DOOL154, Received 9/8/05.
This newsletter is intended only for the use of the ASA TURKEY Veteran's. Comments or submissions to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES are most welcome. I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein.
The Editor: GREEN, Elder RC (gH), YOB: 1936, RA13513638, E7, 982/98C, Det 27, 1-15MY61, Det 120, MY-JL65, Det 27, JN66-OC67 & Det 4-4, OC67-NO68, (Patty), 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA 15701, 724-349-7395, Ret 1SG, E8 - Here's a paradox to chew on: Its my opinion that its much more common for ex-058's to become writers than it is for ex-982s who were trained in writing reports to get involved in my DOOL undertaking.
I still have a few Det 4 and 27 hats; 2 white XL Det 4 golf shirts, 1 gold XL Det 4 golf shirt; 1 white L Det 4 golf shirt; 2 red L Det 27 golf shirts; 1 white XL Det 4 t-shirt and 2 grey XL Det 4 t-shirts. The hats and t-shirts are $10 each and the golf shirts are $20 each and the P&H is $5. Please send email requesting your order and I will respond as to availability.
You can now access your DD-214 on-line. Please pass this information on to retired military personnel you may know. The <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />National Personnel Records Center has provided the following website for veterans to access their DD-214 online: and http://vetrecs.a
1. ARMSTRONG, Ataturk & Dot, Det 27, 60-62, New Bern, NC 252-637-2525,
2. ASPINWALL, Paul C., Det 4, 65, Madison, WI 608-831-0670,
3. *BALDERSON, Eric & Ramona, Det 27, 62-63, Mendham, NJ 07945, 973-543-2093,
4. BARNDT, Ernest & Fran, Det 4, 56-57 & E5-WO1, Det 27, 59-61, Eagle River, AK, 907-694-3645,
5. BENDER, Bill & Dawn, Det 4-4 , 70-71, Ocala, FL, 352-854-9122,
6. *BERGMANN, Chuck & Helen, Det 27, 66-67, Bay Village, OH, 440-871-5346,,
7. *BINNEY, Bill & Carole, Det 27, 66-67, Severn, MD, 410-551-9175,
8. *CALLAHAN, Joe & Margaret, Det 27, 63-64, Universal City, TX 78148,
9. CARRICK, Ernie & Betty, Det 4, 57-58, Huntsville, AL 256-852- 6180,
10. COWIE, Bill & Loretta, Det 27, 60-61, Valley Park, MO 63088, 636-861-2512,
11. DUBICKI, Walt & Beverly, Det 27, 61-63, Louisville, KY, 502-969-1534,
12. DUNNAM, Gary & Sharon, Det 27 & 4-4, Victoria, TX., 361-575-2160,
13. ELDRIDGE, Frank & Arlie, Det 4, 61-62, Humble, TX 281-540-3478,
14. ERICKSON, Ron & Kathy, Det 27, 61-62, Independence, MO 816-373-3349,
15. *FULTON, Don & Linda, Det 4, 67, San Antonio, TX 210-481-9565,
16. GLUBKA, Roger & Michelle, Det 27, 64-65, El Paso, TX. 915-562-9560,
17. GOODMAN, Jay YOB: 1952 E4 MP Det 4, SE72-SE73, (Kathy), 3468 Izy Hill Ln., Finleyville, PA 15332, 724-348-0358,
18. GREEN, Elder & Patty, Det 27, 61, 66-67 & 4-4, 67-68, Indiana, PA., 724-349-7395,
19. *HAGAMON, John, Det 27, 62-63, San Antonio, TX., 210-829-8872,
20. HATHAWAY, Milt, Det 27, 60-62, Clinton tp MI 48038, 810-226-1639,
21. HOUGHTON, Jim & Sally, Det 4, 56-57,Johnstown, PA 814-255-2431,
22. HUNT, Carlos E & Frankie, Det 4, 58-59, Henderson, TX 903-889-2391,
23. ISLER, Rod & Kyuhee, Det 4-4, 68-70, Annapolis, MD 410-849-3482,
24. KINDERMANN, Chuck & Sue, N. Potomac, MD 301-977-2434,
25. *KJOLLER, Jon & Darlene, Det 4, 58-59, New Braunfels, TX 830-625-1064,
26. JONES, Ed & Flo, Det 27, 62-65, Bismarck, IL 217-759-7773,
27. LADY, Ken & Donna, Det 27, 61-62, Santa Monica, CA 310-828-3139,
28. LEONARD, Thom & Pam, Det 27, 64-65 & Det 4, 66-67, Mascotte, FL 352-429-4511,
29. LEVY, Dan, 058, Tk#4, Det 27, 61-62, Many, LA 318-586-7584, Negret, LA., no email
30. *McCREARY, Mac, Det 4, 58-59, Horicon, WI 920-485-4366
31. MONTEITH, Bob & Carole, Det 27, 65-67, Silver Lake, OH
32. MURPHY, Bob & Peg, Det 27, 60-62, Glen Burnie, MD 410-255-0320,
33. MURRAY, Nelson & Sandy, Det 27, 60-62, Cypress, TX 281-855-4255,
34. NEARPASS, Bob & Lorraine, Det 27, 64-66, Belvidere, NJ 908-475-3461,
35. NEILL, Hank & Judy, Det 27, 62-64, Springfield, VA 703-569-5163,
36. NORMAN, Roy & Mary, Det 27, 61-63, Caldwell, TX 77836, 979-567-9406
37. OBRIEN, Jack & Kathleen, Det 4, 64-65, Beaver Creek, OH, 937-426-4433, no email
38. PRYOR, Vic & Pat, Det 27, 60-62, Mesa, AZ 85206, 480-924-2487,
39. SACK, Bob & Sue, Det 4, 68-69, Walla Walla, WA., 509-522-1108,
40. SALCIDO, Don, Det 27, 66-67, San Dego, CA., 619-207-6054,
41. *SCHOPPE, Dan & Marjorie, Det 27, 65-67, Leander, TX.,
42. SIMONS, Bill, Det 4, 59-60, Southampton, NJ., 609-859-9483,
43. SINOR, Walt, Det 27, 62-63, Valley Head, AL 877-453-5097,
44. STEFFEN, Arnold & Janet, Det 4, 58-59, Jackson, TN 731-664-5058,
45. *STOLP, Gary & Phyllis, Det 27, 64-67, San Antonio, TX., 210-496-9365,
46. TAVERNETTI, Dave & Sue, Det 27, 62-63, King City, CA., 831-385-4458,
47. TESCHKER, Chuck & Penny, Det 27, 60-62, Hartland, MI, 248-887-1620,
48. TIER, Dale, Det 4, 58-59, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 740-392-6581, no email
49. WINKLER, Harold & Bobbie, Det 4, 60-61, Cincinnati, OH, 513-489-5308,
In the good old days of our lives, in the good old days of our lives..... So goes the saying
SPRAGUE, Joe E6 058 Tk Ch Det 4, 58, (Theresa), 2 Buford Rd, Peabody, MA 01960 DOB: 13 June 1927 DOD: 15 June 2005
ALPERT, Brian, Det 4, 64-65
ANDERSON, Jerry, Det 27, 56-58
ARENA, Richard, Det 4, 62-63
BIAGIANTI, Art, Det 4, 61-62
CAMMACK, Maurice, Det 27, 57-59
CLARK, Forrest, Det 27, 60-62
CLEMONS, Oran, Det 27, 62-64
COWIE, Bill. Det 27, 60-61
DeLEO, Steve, Det 27, 64-65
FISH, Don, Det 27, 60-62
FOGLE, Phil, Det 4 & 4-4, 70-71
FOSTER, Larry, Det 4, 64-65
FRITZ, Tom, Det 4, 61-62
GRITIS, Peter, Det 27, 59-62
HINTON, Bruce, Det 4, 70-71
HOUGHTON, Jim, Det 4, 56-57
HOUSE, Mike, Det 4, 74-75
ISLER, Rod, Det 4-4, 68-70
KINNEER, Phil, Det 27, 62-64
LAPP, Dean, Det 4, 66
MacKINNON, Don Det 4, 72-73
MATTECHICK, Joe, Det 4, 66-67
McKITO, Ron, Det 4, 57
MIX, Lowell, Det 4, 62-63
MOORE, Jim, Det 4-4, 69-71
MOSER, Alan, Det 4, 64-65
MULDER, Warren, Det 27, 61-62
NARDELLA, Jim, Det 4, 60-61
PAULEY, Robert, Det 4, 86-87
RAMEY, Howie, Det 27, 66-67
RICHARD, Gary, Det 4, 62-63, Det 27 & 4-4, 66-69
RIZZETTO, Scooter, Det 27, 60-62
ROBERTS, Tommy, Det 4-4, 72-74
ROSICK, Ted, Det 27, 60-62
SHADE, Jack, Det 27, 60-62
STALLINGS, Connie, American Embassy, 61-63
WADLEY, Jeff, Det 27, 62-64
WEBER, Bob, Det 27, 64-66
WILLINGHAM, Ted, Det 27, 66-68
ALPERT, Brian YOB 1944 RA19766940 E3-E4 056 Det 4, 29MY64-30AP65, (Sakoto), 202 East 42nd St., New York, NY 10017, 212-490-2232, - [edited]Dear Elder A while back I sent you an e-mail with some contact information of people I have managed to find who served as radio direction finders with me at the Point Site at TUSLOG Det 4. I was wondering if you ever contacted any of them for information about Sinop in the 1964-65 time period. Just in case the info was lost in cyberspace I will include it again in this letter. Wally Jones, Ralph Vance, Wayne Inman and Bob Ramage. Bob Ramage was the NCOIC at the Point Site when I arrived and is now retired so should be easy to reach. Wayne is a long distance trucker and unfortunately is rare! ly home. Wally is still hard at work. Ralph Vance is probably roaming around Tennessee with his grandchildren. Keep up the good work. Best regards. You are very good at jogging old memories and I am [expecting] great things from you with these guys. Brian [Brian - I'm sure that when you contacted these vet's that you informed them of the DOOL website, and that if they are interested they will be contacting me. I simply do have the time to contact everyone and will appreciate it you will contact them and write up your findings and include it in a future DOOL- - -gH]
ANDERSON, Jerry YOB 1935 RA16511074 E3-E4 341.10-Teletype repair, Det 27, JL56-JN58, (Sally), 5209, Lindermann Ave., Racine, WI 53406, 262-634-8509, - Still unsure about attending the 2005 reunion, I keep checking the list of attendees, but haven't seen any one from my time frame which was Jul56 to Jun58. I keep trying to find some of the fellows from that time but haven't had any luck. Regarding addresses my email and snail mail is still the same. Later- Jerry Anderson Det27
ARENA, Richard J RA 15638677 E4 059 Det 27& 4, JA62-MR63, (Maxine), 830 Jones Rd., Roswell, GA 30075, 770-641-1667, - I notice you have my name listed as "Richard Arena - 27". Please be sure that I receive a Det 4 hat. I served the first half of my tour at Det 27 and the second half at Det 4. While the off duty experiences at 27 were far more colorful, the mission at 4 was more memorable. Here's a little perspective that the Iraq "insurgency" brings to mind. About a dozen of us were transferred in the summer of '62 from Det 27 to Det 4. We left in the wee morning hours in three duce and a halves. The first portion of the trip is across a powdery desert; then the road climbs into the mountains. At some point the road ! switched back through a mountain village at the top of a ridge. As little convoy wound its way down the slope through the heart of the village, a gaggle of young boys looking to be from 8 to 12 years old started running along side the trucks. As they ran they hollered, "Hey Joe, money. Hey GI, give me candy!" Several of us threw coins and the boys scurried to get them. As we wound down the mountain they were on the road above us, and from their elevated position, they threw rocks at us. Richard J. Arena
BIAGIANTI, Arthur S YOB 1942 RA13683541 E3-E4 981 Det 4, JN61-JN62, (Sue), 4622 Greenwold Rd, Cleveland, OH 44121, 216-381-0736, BPED JN60 per SO#39 dtd 27DE61
CAMMACK, Maurice, E3-E5, 722 Det 27, 57-59, (Katie), 3024 E. Gallman Rd., PO Box 118, Gallman, MS 39077, 601-892-4597, - Elder, finally got back on my satellite connection on August 11th and spent this afternoon catching up on the DOOLs. Best wishes to all, and email from this address is OK again. Maurice Cammack
CLARK, Forrest E., YOB: 1919, CPT-Maj, CO Ops Co & S2, Det 27, 60-62, 2916 Shannon River Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89117, 702-363-7963, no email, Ret Col - I contacted Colonel Clark on 9 August 2005. He really enjoyed talking about his tour at Det 27 and said that he was to Sinop several times as the S2. I informed him of the DOOL and he immediately requested a copy of the DOOL since he doesn't have a PC. I contacted Lowell Mix about making contact with Colonel Clark. He agreed and will visit and write up his findings and submit it for inclusion in a future DOOL.
CLEMONS, Oran, YOB: 1940, RA??, E2-E4, 057, Det 27, NO62-AP64, (Linda-div - Neta-div), PO Box 1981 Mesilla Park, NM 88047, 505-522-1569, See oranclemons attachment.
Oran Clemons retired from the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage Hour Div in 1996 after 28 years enforcing the Fair Labor Standards Act, FLSA. His career with the Wage Hour Div included Oklahoma City and Las Cruces, NM, with other temporary assignments for special detail work. Oran investigated employers for the Wage Hour Div - retail establishments, manufacturing, warehous-ing, agricultural operations, and work activity centers and sheltered workshops paying commensurate wages. Investigations included compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, FLSA, Family & Medical Leave Act, FMLA, Child Labor Law, government contract wage laws including the! Service Contract Act, SCA, PCA, and Davis Bacon. Oran received "outstanding" performance ratings for his investigation work and received special achievement awards for significant case work, including the Div's first Special Productivity Award in December 1987. Since 1996, Oran has provided con-sultation and expert witness services to both employers and their legal counsel. He is experienced with litigation issues from both the plaintiff's and respondent's perspective with experience on both sides in litigation cases in private and public sector employment. Oran is particularly skilled in the Part 541 "white collar" salaried exemption status determinations, Part 553 public agency employment including Section 7k issues and comp time, Section 14c commensurate wage issues, Family and Medical Leave Act compliance, government contract compliance, including general FLSA compliance. With 28 years of enforcement experience, Oran knows the FLSA and FMLA and Wage Hour Div enforcement.
COWIE, Bill, YOB: 1941, RA17542349, E3-E5, 058, Tk#4, Det 27, 60-61, (Loretta), 1105 Big Bend Crossing, Valley Park, MO 63088, 636-861-2512, - Good morning Elder, Hope things are going well with you and your family. Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for all your hard work in keeping everyone in touch with their past. I guess it's primarily an ego thing, but its fun seeing my BIO in print on your DOOL newsletter. Now that its out there, I wish I would have spent more time on spelling and proper punctuation!! Its been great this past few weeks talking or E-mailing some my friends that I knew so intimately all those years ago. It seems like they all have done great and are happy. Looking forward to meeting you in person in September. I have a brother and a few friends in San Antonio, so it all fits. I'm so glad the shuttle! made it back this morning with all passengers safe. I am always truly amazed at their dedication and knowledge. Its our future and it makes me proud to be an American in a time when I have such doubts about so many of our other agendas. Thanks again, Bill
DeLEO, Steve J DOB 1945 RA11423895 E4 982 Det 27, JA64-AU65, (Agnes), 203Cheney Pl., Castle Rock, CO 80104, 303-688-1520, Retired Col, USAR, 32y svc, 7 as EM E-6
Just back from successful trip to Turkey and Ukraine. Will be back the last two weeks in August. Istanbul and Ankara really different from the old days. You see Starbucks, Pizza Hut and Micky D's all over the place. However, you can still find good eckmek, donnar kab,and Kavalder Wine. Best place to stay in Ib is Hyatt near Taxim square. Ride from airport to hotel $25 in taxi. If you need more info call me or send an email, as I travel quite a bit. Right now I have projects in Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbajhan. Gule Gule from Castle Rock, Co...........Steve D
FISH, Don, YOB: 1937, RA18562313, E3-E5, 059, TK#3, Det 27, 60-62, (Billie), PO Box 61, Sarepta, LA 71071, 318-994-3161, no e-mail. Said that LT Mize (a big guy from GA)was the Watch Officer and Sgt Barlow the Trick Chief on Trick #3. Was friends with Ataturk Armstrong, Harold Probert
FOGLE, Phil YOB 1947 RA11709755 E4-E5 05K Det 4 & 4-4, 70-DE71, (Sidney), 506 S. Liberty St West Unity, OH 43570 419-924-2265, QB on 1970 Det 4-4 tackle team per Callison. I spent a few long months on the "hill" in 69 before going to Det4-4 for the duration Dec.71. Anybody remember trying to get the title of "trick pig"? I won it once for eating popcorn spit out on the floor at the movie theater.Yea we was all nuts then! Phil Fogle
FOSTER, Larry YOB 1946 RA16798216 E3-E4 059 Det 4, 64-65, (Julie), 7711 Tobruk Ct., Hanover, MD 21076, 410-551-8314, - Elder - enjoyed talking with as well and enjoyed the picnic. Don't know if you are aware of the Augsburg Reunion each October. It started out as an Augsburg reunion but has become more of an annual ASA/INSCOM reunion. This coming Oct will be the 25th anniversary. Would be great to see you there.
FRITZ, Tom, YOB: 1940, RA17576898, E3-CPL, MP, Det 4, MY61-MY62, (Nancy), 3992 S Huron St., Inglewood, CO 80110, - [edited] I have some catching up to do with the DOOL's. I will go through and contact you after I have absorbed some of the information on the Det 4 website and your DOOL. .I really appreciate you contacting me - it has been a long time since I thought about Turkey, even though my memories are always with me. I will be in touch and please feel free to contact me. I will look for some pictures also. Thank you again, Tom Fritz
GRITIS, Peter, Maj, Ops O, Det 27, 59-62, (Helen- dec, 2/W Betty-dec), 5236 Inverchapel Rd., Springfield, VA 22151, 703-321 7258, Ret LtCol - Al - Don't know how you do it - but don't stop! Regards, Peter
HINTON, Bruce E4 98J Det 4, 70-71, 1719 Philips Manor Rd., Fernandina Beach, FL 32034, 904-491-7986, - Thanks for the response, I'll put a little letter together on my time there, (working, drinking, doing photography, doing boredom, AND one defection from ours to the neighbors north, and one from them to us, landing in Turkey). I'll read the letters first, it may be well documented. Bruce Hinton
HOUGHTON, Jim YOB 1935 RA13492192 E4 642/355 Det 4, MY56-MY57, (Sally), 124 Lindburgh Ave., Johnstown, PA 15905, 814-255-2431, - <?xml:namespace prefix = st2 ns = "urn:schemas:contacts" />Sally and I will be attending the reunion Sept 29 thru Oct 2 in San Antonio. Is there anything we need to know? Jim and Sally Houghton <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
HOUSE, Mike E3-E4 711 Det 4, OC74-NO75, (Debbie), 6 Hope Ln., Weaverville NC 28787, 828-645-7483, - Hi Al. I was in Sinop from Oct 74 - Nov 75. I made SP4 shortly after arriving on the hill. My wifes name is Debbie. I would love to come to a reunion, but dont know if and when I'll get to. I dont have many pics left of Det 4 but I have a few and will send them.Thanks, Mike
ISLER, Rod, YOB: 1945, US/RA, E4-E5, 05H, Det 4-4,15OC68-70, (Kyuhee), 1703 Mansion Ridge Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401, 410-849-3482, Ret Maj Gen - Elder and Patty, Thanks so much and so glad we finally got together -- looking forward to the ASA Turkey reunion in San Antonio. Keep in touch, Rod. [We certainly enjoyed the warm welcome and hospitality shown us during our visit on 3 August.DOOL #155 will be devoted to General Isler and Phil Hotton.]
KINNEER, Phil YOB 1938 RA17595775 E4 DOR 12JN62 345 Det 27, 62-64, (Marie), 200 Autumn Leaf Ln, Lake Wylie, SC 29710, 803-831-9246, - Phil Kinneer's name was on a list of Det 27 E3's who were promoted to E4 on 12 June 1962 and sent to me by Richard Ball. Found name on switchboard and called on 1 August 2005. His wife chuckled when I ask to speak with Phil Kinneer who served in the early 60's at Det 27. Later I found that she too was in Ankara, Turkey and lived on the economy. In fact they took leave to Frankfurt, Germany and bought a car and drove it back to Turkey. They sold the car to another GI when they departed Manzarali. While in Turkey they flew to Lebanon and adopted a daughter. Later they adopted 3 other children and had one of their own. Has old orders with names t! hereon and promised to send the names to me.
LAPP, Dean A., YOB: 1944, RA15733828, E2-E4, MP, Det 4, 10JA66-21DE66, (Deborah), 3629 Trails End Dr., Medina OH 44256, 330-723-3629, & - My MASTER ROSTER entry is correct. After Sinop - served at Vint Hill Farm Station, Jan. 67 to Aug. 69, E-4 to E-5 MP & Post Photographer.
MacKINNON, Don, YOB: 1934, LTC, XO, Det 4, AU72-AU73, (Ginny), Bemidji, MN 56601, - Finally....I have the computer up and running...on DSL, no less. Thats a whole new experience for me. What a beautiful place this is.....We're in Bemidji, MN. If you want to call us the Phone is: 218-333-8895. Address is: 2603 Arrowwood Cir, NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 More later... Don and Ginny
MATTECHECK, Joe YOB 1941 E4-E6, 98J, Det 4, 66-67, (Lois), 3500 E Ironwood Cir., Sioux Falls, SD 57103, 605-332-2272, - Called me re Legion article. 3y11m29d12h13m26s I have about 8 scanned slides from Det 4. Any place to post to see if anyone is still moving.......... between Sept 66 and Sept of 67. Also have many slides of Turkey if anyone is interested......Quality is so-so..........
McKITO, Ronald T Det 4, 57,, per Storment (LO173-57)possUniontown, PA
Hi, I'm Ronald T. McKito's Grandson and I noticed this thing on the web and just thought I would let you know my Grandfather is very ill. I'm not sure if you knew him or not. God Bless. If you or anyone wants to contact him please let me know
MIX, Lowell J YOB 1940 E5 056 Det 4, AP62-AP63, (Eleanor), 8640 Crest Hill Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89145, 702-804-0145, - Merhaba to you, my friend, I will be happy to accommodate the good Colonel Forrest Clark. I will give him a call and see when and where we can get together in the next few days. Since you did not specify any particular DOOL, I will provide him with a copy of the last one you sent to me in PDF format with the pictures. Still hoping to see you all in San Antonio, but unfortunately my work has not given me a full clearance to go yet. I may just have to "retire" from my job so I can make it. Sincerely, Lowell J. Mix
MOORE, James B 2LT-1LT 9620 Det 4-4, SE69-MR71, Opns O, (Linda), 4208 Evergreen Ln., Suite 235 Annandale, VA 22003, 703-658-2830 & 9118 Santayana Dr., Fairfax, VA 22031, 703-280-2726, - Hi Elder, You are not the only one encourging me to attend the picnic this year: Nels Johnson my old partner in crime from Vint Hill has been after me as well. Unfortunately, I just can not take the time out of the office right now. I need to get as many of the individuals as I can finished before the 8/15 deadline--and, Saturdays are my most productive days. Say hi to everyone for me. And ENJOY. See you later and thanks much, Jim
MOSER, Alan H., YOB: 1929, RA17275672, E6, 98C3LRU, Det 4, AU64-AU65, (Mary), 14625 S. Locust St., Olathe, KS 66062, 913-782-6392,, CW2, Ret - Alan ordered a Det 4 Golf shirt and penned the following note with his payment: "I hope that the polo shirt gets here before I fly to San Antonio ... unfortunately I had already planned to attend two reunions there for September 15th to 25th. I couldn't stretch the time to include the ASA one. Your choice of hotel is a doozie. I wish you all well.
MULDER, Warren W (Mo & Willie) YOB 1937 RA17556695 E3-E5 058 Tk#4 Det 27, JA61-SE62, (Cheryl-div), 255 5 St NE Apt 9, Primghar, IA 51245, 712-957-0821,
Contacted Warren Mulder in August 2005. He enlisted at Sioux Fall, IA for duty with the ASA. Took basic at Fort Leonard Wood and then on to Devens for dits and dahs. Was sent to Bad Aibling in September 1960 and volunteered for a transfer to Det 27 in January 1961. He enjoyed trying to remember names of old ex-058 friends that he knew at Manzarali. Laughed when I ask him if he remembered Chicken Hawk. Said, of couse - everyone knew Henry Coyle and that he would bet on most anything including on what side of a post that a bird would "poop" on or how far a camel could spit. Mentioned Dick Gorsky, Robert Wallace, Harold Probert, Ataturk Armstrong, Bill Cowie,John Biehl, Bob Frye, John Berner, Bob McPhee. Said that Tom Eby talked about re-upping. Informed me that Mulder is a Dutch name and that he took a vacation to Holland as well as Athens. Said that he "walked thru" the Kari-hana 3 or 4 times while at Det 27. He chucked when telling me this. Warren Mulder sent me 3 trays of slides that were taken during his 1961-62 tour at Manzarali. I will bring the trays to the reunion and show them in the hospitality room. There are slides of Joe Kelly, Davis, Scooter, Jack Shade, Jim Harasty, Bob Kennedy, Robert Ray from TX, Roger Browder and his sewing machine, Booger Levy, Tom Eby and many other ex-058's from Trick #4 therein. After his discharge went back home for a visit, but soon hooked on with a grain company and worked there for 35 years and was forced to retire when he had heart surgery. Informed that he is having medical problems and just got out of the hospital with a blocked bowell. Has diabetes and kidneys are failing. His sister-in-law informs that any ASA friend of Willie (we call him Wil! lie, among other things!!!) can communicate with Warren by sending your message to her at and they'll get the message to Willie.
NARDELLA, Jim, YOB: 1940, RA11370859, E2-E4, 722, Det 4, AP60-AP61, (Pattie), 112 Old Hebron Rd, Colchester, CT, 06415, 860-537-1092, - Elder: I would like to say THANKS for all the time and effort you put in for the hats and shirts - not to mention the newsletter. Thanks again and keep up the good work - it is appreciated.
PAULEY, Robert S., YOB: 1952, CPT, Inf Public Affairs Officer, Det 4, OC86-JL87, (Christine), 1324 Red Oak Plantation Dr., Ballwin, MO 63021, - [edited] Once again, thank you for all you do to keeping FS Sinop alive for many of us. My memories are good and it was probably the best year of my life serving on The Hill. As an Infantry Officer (0-3) I was teased a lot by you "spooks". Although when we had to inspect the airfield runway at night for booby traps and mines everyone was asking this Infantry guy lots of questions of HOW do I inspect the runway without blowing myself up? I wish more of my fellow soldiers and sailors who I served with during 1986-87 on The Hill took more interest in - Bill Simons Det 4 website and your DOOL's - and staying in touch. - I have an INSCOM magazine with the feature st! ory being Sinop. I just have to dig it up. When I find it I will send you one. I also have lots of pictures (being the Public Affairs Officer) - I will dig them out and send them to you.
Col. Bill Walters was the CO of Sunny Sinop when I was there. I enjoyed working for him. He was a strict commander but always fair - he was a "by the book" kinda of guy. Mostly he really cared about all of us. Here is an example: One of the officers suggested that we officers (about 30 of us) chip in and buy McDonald Big Macs for all the enlisted personnel on the HILL for Christmas in 1986. There was a McDonalds in Instanbal that the pilots who picked up mail once in awhile had the time to visit. Well we thought maybe the pilots could bring them back (265 Big Macs) and we could surprise the soldiers and sailors with a Christmas present from the officers. Col Walters gave the go-ahead and the project proceeded. It involved getting permission from the McDona! ld National Headquartes in the states to buy Big Macs without the sauce. The sauce had to be put on at the HILL because we were afraid that the sauce might spoil on the 2 hour plane ride. Well the plane landed and the officers put on the sauce and distributed them to every enlisted man and woman on the FS. This was a tremendous moral booster especially at Christmas because it brought a little of home to everyone. It was such a hit that many people pinned their empty boxes to their walls and enjoyed the aroma. This is only one story that I have of the things we did and the activities Col Walter let us do for the soldiers and sailors. He was also kind and gentle - he called me to his office one day and told me that I had not been selected for promotion to Major. This meant I had to leave active duty (I was a ROTC commissioned officer) and go into reserve status. Of course this information hit me very hard - I had tears in my eyes when he told me. Col Walters used! some very kind words to make me feel better. He is a guy I would follow down the barrel of a cannon. Well I will stop rambling and go look for my pictures now. I also have to think for awhile why the people who served in the 70s and 80s don't take interest in the Sinop adventure.
RAMEY, Howard A (Howie) YOB 1946 RA E5 058, Det 27, MR66-AU67, 105 N Mary Ave., East Wenatchee, WA 98802, 509-886-2277, - Yes I've been lost and not heard from. But I SHALL send you a box of ASA goodies with-in a month. One way or another. The CD (pic's) may not have any info per who the men are by name but I'm sure someone my have a better memory than I. I will provide what info I can regarding when they were taken. With the help of others we will find out the who's. Thank You Elder, 73's ar, Howie
RICHARD, Gary, YOB: 1932, US/RA54095988, E6 05H Det 4, MR62-MR63, E6-E7 05K Det 27 & 4-4, 66-NO69, (Carolyn), 12835 Castle Bend St., San Antonio, TX 78230, 210-492-2574, - Please note new e-mail address.
RIZZETTO, Bob, (Scooter), YOB: 1940, US52502902, E3-E4, 058, Tk#4, Det 27, 60-MR62, Apt 106, 1609 Schoenersville Rd., Bethlehem, PA 18018, 610-861-0220, - Hi Elder, Finally got around to reading all of DOOL#153 and thanks to Bill Cowies pictures and Dickie Rudell's fantastic memory - a great flashback. In the last three weeks I've corresponded with three great friends who I haven't heard from in 45 years. And then there's my good buddy Billy Junkin who's called me every year since my accident. Reading the newsletter I saw another good friend, Larry Hull. Larry sat in front of me in 058 room 1. I sat at the first receiver as you walked int! o the room. We did this for 14 months. As long as I knew Larry, he was going back to marry his girl from Parkersburg, W.Va. Her name was"Sheila" Maybe things changed. Scooter
ROBERTS, Tommy J., (TJ), YOB: 1947, RA14889130, E5, 05H4HK3, Det 4-4, OC72-AP74, (Kathy), PO Box 383, Hattiesburg, MS 39403, 601-544-9304/2027, - Elder I will be in San Antonio during that time frame but will have to beg off on the Dinner. I will stay at another hotel and will try to drop in to say hello to all of you and yours. I spent 7 Years in San Antonio so I know it very well.
ROSICK, Ted YOB 1938 RA11369432 E4-E5 059 Det 27, NO60-62, (Irene). 8 Mohawk Dr., Clinton, CT 06413, 860-664-9239, -
RUDELL, Dick YOB 1942 RA19647399 E3-E5 058 Det 27, 29MY60-11JL62, (Linda), 11555 Killimore Ave., Northridge, CA 91326, 818-363-6567, - Elder - When I first got to Manzarali, there was an NCO by the name of Hora. Don't remember his first name, may have been assigned to HQ. Another one, a Spec 4 Tony Cassise. I've been in touch with Bill Cowie and Jack Shade, also Scooter. Anyway, hope all is going well with the reunion planning and you locating / getting in touch with folks. Take care, Dick Rudell
Oh yeah, I remember Terry Braho, Henry (Chicken Hawk) Coyle, Robert Wallace, Melvin Ray, Mo Mulder and Russell Davis from Chicago. As for my life since the Army, I went to Community College after Communtiy College while working at Lockheed Aircraft as a sheet metal trimmer; Royal Typewriter as a shipping and receiving clerk; Shakey's Pizza Parlor as a bartender; a fabricator at a family owned business manufacturing skylights, custom signs, and wall decor; then in 1967 I became a Los Angeles policeman and spent thirty-one exciting, sometimes terrifying years as a street cop, public affairs officer, detective, and detective supervisor. I retired from LAPD in 1998 and worked for a while as a hearing officer for the City of L.A. adjudicating contested parking violations, impounds, and bootings. Then I worked with another retired cop doing assessments of school security forces to determine what training they nee! ded to be in compliance with state mandated requirements. The phone didn't ring off the hook in that venture. Then I worked a Court Security Officer for the U.S. Marshals, transporting bad guys from the cell block to court, babysitting them in the hospital and working in the Marshals Comm Center. Boring. Then in 2001 I went back to being a cop again as a DMV Investigator for the State of California. That's where I am now, doing identity theft and fraud investigations, investigating car dealer fraud, and other various and sundry crimes. I'm doing more police work at DMV than I did at LAPD. We file a lot of felony perjury cases, do extraditions, serve search warrants and assist other agencies with our expertise in counterfeit drivers licenses and registration documents. There are only 200 of us in the entire state. I work out of the L.A. office, but we often travel to other districts to assist other DMV investigators with search war! rants and other tactical situations. One of these days they'll discover I'm senile, take away my gun, badge, cuffs and kick my butt out the door. My hobby is my two old cars-I have a 56 and 57 T-Birds. They're money pits, but they are fun to work on drive and show off. Been married to the same woman since 1972 - have two kids, a son 30, who is a special effects technician in the local movie industry and a daughter, 24, who is just starting her 3rd and final year at Pepperdine Law School in Malibu. Neither is married and I have no grandkids. That's about it since I got out of the Army in '62. In summary, a career cop and old car nut. Ah yes, I like my beer, too
Jack - It was great to hear another voice (read an email) from someone from the past. Shade: Hey Dick Rudell what ever happened to Jerry Hickey? Rudell: I have no idea what happened to Hickey. When Dan Borders was alive I asked if he had heard from Jerry, being a fellow Texan (from Amarillo, as I recall) and Borders said he hadn't. He told me that Hickey was porbably shot by someone's jealous husband or lover somewhere down the line. Shade: Did the 059 who was going to OCS ever make it? Rudell: The 059 who went to OCS was the prematurely gray Harold Hudgins, as I recall. I think he made it while we were still at Site 23. Shade: Do you remember the second ugliest man on post - William Stanley Hamilton the ugliest man was the fireman. Boy was he ugly. Rudell: Ah yes, William Stanley Hamilton, aka Wombat. I heard Probert is in Las Vegas now, and ailing. And I also remember Harasty. As a matter of fact, I have a picture of you two and one or the other has the other in a headlock. I'll try to find it, scan it, and email it to you. Names keep popping into my head all the time. There was a guy with the last name of Cassese, his first name was William, I think. Maybe it was Anthony. Oh hell, I don't know. Another, an NCO (Sgt.) with the last name of Hora. I think maybe he was the ugly fireman you referred to.
Wish I could make it to the reunion, but can't do it this year. I'm still working full time and already blew my vacation time. Maybe the next one if I'm healthy.
Well, gotta go. It's time for my dose of Geritol.
Take care, Ala's small a, Dick
SHADE, Jack L YOB 1941 RA13666484 E2-E5 059 Det 27, NO60-62, (Gerna), 181 Old Park Rd., Lewistown, PA 17044, 717-242-0824, - Entered the Army at New Cumberland, PA on 12 January 1960. Yook basic 12 Jan 60 - 18 Mar 60 with Co D., 19th Bn., 5th regt at Fort Jackson, SC. Assigned to Co F., and graduated from 058 school at Fort Devens 31 Mar 60 - 16 Nov 60. Was at det 27 26 Nov 60 - 12 Oct 62. Promotions: E3-14 Sep 60, E4-1 Aug 61, E5-14 May 62. Lost my horns in Athens. While at Det 27 took leave: 16-30 May 61 to Germany; 1-15 Jan 62 to Athens; 1-15 May 62 to Frankfurt, Germany and 1-15 Aug 62 to Athens
Det 27 names pop in my head often now that I'm involved with the DOOL's. Melvin Ray, Warren Moulder, ? Seigel, the Jewish boy who owed half his pay to Chicken Hawk Coyle, a guy by the name of Braho, Larry Illingsworth, Krogstead,Sgt. Christman at the NCO club, A lifer by the name of Davis who was in Japan before Turkey he taught me how to say just a minute in Japanese (chot ta motty coda sigh ). Was there a guy by the name of Brachman, Dorker Wallace. I wander if Hudgins made OCS If he did he probably went to Nam. I keep in touch with Harold Probert and Jin Harasty , I retired a year ago in April after 41 years operating a machine tool VTL at Standard Steel in Burnham, PA. They were under bankruptcy when I left. Pension sucks, so I keep my wife working I still like my beer As a matter of fact it's 5 O'clock somewhere .
STALLINGS, Connie American Embassy, 61-63 - friend of many Det 27 vet's, 349 E 50th St., NYC., 212-752-9047, - Dear Elder - Just wanna wish you a happy birthday! and say thanks for persevering with the DOOL. Best regards, Connie
WADLEY, Jeff, YOB: 1940, RA16713260, E3-E5, 058, Tk#4, Det 27, SE62-FE64, (Marcia), 12436 N Mount Bigelow Rd, Oro Valley, AZ 85737, 520-498-5078, - My wife and I are still trying to decide if we are attending the reunion in September. We hope to but must still clear up a few loose ends before deciding. Thanks for all you do with the newsletter. Also have you ever had any contact with Paul (Rod) Tully. I served with him at Det 27 in 62 and 63. Would love to know his address.
WEBER, Bob, YOB: 1944, RA16782557, E3-E4, 286, Det 27, 64-66, (Jeri), 16417 Abela Dr., Clinton Twp., MI, 48035, 586-790-8282, - Just so you know the plea did not fall on deaf ears, I thought I would send you an e-mail and let you know that I thouroughly enjoy reading the DOOL and having my memory of those days jogged every once in a while. p.s. no change in e-mail or snail mail here - keep up the good work! Bob Weber - Det 27 - 64-66
WILLINGHAM, Ted YOB: 1944 RA18737230 E5 33C (Sugar Tree) Det 27, SE66-JN68 (Susan), 3 Chestnut St., Easthampton, MA 01027 413-527-9687 - We will not be able to attend the 2005 reunion. I really wish we would been able to attend, but my wife, Sue, has a back operation in the next month and thus we will not be able to travel from MA to San Antonio for the Reunion. We both were looking forward to the Reunion, but once again Sue back problems come first as She had a operation last year and thus were unable to attend the 2004 Huntsville reunion also. Regards, Ted & Sue Willingham
IDENTITY THEFT VICTIM ACTION: Identity theft is considered to be the fastest growing crime in America. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the number of identity theft incidents reached 9.9 million in 2003. If you suspect that you have been a victim of this damaging crime, it is important to take action right away. A few weeks could be the difference between a simple credit card fraud and an all out identity attack. If you receive a bill for something you or your family obviously did not charge take the following immediate actions:
Step 1 - 10 minutes: Call the creditor to notify them of the fraud right away. The creditor should reverse the fraudulent charges and lock your account. You should have photocopies of your credit cards and credit contact numbers stored in a safe place just for this kind of emergency. Be sure to record the times, dates and names of the people you contact in a log for future reference. An excellent Creditor Contact Worksheet is available at for use in keeping track of your contacts. A copy is also available as TAB 5 of the RAO Bulletin.
Step 2 - 10 minutes: Your next step is to contact the credit reporting agencies to report the crime and request that a 90-day fraud alert is placed on your credit report. You only need to contact one of the three bureaus have fraud alerts placed on all three of your credit reports. Contact information for the credit bureaus is:
Experian: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742);
TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289;
Equifax: 1-800-525-6285;
This 90-day alert will notify creditors that you may be a victim of fraud and advise them to verify your identity before opening any new accounts. This alert also entitles you to a free credit report from each bureau for your review. Fraud resolution experts with the credit reporting agencies can also help you check your credit data for other signs of identity theft and can help you restore your account security. Don't forget to record the results of your contacts in your identity theft log.
Step 3 - 10 minutes: Your last ten minutes should be spent on the Federal Trade Commission's Web site filling out an ID theft affidavit. A copy is also available as TAB 6 of the RAO Bulletin. Once you complete this affidavit worksheet, you can use it to report fraud to creditors and can keep it in your records for future reference. If your identity theft goes beyond credit card fraud, you should also contact your local law enforcement agency to file a police report. Add copies of your affidavit and police report to your identity theft log and store these documents in a safe place. How quickly you spot and report identity theft can make all the difference.
After 30-60 days, check your credit reports and financial accounts again to see if there are any new signs of identity theft or records that still need to be removed. Print and complete a new version of your fraud worksheet and keep it in a safe place with your other fraud resolution records. Don't let a thief steal your credit again. Purchase a cross cutting shredder to destroy sensitive documents before throwing them away. Install a locking mailbox and keep a close eye on your account statements for signs of new fraud. One of the best ways to guard against fraud is to sign up for a credit monitoring service. Most services include Identity Theft Insurance, so you know you're covered. [Source: TrueCre! dit Newsletter AUG 05]
AGENT ORANGE ELIGIBILITY: Military retirees, who served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975 or Korea in 1968 and 1969 are presumed by the Veterans Administration to have been exposed to Agent Orange and thereby are entitled to disability benefits for specific health conditions associated with the herbicide. It doesn't matter how much of that illness is a direct result of Agent Orange. The pre! sumption is a blanket presumption for the years noted. You do not have to prove it was connected. If you are interested, you will need to have an Agent Orange registry exam (available at the VA). A registry is not required to receive VA health care compensation nor does it lead directly to compensation. It is a step into VA Health Care. For an Agent Orange registry exam contact the nearest VA facility which can be found in the blue pages of your telephone book under Government Offices or consult your own physician and refer your physician to the Veterans Health Initiative (VHI) at for insight into Agent Orange issues. For more information about Agent Orange, including VA policy changes, listed health conditions and disability benefits, visit [Source: Fort Gordon Retiree E-Notes, JUL 05]
Some military veterans have not received full burial honors because they do not have their discharge documents when they died. Since 1950 the discharge form has been called DD Form 214. That document went by other names prior to 1950, but they all serve the same purpose. When a veteran dies, the family provides a copy of DD Form 214 or equivalent discharge documentation to the funeral home which uses it to arrange for an official U.S. flag, honor guard, grave marker and burial in a national cemetery, according to the veteran's service level and last wishes. But, problems can arise with veterans who do not have copies of their discharge certificates available at the time of death. For more information on obtaining a discharge form, contact your county's veterans services officer. Learn more about requesting a replacement of your DD 214 Discharge Documents and other military records.
Q. What is the common term for someone who enjoys work and refuses to retire? A. NUTS!
Replacing Military Records
Have you lost important military records and don't know how to replace them? Learn what to do if you lose your discharge, separation, or other papers.
If discharge or separation papers are lost, duplicate copies may be obtained by contacting the:
National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Blvd., St. Louis, MO
63132- 5100
Specify that a duplicate separation document or discharge is needed. The veteran's full name should be printed or typed so that it can be read clearly, but the request must also contain the signature of the veteran or the signature of the next of kin, if the veteran is deceased. Include branch of service, service number or Social Security number and exact or approximate dates and years of service. Use Standard Form 180, "Request Pertaining To Military Records," available from our site (see instructions below), VA offices or at the VA forms web site ( It is not necessary to request a duplicate copy of a veteran's discharge or separation papers solely for ! the purpose of filing a claim for VA benefits.
Q. What's the biggest gripe of retirees?
A. There is not enough time to get everything done
Standard Form 180 and Replacing Records
Fortunately, the paperwork involved in requesting records replacement is relatively simple. The process is as follows:
- First, get a copy of Standard Form 180, Request For Military Records.
- It is not necessary to request a duplicate copy of a veteran's discharge or separation papers solely for the purpose of filing a claim for VA benefits.
- Remember to either type or print on the form.
- Fill in the individual's name, social security number, and date and place of birth in section 1, blocks 1 through 4.
- Provide the dates of service in the applicable spaces in section 1, block 5.
- Indicate whether or not the individual is deceased in section 1, block 6.
- Indicate whether or not the person retired from the military in section 1, block 7.
- In section 2, indicate which medals need to be replaced.
- Record a return address and then sign section 3. Only the service member, guardian, or next of kin may sign this form.
- If possible, include a copy of the discharge or separation document, WDAGO Form 53-55 or DD Form 214.
- Mail the completed form and supplementary documents to the appropriate address, as detailed on the back of SF 180.
The National Archives and Records Administration receives many requests, and a response may take six months or more. If complete information about the veteran's service is furnished on the application, VA will obtain verification of service from the National Personnel Records Center or the service department concerned. In a medical emergency, information from a veteran's records may be obtained by phoning the appropriate service:
Army, 314-538-4261
Air Force, 314- 538-4243
Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard, 314-538-4141.
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