Subject: Days of our Lives
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 23:16:04 -0600
DET 27 AND 4-4 VET Jim Adamany, SP5, O5H, DET 27
& 4-4, JL68-69, Phoenix, Az 602-971-7069, Mike Andronaco, SP5, Special
Svcs, Det 27, JL65-JA67, Essex Junction, VT 802-878-5911 Kenneth
E. Brown, Jr., SP5, Dental Asst, Det 27, 66-68, Milford, NH
03055, 603-673-4093, Spencer Gustaz Duin, SP5, 98C
(RMC), DET 27, 62-MR64, Asheville, NC 828-254-4068, Douglas
Elgie, SP5, C/C, Det 27, 63-65, Rochester, MI 248-852-4427,
TAPS Preston
A. Bernhardt, 1LT, AGC, Det 27, 64-65, born 2 Feb 1935 died 8 Nov
1998. His widow lives at 300 Ocean Marine Dr., Flagler
Beach, FL 32136 and his son lives at 4508 Outlook Dr., NE.,
Marietta, GA 30066, 770-578-1372 for anyone who knew Preston at
Manzarali- - -gH
ANYONE identify anyone on this Det 27 foto of the POST Flag
Football team championship team? I got it from Mark
Hamilton's website- - -gH
The WP-50 foto is gH and Patty at West Point- - -gH (Two OLD
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FM:
'PRICELESS' attachment was Priceless!!! Was this a
test to see who reads your mail? Turkey!!... I do and
love it!!! Also, your Gift for Mother joke was fowl!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Had a most interesting
phone conversation with Mike Andronaco who was in
charge of the theater and the pool at Manzarali 65-67. He related many interesting
stories about his TOUR at MANZARALI and PROMISED to write about
them in his autobiography. One was of the "Scotchman
Club" parties (belly-dancers, booze, etc) that the 'Club'
had at the Balin Hotel in Ulus and that they were directed to
cease the parties or else. Mike was 22 and remembers Col Lundy
and his two daughters. The youngest, Kathy, then 15 had a crush
on the projectionist, Dennis ?. and Mike had to chase her away
from the theater. Col Lundy called him into his office and
related that his oldest daughter had gotten pregnant in Germany
and he didn't want the youngest to follow in the same footsteps
as the oldest. The oldest was married to an unk EM who Col Lundy
got stationed at Det 27. Any- one remember who she was married
to? Anyone remember the MP with last name of CISCO who was
practicing a quick draw at the PMO or guard shack and shot the
place up. Other MP's that Mike remembers was
me the album that he made of his TOUR of DUTY at Manzarali
so that I can scan the foto's and poss use them in the Memory
Book revision. His wife was away visiting the grand kids
and Mike didn't know their e-mail address, but will get it to me-
- -gH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Had a very informative conversation with Ken Brown who was a 05H
drop-out who enjoyed his time at Manzarali as a Dental
Assistant. Ken informs that he QB'd the Hq Co team that
beat Jim Hatmaker and A Co., 7-6. Ken, too, has many foto's
and slides of his TOUR of DUTY at Manzarali as a 20 year old
& promises to write it up for the
Memory Book. Ken was a charter member of the SCOTCHMAN Club and,
like Mike Andronaco enjoyed their TOUR of DUTY at
Manzarali- - -gH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Chuck
Bergmann To: Cc: Dan Schoppe ; Elder
Green Subj: Going
to ASA reunion
FOR ME (& MY WIFE) FOR 13-15 SEPT 2002 AT $79. PER DAY PER
RESERVATION BY RETURN E-MAIL. Thank you, Chuck & Helen
Bergmann/Bay Village, OH/SP4/05H/Det27, MY66-DE67 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fm: Jeff Newport
Subject: Trying to find what unit my father was in and hope you
might be able to help. I hope I am not bothering you. I am
trying to find out what unit my father was in, in Vietnam. I
have his old shoulder patches and they are the two lightning
bolts with the eagle talons on it. My father died a few years ago
and I have made it my mission to find out more about him and the
great man he was. His name is Frank Newport. I really hope
you can help or tell me where I might be able to find out some
info. Thank you in advance Jeff Newport
Fm: James
Nolan ( Subj: MEMORY bOOK
CD-R Status
Sorry that it has taken me so to get the CD moving to
Ronald Hudson but rest assured that I will send it in the morning
via priority mail. I've been having computer trouble and just got
back on line today. I was able to download the information onto
my hard drive but my Laptop could handle the storage. I can
access the information but not the way I would like. In
addition I'm not very good with the computer which is another
reason I have problems. My wife and I are planning to come
to Hershey for the reunion in Sep, there are some nice golf
courses that we would like to play.As you know I worked with
Dooley [LTC Raphael J.) for 2.5 years as his assistant
so I will write something about him and e-mail it to
you in a week or so. Glad you and some of the others are doing
all this hard work with the memory book and the reunion. Regards,
Jim Nolan/Hopewell, VA
Fm: michael gabriel
Thanks for sending the CD memory book. I will forward it to
the next person when you notify me. Mike
Gabriel, 15813 NE 18th Court, Vancouver, Wa 98686 [Mike
- Please mail the Memory Book CD-R to Robert J. Ashton, PO Box 5,
Milton, VT 05468
Fm: Roy Des
Ruisseaux Subj:
Manzarali Mailing list
Elder; Upon seeing the list of ASA web sites I contacted
the webmaster to let them know about my "orphan" site.
Anyhow I saw the listing for Mark Hamilton's site of
course and an " Unknown Manzarali Station"
website. Upon checking it out it appears to be set up for a
mailing list. Nothing is on it now of course but this could
be a way to migrate to that form of communicating.It would save
you the time of cutting and pasting. I have included the
URL as an attachment. It would require everyone signing up, but
it does have a place for pictures etc.Take a look see what you
think. Roy ******** Roy----I visited the "new" website
and started to type in the blanks, but stopped when it became
obvious to me that it was NOT the website that I wanted to be
associated wit......Thanks- - -gH
Fm: Roy Des
Ruisseaux Subject:
Re: Det 27 website Elder : I have to agree with you.
They want way too much information. Plus they want you to pay if
you don't want ads. etc. etc. Guess I should have checked it out
before getting so worked up.Someday I'll see if I can set
something up on Yahoo. I'm on a list about the Stan Kenton Big
Band (Ah giving away my age and musical taste all in one shot)
Anyhow it was handled for years out of Univ. of Calif. Irvine
servers but got dumped for some reason.One of the list members
set up a Yahoo account and about 200 plus migrated to it. Works
well most of the time. It just requires people to sign up. with
their e mail address and get a password etc. I don't recall
intrusive questions or such. The beauty about these things is all
posts go to all subscribers so no one has to do what you are
doing cutting and pasting etc.Plus you can get it in real time or
digest form One e mail of all posts in a 24 hr. period. The down
side is people have to do a little work to subscribe,it ain't
hard but you do have to visit the site to sign up. When we first
started we were hit with ads on about every fifth post or so but
they seemed to have disappeared. About the biggest downside
is you can not send pictures,all attachments are stripped
out of the e mails. There is a place on the site for pictures so
if someone sent them to me or you or whoever was the
"owner" of the list they could post them and include
the link in the list to have people visit them. I really think
this would be the way to go at some point as I know you have
hinted a few times of the enormous amount of work involved with
doing it the way you are now. I know everybody loves the Days of
our Lives e mails and don't want them to end but I and several
others are aware how much work is involved. Perhaps in a few
weeks I can contact the Kenton list owner ,I know him though e
mails and met him at a concert last year, I'm sure he could tell
me what's involved. I think it's pretty easy. Then of course we'd
have to see if we could"sell" it to everyone or not.
What concerns me most is that(God forbid) if something happens to
you or you get tired of doing this no one will take up the slack
and we may loose contact with each other. I know I haven't kept
my ASA address book up to date and probably only have 50-60 names
in it. I Think you have what?? 150- 200. Well this has gone on
far too long just something to mull over perhaps we could put out
the inf. and see who might be interested or see if anyone else
has any suggestions. One last thing thanks for including the
NASAA link. I got a hold of Bonnie Cooper NASAA's web master and
she has already got my site added to her list so at least it's
listed somewhere now. OK enough is enough. Roy DesRuisseaux/Upper
Darby, PA/MP/Det 27, JN61-AU62
Fm: Edward S Gerow To: Robt Ashton Cc: Daryl Waite,; Elder RC Green, Subj: Det 66 Hi Bob, I saw your
response to Elder Green and checked out my Det 66 listing
and I find your name as an SP5 E5 on or about September 27 1963 .
Greetings, I was at Det 66 from 62 to 64 as an MOS 272/273
working as a 272, Transmitter Specialist at the Det 66
Transmitter site at Golbasi about 10 miles southeast of site
23. I left early in 1964 for reassignment at ECRS
(WAR) at Washington DC. I'm sure we have a few common
acquaintences. I lived downtown in Ankara so those that I
knew at Site 23 were somewhat limited. I wonder what you did
there? I have never found any trace of any other
STRATCOM group so at least just a few of us are attached to
this Det 27 ASA Group where they have welcomed us with all
the full honors for serving at Site 23. I attended the past
reunion at Devans and plan on joining everyone in
PA this September and hope you will do the
same. There are five or six of us checked in here and I'm
sure we will hear from someone else. Let me know your
particulars and keep in touch.
Regards Edward S Gerow, (Ed), Nashua,