From: "Elder RC Green"
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #138
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 00:53:53 -0400
This newsletter is intended only for the use of the ASA TURKEY Veteran's. The internet has become so outlandishly unreal that any disclaimer about this newsletter would be redundant. Your memoirs are most welcome to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES and is an effort on my part to preserve the stories and memories of ASA veterans who served in Turkey. Certainly it brings all ASA Vet's closer and it is my goal is to collect and to preserve the stories -- that we honor the ASA Turkey veterans and that we educate future generations about what it was like for us COLD WAR veteran's. When sending an email to me - PLEASE include the word ASA in the subject line to insure that I open it and not mistake it for SPAM. Please send along a foto with your BIO that will be included in the DOOL.Go to to view the foto's in their proper sequence thanks be to Bill Simons, the Det 4 webmaster.
GREEN, Elder RC (gH), DOB: 1936, RA13513638, E7, 982/98C, Det
27, 1-15MY61, Det 120, MY-JL65, Det 27, JN66-OC67 & Det 4-4,
OC67-NO68, (Patty), 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA 15701,
Somewhere along the way, the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court
have misinterpreted the U. S.Constitution. America's founders did
not intend for there to be a separation of God and state, as
shown by the fact that all 50 states acknowledge God in their
state constitutions:
Alabama 1901, Preamble. We the people of the State of Alabama, invoking the favor_and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution.
Alaska 1956, Preamble. We, the people of Alaska, grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land.
Arizona 1911, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Arizona, grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution.
Arkansas 1874, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Arkansas, grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government.
California 1879, Preamble. We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom.
Colorado 1876, Preamble. We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe.
Connecticut 1818, Preamble. The People of Connecticut, acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence of God in permitting them to enjoy.
Delaware 1897, Preamble. Through Divine Goodness all men have, by nature, the rights of worshipping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences.
Florida 1885, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Florida, grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty . establish this Constitution.
Georgia 1777, Preamble. We, the people of Georgia, relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
Hawaii 1959, Preamble. We, the people of Hawaii, Grateful for Divine Guidance ... establish this Constitution.
Idaho 1889, Preamble. We, the people of t! he State of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings.
Illinois 1870, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
Indiana 1851 Preamble. We, the People of the State of Indiana, grateful to Almighty God for the free exercise of the right to chose our form of government.
Iowa 1857, Preamble. We, the People of the State of Iowa, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings to establish this Constitution.
Kansas 1859, Preamble. We, the people of Kansas, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges . establish this Constitution.
Kentucky 1891, Preamble. We, the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties.
Louisiana 1921, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy.
Maine 1820, Preamble. We the People of Maine .. acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity ... and imploring His aid and direction.
Maryland 1776, Preamble. We, the people of the state of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God or our civil and religious liberty.
Massachusetts 1780, Preamble. We...the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe ... in the course of His Providence, an opportunity ...and devoutly imploring His direction.
Michigan 1908, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom establish this Constitution.
Minnesota 1857, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings.
Mississippi 1890, Preamble. We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work.
Missouri 1845, Preamble. We, the people of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness . establish this Constitution.
Montana 1889, Preamble. We, the people of Montana, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty. establish this Constitution.
Nebraska 1875, Preamble. We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom .. establish this Constitution.
Nevada 1864, Preamble. We the people of the State of Nevada, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom establish this Constitution.
New Hampshire 1792, Part I. Art. I. Sec. V. Every individual has a natural and inalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.
New Jersey 1844, Preamble. We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors.
New Mexico 1911, Preamble. We, the People of New Mexico, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty.
New York 1846, Preamble. We, the people of the State of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings.
North Carolina 1868, Preamble. We the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for our civil, political, and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those.
North Dakota 1889, Preamble. We, the people of North Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain.
Ohio 1852, Preamble. We the people of the state of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common.
Oklahoma 1907, Preamble. Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty ... establish this.
Oregon 1857, Bill of Rights, Article I. Section 2. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences.
Pennsylvania 1776, Preamble. We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance.
Rhode Island 1842, Preamble. We the People of the State of Rhode Island grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing.
South Carolina 1778, Preamble. We, the people of he State of South Carolina. grateful to God for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
South Dakota 1889, Preamble. We, the people of South Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for our civil! and religious liberties ... establishthis.
Tennessee 1796, Art. XI.III. That all men have a natural and indefensible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience.
Texas 1845, Preamble. We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.
Utah 1896, Preamble. Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish this Constitution.
Vermont 1777, Preamble. Whereas all government ought to ... enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and other blessings which the Author of Existence has bestowed on man.
Virginia 1776, Bill of Rights, XVI ... Religion, or the Duty which we owe our Creator . can be directed only by Reason ... and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian Forbear-ance, Love and Charity towards each other.
Washington 1889, Preamble. We the People of the State of Washington, grateful! to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution.
West Virginia 1872, Preamble. Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia . reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God.
Wisconsin 1848, Preamble. We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility.
Wyoming 1890, Preamble. We, the people of the State of Wyoming, grateful to God for our civil, political, and religious liberties ... establish this Constitution.
After reviewing acknowledgments of God from all 50 state constitutions, one is faced with the prospect that maybe, just maybe, the ACLU and the out-of-control federal courts are wrong! "Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." William Penn.
If you found this to be "Food for thought" copy and send to as many that you think will be touched.
I heard the sound of Taps one night, When everything was still, I
listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill. I wondered just how many times That Taps
had meant "Amen,"
CIMA, Edward J. DOB: 1933 DOD: 23 March 2004, Maj, CDR., Det 4-4,
OC67-DE69, (Lois), RR4 Mt Pleasant PA 15666, 724-547-4425, -
*See Det 4-4 Cima's & Hollands attachment.
L-R: Lois Cima, Maj Cima, Ramona & Lt. John Holland
Lois Cima informed me in early March 2004 that her husband Ed
Cima had been diagnosed in late September 2003 with rapidly
spreading metastatic bone cancer and that Hospice is trying to
keep him comfortable and thanked me for my intentions. We are in
southern California where our families are. He will however be
buried in Irwin PA. God bless you. Lois Cima. On 25 March 2004
John Holland informed me that Major Cima passed on at 10:30 PM
(Pacific Time) on 23 March 2004. He passed on at the home of his
son, Matt, and was surrounded by his family. He will be returned
to Pennsylvania where he will be interred in his home state at
Irwin, PA. His wife will accompany him.
Upon learning of Major Cima's serious medical problem I
immediately sent this information to those who served at Det 4-4
under Major Cima and requested that their emails include a Cc to
me. The following Vet's complied:
BIVENS, Bradley (Brad) E5 98G (Roumanian), Det 4-4, 68-70, SF
area, 415-673-9621 - Dear Major Cima, I was
deeply saddened to hear of your situation. I hope you are not in
too much pain. I have many fond memories of my time in Turkey and
have thought of you often over the years. I remember that you
were pretty fair and a really good guy, considering that you were
thrown in with a bunch of linguists and other ASA guys who many
might have considered a pack of misfits. Couldn't have been easy.
Do you remember our little trips to Yalova where I was asked to
translate for you? My hair was always a bit longer than it should
have been. I'll tell you why.Sgt. Rodkey always would say to
me:"Now, Bivens, we're going downtown with the old man so
you better get that hair trimmed." Now I figured that since
I had learned Turkish on my own, that I had no obligation to
translate so I would explain to Sgt Rodkey that I was kinda like
Samson in the Bible: each hair that was trimmed would make me
forget a Turkish word! I hope this brings a smile to your face. I
live in San Francisco and work primarily as a musician and a
Voice-Over Artist. Maybe you've heard me over the years. I was
the voice for Tylex for about 4 years in the mid-nineties. Again,
you are in my thoughts and prayers. Oh, and let me apologize for
making you read the entire re-enlistment lecture to me when we
both knew that I was not going to re-up. I guy's gotta have some
fun. Take his shots and all that.
All the best to you, Brad Bivens
BRYAN, Clark L RA17720300 E4-E5 98G2L14 (Bulgarian), Det 27,
66-67, & 4-4, 67-69,(Althea), 918 Dibbles Trail, Webster, NY
14580, 716-671-8906,
*SEE Clark Bryan-3 ATTACHMENT.
Dear Lois, I'm saddened to learn of your husband's illness.
Please tell Ed that I will always remember him as a superb
Commanding Officer and a good neighbor at TUSLOG Det 4-4,
Karamursel, Turkey. It was officers like your husband that made
reentering the military..... a pleasure. Very Respectfully Yours,
Clark Lee Bryan, Commander, Medical Service Corps, U. S. Navy
(Retired) Former Specialist 5, 98G2L14, RA17720300, U. S. Army,
DEESE, Ronnie L YOB: 1946, E3-E5, 982/98C, Det 27:
15NO66-1NO67, Det 4-4: 1NO67-20DE68, (Mary), 7520 W Henry Ave.,
Tampa, FL 33615, 813-884-8556,
Major, I moved with the origianal group to 4-4 and was under your
command for about a year and a half. You were the one commander
out of 4 years of military that was most known to me. That had to
be something you were doing and that the others did not. I have
often thought of you and your attempts to make 4-4 a good place
for the men. I know this comes 35 years the fact, but thank you
for your efforts. I wish I had known you longer and had been
under your command at other duty stations. I am hoping things
improve for you and your family and have you in my prayers.
Sincerely Ronnie L. Deese
HOLDEN, George D., (Dennis), E5, 058, Det 27, 23MY66-AU67
& 4-4, AU67-AU68, (Linda), 26409 195th PL SE., Covington, WA
98402, Linda was in Turkey.
MAJ. Cima I remember you fondly. When we closed Site 23 in Ankara
Turkey in 1967 we were all moved to Karamursel under your
command. I remember how cool you were about us bringing a part of
the famous "FOCK ROCK" that was on way to the site in
Ankara. Once you understood the real story you even had actual
orders cut and the "fock rock" placed in front of our
building at Karamursel. I think our company clerk was SPC David
Bickford. At the time I was a 05H SP5 George D. Holden living off
base with my (still) wife. I often wondered where you wound up. I
left Karamursel in May of 1968 for Vint Hills Farm Station. I
came back into reserves in 1981 and have been in since. I'm still
a 05H now called 98H working at Fort Lewis. I have been on Active
Duty (call up) for the last two years. AND I'm still involved in
Morse Code doing all the training for all Active and Reserve
soldiers at Fort Lewis. I am now in my 5th decade of copying dit
dah's for Uncle Sammy :) I think I hold the distinction of being
the "oldest ditty bopper" now called HOG in the entire
Army and probably the most experienced. Best of luck to you
"Sir" and some-day we will all meet again in the great
beyond. MSG George D. Holden (two years to age 60) Over 39 for
HOLLAND, John E. Jr., YOB: 1945, 2LT/1LT, T/A O & A/Opns
O, Det 4-4, 13OC67-MR69, (Ramona), 27482 Avanti Dr., Mission
Viejo, CA 92692, 949-829-6902 Retired Colonel
*SEE 4-4 Holland-1 ATTACHMENT where 2LT John Holland was promoted
to 1LT by Maj Cima.
Elder, It was good to talk to you last night. Thanks for the
call. I just talked with Ed Cima's wife, Lois. They have just
moved him back into a hospice type situation at the home of Ed's
son (who was also at Karamursel, Turkey when we were there). Lois
and the family are actually able to provide him more attention
there, and his family can be with him in these final days. Our
beloved Det 4-4 first commander continues to fight for life, but
he is weak and is not expected to last much longer since he is
now not eating or drinking. I know that Lois has received and Ed
is aware of several communications from former members of the
unit (I can remember seeing emails from Green, Tolbert, Holden,
and Bryan when I visited the Cima's last week). Thanks to all of
our former members for their compassion and sincere concern. I
will see Ed again tomorrow and tell him of our conversation. Ed
has long ago made the right decisions concerning his faith and
while we worry about the pain and torment he is enduring with
terminal cancer, we need not worry about where he will be after
death. Continue to pray that God will comfort him in these final
days. Elder, I'll let you know as the situation changes
ISLER, Roderick J (Rod) DOB 1945 E4-E5 05H Det 4-4,15OC68-70,
(Kyuhee), 1703 Mansion Ridge Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401,
*SEE 4-4 Cima-Isler and Det 4-4 Sp5 Rod Isler ATTACHMENTS
All, Major Cima was my first company commander at Det. 4-4 many
years ago and this news saddens me. I will try and make contact
via e-mail on my best wishes -- he had a distinguished career in
this business and helped many of us in jump starting our careers
in the Army. Rod Isler, (Major General, Ret).
Hi. I am Nelson Johnson, a retired ASA Major. I was just informed by Jim Moore about Ed Cima's illness. I remembered Ed Cima from one of my assignments at Ft Devons either as a young 2LT going through basic and meeting Ed as he was attending the career course in 1960 or later in the 63/64 timeframe meeting him as we each went through the career course for me and the AOcc for Ed. I can't remember which timeframe it was but I still remember him with pleasure and wonder if Ed would remember me from that timeframe. In either case, I want him to know that I am praying for him at this time. I have lost several very good military friends in this way over the last few years and know each has made a hard and game fight of it. If it is the Ed Cima I remember, he too is putting up a good fight. My thoughts are with him. Nelson Johnson, Retired Major, USAR., In God we trust, All others we Intercept/Monitor
MOORE, James B. (Jim), 2LT-1LT, Ops O, Det 4-4, SE69-MR71, (Linda), 9118 Santayana Dr., Fairfax VA 22031, 703-280-2726, Hi Ed, Just wanted you to know that my wife, Linda, and I are praying for you and your family. You probably do not remember me, but I was the last 2LT you received at Det 4-4. I got off the bus within a day or two after your family had left for CONUS. You said a few endearing things to me such as, "You are a little old for a 2LT." Which, undoubtedly, was true. That must have been the reason you immediately shipped me off to Sinop to meet Bob Carney and crew. By the time I got back, you were living in the BOQ and cooking some sort of stew most nights. Yes, you got to feed me most nights. You really were a pretty good cook with the limited facilities. I am sorry I did not have more time to get to know you. It is hard to loose your first CO. Best of luck and kept the faith. Jim Moore
TOLBERT, Henry H., (Hank), E3-E6, 98CRU, Det 27 & 4-4,
MR65-JL68, (Juanita), 4555 Ashmore Cir NE, Marietta, GA 30066,
*SEE 4-4 Tolbert&Cumpston ATTACHMENT. L-R: Maj Cima, Tolbert,
Cumpston & CPT Bill Walters
Dear (Major) Ed and Mrs. Cima: "Major," as a member of
TUSLOG Det 4-4 from March 1964-July 1968, I was privileged to
serve under you as a Traffic Analyst and progress from E3 to SP6
E6. One of my fondest memories (altho it didn't seem so at the
time) was the effort you made to ensure that we
"technicians" remained the soldiers you knew we could
be. Could we perform weapon drills, run cleaning details,
participate in joint flag ceremonies with our Turkish hosts? You
betcha, and we did! Thanks for keeping our heads straight, and
our feet on the ground. My thoughts are with you and your family.
ROWE, Joseph E., Jr DOB: 8 August 1930, RA13680148 E4 P2 988.1663 Det 27, 62-64 per SO#52 dtd 2AP62, DOD: 25 July 2003 at Bridgeport, Harrison Co., WV. SSN: 231-30-1599 issued Virginia
WARDLE, Jim 05 Det 4, 66-67, (Barbara-deceased) DOB: 27 November 1929 in Idaho DOD: 17 January 1993 at Sierra Vista, AZ. SSN: 519-16-8833 issued Idaho. Called his son Scott who lives at 1178 Sunflower Way, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635, 520-4549-3401, Said that Colonel Wardle had stomach cancer and died within two weeks after being diagnosed. His ashes were spread over a golf course and the other half in the mountains outside Fort Huachuca.
WARDLE, Barbara (Snap) wife of LTC Jim Wardle, DOB: 4 March 1929 DOD May 1986 at Bar Harbor, Maine, SSN: 544-26-4850 issued Oregon
*SEE Det 4 Staff 1965 attachment. Photo courtesy of Peter Erber
and the identification to ex-2LT Paul Aspinwall
ID of those in the photo
Kneeling, L-R:
1. Unk
2. Hal McPherson, NSA Rep
3. Maj Ben Smith, Protestant Chaplain
4. LTC Robert W. Lewis, Commander, deceased
5. LTC James Perkins, S4
6. Unk, possible Catholic Chaplain
7. Unk
Standing, L-R:
1. Unk
2. Art Kahuananui, Engr dept
3. Unk
4. Unk (with glasses)
5. Al Archer
6. CPT John R. Vice, Opns O
7. Unk
8. Unk (with medallion)
9. Bill Oliver, civilian, Sylvania EDL Rep
10. Unk (with glasses)
11. 1LT Peter Erber, Post Engr
12. 2LT Paul Aspinwall
13. Unk
14. CWO Quincy Tucker, pilot
15. Unk
16. 1LT Martin Brophy, F&AO
17. Unk (with glasses)
18. Unk (possible Dave Dowd, civilian)
19. Unk
20. 1LT Jim Wellman, Comm Center O
21. Unk (with glasses)
22. Unk (black)
23. 1LT Tom Weidemann, Pers O
24. CWO Bill Collins, Pers
25. Unk (possible CWO Matthew Suddath)
26. Unk
27. Unk (with glasses)
28. CPT Jack Packard, Co Cdr
29. Unk (with glasses)
*SEE Det 4-4 Softball 1970 ATTACHMENT
Front Row, L-R:
Greg Tremblay per Greg Kearney
Chuck Carpenter per Chuck Carpenter
Rod Isler
Back Row, L-R:
Stan Owen
James Glick per Greg Kearney
Al Bullock per Mike Findley
Robert Stewart per Greg Kearney
In my attempt to uncover as many 4-4 veteran's as possible I sent
the 4-4 team photo to those who were at 4-4 in the 1970's and
requested that all reply even though they might not know any one
in the photo. The photo is from the late Maj Cima's album. I sent
the photo to 37 vet's and only 11 responded. Those who responded:
CARPENTER, Chuck E4 05H Det 4-4, OC68-NO69, (Tomi), 3200 26th
St., Great Bend, KS 67530, 620-792-6278,
Elder - What a blast from the past! I know Maj. Cima is riding
free in the heavenly skies and I wish and pray the very best for
his family. As to the picture the player number 2 in the front
row beside Rod Isler is the old biker, Chuck Carpenter. Rod and I
roomed together until my wife arrived with my new daughter and
Tomi and I and little Michele lived in Yalova. Main claim to fame
was I hit the scoreboard with a home run one game, other than
that just mediocre but fun play. Ha Have a great one and ride
free always.
BRYAN, Clark L., E4-E5, 988BU Det 27, 66-67, & 4-4, 67-69,
(Althea), 918 Dibbles Trail, Webster, NY 14580, 716-671-8906, - Sorry to hear about Major Cima's death last
Thursday. I scanned the softball attachment, but there has been
too many years between 1968 and now. Some were familiar but I
couldn't put a name to any of them.
CARAWAY, Dave Det 4-4, AP70-72, - I got to
Karamursel in late April 1970 and started scuba diving and so
didn't get into softball at the time. Dave Caraway (Sfc Retired)
FINDLEY, Jas M (Mike) YOB: 1948, RA16911702, E4, 05H, Tk#4, Det
4-4, 15OC68-15OC70, 722 Mason St., Rhinelander, WI 54501,
FRICKEY, Norm Maj 2nd CO Det 4-4, JA70-JL71, (Sharon), 816 West
St., Fort Morgan, CO 80701, 970-867-5364, Sorry
I can't be much help ... the only one I recognize is Owen.(#7)
HOLLAND, John E Jr YOB 1945 2LT/1LT T/A O & A/Opns Off Det
4-4, 13OC67-MR69, (Ramona), 27482 Avanti Dr., Mission Viejo, CA
92692, 949-829-6902, - Elder, Sorry, don't
recognize any of those guys. I think 1SGT Rodkey left 4-4 in Sep
or Oct 1968. I remember because I bought his car. John
KEARNEY, Greg P E5 05H Det 4-4 SE68-OC71, (Lonnie), 11426 Brawley
Rd., Hesperia, CA 92345, 760-949-5731, - GH,
Regarding ID's , I know a couple of the names. Most faces look
familiar but as you know things are fading. Front row far left is
Greg Tremblay Back row 2nd from left is James Glick. Back row far
right looks like Robert Stewart. Hope that helps a bit
KINSER, George E DOB: 1946 E5 05K Det 4, SE69-AU70, Det 4-4,
AU70-21AP72, (Debby), 381 S. Davis Dr., Purcellville, VA 20132,
703-777-8267, Dear Elder, I got to Det 4-4
from Sinop in Sept, 1970. I wasn't on any team. Sorry that I
don't know anyone in the photo. Maybe Bill Bender would recognize
some of them.
LINDENMUTH, Bill (aka Coconut) Det 4-4, AP70-DE71, 8879A
Thumbwood Cir., Boynton Beach, FL 33436 I wish
I could be of some help but I arrived in the middle of April and
didnt know anything about the 1970 softball team. I played for a
brief time with the 1971 team but it was slo-pitch league not the
fast pitch . I was wondering if CWO Russell Drawdy may have
pitched on that team. I know that he did pitch for the 1971 fast
pitch team. Has anyone been able to contact Donald Hardee. I
believe he played with the 1970 team.
MARTIN, Chuck E4 05H Det 4-4, MY70-MY71, (Corena), 73 Woodland
Trce, Stockbridge, GA 30281, 770-507-7293, - Hey
All. I arrived Karamursel around 01 May 1970. Did not play any
softball that year however played in 71. Names are a blur and I
cannot see the picture clear enought to identify anyone. Sorry.
In the 50's and 60's blanket parties were a way of military life
and non-conformists were ostracized in many ways. During my first
enlistment I observed and participated in 'blanket parties.' The
practice was frowned upon by those in charge even tho they
blinked every time one took place. They were an extremely
effective way of ensuring everyone participated correctly in
training as a team. In basic at Fort Knox when one screwed up we
would approach the bunk of the one who had screwed up and give
him a blanket party. We simply threw a blanket completely over
the sleeping target and pummeled him with our fists. Other times
we'd wait for the target to return to the barracks and throw a
blanket over his head, take him down and keep his mouth covered.
I can't remember getting a 'blanket party', but do remember
participating in more than I care to remember from the other side
of the blanket. Once at Devens and again in Chitose there was
this dude who didn't believe in taking showers and it took
several blanket parties until he finally got the message. I've
heard that suspected 'gays' also got hit with blanket parties. In
the no-nonsense BROWN SHOE army this was a common type of
behavior that was readily accepted.
*ADAMS, Rogers Det 27 and 4-4, 65-68
AINES, Donald Det 4, 60-61
*BOWREY, Brad, Det 4, 68-69
BROOKE, Dennis Det 27, 62-64
BURCH, Joe, Det 4, 58-59
CARRICK, Ernie Det 4, 57-58
CARTER, Larry Det 27, Det 4, Det 4-4, 67-70
CHITTIM, Ken Det 4, 60-61
COMROE, Mike, Det 27, 61-62
COVELLO, Chuck, Det 4, 57
COX, Jim, Det 4, 66-67
DERMODY, John Det 4, 60-61
EBY, Tom Det 27, 60-62
FITTANTE, Tom Det 27, 61-63
GISSELL, Cliff Det 4, 60-61
*HAMMETT, Stu Det 4, 58-59
HAUGEN, Obie Det 4, 60-61
HILLIARD, Mike Det 4-2, 62-63
JORDAN, Kenneth Det 66, 59-63
KJOLLER, Jon Det 4, 58-59
MATTOCKS, Don Det 27, 62-63
MITCHELL, Benny Det 4, 72-73
NARDELLA, Jim Det 4, 60-61
NEILL, Hank Det 27, 62-64
RODRIQUES, Charlie Det 4, 59-60
SIMONS, Bill Det 4, 59-60
SIMONSON, Bob Det 27, 61-63
*SOWINSKI, Ron Det 4, 62
STALLINGS, Connie Ankara Embassy
TAVERNETTI, Dave Det 27,
WEEMS, Bob Det 4, 60-61
ADAMS, Rogers, III, YOB: 1939, RA14603706, E6, Supply, Det 27
& 4-4, 65-69, (Annie), 42 Sedgefield Rd., Natchez, MS 39120,
601-442-6062, email needs up-dated.
*See 4-4 SSG Adams attachment.
L-R: CPT Bill Walters & SSG Rogers Adams at Karamursel.
CPT Walters later served as the CO of Det 4 as a Colonel.
Contacted on 19 March 2004. The Adams Family lived across the
street from the Green Family at Karamursel, Turkey. I knew him as
Roger Adams and couldn't find him on I was
looking through Maj Cima's album and there was a photo of the 4-4
supply and the nameplate read SSG Rogers Adams. I called and
Patty and I talked to them for over an hour. Rogers retired from
the ASA in November 1985 as a Master Sergeant E-8 and moved back
to his native Natchez, Mississippii. Enlisted in 1956 in the
Reserves and in 1961 went on active duty. Took basic at Fort
Jackson and AIT at Fort Bragg for training in the Chemical Corps.
After that enlistment got out and his Reserve unit was called up
for the Berlin Crisis and served at Fort McClelland, Alabama.
Re-enlisted for duty with the ASA and was sent to Fort Lee for
supply training. After Turkey duty at Manzarali (Det 27) and
Karamursel (Det 4-4) was sent to Korea. Other duty assignments
included: Asmara, Fort Devens, Okinawa, Fort Hood, Heidelberg,
Germany, and Fort Polk. Remembers Cpt David Williams, Jerry
Faulkner, Calvin Gunn, Philip Holmes from Philadelphia, PA. Plans
to attend the Huntsville reunion
AINES, Donald S., YOB: 1926, CPT, AGC, Adj, Det 4, AU60-AU61,
(Marjorie),11772 Woodlea Dr, Waynesboro, PA 17268, 717-762-2619, - Retired Colonel. Contacted on 25 March 2004
and had a 2 hour very informative chat with Don Aines. Det 4 was
his only assignment with the ASA and it was as the Adjutant and
XO. Said that in his 29 year army stint that he remembers SINOP
and considers the Officers and First Sergeant Crawford Boyd as
among the finest that he ever served with. Sent me his 219 page
Army memoirs titled WIN, DRAW, LOSE, the life of a soldier who
served in all grades from Private to Colonel with service in
World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Sinop was his only ASA
assignment and one of the chapters is dedicated to Det 4. His BOQ
roommate was Dr. Roger Reitz who was a popcorn freek. Excerpts
from his memoirs will be included in DOOL#139 along with his
excellent BIO of his 'HILL TOUR'
[edited] Dear Elder, To say the very least your telephone call
last night was a most pleasant surprise and I sure did enjoy our
conversation. I find that your information regarding Det 4 is in
some regards more vivid than mine. I guess that is why we old
timers write memoirs as opposed to historical documents. I have
enclosed a rather early draft of my memoirs and have added to it
some pixtures as well as a couple maps. One day I will send you
an updated and final publication which as I indicated is
currently in the hands of a publisher in Bend, OR. As you can see
on page 143 I make reference to First Sergeant Crawford Boyd. In
my way of thinking he was an extrodinary soldier for whom I have
always held the highest regard. I believe that he and I were the
only ones on the HILL who wore the Combat Infantry Badge. The Det
4 pilot, CWO Floyd Kitchersid (Ketch) who lived in Ankara with
his family was a personal friend. Regarding Colonel A. J. van
Oosten. He was my indorsing officer when LtCol Les Buttleman
departed and all he signed was "A.J" etc......Once
again thanks so very much for calling and I do hope we get
face-to-face before too long on my trip to near Brookville, PA.
My very best to you and your family. Sincerely', s/Don
The title of Colonel Aines memoirs is: WIN, DRAW, LOSE, the life
of a soldier who served in all grades from Private to Colonel
with combat service in WORLD WAR II, KOREA and VIETNAM. The
INTRODUCTION was written by his son Donald S. Aines Jr., and is
as follows: Toward the end of Herman Wouk's fictional "War
and Remembrance" Admiral Pug Henry summed up his wartime
experience in two words. "I served." That's a pretty
good description of our father's career in the United States
Army. Our father was not Sergeant York or Audie Murphy, but he
served his country honorably over three decades and three wars.
Un addition to overseas assignments during WWII, Korea and
Vietnam, he spent an additional four years overseas in peace
time-three years in Germany and a year in Turkey during the Cold
War. In two respects his career was unusual, but not unique.
Drafted as an aimless teenager in the last months of WWII, he
rose through the ranks from buck private to full colonel. Through
the accidents of history he found himself in three wars, two of
which placed his life at direct risk from enemy fire. Even in
peace time, the military life is not without physical risk and
the military culture is intolerant of failure. Literally and
figuratively, he managed to avoid land mines that might have
derailed his career. While often absent, he was not an absentee
father. One of my earliest memories is sitting at the dinner
table with my mother and three brothers. I was just three or
four, but remember mother telling us about father in Turkey. In
the early 1960's, I remember him coming home in fatigues,
informing us he had been promoted to Major. "That means I
get to spank little kids," he informed me. Dad looked ten
feet tall and I sort of believed him, but cannot remember ever
having been spanked. When he was in Vietnam, I remember his
letters and distorted, radio-relayed telephone calls home. During
the years he was home, he was a father with a vengeance. He was a
baseball and basketball coach, an assistant scoutmaster and the
man of the house. He was able to play those roles thanks to the
sacrifices of our mother Marjorie Ryback Aines, who shouldered
many burdens during her quarter century as a soldier's wife. This
is their story. Donald S. Aines Jr.
PREFACE: I have long felt it is in the interest of families for
members to maintain some sort of chronicle of the significant
events in their lifetime. Accordingly, I have set down and
account of some of the events in my life which may prove to be of
some value to my family and friends. The events of the first 25
years of my life are, to a large degree, based on memory, with
subsequent recollections based both on memory and documentation
that I have saved, or been able to retrieve, from U.S. Army and
other records. I have, to some extent, downplayed the horrors of
war, while including enough information to allow the reader some
understanding of the experience. The wars I experienced, whether
brought on by despots or diplomatic failures, were never romantic
adventures. I shall always be deeply indebted to my loving wife
Marjorie for her support, patience, understanding and keeping our
family intact through what is now a half century of marriage. We
have been blessed with four outstanding sons in Deane, Glen,
Donald Jr. and Paul. They have graced us with wonderful
adaughters-in-law and, at last count, seven grandchildren.
Despite my frequent absences, our sons presented us with few
problems throught the years.
BOWREY, Bradley (Brad) YOB 1948 RA16992891 E3-E4 98B/98C Det
4, JL68-JL69, (Helena), Beverly, WV 26253, 304-636-1472,
*See Brad and Helen Bowrey attachment
Hey Elder, Hows it going....I'm finally sending you that picture
you asked for...As you can see, both the wife and I are
correctional officers for the state of West Virginia...I've
already reserved a room for the Turkey ASA reunion...I'll be
there to see who I know....and see if you remember me from
"B" Division at Fort Devens.
BURCH, Joe, YOB: 1938, RA15565911, E4-E5, 988RU, Det 4, AU58-MY59, (Sue),108 Tahoma Rd., Lexington, KY 40503, 859-277-3538, & - Yes, I was at Det. 4 from Aug. 1958 to May 1959, having been transferred from Bad Aibling, Germany. I was an 058. Was sent there with eight other guys on TDY during the Lebanon crisis and later sent to Sinop instead of going back to Germany. I have been previously contacted and am on Chuck Bergmann's email list receiving Days of our Lives. I am Joseph Burch, Lexington, KY. I believe you called me for our first contact about a year ago. The only other contact I have found from those I served with is Gary Irwin from Little Falls, Minnesota.
BROOKE, Dennis D. (DD), YOB 1943 RA17608528 E3-E5 058 TK#1 Det
27, SE62-3MR64, (Barbara), 1720 Fender Rd., Naperville, IL 60565,
630-983-7296, - [edited] Elder, I thought maybe I
could assist you by giving a old college try in locating
ex-Det27'ers, but now find that with the full time job, traveling
every week and six grandchildren to bond with on week-ends, I
just don't have the time needed to do this great service that you
have outlined. I spent one whole afternoon highlighting the DET
27 vets to try to attack the project from that angle. I have that
saved if you would like that forwarded to you. I am very very
sorry to beg off like this but I have to face reality, this needs
to be done by some one retired. I am a long way from that!
I find that I am doing you and all Please forgive me,
CARRICK, Ernie DOB: 1936 RA25358534 E3-E4 Personnel Det 4,
NO57-OC58, (Betty), 6111 Fairfield Dr., Huntsville, AL 35811,
256-852- 6180, - Elder - Thanks for the
picture of Stu Hammett. He and I were at Sinop at the same time.
I don't remember the "Turk". As I told you I talked to
Stu and Jim Forbus a couple of weeks ago. He said that he would
attend the reunion. Thanks again. Ernie
Things I know about Alabama and being a Alabamian
1. Possums sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the
2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Alabama.
3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Alabama
plus a couple no one's seen before.
4. Squirrels will eat anything.
5 Unknown critters love to dig holes under tomato plants.
6. Raccoons will test your crop of melons and let you know when
they are ripe.
7. If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites.
8. Onced and twiced are words.
9. It is not a shopping cart; it is a buggy.
10.Fire ants consider your flesh as a picnic.
11.People actually grow and eat okra.
12.Afixinto is one word.
13.There is no such thing as "lunch". There is only
dinner and then there is supper.
14. Ice tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking
it when you're two.
15.Backards and forwards means "I know everything about
16. Jeet? is actually a phrase meaning "Did you eat?"
17.You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what
time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
More about Alabamians.... You know you're from Alabama if:
1. You measure distance in minutes.
2. You've ever had to switch from "heat" to
"A/C" in the same day.
3. You use "fix" as a verb. Example: "I'm fixing
to go to the store "
4. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit,
vegetable, grain, insect or animal.
5. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave
both unlocked.
6. You know what a "VOL" is.
7. You carry jumper cables in your car...for your OWN car.
8. You know what "cow tipping" is.
9. You only own four spices: salt, pepper, tabasco and catsup.
10.The local papers cover national and international news on one
page but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports.
11. You think that the first day of deer season is a national
12. You find 100 degrees fahrenheit "a little warm".
13. You know all four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still
Summer and Christmas.
14. You know whether another Alabamian is from east, west or
middle Alabama as soon as they open their mouth.
15. Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as"goin'
Wal-martin" or off to "Wally World".
16. You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good
pinto-bean weather. 17. A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda,
cola or's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor.
Example: "What kinda coke you want?"
18. Fried catfish is the other white meat.
19. You understand these jokes. Not EVERYONE can be a hick, it's
an art form and a gift!
CARTER, Lawrence H. (Larry), E3-E5 058/05H, Det 27, 4 &
4-4, JN67-JA70, (Petra), 4929 Colina Way, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635,
520-459-4291, (MSG E8, Ret) [edited] Elder -
Thanks for the promotion to E5 photo and Jim Adamany. That was a
red letter day for both of us (one of us - guess which one - was
sure it was a day never to be reached!) Thanks for the good work
with the constant memories!
See 4-4 Cima-Carter-Adamany attachment.
CHITTIM, Kendall H (Ken) YOB: 1939 RA28028248 E2-E4 059 Det 4,JN60-MY61, (Sharon),2119 Laurance Ct, Crofton, MD 21114, 410-721-1989, no email - Contacted on 28 March 2004. Was from New Castle, WY per Murray of Det 27. Cliff Gissell sent Det 4 promotion orders with 14 names thereon and one was Chittim.
COMROE, Mike YOB 1939 RA13693057 E4 059 TK#4 Det 27, JL61-22DE62, (Jane), 205 Pinetown Rd., Audubon, PA 19403, 610-666-7402,
COVELLO, Chas (Chuck) DOB: 1936 RA1952.... E3-E4 988RU Det 4,
JA-DE57, (Carol), 2165 N. 185th Shoreline, WA 98133,
206-362-4054, - Elder: We had a great phone
conversation out of the blue on 8 May 2003. I never asked but I
assume you contacted me through Norris (Buck) Goss. 1) I enlisted
in the Regular Army for 3 years in February 1955 - took basic
training at Fort Lewis, WA where I was selected for duty with the
ASA. Then was sent to Fort Devens for ASA processing, etc. Then
was sent to Monterey, CA for schooling as a Russian linguist -
then to Fort Meade and training at NSA - then off to the 'hill'
called Sinop. 2) I was at Sinop all of 1957. Took a lot of black
and white, color prints and slides, but haven't looked at them in
years. I remember Maj Clark as being the commander and a Capt Ken
Allison who was in his 50's. Also remember a NCO at Sinop who I
had the greatest respect for as being a leader of men that I
would follow anywhere. Further, I have warm feelings for the guys
who were there. We were a tight-knit group for the most part -
especially those I worked with. I also have good feelings about
my duty there. I felt I was doing some-thing important. 3)
Unfortunately, so much has happened during these 45+ years that I
cannot remember names. 4) After discharge worked for Boeing for 5
years. While there - observed that a person had a photo of Sinop
on his desk and upon trying to inform that person that I too was
at Sinop - discovered that that person would not talk about Det 4
whatsoever. After Boeing went to Law School at the Univ of
Washington and have been a lawyer since 1970. 5) I would like to
try to make the reunion with my wife and try to recognize old
buddies, recall old times, share stories and photos and
I'll have to wait and see what happens. Best of Luck. Chuck
COX, James R. (Jim) YOB 1943 RA14820047 E4-E5 95B MP Det 4, MR66-FE67, (Vicki), PO Bpx 2424, Gadsden, AL 35903, 256-452-0666., - I am looking forward to the reunion in Huntsville. I am now retired and have plenty of free time to myself. My wife still has about 1 1/2 years left before she can retire. We have moved and are in the process of building a new home. Just thought I would provide my new mailing address and telephone number. Please keep up the good work.
DERMODY, John P (Pat), YOB: 1940, RA15612624, BPED 13SE59 E2-E4 058 Det 4 MY60-MY61, (Patricia), 21311 Coshocton Rd, Howard, OH 43028, 740-393-2282, - Contacted on 23 March 2004 after receiving name from Cliff Gissell. Elder, - My full name is John Patrick Dermody and all of my friends and family know me as "Pat". If anyone remembers me from Sinop, They probably remember me as "Pat". Was originally scheduled to go to Germany but orders were changed at the last minute and he arrived at Det 4 without his 201 file. His trip to Sinop from Ankara was an experience in itself. The GMC deuce and a half broke down on the trip and the driver told him to stay with the truck until he got a wrecker. John slept in the front of the truck and when he woke up he was surrounded by Turkish kids who later brought him some food. He didn't have anything to give them, but got out his green dress uniform and tore off all the brass buttons and gave them to the kids who were tickled to get them. Remembers the front gate incident where a Turk soldier was killed. Said that he was told that it was just horse play but now wonders why the Turks had control of the post for at least 2 days. Remembers the time that a GI from Det 4 brought back a cub as a pet. A cage was made and most helped to feed and care for the bear. After a while the cub matured and got out of the cage and made its way off post. Later Turks came on post and protested that their 'bear' was now killing their animals and several collections were taken up to payoff the Turks and the incident was forgotten. Said that he once went on a wild boar hunt and that one of the hunters accidentally shot a cow or ox and that cost them more money. After his tour at Sinop was sent to Bad Aibling, Germany along with Bob Weems for a year. Is now retired but is the Chairman of the Board of the Spiratex Co.
EBY, Thomas D., (Tom) US55609466 E4 058 Det 27, OC60-MR62, White Lake, MI 248-887-6063, - BPED 7JA60 ETS 6AP62 DEROS 16MR62 - Elder, I have been receiving the news letters as they are sent to me but do not see any of the men I was with at Det 27. I did not expect that you had time to track down other individuals since I am sure that this keeps you quite busy. I was just curious that there were no names I was familiar with, especially from trick #4. I would think that some of them would have had contact with you or some of the others. I will look over the info on and see if there is anything I can add. I do have a barracks picture of myself and my buddy Russ Davis that I will scan and send to you.Thanks again and keep up the good work.
FITTANTE, Thomas A (Tom) YOB 1941 RA15624089 E4-E5, 988.1662, Tk#4, A/Plt Sgt Det 27, JL61-29JA63, (Beverly), 46398 SR 46,(PO BX 59), New Waterford, OH 44445, 330-457-2950 - Elder, I'm BACK. Please note my new email address and put me back on the DOOL list.
GISSELL, Cliff, YOB: 1942, RA19646124, E3-E4, 058, Det 4,
MY60-AP61, (LuAnn), 240 County Rd 1285, Vinemont, AL 35179,
256-734-9637, -
*SEE Det 4 Gissell-11960 attachment
Enlisted in August 1959 at Los Angeles for 3 years in the ASA.
Like yourself, I have four names, Clifford John Max Gissell.
Usually I go by John unless it's something official, then by
Clifford. Took basic at Fort Ord, then on to Fort Devens for 058
training. At Devens became friends with Garland Gibbs. First
assignment was to Det 4. Rode to Sinop in a Brit Land Rover.
Didn't mind the tour. Pulled guard duty for 42 straight days. I
have quite a few pictures of Sinop and Samsun. I'm not sure of
Houlihan's first name. I also found some old orders promoting
myself and others to SP4 in Sinop. I still have one more set of
orders to find, one that I believe has some states associated
with the individual. I'll find those later in the week and send
them via scanning. We have the granddaughters here today,
Thursday and Friday and we're going to Florida on Tuesday and
Wednesday so I won't get much done this week. I had to take a
break writing this to rock the 5 month old to sleep because
Grandma was washing the dishes with the 3 year old. Now the baby
is asleep so I can finish this. One thing on the write-up, I was
a Quality Manager for an electronics manufacturing company.Left
the hill in the front of a deuce and a half and was told by the
driver to keep talking and we drove straight through. After
Turkey was sent to Korea and was discharged thereafter. Was a
civilian for 3 months and then re-upped in the Special Forces as
a 91B medic. Retired in 1980 as a Command Sergeant Major. Worked
as a Quality Manager for an electronics manufacturing company,
1982-2001. I live close to Huntsville, but won't be able to
attend the reunion as will be in the state of Washington in
September. Contacted on 6 March 2004. Was surprised to hear from
someone asking questions about Sinop. Is a retired Command
Sergeant Major. I received the disc from Chuck Bergmann today.
You really did a good job on it, you're talented. I expect to get
many hours of enjoyment from it. Thanks.
HAMMETT, Stuart (Stu), YOB: 1938, RA16589314, E2-E4, Supply,
Det 4, MY58-MY59, (Rita), 16222 Crego Rd., Dekalb, IL 60115,
815-756-9095, no email.
*SEE Det 4 Stu & Rita Hammett ATTACHMENT
Contacted on 14 March 2004. Very interested and will be attending
the 2004 reunion at Huntsville. Took physical at Chicago,
Illinois and enlisted for the ASA at DeKalb, Illinois. Took basic
at Fort Carson, Colorado. After basic was sent to Fort Devens for
ditty-bop training, but washed out and was OJT'd in the Supply
field at Devens. Said that the dits and dahs about drove him
NUTS. Flew MATS from Charleston, to Bermuda, to the Ozores, to
Tripoli and the commercial to Rome, to Istanbul, and finally to
Esenboga International Airport outside Ankara. When asked what
was his first impression of Turkey - he replied, "I thought
I'd fallen off the face of the earth and died. In-processing in
Ankara took about a week and then found himself in the back of a
deuce and one half for the long ride to Sinop. Sorta enjoyed the
ride to Sinop. The truck was loaded with duffel bags and about 10
other yenni's. In 1958 the Lebanon Cisis took place and the size
of Det 4 tripled. Worked in Supply where Sgt McKinnon (sp?) was
the NCO in charge. Took McKinnon's place when he left. I also
became friends with Warrant Officer Sam Whitehead who I knew
while at Devens. I made sure that he got everything that he
ordered. We were really good friends. He told me that whenever he
ran into me on post that he need not salute him unless others
were present. The First Sgt was Fred Barnett. He was a giant of a
man and a special bed to sleep on. A regular army cot would
buckle under his weight and his clothes had to be special
ordered. It really was a disgrace to the US Army..... In Supply
worked a Turk named Mauret Moretz (sp?) who was well liked by all
who knew him. He was a Turk infantryman in the Korean War and was
wounded several times. I liked to sit and listen to him relate
his memories of the fierce weather and fighting during the Korean
War. He wanted me to sponsor him so that he could come to the
United States, but Jim Forbus and I got caught up in the Black
Market, or at least we were suspected, but nothing ever proven.
*SEE Det 4 - Stu Hammett & Murst Murtz ATTACHMENT
After Sinop was sent to Arlington Hall Station where he worked in
Supply and said that he was the senior E4 there when he was
dis-charged. Went back to the DeKalb, Illinois area and took up
farming and was a township road commissioner for 22 years. Letter
from Rita Hammett: Elder - How good it is to hear from you! A
whole chunk of Stu's life that he thought was lost forever has
been found. We have been checking the website and have seen a few
familiar names. Maybe these photos will help to jog someone's
memory. After 40 years, the past gets a little foggy. Most of the
photo's have some comments on the back. We have more, but they
are pretty much the same. We would be grateful if you can send
them back when you're finished with them. Thanks for sending the
Det 4 patch. We have madeour reservations for the reunion in
September, and really look forward to it. Keep us informed with
anything we need to know. Again, thanks and I look forward to
meeting you!
HAUGEN, Obert Odvar (Obie) YOB: 1920, W2, Food Service, etc.,
Det 4, AU60-AU61, (Betty), 1200 Orr St., College Station, TX
77840, 979-693-1064, no email. Name given to me by Col Aines.
Contacted on 31 March 2004. Det 4 was his only ASA assignment.
Met CPT Don Aines at Fort Devens for their ASA orientation and
flew to Frankfurt, Germany together for 2 days of additional
chain-of-command orientation, etc. While waiting to board a PAN
AM 707 flight to Ankara met a CPT Reitz (Dr) who was also
destined for Sinop. With a stop in Belgrade, Yugoslovia we landed
in Ankara and were met by the Det 4 liaison people and stayed
overnight in a BOQ not far from the American Embassy. The next
day they all processed and Aines and Reitz flew to Sinop. Obie
had heard tales about the airplane (Otter) flights over 3 rugged
mountain ranges and elected to ride in a deuce and a half for the
first time and then decide if flying was the best way!. Didn't
spend too much time on the HILL as
Retired as CW4 with 23 years active duty.
HILLIARD, Mike YOB: 1942 RA17586325 E3-E5 993.10 Det 4 &
4-2, 61-63, 9703 Greenwood, Rock Hill, MO 63119, 314-968-8149, "Still in business?" 62-63
Det 4-2 Many stories much fun lots of air time. My BIO is nearly
complete and will forward it along with photo's.
JORDAN, Kenneth YOB: 1933, RA17229954, Tape Relay, Det 66,
59-JA63, (Linda), 51040 North 292nd Ave., Wickenburg, AZ 85390,
928-684-5633, no email. Ken Jordan called me on 20 March 2004
asking about the ASA Turkey reunion. Was a friend of Ken Baldwin.
In fact, Jordan, Sfc Woogie and Ken Baldwin had a apartment
together in Ankara until Woogie's wife arrived, Said that Ken
Baldwin was a LOVER BOY and that he would bring gals to the
apartment, etc and that caused Jordan to move into the USAF
billitting area. Baldwin soon moved back to the USAF apartments.
Jordan said that he bought a Grundig tape recorder at the AFEX
and it came up missing. Found out that Baldwin had stolen it and
it might have been the beginning of Baldwins BLACK MARKET career.
The 25 June 1965 article in TIME mentions this tape recorder:
"....When he bought a tape recorder for a pal at the PX and
resold it to a Turkish citizen, Baldwin broke Turkish law; when
he sold a second tape recorder for a pal, the pal backed out of
the deal, and Baldwin qualified for a court martial for
'larceny'. At his army trial, he was sentenced to a year's
imprisonment (later rescinded), a bad conduct discharge,
forfeiture of all pay and allowances and reduction from SP4 to
PVT. The Turkish trial took longer, but Baldwin was again found
guilty, and sentenced to 10 months in jail, to be followed by 2
1/2 years of banishment. In jail, Baldwin learned to speak fluent
and colloquial Turkish and was so useful an inmate that he was
often given the jail keys when the jailer had chores to be done
in the town. At the end of his term he was given a going-away
party by both prisoners and jailers. He was banished to
Kusadasi." See DOOL # for the rest of the story.
KJOLLER, Jon P., DOB: 1938, RA15578113, E3, 058, Det 4,
JL58-AU59,, (Darlene), 993 Rosemary Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78130,
830-625-1064, - Dear Elder, Here are a couple
of names to add to your Sinop roster, if you don't already have
them. Jon P. Kjoller, PFC 058, Sinop, 58-59,,,Robt. J. McCreary,
E-4, 058, Sinop, 58-59...Ted Lowery, PFC 058 Sinop, 58-59,,,,,Ken
Ruehl, PFC 058, Sinop, 58-59. Ted Lowery owns a "Up in
Smoke" barbecue restaurant in Hillsboro, TX... home
254-582-0278,,,Robt. McCreary lives in Horicon, WI and has rental
property...920-485-4366,,,, Ken Ruehl lives in Wisconsin, I
think, close to McCreary but don't know for sure. If you get a
address, let me know. All of us, were together from Fort Devens,
to Baumholder, to Sinop and on to Camp Wolters where we all got
out in Aug. of 1960. Would you want any pics of this era and
Just finished DOOL 137 and I noticed how the 058's from 56-60 are
certainly getting fewer and fewer. Seems like the average years
of response are now 65-75. Wow, has it been so long ago? The
photos are great at the end but I was wondering if you are able
to ID them at the picture itself? I might remember a name, just a
MATTOCKS, Don W., YOB: 1942, RA14768357, E3-E4, 058, Det 27,
MY62-NO63, (Linda), 607 Crofton Park Lane, Franklin, TN 37069,
615-791-8185, - Enlisted for ASA in September
1961 at Raleigh, North Carolina. Took basic at Fort Jackson, then
on the Fort Devens for 058 training. Arrived at Manzarali in May
1962 during the Berlin crisis and the 'oldtimers' were extended
which caused them understandable bitterness. Was assigned to Lt
Kittenring's and SFC Nunn's Trick #2. Nunn, it may have been
Munn, was a strack black career soldier, but his debts, etc
caught up with him and got busted to E5 and then was released
from active duty. Remembers Walt Dubicki, Bill Hartranft, Jim
Harber, Moms Mabrey, Spano and many others. Enjoyed the Turkey
tour and visited Adana and Istanbul. Was sent to the 318th USASA
Bn at Herzogenaurach in Germany. Got a 90 day early release in
June 1964. I can still remember the winding road from the Herzo
front gate to "town" and the unmistakable fragrance of
the spring visits of the "honey wagon". Worked for
Household Finance in Jacksonville, NC., then to Fairfax, VA.,
then to Atlanta, GA and lastly to Franklin, TN working for a
Divisiuon of Ford Credit. Lives about 300 yards from Darrell
Waltrip, the famed NASCAR driver.
MITCHELL, Benny G., YOB: 1938, RA14619217, E7, Supply, Det 4, MY72-MY73, (Linda), PO Bx 493, Bynum, AL 36253, 256-237-6394, - Contacted on 14 March 2004 after being located by Ernie Carrick. Benny Mitchell was a lifer serving in the ASA from 1957-1978 retiring as a Master Gergeant E8 at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia. Native of Mississippi Took basic at Fort Polk, Louisiana then off to Fort Devens for ASA processing before going to Fort Monmouth for 204 training. First overseas assignment was to Korea and duty with the 177th ASA Company where he cross-trained in Supply and was subsequently awarded the Supply MOS. Later assignments were at Vint Hill Farms, Chitose, Japan, Fort Devens, the to Fort Riley, Kansas and was part of the 335th RR Company boat shipment to Vietnam in support of the 9th Infantry Division. After RVN duty was sent to Vint Hill Farms, then to Hakata, Japan which he considered his BEST assignment. After this was sent to Det 4 in Sinop in May of 1970. Then back to Fort Devens and his last assignment was at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia where he retired on 31 January 1978. In civilian life has worked at the Anniston Army Depot for the last 26 years. Presently is a GS-12.
NARDELLA, James M. (Jim), YOB: 1940, RA11370859, E2-E3, 722, Det 4, AP60-AP61, (Pat), Old Hebron Rd, Colchester, CT, 860-537-1092, - Name was sent to me by Cliff Gissell. Contacted on 26 March 2004. Retired in 1987 as a Connecticul State Trooper Sergeant with 25 years on the job. We talked for 2 hours about his tour in Sinop and Frankfurt. Enlisted for ASA duty at Waterbury, CT. Took basic at Fort Dix, then sent to Fort Devens for screening that lasted 1 month. Sent to Fort Gordon for Cryptography Training (722). Finished first in his 722 class. The SOP was that the #1 graduate would get his chose of assignment, but that was not true for Jim. He wanted assigned to Germany as he had 2.5 years of German in high school and 1 year at Fairfield College in Connecticut. Instead was assigned to Det 4 in Sinop. One of the instructors told him that he was the lucky one in that he would be living in a HOTEL and the per diem would amount to about Ten Thousand dollars for that year. Other classmates heard this and one offered to trade his Germany assignment with him, but Jim being no dummy figured that he could use the extra money and refused to trade. His HIGH EXPECTATIONS came crashing down to an emotional low when he arrived on the HILL. Flew to Ankara, Turkey with LTC Les Buttleman who was a giant of a man, 6'6" and identified himself as the commander to be at Det 4. That's where the friendship ended. Buttleman FLEW to Sinop whereas Nardella had to ride in the back of a GMC 2 and 1/2 ton truck. Said that he pulled guard duty for 10 days when he got there and knew a Cpl Churchill either then or later during his tour. Churchill was the MP on the front gate when the riot took place on 11 May 1961. Those iki pachuk rides are memories that will not go away and Jim likes talking about his trips to/from Samsun and Ankara. Said that he enjoyed visiting and making the good-looking 'inmates' of the Samsun KARI-HANI feel good at a relative low cost to him. One of those trips was an organized deuce and a half rides to Samsun where the USAF Security Agency had a unit that KNEW how to take of the AIRMEN assigned there. Excellent barracks and facilities that was non exixtent at Det 4. Said that he took several 3 day passes to Ankara that really lasted 7 days. Two days down, three enjoyable days in Ankara and two days to return. On one of the trips he and Kenny Byron Roth hooked up with a wheeler dealing Turk who was dressed in a blue suit underneath a US Army field jacket. He introduced them to a popular and famous Turk female singer who accompanied them to 6 or 7 nightclubs and at every one she went on stage and sang and sang to everyone's enjoyment. Nardella figures that he blew about $200 dollars that evening. Back on the HILL he remembers Captain's Aines and Dirkx, Orville Jackson, Mike Osboe, Mike Brannock, Bob Kimmerling and Sgt Glen Allen who was the NCOIC of the 722's at Det 4. Said that the EM Club was broken into and the cash therein was taken the night before Allen left the hill for the truck ride to Ankara. Said that Allen was suspected, but nothing ever was proven. The EM Club manager was Jake Muntz and Nardella and others often wondered why Muntz stayed on the hill so long pass the normal rotation plan of Det 4. Knew a Bob Nielson who served at Det 27 (MY60-SE61) during the same time frame. Once a week on a Thursday at 1700 hours several EM were detailed or volunteered to take courier pouches to the Sinop harbor and catch a BOAT out to the Black Sea Steamer and give the pouches to the ASA courier thereon. Also at that time six movie reels were returned and six 'new' ones from Trabson or Samsun were brought back for showing. On Monday thru Saturday a different flick was shown and on Sunday the six films were re-run all day long. Normally a Turk named Habash (Turkish meaning black man) would take them ouit to the steamer. Often Habash would take them out on the Black Sea to fish. Said that he recently was watching a National Geographics story on TV about sunken ships in the Black Sea and one of the Turks that was interviewed was Habash who would be about 75 years of age now. After serving 11 months and 10 days at Sinop was assigned to HQ's USASA Europe in Frankfurt and duty on the 5th floor of the IG Farben building. Left the hill as a PFC on a familiar TRUCK with another PFC named Orville Jackson. Spent several days in Ankara making flight arrangements out of Turkey. They caught a flight to Athens and while there met up with a Captain who they knew from Det 4 who told them that both had been promoted to SP4 and while waiting for another flight had SP4 chevrons sewed on his class A uniform. When he reported in at the Gutluit Orderly Room the First Sergeant had him do 20 push-ups for impersonating a SP4 when his 201 file listed Nardella as only a PFC. Later the promotion orders caught up and the First Shirt had to apologize. Enjoyed the night life and duty at Frankfurt. Remembers a Sunday when he an another 722 were on duty on the 5th floor and their instructions were to mop and wax the area before Monday morning. Well, his friend went to the first floor for a buffer and hurriedly put it on the Paternaster and jumped on with it, but when the 'elevator' got to the 5th floor he couldn't get the buffer off with him and over the TOP it went and it took them a long time to find that buffer, but they did get the floor buffed. Several of those ASA veterans will be going back to Frankfurt for a mini reunion this September. Jim Nardella promised to re-write this off the cuff BIO by me and get it back to me ASAP with some photo's.
NEILL, Henry W. Jr., (Hank), YOB: 1939, RA12646838/05875320, E1-E5/O1, MOS: 723.10/FC, Det 27, AU62-JA64, (Judy), 7417 Jenna Road, Springfield, VA 22153, 703-569-5163, - COL, USA (Ret.) - Merhaba Elder, Thanks for forwarding Richard Robb's email. It brought back some good memories. I forgot that he and I had met at Fort Carson and I also had forgotten about SGT Shatzer. Good memories of both returned.
RODRIGUES, Charlie, E4 Orderly Room & Supply Det 4, 59-60, (Patricia), 210 Benham Ave., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315-487-1195, - Hi Elder and Patty......Was great to hear from you last night! Thanks for keeping me in mind! Sorry I couldn't talk, but finally got the "Syracuse Flu" and not much better today, maybe worse. Got your Email this AM and when better will call Stu Hammett, who I believe, I replaced. They didn't need me in supply, so assigned me to the Orderly Room to do my "Time" on the Hill. I have to ask Fred Schwartz if he remembers Stu. Will be off shore fishing in Myrtle Beach with Fred in a few more weeks, and Rosie will be lounging with Pat in the sun on the beach. Can't wait, been a bitch of a winter up here in Siberia, as I believe Vince Caruso calls it!! No it's the frozen wastelands here in Syracuse. Also will be good to see and visit with the Schwartzs. Last saw them at the 7 Springs reunion. Great reading again in the #137 DOOL. I didn't receive it, but picked it up on Bill Simons site. From all of us ASA'ers, Many thanx for all your efforts, Greatly appreciated!!! Charlie R
SIMONS, Bill, YOB 1936 RA135..... E3 058 DE59-DE60, (Patricia Anne), 155 Newbolds Corner Rd., Southampton, NJ 08088, - Hi Elder, Please send the DOOLS as you have done in the past, as one file with the attachments placed at the end of the message. That will be fine with me. Things have been a little hectic here since before Christmas with four dogs and a wife taking turns at being sick. I'm OK but just in dire need of several nights of sleep without emergency interruptions.
SIMONSON, Robert M (Bob) YOB 1937 RA12588607 E4-E5 P2 988.1662 Det 27, 62-63, (Grace), 124 French Ave, Westmont, NJ 08108, 856-854-8401, per SO#106 dtd 3JL62 E5 DOR 19SE62 fm NJ per Stallings
RESCHNER, Martin J., (Marty), DOB: 1937, RA16495117, E2-E3, 204, Det 4, 28AP56-AP57, (Janet), 123 E. Maple St., Climax, MI 49034, 269-746-5673, - Hi there. My email address that you should reply to has changed. Please make an update in your records.
ROBB, Richard A., (Rich), YOB: 1938, RA17601..., E3-E5, 058, Tk#1, Det 27, AU62-JA63, (Marti), PO Box 651, Alliance, NE 69301, 308-762-1297, - Contacted on 11 March 2004. Remembers Ted Nelson, Ted Hammer from New York, Jeff Daniels from McKeesport, PA., Al Smith from Zachary, LA., Sgt Shatzer, Spano, Jim Hyde, Lyle Schroeder, Lt Stevens
SOWINSKI, Ron YOB 1942 RA16697225 E3-E4 058 Det 4,
20JA62-18DE62, (Ilse), Box 884, 26175 Rawson Rd., Brush Prairie,
WA 98606, 360-253-2383, -
*SEE Det 4 Ron Sowinski 1962 ATTACHMENT
I graduated from high school in Hobart, Indiana (outside of Gary,
Indiana and not far from Chicago) in May of 1960, tried a
semester of pre-med at Purdue University, found out that THAT was
a big mistake, and decided to get away from it all and get into
the military on my own rather than wait for the draft. As with
all of us, I took the battery of tests, and had a recruiter tell
me that MY scores were very high. (Of course, we all said.) He
had me go be interviewed by a Colonel in Chicago. The Colonel
told me I could get into the ASA, but he didn't know what the ASA
was, for he himself didn't have a clearance high enough to know.
All he knew was that I would be sent to some school after basic,
and then sent outside
of the country. Sounded good to me. I joined. Enlisted on 28
February 1961. Basic: D-2-3, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. March
through May. Horrible place. Was never before in the company of
such a cross section of humanity. Half of our company was made up
of a few white guys from the Chicago area such as myself with
many black guys from the Chicago area - and the other half was
made up of white southern boys who had been shipped up from Fort
Gordon, Georgia. Did that not work out too well? Man, constant
tension and fights between the not to be pushed blacks and the
southern boys. I was VERY glad to be gone from that situation.
Fort Devens - May through December, 1961. Free time spent in
Boston, on the Cape and at the dances at some nursing school up
near the New Hampshire border. Graduated from 058 school. Got
assigned to Sinop. Was happy to leave Devens and finally travel
the world. Sinop - January 1962 to Christmas, 1962. A few days
after arrival here, I really wished I was back at Devens. One
year of going to work and waiting to leave. Hated it there. Made
E-4. Was offered E-5 if I would extend 3 months. Said no way.
(Young and stupid.) Didn't want to go back to the states, so
asked for next duty station to be in Europe. Was assigned to
Germany. Shipped out of Sinop just before Christmas.
Rothwesten, Germany. 319th ASABN, 184th Co. December 1962 through
28 February 1964. Dog trick. Loved it there. Copied ditties as
little as possible, travelled all over each and every three day
break and was on leave as much as possible. (Had 30 days leave
time from 1962 and 30 days for 1963. A total of 60 days leave to
spend in one year of time left.) Visited Spain, France, Italy,
Switzerland, Andorra, Belgium, Luxembourg, England, Netherlands,
Denmark and Sweden. Spent much time drinking beer and meeting
girls at the "Duce". Made E-5. Learned to speak German
quite well. Near the end of my tour at Rothwesten I was informed
by the girl I was hot and heavily dating that she was pregnant. I
did the right thing and said I would marry her. Bang, no more
clearance. No more ASA. Got married. Played MP for a month or so,
and then took my discharge right there at Rothwesten.
Ex-girlfriend, then wife turned out to NOT be pregnant. Live and
learn. Stormy times.
A note: During my time in the ASA I loved the work, and hated the
fact that the people in charge of us outside of our work places
seemed to have no idea and gave no respect to the work we did. I
loved the work, and hated to "play army". It was a
shame and a waste of valuable folks that so many of us felt this
way and bailed out of the ASA because of it. Returned to the USA
on my own dime with a wife in April of 1964. Chris, the wife,
didn't really want to leave Germany. Lived for a bit in Hobart,
Indiana, (steel mill labor) then tried San Antonio, Texas (no job
at all) and then Boulder and Longmont, Colorado (Metropolitan
Life Insurance sales). Went back to Kassel, Germany in January of
1965. Chris wanted desperately to be back with her family, and I
didn't really care where I was. Got hired by the European
Exchange System as manager of the US military gas station out on
the autobahn at Kassel. Great job. Had mostly retired E-7s and
E-8s as workers. Made no money ($ 1.10 an hour) and saw no
future. Decided to return to the USA. Chris was now REALLY
pregnant, and wanted to stay in Germany to have the kid while I
found work in the USA. OK. Went as a passenger by freighter out
of Rotterdam to Virginia. (A horrible trip - ten days of
seasick-ness across the stormy Atlantic in January of 1966.)
Ended up in Pensacola, Florida with an old army buddy, and got a
job with a finance company.Thirteen months later the wife arrived
with my first son who was now almost a year old. Got pregnant
again, and we had a second son who was born in St. Augustine,
Florida, where I was working for another finance company. Lived
hand to mouth. Was really poor. Considered going back into the
military. Sanity returned, so didn't do that. Applied for a state
job as a cop - beverage agent. Was notified AFTER I left Florida
and got a job up north that I was hired and should report to
Sarasota. Didn't do it. Heard a new steel mill was opening up in
Northern Indiana where I was raised. Went up and got interviewed
and hired with another fellow as the first Pollution Control
Technicians they ever had. Tripled my income. Bought a house.
Lived well for four years. Wife still hated being in America. On
the side I started an import business. Imported and sold lots of
stuff. After a time I decided that perhaps I could make it as an
exporter in Germany. Sold house, quit job, took wife and kids
back to Kassel, Germany. Lived in Germany this time from spring
of 1972 through June of 1978. Was quite happy travelling around
Europe visiting factories and shipping stuff to wholesalers in
the USA and Canada. Sold at Officer's Club bazaars all over
Germany. Taught English as a foreign language at two language
schools. Specialized in buying and selling Hummel figurines. The
kids spoke German and understood English. They went to German
schools. (There were no longer American bases nor Americans at
Rothwesten or Kassel.) Then the dollar dropped like a rock in
value. The more I sold and shipped, the less I made. (Price lists
had to be in dollars for my USA customers.) The marriage was
going to hell in a handbasket for a number of reasons, and both
she and I agreed that she would never leave Germany again.
Eventually I had enough, and came back to the USA. She hid the
kid's passports, so they stayed with her. She remarried not long
after that, to a law student who turned into a lawyer. She's
happy, he raised my sons well, I visit them each time I go over
there, and all is well on that side. Returned to the US in the
summer of 1978. Had completely missed the turmoil of the Viet Nam
war while in Europe. Bummed around all of the western states in a
camper van for 13 weeks looking for the 'perfect place to live'.
Never found it. Was joined by my current wife, Ilse, and her two
kids in September of 1978. She is also German, and was also
living in Kassel when I met her, prior to my leaving there. We
went to Pensacola, Florida to live in 1978. I was contacted by a
business owner from Germany that I knew. I took over North
American marketing for his company. Travelled when and where I
wanted on a full expense account plus excellent salary. (150
flights that first year.) I later established a factory from
scratch for them in Spartanburg, South Carolina in 1980. Ran it
as plant manager for awhile and hated it. Went back to Florida,
but hated the heat and humidity. Moved to West Virginia in 1985,
and then to Pennsylvania. Did head hunting on a consultant basis
for a firm in the D.C. area. Lived well. Still hated heat and
humidity. Moved out here to Washington in 1987. Have never before
lived in one place for so long. We live in a home of 2980 square
feet on two acres of forest in the foothills of the Cascade
mountains just some minutes from Vancouver, Washington, and 20
miles from Portland, Oregon. I am just an over the hill white
collar white guy in a time of women's lib and social promotion.
Have sold my body to whatever company would pay me to do
whatever... and I attempt to sell my body to young mothers, but
income from that is rather poor... Had a ham radio ticket back in
1969, WN9BXJ, then again got into ham radio in 1982 as KA4ZRL,
then AA4FE, then ND9D, and now WI7Y. Can still copy morse code at
40 wpm cleartext by ear. Have been a vocalist all my life.
Perform at jams frequently. Play the tub bass when not singing.
Do Bluegrass, country, jazz, whatever. Make my own background
tapes and perform with a kareoke machine. For the past years I
have worked assorted part-time jobs that I thought were fun.
Corrections guard, assorted sales, etc. For the last many years I
have worked out at the Portland International Airport as a
customer service type of guy a couple of evenings a week. The
hauls customers from the huge parking lot near the airport to the
terminal two miles away. What I do is drive around the huge
parking lot in a van, helping folks who have lost their car or
need a jump. Most of the time I just sit in the van under a tree
and watch my portable TV. Oh well, somebody's gotta do it. So
that's it. Now you know. As you know I (Ron Sowinski) maintain a
Det 4 roster and anyone who'd like a copy - just send me a email
STALLINGS, Connie American Embassy, 61-63 - friend of many Det 27 vet's, 349 E 50th St., NYC., 212-752-9047, Dear friends, enemies and relatives, as my grandfather used to say, giving the blessing before holiday dinners and sending my sister and me into giggles: I am sad to have to tell you that World Press Review is folding, after a press run of 30 years, and tomorrow will be my final day. Unbelievably, I have been working for the magazine for more than half that time (how can I be THAT old?!) and I've enjoyed nearly every minute. I've also enjoyed being able to contact you on this computer! I do not own one myself, so I foresee a murky, newsless few months. But sometime in August I'll be moving to a new apartment -- my co-op is being sold -- and who knows, in it there may be room enough for a magic machine of my own. Until we meet again, goodbye and good luck. With many good wishes, Connie
TAVERNETTI, David E. YOB: 1941, 2LR-1LT, Watch Officer TK#4 Det 27, MR62-SE63, (Suzanne-Sue), 238 Rio Vista Dr., King City, CA 93930, 831-385-4458, - [edited] Received the following from Dave dated 20 March 2004: Dear Elder: This letter is long overdue and I apologize. I should have written after the 2003 Seven Springs reunion and I had good intentions but it always seemed to be a manana project. Finally here goes. First, I want to thanks you for all of the efforts you have put forth for both the DOOL and the reunions. I know it is a lot of work and takes a lot of time. I look forward to the annual reunions, both Sue and I enjoy visiting with everyone and it gives us a good reason to travel to parts of the country we haven't seen before. Before I forget I need to tell you that definitely that is not me on the water tower. I have never been fond of heights. If it was one of the watch officers I wasn't aware of it while I was at DET 27. I plead not guilty to this one. Also, thanks for the photo you sent of me at the 2003 reunion. Sue and are taking off with out trailer on 24 March and will tour southern Arizona and western New Mexico, back in King City on 26 April. I will not have access to email until I return. Looking forward to seeing everyone in September at Huntsville.
VANNOY, Claude E CPT-MAJ, Opns O, Det 27, JN65-JN68, (Ginny), 177 Welcome Home Rd., North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, 366-667-7036, Hey Elder, We won't be able to attend the reunion in Huntsville. Both of us have some health problems that restrict our traveling. I'm sure it will be an enjoyable occasion. Claude
WEEMS, Robert A., RA14707815, BPED 13SE59, E2-E4, 058, Det 4,
MY60-MY61, (Janis), 216 Colonial Rd, Oxford, MS 38655,
662-234-0293, - Contacted on 20 March 2004
after receiving name from Cliff Gissell. Promised to write BIO
and send photo's. After Sinop was sent to Bad Aibling and played
for the ASA Big Blue Basketball team.