Officers' Christian Fellowship. He lost nearly all his staff when the Pentagon was attacked Sept.11. His executive officer LTC Brian Birdwell was badly burned and in the hospital when President Bush visited him.

Our President spent time and prayed with Brian. As he was getting ready to leave, he went to the foot of Brian's bed and saluted. He held his salute until Brian was able to raise his burned and bandaged arm, ever so slowly, in return. The Commander-in-Chief never initiates a salute, except in the case of a Congressional Medal of Honor winner. The injured soldier did not have to return the salute. But he did, out of respect to his President - a Soldiers' President. Congressman JC Watts (R. Oklahoma) said, "Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.

In this time of war and danger, I am so grateful to have a President whom the soldiers salute - fully." On Special Report with Brit Hume, at the close of the show when they normally have some funny video clip, they showed President Bush and the First Lady on their way to Marine One to leave for Camp David for the weekend. As the video starts, the First Lady is leading the way into the helicopter with the spaniel dog on the leash, and the president is right behind her with the Scotty on the leash. As the First Lady entered the chopper, the Marine at the gangway saluted and held his salute. The Scottie the President was walking decided it wanted to squat right when he got to steps. The president pulled on its' leash, but the stubborn Scottie persisted in squatting. The President bent down and scooped up the pooch and entered Marine One. After he entered, the Marine cut his salute and returned to the position of attention.

Moments later the president reemerged from the helicopter and out onto the steps. The Marine was standing at attention, head and eyes straight ahead. The president leaned over and tapped him on the left arm. The startled Marine turned his body toward the president and received his returned salute! I was so impressed by this true act of respect for our military people by our president! He really does get it. Most any other person of his stature would have just continued his journey, disregarding the neglected return salute. Not George W. Bush. He is earning the respect of the military community, not expecting it - as most would. As A Veteran, I appreciated this story, hope you all do too.

Subject: An Opinion on the Plight of Detainees from Afghanistan
I was just reading Yahoo news and the San Antonio Express newspaper. You know what upsets me? People with absolutely
nothing to do with their lives, so they complain about how the U.S. is treating the prisoners or "Detainees" from Afghanistan.

Do you know why they are complaining? They see a picture on the news or the internet and they see someone who is shackled and
blindfolded and walking with two armed guards behind razor wire.

This picture tells them they are treated unfairly.

Here is what I see....

I see a thin, sickly looking person who under severe mental duress from being bombed, was cleaned up, given a haircut to prevent
infestation of parasites, and given new clothes and shoes to wear.

I see a person who is given three nutritious meals per day and a bed to sleep in a tropical climate, not the cold desert floor of Afghanistan, eating worms, bugs, and goat.

I see a person who will be able to get relief from their pains and illnesses without paying a dime for medical expenses. They will get rest, educated, and their mental stress levels will have dropped tremendously because they were taken out of a combat area and will not be shot at again.

I see these people blindfolded and shackled behind razor wire. I have the intellectual ability to understand why they are this way.
For those that do not have this ability, let me explain it to you. They are blindfolded to protect OUR U.S. SOLDIERS from further
harm. These people cannot plan to destroy something if they cannot see it.

They are shackled because these same people have proven they will easily give up their lives to kill just ONE AMERICAN.

We are protecting their life as well as our own. The razor wire is a mental deterrent, just like the little alarm company warning signs
most of you out there have on your home, but don't have the actual alarm system. You would think many times over before actually
trying to cross that razor wire.

For all of you people out there thinking how bad these poor detainees have it under such strict guard, you need to do a lot more thinking about other things in your life.

I was born on September 11th, 1966, and every birthday I have from now on will never be a happy one. Why, do you ask? Because as I am out somewhere trying to have a nice dinner, someone will have a candle or a ribbon or something, crying about the anniversary of a national tragedy.

And then I will think, about how insignificant my one little birthday actually is compared to everything else that had happened on that one day.

It boggles my mind that there are actually people out there in this world, in leadership positions, head of companies that actually think that we are doing something wrong when it comes to protecting our nation and our people. These same people will be the first ones to complain about something that happens to them when they are vacationing outside this country. They will ask why the U.S. does not do anything about their misfortune. These are the same people that complain about taxes and how bad their lives actually are. If you receive this E-mail, please pass it on to everyone in your address book. I am not afraid or ashamed to speak my peace.

I am an American, my father fought for this country, and was willing to die for it.

Dr. Steven Tomaselli
Uvalde, Texas
United States of America

From: Philip W Kelly

Subject: U.S. Naval Museum of Armament & Technology


This is where I work here in California. I'm a small purchase buyer for the Public Works Department here (in my last few years, I hope). I have lived in this area since I was 11 years old, going to Turkey at 18 was my first look at the rest of the world. My father worked here for the DOD when we were busy developing missles for the fleet for Korea and Vietnam.


U.S. Naval Museum of Armament & Technology

THE CHINA LAKE MUSEUM FOUNDATION INVITES YOU to participate in the support and operation of a new Navy museum--a museum that preserves and displays unique achievements in naval air armament and technology. The U.S. Naval Museum of Armament & Technology focuses on the heritage and accomplishments of the China Lake military-civilian-industry team. The skill and dedication of this unique team have resulted in unsurpassed contributions to the technological advancement and development of air weapon systems.

The rich heritage of China Lake--past, present, and future--is unique and irreplaceable. Join us in helping to preserve the history of the "Grand Experiment" for today and for the generations to come.

The U.S. Naval Museum of Armament & Technology is open to the public from 10 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday, and selected holidays.


Due to the events of Sep. 11, 2001, access to NAWS is currently restricted to those possessing a community pass or some form of DoD identification. Please check the NAWCWD page for the latest facilities access information.

Send feedback

Updated Wed Jan 2 10:42:19 PST 2002