From: "ercgreen"
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #112
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 08:54:00 -0400
DEBYLE, George A., DOB: 6 March 1920 DOD: 21 July 2002 at Virginia Beach, VA., 389-26-2010 issued Wisconsin. George Debyle was a LtCol and the Commanding Officer at Det 4, 68-69. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery on 26 August 2002.
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the ASA TURKEY Veteran's named as recipients in the message. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. Comments or submissions to the DAYS OF OUR LIVES are most welcome. I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein. If you have received this message in error, or you wish not to receive future DAYS OF OUR LIVES, please send that request to Thank you - Elder RC Green,
BAGNALL, Allan J., DOB: 10JL42, RA16669179, E3-E5, 058 Det 27, MR61-OC61, Det 4, OC61-JN62, (Beverly), 16532 Susquehanna Trail S, New Freedom, PA 17349, 717-235-2542,
Allan spent 7 months at Det 27 and was transferred to Det 4 for 8 months. While at Det 27 shared an apartment in Ankara with Bob Brown. Volunteered for transfer to Det 4. Convoyed in and out of Sinop in the back of a deuce and a half. Was among the first to move into the new barracks at Det 4. Played a lot of pinocle and sung in the chorus. Remembers SSG Kerr, Les Darling, Stan Dilley and Cpt Spivey. Retired from NSA as a GS-13 with 30 years employment there. Spent three years at Menwith, England and three years at Bad Aibling. Currently works at the Baltimore-Washington Airport for several airlines.
CARUSO, Vincent P., (Vince), DOB: 24AU40, RA18538766, E3, Disp, Det 4, 59-60, (Glenda), 5450 Barataria Blvd., Marrero, LA 70072, 504-328-0032, [edited] - I enlisted in the ASA on 3 September 1957 as a 17 year old. Was sent to Ft Devens to attend ditty bop training, but got side tracked and and ended up in Supply. My first tour was with Company B, 321st ASA Battalion at Camp Casey - Tongduchon in South Korea. - The 7th Division of I Corps was garrisoned at Camp Casey. I enjoyed my Tour of Duty in Korea. Got myself into trouble by losing my World-Wide ASA Badge off post and got my first of three demotions. Returned stateside to Co C, 316th ASA Battalion at Ft Huachuca in April 1959 - When I arrived the company was on maneuvers to Camp Roberts and Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in California. Remember 1SG Young and SSG Humphrey at Huachuca. Humphrey was the detail sergeant and could usually be seen with a hammer in his hands. Stateside too GI - extended my enlistment 3 months so that I qualified to go to Sinop - arrived Aug 59 - left Sep 60. To be honest (it has been 40 plus years), there are a lot of people I do not remember. When I got to Sinop, I was suppose to work with WO Jackson in Supply - But wound up in the dispensary (because I could type). Worked with Captain (Dr.) Lewis and SFC Otis "Wayne" King. I remember Eddie Coates (he ran the radio station) - Wayne Eislofer - Rhodan - Gieger - Kingsbury (ran the Library) - Nick Caruso (definetely remember him - both with the same last name - both born on 24 Aug 40 - both joined the Army on 3 September, me in 57 and him in 58 - he was from Chicago and me from New Orleans). There are a lot of others, but the names escape me. I do remember someone drawing humorous postcards of life on the hill (doubt if I can find them tho!). The more I think about it, the more incidents pop up. Funny tho, I can recall a lot more incidents than names? I recall the hepatitis survey - that was in progress when I first arrived by an Air Force Sgt (I believe his name was Neal). He would come up either once or twice a month. However, we had to take blood samples twice a week (that ring a bell?). John J. Heath was the manager of the EM Club. I believe he was from N.J. I'll mention incidents I can remember - some may ring a bell with others. The two bear cubs we bought and had for a couple of weeks. The library fire (Kingsbury ran the Library). The radio station (Eddie Coates ran it). I remember Eddie because I gave him an 8 oz bottle of Cheracol for his cough (Cheracol had Codeine in it). Anyway, about a 1/2 hour later, he calls me wanting to know if he could get more - to say he sounded a little spaced out is an under-statement. The card and crap games on payday nites - after two or three days, the card game always wound up in our hut behind the dispensary. A bunch of us used to go downtown Sinop to rent horses for horseback riding - I could not take the wooden saddles. The shops downtown - several had barrels of handguns - American - German - Russian - Etc ...... I still have a S&W (circa 1860) handgun that I paid $3.00 for. Pinochle games in the Mess Hall at nite. A section of beach that the Turkish Government allocated to us for swimming - I recall one day in "July" - sand was so hot, to stand in it, you had to dig your feet down to where it was moist. Yet, the water was so cold, we would put our cans of beer in the shallow part, and within 5 minutes the beer was ice cold. Three of us decided to brave the cold and dove in. One guy came right up and out - I stayed in about 30 to 40 seconds - The third, a civilian who worked with some construction company (who name I cannot recall) stayed in about 2 to 3 minutes..........Brrrrrrr! I recall the British had a site behind us (threw a really wild party one nite). Remember 3 guys mountain climbing - one fell - really bad sprain - I had to climb down to get him - we had to wait for a boat to come around to pick us up. Oh, back to the beach - three of our guys on the beach one day by themselves and they were jumped by approximately 30 Turks? Anyway, one had a gash on the back of his head - another had a stab wound on his hand - the third, Harry Abraham, had a broken right hand from hitting the Turks. Dr Lewis used tongue depressors as splints. The next morning, we had to go the the police station in Sinop. While all the honchos were inside discussing the fight, we were outside on the porch - American G.I.'s on one side and the Turks on the other. Anyway, I was standing next to Abraham, he reached inside his top pocket with his left hand and pulled out a cigarette. One of the Turks came over (with a big smile on his face), tried to be friendly, asked for a cigarette. Abraham smiled, and then said, "You want a cigarette?" The Turk nodded - Abraham crumbled the cigarette in his left hand, threw it in the Turk's face - closed his right hand (remember, there were 4 tongue depressors taped on his hand) - punched the Turk in the mouth. The Turk went over the railing - the Turkish police came running out and arrested the Turk. This a true story - I can still hear those tongue depressors cracking when he closed his hand. If you hear from him, asked him about it. From what I understand, those 3 GI's put approximately 6 Turks in the Sinop hospital. I remember having to go to Ankara for a "First-Aid Instructors Course." There were 4 of us that went - the only name I can recall right now is Rhodan - I believe he was from the Carolinas - Anyway, it lasted a week, but for some reason(s), we could not get a ride back for about 3 weeks. MSgt Horwich finally came down to be sure we got back. The reason I remember this incident so well is, while there, I ran into MSgt Young (from Ft Huachuca), introduced Horwich to Young. While sitting at the table, Horwich told Young, "These people (meaning Ankara) hate to see my boys come down here, because they are the meanest, drinkingest, fightingest S.O.B.'s to hit this city." Naturally, all of us popped up and stuck out our chests. Speaking of Ankara - who was the heavy set MSgt who ran things for us in Ankara - wasn't it Burnett - Burdette - something like that. I still have my Hill Top Club cigarette lighter (do you remember those?)
DILL, Jerry L., RA17149652, E7, 982, Det 4, AP58-AP59, MR62-MR63, (Betty), 205 Chamberlin Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80906, 719-576-6243,, CW3,USA(Ret). Jerry is a native of West Point, Nebraska. He retired 30 April 1966 as a CW3 at Ft Ord, California. In 1977 he developed MS and has been confined to a wheel chair since 1977. Jerry reports that Betty, his second wife is a God send as she takes very good care of him. Jerry reports that it was him and SFC Joe Sprague who decided to have some good natured fun with the Officer's at Det 4 during a 1958 Christmas party at the Officer's Club. They found a cow and put it in the Officer's Club and it proceeded to drop a few splatters of manure on the carpet to the amusement of the Officer's who took it in stride. Jerry Dill is a good friend of Gene and Phyl Cram.
DYER, Jim 01-02 Det 4, 25DE70-AU71, 2400 Corona Rd., Columbia, MO 65203, 573-447-1113, Thank you. I would love to receive the newsletter. Browsing through the postings I found a lot of memories coming back. I was stationed at Det 4 from DEC 25, 1970 to August 1971. Funny that I cannot remember the date I left as well as the date I arrived. I worked in the operations building for a few months before moving to headquarters as the assistant adjutant. Thanks.
[Hope to receive a BIO from Jim Dyer soon- - -gH]
FAUSER, Victor E., (Vic), DOB: 30JN38, RA175236250, E4, 058, Det 4, 25DE59-DE60, (Elaine). 19513 Moon Ridge Rd., Middletown, CA 95461, 707-987-8713, (cable). Native of Fayette, Iowa. After Sinop was assigned to Two Rock Ranch and has lived there ever since where he has been a Insurance Broker for over 30 years and presently is in the Real Estate business where he has more fun, makes more money and enjoys working. Doesn't remember too many people from his days at Sinop. Believes that he arrived on the 'hill' on Xmas eve 1959. While the 2 1/2 ton was going thru Sinop he could hear rock bouncing off the canvas and he peeped his head out the back and was immediately hit on the head with a rock. Then went to the NCO Club where he swears there was 2 inches of booze on the floor. Admits to drinking and gambling too much, but all in all enjoyed his year on the hill. Tom or Leo Dempsey was a good friend and fellow 058. Remembers SFC Sprague who was in charge on the 058's. While there he worked 20 days on and 10 days off. On those 10 days off would go to Ankara, Istanbul and Greece. Also remembers bending the pipes in the latrine from a visit to one of the compounds.
HALL, John M., DOB: 25NO37, RA16743226, E4, 059, Det 27, AP62-AU64, (Gail), 658 Royal Crest Dr., Saint Joseph, MI 49085, 269-429-8046, I was able to contact John Hall thru Calvin Pope. John was the coach of the attached (j hall.jpg) of the attached Manzarali (Det 27) post Flag Football champs for 1963. He did not send the ID of the players yet, but I recognize Steve MacCartan in the photo- - -gH. John will be sending his BIO and other mementos of his 059 days at Det 27.
MAU, Norman R.,
E2-E4, Det 27, JA65-JN66, (Theresa), 11225 Broad Green Dr.,
Potomac, MD.20854, 301-983-8469, & The attachment is that of Norman Mau who
is one of the faithful relayers of the Days Of Our Lives
newsletters and will, in all probability, be in charge of the
Golfing at the 2003 reunion at Seven Springs, PA- - -gH
MOREEN, Doug, DOB: 29 April 1950, E4, 98J, Det 4, MR71-OC72, (Lynn), 814 Priscilla Way, Hamilton, MT 59840, 406-375-0566, Doug enlisted in the ASA on 19 March 1970. Took basic training at Ft. Dix, New Jersey. Then to Devens for 98J MOS training before going to stateside duty at Ft Bragg, North Carolina and then with a year to go was sent to Det 4. Some friends from Sinop that he remembers are: John Hasselbrink, Lester Thornberry, and Larry Green. Would like to make contact with Tom Thornton who was a SP6 98J instructor. Promised to send me his BIO.
MULLINS, Bob Tk#4 Det 27 @62, 723 Prospect St., Fort Morgan, CO 80701, 970-867-2399, per D'auteuil. - Dear E R C Green, I am currently a teacher at Ft. Morgan High School in Colorado. A friend of mine would like to put together a case of my patches and medals that I recieved while in the Army. I served from Oct. 1966 to July 1970. I was a 72B40 in ASA and had 3 overseas tours. My first tour was in Turkey - Tuslog Det 27 - Site 23. I served there until we packed up and closed the facility down. Next, I was in West Berlin, Headquarters Co. for 20 months before 1049'ing to RVN. There I was in Chu Lai, SVN for 12 months with the 326 Radio Research Group. There we wore the Americal patch. I cannot find the Berlin Brigade patch and do not know if we even had a patch for Site 23 - Det 27. Was I awarded any medals for serving in Turkey?? The music along should qualify one for a medal!! Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated! Bob Mullins, former Sgt. USA - ASA - TSC...etc.
PRYOR, Vic, E4, 059, Det 27, AU60-JN62, 1687 Leisure World, Mesa, AZ 85206, 480-924-2487, - I have just sent a msg to Ataturk Armstrong telling him that I will set aside the time to come to the reunion as long as I'm not scheduled out of the country. I will work on my BIO as time passes and as soon as I know I will make a reservation for the 7 Springs reunion. It was good hearing from you and I will keep in touch.
RA14301444, E6-E7, Spook, Det 27, MY62-DE64, (Inez), 3509 Mineral
Springs Rd., Lexington, SC 29073, 803-356-3480/4910, - Ed is a native of Mississippi. He was a
lifer and retired as an E7 in 1969 with 20.5 years active duty.
He then worked for 15 years as Director of Security in fraud
cases for a bank. He thoroughly enjoyed his TOUR of DUTY at
Manzarali. He mentioned the gay problem and one in particular
from Det 4 who ratted on the other gays as he remembers it. He
remembers investigating the Det 4 commander who was subsequently
ROD for unbecoming conduct. He remembers the Det 4 MP Corporal
who was suspected of setting fires at Sinop. The AF polygraph
cleared the Cpl, but Ed relates that he was able to get a
confession from the CPL after he was transferred to Det 27. It
was discovered that the CPL had set several fires at Arlington
Hall while he was stationed there. Two years ago Ed fell and
broke a hip and in July will have it examined again. He's also
had both hands operated on for carpel tunnel syndrom. He
mentioned many names and I've added them to the Master Roster. Ed
enjoys reading the DAYS OF OUR LIVES missives and would like to
attend the 2003 reunion for a get together with some old
"spook friends" - Stan Winarski and Bill Schulz and to
just reminiscence with others about his ASA TOUR OF DUTY at
RIEDY, Richard D DOB: 5OC3636 RA19549080 E-4 965.1676 (Turk Interpreter) Det 4, OC57-MR59, 260 Gensen Drive SW, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505-865-3874, - Elder Green, Finally I got the package off to you today. It contains a few photos of the chapel at Det 4 under construction and Jim Boyte's book. You can keep the photos as I have duplicates. However, please return the book when you don't need it any longer. Absolutely no rush about it. DOOL 111: I was not the first Turkish linguist assigned to Det 4, but the second. The first linguist left the Hill the same day I arrived, so I didn't even get to talk to him. He was, however, a hard act to follow because socially he had made himself so popular in Sinop. Everywhere I went for a few months all I heard were his praises sung--the Mayor of Sinop, the Governor of the Province, the police and gendarmes, the local businessmen and tradespeople. But as for me, Major Clark, the CO, and Capt. Kline, the Provost Marshall, laid down the law: my business at Det 4 was Det 4 business, not making friends with the Turks. I was not to fraternize with the Turks. Best regards,
RODRIGUES, Charlie, E4, Supply, Det 4, 59-60, (Patricia), 210 Benham Ave., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315-487-1195, Elder.....I think if you contact Vince Caruso, he can give you the medical pers info you're looking for in Sinop.. What do you think of our ORANGEMAN.....And our young hero from Scranton....G Mc Later CR
ROOKS, Dixie, brat of Chas Shatzer, Det 27, JL62-JL64, 27 County Rd 266, Cullman, AL 35057, Hey Elder, Everything OK? Missed hearing from you--'-DAYS OF OUR LIVES' Thought you may be on vacation----hopefully not sick. Looking forward to hearing from you soon-----. We always look forward to Friday and getting the 'DAYS' I send them to my Dad and he looks forward to them ,too. The last one I got was March 21. Dixie Rooks
SIMONS, Bill, E3-E4 058 DE59-DE60, - Hi Elder, After being up and down
several times during the last year or so, Chuck Maki's American
Military in Turkey web site is back on-line at -
SMITH, Willis A., DOB: 17MY43, RA10117952, E2-E3, 982, Det 4, AP63-AP64, (Lori), 6736 El Capitan Cir., Stockton, CA 95210, 209-956-6525, - Willis was a Army brat and was born in Kentucky. He enlisted in Hawaii for duty with the ASA. Took basic at Ft. Ord, California and was trained as a Traffic Analyst (982) at Ft Devens and his first duty station was to Sinop. Rank was hard to come by and he departed as a PFC. With that said, he still enjoyed his Tour of Duty at Sinop where his supervisor was SFC Chuck Van Dine. Took a 4-day pass to Ankara in a British Land Rover. Remembers the Post Commander, LtCol Lemke having truck load after truck load of topsoil spread over the post in an attempt to grow grass. After Sinop - was assigned to the Phillipines, then did about four TDY trips to Vietnam. Made SP6 at Clark AFB, married a foreign national and lost his clearance. Was sent to Ft Ord where he was assigned to a MP Company. Was discharged in 1968 and has been working in law enforcement thereafter. Promised to write BIO and send some photo's from his tour at Det 4.
STALLINGS, Connie L American
Embassy - friend of John & Betty O'brien, 349 E 50th St.,
NYC., 212-752-9047, Hi Daryl: Thanks for your e-mail. I'm
finding fascinating stuff in the old DOOLs, and some very
nice-sounding individuals as a result of Elder Green's
"publishing" my info. Re: Ken Baldwin. Now I remember
an instance when someone from Site 23 was hauled away to jail
because of illegal activities; suspect now that must have been
Baldwin. But that's ALL I remember about the case, except whoever
(from Site 23) told me about it said the case was strictly off
the record and I should keep my mouth shut. Guess I must have
complied, for I'd forgotten about it until Elder Green asked me
if I knew anything about the fellow who'd bought up temporary
powers-of-attorney and made a fortune using them to import and
sell cars to the Turks. Elder said he'd heard this man had
returned to Turkey and was living like a king. You might want to
ask him about it.
Golbasi: What a filthy lake! It was shut down while I was in
Turkey: no inlet or outlet, right? Before that I tried to learn
to water ski there--it was hopeless because my feet were too
small for any of the skis' rubber "feet." As soon as
the motorboat picked up speed, the skis all flipped off. I'll
have to get out my map of Ankara to learn where Bulten is (was).
Thanks for the research info on Baldwin. If I ever get caught up
with Iraq at this magazine ("World Press Review") I'll
go into Google etc. and see what more I can find.
From: Daryl Waite []
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 1:19 AM
Subject: Ankara, Turkey -
Manzarali Station 1964--
Connie: Saw your recent entry in the Days Of Our Lives
newsletter. I was in Det 66, the transmitter site. To reach
Manzarali, you went right at Golbasi, or left to get to the
transmitter site. A dirt road crossed the valley, but was
unreliable in bad weather, so we were billeted downtown. We
really missed having the officers underfoot all the time! The
original apt. bldg was torn down in mid-1964 for the new Mosque,
and we were moved to a new building at 32 Bulten. Would like to
know if you remember Kenneth Baldwin? He was given a 10-month
prison term plus banishment for dealing in the black market. At
incoming orientation, he was mentioned as a deterrent to the
black market. In 1996 I became acquainted with the internet at
the library, and dug out some of my old orders and began to
locate former Det 66s. Then joined with ercgreen who now does the
Days Of Our Lives letter. As more men came on line, Baldwin was
mentioned. And someone remembered an article in TIME magazine. I
live near Western Illinois University which has a large library -
one floor of bound magaines. Found the article, plus one in
Saturday Review, New York Times, Washington Post and later from
the LBJ Library. He was living better than we were! Do a
websearch for Kusadasi. This was his "remote" village
for banishment. It is now a world class tourist destination. But
no one has any idea what happened to him after July 1965 when
discharged at Ft. Hamilton, NY. Do you remember him? Also, Cox
and (Brisindine) came up - but they were in an entirely different
class. They were involved in a knifing, and one eventually got in
a shoot-out with police in the US and commited suicide in his
jail cell. To locate a specific person, the Bill Simons web-site
has a word search feature, so one does not have to wade through
all of them to locate someone.
STOCKSTILL, Marshall J., (John), DOB: 26NO37, E4, 981/982, Det 4, MR58-AP59, (Rosalind), 328 Rena Dr., Lafayette, LA 70503, 337-984-9779, - Hi Elder: Just finished reading #111. Your DOOL has got to be a monumental task, surely a labor of love. Thank you -- it`s great! Read Richard Riedy`s comments. I could have sworn that the guard hut was on the left side of the entrance to "The Hill" as you are coming up the road from Sinop. Seems reasonable that it would be on the left in order to check the driver`s side ID without having to walk around the front of the vehicle to do so. Memories do fade with time and I am sure mine is no exception. I was on "The Hill" 58-59, Mar/Apr. and can attest to the fact that there was a dispensary manned by a Staff Sergeant and SP3, both Medics. Should remember their names, but don`t. I spent some time there. What was my malady? A #@$%&* horse bite to the left thigh administered by a downtown Sinop cart drawing thoroughbred. The bite was serious enough that a pocket formed on my left thigh that required draining from time to time with the longest needle I have ever seen (even up to the present time). I promise you, there was a dispensary. I recall that it was located behind the Mess Hall approximately two hundred or so feet, but to the right. After about a week of that long ass needle and me complaining all the while (my Mama raised no stupid children), I was flown to Ankara on the mail plane and ensconced in the Air Force Hospital for further long assed needle draining procedure. But while at the Hospital, amazingly enough, I didn`t feel the slightest pain because a gorgeous 1st Lt. Army Nurse was handling the syringe and needle. I was able to parlay that horse bite into a month long stay in Ankara---but that`s a story for another day. Marshall Stockstill is a native of Louisiana. Is in good health and because of the Cajun cooking tips the scales at 240. Has been a member of the Louisiana Bar for 31 years in and around Lafayette, LA. At Sinop he was a 20 year old that most knew as John (his middle name) because the Turks couldn't say Marshall and it stuck. Remembers meeting Camille Fraering for the first time because of the GUMBO aroma. Camille's parents regularly sent him CARE packages and everyone at Sinop became aware of the GUMBO and other Cajun odors emanating from Fraering's hut. Said that Fraering was famous for messing with the 'stovepipe' of the coal stove in his hut. There is no question that he enjoyed his Days of his Life at Sinop. Gave out a hearty laugh when I ask if he had ever visited a Hari Kara. Played center field on the post softball team and remembers that Richard (Dick) Jansen, a 058 trick chief and career type from Mass..., was the coach of that team. They kept in touch for a short time and then lost track of each other. Jansen would be around 75 now. After the ASA hitch - worked in the oil fields for a short time, then attended the University of Southwest Louisiana in New Orleans and then graduated from Loyola Law School. Has marked the 2003 ASA Turkey reunion dates on his calendar and hopes to attend along with others that he knew in Turkey.
. . . . . End of Newsletter . . .
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