Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 18:06:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES#162
The information contained in this DOOL is intended for ASA TURKEY VETERANS..
When you send an email
to me - PLEASE include the word ASA in the subject line to insure
that I open it and not mistake it for SPAM. Thank you - GREEN,
Elder RC (gH), YOB: 1936, RA13513638, E7, 982/98C, Det 27,
1-15MY61, Det 120, MY-JL65, Det 27, JN66-OC67 & Det 4-4,
OC67-NO68, (Patty), 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA 15701,
The above photo was taken as we boarded the BB Riverboat for a dinner cruise on the Ohio River on 18 May 2006.
ADAMS, Rogers III YOB 1939, E6 Supply, Det 27 & 4-4, 65-69, (Annie), 42 Sedgefield Road., Natchez, MS 39120, 601-442-6062, no e-mail Bernard Brantley, informs: I spoke with Annie Adams a few weeks ago after seeing a photo of Rogers Adams III in a recent DOOL. I had neither seen nor heard from "Sarge" since being in Turkey in 1965. After seeing the DOOL, I wrote him a short note to see if he remembered me. Annie called shortly after to inform me that she read the note to Rog and he did indeed remember this "then wisp of an 18 year old". Roger passed shortly thereafter. Annie sent me a copy of the obituary but, as fate would have it, I left it at home today. I received DOOL # 161 just awhile ago and it dawned on me that you guys were probably not advised of his passing. I will forward the information either later today or first thing tomorrow when I get back to work.
BROUMEL, Mary E (nee Simmons) wife of Thomas P. Broumel, DOB: 14 October 1939 DOD: 27 March 1996 of cancer at Bel Air, Harford County, Maryland.
BROUMEL, Thomas P., (Tom) DOB: 12 February 1939,
DOD: 27 November 2004 at College Park, Maryland, RA13741476,
E3-E5, 058. TK#4 Det 27, 62-64, (Martha), Bel Air, MD,
The above is a scanned picture of Tom Broumel when he was a
member of Trick 4 at Det 27.
- The following article on the
death of Tom Broumel was sent to me by Brian Hennessey
News - Harford Co.
Thomas Price Broumel, was
stricken with a heart attack outside Byrd Stadium in College
Park, Maryland after watching the football team of his alma
mater, University of Maryland, end its 2004 season with a victory
over Wake Forest. "His favorite pastime was Maryland
football. He tailgated and watched the game with his
brother-in-law and a friend," said his wife of seven years,
the former Barbara A. Zilka. "He yelled, screamed, hollered
and had a good time. After the game, he got back into the car,
answered a question and then closed his eyes. That's when he had
the fatal heart attack." He was pronounced at Washington
Adventist Hospital in Takoma Park, Maryland. He was 65. Tom was
born and raised in Bel Air, and played football for Bel Air High
School. After graduating in 1957, he was offered a football
scholorship to the University of Maryland provided he attend prep
school (Charlotte Hall Military Academy) in 1958. He did improve
his grades and enrolled at the College Park campus of the
University of Maryland where he played two years (1959-60) for
the Terripins and then enlisted in 1961 for ASA duty. Tom was
trained as a Morse Code operator at Fort Devens and served at
Manzarali Station in the Ankara, Turkey area 1962-1964
Tom Broumel was a former Bel Air Maryland Police Department Chief, town commissioner and former Colonel in the Harford County Sheriffs Office. He was the State Fire Marshal for 18 years where he was regional commander for the office in Harford, Cecil and Kent Counties. He was also bomb squad commander for 15 years. He was regional commander for the Southern Region, Charles, St. Mary and Calvert Counties. He also had supervised the OSHA Program. He was past president of the Maryland Chief of Police Association and a member of the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company. He was a former town commissioner of Bel Air and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Harford County Farm Fair.
After being discharged he joined the state fire marshal's office in 1968 as an investigator. He became the office's regional commander for Harford, Cecil and Kent counties until the mid-1980s. Mr. Broumel was chairman of Bel Air's planning board in 1981, then was vice chairman of the town commissioners from 1982 until 1985. He was the town police chief from 1985 to 1990, when he was named second-in-command of the Harford sheriff's office with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After leaving the sheriff's office in 1995, he became head of operations for the Harford Mall's security detail, where earlier he had been chief of security. In 2004 he had been an inspector for the Harford County Planning and Zoning Department. He was a former president of the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association, a member of the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Co., and former board member of the Harford County Farm Fair. Survivors, in addition to his wife, include a son, Paul and two daughters, Ellen M. Broumel of Forest Hill and Martha P. Gwinner of Bel Air; three stepdaughters, Elaine M. Merkley of Owings Mills, and Robin E. Merkley and Katie B. Merkley, both of Bel Air; a brother, Charles Broumel of Phoenix; and four grandchildren. He was married for many years to the former Mary E. Simmons, who died in 1996.
REGISTER, Ed, YOB: 1929 DOD: May 2006, E6-E7, Spook, Det 27, MY62-DE64, (Inez), 3509 Mineral Springs Road., Lexington, SC 29073, 803-356-3480/4910,
Denise Shugerman, ( ) a daughter of Ed Register, informs that Ed Register crossed over and passed away in May 2006. She wrote that in a way it was a blessing as he could not get comfortable in his last days and that he went very peacefully and willingly. The cause of Ed Registers death was liver cancer.
Ed Register was a native of Mississippi. He was a lifer who retired as a Master Sergeant E8 in 1969 with 20.5 years active duty. He then worked for 15 years as Director of Security in fraud cases for a bank. He thoroughly enjoyed his TOUR of DUTY at Manzarali. He mentioned the gay problem and one in particular from Det 4 who ratted on the other gays as he remembers it. He remembers investigating the Det 4 commander (LtCol Fleming) who was subsequently relieved of duty for unbecoming conduct. He remembers the Det 4 MP Corporal who was suspected of setting fires at Sinop. The USAF polygraph cleared the Corporal, but Ed relates that he was able to get a confession from the corporal after he was transferred to Det 27. It was discovered that the CPL had set several fires at Arlington Hall while he was stationed there. In 2000 Ed fell and broke a hip. He's also had both hands operated on for carpel tunnel syndrom. He mentioned many names and I've added them to the Master Roster.
WALTERS, William L DOB 8 February 1941 DOD 18
August 1989 RA13703885 E3-E4 059 P1 Det 27, JA62-63 - Found
Walters on Det 27 Special Orders #103 dtd 29MY63. On 8 May 2006
Steve Makkos informed me that Walliam L. Walters was deceased. No
further details available.
Above is the Det 27 mascot posing with Joe Mack. On the back of
the photo Joe lists its name as Georgia.
On December 22, 1961, while on a radio direction finding mission west of Saigon, Army Security Agency Specialist Fourth Class James Thomas "Tom" Davis and his team of South Vietnamese signalmen were ambushed by Viet Cong guerillas who detonated a remote-controlled land mine under the tailgate of their truck. The troops in the back were assaulted by guerillas with rifle and machine-gun fire and hand grenades as they attempted to escape the vehicle, which had come to rest in a culvert at the side of the road. Tom kept his wits, scrambling from the cab. He hurled his satchel, containing his secret communications codes, into a rice paddy to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy. He pulled his injured driver into the culvert where the driver concealed himself in the water beneath the truck. Tom ran up the gravel road, turning and firing from his M-1 carbine as he went, in an effort to draw enemy fire to himself and away from his driver and other team members. At a position about 50 feet in front of the vehicle, he was hit by a bullet that pierced his skull, lacerating his brain and killing him instantly. At that moment, he became, in the words of the President of the United States, "the first American to fall in defense of our freedom in Vietnam."
Tom Davis will be honored at the annual reunion of the Southeast Asia ASA Veterans Association in Nashville, Tennessee, on 22-24 June 2006. The agenda for that reunion includes a visit to Toms hometown of Livingston, Tennessee, on Saturday, 24 June. During that visit, we will dedicate a flagpole at the Good Hope cemetery, near Toms gravesite. The cost of the flagpole, together with a memorial plaque and landscaping of the site, is being funded through the generous contributions of veterans.
The 2006 ASA Picnic will be held again at Blobs Park, next to Fort Meade, Maryland on 5 August from noon until 1500 hours. The cost is $15 per person and the buffet menu will consist of Pit Beef, Bratwurst, Roast & Fried Chicken, German potato dslad & sauerkraut plus 8 other side dishes. To reserve send the money to Len Fischer, P.O. Box 234, Occoquan, VA 22125 and list the names that you want on the name tags. Unfortunately this might be the last year for the picnic at Blobs Park because there are strong rumors of land development. DIRECTIONS: From I-95 or I295, go east on Rt 175 and look for Blobs Park signs on the right.
Patty and I will tour the National Cryptologic Museum at 1000 hours on 5 August. The museum is located adjacent to NSA Hqs Fort Meade, Maryland. The Museum reveals a "peek " into the secret methods of interception, codemaking and codebreaking at a once-secret world -- the exploitation of enemy COLD WAR communications in which we ex-ASAers served and for the most part remain anonymous. Adjacent to the Museum, is the National Vigilance Park . The park showcases two reconnaissance aircraft used for secret missions. The RU-8D serves to represent the Army Airborne Signal Intelligence contribution in Vietnam and the C-130 memorializes an Air Force aircraft that was shot down over Soviet Armenia during the Cold War. See below Hal Flemings memory of CWO Arnie Taylors missing being a member of that fateful flight because of being grounded because of a dental appointment on that date. The museum has become an important part of the National Security Agencys efforts over the past decade to put a new face on this ultra-secret part of the Intelligence Community and improve understanding of the Agencys challenges and triumphs over the years.
September 2006
Fort Mitchell, Kentucky
The 2006 reunion will be held
13-17 September in Fort Mitchell, KY and will be hosted by Hal
and Bobbie Winkler of Cincinnati, Ohio
L-R: Hal Winkler, Patty Green, Elder Green, Jennifer & Diane of the Drawbridge Inn
ROOM RATES: $75 per day plus 11.24% tax. These rates are available for days before and after the reunion.
RESERVATIONS: 1-800-354-9793. When making your reservations state that you will be attending the ASA Turkey reunion. The Drawbridge cancellation policy is 72 hours before scheduled arrival date. Stop procrastinating and sign up now and make Hal and Bobby Winklers hosting job easier in planning for the reunion.
LOCATION: Fort Mitchell, KY - 5 miles S of downtown Cincinnati, OH at 186 on I-71/I-75 in either direction.
AIRPORT: The Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport is 8 miles away and .
TO/FROM DRAWBRIDGE. The shuttle leaves from the lobby of the
Drawbridge every half hour starting at 0430. There is no need to
make a reservation. All that is needed to board the shuttle is
for you to be in the lobby 5 minutes before the time you wish to
HOSPITALITY ROOM: FRIARS HALL, 1176 sq. ft. & stocked
with free snacks, beer and beverages..
POOLS: Indoor, Outdoor & Garrison Pools. Near the indoor pool area there is a sauna, hot tub, exercise room, pool table. PACK YOUR BATHING GEAR.
ATTIRE: The attire during the reunion will be casual, but in good taste.
THE SATURDAY NITE BUFFET STYLE MEAL will be held in the huge TUDOR dining area with 8 people per table. The buffet includes Tossed & Caesar Salads, Chefs Choice of one additional Salad & two Accompaniments, one Cheesecake dessert & coffee or ice tea.
The entrees will be English Chicken and Sliced Sirloin. The cost per person for this meal will be $35.
We look forward to seeing you and wish all a safe trip to the Drawbridge Inn 13-17 September 2006. Please dont hesitate to call or email Hal Winkler at 513-489-5308, or Elder RC Green at 724-349-7395, if you have any questions or suggestions, etc.
TENTATIVE OUTINGS: Details and itinerary forthcoming. In the interim, the following is the probable itinerary.
1). Visit the Newport Aquarium on Thursday, 14 September and mingle with the sharks and penguins. The tour will begin at 1000 and the entrance fee is $14 per person and paid in advance. Visit for details on the Aquarium. After exiting the aquarium walk to the Mall at Newport on the Levee -
2). A Thursday evening meal and German entertainment in the Bier Hall at the Hofbrauhaus in Newport, KY. We will be entertained with live Oomp-pa-pa live entertainment that everyone can participate and enjoy. This is the first authentic Hofbrauhaus in America and is located across the street from the Newport on the Levee Mall and Aquarium. The cost will be $30 per person paid in advance. For details visit:
3). Visit the USAF Museum in
Dayton, OH. on Friday, 15 September. The reservation commitment
hinges on how many people sign up for the bus trip. If full, the
cost will be approximately $15 per person paid in advance. There
is no admission fee to the Museum and is set up on a self-touring
basis and usually last about 2 hours. Wheelchairs & electric
carts are available at no cost. There is a café located on the
2nd floor of the Museum.
4). A 3 hour dinner cruise on FRIDAY evening on the mighty Ohio
River. The cost per person for this enjoyable cruise will be $35
pre paid. Visit for details.
Below are other things/tours to be considered during your reunion stay for an enjoyable and easy paced time to visit unforgettable attractions in the Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati areas.
1). Bring your swim gear as the Drawbridge Inn has an indoor and outdoor pool, and a sauna
2). A visit to the mall at Newport on the Levee -
3). A visit to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. A organized tour will be scheduled if enough people sign up. Otherwise direction to the Zoo will be available for those desiring to visit the Zoo. This zoo is rated as one of the top zoos in the USA and is the number one family attraction in Cincinnati. Dont miss it. Visit
4). A visit to the Dreea Pavilion, Devou Park, 700 acre park that sits upon the rolling hills overlooking Covington and the Ohio River Valley including downtown Cincinnati and the professional football and baseball fields and the traffic on I-71/!-75.
5). A golf outing at one or both of the finest golf courses in the Greater Cincinnati area: Devou Park ( ) and Twin Oaks (
6). A visit to the Turfway Park where jockey racing will be running effective 6 September with post times starting at 1730 hours. Visit for the details.
7). A visit to the Florence Mall
8). A visit to the World Peace Bell in Covington
9). A visit to the nearby casino in Indiana.
10). A visit to St. Marys Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption 1140 Madison Ave., in Covington, KY. Visit
11). A visit to the Fort Wright Civil War Museum. Visit
12). A RIBS meal at the world
famous Montgomery Inn BBQ which is located within walking
distance of the Drawbridge Inn. Visit for additional information..
Please note that Cincinnati will be the site of a Octoberfest on
16 and 17 September in downtown Cincinnati.
ANTONELLO, Tony, Det-27, JL65-FE68 & Det-4, SE69-SE70, (Valerie), 12257 Wye Oak Commons Circle, Burke, VA 22015, 703-239-1739,
ASPINWALL, Paul, Det 4, 13JA65-22DE65, 14 Quail Ridge Dr., Madison, WI 53717, 608-831-0670,
BULLOCK, Al, 05H Det 4-4, OC68-AU69 &, 73-75, (Esther), PMB 100, Hubbard Lake, MI 49747, 989-727-2567,
CARRICK, Ernie Det 4, 57-58, (Betty), 6111 Fairfield Dr. Huntsville, AL 35811, 256-852- 6180,
COMROE, Mike 058, TK#4, Det 27, JL61-22DE62, (Jane), 205 Pinetown Road., Audubon, PA 19403, 610-666-7402,
COWIE, Bill, YOB: 058, Tk#4, Det 27, 60-61, (Loretta), #29 Sappington Villa Ct., Crestwood, MO 63126, 313-842-2028,
CRIDLEBAUGH, Lloyd, 058, TK#4. Det 27, AP63-OC64, (Karen), 7504 N. State Rte 9, Kansas City, MO 64152 816-741-6066, cell 816-916-8456,
DAVIDGE, Gordon, 059, Det 27, NO60-NO62, (Pat), 10915 E. Goodall Road, Lot 460, Durand, MI 48429, 810-621-5296,
ELDRIDGE, Frank, Det 4, 61-62, 8219 Lone Bridge Ln., Humble, TX 77338 281-540-3478, OR
ERICKSON, Ron, 059 Det 27, MY61-DE62, (Kathy), 17204 E 37th Terrace, Independence, MO 64055, 816-373-3349,
FITTANTE, Tom 988 P1 Det 27, JL61-29JA63, (Beverly), 46398 SR 46, (PO BX 59), New Waterford, OH 44445, 330-457-2950
GARNEAU, Ted 058, Det 27, 60-62 fm MI per Davidge BUSTED 16MR61
GOODMAN, Jay, Det 4, SE72-SE73, (Kathy), 3468 Izy Hill Ln., Finleyville, PA 15332, 724-348-0358,
GREEN, Elder Det 27, 1-15MY61, JN66-OC67 & 4-4, OC67-NO68, (Patty), 3094 Warren Road., Indiana, PA 15701, 724-349-7395,
HANNAH, Jim Det 4, 74-75, (Mary), 145 Robinson Cove Road, Leicester, NC 28748, 828-683-1668,
O'BRIEN, Jack 988RU Det 4, 64-65, (Kay), 3801 Lujon Dr., Beaver Creek, OH 45431, 937-426-4433,
TAVERNETTI, Dave, Watch O, TK#4 Det 27, MR62-SE63, (Sue), 238 Rio Vista Dr., King City, CA 93930, 831-385-4458,
TESCHKER, Chuck 059/K Det 27, 60-62, (Penny), 2752 N, Tipsico Lake Road., Hartland, MI. 48353, 248-887-1620,
WADLEY, Jeff, 058, Tk#4 Det 27, SE62-FE64, (Marsha), 12436 N Mount Bigelow Road, Oro Valley, AZ 85737, 520-498-5078,
WALCHER, Steve, Det 4, JA69-JA70, (Gloria), 4527 Butler Dr., Decatur, IL 62526, 217-875-6840.
WINKLER, Hal, 981 Det 4,
MY60-MY61, (Bobbie), 12195 Thames Pl., Cincinnati, OH 45241,
ARNOLD, Jim, Det 27, 61-63
BAILEY, Det 27, 61-63
BENDER, Bill, Det 4-4, 70-71
BRABITS, Jack, Det 27, 62-64
BRANTLEY, Bernie, Det 27, 65-67
BRININGSTOOL, Don, Det 27, 62-63
BRYAN, Clark, Det 27, 66-67 & Det 4-4 67-69
BUCKREIS, Gene, Det 27, 61-62
CAMMACK, Maurice, Det 27, 57-59
COMROE, Mike, Det 27, 61-62
COWIE, Bill, Det 27, 60-61
COX. William, Det 27, 61-62
CRIDLEBAUGH, Lloyd, Det 27, 63-64
DEESE, Ronnie, Det 27 & 4-4, 66-68 /*
DesRuisseaux, Det 27, 61-62
DIAMOND, Jim, Det 27, 62-64
DOYLE, Pete, Det 27, 61-63
DYER, Nathan, Det 4, 67
FITTANTE, Tom, Det 27, 61-63
FLEMING, Hal, Det 4, 57
FRAERING, Camille, Det 4, 57-58
FULTON, John, Det 27, 62-64
GREGORY, George, Det 27, 60-63
HARRIS, William, Det 27, 60-62
HIGHLAND, Bill, Det 4 & 4-2 62-63
KAUFMAN, John, Det 27, 62-63
KIDLE, Jim, Det 27, 63-65
MACK, Joe, Det 27, 62-64
MAKKOS, Steve, Det 27, 62-63
MARTIN, Dan, 27, 60-61
MCCARTHY, Earle, Det 27, 61-63
MELCHOIRRE, Ray, Det 27, 62-65
MULHOLLAND, Jim, Det 4, 56-57
ORT, Phil, Det 27, 62-64
PERKINS, Alan, Det 27, 61-63
POLING, Jay, Det 27, 62-64
RAFFENSBERGER, Vern, Det 27, 61-64
RICHTER, Ralph, Det 27, 66-67
ROBERTS, Floyd, Det 4, 18JL58-DE58
RODRIGUES, Charlie, Det 4, 59-60
SIEBENALER, Frank, Det 27, 62-64
SOUTH, Fred, Det 27, 63-64,
SPRINGER, Terry L., USAF Det 94, 66-69
STUART, Gary, Det 27, 62-64
SULLIVAN, Joe, Det 27, 61-63
TAIT, Joe, Det 4, 62-63
TAYLOR, Fred, Det 27, 62-64
UTTERBACK, Bob, Det 27, 62-63 & Det 4, 63
WHITMAN, Ken, Det 27, 62-64
YONITCH, Gary USAF Det 94, 67-69
ARNOLD, James L YOB 1941 RA13710808 E3-E4 059 TK#4 Det 27, 31DE61-5JN63, (Carol), RR2 Box 2145, McAlisterville, PA 17049, 717-463-2020, - Hi, I learned of the DAYS OF OUR LIVES web site from Larry Ellenberger. My name is James Arnold and I was stationed at Det 27 from 31 Dec 1962 untill 5 June 1963.
I enlisted 27 February 1961
and took basic trainning at Fort. Dix. From there I was assigned
to school at Fort Devens and was awarded PMOS of 059 in December
1961. On 26 December 1961 I reported to McGuire
AFB in New Jersey for transportation to Turkey. After spending 3
days in Germany I arrived in Turkey at Manzarali Station Det 27 and was assigned to trick 4. If I
remember correctly I worked in room 4 and then later room 5 as a
059. Some of the guys I remember were Jack
Shade, James Krogstad,----- Deal, (Wombat) Hamilton, -- Kennedy
who had a Cadilliac,Larry Ellenberger,Verne Raffensberger, Robert
Fenton, Larry Bynum, Waller Wilson, John Kauffman, (my roommate)
Alan Perkins, Wm S. Reeves Jr., ---reevis, McBurney, and others
that escape me at the moment. I departed Ankara 05 June 1963 and
was assigned to Fort Meade with duty at NSA. until 26 February
1964 at which time I was separated from active duty. I married my wife Carol in June 1963. We have 2
children George and Khristine born in 1965 and 1967 respectively.
We now have 7 grandchildren. After
leaving the Army I worked at NSA for 2 years and then went to
Harrogate, England for 2 years. When that tour was over we moved
back to Pennsylvania
and I worked for The United
Telephone Co. of PA., which later became Sprint. I retired from
Sprint in 1966 and pursued my hobby of farming in a small way, raising lambs, hay and corn. My wife worked as
a RN most of the time from 1963 untill 1995. In 2003 we had
public sale and move about 500 yards
to a property next to the farm. We now live on 12 acres of mostly
wooded land with a small pond and 2 small creeks. The house is
about 500 feet from the public road. Over
the years we have traveled some, to England in 1983, to Spain in
1993, to Italy in 2002, and to Hawaii in 2005. All were great fun
but it was always good to get back home again. Thanks. ASA
Always, James L. Arnold
BAILEY, Afton D (Jack) RA18598830 E4-E5 059 P2 Det 27, SE61-20JN63, Box 6024 Paris, TX 75460, 903-272-5136, [edited] After Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood I was sent to the ASA School at Fort Devens During 059 school at Devens my buddy Charles Edward Gallagher wanted to go to OCS, and talked me into applying. We practically memorized Field Manual 22-5, worked out, studied, etc. and I got accepted for Infantry OCS at Fort Benning. Gallagher had made straight A's thru High School in New Castle, PA and was sent to West Point Prep School at Fort Belvoir, VA. Had he and I gone to OCS together we could have helped each other make it through, I believe. After 18 weeks of Infantry OCS, I was sent before the board for "having a bad attitude." They said "You can go back to the 10th week....or you can join your ASA buddies from Devens, in Turkey. In other words, I got re-cycled. I said, "send me to Turkey." They gave me Corporal stripes and shipped me to Manzarali Station in September 1961 where I served for 21 months and enjoyed being a part of such an outstanding group of Americans and never experiences. Chaplain DeVanney pointed me to the high road and Bob Ancell has taught me the real meaning of friendship, since 1963.
Our old 4-engine prop "Constellation" airplane full of GIs stopped in at the USAF Base on the Island of Terceira, Azores for dinner and re-fueling before resuming our flight from Fort. Dix (McGuire AFB) to Frankfort, Germany. After a couple of weeks in Frankfort, flew across the Alps and Bulgaria, to Istanbul and finally to Ankara;
I vividly remember Chaplain William DeVanny took the Manzarali chapel quartet to Sinop one weekend in 1962. We sang at Protestant chapel service; then, did an hour show that afternoon. When we got ready to fly back to Ankara in the Otter on Monday... we were grounded for a week -- due to an attempted military coup (I think it was the Army vs the Air Force, as I remember). So, we had to stay in Sinop and take pictures, play tourist and sail around the edge of the Black Sea in a battered sail boat-- and the Turkish Coast Guard unit had to come rescue us landlubbers at sundown, as we were headed out to sea. We didn't know a damn thing about sailing that rented or borrowed boat. A storm was blowing up, it was getting dark, and we were bailing water out of that lug of a boat with our SHOES! And, just kept getting further and further away from land. What a hair-raising experience that was. The Turks came out to get us, tossed us a line and towed us back to port. Three of us. We were wet, tired, hungry, and scared! Our appreciation for Turks skyrocketed that day. My many Turkish adventures changed my life forever
I appreciate reading about fellow soldiers at Manzarali Station , the Hill of Sinop and those who served with the Air Force Zoomies at Karamursel.. Has anyone ever heard from guys who I worked with September 1961--June 1963: Dave Wittrock, "Topper" Pylant, former roomie Mike Kunkel, Danny Zanvetter, Jack Brabits, Jim Mabry & Dennis Demanigold. . I still hear from Bob Ancell in Alexandria,VA ; Phil Kelly in California and from Dan Drachman in Moscow. SSG Harry Edwards, a 059, was our Barrack's Sgt. -- in addition to his main Ops gig. I was his Assistant Barrack Sgt. He'd go to town and leave me to get the guys ready for inspection. I really did not know him well. He was tough and fair..
I spent 21 months at Det 27 as I had extended to get my DD-214 discharge on post at Manzarali on 20 June I could run around for an exciting several months of traveling thru Middle East (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus...back to Ankara), then off to Vienna, Munich...all over Europe. I ending up at Bremerhaven,Germany where I boarded the US Troop Ship USS General Walker for a 9 day trip to NYC. Although I was a civilian, I had orders for the free trip home, thanks to Uncle Sam; and joined 3,600 GI's on the boat. All we did was stand in line. When we finished breakfast, we had to get in line for lunch, etc. Whew, was I glad to see New York. I hitch-hiked all the way to Oklahoma ! What a grand finale to 3 great years in the Army Security Agency. Truly the trip of a lifetime. Thanks to the Army!
Elder...Bravo! My hat's off to you for the superior job you have done coordinating all the communications and all your hard work on the Reunion and related activities. We're all proud of you and all your hard work Keep up the great work. Wish I could make it for Reunions. I am the sole caretaker/care-giver for my mom who turns 94 May 18th; and I simply can not come to the reunions. Had I made it thru OCS I would have most certainly stayed in for 20 or more. I really liked the Army/ASA.
BENDER, Bill, YOB: RA E4 05K Det 4-4 JA70-JL71, (Dawn), 6700 SW 113th Pl., Ocala, FL 34476, 352-854-9122, 1-800-877-3367, <> - I really look forward to receiving each issue of Days of Our Lives and seeing what everyone is up to. Well I'm happy to report I had a very nice visit from one of my old comrades, Roy and Shelly Annis. They were in the Ocala area looking for a winter retreat from the cold of New Hampshire, and stopped by to vist with us. Roy hasn't changed much since I last saw him while leaving Istanbul in July of 1971 except like all of us he's gotten greyer and added a few pounds. It's a maturing thing I suppose! Anyway, we certainly enjoyed their company, enjoyed the old photos of other guys we served with and of course I got to bore them with my photos of Karamursel from last years visit. We hope to make the reunion this year, provided I don't get activated by FEMA like last year! The area I was in in Mississippi still hasn't recovered! And if Elder and Patty make it down this way, we'll keep the light on fer ya! Regards to all.
BRABITS, Jack D YOB 1938 RA25775235 E3-E4 059 P1 Det 27, 62-64, (Vicki), 3301 NW 45th Ter .,OKC, OK 73112, 405-942-0933, per SO#103 dtd 29MY63 & Bailey & Ira Jones
BRANTLEY, Bernie YOB 1946 RA15808448 E3-E5 058 TK#3 Det 27, SE65-SE67, (Katherine), 2101 Heights Dr., Brooklyn, MI 49230. 517-592-4014/8869,
BRININGSTOOL, Don K RA16658162 E3-E4 Tk#1 Det 27,
61-63, 4057 Hod Ln,m Terrell, NC 28682 828-478-9716,
per Det 27 Unit Order#10
dtd 26MR62
It's good to hear from you. Our phone has a blocker to prevent
unwanted sales calls. When you call, just say ASA and your name
and hold on the line and we will accept the call. Looking forward
to hearing from you. Take care of yourself. Don Briningstool
BRYAN, Clark L E4-E5 988BU Det 27, 66-67, &
4-4, 67-69, 988.1662 (Bulgarian), Ret USN CDR., 918 Dibbles
Trail, Webster, NY 14580, 716-671-8906, DLIWC OC65-JN66, NSA JL66-SE66, Det 27
OC66-NO67, Det 4-4 NO67-15JN69, Ret CDR, USN; wife Althea Mix,
also Ret CDR, USN Nurse Corps.-
Al, It was great
seeing a photo of Fransted and Watson on that trip you took to
Arizona. I don't think either of them look much different than
they did in Turkey. I would certainly have recognized either upon
a chance meeting in a restaurant or airport. Jesse told me in
1995 or so that he had gained 300 pounds and I wouldn't recognize
him but he wasn't telling (all) the truth! They both looked
great. I just wrote a letter to Fransted - if he's the writing
type, maybe he'll shoot a message back to me, but some people are
too private and never correspond. I also liked that photo of the
Blue Mosque taken this March and am astounded that Yalova numbers
in the tens of thousands; gad, what a change from the old days!
I'm still ferrying back and forth to Colorado = mom's 96 and
although she continues to live well by herself, age is beginning
to take its toll. I've been flying out twice a year for a couple
weeks each time and may have to up that to 3 times. My sister
lives in KS but seems like she's busier than we are, as she is
still teaching school. Her children are adults but one lives at
home know how that goes.....! We'd love to move our
mother closer to one of us, or into an assisted care center in
Colorado, but she's mentally alert and won't hear of it. We know
several people with aging parents and it seems as if they all
have similar problems dealing with the situation. How are you and
Patty doing in PA? Any more trips to locate the lost or are you
saving up for the reunions this fall? We're doing the same as
always - Becky is finishing her freshman year at U of Buffalo
with 3.87 gpa - college life agrees with her and she's enjoying
it. Sarah is completing her freshman year in HS - okay for a
first effort - some attitude problems but she's turning around
and grades are improving. I don't remember as a child having so
damn many "issues" with life and I really don't think
that life is any more difficult today than it was when you and I
went to school Maybe there are too many "do-good-ers"
in schools now - the psychologists, social workers, and so forth?
HA!:-) Althea stays busy as a nurse coordinator with the local
school district. I'm just collecting dust at home when I'm not
flying back and forth to CO! Take care. Mixie
BUCKREIS, Gene, YOB: 1941,
RA13696195, E3-E4, 059, Tk#1, Det 27, 62-64, (Mary Ann), 6224 Tortoise Creek Ln, Port
Orange, FL 386-760-1165,
CAMMACK, Maurice E3-E5-10NO58 722 Det 27, 57-59, (Katie), 3024 E. Gallman Road., PO Box 118, Gallman, MS 39077, 601-892-4597, - Elder, please change my email address from to Old email address has been retired. The company sold out to Hughes. Still look forward to reading the DOOL's each month. best wishes to all, Maurice Cammack Det 27 - Dec 57 to Feb 59
COMROE, Mike YOB 1939 E4 059 TK#4 Det 27, JL61-22DE62,
(Jane), 205 Pinetown Road., Audubon, PA 19403, 610-666-7402,
- gH: Greetings from beautiful Valley Forge.
Elder,I need the email address of Larry Ellenberger since I can't
find my DOOL list. Another senior moment for me. Elder as that
old song goes "I'll see You In September" since the
word is out you'll be buying the first round. We are
definitely going to the reunion but can't make reservations yet
until I see how much vacation time my wife wants to take and
where she wants to go afterwards(someplace w/o steps to keep her
ankles in one piece). Very sad to hear about Tom Broumel, he was
a good guy and a hellva football player. This is the first I've
heard anything from him since leaving Turkey. Looking forward to
seeing that Trick 4 roster. Thanks and take care. Mike Comroe
COWIE, Bill, YOB: 1941, RA17542349, E3-E5, 058,
Tk#4, Det 27, 60-61, (Loretta), #29 Sappington Villa Ct.,
Crestwood, MO 63126, 313-842-2028,
Hello to everyone !! Just
thought I'd take a moment to say hi to all my ASA friends.
Loretta and I are doing great and we are having a very
"cool" mothers day with temperatures in the 40's. Are
we all going to the 2006 reunion in Fort Mitchell? Wouldn't it be
great to get together again. I'll probably send in my
reservations this week. If anyone wants to fly to St Louis and
then drive up with Loretta and I that would be just fine. We
recently moved. Needed a bigger condo for the 5 son &
daughter in laws and their 5 children to visit on holidays. My
new address is: Bill & Loretta Cowie, #29 Sappington Villa
Court, Crestwood MO 63126, 313-842-2026 Will be fishing in Canada
the first 2 weeks in June with my older brother. My son Bill is
in the Middle East, Europe and Great Britain on business. First
time he has gone outside the US. I'll be glad when he gets back
safe and sound towards the end of the month. Let me know your
reunion plans.
CRIDLEBAUGH, Lloyd YOB 1944 RA17630031 E3-E4 058 TK#4
Det 27, AP63-OC64, (Karen), 7504 N. State Rte 9, Kansas City, MO
64152 816-741-6066, cell 816-916-8456,
Hi Al! I saw on one of the DOOLs that someone was trying to
locate one of the old abi' s from Det 27 in the 63-64 era by the
last name of Lewis. His frist name was Roma and he either worked
or lived (I can"t remember which) in the Pocono's of PA.. He
was a nice fellow, a little older than most of us. I hope this
helps in locating him. Some of the names that I remember from my
tour at Det 27 include, LT Dave Tavernetti, Edward F (Froggy)
Smith, Walt Las, Troy Knowlton, a draftee from Dallas, Bob
Mullins, Roland Carter, Dan Danko, Ben Haagenson, Ed Rathbun who
sat the 058 position behind me; Sgt Bozo remember the time
someone hooked up a key and sent him a hmmmm message in
cleartext, Bill Uebersetzig who was our quarterback in the Fall
of 1963; Sid Levitt from Connecticut; Bill Revis, a 059 from
Kansas City; John (Spermy) Seamen, ? Anderson; John Dale from
Kansas City; Bill Parton from Kentucky;
I plan on attending the reunion in Sept. Please keep me informed on updates and happenings.
DEESE, Ronnie L YOB 1945 E3-E5 982/98C Det 27: 15NO66-1NO67, Det 4-4: 1NO67-20DE68, (Mary), 7520 W Henry Ave., Tampa, FL 33615, 813-884-8556, - It was so good to see a picture of Dennis Fransted and Jessie Watson. Hope they are doing well. Now if we could only get Todd to come out of hibernation. So many good times with Dennis and Todd. Ronnie L. Deese, 352-567-5133 W , 813-310-9599 C
DesRUISSEAUX, Roy YOB: 1941 E3 MP Hq Co Det 27, JN61-AU62, (Josie),176 Springton Road Upper Darby, PA 19802, 610-622-3343, - After I sent you the last e mail the original sender, Geneva Cox daughter of LtCol John Cox, the Sinop commander during the 1961 riot and accidental shooting of a Turk soldier at the front gate, said she had already been in touch with you. As for the reunion. I am still at maybe. Need a little more time to see if I can make it happen.
DIAMOND, James A III., YOB: 1940, RA18615863, E3-E5, 059, P1,
Det 27, 62-64, (Marna), 136 Craighead 424, Jonesboro, AR 72404 ,
Name found on Det
27 Special Orders Number 103, dated 29 May 1963. Those orders
contained the names of 34 059s who were awarded Pro Pay
(P1) and Jim Arnold send me these orders. If others would send me
their old orders with names thereon, maybe I would be able to
find nearly everyone who served at Det 27. The same is true for
the Dets 4, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4.
Above is Jim Diamond getting ready for an inspection. Thats Al Haug in the background.
Photo courtesy of Joe Mack
DOYLE, Peter A YOB 1942 RA11383274 E3-E5 059 P1 Det 27, 61-63, (Carole), 41 Hill Ave., Wallingford, CT 06492, 203-269-5152, - Elder: It was nice talking with you the other day about my service in Turkey. I could only find my discharge orders and the same document you already have. Attached is a photo of myself and some guys outside the dayroom sucking on lolly-pops. The one on the left is Dick Selby and one of the others is George Merrick (I think). Thats me, SP5 Pete Doyle on the right.
DYER, Nathan YOB 1931 RA51029813 E7 Pers NCOIC Det 4, 67, (Grace), 2106 Cotton Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282. 480-967-8600, no email - Contacted on 26 May 2006. Nathan does not remember any names of others who served at Det 4 in 1967 even though he was the Personnel NCOIC. Said that the Command Sgt Major there was a tall lanky ex-Green Beret. Played a lot of darts with the Brits in their hotel in Sinop. Also worked as a bartender at the NCO Club. Said that he rode in the back of a deuce and a half on his way to Det 4 as the front seat was occupied by an E8. Was drafted into the army at Scranton, Pennsylvania in February 1953 and served as a truck driver. Re-enlisted and until 1961 when he joined the ASA and served at Kagnew Station in Asmara, Fort Devens, Okinawa, Vint Hill Farms (where he served on the Red-Black team that went to all the ASA stations checking for electronic leakage, etc), Det 4 in Sinop and retired as an E8 on 1 March 1973 at Arlington Hall Station where he was the NCOIC of the E6 and below assignments worldwide. Would like to hear from anyone who remembers him.
FITTANTE, Tom YOB 1941 RA15624089 E4-E5 988 P1 Det 27, JL61-29JA63, (Beverly), 46398 SR 46, (PO BX 59), New Waterford, OH 44445, 330-457-2950 E5 DOR 19SE62, Made our reservations for 2006 ASA Turkey Reunion at the Drawbridge Inn, arriving Friday morning Sept. 15th, and leaving Sunday the 17th.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Do we know what the cost is for the banquet and the hospitality room, etc. Please advise if so. Talked with Dave Tavernetti about a month ago, also heard from Vince DeCerbo. Glad to hear that Jeff Wadley is coming to this reunion, I have a picture of him at the 1962 Christmas party that I want to show to his wife. See you in September
FLEMING, Harold (Hal) YOB 1928 1LT Det 4,
MR57-MY58, (Elaine), 2613 Newfound Harbor Dr, Merritt Island, FL
32952 321-453-1612, -
Days of our Lives sure sounds like a teary soap opera. My phone
number is 321 453 1612. I'll try to make the reunion but I have
some health problems which might preclude it. We shall see!
Thanks to Jim Mulholland for the photo's taken 47 years ago. It brings back a lot of old memories and It seems that I haven't aged a bit; I'll decide about you when I next see you! I've not had contact with anyone from the Sinop days for decades. What I do know about some of them is:
Walt Garrett: When I was working at Harris and was assigned to a new project for Iran (during the last years of the Shah) I got him a job with us. All was well until he got struck by lightning on a local nude golf course. He is now residing at Arlington National Cemetary. Bob Rettiger, died in the Dallas area several years ago from some sort of vascular problem in his legs. Major Clark: died in Hawaii as a full colonel. John Stevens: Lost contact with him; last heard he was working for some defense contractor in the Washington, DC area. He was still the typical Joe College kid. I believe that John Stevens was Jim Mulhollands replacement and missed Sputnik's launch.
Arnie Taylor is living in a nursing home in Seattle and separated from his wife who is in New Mexico. He had quite a career after he left Sinop: an Army member on a Air Force spy plane which was shot down by the Russkies on a flight he missed because of a medical problem; discharged, he went to work in the Pentagon in an office that had some measure of control over ASA; quit that job after a number of years; and bought a shrimp boat and fished in the Gulf of Mexico and later off San Diego. Wound up in Seattle where he did volunteer work in a VA clinic. He in wheel-chair bound and will not attend the reunion. Jack Dunlap: Perhaps the most famous or infamous utility sergeant the world has ever seen was offered a job as driver for the Deputy Director, NSA when the visiting General to Sinop was impressed by his soldierly appearance. When the general retired sometime later Dunlap was given the job, still at NSA, of internal courier of all sorts of classified documents. Shortly after that his very expensive life style came to the attention of the security guys and soon Dunlap was found dead at his home, a suicide and defunct Russian spy.
In the fall of 1957 the US Army District Engineers let a contract to have a water well drilled to supply water to the hill. It was located at the narrow neck of the peninsula in Sinop proper. I recall that the well came in with a good artesian flow of water but with a lot of sand in it. The solution was to let the water flow over several months and each day to replace the sand with gravel. Eventually a large gravel pocket would be created which would filter out the sand. So the contractor located a source of gravel and arranged to have it delivered to the well head. Then someone hired a local man to shovel the gravel into the well. After several months the water started clearing up and the local man, who had never been paid and now concerned that he might never be paid, came up to the hill and demanded his pay. Of course Det 4 had no money, the contractor denied that he had hired the man, and the District
You Jim Mulhollamd], Bill Stuckert and Bob Posner and your wives
say that you've not seen
anyone since you flew out of Turkey 47 years ago and that it was
Elder Green who got the ASA Turkey group hooked up in 2001. I
will make sure that I will be at the 2006 reunion. My problem is
a medical one. In late March I had a total knee replacement and
the operation went well, but I had an unrelated problem, a
tearing of the spot where the esophagus joins the stomach and
lost a lot of blood. The end result was that they had to stop the
heparin therapy they had started to forestall the generation of a
venous blood clot. (Because I had a history of a pulmonary
embolism after an earlier leg operation they thought this was a
prudent thing to do.) So until that therapy is resumed I am
supposed to avoid long air or car trips, where I am forced to
remain seated for long periods of time. Meanwhile I spend a lot
of time at a fitness center.
Thanks, for thinking about me, and I hope you all have a good
time in Huntsville!
FRAERING, Camille Jr E4 981 Det 4,
SE57-SE58, 2408 Blue Haven Dr, New Iberia, LA 70563,
Found Leslie Delany's book on a search on Google for Ancient Sinop. I am going to get back to work on my times there 57-58 Reading the 2003 ASA Turkey Memory Book CD has brought back many memories. Camille M. Fraering Jr SP-4 981
FULTON, John S YOB 1938 RA14754834
E3-E4 059 P1 Det 27, 62-64, (Beverly), 1167 Polk Ave,
Sunnyvale, CA., 408-245-8635, per SO#103 dtd 29MY63 & Jim
Called John Fulton on 5
May 2006 and am waiting for a BIO from him. Below is a photo of
John Fulton
That I scanned from Joe Macks album.
HAUG, Alexander F (Piggie) RA12615411 E3-E4 059 P1 Det 27, 62-64, (Bobbie), 61 Crestview Dr, Pittsford, NY 14534, 585-385-6638
HAWK, Gene, YOB 1943 RA17608158 BPED OC61 E3-E5 058 Ops Co
Det 27, 62-64, (Donna), 318 Jamieson Dr., Fort Pierre, SD 57532,
605-223-2966, E4 DOR 1AU63
Gene sent me the phone numbers for Frank Siebenaler and Fred
Taylor. Is working on his BIO.
GREGORY, George A YOB 1923 RA19188427 E6-E7 HQ Co Det 27, 60-63, 1723 119th St S, Tacoma, WA 98444, 253-531-4999 Contacted on 6 May 2006. George is in bad health. Retired in 1970 as a MSG E8.
HARRIS, William D., (Bill), YOB 1941, RA17549561, E4, 465.1, Det 27, AU60-MY62, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, - Elder, about two weeks ago I stumbled on DOOL and found many of the men I served with at Det 27. I was the first typewriter (MILL) mechanic assigned to Det 27 and I lived on the floor with Trick 4. So I knew very well men who have written to you like Rudell, Scooter, Coyle, Cowie and so many others. Murrary was one of my room mates when we had four men to a room. I introduced Penny to Chuck Teschker early in our time in Ankara. I have written to these men and have exchanged several emails with Penny who arranged for me to see photos of the reunion in San Antonio. At first glance it was difficult for me to see the young men I knew in Turkey in the faces of the old men in the photos. On third and four look at the photos I saw them as old friends. DOOL has certainly stimulated many memories in my mind of those two years. My memories don't always agree completely with those written in DOOL. In a few days I will try to write a BIO covering that period. A few points could be make clearer and a few anecdotes need to be told. For instance Red Rayhawk wrote the first Manzarali Mauler long before the first issue dated I think in June of 1962 and shown in DOOL. Rayhawk's Mauler had to do with protest and was a precuror to U.S. congressmen inspecting Det 27. On another note the name of the elephant tracker was Sergeant Whiting, the man who never solved a crime, not even the tree breakers. And in OPS supply a young soldier from Det 4 slept on a cot for more than a year. He killed a Turk while guarding other men from Det 4 who were swimming. The Turk grabbed the barrel of the rifle, it fired, and the Turk died. Why hasn't someone else written about this?
Joe Kelly and Billy Junkin were the first to break the trees. The second weekend I broke about eight or ten of them starting where the walkway turned the corner from the mess hall until the walkway turned away from the football field to go between the barracks. The first tree broke so easily just by giving it a twist I continued breaking trees about waist high until it was time to turn toward the barracks. Others could have broken the trees too. Sergeant Whiting came to Det 27 from I think Europe. The tree breaking just happened during his time on post. I don't know his real mission for Det 27. He was an odd person no one liked. He always wore civies and wanted us to think he was not enlisted. Someone read his records and spread the word that he is a Sergeant. From then on we always addressed him as Sergeant or Sergeant Whiting. I think it was during the tree breaking investigation that someone on trick 4 called him the elephant tracker because he couldn't even track an elephant.
I never knew Red Rayhawk's first name but Rayhawk was his last name. I hung around with him for a few weeks. At the moment I don't remember if he worked in OPS. I think he worked in Headquarters Company, but doing what I don't remember. What I do remember is that he was a little older than the rest of us and that his father was supposed to have been working very high up in intelligence back in the States. His position was like GS 17. Red was in touch with his father and told him of conditions on post where guys were half on strike, not copying signals they "couldn't hear." The minutes copied per watch dropped more than half. But the important scheds were copied, just the junk was ignored to cut the daily count of number of minutes copied. I was only the typewriter guy but had free access to all the rooms in OPS except the comm center and PRETURK. Because of my free access I had a good idea of the happenings in the building. Other things were going on at the time but it will take a little thinking to put it together again. Rayhawk wrote a protest rag called Manzarali Mauler that he asked me to run off on a mimeograph machine I had access to in OPS. I would have but I think he found one in Headquarters. I don't remember printing it but do remember reading the rag. It mostly insulted various people on post, officers and NCOs. About that time there was a burning in effigy on the goal post of the post commander. Not long after that several congressmen came to Det 27. We had to clean the post and OPS for their visit and in general hide what they were looking for. At night though the congressmen questioned individuals in the club and other places. After that was a change of command. I don't remember the name of the man who slept on the cot in OPS supply room. I don't remember him being big enough to be called Moose but it might be that person. I do remember that he was very young and acted even younger, almost naive, nice guy. Others in supply and maintenance at the time were NCOIC of maintenance Sgt. Atkins, of supply Sgt. Bill Hinkle, in supply Herb "Doc" Hillburn from GA. and Ken Lancaster from TX. Major Gritis was just across the hall and his clerk at the time was T.K. Nelson from somewhere in New England. The young man I will call Moose told me himself that he was a guard on the beach in Sinop for others in Det 4 to swim. There had been some trouble with Turks harassing the guys. On the day of the shooting, according to Moose, several Turks faced him daring him to do something with his rifle. One Turk grabbed the loaded rifle by the barrel and it discharged. That is the story "Moose" told me. Others who were there on the beach will have a better version, and other men in Det 27 OPS must know more than I remember. Another man to tell about is Paul Sax who stole the payroll one month of Det 4. Paul was the payroll clerk for Det 4. His office might have been in Ankara as he was in country before Det 27 opened. He was held for months at Det 27 after he was supposed to have completed his tour in Turkey. I hung out with him a few weeks, just as I did with Red Rayhawk. Both were interesting and I was curious. Paul was from NYC. I think he was drafted. He didn't strike me as the kind of person to enlist. Det 4 was paid in cash normally. Then someone high up decided that paying by check would be better for book keeping. Of course cash would be sent to Det 4 at the same time to cash the checks. Paul is supposed to have sent the cash as normal and to have sent the checks to New York were they were cashed. I don't know if he was ever convicted. He was held on post for more than a year, maybe much longer. He had to sign in each hour at the company office from I think eight in the morning to ten at night. I know for certain he went to town at night whenever he wanted and returned to post before the "lifers" started work in the morning. He would pay the CQ a lot of money to be able to sign for several hours and then he would arrange with MPs to leave post. I won't be more specific. If someone wants to tell that part of the story they can add to mine. Paul had many more schemes like paying men for their names to import cars to Turkey, sell appliances out of the PX before the Bayaname started, and I don't remember what else but there was more. bill harris
HIGHLAND, William H (Bill) E3-E5 Det 4, MR-MY62,
Det 4-2, JN-OC62, 5742 Wrightsboro Rd., Grovetown, GA 30813,
First, let it be known that I was proud to be called
"LIFER" (Over $300K since my retirement in 76') and
proud of it. I was on the E8 list (doesnt mean that I would get
it tho.) and did give up a stripe to retire, as I didnt want
another trip to Alaska. (Shemya) no less. I first arrived in
Sinop in April 1962. Was selected to go to Frankfurt for high
altitude training. (Did I volunteer to get off the Hill and go
TDY to Frankfurt, Germany)? Are you kidding, you betcha I did.
I'm looking for the source of the ascension Island photos.....any
ideas? thanks Bill
Sinop Det 4 Mar 62....Det 4-2 Adana Jun 62 - Oct 62....back to det 4 sinop til aug 63....then back home
KAUFMAN, John C YOB 1940 RA13699960 E3-E5 059 P1 TK#4 Det 27, 62-63, (Arlyn), 61-63, 12376 Parkwood Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70815, Found on Orders that Jim Arnold sent to me and Larry Ellenberger gave me his address. Contacted on 9 May 2006. Other than Jim Arnold, Larry Ellenberger and Jim Diamond has not been in contact with any other veteran from Det 27. Graduated from LSU as a Electrical Engineer. Is still working and drives over 200 miles each day circa the New Orleans area.. Remembers LT Tavernetti.
KIDLE, Jim YOB 1937 RA16521005 E6 059 P2 Det 27, JA63-AP65, (Eleanor), 2222 S Noche De Paz, Mesa AZ 85202 480-838-6751, Ret SFC, E7
MACK, Joe, YOB: 1940, RA13717755, E3-E5, 059,
P1, TK#1 Det 27, 62-64, (Arlene), Kirners Bottom Rd, Rochester
Mills, PA 15771, 724-286-3367, - Finally I was able to find someone from
around my neck of the woods, that being Joe Mack. I called Joe
Mack on 9 May 2006 and he returned my call on the 10th.. On 27
May 2006 Patty and I visited the Macks at their retreat near
Rochester Mills, Pennsylvania and spent an hour or so with this
wonderful couple. They treated us like they knew us for years.
Joe sends his regards to all that remember him from Fort Devens
and in Turkey at a place called Manzarali Station.
The above is Joe Mack on the bottom bunk in the Trick#1 barracks
at Det 27.
His wife, Arlene, had just sent him a care package and he was
enjoying the cookies.
The photo on the right was
carried by Joe Mack while he was stationed in Turkey.
On the back Arlene wrote: "As you carry & look at this
picture, I would hope that it will remind you
of the great love I have for you. I will love you & adore you
always. Love Always, Arlene"
The above photo of Joe & Arlene Mack was taken at the Mack homestead in Rochester Mills, Pennsylvania
MAKKOS, Steve Jr YOB 1938 RA16687369 E3-E4 059 P1 Det 27, JA62-63, (Barbara), 5305 N Lovers Lane Rd Milwaukee, WI 53225, 414-438-0170, no email per SO#103 dtd 29MY63
MARTIN, Dan E3-E5 Crypto Det 27, JA60-61, Gig
Harbor, WA, 253-884-9976
How nice to find this site and the newsletter! I searched on
"ASA Det. 27" a few years ago and found little info. I
arrived at Det. 27 in January. of 1960 and stayed in the USAF
dorm in Ankara until I could join two other guys in an apartment
in downtown Ankara. I was a crypto and worked in that funny old
building downtown. One day I woke up to the revolution--tanks and
Turkish soldiers in the streets. We moved out to the new post
about 6 months after I arrived. Someone mentioned
"Moose" at the club. When you asked what was good that
night he always replied, "T bony stek." The soldier who
ran the club was a neat guy--he could tell exactly when a
one-armed bandit would pay off. I only remember the names of two
guys I worked with, my good friends, George Hunt, from Dallas and
James Savioe from Houma, La. I was assigned to Headquarters at
Arlington in the summer of 1961 and spent a year there after
making sergeant in Turkey. After discharge, I moved to Seattle.
Eventually I graduated from college and seminary. I spent 31
years in the Lutheran ministry until my retirement in 2003 after
serving churches in Washington, Alaska, and Oregon. I now live in
Gig Harbor, Washington, and would like to hear from other guys
from Det. 27 who served there when I did. Cordially, Dan Martin
McCARTHY, Earle F., RA15637127, E3-E5, 059, P1, TK#3, Det 27, 61-63, (Catherine), 19582 Park St Meadville, PA 16335, 814-333-8054, no email. Contacted on 28 May 2006. Steve Makkos and Bill Walters were roommates of Earle at Det 27. Was surprised to hear of the passing of Bill Walters as Walters had attended Earles wedding. Had kept in contact with Steve Makkos for a while, but had lost touch with him.
MELCHIORRE, Ray YOB 1938 RA14627059 E5-E6, Medic, Hq
Co Det 27, 62-65 (Elizebeth) PO BOX 569, Pattison, TX 77466,
Ray was
discharged from the Army in 1965. Ray then went to a Presbyterian
College in McKensie, TN and upon graduation joined the Pittsburgh
Condors in 1970 for 2 years as the trainer and then spent 6 years
as the trainer for the Buffalo Braves (now the LA Clippers), then
9 years with the Boston Celtics and then 9 years with the Houston
Rockets, all as the head trainer for those teams. He enjoyed his
Tour of Duty at Manzarali. He remembers John Lampe who played
with the Philadelphia Textile Basketball team before becoming an
05H and a star Basketball player at Manzarali.
Joe Tait may remember me very well. I was the Athletic Trainer for the Pittsburgh Condors 70-72, the Buffalo Braves 72-78, Boston Celtics 79-87, Houston Rockets 87-96, L.A.Clippers 96-99. I would like to go to the reunion in Huntsville.
I am so sorry but being a High School Athletic Trainer and football going strong I just cannot see clear to be with you all...........All the best and have a great time.
MULHOLLAND, Jim YOB: 1934 2LT-1LT Elint O Det 4,
AP56-JN57, (Joan), 4702 Hedgewood, Bloomfield Hills. MI 48301,
-I was talking to Bill
Stuckert last night, he would like his e-mail included for the
DOOL. It is Bill Stuckert
Also, please add Bob Posner; Dick Burns , Harold Fleming
Also Bill was wondering if anyone had pulled together a COMINT list of personal stationed in Turkey. In 1956 we were the first combined ELINT - COMIT group. Did this combination last? Maybe this question should be included in the next DOOL. Regards Jim
ORT, Philip W YOB 1938 RA13730143 E3-E5 059 P1 Det 27, 62-64, (Fay), 790 Country Club Rd., York, PA , 717-324-3727, per SO#103 dtd 29MY63
PERKINS, Alan L YOB 1938 RA19679844 E3-E5 059 P1 TK#4 Det 27, DE61-JN63, (Judy), Tacoma, WA 98445, 253-537-6898, per SO#103 dtd 29MY63. Contacted on 8 May 2006. - Thanx Al - Im glad you found me. You can add my email address to your newsletter. Im tied up until later this month but I will send a BIO sometime within the next month.
POLING, Jay D., YOB: 1938 RA Det 27, 62-64,
(Shirley), 3626 Catherine St, Decatur, IL 62526-, 217-422-0095
Above is Jay Poling posing with two Turk kids atop Hitite ruins. Photo by Joe Mack.
RAFFENSBERGER, Laverne H (Vern) YOB 1938 RA13710265 E3-E5 059 P1 Det 27, 61-63, (Stella), 214 Glen Rock Road., Glen Rock, PA 17327, 717-235-6303, Called Vern on 10 May 2006 and had interesting chat. Enjoyed his tour at Det 27 on Trick#4. Vividly remembers Lt Dave Tavernetti and Maj Gerald G. Gibbs.
RICHTER, Ralph YOB 1944 E5 05K Det 27, NO66-NO67,
(Linda), 9152 Burgett Road., Orient, OH 43146, 614-877-4890, - Dear Elder and Patty, We all want to thank you very much for spending time
with us on Saturday. It was, indeed, great to see you both again. Lee thanks you for the wonderful present you gave
her. You should have seen the big smile on her face when she saw
the doll. It is wonderful. And, of course, Andrea is thrilled
with the things you got for her too! Hope
the rest of your trip home went well. We look forward to seeing
you at the reunion in September. Thanks
again. Ralph, Linda, Lee and Andrea
ROBERTS, Floyd E. YOB 1938 RA16598704 E3-E4 058 Det 4, 18JL58-DE58, (Marilyn), 1995 11th Ave., Friendship, WI 53934, 608-339-9012, - [edited] My new email address is ready now at: . My old email address ( ). I do not recall who sent the DOOL to me. I had such a slow modem connection that I had to severely limit my subscriptions. As the HTML pages got more and more sophisticated, they got slower and slower--excruciatingly so! Now though, I have a very, VERY fast connection and can get back into the flow. About time, too! The weather is great today and I am going outside and work. I'll be away from this slave-driving computer for awhile...
Floyd finished first in his ditty-bop class and had the choice of assignment and he CHOSE Sinop. His reasoning was that he wanted an assignment where he could save money. Yep, he chose the right place to save money, but was only there for six months when he was transferred to Kassel, Germany (and then briefly at Co B, 319th ASA Bn., Lubeck) for all of 1959. He ended his ASA Tour of Duty at Camp Wolters, TX on 2 September 1960. He related his traveling the road to Heaven (Sinop) in a 2 bus convoy that were driven by IDIOTS who raced each other and took chances time and again. The buses were full of yeni's who were being assigned to Sinop and the USAF bases at Sinop and Trabson. He remembers that the buses were once blocked by a huge boulder in the road. It took everyone to roll it off the road and down the hill. He swears that he heard the boulder crashing for nearly 30 seconds and often wonders if anyone lived below that road. He says that that is a whole story in itself.
RODRIGUES, Charlie, Det 4, 59-60, (Pat), 210 Benham Ave., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315-487-1195, - Elder......Thought you might like to contact! We were in Myrtle Beach last week at the Alabama Theater, and met this former ASA'er (Sinop) after the show. Roy was, in our brief conversation, on the hill in 72-73, and was the Chaplain. Roy Mathis(wife-Nancy) 864-487-0933 or 843-357-1605. E-mail Hope all is well with you! Webtv won't let me open the DOOL format, so I'm out of luck! Thanx for all your hard work, as always!
SIEBENALER, Frank YOB 1943 RA17615257 E3-E5 058 TK#4 Ops Co Det 27, SE62-4MR64, (Judy), 1213 N. Lake Shore Dr., Lake City, MN 55041, 651-345-4477, Found Siebenalers name of Det 27 Special Order #197 dtd 9 October 1963 and Gene Hawk sent me his phone number and e-mail address on 3 May 2006. Called Frank on 3 May 2006 and had interesting chat with him regarding his ditty-bop days at Manzarali Station. Frank informs that he still has a Red jacket with light gray leather sleeves with Det 27 ANKARA TURKEY on the back. On 31 May Frank wrote: I have not forgotten about you. School gets out next week and then I teach summer school until June 15. So sometime I will make some info copies for you. Teshakuradarum (spelling) Frank
SOUTH, Walter F (Fred) YOB 1938 RA15657816 E3-E5 058 Det 27, JL63-AP64, (Beverly), 450 Gary Dr., Mt Olive, AL, 35117, 205-631-5718, (moving to GA) E4 DOR 22JL63 E5 DOR 16DE63 - Hey Al, Gene Hawk was telling me he received a Det 27 cap & Det 27 decal from you. How do I get one? I have been communicating with Bill Cook who was at Det 27 when I was there. We have quite a lot in common. It has been fun. Needless to say none of us will recognize each other. Take care, Fred South
Al, this probably sounds strange, but long time friends (high school era), and still a riding buddy, lives in Fort Mitchell. We have been meeting and riding in the Smokies for the last couple of years. My mother lives about 15 miles north of there. I may trailer my bike up there. The last word from Gene is he will be tied up during the time of the reunion. We are selling our home here in Alabama, and will be moving to north Georgia hopefully in June. I will stay in touch so you have a current address & phone #.
I joined the Patriot Guard Riders a couple of weeks ago, and had my first oppty to ride with a couple of them today, one of which is the ride captain. He is becoming distraught with seeing the young men coming back from Iraq to be buried. If you want to see what the PGR is go to . I haven't been on a mission yet.
SPRINGER, Terry L., USAF Det 94, 66-69, <> - Dear Sir. A friend of mine sent me a copy of your DOOL newsletter. I really enjoyed it. It was good to hear about Karamursel. Turkey. There was even an article as to how it is today. I always wondered what happened to it. I knew our government gave it up to the Turkish Government. But I was just wondering if it went to seed. I was stationed with the Air Force from late 1966 to early 1969. I was the Hygienist on base. What is ASA? I'm assuming that it had to do with the Army. Also; it soul (sic) like you were the ones that were in the "Pill Box" There were some of The guys that lived on the floor above us in the barracks. I was with the Medical Unit. What you are doing here, I think is great. It would be nice if there was one of these for the Air Force.
I remember the Army group very well in those barracks. They cause a little bit of a International crises. (this was sometime in 68) Falling out every morning in formation and marching to chow. The Turkish said it was a show of strength. So that stopped. I was glad of that because it was giving the Air Force leaders ideas. They started to make us fall out for dress inspection. This was held at the hospital. Then we had to run back to the barracks to change into work whites for work. We would then have to go with out breakfast. The Chow hall didn't open till after the inspection and by the time we made the trip to the hospital and back to the barracks and them back to the hospital to report for work, there wasn't time. Note: the inspection was the hospital commanders idea. "The Army looked so pretty." That was put to a stop really fast too.
Also; I remember the Greek incident in 68. As I walked down the main street towards the water, one day, to get battle gear issued to me. I looked out in the water to see the fishing boat sitting there with a large, very large, very very large, gun pointing at the base. Right down the street I was walking on. My battle gear, what a laugh, was a shovel, helmet, mess kit and canteen. The helmet had a big red cross on it. I also found out that I was going to be one of the last scheduled for the evacuation. But as God had it, nothing happened. But I do think that there was some families evacuated.
I was an a Assistant Scout Master while station there. One time the Troop camped out by the old flight line for a weekend camp out. A couple of the scouts snuck out at night and were captured by the Turkish Army. I meet them at the guard house. The Turkish Army was marching them back at gun point. That was a scarry night. They didn't do that any more. May God Bless, Terry L. Springer,
STUART, Gary R YOB 1939 RA24659717 E5 (hree
times) 059 P1 Det 27, 62-64, 33 E. Red Shadow Cir., Kanab, UT
84741, 435-644-3212, no email. Ret Maj
Found Gary Stuarts name on Det 27 SO#103 dtd 29MY63 and
looked him up on switchboard. Called Gary and he confirmed that
he was at Det 27 and the only name he remembered was Jim Bruhn
from Massachussetts. The more we talked the more he remembered
names such as Maj Gibbs. Some background info: Gary Stuart was in
the group of 058s at Devens that were held over pending
overseas assignment. While waiting - completed the non-morse
school and was awarded PMOS of 059 and then was assigned to Det
27 with other classmates, but cant remember their names.
Prior to Devens Gary had served with the 82nd Airborne Division
and was used to a rough and tumble living style. As shown above
Gary made E5 (hard stripe) three times for misconduct, etc.. and
each time was quickly promoted back to E5. Vividly remembers
Major Gerald G. Gibbs in a good way. More about Maj Gibbs later.
Served 29 months at Manzarali. His first wife, Linda, was with
him and they lived in Ankara where many of his friends came to
drink beer and enjoy life away from Manzarali. Played QB on one
of the trick flag football teams, but since he lived in Ankara
didnt get to practice much. Also played on the same
softball team with Dough Potts and Jay Hunter. One of his E5
reductions was because he beat the crap put of a Turk who had
stolen his car in Ankara. Was riding the bus from Manzarali to
Ankara when he spotted his car and stopped the bus and got out
and proceeded to punish the Turk for stealing it. Now heres
the kicker to that tale He had to go to a Turkish court
where the Turks were going to punish the Turk for stealing the
car BUT Gary Stuart refused to identify the Turk as the
one who had stolen the car. The Turk got off, but Gary got busted
by Maj Gibbs to E4 for assaulting the Turk. WOW. The other two
reductions are equally interesting. He and his wife were in a
nightclub in Ankara and an American in a suit insulted his wife
and Gary slugged the guy who turned out to be a Elephant Tracker
and again Maj Gibbs reduced him to E4 again. I got to thinking
that surely Gary Stuart remembered Calvin Pope. Gary was amazed
at my knowledge and saiid that he had fogotten all about the
Popes who lived in Ankara near him. After Turkey Gary was
assigned to Vint Hill Farms where he submitted paperwork and was
accepted for OCS at Fort Benning. Gary had no trouble in OCS and
finished high in the class. Upon getting 2nd Lieutenant bars,
bought a new 442 and headed for St. Petersburg, FL to visit with
his wifes family. They stopped in Alabama to visit the
Popes for old times sake and party they did. In fact they
and Jesse Long bar-hopped all nite and the new 442 was wrecked.
2LT Gary Stuarts first assignment was to Vietnam where he
was sitting at a Saigon restaurant eating and all of a sudden
someone rapped on his shoulder. He turned around and immediately
recognized the person as a friend from Det 27. Think you know who
it was? Yep it was Gerald G. Gibbs who now was a Full Bull and
after much chit-chat said that he knew all along that Gary Stuart
was officer material. There is many other stories that Gary
related but my pen got tired and he promised to write his BIO and
get it to me. He presently is living in Utah, but will be moving
soon. He has been married and divorced three times. Doesnt
know how he made Major as his 201 file was loaded with demerits,
etc that he had accumulated during his 8 years of enlisted
SULLIVAN, Joseph P YOB 1942 RA18621225, E3-E4 058
Det 27, 61-63, (Devvie), Box 8, Site M, RR 1 Hazelton, B.C.
Canada, V0J 1Y0, 250 842 6390,
[edited] Merhaba, nas es
sen? I was pleased to find your ASA Turkey DAY OF OUR LIVES and
would like to add my own two cents in here. I have a few bits and
pieces and some pretty solid memories of some good times and some
fun times and the terrible scare that was the Cuban missile
crises and that is about all. I have been in touch with a couple
of good friends from those days; Richard Arena and Mike Kelsey. I
have tried to find a couple of others but no luck. For a short
time after being discharged I talked to and visited Ron Hillmer
in Minnesota but lost contact years ago. I know that he was with
the Highway Patrol in Hibings for a number of years. While we
were in 27 he often spoke of his desire to be a member of the
Montana highway patrol.
I remember Don (Waco) Borders and thr organized trip to Lake Abant because it was the first time that I had ever seen anyone chug a fifth of booze. Waco did that with apparently no problem. A bit of teasing and a few suggestions that he couldn't or wouldn't were met head on and Don tipped back the bottle and drained it. I figured he was going to die for sure from alcohol poisoning but, as I recall, the worst he got from that bad bet was a bad sunburn because he passed out on the sand for awhile. He was a character and, as you say, loved to hummmmmmm the newks. But therein lies another tale. perhaps another time. Thanks for the update and the refresher course on the William Cox fellow. He really was a bad one and clearly slipped thru the cracks. He should never have made it that far. Oh, well, my kids think it funny that they have an old man who was once a spook in the cold one and who was fined a dollar for rape and murder. Not many kids can tell that story and hope that mine don't!
I wasn't at Det 4 but I sure did put in lots of time at 27. When I arrived at 27 there was a young fellow that lived in the hallway of our oprerations building and had been for some time. He had been involved in the shooting at the Det 4 gate and had somehow been pointed out as the shooter. The Turks wanted him for murder and, of course, since the accident happened while he was on guard duty - ASA packed him anyway they could. I don't after all these years, recall his name but I took a liking to him and concern for his plight. He told me that the accident occurred when a Turk grabbed his carbine and pulled the barrel, thereby discharging it directly into his own abdomen. Our boy was very upset and flustered about it but was quickly shuttled out of Det 4 and confined to the operations building where we tried to brighten his life by bringing him contents of care packages that arrived from home. One day he told me he was off to better duty and left that day in a mail bag to be loaded on the IG inspectors aircraft leaving out of Essenboga airport. It was the last I saw him but not The last that I thought of him. anyone recall his name and how he made out in the ensuing years? [The GI was Bruce Mondale from Blue Earth, MN]
After this brief discussion of the trials and tribulations of those at the gate at Det 4 I thought I might share this story with you. I don't know all the names anymore but you might be able to fill in a couple of blanks. While I was in Det 27 I had, along with a MP named Woody, the only name I can recall, and I had rented an apartment in Ankara so we would have a place to stay when we could get off base. While we weren't forbidden to have these apartments we had been told it wasn't the best idea but we were young and indestructible and saw no reason why we might not be just fine with the arrangement. The apartment was used by a number of the guys from the base and was no secret. Usually guys would throw in a few bucks to help pay the rent and it seemed like a great arrangement. We were to learn all too soon just how big a mistake that could be. I don't now recall if I had ever stayed at the apartment before this incident occurred. Because of the problems that we faced as a result of it I do remember the incident very well.
We had a young fellow at Det 27 who was a real loner and had not made any real friends. I didn't know him very well but had begun to feel sorry for him because of his isolation and his seeming depression. It was hard enough on all of us as we learned to overcome the culture shock of being stationed at a place like Manzarelli. It was a very difficult process and I fault the army for failing to orient us about such things but that isn't the story. I had tried, without much success, to make friends with the new kid. All I remember about him was that he was tall, blonde and sour looking. He had gotten a weekend pass and I or Woody told him that he could stay at our apartment hoping that it would help him fit in a bit. There wasn't anybody else there that weekend so he had the place to himself and, somehow, picked up a hooker and took her to the apartment. I never got all the details but in the ensuing problems this is the best of the story as I recall it.
He, apparently, took a woman to the apartment and probably had sex with her. following that it seemed that they fell into a disagreement about the cost of the services and before it was over he had taken a knife and cut the woman up. How badly he injured her is a matter of speculation but I don't think that it was awfully serious. She managed to get to a hospital and report the assault. Ankara's finest shot in to action to catch this miscreant and discovered that the apartment was rented in the name of myself and Woody. While neither of us were anywhere near the place it was all they needed to charge us, and the perp, with murder and rape, neither of which had occurred but little facts like that were not of great interest to Turkish justice, especially when a foreigner was involved. The first that I had heard of the incident was in the middle of the night on Saturday night of the weekend in question. I was sleeping soundly when the MP's dragged me unceremoniously from my bunk and told me to get dressed in the same clothes I had worn that day, including my underwear and head for the guard house by the gate. Still in somewhat of a stupor and left standing there in the dark by myself I think that I was as confused as I've ever been. But, being a good soldier I did as I was told. Besides, I was very curious, now, to find out what the hell was going on. When I got to the guard house I was ushered into a cell without so much as a word of explanation. In the cell next to me was Woody and he seemed much more relaxed than I was. It was he who told me the first details of the incident. He didn't know very much but he did know that the blond fellow had cut up a hooker and lit out of town in a Turkish cab. Somewhere between Ankara and Manzarelli he had gotten out of the cab and headed out into the Anatolian plateau. Both Turkish police and MP's were out looking for him. He said that we were under investigation for rape and murder. Well, that got my attention. I figured that this is going to be tough to explain to my mother. I recall having only a bit of worry right at first because we were getting so little information from the Company commander or MPs at our detachment but I figured when they caught the fellow it would all be cleared up and that would be that.
No such luck. The fellow was, of course, caught but, unfortunately for him, he was found by the Turks and hustled into the prison in Ankara. Knowing how Turkish justice worked I really felt for the poor guy. I would have been more concerned except that I was pretty pissed off at him for having dragged Woody and me into this mess. Woody and I got to spend the rest of the night and about half the next day in the cell. The MP's had taken a much softer approach toward us and several were doing their best to make us relaxed and comfortable so it wasn't all that bad a time. Late the next day we were let out and ordered to report to the company commander.
When we got to his office he seemed pretty up tight and out of sorts and that wasn't in our favor, I guessed. He told us to have a seat, which relieved my mind a bit and then he told us that we were facing an Article 15. that was no big deal as you may recall. basically it was a recorded slap on the wrist for any small misdemeanor that young servicemen were always getting into. Then he told us that we were charged with rape and murder. I'm thinking that I would like to see a lawyer or two right about now but he pushed ahead. He told us that the facts had been researched and that we were to be found guilty and fined $1.00 and confined to base for 6 weeks. End of trial.
As you can guess, I was really confused by now and when the CO asked us if we had any questions you can bet that we did. He was pretty up front with us and told us all about the incident at the apartment. He went on to say that there were several vehicles at the front gate being held out by our Abie guards and that they were there to get the remaining guilty American rapists and Murderers. The dollar fine was for the records and the 6 weeks confined to base was for our own protection. He reckoned that the whole thing might blow over by then. For several days there were groups of vehicles pulling up to the gate in an attempt to have us turned over to the Turkish authorities, or to the lynch mob, which ever they were. one morning there were 18 vehicles, including cabs from Ankara at the gate but they really got the bums rush from the Abies and the MP's. It looked like it might get a bit violent for a while.- some weapons were flashed about and the Turk soldiers gave a great show of their firepower and the vehicles decided that we weren't all that important. I was very relieved. So far as I know the fellow who had committed the offense never made it out. I have no first hand knowledge but I know that he was very unbalanced (that was obvious now) and that he had begun to make threats from the prison. He had let it be known that if he wasn't gotten out by the US in a few days he was going to tell the Turks all he knew about our operations at the base, and anything else that he might know that would be of interest. I was led to believe that he died in the prison very shortly after that rant from food poisoning or something like that. I have always wondered what really happened to him. I do know that the Ambassador had made a deal with he Turks that they could have him for trial and the US would try Woody and me on the same charges and that we would be found guilty and appropriately punished.
So far as I know, Woody and I were the only two guys ever found guilty of rape and murder on an Article 15 and fined a dollar for it. Sometimes life is truly stranger than fiction. Do you know Woody's last name and do you have any contact with Don Borders (Waco borders as he was known at 27) or Ron Hilmer?
Do you have info on Jesse Sammis? He and I had some great times when we were traveling in Germany and playing sports. I was wrestling and Jesse was a wonderful squash player and skier. He won gold in both at the small games tournament there. We had a wonderful time traveling around in a "borrowed" volkswagen. I will have to tell you more about it some day. we got thrown out of the classiest cassino in Baden-Baden that one can imagine. We had a great time crashing a reception for Don Juan Carlos and Princess Sophia of Greece when they were getting married. Jessie had a great sense of humor and adventure.
Joe Sullivan
det27, 058
TAIT, Joe H E4-E5 988RU Det 4, 62-63, 7250 Coon Club Rd., Medina, OH 44256, 330-722-0664, no email Who is this Joe Tait, most will ask. In 2005 Ray Melchoirre was a guest speaker at the San Antonio reunion. Both know each other. Well, Ray wears 5 NBA championship rings and Joe Tait just came up short in 2006. For those not knowing who Joe Tait is Joe just completed his 36th year as the voice of the Cleveland Cavaliers. During those 36 years he has weathered a mind-melting barrage of mediocre basketball. I called Joe Tait on 22 May 2006 a day after the Cleveland Cavaliers were defeated in game 7 by the Detroit Pistons for the NBA Eastern Conference Championship. Joe was most receptive and immediately remembered me from my call in 2004 when he was scheduled to be the guest speaker at the reunion in Huntsville, but knee replacement surgery caused him to cancel..
The following is a re-print on Joe
Tait from DOOL#140: Found that Joe Tait was a ex-Det 4'er per
Charles Bierbauer (ex CNN reporter) and gave him a call and we
had a very interesting chat. He recalls and cherishes his ASA and
'HILL' days like it was yesterday. While on the HILL assisted in
building the closed circuit radio station and wired the base to
receive "KBOK" a name they derived from the Turkish
"bokmak". Joe Tait and Charles Bierbauer used to do
play-by-play softball and basketball games at Det 4. Joe Tait was
the voice of the Cleveland Indians for 17 years. During those 17
years the Tribe only had three winning years and the best of that
was three games over .500. But he had some memorable moments. He
broadcast three no-hitters by Dennis Eckersly, Len Barker and
Dick Bosman. Those were obviously the highlights. Working with
Herb Score, however, was a real treat. Herbie and I
there's guys who get together in broadcasting that are just
simpatico. It works. A lot of guys it's OK, you do your job. But
sometimes you get together with another broadcast partner and it
just clicks. And that's the way it was with Herbie and me. Joe
Tait began his radio career while a student at Monmouth College
in Illinois, doing play-by-play on the college radio station and
sports reports on WRAM. After his discharge taught sportscasting
at Ohio University from 1966-1968, becoming the network voice of
Indiana University football and pre-game host of Indiana Pacers
basketball in 1969. In 1970 Joe Tait began his longtime
association with the Cleveland Cavaliers. In 1987, he was named
vice president of broadcast services, a job that he continues in
When asked how much basketball has changed since he started doing
NBA games? His reply, "Light years! Eons!" It used to
be, back in the old days, toward the end of the season, when we
were on the bus ride to the airport to go on a commercial flight,
the talk toward the end of the campaign was 'Does anybody know
where I can get a summer job?' Now, of course, we're on a bus
going to our private plane and the talk is, 'I've got my camp
here and I'm going to the Players Association soiree in San
Tropez' and so on and so forth. Money has changed it all. Free
agency and money. I like the old days. But then again, I'm an old
guy. Old people have a tendency to like that which has passed. It
takes some getting used to because it is hip-hop, above-the-rim
basketball. But, without doubt, the athletes today are more
talented, stronger, faster. Not necessarily smarter. And maybe
not as determined or devoted to the game as the old guys were.
Joe started out in broadcasting
doing Monmouth College football and Bill Fitch started out at Coe
College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and he used to scout for the Coe
football team before basketball started. In that conference --
there were only two towns that were broadcasting games at that
level -- so whenever Joe Tait saw Fitch he'd use him as his
halftime guest. Fitch used to tease the hell out of him during
those interviews. Fitch would say 'How can you make that lousy
football team sound so exciting?' Tait's reply was because he's
having fun and enjoying it. So Fitch went his way and Tait went
his and they saw each other a few times over the years. So when
they put the Cavaliers together, and Fitch was named first head
coach, they had a meeting to determine who was going to be the
play-by-play announcer. Bob Brown had done the first seven games,
but he was Nick Mileti's private secretary and couldn't do both
jobs, so they had to find somebody.
The low-down on how Joe Tait became the voice of the Cleveland
Bill Fitch knew the team was going to be horrible; they lost
their first seven games rather convincingly. He told the owner:
"I know a guy' back in Monmouth, Illinois who could make a
terrible football team sound exciting. Fitch didn't know where
Tait was, but assured the boss that he'd find him and offer him
the job. At the same time, Tait had seen that Bill Fitch had been
named as Head Coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers, so he sat down
and wrote him a note, saying "Congratulations, Bill. Don't
know if you remember me or not. Delighted to see that you are in
the big time. You deserve it. Thanks a lot. P.S. If you ever need
someone to do for the Cleveland Cavaliers what I did for the
Fighting Scots, give me a call. Sincerely, Joe Tait" Sent
it. Forgot it. Outside of doing the U. of Indiana football Tait
wasn't doing any play by play. He was managing a station in Terre
Haute. Anyway, the day of the meeting was the day the letter
arrived and two days later Joe Tait was here for the home opener
and the rest, as they say, is history as Joe Tait has been the
voice of the Cavaliers for over three decades 34 years to be
exact in 2006. As the team's radio play-by-play announcer, Tait
is one of the most recognizable and popular members of the
Cavaliers and he is synonymous with the team itself.
In 1981, Joe Tait left Cleveland to become the radio play-by play
announcer of the New Jersey Nets. A year later he handled the
play-by-play of Chicago Bulls games on Sportsvision, the team's
cable-TV outlet, and broadcast the CBS Radio College
Game-of-the-Week. Tait returned to the Cavs' radio post in 1983.
Joe Tait's amazing awards
Throughout his broadcasting career, Tait has been honored with
countless awards, among them being elected to the Monmouth
College Athletic Hall of Fame in 1991, the Media Hall of Fame by
the Sports Media Association of Cleveland and Ohio (S.M.A.C.O.)
and to the Broadcasters Hall of Fame in October 1992. In the
summer of 2001, he was inducted into the Cleveland Sports Legends
Hall of Fame and the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame. He was also
inducted into the Cleveland Press Club Hall of Fame in September
of 2003. Tait was named the 2002 "Sportscaster of the Year
in Ohio." He also received the honor in 1974, 1976, 1978,
1991, 1996 and 1999. He was elected to the Broadcasters Hall of
Fame in 1992 and to the Cleveland Sports Legends Hall of Fame in
2001. The Broadcasters Hall of Fame also gave the C.S. Williams
Founders Awards for long and meritorious service in broadcasting
to Tait in 1996. In the fall of 1996, Tait was named to the Board
of Trustees for Mount Union College in Alliance, Ohio, where he
has been the TV voice of the Purple Raiders for 16 seasons. When
asked which he liked best, the old or new basketball. He replied,
"I like the old days. But then again, I'm an old guy. Old
people have a tendency to like that which has passed. It takes
some getting used to because it is hip-hop, above-the-rim
basketball today."
Are you still working with thoroughbred horses?
"All I do is pay for it and shovel it. My wife is the expert
in the thoroughbred horse field. She used to be a trainer at
Thistledown for about 10 or 12 years. Up until she got her hips
replaced and she couldn't get down to work on the horse's legs
anymore. So she had to give it up. There were a few years where
we didn't work with the horses but she really missed it a lot so
we're back in the breeding business.
What career field would you have been if you weren't a sports
"I would have done one of two things: I would have been a
school teacher or I would have worked on the railroad. All my
family, both sides, up until my father, worked on the railroad.
Even one of my ancestors worked with Robert Stevenson in building
the first locomotive, The Rocket. So I've got railroad in my
You're one of the few people in the Cavalier organization who's
gone through all three venues (Arena, Coliseum, Gund). Can you
talk for a minute about each? "John Graham (who is still on
the board of directors) and I are the only two that have taken
the full trip. The Arena was lovingly referred by other teams in
the NBA as "The Black Hole of Calcutta." It was old. It
was dark. It was the pits. Everybody stayed at the mid-town
Sheraton across the street in Euclid, they'd dress across the
street and came across the street in their uniforms. I remember
driving in one night in a blinding snowstorm and I'm driving very
slowly past the front of the arena and there looming out of this
blizzard was Wilt Chamberlain. I mean, you don't expect Wilt to
be coming at you out of a snowstorm. With the Coliseum, Nick was
a little ahead of his time, because if you go out to Richfield
now, they're putting up buildings and homes. And that's what he
had envisioned. When he first went out there he wanted to build a
shopping mall and a hotel and he just didn't have the money for
it. People looked at all the corn and cattle and sheep and told
him 'You must be out of your mind.' If you were a little late,
getting in was a little tedious. Getting out was a little
tedious. But that's why we had the longest post-game show in
broadcast history because we had to review the whole thing
figuring 'By now, they're on 77. We can wrap it up.' Gund Arena
is state-of-the-art. It's what you have to have in this modern
day and age to draw people to see the games.
Joe Tait, radio voice of the Cleveland Cavaliers plans on attending the 2006 ASA Turkey reunion and promised to share his delightful anecdotes as one of Cleveland's major sports announcers.
In 1970 JoeTait began his longtime association with the Cleveland Cavaliers, who were in their first year of existence. Tait was fired from his post with the Cavaliers by controversial owner Ted Stepien prior to the 1980-1981 season . For the next two basketball seasons, Tait was a TV announcer for first the New Jersey Nets , and then the Chicago Bulls . Tait returned to the Cavaliers for the 1982-1983 season , and has remained ever since. In 1987, he was named vice president of broadcast services, a job that he continues in 2007. During the basketball off-season, Tait was also a radio play by play voice for the Cleveland Indians from 1973-1979, then switching to television from 1980-1986. During the past few years, Tait has done TV play by play for the Mount Union Purple Raiders, a Division III college football team.
TAYLOR, Fred, YOB 1939 RA17609095 E3-E5 058 TK#3 Det 27, JN62-JA64, (Nora), 5702 N. 33rd St., Apt 4C, Tacoma, WA, 98407, 253-756-6511, -
UTTERBACK, Robert L (Bob), YOB 1938 RA17584160 E3-E5 059 P1 Det 27, 61-63 & Det 4, 63, (Sharon), 53904 Highway M New London, MO 63459, 573-221-1596, no email Contacted on 7 May 2006. Said that I was the first ex-ASAer that he has talked to since his discharge in 1963. Served first at Det 27 and then a month at Det 4 where he helped to train new 059s. Enlisted in January 1961. Took Basic at Leonard Wood and while there volunteered for ASA duty. Completed 058 training at Devens and was on hold for a while and trained as a non-morse operator and was awarded PMOS 059. Doesnt remember too many names of those he served with. Does remember Walt Dubicki, Dick Freese, Dick Bievenue from Illinois, Frank Anderson from Ohio. Is retired from a car dealership and wife is still working. Would like to hear from anyone who remembers him and hopes to attend a reunion in a year or so.
WADLEY, Jeff YOB 1940 RA16713260 BPED 20OC61 ETS 19OC64 E3-E5 058 Tk#4 Det 27, SE62-FE64, (Marsha), 12436 N Mount Bigelow Road, Oro Valley, AZ 85737, 520-498-5078,
WHITMAN, Ken RA13735182 E3-E5-E4 058 TK#4 Det 27, 62-64, (Judy), 12 Dutch Dr., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, 302-227-3643, . Name given to me by Frank Siebenaler. Called on 3 May 2006 and had interesting chat.
YONITCH, Gary USAF Det 94, 67-69, Stanhope, NJ, .
My Air Force Buddy Terry Springer sent me a copy of your letter
to him... and his letter about Karamursel. I met Terry at
Karamursel in 67. He worked in the Dental Clinic and I worked in
the 1st Sergeants Office in Hospital Admin. What I remember most
was the great times Terry and I had riding the ferry from Yalova
to Istanbul for weekends. He met his wife in Istanbul. Her family
is Greek but they lived in Istanbul for years. Also - I used to
get "premonitions". Terry and I would be at the late
movie - and I would get a "feeling". I'd tell Terry we
should "disappear" for the weekend and we would run
back to the barracks and grab our ditty bags and toilet paper
(remember that problem?) and head off base telling the taxi or
bus driver to Choke Chabush
(forgive my spelling please)... meaning to go fast - so we
wouldn't miss the last ferry to Istanbul.
Then come back Sunday night and find out that 2 buses had hit
head-on right outside the base... or a cement truck came down off
the mountain and sliced right thru a bus on the main road.
Being in the Medical Detachment - the other guys would razz us
about not being around when they had soooo much "work"
dropped on them. One time I had to work like 7 shifts in a row
around the holidays because one of the guys never showed for his
shift. Was REALLY PISSED OFF and told the 1st Sgt. to Court
Martial Brunmeier for not showing up for duty. Sgt. Keever was
still on duty in the Emergency Room when I walked back into the
dispensary and he started laughing and saying how much I loved my
job, etc. I pointed at the red emergency phone on the counter and
told him at 8 pm it was going to ring and he was going to have
more work than he'd ever had before! Then I went down to an empty
room to catch a few ZZzzzzzzzzz. Woke up a short while later and
walked up toward Keever's station and when I got right by the
front door - the red phone started ringing steadily. I looked up
at the clock on the wall and it was 8 pm on the nose. Then the
front door opened and some Turkish cab driver came in and pulled
me out the front door. He opened the door to the back of his cab
and I got squirted with a face-full of blood shooting out of a
Turkish lady's stump. She was holding the rest of her leg tight
to her chest. By the time we got done that night - we had to
throw our shoes away because they were so stained with blood that
was like a 1/4 inch deep thruout the Emergency Room area. Keever
told me that if I ever said anything like that to him again he'd
chain me to the Emergency Room desk and leave me there by myself.
Also - during all this - we had to take people to the Turkish
hospital at the Turkish Naval Base down the road about 20 miles.
I'm driving one of the ambulances with everyone in the back
screaming and crying and all - drive right thru the front gate
and don't know where the hospital is - so I stop by a building
where there is a guy at the front door with a gun. I go up the
stairs to ask him where the hospital is and he doesn't speak
English. I go inside the door and ask another guy and he starts
pointing and talking. Not understanding what he was saying - I
grab him by the arm and drag him down the steps and throw him
into the front of the ambulance to show me the way to the
hospital. Turns out that was the Turkish prison and I just broke
a prisoner out of the place. Sure enough though - knowing he
would have been shot - after we unloaded the patients - he made
me take him right back to the prison. Can you imagine???
Also always remember seeing Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
for the first time at the Midnight Showing - and then hanging out
at the snack bar listening to Crimson & Clover til dawn.
LIVE IN!!!!!
Can you believe I spent almost every summer growing up as a kid
at my grandparents farm in Brush Valley, PA. Come out there last
Friday & Saturday of July every year for family reunion - and
usually stay at the Super 8 in Indiana. We go to breakfast at Eat
& Park... and then enjoy a round of golf on Friday - at the
VFW course - then the reunion is in Brush Valley on Sat. SMALL
WORLD OR WHAT! Hope to hear back from you. What is ASA?? Maybe we
can hook up in July while I'm out there? Take care and God Bless
You and Yours! Gary Yonitch, Stanhope, NJ