Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 11:43 PM
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #153
This newsletter is intended only for the use of the ASA TURKEY
Veteran's. Comments or submissions to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES are
most welcome. I will respond to all e-mails and will assist
whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and
clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein.
The Editor: GREEN, Elder RC (gH), YOB: 1936, RA13513638, E7,
982/98C, Det 27, 1-15MY61, Det 120, MY-JL65, Det 27, JN66-OC67
& Det 4-4, OC67-NO68, (Patty), 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA
15701, 724-349-7395, Ret 1SG, E8
I again am offering embrodered hats, t-shirts and Golf (polo)
shirts with the ASA Turkey Det's # thereon for others to order. I
accepted that challenge with reservations and am offering Det 4,
4-4 and 27 hats, t-shirts and Golf shirts for sale as follows:
The Det denominations thereon will be as follows for Det 4, 4-4
and 27:
Across the top - - - - TUSLOG DET 4
In the middle - - - - - - - A S A
Across the bottom - SINOP TURKEY
Across the top - - - - - - TUSLOG DET 27
In the middle - - - - - - - - - - A S A
Across the bottom - MANZARALI TURKEY
Across the top - - - - - - TUSLOG DET 4-4
In the middle - - - - - - - - - - - ASA
Across the bottom - KARAMURSEL TURKEY
The costs per item for the Det 4 and 27 items will be:
Hats & T-shirts: $10.
Golf shirts: $20.
S&H: $5.
The costs per item for the Det 4-4 items will be:
Hats & T-shirts: $15.
Golf shirts: $25.
S&H: $5.
When ordering - please send me your mailing address, the sizes
and colors needed. The Golf shirts can be ordered in any solid
Please respond ASAP as the LAST date to order is 8 August 2005
and I need the payments ASAP as the TOTAL embroidery bill is
needed when I pick-up the itmes. Then, the frustration comes when
Patty and I label, sort and mail the ordered items. Please send
payment to: Elder RC Green, 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA 15701
During the period 21-26 July 2005 I sent an email to EVERY former
ex-ASA Turkey Vet listed within my MASTER ROSTER's. By so doing -
I found out that nearly half the emails are no longer valid and
that those who changed emails without notifying me or the
relayers simply must not be interested in the DOOL's; unless, of
course, they visit on a regular
basis.(ugh ugh!!).
KEEP THE DOOL'S AND REUNIONS IN TACT. I'm afraid that this plea
will fall on deaf ears!
RISSO, Frank S W2212119 WO1 SigC USAR, Det 4, SE61-SE62 BPED OC48 DOD: 6DE2003 -
YOUNG, Phillip E., DOB: 13NO1926, RA15204044, E3-E5, 058, Det
4, JN61-JN62, (Miriam), #100A, 801 Huntington Ave., Warren, IN
46792 d-6AP2005 at Marion, IN. Fred Anderson sent me the
following edited obituary:
"Old Soldiers Never Die, They just fade away"...
Paratrooper Phillip E. Young, 78, made his last jump on 6 April
2005, in United Methodist Memorial Home in Warren, IN and is now
in God's arms. Phil was born in Marion, IN..... He married Miriam
I. Smith on 28 August 1948 and their marriage lasted 56.5 years.
She survives. Phil served with the 11th Airborne from 1944 to
1946, stationed at Fort Benning, GA., and the Philippines, and
also did duty in Japan. In 1960-63 he was in the Army Security
Agency, spending a year in Sinop, Turkey. Upon his return to the
USA he finished the ASA enlistment at Fort Lewis, WA attached to
the 101st Airborne. According to Fred Anderson - Phil Young kept
the faith & never told his family what he did in the ASA -
said he 'wasn't' supposed to tell. Miriam is in a Nursing Home at
the above address and anyone who knew him might drop her a line -
would make her happy.
From Jon Kjoller
See DOOL #152 for the details concerning the 29 September-1 October reunion in San Antonio. The deadline is 15 August per Jon Kjoller
Please go to and click on #153 in a few
days, then copy this form and mail it NLT 15 August 2005 along
with your check for the total amount to: Jon Kjoller, 993
Rosemary, New Braunfels, Texas 78130, (E-mail:, Phone: 1-830-625-1064.
DATES: 29 September 1 October 2005
By Jon & Darlene Kjoller
Please copy this form and mail it NLT 15 August 2005 along with your check for the total amount to: Jon Kjoller, 993 Rosemary, New Braunfels,
Texas 78130, (E-mail:, Ph: 1-830-625-1064
Note: In order to participate, all monies must be paid in
Please indicate your ASA Turkey Detachment Number and how you
would like your name and your wife¹s name to appear on the
reunion ID Badge.
Your name: _______________________________________
Wife: ____________________________________________
Note: In case we need to get in touch with you before the
reunion, please give us the following info....
Telephone number: _________________________________
E-mail address: ____________________________________
Please check appropriate lines below:
We can have a slide projector & screen available in the
hospitality room if you let me know you have an interest in it.
If anyone has a carousel projector and can bring it, that would
be great(Keeps the cost down.)
I can bring a carousel projector. ..... Yes _____ No_____
I do not have a projector, but would like to show my slides. Yes
___ No ___
I will be attending the banquet: Yes______ No______
My wife will be attending the banquet: Yes _____ No______
My choice of entree is 1. Ribeye Steak ______ 2. Stuffed Chicken
My wife¹s choice of entree is 1. Ribeye Steak ______ 2. Stuffed
My choice of dessert is 1. Carrot Cake ______ 2. Choc. Mousse
My wife¹s choice of dessert is 1. Carrot Cake ____ 2. Choc.
Mousse ____
$10.00 - Hospitality cost per individual
$20.00 - Hospitality cost per couple
$35.00 - Reunion Banquet cost per person
My check for the hospitality and banquet is for $_______________.
ARMSTRONG, Ataturk & Dot, Det 27, 60-62, New Bern, NC
ASPINWALL, Paul C., Det 4, 65, Madison, WI 608-831-0670,
*BALDERSON, Eric & Ramona, Det 27, 62-63, Mendham, NJ 07945,
BARNDT, Ernest & Fran, Det 4, 56-57 & E5-WO1, Det 27,
59-61, Eagle River, AK, 907-694-3645,
BENDER, Bill & Dawn, Det 4-4 , 70-71, Ocala, FL,
*BERGMANN, Chuck & Helen, Det 27, 66-67, Bay Village, OH,
*CALLAHAN, Joe & Margaret, Det 27, 63-64, Universal City, TX
CARRICK, Ernie & Betty, Det 4, 57-58, Huntsville, AL 256-852-
COWIE, Bill & Loretta, Det 27, 60-61, Valley Park, MO 63088,
*DAVIDGE, Gordon & Pat, Det 27, 60-62, New Port Richey, FL
34655, 727-375-5402,
DUBICKI, Walt & Beverly, Det 27, 61-63, Louisville, KY,
DUNNAM, Gary & Sharon, Det 27 & 4-4, Victoria, TX.,
ELDRIDGE, Frank & Arlie, Det 4, 61-62, Humble, TX
ERICKSON, Ron & Kathy, Det 27, 61-62, Independence, MO,
GLUBKA, Roger & Michelle, Det 27, 64-65, El Paso, TX.
GREEN, Elder RC & Patty, Det 27, 61, 66-67 & 4-4, 67-68,
Indiana, PA., 724-349-7395,
*HAGAMON, John, Det 27, 62-63, San Antonio, TX., 210-829-8872,
HATHAWAY, Milt, Det 27, 60-62, Clinton tp MI 48038, 810-226-1639,
HUNT, Carlos E & Frankie, Det 4, 58-59, Henderson, TX.,
ISLER, Rod & Kyuhee, Det 4-4, 68-70, Annapolis, MD.,
410-849-3482, Ret Maj Gen KINDERMANN, Chuck
& Sue, N. Potomac, MD 301-977-2434,
*KJOLLER, Jon & Darlene, Det 4, 58-59, New Braunfels, TX.,
JONES, Ed & Flo, Det 27, 62-65, Bismarck, IL, 217-759-7773,
LADY, Ken & Donna, Det 27, 61-62, Santa Monica, CA.,
LEVY, Dan, 058, Tk#4, Det 27, 61-62, Many, LA., 318-586-7584
& PO Box 217, Negret, LA., no email
*McCREARY, Mac, Det 4, 58-59, Horicon, WI, 920-485-4366
MONTEITH, Bob & Carole, Det 27, 65-67, Silver Lake, OH.,
MURPHY, Bob & Peg, Det 27, 60-62, Glen Burnie, MD.,
MURRAY, Nelson & Sandy, Cypress, TX, 281-855-4255,
NEARPASS, Bob & Lorraine, Det 27, 64-66, Belvidere, NJ.,
NORMAN, Roy & Mary, Det 27, 61-63, Caldwell, TX 77836,
PRYOR, Vic & Pat, Det 27, 60-62, Mesa, AZ 85206,
SACK, Bob & Sue, Det 4, 68-69, Walla Walla, WA.,
SALCIDO, Don, Det 27, 66-67, San Dego, CA., 619-207-6054,
*SCHOPPE, Dan & Marjorie, Det 27, 65-67, Leander, TX.,
SIMONS, Bill, Det 4, 59-60, Southampton, NJ., 609-859-5430,
SINOR, Walt, Det 27, 62-63, Valley Head, AL 877-453-5097,
STEFFEN, Arnold & Janet, Det 4, 58-59, Jackson, TN
*STOLP, Gary & Phyllis, Det 27, 64-67, San Antonio, TX.,
TAVERNETTI, Dave & Sue, Det 27, 62-63, King City, CA.,
TESCHKER, Chuck & Penny, Det 27, 60-62, Hartland, MI,
TIER, Dale, Det 4, 58-59, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 740-392-6581, no
*WILLINGHAM, Ted & Sue, Det 27, 66-68, Easthampton, MA.,
WINKLER, Harold & Bobbie, Det 4, 60-61, Cincinnati, OH,
The 2005 ASA Picnic will be held on 6 August at Blob's Park near
Fort Meade. Everyone who served in the ASA is welcome to attend.
The cost per person is $15. which can be paid at the door. Patty
and I will be there and hope that other ASA Turkey vet's will
attend. The picnic is in-doors and begins at noon.
Received info from Dave Waldmann regarding the AZ ASA reunion.
The reunion is open to anyone who served in the ASA and will be
held 9-11 September 2005 at Pinetop, AZ. You can view the agenda
and get more info and a registration form by going to or contacting Dave Bunker at
or 928 537-2969; Phil Wralstad at or 520
458-3994; or Dave Waldmann at or 520
378-0159. PASS THE WORD. ASA Lives because we care!
ADAMANY, Jim - Det 4-4, 68-69
ADAMS, Pete - Det 27, 65-67
ALEXANDER, Louis - Det 27, 60-62
ANDERSON, Fred - Det 4, 61-62
ANNIS, Roy - Det 4-4, 70-71
BALL, Dick - Det 27, 62-63
BELL, Preston - Det 27, 65-66
BREHM, Vance - Det 4, 60-61
CARSTON, Pete - Det 4, 63-64
COLLINS, Dave - Det 4, 57-58
COWIE, Bill - Det 27, 60-61
COYLE, Henry - Det 27, 60-62 (Chicken Hawk)
ELY, Tom - Det 27, 60-62
FRICKEY, Norman - Det 4-4, 70-71
HARGUS, Zip - Det 27, 60-62
HULL, Larry - Det 27, 61-62
KILLIARD, Mike - Det 4 & 4-4, 61-63
HOTTON, Phil - Det 4, 55-56
HOUGHTON, Jim - Det 4, 56-57
JONES, Ed - Det 27, 62-65
JUNKIN, Bill - Det 27, 60-62
MacKINNON, Don - Det 4, 72-73
MAKAY, John - Det 4,
MALOOF, George - Det 27, 60-62
MANSFIELD, Roy - Det 27, 61-63
McPENCOW, Dennis - Det 27, 60-61
MULDER, Warren - Det 27, 61-62
MULHOLLAND, Jim - Det 4, 56-57
NICHOLS, Marty - Det 4, 66-67 & 72-73
PAPCIAK, Marion - Det 4, 64-65
PRYOR, Vic - Det 27, 60-62
RIZZETTO, Scooter - Det 27, 60-62
ROBERTS, Floyd - Det 4, 58
ROBERTS, Tommy - Det 4-4, 72-74
ROFF, Bill -Det 27, 66-67
RUDELL, Dick - Det 27, 60-62
SACK, Bob - Det 4, 68-69
SAGE, Jim - Det 4, 62-63
SCREWS, Eldon - Det 4 & 4-3, 68-69
SHADE, Jack - Det 27, 60-62
SHIRLEY, Bob - Det 4, 68
SHOATS, Mack - Det 4, 58 & Det 27, 60-62
SOLOMON, Ed - Det 4, 68-69
TILNEY, Ralph - Det 27 & 4-4, 67-69
VITALE, Tony - Det 4, 59-60
ADAMANY, Jim, E4-E5, 05H, Det 4-4, JL68-69, (Marti), Phoenix, AZ 1-800-242-3232, [edited] My name is James C. Adamany and I was in Turkey at Tuslog 4-4, Karamursel, from approximately 1968 thru 1969. The commander of our unit was Major Edward J. Cima. Can you tell me anything about him? I hope he is still alive and I would like to get in touch with him. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank You, [Maj Cima is deceased & his death was reported in the DOOL]
ADAMS, Peter A., (Peddie), YOB: 1943, RA19857817, E3-E5, 72B, Det 27, SE65-JA67, (Linda), 14569 MacClintcock Dr., Glenwood MD 21738, 301-854-6906,
See fock rock - adams attachment. That's Sgt Pete Adams posing
next to the famous Manzarali Fock Rock.
[Pete sent the following from Chuck Hart ( who
served at Det 115, 65-67. "Hi Pete, very interesting stuff.
Please feel free to give your friend my name and e-mail address.
Was stationed there with DCA-MEA (Det.115) from '65 til June '67.
Det 115 had about 10-12 personnel assigned...." I sent an
email to HART, but got no response]
ALEXANDER, Louis, YOB: 1940, RA, E1-E5, 058 TK#4, Det 27,
AU60-JL62, (Brookie), 7608 Harps Mill Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615,
919-844-9055, -
See cowie8 attachment showing, L-R: Louis Alexander, Bill Cowie
& Billy Junkin formally dressed for a nite of social
merriment in Ankara.
Also see cowie4 attachment, L-R: Louis Alexander & Bill
Hey Elder, thanks for the recent pics from Bill Cowie. I received
an email from him and sent him one also. Sure is amazing how new
guys just keep surfacing. It's fun to discover your old buddies
still hanging around. By the way, I resent pictures to you a
couple nights ago and wonder if you got them okay this time. I
know we had a problem before but hope you got them this time.
Keep me informed. Thanks Louis Alexander [I could open the pix's,
but could not save them to my files - is going to mail them to
ANDERSON, William F., (Fred), YOB: 1941, RA14740060, E4, 058,
Det 4, 8JL61-JN62, (Sissy), 25 Myrtle Ln., Clayton, GA 30525,
706-782-6020, - Fred called me on 16 and 17
July 2005 regarding his 058 tour at Sinop. You asked me to relate
things I remember about Sinop, etc., that is probably too much to
cover, but here is a little, While home on leave, I received
revised orders telling me to report directly to McGuire AFB, for
transshipment, My records never got diverted, so I spent a month
or so working the switchboard in the gate shack at ops, and
drawing partial pay, before I could get on to OJT. I remember the
security guards I worked with were Murphy and Fritz. I missed my
first flight out of McGuire and had to bluff the desk clerk out
of making a bigger issue of it. Left the next morning, was there
that time. When we landed in the Azores I was pulled off the
plane and told I would have to fly on later. A few minutes later
in the terminal the zoomie LT grabbed me and took me back to the
plane. He said that his clerk messed up, they wouldn't bump me as
I was a priority passenger. They bumped an officer as I remember.
This made me think that we were kind of important people. I was
in Frankfurt on 4 July 1961 and stayed there for about 5 days
then on to Ankara via PAN AM. Did the 19 hour convoy ride through
Kastmanu to Sinop. It was an interesting trip, some beautiful
areas, mountains, etc.and there were no guard rails on the
downhill sides of the dirt roads. We finally got to the 'hill'
extremely crusted in red dirt (worse than a nite at a dirt race
track) so we didn't feel the shock that others did that arrived
in the daylite hours. We moved into the new barracks in September
1961 as I recall, at least before Thanksgiving. Does anyone
recall the nite before the Limey's left? Dick Casteel was so
drunk that he was literally drinking under the table and crawling
around quacking like a duck. That was when the commander came
walking thru and told the bartender to close the bar. Ray Kennedy
called the BOQ and asked for the ....... colonel. Kennedy worked
in supply for Lt Thomas D. Elliott who answered the phone.
After a loud, expletive filled chat Kennedy hung up. Someone told
me the next day that some of the GI's continued the protest in
the walkway above the BOQ. My old friend Phillip Young (Two Rock
and Fort Lewis after Sinop) passed away 6 April 2005. I remember
Phil wearing one of those wide flat golf hats like the Turks, and
acting like a native downtown. We got permission to go up in the
minaret of the mosque downtown Sinop to take some pictures. When
we came down a group of Turks gathered around us. Thankfully the
Mullah (or whomever) who gave us permission came running out and
explained everything and the mob dispersed. Phil would go
downtown alone and wonder into the countryside. He even had one
family that he would visit frequently. Maybe I will continue at a
later date.
ANNIS, Roy R., E4, 05K, Det 4-4, JA70-JL71, 315 Dearborn Rd., Pembroke, NH 03275, 603-485-5354 - Elder, First thanks for all the great efforts keeping us attached. Read the DOOL newsletter religiously. I was with Det 4-4 in Karamursel from January 1970 - July 1971. Flew to Arizona and visited with my old roomie at 4-4 - had a terrific reunion. Again, thanks Roy R. Annis.
BALL, Richard E (Dick), YOB: 1942, RA12615407, E4, 341.10,
Tk#4, Det 27, JA62-JN63, (Debbie), 10 Heritage Dr., Lancaster, NY
14086, 716-685-9129, - [edited] Merahba Elder,
Was great to hear from you! I will look up Larry Kessler on
Glendale Drive in Lancaster, NY is not far from me. Thanks for
the info. Here's the web site for ASA shirts, etc.,, 26010 Eden Landing Rd.
Suite 5, Hayward, CA 94545, 877-8091659
Here's two names that were on my orders from Turkey to Vint Hill
dated 3 April 1963 :
Robert D Barlage , Sp4 341.10
18022 Ridgewood Ave.
Lansing , Cook co., Ill.
Kenneth A Robertson Sp4 765.10
1303 Sycamore St
Columbus, Ind.
(These are 1963 address's)
Promotion list to E4 dated 12 June 1962 :
Ball, Richard. - 341 - RA12615047
Bastien, Robert A - 058 - RA19671880
Buckreis, Eugene D - 059 - RA13696195
Comroe, Michael F - 059 - RA13693057
Dailey, Michael C - 723 - RA17593604
Day, Henry C Jr - 351 - RA17569691
Doyle, Peter A - 059 - RA11383274
Dubicki, Walter L - 059 - RA16677952
Frazier, John B - 723 - RA17582679
Gut, Richard J - 059 - RA11375097
Hudson, Ronald J - 058 - RA15618582
Hunter, William D - 982 - RA11380825
Kinneer, Phillip G - 345 - RA17595775
Knudsen, Hestler J Jr - 058 - RA19682406
Koehler, Eugene W - 059 - RA18612663
Lamb, Max D - 058 - RA15633147
Levy, Daniel O - 058 - RA18604490
Makkos, Steve JR - 059 - RA16687369
Martensen, Joesph M - 059 - RA19669427
Newman, Charles E - 723 - RA14757059
Raffensberger, LaVerne - 059 - RA13710265
Stone, William R Jr - 058 - RA16687511
Thesing, Eugene J - 059 - RA17589236
Walbridge, Wayne - 723 - RA16685881
Watson, Joesph F Jr - 058 - RA11387452
Wolf, Orville B - 058 - RA13598519
To PFC : Miller, Kenneth C - 058 - RA19705143
signed: Gerald G. Gibbs Jr., Captain, Arty, Commanding
David J. Lynch, Major AIS was Operations Officer, 6 June 1963
Hope some of these names are new to you....
BELL, Preston L., (Preston of the Mojave), E2-E5, 982, Det 27,
MY65-DE66, 25445 Jasper Rd., Barstow, CA 92311, - gH - - Thanks amigo for your continued
efforts. As the years roll by, I have developed a deep admiration
for folks such as you that continue to show energy and commitment
so that others may enjoy the benefits of their labors when I know
that life must be chipping away at their (your) 'free time' as it
is mine. :-) Keep on doing it for us all.
- If the world was a logical place, men would ride horses
- Impotence...Nature's way of saying "No hard feelings,"
- Heart Attacks...God's revenge for eating His animal friends.
Preston Bell
of the Mojave
BREHM, Vance YOB 1936 RA? E3-E4 058 Det 4, 60-61, (Connie), 22080 Stormy Ln., Bend, OR 97701, 541-388-4770, - Jack Barbieri was in Sinop in the 60/61 time frame. I still see Jack often. He lives in Oakland, CA. I talked to him a few days ago and he getting ready to go back to Carlisle for his 50 high School reunion. I also correspond with Bob Weems (law professor at old Miss in Jackson )and Jim Mohan (in Boston). All of us played on the basketball team that went to Adana for play-off. We are looking for Ralph Weaver from Michigan also in Sinop with us and also Bad Aibling after Sinop. We are also looking for Dave Keller (New York). Do you have any ideas about Ralph or Dave.? [I requested info on the above names, but NIL HRD thereafter - This is a 2-way street, not 1-way just from me and makes me want to toss in the towell and let someone take over the DOOL]
CARSTON, Peter Y 981/982 Det 4, 63-64, 3137 Burbank Ln., The Villages, FL 32162, 352-750-9361, Hi Elder; I still have and wear the Det 4 shirts that I ordered in 2002. The shirts have worn well, they were a good quality(JERZEES) It would be nice if ASA was spelled out...some people think it's the American Softball Association in Turkey!
COLLINS, Dave, YOB: 1937, RA11309404, E3-E4, 058, Det 4, NO57-OC58, (Linda), 3638 Jefferson Township Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30066, 770-998-7420, [edited] Elder, I received the information on the hats and shirts that you are offering us ex-ASA vet's from John McCullough. Thanks, Dave Collin,
COWIE, Bill YOB 1941 RA17542349, E3-E5 058 Tk#4 Det 27, 60-61,
(Loretta), 1105 Big Bend Crossing, Valley Park, MO 63088,
636-861-2512, - Elder, it was great talking
to you and rekindling some fond memories of Turkey in the early
60's. I'll look up your website and read the newsletters.
-Enlisted Sept 1st, 1959 in St Louis MO
-Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO
-058 Training at Fort Devens, Jan 60 to May 60 (23 Weeks)
-Shipped to Det 27 in June 60 and was assigned to Trick#4 where
LT Bobbie Mize was the Watch Officer and Platoon leader.
See cowie11 attachment for a 1960 view of the trick#4 billets
with the water tower in the background.
-Sick for first 5 days in Turkey. Couldn't get out of bed !!
-Remember our food being brought to Comm Ctr in a round steel
container with 3 compartments,
one for hot food, one for veggies/salad and one for desert.
-Promoted on a regular basis to E-5 with P2 Pay (Can't remember
-Remember the Air Force people always angry because we got
promoted much faster than they did and they never got proficiency
-Spent hours and hours playing poker with "Payday
Stakes" Lost most of the time to Henry "Chicken
Hawk" Coyle.
See cowie2 attachment for a photo of "Chicken Hawk"
during a break in a poker game.
-Smoked at least one pack of Luckies per day and started daily
-After 1st year had all my uniforms "Tailored" and
laundered in town.
-Dated an American girl that was a daughter of an Air Force
Officer living in Ankara
-Remember the Manzarali unit days.
See cowie10 attachment of 2LT Freddie Frye (the Trick#3 Watch
Officer) after being 'dunked' in the dunking device at the 61
unit day. LT's Frye and Mize were young OCS grads and their first
assignments was to Turkey.
-Played END on the Trick#4 flag football team against different
Air Force and Det 27 teams.
-Spent summers at Lake Golbasi. Went almost every day.
See cowie9 attachment of Bill Cowie in his fatigues standing
behind the icky-pachuk that he drove Trick#4 members to Lake
Golbosi. Believe that the Turk in the photo is Moose from the Det
27 NCO Club.
-Drank a lot at the Manzarali Station NCO Open Mess; at the USAF
NCO Club in Ankara; at Larry Hull's apartment and at many Turkish
bars, without much 'bowling'.
See cowie5 attachment showing Bill Cowie standing beside the
Det 27 NCO Club in the winter of 1961.
-Was suspected of trading dollars for Lira on black market, but
never prosecuted or convicted
-Most excitement in com center was when the Russians had a total
shutdown of all manual morse communications for a big "call
sign" change. We worked day and night to find and ID them.
This may have been right at the time of the Berlin Wall incident.
-Had to send all spare equipment to Berlin when wall was going up
and blockade was proceeding.-Was most lonely during my 1961 (2nd)
Christmas in Manzarali or during the extension of my tour
-My mom had to contact the International Red Cross because she
had not heard from me in months. I think I was depressed or angry
or both. I remember Captain Sprehe saying I couldn't leave his
office until I wrote home.
-Had thoughts of going to OCS. Had all papers processed but got
cold feet as it got closer to my discharge date. I think I
thought they might get me out sooner if accepted into OCS. (I
saved all those glowing letters from Captains Sprehe and Garitty)
-My friends were Billy Junkin, Dick Rudell, Bob Kennedy, Dan
Levy, Louis Alexander, Bob (Scooter) Rizzetto, Joe Kelly, Henry
Coyle, Gary Hanson, Larry Hull, Jack Shade (I'm sure I missed
some !!)
See cowie12 attachment for photo of Trick#4 beer drinking party
at Larry Hull's apartment in Ankara. ID, L-R: Joe Whitt, Russ
Davis, Bob Kennedy, Deal, Boogie Levy & Scooter Rizzetto
-My favorite time was listening to others read mail from their
girlfriends or reading letters from my future wife Loretta.
-I left Turkey in June of 62 with Charles Larson and Allen Cox
-I was discharged at Fort Dix after a great trip home via
Istabbul, Athens, Paris and Frankfurt
-Thought I was in love with Vicki Buettel, a USAF brat whose
father was a MATS C-130 pilot. Saw Loretta and realized what a
big mistake I almost made. Went to Denver and told Vicki I loved
Loretta. Dated and then married Loretta in May of 1963. Started
working at a place called Nooter in St Louis in April of 63
(Metal Fabrication). Went to night school at Washington Univ for
10 years (never did graduate).
-My drinking started to accelerate each year after coming home
from Turkey.
-Have 5 terrific children and 4 1/2 grandchildren: Bill is 41 and
has a beautiful wife and 2 children; Mary is 37 and will be
getting married in Sept: John is 36 and also has a beautiful wife
and 2 children; Matt is 33 and is living in Phoenix and doing
just fine; Mark just turned 30 and is married and living in
Kansas City.
-Loretta started working part time in a local hospital in 1982
and retired last year after 22 years at the hospital.
-I was relatively sucessful and rose up thru the ranks at Nooter
-Retired at age 58 in April of 2000, financially in good shape.
Biggest change in my life was when I quit drinking in 1985 (20
years last week).
-Joined AA and have been attending meetings weekly ever since.
-Always wanted to do art work, but never could support the family
with it.
-Best friend owns a gallery so I went to work with him (3 days a
week). I do a lot of contemporary welded sculptures, working with
a world class artist.
-I've designed several hundred sundials throughout the midwest.
-I play a lot of tennis, 2-3 times a week. Singles and Doubles
-I play golf with my sons and some friends but I don't keep score
-Loretta and I have traveled a lot, especially since I retired.
We like to go for 30 or more days. Have been to Hawaii twice,
Ireland 2 years ago. Went to England, Wales, Scotland and France
last year.
-Saw Bill Junkin in November when we visited LA for a few days.
-Have been to Florida a number of times with other trips up and
down East Coast.
-Sold the home in which we raised the kids and bought a condo.
-Basically, I have so much to be grateful for and I thank God
every day for it all. We all take
such different paths in life but we have so much in common.
-My wife is really the highlight of my life, even after 42 years.
We still enjoy each other and remain best friends.
-Loretta is happy to see me enjoying my old ASA tour in Turkey.
-Loretta and I will be coming to the 2005 reunion in San Antonio.
Hope to see someone from my era.
-I'll write more as I remember it.
Thanks again for opening up a flood of long ago memories
COYLE, Henry N., (Chicken Hawk), YOB: 1937, US, E3-E5, 058, Tk#4,
Det 27, 60-FE62, (Dorothy), 5150 Wolfe Rd., Richmond, IN
765-962-9435, - Called Henry Coyle on 13 July
2005 and had a long chat with him. At first he thought that
someone was pulling a joke on him and answered my questions by
saying "that might be me." He finally opened up when I
ask him if his nickname at Manzarali was "chickenhawk".
His first question then was "who is this?" I then
explained that I had recently been in contact with a few of his
old ditty-bopper ex-ASAers who knew him at Site 23. From then the
conversation was free flowing with info. Said that he converted
his old Super-8 movies onto a VHS tape and that he will be
sending that tape to me to take and show at the 2005 San Antonio
reunion. Henry promised to write his memories of his tour at Det
EBY, Tom, YOB: 1936, US55609466, E3-E4, 058 BPED 7JA60 ETS
6AP62 DEROS 16MR62 Det 27, OC60-MR62, (Pam), 1330 Scottwood Ct.,
White Lake, MI 48383, 248-887-6063, -
[edited] In regards to your information on Colonel VanOosten in
the "TAPS" column of DOOL #151, I would
like to know where you got the information on Colonel Van Oosten.
I have been trying to trace him and now he has passed. From your
information he would be 94 years old and I am wondering if he has
a wife yet alive or other relatives that I might write to. Please
let me know if you have any information in that regard. I would
appreciate it. Remembers the time that he and Kermit Myer too a 2
week vacation to Athens. Said that he returned to Det 27 when the
leave expired, but that Kermit Myer was still in Athens. The
Watch Officer 2LT Bobby Mize asked where Myers was - and I told
him that Kermit Myer was afraid to come back. Mize wanted to know
what the problem was. I told him that kermit was deathy afraid of
flying. On the way to Athens Kermit laid face down in the netting
seats on the C-130 aircraft. Kermit finally shows up 2 weeks
AWOL, and his punishment was polishing the floors in Operations.
Does not think that the company knew anything about Kermit's AWOL
status. Kermit Myer at age 22 was an alcoholic. Tom promised to
write his memories of his TOUR at Det 27.
FRICKEY, Norm MAJ CDR Det 4-4, JA70-JL71, (Sharon), 816 West
St., Fort Morgan, CO 80701, 970-867-5364, -
[edited] I read #152 and viewed the pix's - you must have felt
like you had a long-haul truckers butt when you got back
home. I too did a similar excursion. In late May we
traveled (by car) to Fort Bragg to participate in All American
Week (the 82nd Airborne Division's annual heritage celebration)
and to re-unite with some members of the 358th ASA Company
(Abn)--the unit I commanded when we deployed to RVN following TET
in 1968. It was my first military reunion and it was a GREAT
experience. Like Det 4-4 it had excellent, dedicated, personnel
and, as usual, exceptional NCOs. It was good to chat about old
times -- we were lucky in that we went to VN as a unit and not as
individual replacements and therefore had some common ground. The
313th ASA Bn (the most decorated MI Unit in the Army) personnel
were great hosts and made us (they referred to us as alumni) feel
welcome. It was weird to be considered "vintage" -- our
vintage vehicles and equipment and our uniforms were on display
beside that currently being used. The grand finale of the week
was a div parade (15,000 +/- a combat team deployed to Iraq) and
"jump" demonstration at one of the many LZs. Several
hundred division alumni, including our small band, were the lead
element to pass in review -- we even upstaged SecDef Rumsfeld,
the guest speaker. From Fort Bragg - Sharon and I went on to
Myrtle Beach -- dipped our toes in the Atlantic Ocean before
returning to Denver stopping to visit daughter and grandkids in
Missouri. We washed our clothes and the car then drove to
Riverside, CA and vacationed with another daughter by dipping our
toes in the Pacific Ocean....all in all about 8,000 miles of fun
but I too had a numb butt when we finally got back to Fort
Morgan. The ASA Turkey reunions come at a bad time as my wife is
still teaching school and we can't get away -- but maybe someday.
Best to you. Norm Frickey
HARGUS, Julian (Zip) YOB: 1940 RA17577760 E3-E4 711 & 059 Det 27 DE60-SE62, (Linda), 400 Acorn Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109, 573-893-4267, - You have to be proud of those two grandkids. Great looking. Sorry I have not sent pictures but I can't get this ##$$%^ computer to send them. My son says that I'm doing something wrong but..... Linda and I sure enjoyed your short visit to Jefferson City and wish we could come to San Antonio but I had to cancel out. Thanks for all of the work keeping us informed about ASA Turkey vets. I know that everyone appreciates your dedication. zip
HILLIARD, Mike, YOB: 1942, RA17586325, E3-E5, 993.10, Det 4
& 4-2, 61-63, 9703 Greenwood, Rock Hill, MO 63119,
314-968-8149, - I should really try
and find the old 4-2
shoulder patch - If I can find it I'll send it, if not I'll
sketch it and perhaps you can reproduce them as well. "1001
Arabian Nights" with the FARonCon logo, (VQ2 Bat) between
two palms in a black starry sky over tan
desert sand, thin red boarder. Seen one? I also lost my Navy
flight jacket. Mike Hilliard
HOTTON, Phil YOB 1933 RA13503989 E3-E4 204 Det 4, AP55-MR56, 4745 Cardinal Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804, 410-742-1639, - Hello Elder, Audrey and I are delighted about your visiting Salisbury, MD. We are looking forward to taking you and Patty to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Besides good food, it has a river view. Please let me know as soon your plans firm up. Best regards, Phil
HOUGHTON, Jim, YOB: 1935, RA13492192, E4, 642/355, Det 4, MY56-MY57, (Sally), 124 Lindburgh Ave., Johnstown, PA 15905, 814-255-2431, - Hi Al, We are going to try and attend the San Antonio reunion. I just got called to a new Job as Executive Director of our Western PA Church Camp and I'm trying to get away for about two weeks so we can come down. Let you know soon. Jim & Sally
HULL, Larry G., E3-E5, 058, Det 27, 61-62. Has not been found. Had an apartment in Ankara that a lot of Trick#4 058's visited during break days. Jack Shade remembers Larry Hull as being involved with the first radio station at Manzarali. Anyone remember this? Others including Bill Cowie and Dick Rudell say that Larry Hull was from Parkersburg, WV and that he married a Turkish gal.
See cowie13 photo.
JONES, Herbert E (Ed) YOB 1944 RA18664602 E5 059 Det 27, OC62-MR65, (Florence), 30 Woodland Hills Dr., Bismarck, IL 61814, 217-759-7773, - We have registered and will see ya'all in September at San Antonio.
JUNKIN, Bill, YOB: 1939, US55671825, E3-E4, 058, Tk#4, Det 27,
60-MR62, 458 Novara Way, Oak Park, CA 91377, 818-889-3939, no
The junkin1 attachment was taken at Lake Golbosi in 1961. ID,
L-R: Bob Kennedy, Billy Junkin, Joe kelly, Gillis & Dan Levy.
The junkin2 attachment was taken in 1961 in Athens with Billy
Junkin on the left and his life-long friend Scooter Rizzetto on
the right. About 1 year after this photo was taken - Scooter was
in an auto accident and has been paralized from the neck down.
With that said - Scooter has adapted well and faithfully
contributes to the DOOL.
The junkin3 attachment is Billy Junkin and a 13 year old brat
named Betty Lathrup - who most Golbosi goers knew.
I've had Bill Junkin on my roster for a long time, but never got
around to calling him until 10 July 2005. I was reviewing Scooter
Rizzetto's DOOL entry where he ID's the guilty tree pullers at
Manzarali as his roommate and lifelong friend as Bill Junkin.
Many GI's were blamed including Harold Brookshire and Baby Huey.
Scooter told me that Junkin and Joe Kelly got boozed up at the
NCO Club and on their way back to the Trick 4 barracks broke or
yanked many of the newly planted trees out of the ground. It was
laughable at the time and Billy remembers being interrogated on a
daily basis trying to get him to confess that he pulled the the company commander, Captain Sprehe, who Billy
referred to as "Horse Face". Billy told me that he was
the FIRST draftee that was assigned to operations at Det 27. Said
that he, (Billy Junkin), Bob Kennedy and Scooter Rizzetto went to
Athens and bought a 1955 4-door Chevy and drove it back to
Istanbul. Chicken Hawk loaned the group money for the car. The
car had bald tires and they had to leave it in Istanbul in order
for it to be added to Junkins Ben Ami (customs) ledger. Later the
car was rented out to others at manzarali. One was 2LT Freddie
Frye who was dating a gal in Ankara. Bob Kennedy borrowed the car
and had an accident in Ankara. More later....
MacKINNON, Don YOB 1934 LTC XO Det 4, AU72-AU73, 7809 Walnut Tree Rd., Severn MD 21144, 410-969-7057, - [edited] Hi Elder......where in the world have you been? By the way...I won't be seeing you at the ASA picnic at Blobs Park this year. We're moving north! I leave on the 5th of August with a load of furniture for Bemidji, MN. We've decided to move further north...actually, our son lives there with his family and he's convinced us we should be there, too. I'll keep in touch...DO NOT send emails to the address until after 8 August. The phone number, as of the same date, will be 218-333-8895.
MAKAY, John J., RA16674427 E3-E5 058 Det 4, (Leigh-div), 6818
Fenwyck #10, Maumee, Ohio 43537 , 419-874-6669, -
See makay attachment which is current photo of John Makay.
Merhaba Abi, I left Sinop for Fort Hood TX. The Cuban Missle
Crisis moved me to Homestead AFB where I remained until I was
discharged at Fort Bragg. I entered the MA program in
Communication at Kent State Univ, got an MA in 1963 and headed
for Purdue to earn my doctorate. The doctorate was awarded in
1969, and my teaching career has taken me to Purdue's Calumet
Campus, the Univ of Maryland, the Ohio State Univ, the State
University of New York at Geneseo, and Bowling Green State Univ,
where I have been on the faculty as a full professor of
Communication Studies, since 1991. Been married twice, have 6
children and 5 grandkids. Leigh and I were divorced so there is
"me." I have moved to a condo: . Alahaismalidik, John
J. Makay, Ph.D. Professor, Dept of Interpersonal Communication,
Bowling Green State University
MALOOF, George, YOB: 1934, RA13685827, E4-E5, 058, Det 27,
60-62, (Francyne-dec), 3 Binks Hill Rd., Plymouth, NH 03264,
See maloof attachment which is photo of George Maloof taken in
1961 by Bill Junkin.
MANSFIELD, Roy D., YOB: 1942, RA15619816, E3-E4, 058, Tk#3, Det 27, OC61-FE63, (Sally), 3337 Bellehaven Ct, Cincinnati, OH 45248, 513-922-5139, per UO#10 dtd 26MR62
McPENCOW, Dennis P Det 27, 60-61, (Barbara), [edited] Address and email removed per his request. Elder, It seems you have been very busy with this business. I am not big on reunions in general, and the army was not a favorite time of my life. So please excuse me if I bow out and ask you to remove me from your list.
MULDER, Warren W., (Mo), YOB: 1937, RA17556695, E3-E5, 058, Tk#4 Det 27, JA61-SE62, (Cheryl-div), 255 5 St NE Apt 9, Primghar, IA 51245, 712-957-0821, no email
MULHOLLAND, Jim YOB: 1934 2Lt-1Lt Elint O Det 4, AP56-JN57, (Joan), 4702 Hedgewood, Bloomfield Hills. MI 48301, 248-855-9213, - [edited] Elder, the other night when I couldn't get to sleep, I remembered that you were going to order for me, and others, a Sinope Cap and shirt or ASA cap and shirt, not too sure which. Never heard. Although my memory lapses now and then, it seems to come back now and then. So, if these items are still available, I am still interested. We will not be coming to the 2005 reunion in San Antonio. Joan fell going down the basement, on May 17 and ruptured her quadcepts tendon and has been in a brace from the ankle all the way up the leg. Hopefully it will come off next week. Then many weeks of PT. Enjoyed your vacation pictures in DOOL#152. Looked like a great vacation.
NICHOLS, Gerald M (Marty) YOB 1932 RA13331886 E6 98J Co A, Det 4, 66-67 & E6-E7, 72-73, (Lucille), 130 Valencia Rd Rockledge, FL 32955, 321-636-0387, - Thanks for sending this. I enjoy reading these reports. I'll be 73 this coming September. I do recognize some of the names and I always look for ones I knew personally. SFC (Ret) Gerald M. Nichols Jr.{98J/05H} Twice at Det 4 Sinop: '67 and '72
PAPCIAK, Marion R YOB 1936 RA16508745, E5-E6 72B NCOIC C/C Det
4, 64-65, (Dolores), 40831 Jellico Dr., Sterling Hts, MI 48313,
586-247-7818, -
Here goes with my BIO:
Joined US Army 1 Aug 1955. Duty assignment were: Basic training
Fort Lost In the Woods, MO
AIT 72B school Fort Gordan, GA 1 Feb 1956
Assigned to 24th Inf. Div Signal Co Comm Center Mar 1956
Fort Myer, VA Pentagon Communication Center 1958
Separated as E5 72B40
Oct 1958 Assigned to 5th Army HQ Comm Center, 72B40 E-5 1959
Assigned to HQ Europe in Frankfort, HQ, 72B40 E-5 1962
Assigned to 303rd ASA Co, Fort Walters, TX comm Plt. 72B40 1963
Assigned to TUSLOG Det 4, Sinop, Turkey as NCOIC Comm Center, E-6
72B40 Sept. 1964
Assigned to Vint Hill Farms, VA , Comm Center, E-6 72B40 Oct 1965
Started at General Motors Nov 1965 Master Sgt Woods called me and
asked if I would like to come down and look at 524th ASA Co. USAR
Mar 1975 raised my right hand and repeat after me.
524th ASA Co. Comm Plt.Leader 1975
assigned to 524th ASA Co. as a TA, went to TA school Fort
Deven's, MA , Operation NCOIC
98C40 1976
524th ASA Co. as First Sergeant, 98Z5,
Attended 1st Sgt school Fort Deven's in 1977
Retired from the 524th ASA Co. as 1st Sgt 1997.
Started to combine the MI and ASA as one unit as a MI Blt.
After all these years I still remember my US Army serial Number
PRYOR, Vic, YOB: 1941, RA17542334, E4, 059, Det 27, AU60-JN62, (Pat), 1687 Leisure World, Mesa, AZ 85206, 480-924-2487, - Called on 16 July 2005.Will be attending the 2005 reunion in San Antonio. Promised to write a BIO for the DOOL.
RIZZETTO, Bob (Scooter), YOB: 1940, US52502902, E3-E4, 058, Tk#4, Det 27, 60-MR62, 1609 Schoenersville Rd., Bethlehem, PA 18018, 610-861-0220, - Elder, good talking to you again, in fact. it's always good talking to you. I met a bunch of great guys in Turkey, I'll always remember them. I'm gonna send you a picture of the Trick 4, flag football team taken in Sept. 1961, behind HQ's building. The only guy I can't remember is the right halfback. I think he lived Harrisburg. Scooter
ROBERTS, Floyd Edward YOB: 1938 RA16598704 E3-E4, 058 Det 4,
58, (Marilyn), 1995 11th Ave., Friendship, WI 53934,
608-339-9012, -[edited] I will not be attending
the 2005 ASA Turkey reunion. I have had a 4-day vacation in
Branson, MO paid for going on about five years and have not been
able to get away. I have never been to San Antonio, but if the
weather is hotter than it was at Camp Wolters, Texas, I doubt I
would enjoy going there. During the month of August, 1960, the
last whole month I spent there, the high temperature for each day
was never less than 100 degrees! We might have a temperature of
about 100 here in Wisconsin, a very rare occurrence, but I have
central air conditioning in our home (and I do not have to pull
KP in an army kitchen or lay out my equipment in the sun for a
STRAC exercise). I can relate to Det 4, TUSLOG, Sinop, Turkey;
however, I am at a loss to recognize Det 4-4 (the hyphenated
double 4). Is that a nomenclature that predated or postdated my
service there in 1958? I intend to wear the Det 4 cap for some
veterans functions. I am really just curious. [Det 4-4 was
activated at the close of Det 27.
4-4 was co-located with the USAF (Det 94) at Karamursel. Det 27
was the former HQ's of ASA in Turkey and when it closed Det 4
became the HQ's for ASA in Turkey, thus the 4-4 denomination.
There also was 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3, but except for 4-2, few vet's
have been found - at least not that many to have items made for
them.]- - -gH
ROBERTS, Tommy J (TJ) RA14889130 E5 05H Det 4-4, OC72-AP74,
(Jean Katherine-Kathy), POB 383, Hattiesburg, MS 39403,
601-544-2027 - [edited] Almost all of the Det
4-4 people I knew separated from the service. Not very many were
career soldiers like I was except for one I met again
approximately 10 years later. I never served with any of the
others ever again that I can recall and my memory is pretty good.
I joined the Army on August 12th 1965 soon after I was 18 years
old on Aug 6th. I Went to Fort Jackson, SC for Basic then on to
Fort Devens for AIT for 058 or 05H training from Oct 65 to May
66. Went to the 8TH RRFS RVN Phu Bai Vietnam from May 66 to Dec
67. Then I was assigned to TWO ROCK RANCH (believe it was the 2nd
FS) in Petaluma, CA from Feb 68 to Oct 69. From there I went to
the 83rd RRSOU in Bangkok, Thailand for one year when we closed
down and all Operation personnel were sent to the 7th RRFS in
Udorn, Thailand. I was there from Oct 70 to Oct 71. I was
assigned to the 358th ASA Co. 313th ASA BN at Fort Bragg from 71
to OCT 72 where I got my orders for TUSLOG DET 4-4 from OCT 72
till OCT 74. I was a SP5 by the time I got there. I did get to go
to Sinop for a Promotion Board appearance and know what it was
like up on top of that Mountain. After Turkey I went to ALAMO
Station at San Antonio, TX (Kelly AFB) and was there from 74 till
77 then assigned to FS Korea in Pyongteak or Camp Humpreys from
77 till 78 then reassigned back to ALAMO station San Antonio. I
was then assigned to the 340th ASA Co (HHT REGIMENT 11th ACR) in
Fulda, Germany from 1980 to Dec1983. My Last assignment was Fort
Devens where I was a Senior Instructor Supervisor (SFC) until my
Retirement on Sept. 1, 1985. We have three children, all grown,
and we have been married 38 years as of Dec 2005. Of course
during many of my Stateside assignments I went to various NCO,
NCOES and etc Temporary duties. Anyway its great being able to
communicate with someone who knows what being assigned to a
Detachment is LOL. Later. T.J. Roberts
ROFF, Bill, YOB: 1945, RA19857817, E3-E5, C/C, Det 27, JL66-DE67, (Donna), 239 N Aliso, Ventura, CA 93001, 805-643-6216, - Will draft BIO and send to me regarding his Tour of Duty at Det 27.
RUDELL, Richard (Dick) YOB 1942 RA19647399 E3-E5 058 Det 27,
29MY60-11JL62, (Linda), 11555 Killimore Ave., Northridge, CA
91326, 818-363-6567, -
See cowie3 for a photo of PFC Dick Rudell smiling and standing
outside the Trick#4 barracks in his khaki uniform.
[edited] Al - It was great talking to you - I was really
surprised to hear someone address me in Turkish - I still
remember a little - Nasilsenez, esak, güle-güle, alasmaladik,
oskara, --- hey it's all coming back. My daughter, who is going
into her last year at Pepperdine Law School returned home from
London while we were talking. She was there for 6 weeks on a
summer school internship program. She was about, in her words,
"two tube stops away" from the bombings of last week.
She said that made a miserable experience even more miserable.
Also, I was unable to do anything with my computer that night
because earlier that day I had cataract surgery and was going
through a miserable recovery. Now I can see.
A few names Det 27, APO 254, have popped into my head since we
talked - Clark Andridge, who passed away 20 November 2004, was,
like myself a ex-058 and a LAPD cop - however I didn''t know him
on the job - we worked the same patrol division at different
times and knew a lot of the same people. He was medically retired
from the LAPD in 1987 with heart problems. He arrived in Turkey
just about the time I was leaving. He and Vic Pryor were good
friends. Another ex-058 from Manzarali and a Lieutenant on the
LAPD is Ken Lady. At one time he was in charge of the LAPD
shooting investigation team.
Can you do anything with these:
Don Norris; Larry Braho (PA); Jack Shade (PA); John Biehl, San
Bernardino, CA; Gordon Lief, N.J.; Bob Bochiccio (sp), Brooklyn
N.Y.; Charlie Parker one heck of a scotch drinking lifer) -
roomed with Dave
Laddusire. One night Laddusire got drunk and punched Robert
McPhee in the mouth, freeing a tooth. I think McPhee was from
California maybe Napa - he played the trumpet. Laddusire, like
Charlie (four finger) Parker had re-upped and were T/A trained.
William Dale (Bill) Harris, Duluth MN. lived in Burbank, CA.,
worked at Lockheed, had a part as an extra in 'MAD MAD MAD MAD
World" joined the Merchant Marine, last known to be in
Seattle, WA.; Mike Hancock, Hollywood, CA., tall gangly guy, very
funny, I last saw him about 1966 when Don (Waco) Borders came to
visit, last known to be a studio make-up artist in Las Vegas;
Brian Hennessey who got to Det 27 just before my DEROS; Larry
Thomas, (teen idol singer) PA; Larry G. Hull (another teen idol
singer, married a young Turk girl while we were there) Hull had a
apartment in Ankara where a lot of us trick 4'ers crashed while
on break. I think he was from Parkersburg, WVA; Harlan White,
(skinny musician -drummer) from New Orleans; Bobbie Eugene
Delmore, played guitar, uke and other stuff
accompanying Don Borders with bawdy songs and backroom ballads. I
believe that Delmore's folks had a newspaper somewhere in GA;
(remember Lupe?) Sidney Skutt, didn't know much about him-
Everyone on Manzarali knew Joseph Patrick Kelly, Scooter
Rizzetto, Bob Kennedy from Philadelphia, PA Kennedy lost a leg
shortly after getting his DD-214 - was pushing a car on the PA
turnpike and got hit from behind. Bill Junkin - originally from
Carthage, MO, but now living in Oak Park, CA - I keep promising
myself to contact him; Rich (Dick) Gorsky, from NYC - a baseball
trivia expert. His Dad worked as a janitor at Madison Square
Garden), Russ Davis - a big jolly black GI from Chicago who had
arms the size of my thighs; Robert "Wally" Wallace from
NYC (crisco and snowflake), Dan Levy from LA (we called him
Boogie cause he was always picking his nose), Don Theriot from
New Orleans, John Dompkowski (sp) - medic later sent to Det 4 -
was from NH, CN , or maybe VT; John Rowell, older (then) who was
one hell of a ball pitcher; Warren 'Mo" Mulder from IA;
Harold Hudgins - I don't know where he was from - was prematurely
gray - went to OCS from Det. 27- I think he also got punched out
by Dave Laddusire - oh yeah, I also remember Laddusire would keep
us entertained some evenings by eating broken glass - Some
Officers and NCOs: I remember are Master Sgt Robert Young- he
left shortly after I got there; M/Sgt Joseph C. (Jesus Christ)
DiCaprio; Mack Shoats, a black Sgt and the 058 Trick 4 Trick
Chief and probably the best 058's at Det 27 - who had the first
Ray Charles album I ever heard; Sgt.Albert Z (nobody knew what
the 'Z' stood for) Simmons from TN. He was the Trick 4 Watch NCO;
2LT Robert Mize, the Trick 4 Watch Officer and 2LT Freddy Frye
(KY) - two young OCS grads who lucked out and wound up in Turkey;
and, of course, Capt Alvin H. Sprehe, the Ops Company commander.
I think Billy Junkin called him "Horse Face". How could
I forget Roger Browder from San Francisco, who at 5 foot 3 we
called the "Little Tailor". He bought a sewing machine
at the PX and sewed our stripes on and tailored our fatigues. I
believe that Harold Probert was his protector. Another
unforgetable GI was Henry "Chicken Hawk" Coyle from
Richmond, IN - the best gambler on Site 23. Another was the bald
re-up gambler named Sgt. 'Doc' Carlton; I remember Bill Cowie
from the Show Me State - who fell in love with Vicki Buettel, a
Air Force brat, whose Dad was a USAF Major and C-130 MATS pilot
stationed at TUSLOG Det 30.. There was Larry Foss (tall and thin)
from the Seattle, WA area who was into hot rods and drag racing.
Also I remember a very intelligent, quiet GI from Florida named
Bill Reynolds. In his spare time he had his nose in a USAFE
course or book. He probably became a senator, or something
similar. Daniel Zanvetter from San Francisco, CA who had a
theatre/dancing background before he joined the ASA. There was
another GI, Van something from San Francisco, very scholarly
type-dark hair-Comm Center GI, I think) can't think of his name;
I do remember a re-upper by the name of George Harter who seldom
used the showers. At the Manzarali NCO Club was the Turk manager
that nearly everyone called 'Moose', short for Mustafa. Rumor had
it that he was into blackmarketing and just might have been a
planted spy. I still haven't had a chance to dig into my 'stuff'.
I remember the donkey (Ay-shack) that freely roamed Manzarali and
often begged beer outside the NCO Club and often was drunk. Well,
towards the end of my 058 stint at Manzarali the Turk cooks
decided that Ay-shack who often visited the mess hall area for
handouts - needed a cleaning - so they steam cleaned it and damn
near scalded it to death., not to mention burning most of its
hide off. I vividly remember the poor ay-shack grazing out behind
the NCO Club with all of the open sores hanging out. It kind of
made me want to drink more beer. I'm having a brain seizure right
now thinking of all these happenings during my Turkey tour at Det
27. There was MacDonald, the re-up phycho who played football at
LSU and usually started the fights we had with the Air Force
Zoomies when we went to the NCO Club in downtown Anakara. I
remember we all spent extended tours because the East
Germans/Russians began erecting the Berlin Wall - I spent 25
months on a 17 month tour, but now looking back enjoyed that time
in my youth. Anyone remember the GI from Det 66 who was killed in
a icky-pa-chuk crash while returning from a outing at Lake
Golbosi? There was a GI we called "wombat" at Det 27. I
think his name was Stanley Hamilton. He was from a wealthy family
that manufactured office furniture. I remember a linguist named
Ted Kotzin from Torrance, CA whose Dad owned the Kotzin clothing
line. Also, I have a photo disc of my old slides that I put
together when Borders was alive and shared with him. Has some
neat pictures on it with some folks that I'm sure some of the
ex-27'ers can I.D. I'll copy it and send it to you. I'm busy,
busy, with my T-bird and a full time job to keep me busy. You
know what - they don't have one - NOT ONE Motorola R-390A radio
receiver to listen to, and not one - NOT ONE Underwood Mill
typewriter to copy dits and dahs on. What the heck kind of Comm
Center is this? Aaahhhgghgh!!! I'll think of more names and try
to dig out some memorabilia with names, photos etc. I have to go
to Sacramento for a weeklong training program - Being a cop for
the great state of California it never stops - short notice-gotta
pack and make reservations, etc. Gonna be hot. Just like
Manzarali Station. Çok sijak. (choke sijack), De ja vu. Güle
Güle and Alasmaladik Dick Rudell - Trick 4- 058 RA 196-47-399
(Laundry mark 7399)
SACK, Bob, YOB: 1939, RA, Det 4, Det 4, 68-69, (Sue), 1088
Aubin Rd., Walla Walla, WA 99362, 509-522-1108, - Please note our email change. See you in
San Antonio, TX in September 2005.
SAGE, Jim, YOB: 1942, RA16657274, SGT E-5, 722 Det 4, JN62-JN63,
(Janet), 8197 Irish Rd., Millington, MI 48746 989-871-3758 - Jim up-dated his MASTER ROSTER entry and
wrote: "I'm retired from the old AC Spark Plug in Flint,
Michigan where I was a experimental metal model maker and a
toolmaker. I spent 34.7 years at AC. I'm currently adding on to
our home and remodeling the rest of the house. My main hobby is
kayaking and my wife and I have 13 kayaks with which we run
rivers and do sea kayaking. Take care and I hope to meet you
someday soon. Sincerely, Jim Sage
SCREWS, Eldon D., YOB: 1933, RA, E7, 05K Ops Sgt, Det 4, JL68-OC68 & 4-3, NO68-JA69, Det 4, FE69-JL69, (Bobbie), PO Box 127, Holly Bluff, MS 30988, 662-828-3212, - [edited] Kinda been out of the loop for some time because of medical problems but just have been catching up on my DOOL reading. You sure do a fine job and I don't have the words to adequatley express my concern and appreciation. Again, Thanks for the job that you do and I sure enjoy reading the DOOL gossip. I was in ASA 3 times with tours in SigC, Inf, & QM. I see so many names of some fine people that served at some of the same places that I did. Outside ASA I served at Jackson, MS; Verdun, France; Fort Ord, CA; and 7th CAV in Pajuri, Korea, In ASA I hit VHFS, AHS, Hq ASA Alaska & Kenai, Frankfurt, Devens, 3 times, Sinop, TRRS & was detailed to those wonderful people at Langley, VA in Taipei, on my last overseas tour.
SHADE, Jack L YOB 1941 RA13666484 E3-E5 059 Det 27, 60-62,
(Gerna), 181 Old Park Rd., Lewistown, PA 17044, 717-242-0824, [edited] I remember another Det 27 name.
Melvin U Ray. He was colored and was one of the men who made Sgt
E-5 not SP5. Roy DesRuisseaux remembers the tree incident, but
not who the guilty 058's were and that the MPs didn't have to do
tree duty since they were already "guards". I remember
the tree incident at Manzarali that resulted in tree guard duty.
I read where Harold Brookshire and Baby Huey were questioned by
the Hqs 'spooks' who thought that it was them who did it. I never
gave it much thought, but had a GI named McDonnell who broke the
newly planted trees after an evening of drinking at the NCO club.
Now I find out that it was Bully Junkin and Joe Kelly who did it.
I can still taste the grilled cheese sandwiches and of course I
remember Mustafa (Moose) who called me sha-day. He was the
Turkish manager at the Manzarali NCO club I forgot to tell you
that my brother was going to college when I got out and I said go
to ROTC and get your commission. He did and retired from the Air
Force after 30 years as a full Colonel. He actually spent a lot
of time at air bases in Turkey and Bulgaria with the US Embassy.
He told me that he was at Manzarali and that it was a
seismagraphic station to monitor earthquakes.
SHIRLEY, Bob, civilian, Det 4, 68, (Kim), 7 Darr Rd., Heath,
TX 75032, - Bob Shirley ordered some Det 4
merchandise and in his letter mentioned that he has assembled
some photo's of his TUSLOG Det 4 tour on "The Hill" at and also wrote that if
interested in what he did just prior to spending 509 days in the
Black Sea area.... visit:
I did and immediately assumed that Bob Shirley was a LTJG while
at Det 4. After exchanging emails - found that Bob Shirley was a
LTJG in the USNR and spent only one tour in the US Navy and was
the Officer in Charge of a 6-man Swift Boat Crew denominated
PCF45 in 1967-68. His crew were young Americans trying to do
their duty and serve their country in the best way they knew how.
All in their twenties and most were in their first enlistment in
the Navy. Each had served one or more seagoing tours in the fleet
before volunteering for Swift Boats, and were well prepared for
the tasks they were asked to perform. It was an honor for him to
be associated with young American men of such caliber, dedication
and enthusiasm and was the primary reason he posted the SWIFT
BOAT web site. We can all relate to John Kerry and his Swift Boat
contentions in RVN. I recommend that ya'all view the two above
mentioned website of Bob Shirley. Bob Shirley writes: "My
first assignment as a civilian was to Sinop as part of the
E-Systems team supporting Bankhead/Hippodrome starting at the end
of 1968 until 1970. I was welcomed into the ASA group and treated
as if I was a "real" military spook: In addition to my
activities out at the site on the end of the peninsula, I also
accomplished some "charity work" at the main operations
site and even "fixed" such non-spook stuff as the
tropo-telephone radios and the aircraft beacon over at the
airport. For my trouble in being such a good fellow and
samaritan, I was bitten by Roland, the poor Eshak that the MPs
kept caged in between the double perimeter fence. As a result, of
this "wound," I think his death warrant was issued by
"higher command." No Purple Heart for either of us! I
continued my civilian ASA support duties after leaving the
paradise on the Black Sea by running the civilian team for the
ARDF program in Vietnam. So ASA is definitely in my blood. Just
didn't wear olive drab during those years. Thanks for the good
thoughts tho San Antone is a MAYBE
PS: The only two Navy spooks I ever knew were my office mate at
E-Systems, Angelo Strano of Pueblo fame, and more recently Chief
Troy Jenkins who did some message analysis of the tomes sent out
by a recent a not-so-swift presidential candidate. (Troy DOES
live in San Antonio)
email to Jim Phillips from Bob Shirley:
Easy to remember, because the first thing we saw when we got to
the base was the Stars and Stripes headline that Robert Kennedy
had been shot
You (Jim Phillips) obviously reached Sinop a few months before
me. All that took place as I was waiting for to be cleared for
access to go to Sinop. World events do make for convenient
milestones when you are so far removed from
"civilization." .... for example: To combat the tedium
and isolation in Sinop, I ordered a Heathkit Shortwave Radio kit
& assembled it in my dorm room. As a result I took some
"guff" from the ASA guys for the trap dipole that I
then installed on the roof. But it was great to be able to get
news and music from VOA and BBC (plus others) directly in my
room. In July of 1969, I had an SRO crowd join me while we
listened as the "One small step for man ..." audio come
crystal clear to the Black Sea. As Garrison Keeler sez:
"Radio is quite preferable to TV. The pictures are a lot
more vivid!!" ! These even out did the video we all watched
at Hippodrome on occasion from the "other guys." The
only fly in the ointment listening to the moon landing was a
young {idiot} 2nd Lt Sig Corps officer that burst into the room
just as we heard "Left, moving a little right ..." and
began shoving a set of pistols he had recently bought in town
into everyone's face for "approval." {JEEZ!!} To show
you what a small world it is, about two years later, as I was
kicking up red dust from my Honda vehicle entering Long
Thanh covert airfield in SVN, this same 2nd Lt flags me down to
remind me that we served together in Sinop. Oh great! Sorry that
I was not part of the NSG Detachment. I am sure your group was
unique. Surrounded as it was by a gaggle of ASA types. The Sinop
web page was just me foolin' around with the same format that I
use for my more (much more) extensive web site on Swift Boats. It
was never intended to be anything other than a way to answer my
friend's questions about what "509 days and a wake up"
in the wilds of Turkey was like: Rather quiet compared to the
wilds of SEA!! So I would appreciate your giving the page an
"SI Clearance" status: ie stealth is the key word.
{Plagiarism is NOT a crime on the internet. But it can be a tad
embarrassing when subjected to bright lights!} Thanks
Best Regards .... Bob S
SHOATS, Mack Jr., YOB: 1932, AF/RA12330897, SP2, 058, Tk#4, Det
4, 58-59, E6, 058 Det 27, 60-62, (Mae), 2795 Pendant Pl, Decatur,
GA 30034, 404-241-3371, Ret E8. Dick Rudell
remembered Mack Shoats name and I found Shoats on switchboard.
Called him on 16 July 2005 and discovered that he served at Sinop
and also at Manzarali. Mack enlisted in the USAF in November 1950
at New York City. Took basic at Lackland AFB in San Antonio then
sent to Kessler AFB in Biloxi, MS for ditty-bop training and was
assigned to the Air Force Security Service. His first assignment
was to Bremerhaven, Germany where he arrived via ship. Was
discharged after that assignment and after a short civilian tour
decided to re-up, but this time in the US Army. At that time
(1954-55) the ditty-boppers were assigned to the Signal Corps and
Shoats was sent to Fort Huachuca, AZ after taking basic at Fort
Gordon, GA. In 1954 the INTEL collection was taken away from the
SigC and while Sgt Shoats was at Fort Huachuca - the ASA took
over responsibility for ELINT and COMINT - related electronic
countermeasures (ECM) from the Signal Corps and now he was a
member of the ASA. The change eliminated duplication of
facilities and allowed for proper integration of SIGINT with
ELINT. The term SIGINT was now used to refer to both of these
functions. This mission transfer was delayed for a short time
until Mack Shoats was transferred to the Army Security Agency and
had his clearance level upgraded. This was the beginning of ASA
in a Army-wide change and the ASA became the U.S. Army Security
Agency (USASA) on 1 January 1957. Concurrently, its fixed field
stations, which previously had been known as numbered Army
administrative units in the 8600 series, acquired new
designations as numbered USASA field stations. In 1958 Mack
Shoats was sent to Det 4 in Sinop, Turkey. Like many others he
had to ride in the back of a deuce and a half from Ankara to
Sinop. Said that it was a long, bumpy, dusty and terrible ride to
the isolated outpost on the hill called Det 4. Didn't have time
to mention many names during the chat, but did mention Court
Guerin and Jon Kjoller and Lt Bert Slessinger who many years
later ran into while interviewing for a CIA job. After Sinop was
posted at Two Rock Ranch for a year or so before getting orders
for another Turkey assignment, this time at Det 27. Said that he
was part of the first morse operators who worked in the Det 27
operations building.
SOLOMON, Edward A 33B/33F E3-E5 Det 4 68-69, 9230 Lakeview Dr., Foley, AL 36535, 251-955-1999, - [edited] Here is my new contact information since I am retiring from Regions bank this week. Looking forward to the next get together. Ed Solomon
TILNEY, Ralph (the Eternal Weed), YOB: 1946, RA16988433,
E3-E5, 98C, Det 27 and 4-4 67-69, (Shirley), 1304 Doonesbury Dr.,
Austin, TX 78758, 512-833-5906, - Hi Green
Hornet, I remember Rick Clark very well. He was (and likely still
is) a genuine piece of work, always could be counted on for a
slightly off topic remark that kept things in perspective. Rick
spent some time on the Northern edge of our AO and handled it
very well. Seems the Col there valued competence over
"yes-siring." If I recall correctly, Rick came to the
371st (October 69?) a little after you left (August 69), so maybe
that's why you don't remember each other. Though you once told me
you didn't remember me. Rick probably also remembers Danny
Madison. Madison also did a tour in Karamursel, starting towards
the end of your watch. He took over my interest in Kiev (RMP)
when I left. I occasionally talk or e-mail with both Mike
and the Duck, Gary Dunnam. The Duck is planning on attending the
San Antonio shindig. I am hoping to be hip-deep in a new business
(Orthopedic footwear) by then, so my attendance is doubtful.
Cheers, Ralph
VITALE, Tony Det 4, 59-60, - Thanks
for all the work you do on DOOL Elder. Those of us that were
stationed in Turkey appreciate your efforts. Tony Vitale