From: "Elder RC Green"
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #140
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 22:17:17 -0400
This newsletter is intended for the use of the ASA TURKEY
Veteran's. The internet has become so outlandishly unreal that
any disclaimer about this newsletter would be redundant. Your
memoirs are most welcome to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES and is an
effort on my part to preserve the stories and
memories of ASA veterans who served in Turkey. Certainly it
brings all ASA Vet's closer and it is my goal is to collect and
to preserve the stories -- that we honor the ASA Turkey veterans
and that we educate future generations about what it was like for
us COLD WAR veteran's. When sending an email to me - PLEASE
include the word ASA in the subject line to insure that I open it
and not mistake it for SPAM. Please send along a foto with your
BIO that will be included in the DOOL.Go to to
view the foto's in their proper sequence thanks be to Bill
Simons, the Det 4 webmaster.
GREEN, Elder RC (gH), DOB: 1936, RA13513638, E7, 982/98C, Det 27,
1-15MY61, Det 120, MY-JL65, Det 27, JN66-OC67 & Det 4-4,
OC67-NO68, (Patty), 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA 15701,
Interesting facts about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the
Sentinels of the Third United States Infantry Regiment "Old
1. How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the
tomb of the Unknowns and why?
21 steps; It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the
highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.
2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his
return walk and why?
21 seconds, for the same reason as answer number 1.
3. Why are his gloves wet?
His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the
4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time, and
if not, why not?
No, he carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb.
After his march across the path, he executes an about face and
moves the rifle to the outside shoulder.
5. How often are the guards changed?
Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day,
365 days a year.
6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?
For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb; he must be
between 5' 10" and 6' 2" tall and his waist size cannot
exceed 30".
Other requirements of the Guard:
They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a
barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off
They cannot swear in public FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES and
cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tomb in any way.
After TWO YEARS, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on
their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There
are only 400 presently worn.
The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their lives or
give up the wreath pin.
The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the
heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that
extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as
they come to a halt.
There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards dress
for duty in front of a full-length mirror.
The first SIX MONTHS of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor
watch TV.
All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid
to rest in Arlington National Cemetery.
A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred.
Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis {the boxer}
and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, {the most decorated
soldier of WWII} of Hollywood fame.
Every guard spends FIVE HOURS A DAY getting his uniforms ready
for guard duty.
The Sentinels Creed:
My dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted. In
the responsibility bestowed on me, never will I falter. And with
dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection.
Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of
the elements, I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best
of my ability. It is he who commands the respect I protect. His
bravery, that made us so proud.
Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day alone in the thoughtful
peace of night, this soldier will in honored glory rest under my
eternal vigilance.
More Interesting facts about the Tomb of the Unknowns itself:
The marble for the Tomb of the Unknowns was furnished by the
Vermont Marble Company of Danby, Vt. The marble is the finest and
whitest of American marble, quarried from the Yule Marble Quarry
located near Marble, Colorado and is called Yule Marble. The
Marble for the Lincoln memorial and other famous buildings was
also quarried there.
The Tomb consists of seven pieces of rectangular marble:
Four pieces in sub base; weight B- 15 tons;
One piece in base or plinth; weight B- 16 tons;
One piece in die; weight B- 36 tons;
One piece in cap; weight B- 12 tons;
Carved on the East side (the front of the Tomb, which faces
Washington, D.C.) is a composite of three figures, commemorative
of the spirit of the Allies of World War I.
In the center of the panel stands Victory (female).
On the right side, a male figure symbolizes Valor.
On the left side stands Peace, with her palm branch to reward the
devotion and sacrifice that went with courage to make the cause
of righteousness triumphant.
The north and south sides are divided into three panels by Doric
In each panel is an inverted wreath.
On the west, or rear, panel (facing the Amphitheater) is
The first Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was a sub base and a base
or plinth. It was slightly smaller than the present base. This
was torn away when the present Tomb was started Aug. 27, 1931.
The Tomb was completed and the area opened to the public 9:15
a.m. April 9, 1932, without any ceremony.
Cost of the Tomb: $48,000
Sculptor: Thomas Hudson Jones
Architect: Lorimer Rich
Contractors: Hagerman & Harris, New York City
Inscription: Author Unknown
(Interesting Commentary)
The Third Infantry Regiment at Fort Myer has the responsibility
for providing ceremonial units and honor guards for state
occasions, White House social functions, public celebrations and
interments at Arlington National Cemetery and standing a very
formal sentry watch at the Tomb of the Unknowns.
The public is familiar with the precision of what is called
"walking post" at the Tomb. There are roped off
galleries where visitors can form to observe t he troopers and
their measured step and almost
mechanically, silent rifle shoulder changes. They are relieved
every hour in a very formal drill that has to be seen to be
Some people think that when the Cemetery is closed to the public
in the evening that this show stops. First, to the men who are
dedicated to this work, it is no show. It is a "charge of
honor." The formality
and precision continues uninterrupted all night. During the
nighttime, the drill of relief and the measured step of the
on-duty sentry remain unchanged from the daylight hours.
To these men, these special men, the continuity of this post is
the key to the honor and respect shown to these honored dead,
symbolic of all unaccounted for American combat dead. The steady
rhythmic step in rain, sleet, snow, hail, heat and cold must be
uninterrupted. Uninterrupted is the important part of the honor
Recently, while you were sleeping, the teeth of hurricane Isabel
came through this area and tore hell out of everything. We had
thousands of trees down, power outages, traffic signals out,
roads filled with downed limbs and "gear adrift"
debris. We had flooding and the place looked like it had been the
impact area of an off-shore bombardment.
The Regimental Commander of the U.S. Third Infantry sent word to
the nighttime Sentry Detail to secure the post and seek shelter
from the high winds, to ensure their personal safety.
During winds that turned over vehicles and turned debris into
projectiles, the measured step continued. One fellow said
"I've got buddies getting shot at in Iraq who would kick my
butt if word got to them that we let them down. I sure as hell
have no intention of spending my Army career being known as the
idiot who couldn't stand a little light breeze and shirked his
duty." Then he said something in response to a female
reporters question regarding silly purposeless personal risk...
"I wouldn't expect you to understand. It's an enlisted man's
thing." God bless the rascal... In a time in our nation's
history when spin and total b.s. seem to have become the accepted
coin-of-the-realm, there beat hearts - the enlisted hearts we all
knew and were so proud to be a part of - that fully understand
that devotion to duty is not a part-time occupation. While we
slept, we were represented by some fine men who fully understood
their post orders and proudly went about their assigned
responsibilities unseen, unrecognized and in the finest tradition
of the American Enlisted Man.
Folks, there's hope. The spirit that George S. Patton, Arliegh
Burke and Jimmy Doolittle left us ... survives.
On the ABC evening news, it was reported recently that, because
of the dangers from Hurricane Isabel approaching Washington, DC,
the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of
the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the
assignment. They refused. "No way, Sir!"
Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical
storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an
assignment; it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a
service person. The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7,
since 1930.
Very, very proud of our soldiers in uniform!
[edited] Elder, Thanks for the info. This shit is really
rigorous. I had no idea. I could never even entertain the idea of
doing it myself. (nor could have in my younger days, not man
enough, I guess).See you. Tom
It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN, not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.
The 2004 ASA TURKEY REUNION at Huntsville, Alabama
16-18 September 2004
The Marriott Hotel-Resort-Suites will host the 2004 ASA Turkey
Reunion. Their address is Five Tranquility Base, Huntsville, AL
35805. Rooms will be $70.00 per night. An 11% state lodging tax
and a city surcharge of $1.00 per room per night will be added to
your bill. This price is good for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
(16-18 Sept) nights only. You may make your reservation by
calling 1-888-299-5174 or 256-830-2222. When you call in, you
must mention that you are coming for the ASA Turkey Reunion. If
you would like to arrive early or stay later than these three
days call Mrs Monica Yearick at 256-830-2222 ext 6100 and she
will work with you on a rate other than the normal rate of
$139.00. The normal rates for this time of year are Singles
$139.00 + and Parlor 275.00. For additional information go to or contact Ernie Carrick at
Following have indicated or have made reservation for the
BOWREY, Bradley & Helen
CARRICK, Ernest & Betty - PAID
DAVIDGE, Gordon F.
DUBICKI, Walter L. & Beverly- PAID
ELDRIDGE, Frank M. & Arlie A. - PAID
ELSBERRY, George P. & Darby Ann
ERICKSON, Ron & Kathy, Det 27
GREEN, Elder RC & Patty
HAMMETT, Stuart & Rita
HANNAH, James R. & Mary
JONES, Herbert (Ed) & Florence
SINOR, Walter & Betty
TAVERNETTI, David E. & Sue
TESCHKER, Chuck & Penny
See Arlington Hall Station attachment
The 1941-42 edition of the Arlington Hall Junior College brochure
boasted to prospective applicants of a 100-acre campus offering
". . .interesting variety with its open lawns, landscaped
gardens, and wooded sections." Twenty-seven years later,
Arlington Hall, no longer a school for refined young ladies but
Headquarters of the Army Security Agency, retains the sylvan
setting of "interesting variety" that so moved the
brochure writer. Arlington Hall Station, an 87 acre installation
located in Arlington, Virginia, four miles from downtown
Washington, D.C. on Arlington Boulevard. Inside is the
nerve-center for ASA operations around the world. Most ASA lifers
remember the yellow-brick classic colonial building and the
concert grand piano and a pipe organ on the first floor. On 14
June 1942, 2LT Scott G. Runkle and a guard detail of 14 enlisted
SIS men took possession of the deserted property. 2LT Runkle
carried a .45 pistol while the enlisted men toted sawed-off broom
sticks in lieu of rifles, which were in short supply at that
time. By 1945 the majority of military and civilian personnel at
Arlington Hall were employed by the Armed Forces Security Agency
(AFSA). The Army component of AFSA, the Signal Security Agency,
was redesignated the 9420th TSU Signal Security Agency in
February 1945, and later became the Army Security Agency on 15
September 1945. For 32 years, Arlington Hall served as the
headquarters of ASA units and operations around the world. The
U.S. Army has supported its fighting forces with signals
intelligence since World War I. The first permanent organization
to do this was established in 1930 as the Signal Intelligence
Service. During World War II, the SIS (renamed the Signal
Security Service in 1943 and later the Signal Security Agency -
SSA) exploited the communications of both Germany and Japan,
shortening the war and saving many thousands of American lives.
The SSA was reorganized as the Army Security Agency (ASA) at
Arlington Hall Station, Virginia, on 15 September 1945. Operating
under the command of the Director of Military Intelligence, the
new agency had a sweeping charter. It exercised control functions
through a vertical command structure. ASA established a worldwide
chain of fixed sites - "field stations" - while
maintaining large theater headquarters in the Far East and in
In 1949, all three military cryptologic services were centralized
under the new Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA), the precursor
of today's National Security Agency. ASA transferred most members
of its large civilian headquarters staff to AFSA in this process.
However, because of the need once again to support troops in
actual combat in the Korean War, ASA again expanded, deploying
tactical units on a large scale to support the Army in combat.
For the first time, ASA grew to include groups and battalions in
its force structure.
In 1955, ASA took over electronic intelligence (ELINT) and
electronic warfare functions previously carried out by the Signal
Corps. Since its mission was no longer exclusively identified
with intelligence and security, ASA was withdrawn from G-2
control and resubordinated to the Army Chief of Staff as a field
operating agency.
In the 1960s, ASA was again called upon to assist U.S. forces in
the field. On 13 May 1961, the first contingent of Army Security
Agency personnel arrived in South Vietnam (setting up an
organization at Tan Son Nhut Air Base) to provide support to the
U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group and help train the South
Vietnamese Army. During the early years of conflict, ASA troops
in Vietnam were assigned to the 3rd Radio Research Unit. The
primary mission was to locate Viet Cong transmitters operating in
the south. This mission was in its early stages when one of
several DF (056) operators, SP4 James T. Davis, was killed, while
operating a jeep-based PRC-10 DF unit, in a Viet Cong ambush on a
road outside Saigon. The date of the ambush, 22 December 1961,
made Davis the first American soldier to lose his life during the
Vietnam War. The death of Davis brought home to ASA the dangers
to proceeding into the jungle with 056's and their short-range DF
equipment. The answer was to go airborne and by March 1962 the
first airborne DF platform, a single-engine aircraft that flew
low, slow, and had room for only a few ASA operators. Within
days, the unit was known as TWA (Teeny Weeny Airlines).
With the introduction of large U.S. ground combat elements into
South Vietnam in 1965, the ASA organization in-country expanded.
The 3rd RRU was replaced by the 509th Radio Research Group, which
commanded three battalions and company-size direct support units
assigned to all Army divisions. One of the 509th's subordinate
battalions was the 224th Aviation Battalion (Radio Research),
which pioneered in the introduction of Special Electronic Mission
Aircraft (SEMA) to the battlefield. At the height of the war, the
509th radio Research Group commanded some 6,000 ASA personnel
in-country. Meanwhile, the agency itself had greatly expanded,
reaching a strength of 30,000 and attaining the status of a major
Army field command in 1964.
Army Security Agency support in country expanded as well. At the
height of the war effort, the agency's 509th Radio Research
Group, which had replaced the 3d Radio Research Unit, commanded a
fixed field station at Phu Bai; the 224th Aviation Battalion
(Radio Research); the 303d and 313th Radio Research Battalions,
each attached to an Army field force; a communications security
company; and some twenty direct support units (DSUs) attached to
divisions and brigades.9 Other ASA assets positioned in Thailand
and the Philippines also supported the cryptologic effort.
However, the massive drawdown of the Army after the Vietnam War
led to pressures to achieve economies by the consolidation of
intelligence functions. In 1975, the Army Chief of Staff accepted
the recommendations of the Intelligence Organization and
Stationing Study and agreed to a wholesale reorganization of Army
Intelligence. The decision was made to create multidisciplinary
military intelligence organizations within the Army at both the
tactical and departmental levels. As a result the Army Security
Agency was dismembered on 1 January 1977 and redesignated as the
Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). THAT WAS A SAD DAY
The Turk in the Det 27 patch is a beloved character of Turkish
folktales named Nasreddin Hodja. He has been riding his old
donkey backwards for centuries! For adtnl information use and type in Nasreddin Hodja for some interesting
write-up. The name of the GI who designed the Det 27 patch in
1966 is not known at this time. I can't remember who, but when
the patch was first made, a mistake was made on the spelling of
MANZARALI and it was re-done. That person still has both patches.
I know I bought one of the first in August 1966.
The following article titled MANZARALI was sent to me by Ken
Karpy. It's a prose work that resembles poetry for its emotional
content and was probably typed on a MILL by a ditty-bopper
Just below the Russian border,
Manzarali is the spot.
Doomed to spend our time here
In the land that God forgot.
Here in the land of hill and smell
A guy can get mighty blue;
Right in the middle of nowhere,
Just 8,000 miles from you.
We sweat, shiver and freeze,
It's more than a man can stand;
Yet, we are not a bunch of convicts,
Just defending our land.
Just doldiers of our country
Earning our measely pay,
Guarding people with millions,
For two and a half bucks a day.
Nobody knows we're alive,
Nobody gives a damned
We're altogether forgotten,
Just robots for Uncle Sam.
We're living with our memories,
While waiting for our gals,
And hoping while we're away
They haven't married our pals.
We aren't having fun in the Army,
Our good times we really miss
We didn't want the draft to get us,
But for goodness sake we'll never re-enlist.
And when we finally pass away,
St Peter will surely yell,
FALL OUT! All you men from Manzarali,
You've spent your time in hell.
SLAGER, Robert L., Det 4, DE58-DE59, DOB: 2AP1935, DOD: 9AP2002
at Grand Rapids, MI., SSN 385-36-4646 issued MI. [extracted from
Bill Simons mailbag entry]
I read your website with interest. My husband, Robert L. Slager
(Bob, Rocky) was stationed in Sinop, Turkey from December 1958 to
December 1959. We were married and parents of a 4 month old baby
boy when he left for Turkey. He was (to the best of my knowledge)
a radio repairman. He died of cancer on 9 April 2002 in Grand
Rapids, Michigan, his hometown, after 45 years of marriage. We
have three children and 10 grandchildren. My family and I would
love to hear from anyone who might have served with him in
Turkey. He was very quiet about that period of his life and his
children and grandkids would love knowing any anecdotes anyone
would be willing to share.
Doris E. Slager 0300 Leonard Rd., Grand Rapids, MI 49544,
Betty Carrick is having a terrible time with the Shingles. She
isn't getting any better fast. Terrible headaches and sick all
the time. Ernie and Betty both are up nearly every night
all night long. She goes back to Doctor Tuesday. He has given her
every medication that is known for Shingles. It really is scary
when it is in her head and ears. Take care and enjoy holiday.
[Ernie & Betty Carrick along with Walt & Betty Sinor are
sponsoring the 2004 ASA Turkey reunion in Huntsville, Alabama.
Please include Betty Carrick in your get well prayers]
Frankfurt's strategic location was undoubtedly a factor in
selecting Frankfurt for the site of USASA Headquarters in Europe.
That organization was activated November 27, 1945, in the suburb
of Russelsheim. In March 1946, the headquarters moved to its
present site atop the immense I.G. Farben Building, the former
home of Germany's largest wartime chemical concern.
ALPERT, Brian, Det 4, 64-65
ARENA, Darrell, Det 4, 63-64 & 73-74
ARENA, Richard, Det 27 & 4, 62-63
BIERBAUER, Charles, Det 4, 62-63
BROOKE, Dennis, Det 27, 62-64
BROWN, David, Det 4, 68-69
CAMMACK, Maurice, Det 27, 57-59
CRANE, Jim, Det 27, 65-66
DUPLANTIER, Bob, Det 4, 60-61
ERBE, Richard, Det 27, 65-67
ERICKSON, Ron, Det 27, 61-62
FINDLEY, Mike, Det 4-4, 68-70
GREEN, James, Det 4, 56-57
GRITIS, Peter, Det 27, 59-62
HAZELBAKERM Mike, Det 27 & 4-4, 67-69
JAKUBSON, Paul, Det 4, 72-73
JONES, Ed, Det 27, 62-65
KARPY, Ken, Det 27, 65-66
KJOLLER, Jon, Det 4, 58-59
MELCHIORRE, Raymond, Det 27, 63-65
MIX, Randy, Det 4, 66-67
MIX, Lowell, Det 4, 62-63
MOHAN, Jim, Det 4, 60-61
RIEDY, Bill, Det 27, 65-66
SHATZER, Charles, Det 27, 62-64
TAIT, Joe, Det 4, 62-63
WACENDAK, Andy, Det 4, 66-67
WEEMS, Bob, Det 4, 60-61
WELLMAN, Jim, Det 4, 65
WILSON, Bill, Det 4, 67-68
ALPERT, Brian, YOB: 1944, RA19766940, E3-E4, 056, Det 4,
29MY64-30AP65, (Sakoto), 202 East 42nd St., New York, NY 10017,
- Dear Elder. Sorry to hear about Raje. I lost my Maine Coon cat
to cancer a while back and know just how much it can hurt. Funny
how those little creatures can worm their way into our hearts and
just how much we miss them when they are gone. In time while you
will still miss Raje, your feelings of loss will mingle with
memories of the good times you had. In the end you just have to
be thankful for those good times. Brian Alpert
ARENA, Darrell R., YOB: 1931, Maj, Ops O & XO, Det 4,
JL63-JL64 & Col, CO, MY73-MY74, (Patricia), 45375 Vista
Place, King City, CA 93930, 831-385-5800,
Subject: Turkey Reunion - Merhaba Ahbee (not sure of the spelling
on that one!). Sorry, we won't be able to attend the 2004 reunion
at Huntsville as we're already committed to a reunion in Colorado
Springs in September. The members of the OCC (Officer Career
Course) Class 1-63 have an annual get-together, and as their
former instructor at Devens, have been made an honorary member of
the class. It's obviously a small group, but very close knit. We
hosted the group last October here in King City; had a great
time. This year, as mentioned, it'll be in Colorado Springs.
Class members take turns hosting the event. For example, we've
been to Alaska, San Antonio, San Diego, etc. I'm sure Dave
Tavernetti will be to the 2004 reunion at Huntsville. He had a
ball at the first one he attended in Pennsylvania a couple of
years ago and said he looks forward to "the next one."
Joe Tait sure has done well for himself. I don't know if he was
still there when I got to Sinop in August 63 or not. The name
doesn't ring a bell. I'm surprised that the 301st brochure is
still around. We cased the 301st colors in June 1971 and
reactivated the 313th at Bragg at the same time. I left a month
later for Nam. I had 2-1/2 years at Bragg...lots of fun,
especially since I got in 90 jumps in that time. Eichelberger
replaced me, and he later became the Army's DCSI. Chuck Owens, my
XO, also became a three star and the Army's DCSI. My CSM's were
Cecil Rhodes, Johnny Kelly, and Cecil Rhodes again (he went to
Nam and came back to the same job after John retired). It was
great hearing from you. Hope you're enjoying good health. I'm
mending from my third lower back surgery in about three years.
Went under the knife last Wednesday. So far, feeling great. KTF
and CUL. Darrell
ARENA, Richard J., YOB:1942, RA15638677, E4, 059, Co A Det 27
& 4, JA62-MR63, (Maxine), 830 Jones Rd., Roswell, GA 30075,
- My wife and I just returned last night from Colorado. My
parents moved out there thirty years ago when Dad retired from
IBM. He just passed away the 27th. I'm catching up on my emails
and wanted to let you know that I'll be attending the September
2004 reunion. I'm not sure whether Maxine will join me.
BIERBAUER, Chas E5 Det 4, 62-63, Dean Mass Communications and
Information Studies, University of South Carolina, 803-777-2013, Dear Mr. Carrick: I was surprised and
intrigued to receive your letter regarding the TUSLOG reunion
this fall. I was, as you've learned, in Sinop in 1962-63 with a
lengthy TDY assignment to Peshawar, Pakistan, in the middle of my
tour. The Sinop tour was early enough in the 60s that we were
still quartered in the quonset huts that preceded the first dorm
type barracks. It was also the year when we built the closed
circuit radio station and wired the base to receive
"KBOK" a name we derived from the Turkish
"bokmak" which I've probably spelled incorrectly. Joe
Tait--later a Cleveland Indians broadcaster--and I used to do
play-by-play softball and basketball games. I learned some of my
early radio skills there. I left the army as a Spec 5 after my
three year enlistment and returned to college. Over the years,
I've occasionally run into others who served in Sinop or the
other detachments. I was not, though, aware of any group that
continued to get together. As a journalist, I've returned to
Turkey on a number of occasions. One visit was as the CNN White
House correspondent accompanying President Bush's father to a
meeting with Turkish president Turgut Ozal--a CNN fan--in
Istanbul. I've remained fond of the Turkish people who, in my
experience, remain good and genuinely hospitable friends of the
United States. It would certainly be interesting to hear of
others' experiences. Your invitation to address the reunion is
flattering. Unfortunately, I am not free that weekend in
September. Please keep me informed of future events and convey my
regards to all who shared the Sinop and Turkish experience. Best
regards, Charles Bierbauer
BROOKE, Dennis D (DD) YOB 1943 RA17608528 E3-E4 058 Det 27,
SE62-3MR64, (Barbara), 1720 Fender Rd., Naperville, IL 60565,
. [edited] On 11 May I leave for "The Road", driving
for the next two weeks (business). I have a license plate frame
saying "I'm a proud veteran of the Army Security
Agency." I'm going to take it off because the turmoil those
stupid reservists have stirred up. They did more to harm the US
image than Sadam ever could. I don't want people to associate me
or my car with the "spin" about military intelligence
that is going on now! Leave it to the great US Media to spin
before the facts are known! Enough, just had to dump on someone
who knows! Bumpa aka DD aka Dennis Brooke Det 27 Trick # 1
BROWN, David H., RA16903022, E3-E4, 76Y/76S, Det 4, JA68-JA69, PO
Box 371 Clallam Bay, WA 98326, 360-963-3112, - Dear Mr. Green, Merhaba! Wow I haven't
heard that in 35 years! Please add my address to your DAYS OF OUR
LIVES newsletter list. Thanks to you - I just found the Det 4
website and have asked Bill Simons to add me to the roll call
pages. I was in the supply shop under Chief Weaver - I rode the
laundry truck to Samsun every week. Not glamorous but a real
needful thing. Got to see a lot of the countryside. I still have
my handmade 12 ga shotgun that I shipped home after taking a
Russian Boar with it. I remember lots of parties, long hikes and
coastal walks, Chi so hot you'd burn your lips (still drink it),
and the Black Sea steamer. So many memories. Don't reckon that
anyone remembers me as I wasn't involved with the work going on
there. I can't remember many names either. I've got Diabetes
pretty bad now and time is slipping away. I just got to thinking
and and looking around on the web. I found that there are a lot
of guys with memories too.
I enlisted from Kankakee, IL in 1967 for ASA (yep the dreaded ASA
recruiter got me) 05H school at Fort Devens on the strength of my
having my merit badge in code. After basic at Fort Lost In The
Woods, MO and basic leave I arrived at Fort Devens. Two weeks
into training I washed out with terrible headaches. They'd drop
me right out of my chair in front of the Mill. Two more weeks in
the hospital and I was sent back to the company and re-assigned
to supply. A couple of weeks later I came down with an intestinal
blockage and it was back to the Hospital for 6 weeks where I
almost didn't make it. Then medical leave for 30 days to
recuperate. I had dropped from 210 to 160 lbs. After that it was
back to supply where I started OJT in 2 different MOS's, 76Y10
Supply & 76S10 Armour. Since I was cleared for TS-Crypto I
was retained in ASA and in January 1968 they sent me to DET 4.
Left my wife behind in Fitchburg, MA and flew out of JFK along
with a group of others all headed for Germany, 4-4 and Sinop. I
got into Istanbul and roamed the city for 3 days while waiting
for transportation. Flew to Ankara, then Samsun and rode the duce
to 'The Hill'. Never forget that first sight of Sinop. I knew
that it was going to be a real interesting tour. It was and I
really enjoyed it. My section chief was CW4 Weaver. Big, bald and
a completely nice guy through and through. I arrived a PFC and
was promoted to SP4 within a month when he needed some one to
fill a 76Y20 slot. I had been a 76Y10 trainee up to then. I
continued to train under him for the 76S20 MOS and was awarded
that 2 months before I left 'The Hill'. In May 1968 I got word
that my Wife Susan (#1) was in serious trouble back home and the
Chaplain got me a Hardship Leave for 2 weeks. Repeated the trip
back, except went by way of Adona (Incirlik) and Greece to
Germany, then England and on to Dover, Delaware. Took the train
to Ayer and bus to Fitchburg. Fixed the wife's car, packed up and
set out for Missouri and relatives to settle her for the rest of
my tour. Back to Sinop. Got in 5 days late and got a real ass
chewing out by the 1st shirt - Hodges? - can't remember. For
punishment I was assigned to ride the laundry duce to Samsun
every week for the rest of my tour. What a punishment! I really
got to see some country and meet the locals with the stops that
my Turk driver made along the way. I found that the one thing all
the tech weenie types wanted was a way to get Raki and Turkish
Vodka onto base. Well I had the opportunity and the motivation,
so that was what came back in the laundry bags for the last half
of my year there. Never got caught, though I kind of had a
suspicion Chief Weaver had an idea what was going on; after he
told me one day "to try not to run out my line too
far." I remember the parties at the EM club. Once I was told
later that I had been standing at attention in front of the Flag
pole singing 'I Wanna Go Home' loudly - buck ass naked. Top
didn't take too kindly to that either. The Chief thought it had
livened up the evening when the CO and he had came out of
headquarters. I still don't remember it except for the hang-over
the next day and thinking that a real mean devil was trying to
escape from inside my head while I was standing in front of Top
and he was yelling and asking me what I thought should be done
with me. They took me off the duce and banned me from the club
for 2 weeks . I never did get that bombed again. I loved that
duce ride too much to risk losing it again. That was the year of
the 6 day war and things were pretty tense. I remember the gates
being locked on us several time; although it seemed that the duce
to Samsun was always allowed to go out. Had a couple of Turkish
guards along some of those time. Toward the end of my tour things
were smoothing out a lot and that is when I was able to do some
sight-seeing. I took every opportunity to do so and to get as far
away as possible. I found the people to be very friendly and
unassuming. I made some good accquantices thru my driver and
guards. Even went on a wild boar hunt. Still have the hand made
12 ga shotgun that I shot that boar with; which I sent it home.
From DET 4 I went to the 202nd at Ft Hood (made SP5 and was
awarded both 76Y30 and 76S30 MOS's), then to Nam. First to the
144th Avn Co RR Nha Trang (1970), then to the 146th Avn Co RR
Long Than North (1971). I extended 6 months and was considering a
re-up after being sent back to the world (Devens). Wife #1 wanted
out and I wanted to go back to Alaska. Where I became a cop. Some
of the things I have done with my life since leaving the service:
Born the son of missionary parents. Between their travels and
another world travel plan courtesy of Uncle Sam. I've touched
base in more than 80 countries. Have worked as a day laborer;
Director of Security for Loomis; Armored Car Driver; Police
Officer for City of Anchorage AK, AK State Trooper and Under
Sheriff for Cherokee County, Kansas; Professional Guide; Trapper;
Dog Sledder; Homesteader; Truck Driver; General Contractor;
Minister; Editor; Writer; Speaker; Restaurateur; Antique
Restoration Specialist; Personal Care Worker; PC Repair
Specialist; Computer Instructor, Webmaster and Web Designer among
others. Always Learning. Well that's what I remember for right
now. I'm a Type II Diabetic (15 years) and insulin dependent (2
years). Feet and legs are real bad and the eyes are going. I have
pretty good control but time is taking its toll. That's life
though and I've had a pretty good one. I have been married to
wife #4 (Rebecca) for 10 years now and we live very rural on the
Olympic Peninsula in WA. 18 miles to town and still have bears,
cougar and coyotes running through the yard. Lots of Deer, Elk,
peace and quiet. Later, The WebMaster,
RebeccasReads.Com, & SofTouch
Web Design,
I checked out the 2 books you directed me to and found the
following: The 'Look Homeward' book by James M. Boyte is out-of-
stock and maybe out-of-print. Only 1 used copy for sale at $26.26
is still available. Scotch and Holy Water by John D. Tumpane is
also out-of-print, however there were 16 used copies still
available ranging in cost from $10 to $30 depending on condition.
I also found out that this book may never again be reprinted. I
bought a copy of this one. The reviews sounded very good. Sounds
like a great read. The pamphlet, Snope in Ancient Times by Leslie
Payne Delaney that used to be sold in the DET 4 PX and
autographed by the author is now completely out-of-print and will
probably fade into literature history. I would love to get
another copy of this one. I have an old autographed copy and have
it on disk in .doc or .wpd format if someone would like a digital
copy. Many of the digital images are missing from the digital
Elder.Darn good work you are doing. Teshkuradurm
CAMMACK, Maurice E3-E5-10NO58 722 Det 27, 57-59, (Katie), 3024 E.
Gallman Rd., PO Box 118, Gallman, MS 39077, 601-892-4597,
- Elder and Patty, My wife Katie and I want to offer our
condolences on the loss of your poodle, Raje. As animal lovers,
who have two toy poodles who are our best friends, we understand
the magnitude of your loss and know how hard it is to lose a
member of your family. May God bless you both, Maurice Cammack
CRANE, Jim 05225154 2LT-1LT FC Det 27, 65-66, (Lisa), 1490 Lago
Mar Dr., Viera, FL 32940, 321-242-2404,
- [edited] Thanks a million for locating Bill Krasnecky. We both
graduated from Gannon Univ in Erie, PA and served at Manzarali
(me at Det 27 and Bill at Det 66). I have sent him an e-mail.
DUPLANTIER, Robert (Bob) YOB: 1940, RA19643407, E4-E5, 988RU, Det
4, DE60-DE61, (Tvonne), 203 Myrtle Ct, Roseville, CA 95747,
- I had a write-up for Bob Duplantier but it got deleted by
mistake. Sorry, Bob, but will appreciate a BIO and photo's from
you in the future.
ERBE, Richard E5 982 Det 27, 65-SE67, 524 Broadway Hanover, PA
17331, 717-637-4753, Brother USASA folks:
My company is cutting back and I am in dire need of a new Job.
Account Executive, Sales or Account Manager position - Rich
ERICKSON, Ron, YOB: 1940, RA17575612, E4, 059, Det 27, MY61-DE62,
(Kathy), 17204 E 37th Terrace, Independence, MO 64055,
- Hi , just wanted to let you know Kathy and I have made our
reservations today for Huntsville and sent $ to Ernie Carrick for
meals and hospitality room. Time is getting near. We are looking
for a great time and to see more old friends and familiar faces.
Ron & Kathy Erickson, Missouri
FINDLEY, James M (Mike) YOB 1948 RA16911702 E4 05H Tk#4 Det 4-4,
15OC68-15OC70, 722 Mason St., Rhinelander, WI 54501,
. Been tryin' to get this DSL to work for nearly 2 weeks. My new
email is and the old was
GREEN, James A., YOB: 1921, MAJ, SigC, CO, Det 4, JN56-JN57,
(Christine), 229 Bayou Woods Dr., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548,
- Jim Green was the second commander at Det 4. I and others have
been seeking him since 2001 and he found Ernie Carrick's ASA
Turkey reunion notice in the Military Officer newsletter and
contacted him. I called ex-Major Green on 31 May 2004 and he was
most interested and recalled most of the officers under his
command at Det 4, including his interpretor Shadi Usal who he
later had to dismiss for shady dealings. Jim Green informs that
he retired as a Lt Col in September 1962. Said that Lt Col Mohen
of Det 27 was the senior ASA officer during his tour on the HILL.
Will write a BIO and send photo's of his time as commander of Det
4. Plans on attendding the 2004 ASA Turkey reunion at Huntsville,
GRITIS, Peter, Maj, Ops O, Det 27, 59-62, (Helen- dec, 2/W
Betty-dec), 5236 Inverchapel Rd., Springfield, VA 22151,
- [edited] Please note the new email address. Peter Gritis, the
first Operations Officer at Det 27 had a single beating heart
bypass performed on 11 May 2004. Originally it was thought he
would have a triple bypass but the two other arteries were quite
small and so blocked that it was impossible to bypass them.
However, the good news is that very good subsidiary arteries are
feeding the same area so the heart muscle is not adversely
affected. The surgeon took a mammary artery from behind his heart
for the bypass and did not take one from his leg so that he will
have only one incision site to worry about. Had they done a
triple bypass there would have been another incision to harvest a
vein from his leg. After the anesthesiologist sedated Pete he
began snoring and his four kids were talking to each other. As
they left Pat told him, "Dad, I know you can't hear me but I
love you." At which point Dad replied, "AHHH Fel
orobul." We thought he was saying, "I feel
horrible," and were quite concerned. After making him repeat
it about six times we finally realized he was saying, "I
hear ALL FOUR OF YOU." With a small smile on his face they
wheeled him into surgery. Thank you all for all your prayers and
good wishes. We will keep you posted although it may come from
another e-mail source. Denise wants to take this opportunity to
do some much needed maintenance on Dad's computer while he is not
here to act as an overseer... I returned from the hospital last
saturday. I now have an appreciation for what people feel when
they say "they felt as though they were hit by a
truck". In my case it seemed that the trucks were playing
tag with my body because of the various aches and pains that
appeared from nowhere to beset me! After the operation my
daughter Carol sent an email depicting the trials and
tribulations with my bipass surgery. You all knew more than I did
as a patient! Today, the home health nurse stated I "looked
great", and met the surgical goals of a medical procedure
... but she didn't ask if I felt great (I'm not yet ... maybe
soon). Your phone calls, card, and emails were most gratifying. I
deeply appreciated the words and thoughts of encouragement that
you sent --- food for the soul. My future schedule will consist
of doctor appointments, x-rays, medication changes, exercise, and
general recuperation activities to include dietary changes. No
one seems to know why only 40 Percoset pain pills were prescribed
-- guess it is a sneaky way to check my health status. So far, so
Again, many thanks for your prayers and good wishes.
HAZELBAKER, Mike E5 98C Det 27&4-4, 18JL67-JA69, (Helen),
1820 State Rd., 2130, Lubbock, TX 79407, 806-548-4262, (371st
745-2995 OR CELL ANYTIME (806) 548-4262. Thanks, Helen & Mike
JAKUBSON, Paul D., YOB: 1949, MP, Det 4, JA72-JA73, (Judy), 15
Bright Hill Dr., Clinton, CT 06413, 860-669-8711, . Found
on Bill Simons website dated 27 Mar 2004.
Amazing - I haven't thought about "the hill" for some
time and just for fun punched in the name and found your site. I
served with the MP's from January 1972 to January 1973. I'd be
interested if any other MP's have posted to this site. I
contacted Jakubson on 29 May 2004. Paul enlisted at New Haven,
CT. Took basic at Fort Dix and then received MP training at Fort
Gordon, GA. While there was selected with about 20 others for
duty with the ASA. Along with 13 other MP's was assigned to Det
Arrived in Ankara and was met by the USAF liaison people and
spent one day in Ankara while a coup of sorts was taking place.
With a mild hangover was loaded onto a cramped Turkish bus for
the 14 hour venture to Sinop. Enjoyed his year tour at Sinop.
Remembers MP Gary Depp from Long Island.
After Sinop was sent to Fort Devens and was discharged in 1974
and immediately went to work for the Madison, CT police force.
Has been the Police Chief for nearly 7 years now and 30 years
with the
police force.
JONES, Herbert E (Ed) YOB 1944 RA18664602 E5 059 Det 27,
OC62-MR65, (Florence), 30 Woodland Hills Dr., Bismarck, IL 61814,
. - [edited] We plan to be at the 2004 reunion. My sister has
terminal cancer in Oklahoma (3 to 6 months) and we of course pray
for a miracle. This could conceivably cause problems with our
trip to the reunion; how-ever, we are sending a check and if we
don't attend because of this problem, you still can cash the
check and use it for the reunion. Ed and Florence Jones
KARPY, Ken, YOB: 1945, RA15740792, E3-E4, MP, Det 27, AP65-DE66,
(Rosemary), 23138 Stoneybrook, North Olmsted, OH 44070,
Elder--it was good to talk with you. I have located the picture
that Jim Crane sent as well as the newspaper article with names
and positions as well as our order to travel to Adana to play.
Shown are our full names along with RA numbers and ranks. Our
Provost Marshall was 1Lt John McClaren as I found the article in
the Manzarali Mauler I was telling you about--with me and the
mule. Also found article with pictures and names of other players
on the football and volleyball teams. I will send you a copy of
everything if you give me your address. Did not realize there was
that much info on Manzarali Station on the net. Found some
pictures on there posted by Rob Nearpass and thought the name was
familar. We did play together on the football team as he is in
the photo. I sent him a email. Thanks again for making the
contact. Let me know your address and I will share with you what
info I have.
KJOLLER, Jon YOB: 1938 RA15578113 E3 058 Det 4, JL58-AU59,,
(Darlene), 993 Rosemary Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78130,
- Erc, I haven't done anything of the ASA Turkey 2005 reunion at
San Antonio until the 2004 is over so I can get advice, etc from
the Huntsville people. Since I haven't done this before I will
need some guidelines to start with. will keep you
MELCHIORRE, Raymond J., E5 Medic Det 27, 63-65, (Ruth-div, 2/W
Elizabeth), PO Bpx 569, Pattison, TX 77466, 281-375-8891, - Joe
Tait may remember me very well. I was the Athletic Trainer for
the Pittsburgh Condors 70-72, the Buffalo Braves 72-78, Boston
Celtics 79-87, Houston Rockets 87-96, L.A.Clippers 96-99. I would
like to go to the reunion in Huntsville.
MIX, Randy YOB: 1946, RA10123331, E3-E5, 982, Det 4, NO66-DE67,
(Stevie), 43596 Beaver Creek Terr., Leesburg, VA 20176,
MIX, Lowell J., YOB 1940 E5, 056, Det 4, AP62-AP63, (Eleanor),
8640 Crest Hill Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89145, 702-804-0145, - [edited] Merhaba back to you old buddy. It has
been awhile since I used my gigantic Turkish Vocabulary. I had to
think about 2 seconds before I remembered what Merhaba meant!!
Thanks for the welcome and addition to the DOOL mailing address,
and glad to be aboard. I enlisted into ASA in 1958 for language
school and was accepted to go to language school to study
Chinese, but lost my billet when I became ill and spent several
weeks in the hospital at Fort Devens, MA. Therefore I was
diverted to ditty bop school and then switched over to RDF. I
served in Okinawa, Taiwan, and then did a stint as an RDF
instructor at USASATC&S before going to Turkey. I served in
Sinop, Turkey from April 1962 to April 1963. At that time I was
an E-5 and NCOIC of the Point Site (Radio Direction Finder). I
was in RDF assignments from 1959 to 1965 when I went to Artillery
& Missile OCS, but upon graduation, was commissioned back in
to the Military Intelligence Branch due to my seven years in ASA
and held the Officer MOS of 9640 or Cryptologist. In addition to
commissioned assignments at USASATC&S. I also served in
Japan, Vietnam, West Germany, and Medina AFB, San Antonio, TX as
well as Fort Sam Houston, TX. I retired in 1978 at Fort Sam
Houston, TX as a Major after 20 yrs, 1 month and 17 days active
I have been an editor myself for the American Legion and other
Veteran organizations; even won some national awards. But don't
worry, I am retired now and not looking for another job in that
department. Well, you obviously know something about me. Yeah, I
was a SP5 when I was in Det 4. My greatest memory is the Russian
plane that flew over us so low one day that we could see the
pilot's faces. Oh, yes, and my third son was born just nine
months to the day after I arrived in Sinop; the only one of my
four that were not born in Fort Devens. Then there were the three
guys who tried to sail a sail boat for the first time in their
lives, got it going just fine, but were headed straight North
when they discovered that they couldn't turn it around. One of
the guys finally stripped to his boxer shorts and swam back to
shore, but the current carried him way up the shore line. He
ended up talking some Turk farmer into "loaning" him an
ashack (donkey) to ride back to Det 4. He sure was a funny sight
riding through Sinop in his boxer shorts on the donkey. What made
it even funnier was that just as he got to Sinop, the Black Sea
Steamer pulled into the harbor with his buddies and the sail boat
in tow. Golly, I had forgotten there were so many exciting things
that went on over there. I will try to recall some more names for
you, but my senior moments are becoming more often and lasting
longer, so don't hold your breath. Of course when I was at Det 4,
I was only on my second tour and was not planning on staying in,
so I did not make it a big point to remember people then like I
did later on. I got out of there just before the Turks started
moving in and I always wondered what that was like. I do remember
a Mr Bennet (CWO), analyst. I will never forget those long dusty
rides to Ankara in the back of those trucks! After my first ride
I recall looking in a mirror when I arrived at Det 4 and just
knew that I had changed my nationality because I was so brown
from dust, head to foot! Ah, the good old days! You did not reach
me at 210 349-9968 because I retired from that job on 1 Jul 2001
and came out here to Las Vegas. Now I am working for a Medical
Pediatric Clinic as their Business Manager. And would you
believe, they are making a major relocation on 16 & 17
September 2004, of which I have full responsibility for so it
doesn't look like I will make it this time. But I will certainly
try to plan ahead for next year. Golly, it is hard for me to
remember anybody that was there when I was there. That was April
1962-1963 - over 40 years ago. I remember an SFC who was dying of
cancer that they discovered while I was there. His name started
with a B, (perhaps it was Berthold or Becktold) but I cannot
recall the rest. I had a good buddy who worked in the ComCenter,
he even roomed with me and he was from Michigan, but all I can
recall now is his first name was Gary. I had another room mate
name Ron who was an 059 from Rhode Island. I do have good ASA
friends, but none that I know about who did time in Turkey. Well,
better get this e-mail flying for now. Nice getting acquainted
and look forward to a lot of good reminiscing. Lowell J.Mix
(Point Site NCOIC)It is nice to hear that somebody still
remembers what ASA stands for and that there are still some of us
left. Lowell J. Mix
MOHAN, Jim YOB: 1941, RA11365708, E3-E4, 058, Det 4,
SE60-SE61, (Mary), 100 Marina Dr., Apt 214, Quincy, MA 02171,
RIEDY, William N., (Bill), YOB: 1944, RA19845393, 058, E3-E5, Co
A Det 27, 65-66, (Se), 9801 Highgate Rd., Columbia, SC 29223,
Contacted on 19 May 2004. Memories of his tour include the
karihani and playing on the 1966 MSC champion flag football team.
Stayed in the Army for 27 years and retired in 1991 as a MSG E8.
SHATZER, Charles T YOB 1930 RA13264597 E7 NCOIC Special Services
Det 27, AP62-JL64, (Dot), 2903 Aein Rd., Orlando, FL 32817,
Contact their daughter Dixie at - From Dixie
Rooks: Dear Elder, Wanted to tell you my father got a computer!
He tried e-mailing you but hadn't heard from you. He wants to
start getting e-mail from you. And your newsletter. His
e-mail address is:
TAIT, Joe H., E4-E5, 988RU, Det 4, 62-63, 7250 Coon Club Rd.,
Medina, OH 44256, 330-722-0664, no email. SEE Joe Tait-1, Joe
Tait-2 & Joe Tait-3 attachments.
Found that Joe Tait was a ex-Det 4'er per Charles Bierbauer and
gave him a call and we had a very interesting chat. He recalls
and cherishes his ASA and 'HILL' days like it was yesterday.
While on the HILL assisted in building the closed circuit radio
station and wired the base to receive "KBOK" a name we
derived from the Turkish "bokmak". Joe Tait and Charles
Bierbauer used to do play-by-play softball and basketball games
at Det 4. Said that he will try and attend the 2004 ASA TURKEY
Joe Tait was the voice of the Cleveland Indians for 17 years.
During those 17 years the Tribe only had three winning years and
the best of that was three games over .500. But he had some
memorable moments. He broadcast three no-hitters by Dennis
Eckersly, Len Barker and Dick Bosman. Those were obviously the
highlights. Working with Herb Score, however, was a real treat.
Herbie and I there's guys who get together in broadcasting
that are just simpatico. It works. A lot of guys it's OK, you do
your job. But sometimes you get together with another broadcast
partner and it just clicks. And that's the way it was with Herbie
and me. Joe Tait began his radio career while a student at
Monmouth College in Illinois, doing play-by-play on the college
radio station and sports reports on WRAM. After his discharge
taught sportscasting at Ohio University from 1966-1968, becoming
the network voice of Indiana University football and pre-game
host of Indiana Pacers basketball in 1969. In 1970 Joe Tait began
his longtime association with the Cleveland Cavaliers. In 1987,
he was named vice president of broadcast services, a job that he
continues in 2004.
When asked how much basketball has changed since he started doing
NBA games? His reply, "Light years! Eons!" It used to
be, back in the old days, toward the end of the season, when we
were on the bus ride to the airport to go on a commercial flight,
the talk toward the end of the campaign was 'Does anybody know
where I can get a summer job?' Now, of course, we're on a bus
going to our private plane and the talk is, 'I've got my camp
here and I'm going to the Players Association soiree in San
Tropez' and so on and so forth. Money has changed it all. Free
agency and money. I like the old days. But then again, I'm an old
guy. Old people have a tendency to like that which has passed. It
takes some getting used to because it is hip-hop, above-the-rim
basketball. But, without doubt, the athletes today are more
talented, stronger, faster. Not necessarily smarter. And maybe
not as determined or devoted to the game as the old guys were.
Joe started out in broadcasting doing Monmouth College football
and Bill Fitch started out at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
and he used to scout for the Coe football team before basketball
started. In that conference -- there were only two towns that
were broadcasting games at that level -- so whenever Joe Tait saw
Fitch he'd use him as his halftime guest. Fitch used to tease the
hell out of him during those interviews. Fitch would say 'How can
you make that lousy football team sound so exciting?' Tait's
reply was because he's having fun and enjoying it. So Fitch went
his way and Tait went his and they saw each other a few times
over the years. So when they put the Cavaliers together, and
Fitch was named first head coach, they had a meeting to determine
who was going to be the play-by-play announcer. Bob Brown had
done the first seven games, but he was Nick Mileti's private
secretary and couldn't do both jobs, so they had to find
The low-down on how Joe Tait became the voice of the Cleveland
Bill Fitch knew the team was going to be horrible; they lost
their first seven games rather convincingly. He told the owner:
"I know a guy' back in Monmouth, IL who could make a
terrible football team sound exciting. Fitch didn't where Tait
was, but assured the boss that he'd find him and offer him the
job. At the same time, Tait had seen that Bill Fitch had been
named as Head Coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers, so he sat down
and wrote him a note, saying "Congratulations, Bill. Don't
know if you remember me or not. Delighted to see that you are in
the big time. You deserve it. Thanks a lot. P.S. If you ever need
someone to do for the Cleveland Cavaliers what I did for the
Fighting Scots, give me a call. Sincerely, Joe Tait" Sent
it. Forgot it. Outside of doing the U. of Indiana football Tait
wasn't doing any play by play. He was managing a station in Terre
Haute. Anyway, the day of the meeting was the day the letter
arrived and two days later Joe Tait was here for the home opener
and the rest, as they say, is history as Joe Tait has been the
voice of the Cavaliers for over three decades. When the2004-05
season tips off, Joe Tait will return for his 33rd season as the
voice of the Cleveland Cavaliers. As the team's radio
play-by-play announcer, Tait is one of the most recognizable and
popular members of the Cavaliers and he is synonymous with the
team itself.
In 1981, Joe Tait left Cleveland to become the radio play-by play
announcer of the New Jersey Nets. A year later he handled the
play-by-play of Chicago Bulls games on Sportsvision, the team's
cable-TV outlet, and broadcast the CBS Radio College
Game-of-the-Week. Tait returned to the Cavs' radio post in 1983.
Joe Tait's amazing awards
Throughout his broadcasting career, Tait has been honored with
countless awards, among them being elected to the Monmouth
College Athletic Hall of Fame in 1991, the Media Hall of Fame by
the Sports Media Association of Cleveland and Ohio (S.M.A.C.O.)
and to the Broadcasters Hall of Fame in October 1992. In the
summer of 2001, he was inducted into the Cleveland Sports Legends
Hall of Fame and the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame. He was also
inducted into the Cleveland Press Club Hall of Fame in September
of 2003. Tait was named the 2002 "Sportscaster of the Year
in Ohio." He also received the honor in 1974, 1976, 1978,
1991, 1996 and 1999. He was elected to the Broadcasters Hall of
Fame in 1992 and to the Cleveland Sports Legends Hall of Fame in
2001. The Broadcasters Hall of Fame also gave the C.S. Williams
Founders Awards for long and meritorious service in broadcasting
to Tait in 1996. In the fall of 1996, Tait was named to the Board
of Trustees for Mount Union College in Alliance, Ohio, where he
has been the TV voice of the Purple Raiders for 16 seasons.
When asked which he liked best, the old or new basketball. He
replied, "I like the old days. But then again, I'm an old
guy. Old people have a tendency to like that which has passed. It
takes some getting used to because it is hip-hop, above-the-rim
basketball today."
Are you still working with thoroughbred horses?
"All I do is pay for it and shovel it. My wife is the expert
in the thoroughbred horse field. She used to be a trainer at
Thistledown for about 10 or 12 years. Up until she got her hips
replaced and she couldn't get down to work on the horse's legs
anymore. So she had to give it up. There were a few years where
we didn't work with the horses but she really missed it a lot so
we're back in the breeding business.
What career field would you have been if you weren't a sports
"I would have done one of two things: I would have been a
school teacher or I would have worked on the railroad. All my
family, both sides, up until my father, worked on the railroad.
Even one of my ancestors worked with Robert Stevenson in building
the first locomotive, The Rocket. So I've got railroad in my
You're one of the few people in the Cavalier organization who's
gone through all three venues (Arena, Coliseum, Gund). Can you
talk for a minute about each? "John Graham (who is still on
the board of directors) and I are the only two that have taken
the full trip. The Arena was lovingly referred by other teams in
the NBA as "The Black Hole of Calcutta." It was old. It
was dark. It was the pits. Everybody stayed at the mid-town
Sheraton across the street in Euclid, they'd dress across the
street and came across the street in their uniforms. I remember
driving in one night in a blinding snowstorm and I'm driving very
slowly past the front of the arena and there looming out of this
blizzard was Wilt Chamberlain. I mean, you don't expect Wilt to
be coming at you out of a snowstorm. With the Coliseum, Nick was
a little ahead of his time, because if you go out to Richfield
now, they're putting up buildings and homes. And that's what he
had envisioned. When he first went out there he wanted to build a
shopping mall and a hotel and he just didn't have the money for
it. People looked at all the corn and cattle and sheep and told
him 'You must be out of your mind.' If you were a little late,
getting in was a little tedious. Getting out was a little
tedious. But that's why we had the longest post-game show in
broadcast history because we had to review the whole thing
figuring 'By now, they're on 77. We can wrap it up.' Gund Arena
is state-of-the-art. It's what you have to have in this modern
day and age to draw people to see the games.
WACENDAK, Andrew (Andy) YOB: 1925, RA12285540, E7-W1, 98GRU/988A,
Det 4, 66-67, (Winifred), 66 E Maine Rd., Johnson City, NY 13790,
[edited from a letter to me] Hello there Elder? Sorry I'm late.
My ASA career was great.... great to be ex-988/982....Lots of
head- aches and ass chewing too! I was a high school dropout, but
later got a GED while in Germany. Went to three language schools.
First at Monterey, California, and the last two at Hoetzendorf
Kaserne at Oberammergau/Garmish- Partenkirchen for Czech and
German. Attended NCO type training at Fort Dix in 1956; and was
the Honor graduate at the Senior NCO School at Fort Devens in
1965 before I was sent to Sinop. I had good people work with me
and I with several great officers to include Gen Davis, Col
Clayton Swears, Col Homer Butler. In fact I hunted in Germany
with Swears and Butler, great to speak Deutch with locals. Some
other ASA assignments: Korea, 1950-51, Sinop, 1966 and Shemya,
1968-69. What can I say? Want to congratulate and thank you for
gathering up so much info on OLD ASA GUYS.... Don't have a
computer (guess we're just old foggies) but our oldest son
gathers your newsletters for me. Finally after emptying out 5
footlockers, I found some types of ASA material with very few
items from my tour at Det 4 Sinop. Here are some photo's and
orders and a few ASA pamphlets, etc. I can't locate, as of yet,
my Sinop photo file. My recollection of Sinop for 1966 - Col
Wells was the CO and Lt Col Westbrook the XO, Capt Crawford my Co
commander, 1SG Ray Cunningham. I replaced him for a few months
when he was under investigation and later shipped out. I've often
wondered what happened to him. Anyone remember? The Operations
Sergeant - a good one - name Master Sergeant Paul Germain, from
Massachussetts. Yes I was NCOIC of the linguists (988), acting
First Sergeant, acting Operations Sergeant when Germain left. (I
worked for Capt Gardner). Any of this stuff, you don't want,
please trash-can! I have too much junk, even found some old
Turkish coins and bills - I remembered I had them, but misplaced
of course. I, at one time, was quite a coin collector. I will
continue to look thru other lockers, boxes, etc. Let me know of
info that you're interested in. One question - I haven't seen SFC
John Wellhouse name on any Det 4 list. We parted Sinop, summer of
1966 and left for the PUZZLE PALACE (NSA). Also the CO at Det 4
was a Lt Col Burns? Actually Elder, my mind fades as time. Once I
had a good memory. Upon retirement in 1969, back home I worked
for Gannett Newspaper. I was Press Circulation Mgr at local paper
called Bing Press Co., now its Sun Bulletin, Press Inc. I retired
for good in 1990. Love to hunt and fish. Live on a small farm
with lots of wild game (Turkeys, deer, rabbits, etc. All of the
family love to hunt and fish. My two sons are trophy hunters,
both hunt with bow, guns and muzzleloaders and they get some
large 8 points or more trophies . I inform them, I can't eat
antlers. I pay for the mounting of them and everyone haas a good
collection, thanks to Dad! My wife continues to remind me that I
was a poor-admin-person for my old Army papers - all over the
place. I told her I was never a file clerk. Most of my army
photo's have no names, dates or places and now in my old age
can't remember! Very Sorry - My fault! We continue to write to
ex-ASA people (all over). I like to remind myself of all the
young ASA guys who worked with me and later became my boss as
CWO's, Colonels and even a General. Quite a few became BIG SHOTS
at the PUZZLE PALACE, my name for NSA at Fort Meade. Yes, I had a
great Army career, learned too much, which now I have no
memories, is it OLD AGE or SENILITY? Elder, what type of photo's,
papers, orders, etc do you need or looking for? I worked at
several ASA Field Stations in Germany, Bad Aibling, Heilbroun,
Baumholder, Herzo Base, Rothwesten and even Berlin. My military
awards include the Combat Infantry Badge (that I received while
serving with Co F, 9th Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Infantry
Division); two Purple Hearts; Meritorios Service Medal; Joint
Service Medal; the Army Commendation Medal and other less awards.
Our first ASA Command Sergeant Major was Biff Charron, an old
friend of ours - since passed on. We served together, both as
First Sergeants and in Operations. Great God Bless you and
family. Thanks for all your info. My son keeps me in touch with
you. Respectfully Andy W.
WEEMS, Robert A RA14707815 BPED 13SE59 E2-E4 058 Det 4,
MY60-MY61, (Janis), 216 Colonial Rd, Oxford, MS 38655,
- Thank you very much for letting me know about the Reunion. I
would like very much to relive those days in Sinop, Frankfurt,
and Bad Aibling, but my responsibilities here at the Ole MIss Law
School will not permit me be in Huntsville on those days. Robert
A. Weems
WELLMAN, Jim, YOB: 1941, 2LT-1LT, C/C OIC, Det 4, 65, (Connie),
783 Holden Ave., Sebastian, FL, 32958, 772-388-4099, - Reference the
1965 Det 4 Staff photo. I am standing in the row behind those
kneeling and I am the fourth one in from the right side. Wearing
dark rimmed glasses (like Buddy Holly). On my right is Tom
Weideman our S-1. I will try to remember others and let you know
if I do. James Wellman
WILSON, William J., (Bill), YOB: 1944, RA12737051, E3-E5, Det 4,
AP67-AP68, (Miriam), 9275 NW 45th St., Sunrise, FL 33351,
- Found Bill Wilson's name and entry of 24 April 2000 on Bill
Simons Det 4 Website. His email then was I
contacted Bill on 30 May 2004 and will include data from that
chat with his entry. Bill Wilson is a native of Queens, NY.
Enlisted in NY on 19 July 1965 and because he was 21 and the
oldest of the enlistees was put in charge for the bus ride to
Fort Dix, NJ. Said that basic was a cakewalk , but did not attend
the graduation as he was in the post hospital. Upon release from
hospital - reported back to his company who were celebrating a
award they had gotten for graduating everyone. They apparently
had falsified the records by forgetting about Bill Wilson. To
rectify their error, they cut orders graduating him and sent him
on his way to Fort Devens for AIT in MOS 26K. After that training
was sent to NSA at Fort Meade for additional training. After that
training was sent to Sinop. Landed in Ankara via PAN AM and later
found himself and others boarding a Turkish bus for the cramped
14 hour ride to Sinop in April 1967 where he spent 1 year as a
26K20 (Later converted to 33B, 33C, & 33D). Arrived as a PFC
and left as a SP5; and was assigned to maintenance at the
'Bubble' (Morehead). Here are some reflections and memories he'd
like to share with all that served on the 'HILL': The CO was
LtCol Sam Bistany who was not liked by the troops. The Otter
buzzing the quad when he had new mail. The Savings Bond revolt
that got the CO in trouble. Having the medical clerk 'lose' my
eyeglass prescription and having to be sent to Ankara for 4 days
when my eyeglasses 'broke'.
There was a low-power radio station that was established in 1957
at Sinop. The Turk's found out and it was shut down. I was tasked
with wiring the entire post with KBOK, (when the Turks said we
couldn't transmit) using old 4 pair tel-com cable, and putting a
speaker with volume control in each room. The DJ that played Tex
Ritter's "Blood on the Saddle" for 3 hours when no one
would call in to request another country or western song. The CO
was PO'd. The young Lt. that paid for his gorgeous blond wife to
come over and spend the summer. The first such visitor or family
member to the Hill that I know of. She made us all proud as we
escorted her thru town. I remember we weren't allowed to 'look'
at their women and for sure they weren't going to 'look' at ours.
Ivan's 'fishing' boats off shore. Great memories all. After
leaving the Hill, was sent to Vint Hill Farms where they sent him
back to school at NSA and again to Deven's (for 33F). During his
4 year hitch spent 127 weeks in school. ETS'ed in July '69 as a
SP6. Owns a MOTOROLA distributorship in Venezuela along with his
wife, and live both in Venezuela and Florida. Looking forward to
hearing from some old friends. Does anyone know how I could reach
SP5 Dave Trulove (a Morehead 98J)?? Thanks for a great Web site,
I hope to keep in touch.
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