From: "ercgreen"
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #109
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 08:18:05 -0600
I welcome articles, BIO's, stories, etc and certainly hope that all ASA Turkey Vet's will contribute and make the newsletter worthwhile. You can write whatever message you would like, and it will at my discretion, show up right here for others to read and I'm hoping it will spur more memories. After all, isn't that why you're reading this now? I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein. I received several pro and con e-mails regarding the conflict in Iraq and have elected not to include them in this DOOL as it would only cause hard feelings now and in the future. You received this newsletter because you requested it. To unsubscribe from this newsletter send an email to me or your relayer. Thank you, Elder RC Green, aka gH, 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA 15701, 724-349-7305,
If everyone who gets this sends it to 10 people, you can bet that
we'll save at least one life. Let's say it's 6:15 p.m. and you're
driving home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on
the job. You're
really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start
experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out
into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles
from the hospital nearest your home; unfortunately you don't know
if you'll be able to make it that far.
Without help, the
person whose heart stops beating properly and who begins to feel
faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing
consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by
coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough
must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep
inside the chest, and a cough must be repeated about every 2
seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is
felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements
squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing
pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this
way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save
their lives!
From Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240s
newsletter AND THE BEAT GOES ON ...(reprint from The Mended
Hearts, Inc. publication, Heart response)
MULLIN, George R., LTC, XO & CO, Det 4, 68-69, DOB: 15 January 1924 DOD: 25 October 1989 at Labelle, FL., SSN: 335-16-1845 issued Illinois
How many ASA Turkey veteran's remember or have as memorabilia NCO or EM Club chits that were used at least 1962. The Det 27 NCO Club chits were denominated 5c, 10c and 25c and colored pink, white and green respectively and bear the identification of N.C.O. OPEN MESS/ MANZARALI STATION A.P.O. 254, N.Y. APO 254 was for Ankara, Turkey and in January of 1957 was redesignated as 09254 in January of 1965. TUSLOG Det 27 was organized in Ankara in 1956 to monitor the construction of site 23. Site 23 was so named because it was 23 miles south, southwest of Ankara and was situated on 340 acres of treeless low hills. Manzarali, by the way, means "view from the hill".
The attached Sinop 1956 photo is
from Buddy Musick and shows the hardship that the first batch of
ASA soldiers coped with until the Jamesway huts were erected. I
believe that the dog in the photo is GIMP who was and still is
revered by all who served on the hill, except the Turks.
Sinop 1956.
AKERS, Carl O., E3, SIGC, Telephone Exchange, Det 4, 72, - [edited] The first
time I ever heard of Sinop, Turkey was in Signal School. I was 18
years oild and they gave me a set of orders to report there after
training. I had a most wonderful trip to Turkey. I was the first
person in my family to travel world wide. This made me very happy
and, excited about my new post. I was part of the 5th Signal
Command assigned to Sinop, Turkey. My job was to work in the
Telephone Exchange on base. Instead, they had me work in the post
office on base. There I met a rotten guy by the name of O'------.
There was a few good times though. The couple of times that I
went on the military bus to Samsun, Turkey. It was the same bus
that transported me from the airport to Sinop, Turkey. Every two
weeks the bus would drive GI's to the airport in Samsun, Turkey.
It served as two purposes, one it was to bring in new arrivals
and to let others have a break. Hotels at that time only cost
$3.00 a night. Meals were really cheap as well. What I should
have done was take more pictures on my trips to Samsun. The ones
that I did take burned up in my parents house fire. A lot of the
early years in the military were destroyed in my parents house.
The barracks they put me in first was really bad. The racial
problems in America were in the military as well. The barracks
would divide themselves up into black and white groups. When a
new recruit came on base, he was judged to be either white or
black. White people would be put into one barracks and all others
would be placed into one building. They didn't like the way I
looked or my thoughts on racial matters. So, they put me in the
barracks with all black soldiers. There I was called every
derogatory name ever used for white people. There was some black
soldiers that tried to stand up for me, though. They were quickly
shouted down by other black soldiers. After awhile they got to
accept me and offered me some grass. I refused it and, they got
mad as hell at me again. The barracks sergeant sent me back into
the white barracks. They did the same thing to me in terms of
treatment. The hallways at night was filled with smoke. It looked
like one big giant cloud of solid white. What bothered me was no
one seemed to care about it. Back then, it was a hard life for
soldiers whom wanted to do their jobs. The morale was high amoung
the smokers but, they were hell on the non-smokers. Suspicion
among the soldiers were high on whom was or was not a NARC.
Everyone whom didn't smoke or was new was under suspicion of
being a NARC. They quickly lumped me under this unbrella of
suspicion. The treatment come to a head one night when I was
attacked in bed. A group of soldiers took me by force. They
escorted me to the cliff's edge behind the barracks. At first, I
thought it was just a joke they play on yenni's. But, they
weren't smiling back at me. They all had serious expressions on
thier faces. They tried to tie me up and throw me over the cliff.
Suddenly, the place was lit up with MP jeeps on patrol. The group
of soldiers all ran off into the night. The MP's took me back to
the barracks. I reported the incident to my commander the next
morning. He sent me to see the post commander whom never believed
a word I told him. He instead sent me to the base hospital for
drug testing. I spent time there being questioned at length by
all kinds of doctors. After two days went by, I was released to
go back into the barracks. My fellow soldiers immediately started
in on me. The laughs and snickers behind my back made me feel
even worse. It was like living in hell on earth. The following
day, the post commander had me back in his office. There he
presented me with new orders to leave Turkey. He sent me to
Ethiopia instead of back to the states. He made me promise not to
tell anyone of what I saw and experienced at Sinop, Turkey. My
next assignment in Ethiopia was like heaven on earth compared to
Sinop, Turkey. What hurt me was the facts that I never did
nothing wrong. When I left for the military, my father told me to
do my job and keep out of trouble. What a way of getting
introduced to the real world.
ALEXANDER, Robert W., E2-E3, 204, Det 4, 59-60, OK, just a little clarification. I was not an E7 at Sinop. I eventually retired as an E8, but I arrived on the Hill as an E2. I (just) managed to make E3 there and went on to 280th ASA in Berlin. I arrived on the Hill with Bob Dicker from NJ; Lon Martalok from WI; Dave Willis from Houston, TX; Ron Svoboda from Lincoln, NE; Charlie Leaf and Roger Strefling. I spent some time at a low power AM radio station that a couple of guys built, maintained, and operated (KYSO). I was trained as a 204 and worked that at Sinop and Berlin. Charlie Leaf and Roger Strefling also came to Berlin when they left the Hill. I know that the BOQ was below the EM Club. I think that the PX and APO shared a building. I remember we got some Italians to work in the mess hall through that contractor (name is gone). They made cakes for birthday parties in the EM club. I remember the dogs Gimp, Spike and Bitch. The Chaplain was Major Paznonskas. He ask to be called Father Paz. He carried a cane in his right had so he didn't have to return salutes. I remember getting some kind of lower GI bug and having the Turkey Trots for about 3 months. Somewhere in a box, I have photos of the Jamesways that we lived in, and PARTIES at the Club, the ruins of the whatever it was that was built by whoever it was. Also some photos of Sinop itself. Guess I need to dig them out and scan them. I will!
BRYAN, Clark L E4-E5 Det 27, 66-67, & 4-4, 67-69, Bulgarian Linguist, 918 Dibbles Trail, Webster, NY 14580, 716-671-8906, DLIWC OC65-JN66, NSA JL66-SE66, Det 27 OC66-NO67, Det 4-4, NO67-15JN69, Ret CDR, USN; wife Althea, Ret CDR, USN Nurse Corps.
[Reply to Mike Findley]: Yeah - it
really bugs my daughters to find DAD in a skirt and MOM in combat
boots. Mike - did you get to drink any green lemonade? - I went
to an Irish session and played my accordion for a jig or two.
Didn't even drink any beer, but then I never could do two things
at one time. I can drink and I can squeeze my accordion but NEVER
at the same time. :-)
BURNS, Paul H. Jr., DOB: 19AU43, RA18680333,
E4-E5, 059, Det 4, MY64-JN65 & JL66-JL67, (Donna), 113 Notre
Dame, Lafayetter, LA., 70506, 337-269-0368, and - Dear Elder: Sorry to take so long with
this BIO. Didn't think anything in my life was interesting until
my wife told me to send it to you and let you be the judge....As
you can see, I was skeptical about your DOOL newsletter when I
began to read it, then later realized what you are doing...
getting us old geezers that served on the other side of the world
together to share our common experiences.....THANKS
BIO.... of Paul H Burns Jr
Born in Biloxi, MS, moved to New Orleans, LA at a young age. Was
majoring in Education at LSU-New Orleans in summer 1963 when I
took too much of a load and was put on probation. President
Kennedy had just declared married people as draft exempt, so I
thought I'd go down to my local recruiter and volunteer. I had
poor vision, and a double hernia as a kid, so I figured I'd be
4-F'ed. When the recruiter saw I had a year of Russian in high
school, and a semester in college, his eyes lit up. He sent me to
see another recruiter, that told me this great story about an
Army unit that was not really an Army unit....the ASA. (If I had
to be in the Army, I really wanted to drive a tank......but) The
Army doctor rejected me, but the civilian doctor accepted me.
After a short conference with the recruiter, it was decided the
ASA would not present a problem for me.... Wait a minute....this
is not going the way it was supposed to.....I'm not joining...I
came here to get my draft status changed to 4F!!!!! Next day I
was on the Crescent, leaving New Orleans for Ft Jackson, to be
bait for all of the sand fleas in South Carolina. (At least I got
a train trip out of this.....I'm a lifelong train freak by the
way, so I enjoyed that part.) The [[live-in]] in our barracks had
it out for me instantly. He was an Infantry Corporal who had
recently busted from SSG because of what he called a so-called
communications violations by you buddy - f-----s. I didn't know -
WE did that ??. I wasn't even a WE yet. Somehow I lived through
that, and was sent to Ft Devens, again by train. I FLUNKED OUT of
ditty-bopper school (thank you Lord) and was transferred to
Non-Morse 059 school. I really wanted to be a 991 after I found
out they did really good things ---but. My dad died while I was
at Devens, so I was excused to go home for the funeral, and got
recycled. After a week at home, I was back in another 059 class
at Devens, despite my mother's objections. I could get out of
service now because I was the sole surviving family member. I
learned a lesson from my dad's death. He was career Army, serving
30 years, getting out in 1943. He was my dad, but we were never
really close. He always said you never get close to anybody in
the Army, you're never together for that long of a time. I went
back to school and avoided dealing with my loss. Some 30 years
later, when my employer's dad died, it hit me like a ton of
bricks..... I finished 059 class in May and most of us were
shipped to, (of my God)SINOP. We flew PAN AM to Frankfurt
Germany, and missed our connection to Ankara, so we had to spend
the night there. (Why do we waste the best times of our youth
??). After a few days in Ankara, we finally boarded a THY flight
to Samsun. I thought we were going to die on that flight. We were
picked up the next day by the Otter and flown to Sinop. I enjoyed
my year stationed there. I found the people that served with us
to be the best. When operations were in progress, almost everyone
was there. It was amazing (of course there was little else to do)
as to how many off duty people would come in. The local history
was out of this think...we were walking where
generations upon generations of people had lived.. When summer of
1965 came, it was time to leave Sinop. I was assigned to an ASA
unit in Korea. We had a choice of going to Ankara by Otter or by
supply truck. One of my friends (Tim Sheline) and I decided to do
the truck. It was a long nice bumpy ride to Samsun where we
over-nighted. The next day we bounced all the way to Ankara. I
still remember the ride. It seemed as though we were on another
planet, the scenery was unlike anything I had ever seen. We did
get to see an ancient steam-powered train. After a year in Korea,
we had just 10-11 months left in our enlistment. By now (summer
1966) they were shooting REAL bullets in Vietnam, and we were
only promised 30 days if we chose stateside assignment. I knew of
a place that I could go back home (at government expense) and
spend my last year in a friendly place, and chose Sinop. (I was
out of my mind according to some of my friends in Korea). After
my month off, I had to report to Ft. Dix, NJ to await a flight
toTurkey. I had a CO there that wanted to get me promoted from
SP5 to SSGT, but I would have to get reassigned to his unit. He
was upset that I didn't accept his offer, and I had to spend
almost a week there. (I don't know if he had anything to do with
my delay or not.) I vowed NEVER to set foot in New Jersey again
in my life. (That was another of those lessons in life.... NEVER
SAY NEVER.). My second year (Summer 66 - summer 67) at Sinop was
even more interesting than the first. I signed up with a computer
dating service, and was given the name of a young lady from
Southwest Louisiana. We began a correspondence that culminated in
1969 in our marriage. I went to work in commercial photography
when I got home and eventually moved to a small community south
of Lafayette, where we lived and adopted two boys. In 1992, she
was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and spent the next 2 1/2 years
in a valiant battle for her life. She lost....and that's when I
learned what it means to lose someone you love. I spent the next
year (at the age of 52) growing up, along with my teen-age sons.
It worked once for me, so I contacted a computer dating service
again, and found a divorcee with kids that were the approximate
age of mine. We have been happily married now for going on three
years. The funny thing is that Donna is from NEW JERSEY, about 60
miles south of Ft Dix. (and she made me retract my vow to never
return to that place). We have a total of 9 grand-children
(including assimilated) and live about 1/2 mile from the BNSF-UP
Sunset railroad line. The kids get excited when they hear the
hi-ball and we try to get them in the carseats to get to the
tracks so we can chase the trains. We became active on the
internet because of our new wife. She is a Special ED teacher,
and uses a computer and the internet in her classroom. One day I
grew up and looked past finding pictures of trains, and found
Vern's ASA site where I registered. I later found an ASA Korea
Yahoo group, and Elder sent me my first DOOL. At first I was
somewhat skeptical.... was this an effort by someone to obtain
information on past ASA activities in the hope that something
would be leaked. Later, I realized, we are a group of (kind of)
old farts that are trying to bring our past memories together.
Health has been good to us, we found out early this year that we
had a developing heart problem, but we'll let medicine take care
of that. Raising an ADHD child did not kill me, so I guess I can
conquer one partially blocked artery. Sorry this is so long.....I
started writing and the words just kept coming. I don't know if
we will make the reunion this year... We have been to New Jersey
twice in the last three years, and I really WANT to take her to
Colorado, (she's never been). Then there's the gas price thing.
Keep up the good work....and keep the memories coming.
CHAMNESS, Ike, E6, Det 4, 64-65, E7,Det 27 & 4-2, 67-68, (Dora), 22248 Haas Ct., NE., Ten Strike, MN 56683, 208-586-2735, Dear Elder - Sorry I have not responded promtly----but, I have been having trouble with the printer--completelng a request. I print everything for Ike, I think it just needs an expert cleaning. Sincerely hoping you all have some beautiful weather--I am ready for spring, we can see the ground a lot through the snow, ready to play in the yard again. Blessings To All, Dora and Ike in MN.
COX, James R., (Jim), DOB: 16JL43,
RA14820047, MP, Det 4, MR66-FE67, (Vicki), 1711 Pomotaw Trail,
Anniston, AL 36203, 256-236-5872., Elder: I was very happy when I found this
site. I read each DOOL as soon as possible. A fellow soldier who
had previously served at Sinop, Lynn Pyle, convinced me to extend
my first enlistment for assignment to the "Rock". Pyle
volunteered for a second Sinop tour and we left New York together
on the same plane. I almost missed the plane because of a snow
storm. Pyle and I spent three days in Ankara before flying to
Sinop. We were both assigned to the MP section. We, upon arriving
at the main gate, were swarmed by MPs. The MPs were under
strength and were happy to see new blood. I worked 18 days before
having a day off the job. We never were up to strength during my
assignment. Occasionally we had uncleared operations personnel
work with us until they received their security clearances. This
gave us a little more time off the clock. During the summer of
1966 the local nationals went on strike against the detachment
contractor. I was on duty the night the workers walked off the
job at midnight. One of the strikers tried to sabotage the main
generator by removing the drain plug. All of the tires were
flattened on the vehicles in the motor pool. The strikers
surrounded the det. and blew up the water pumping station. We had
a limited amount of water in the water tank. We were not allowed
to shower. I, because I had previous civilian food service
experience, was going to have to work in the mess hall. However,
being an MP saved me from this duty. Tension was very high. All
the MPs worked with very little sleep. I slept in the PMO. Non MP
soldiers were placed on the fence line with M1 carbines. They
were instructed to only load the weapons in an emergency. The
strikers permitted myself and one other MP
to go off base to the bankhead site to escort operations
personnel back to the base. One of the personnel, upon returning
to the gate, cursed the strikers. I was able to talk fast and get
us all safely back on base. Additional Turkish soldiers were
brought in to end the strike. I heard that the strikers received
a very small raise that would take several years to make up for
the salary they lost during the strike. Sinop was beautiful and
very pleasant during the summer months. The winters were very
hard. I remember fog, snow and strong winds. One snow storm was
so bad that we could only use 2 !/2 ton trucks to patrol and
relieve personnel. I recall one sad incident when a soldier was
killed when he
fell from the point. The rescue party had to come in by the sea
to recover his body. I was on top of the point trying to direct
the rescue party. The weather was terrible and the body had to be
tethered and recovered the next day. This soldier had worked a
short time with the MPs while awaiting his clearance. I spent
eight years of my career with ASA. I later was retrained as a CI
agent. During 1976 I was caught in the NCO combat arms retraining
program. I soon found out that I was no
longer serving with the top 10%. I later volunteered and was
assigned to recruiting duty. I retired as a MSG E8. After
retiring I competed my college education and went to work as an
investigator with the federal government. I am currently working
with the transition security force at Ft. McClellan, AL. Ft.
McClellan has be deactivated and the transition force is
responsible for transferring property to civilian authority. I
hope to be able to retire in July and spend more time with my
grandchildren. Recently a former Sinoper, Dean Lapp, contacted
me. I have lost track of everyone else that I served with at
Sinop. I last saw Lynn Pyle during 1985 in Knoxville, TN. Bill
Sukel was from Pennsylvania. Ed Moose was from North Carolina. I
ran into one other person, name unrecalled, at Ft. Mcclellan. All
that I remember about him was that he was from Mississippi. My
old brain is just unable to recall much about my fellow Sinopers.
ELLIS, Chas W., E4, Medic, Det 27, AU63-FE65, 74 Cleveland Ave., Elmira, NY 14905, 607-737-7405, - In early 2001 I entered TUSLOG Det 27 into a search engine and was pleased to find Mark Hamiltons site where I placed my e-mail address and received some correspondence from some folks I had served with. Marks site provided a roster of people assigned to Det 27 and some interesting photographs. I started to receive " The Days Of Our Lives". Initially I found the e-mails to be interesting and informative. I was a medic at Det 27 and did not know many people in Operations, but I enjoyed reading about what had occurred in their lives, about their families, and their remembrances of their Tour of Duty in Turkey. I looked forward to receiving the e-mails and hoped I would hear from some of the folks I knew. I enjoyed the time I spent in Turkey it enabled an 18 year old from a small town to meet and interact with others from throughout the U.S., to observe lands and cultures I had only read about, and gave me confidence that I could perform whatever was asked of me. When I left Det. 27 I became a line corpsman with the 101st Airborne Div in Viet Nam. My memories of that tour of duty are not anywhere near as pleasurable as those of Turkey. I commend you for the effort you have made to provide a place for veterans of Turkey to learn what has happened to others in the intervening years. I also applaud you for the work you have done organizing reunions for those interested. Best of luck on your future endeavors.
FINDLEY, Mike, DOB: 1949, RA??, E4, 05H-Tk#4, Det 4-4, 15OC68-15OC70, 722 Mason St., Rhinelander, WI 54501, 715-362-7357, Guys, Can't remember if I gave this to you guys last year, so here goes. I know Clark Bryan wears plaid skirts, as did my forefathers, & thought Norm "Frickey" had a Gaelic sound to it, so .........Have fun. God Bless
FULTON, Richard O 57-58 1125 Texas St., Denton, TX 76209 940-387-1671,
Hi... Sorry to take so long in answering your email but I'm still waiting for my daughter to mail me my photo album, although I was there earlier than '61 I still might have some photo's with captions in my album that might help you which I'll send. Until then, Richard Fulton
GLASER, Gerald (Jerry) DOB: 11NO40 RA15612661 E3-E4 056 Det 4, 60-61, (Joan), 1211 Lakerise Overlook, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-822-3672,
HARTRANFT, Bill, E3-E5, 05H, Det
27, 18OC62-27JL64, (Sheila), 69 Manor Ave., Oaklyn, NJ 08107,
856-858-6756, - Timlin and Kane, two of my favorite Irish
entertainers will be appearing on QVC tomorrow evening. Gerry and
Tom regularly perform @ Brittingham's Irish Pub(oh yes, that's
right......the place where I tend bar.......and actually get paid
to have fun). For those of you who may be "Irished" out
by St Pat's day, stay home, kick back, grab a cold brew and be
enter-tained. If you like what you see, you can check scheduled
appearances by going to , or directly to I'd like to see them myself........but
I'll be woking at Britt's...... And actually being paid to have
fun. What a country, huh?
Do something nice for yourself today and tomorrow!! Slainte'
KELLY, Phil DOB: 5JN44, RA ?, E4, S2, Det
27, DE62-MY64,(Donnie), 1225 N. Pony St., Ridgecrest, CA 93555,
760-377-5619, see - Elder, Donnie, my
wife, said you had called. Thanks for your inquiry. I am still
working and September is the month that I am not supposed to take
a vacation. The boss has made an exception for me the past couple
years because of the prior dozen or so when I always stuck around
for the crunch (end of the FY for DOD). This year, I am not going
to be able to make it. I couldn't even if it were somewhere West
of the Mississippi. I do have a request for the DOOL bunch.
Interestingly, as a result of Mark Hamilton's URL, a woman made
contact with me from Ankara late last year. She is Aysa Ozturk,
the youngest daughter of my HQ building janitor at Det 27 some 40
years ago. Her father's picture is a part of Mark's website, as a
matter of fact, so is the family depicted there, pictures I took
so long ago. This family lived in Haci Muratli, the village
hidden behind the antenna field, a short walk down the hill to
the NE. I visited the village many times, even got my folks to
send clothing, shoes, toys for the kids. Aysa was unborn at the
time, but her dad, who made a fine friendship with me, asked me
to name her the day she was born. She has a Turkish name, thanks
to the fact that I knew a Turkish foreign exchange student at my
High School a few years before my deployment to Det 27. Anyhow,
in her latest letter to me, her sister, Fikriye, (who is in the
family photo) mentioned that there was another American soldier
who visited their home in the village and took them to the
movies. She would like to know if that guy is still alive and
would be interested in making contact? The only clue I could
provide is that it probably happened between 1964 to 1968 when
the site went back to the Turkish government. If you remember
anything, and I must confess my memory is terrible, please give
me a ring, use the email, or drop a line. I have had a great time
lately renewing an acquaintance that goes back so far. These
people are real and so very appreciative of our presence when
they were growing up. Anyone who wants to hear more, I'd love to
share! I even have some pictures Aysa sent of her family and she
is sending a video of the village where she plans to live again
with her brother when the house he is building is finished.
KOHLMEYER, Timothy A (Tim) DOB:
NO47, RA17747229, E3-E5, 03C20 (Gym), Det 27, OC66-AP68, (Joann),
13810 Saddle Hill, Little Rock, AR 72212, 501-227-5642,
Contacted on 16 March 2003. Tim was surprised by my call. Has not
been contacted by Dean Cannon and the Arkansas ASA group. Asked
about Rex Lardner, Glenn Reid, David Graff, Ron Zebbs and Bob
Ruggerio. Enjoyed his Tour at Manzarali. Took advantage of skiing
at Bursa and did a lot of travelling in Turkey. Was going out for
a ride on his motorcycle and promised to send me his BIO and
KJOLLER, Jon P., RA15578113, E3, 058, Det 4,
JL58-AU59, (Darlene), 993 Rosemary Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78130,
830-625-1064, - Dear Elder, Just
got thru reading #106 and saw the story about Lebanon and wanted
to add to the story. I had just settled into my 058 routine at
Baum-holder and was getting to know what a 058 really had to do
because it was a stretch from Devens to real copy. Started to
know Baumholder a little and even got a weekend trip to Paris.
Then got the call to saddle up and ship out because of the
Lebanon crisis. I think about 10 of us packed very rapidly and
flew out of Frankfurt. This had to be around July 18th. I
remember landing in Ankara late at nite and the lights made it
look pretty nice from the air. It was quite a change to wake up
to the street sounds and strange music. We got shots in Ankara
and very shortly boarded a bus, not trucks, to Sinop. The bus was
full , 30 or so, and I recall an arduous trip. And so there we
were in Sinop, did not go in the Jamesway huts but were put in,
double up, the wood single story bldgs. Within one week several
of up contracted Hepatitis from some of the Turk kitchen help who
found no need to wash their hands. We then settled into the
mission and had a good year. I certainly would have liked to have
stayed in Germany, what a great experience but it was not to be,
so I enjoyed Turkey as I could. I don't remember any real
problems, riots, suicides, lack of morale so I can't relate to
some of the stories. For most of us there was a feeling of
comradeship and a sense of why we were there. If you want you can
add the following names to the Lebanon transfers from
Jon P. Kjoller RA15578113 . ..058...E3...Sinop...July/Aug58 to
Ted Lowery NA ...058...E3...Sinop... Same
Robt McCreary NA ...058...E4...Sinop... Same
Ken Ruehl NA ...058...E3...Sinop... Same
We all left Sinop about the same time and went to 316th ASA Bn, a
STRAC unit, at Camp Wolters,TX for our remaining year. Ted Lowery
has a BBQ place in Hillsboro, TX , I'm in New Braunfels, TX but I
don't know where the other are located. I have quite few shots of
Sinop at the ASA Sinop site and would love to hear from others
who were there during my years at Sinop or Wolters. I'll stay in
KORTELING, Henry W., (Hank), DOB: 14JN29, RA??, E6, Det 27, 64-66, (Sandra), 31 Arapaho Dr., Pensacola, FL 32507, 850-492-2282, (cable). Had enjoyable chat with Hank. Hank retired as a E8 out of the Berlin Field Station in 1986 after 25 years of active duty. Mentioned Art Kartz and Bob Mencher as friends from Det 4. Promised to write BIO regarding his 25 years on active duty and about hisTour of Duty at Sinop.
LAMBETH, Henry (Hank) DOB: 22JL40 RA14750951 E4 283.1 Det 4, JN62-63,1419 Marvin Dr., Vinton, VA 24179, 540-890-4508, (cable) El, - I got a copy of the #108 DOOL sort of from a round-about way. Fellow named Ken Workman, who had followed me in my job site in Sinop by a couple years, saw your post therein about me. He emailed and when we struck up the conversation he mentioned the DOOL release. I guess I'll make it onto the mailing list as the wheels grind on. Looks like you have it set up so the letter gets relayed in a geometrical fashion; or am I supposing incorrectly? Anyway Ken sent me a copy of #108. In any event, I wanted to ask a couple of ??'s about the "Protect Your Address Book" post. I think I have it set up right, but just want to be sure.
1. I set up two contacts that appear at the top of my add. book; the AAAAAAA and the 000.
2. I use the same email for both? Since both names are attached to the bogus address then it should stop the worm, right?...or should I set up a different email address for the 000 name such as 000@0.000?
Appears to me that it would work either way, but just wanted to know. As Yogi Berra would say, "I don't understand all I know about the internet.". Thanks and best regards. I haven't forgotten the photo of the wife and myself. Can't seem to catch her long enough to get the shutter tripped. I'm tempted to send a much more flattering shot taken about 10 years and 45 pounds ago--45# for each of us.
MALCOLM, Daniel R., (Dan), DOB: 27FE43,
RA19666929, E3, 98J, Det 4, 61, (Jean), 181 Thunderbird Dr.,
Harvest, AL, 256-726-9855, Ret E7. I was at
Sinop in '61. Didn't see what happened but the story I remember
has an argument erupting between two Turk soldiers. An American
Guard (not M.P.) was carrying a loaded M2 Carbine (which was
verboten). One Turk soldier grabbed it and shot the other Turk.
There was a protesting mob the next day that blamed the American
GI (naturally). Part of the stink (if memory serves) was because
the Turk soldier that died was scheduled for release from the
military in a matter of days, and his parents were there to take
him home. Sorry I can't remember more; 42 years is long time.Dan
Malcolm (ELINT)
McFEATERS, Donald W., RA11885414, E4, 72B, Det 4, JN68-JN69, 1199 Pinecrest Blvd., Johnstown, PA 15905, 814-288-6900 I was stationed at Sinop from June 68 to 69. I was a 72B, don't remember which trick I was on. From Sinop I went to Clark AFB in the Phillipines for 15 months and then to Vint Hill Farms for 1 year and ETS. In 1973 I joined PA National Guard and stayed till retirement in 1989. I am interested in the reunion at Seven Springs, but that is the same weekend as the rally at Milwaukee for the 100th Aniversary of Harley-Davidson. Got me caught between a rock and a hard spot. I would like to be added to your list for updates. Maybe we can get together sometine, for we only live a few miles apart.
MILLER, Rush W., E5, Det 4, 68-69, 12942 Morris Bridge Rd., Lot 9, Thonotosassa, FL., 33592 813-986-1153, Thank you for the e-mail. Have been traveling extensively for the last couple years. Hope to attend a reunion, next year if not this. Just had a moment to look over the publication and it looks great. Again, thank you for sending them my way. Looks like something I will enjoy immensely.
MOREEN, Doug, E4, Det 4, MR71-OC72, 814 Priscilla Way, Hamilton, MT., 59840, 406-375-0566, - Merhaba Elder RC Green. I'm Doug Moreen the rank I got there was SP4. I worked at the Hippodrome from March 71 to October 72. I did look at the picture of the hill in the late 50's you sent me but by the time I was there I'm pretty sure everything had changed. If you support the troops, then send a thank you letter to them.
MUSICK, John R., (Buddy), Det 4, AP56-MR57, (Suzanne), 6602 Trebeck Ln., Spring, TX 77379, 281-376-1558, [edited] Elder, Here are 15 photos that I scanned to share with anyone who served at the 'hill'. These all were taken in 1956. The photos are labeled as to who I remember their names. Thanks for all of your hard work. "Buddy" Musick [I've attached two of the photo's to this DOOL and the others will be inserted into the 2003 Memory Book
Musick and Digilo 7-56.
MYERS, Ralph, S3 & Ops O, Det 4, AP72-AP73, 6 Hammond Ln., Fredericksburg, VA 22407, 540-898-4390, - [edited] Hello Elder, Thanks for your email. I went to your website and found the Memory document to be very interesting. I was the Operations Officer at TUSLOG Det 4 in Sinop in 1972-73, and did go down to Karamursel to visit the Army detachment there on my quarterly IG visits. I started reading the DOOLs chronologically starting with the latest, and I did find lots of former Sinopers. I found some former Sinopers in DOOL #88, but didn't recognize any of them, probably because they were all there long before me. It's funny, but when I saw the first Det 4er in that reunion group, the SP3 grade of Vern Kallenborn took me aback. I think you go back further than I do so the SP3 was probably not a misprint, and maybe the Army had SP3s back then in the 50s. Although I didn't see any that were there when I was, I'm now sure there probably is, and am looking forward to reading the other DOOLs. What I have read brings back a lot of good memories. I still stay in touch with some former Sinopers, so I will pass your email on to them. Thanks. Keeping thisgoing must be a Herculean effort on your part.
NELSON, Robert F., (Bob), Det 4, 67, 112 Sunset Rd., Burlington NJ 08016 609-386-9619 [edited] Thanks for informing me of your newsletter. I will have to review the back issues and look for old buddies. I have a bunch of pictures from the hill and Sinop that I have scanned and will send them to you and you can see Sinop of 1967. I also have pictures from a leave to Istanbul and Izur. Regards, Bob Nelson, Network Top Gun - P-Series Top Gun - Open Systems Top Gun. NE Area Staff - Integrated Technology Services, 27 Commerce Dr., Cranford, NJ 07016
RIEDY, Richard D., DOB: 5OC36, RA19549080, E-4, 965.1676 (Turk Interpreter), Det 4, OC57-MR59, 260 Gensen Drive SW, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505-865-3874,
Elder Green, I really enjoyed our long telephone talk on March 13 and your subsequent report in the March 14 DOOL #108. However, please let me correct a few points in your report.
First, about that phrase "Monterey Marys." Don't know where that came from, but I never heard it in my life until I started reading your DOOL newsletters. Guess I must have hung out with the wrong crowd. Second, Joe Del Nero and I first met at Fort Devens, where we got our orders for Turkish Language training at the Army Language School, Presidio of Monterey, California. Joe and I shared a cubicle in the barracks at the Presidio from August 56 through July 57 when we graduated. After leave, we went to Fort Dix, New Jersey, where as we were about to leave for Turkey the snafu with the misspelling of my name on the orders occurred and I was held back. Once that was cleared up, I was sent to ASA Headquarters in Frankfurt and spent weeks doing nothing in the transit quarters at Gutleut Kaserne. One day they informed me I was being assigned to the ASA unit in Baumholder. But the next morning about 10 am as I was mopping the Orderly Room floor, the First Sergeant called my name and told me to grab my things including field gear as I was going to Turkey in two hours. A PFC rushed me in a jeep to the Frankfurt airport and took me right out on the tarmac to a Swiss Air flight just about ready to depart. He shoved orders, tickets and a voucher for the Hilton Hotel in my hand and said I'd be spending the night in Rome and then going on Pan Am to Ankara. Less than an hour later the plane landed, not in Rome but in Geneva, Switzerland. End of flight. There was no military presence in the Geneva airport; I hadn't been paid since leaving the States and there was no time for it in Frankfurt, so I was flat broke except for one dollar in US Military script. I went from desk to desk trying to get someone to help me, but all I got was blank stares. No one would even listen to me. After lugging the duffel bag and field gear around the airport for hours, two security police came up and told me I had to get out of the airport. But I was travelling on orders and didn't have a passport, so technically I couldn't leave the airport. Couldn't leave, couldn't stay. At that point, an angel in the guise of a British gentlemen who had been watching the argument intervened. He said something about the bloody American military, took my orders and tickets and went into a back room behind the Swiss Air counter. A few minutes later he came out, told me he could get me on a flight to Istanbul via Zurich, and at least that would be Turkey, where there was American military, and I could get to Ankara from there. The Brit spoke to the stewardesses at the steps while I got on the plane. But once the plane took off they started to argue that I had to get off the plane in Zurich. I was sitting next to a little old lady who spoke English and German. Suddenly she barked something in German to the stewardesses that I couldn't catch and they backed off. She told me that when the plane landed in Zurich I should not leave my seat under any circumstances, and good luck. So, a few hours later I stepped off the airplane onto Turkish soil for the first time and I have never forgotten that feeling of utter relief that I had after all made it to Turkey--even though I didn't have the faintest idea of what I would do next. I went through customs and wandered around Yesilkoy Airport looking for some sign of American military, but didn't find any. However, I did have the Hilton Hotel voucher, and when I saw the hotel bus at the curb outside the airport, I got on it and rode into Istanbul to the hotel. At the reception desk they eagerly accepted the voucher and also told me, yes, there was a TUSLOG office just a short ways down Cumhuriyet Caddesi. I put up for two days at the Hilton in what to me was a luxurious suite (I saw my first bidet there), ate and drank myself silly with all the room service I wanted, spent an evening in the Lalezar nightclub in the hotel where I saw the internationally famous Turkish belly dancer Nejla Atesh, and otherwise enjoyed myself walking around the old European part of Istanbul. The second morning I went to the TUSLOG office where the Airman behind the desk (I remember it as being an Air Force office, not Army) didn't blink an eyelash when I told him my story. I don't know how he did it, but he got me some partial pay, arranged for a ticket on Turk Hava Yollari for Ankara the next morning, and gave me directions to Det 27. The rest is history: three days later I was on the L-20 flying up to Sinop and Det 4, where, by the way, they didn't know at first who I was nor why I was there. But that's another story. Actually, until Joe Del Nero reminded me, I had forgotten that it was I who had originally been assigned to Det 27 in Ankara, and Joe to Det 4. He certainly lucked into that one. One last thing: Ernie Carrick, who was in Personnel at Det 4, has solved the mystery of the name of the CO at Det 4 when I got there. It was Major Clark.
SHAFER, Don, 05K, Det 4, 66-68, 5425 Flatford Rd., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4Y1G, 905-826-8742, - Thanks very much for your email and update. Please keep the information coming as I hope to reconnect someday with some of the guys I worked with at Tuslog Det #4. For some reason haven't found any but I remain optimistic that they will find this site. Regarding the reunion. Would love to but Labor Day weekend is bad timing as its the last weekend of the summer for the girls (11) and me to go fly fishing. Perhaps next year. All the best to you and everyone. Have a great reunion...Don Shafer, Vice President & General Manager, Torstar Media Group Television, One Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1 E6
SMITH, Cynthia, Det 4, 81-82, (married name is Cook). Received short email from Cynthia giving only the above information- - -gH
STALLINGS, Connie L., American
Embassy, Ankara, Turkey, NO61-NO63, - friend of John & Betty
O'brien, 349 E 50th St., NYC., 212-752-9047, - Dear Elder Green: Your telephone call
last week had me flabbergasted. I never expected anyone to query
me about my stay in Turkey - especially 40 years after the fact.
At work this week, whenever I had a break, I went into the
"Days of Our Lives" Web site and read one of your old
issues as R & R. To my delight, I recognized four people on
your 2002 Reunion Attendees List: Ric Balderson, Lanny Couvillon,
Jon Kettenring, and Dave Tavernetti. I am looking forward to the
issue with John O'Brien in it. You asked me when John arrived in
Turkey. So yesterday I dug out old calendars and learned that he
had "just arrived" on 11 December 1962, when he went to
a Christmas tree trimming party at the apartment, on Paris
Caddesi, of Betty Hastings (later O'Brien), Joyce Wilkinson
(later Colvard), and Maggie Love (later Hasbrouck). I hope you
were able to talk with John O'brien and pass on my birthday
wishes. The old calendars gave up the names of several dozen
people--some from Site 23.-- whose faces I can almost remember:
Dave Botts (ask John), Bob Dinas (ditto), Lee Higginbotham,
Thomas Kirkland, Don and Suzie Reed, Bob Simonson (from N.J.),
Bill Uebersetzig. WHAT was Det. 30? Or Det. 3, Det. 4, Det. 4-4,
or 37? (Sorry; I was in the Embassy, not in the military). I made
a quick list of names and need to know if you're interested in
more than Site 23 and Sinop people. Evidently I spent a lot of
time with people from the Air Force hospital; I won't burden you
with them unless you ask for their names. Do you know if anybody
is interested in finding Navy Personnel who served in Turkey?
I've just been told about one Bob Knorr, now of Doylestown, PA
(2l5) 348-9619, who did. I've written to Joyce Wilkinson Colvard,
explained your project, and asked her to contact you. What a huge
job you have, keeping track of so many people--and you're still
asking around for more. Many thanks. With kind regards,
Connie Stallings P.S. Have you read "Scotch and Holy
Water" (1981, reprinted many times) by
John D. Tumpane? The O'Briens sent it to me. It's hilarious.
PARRISH, Ervin, E7, Club Mgr., Det 4, FE92-SE92, 910-868-3220, Thanks for the information I was stationed at SINOP Turkey Feb 1992 to Sep 1992. While stationed there I was the Club Manager. I was active duty ARMY to which I returned to the states and retired please continue to forward information about SINOP.
STEFFEN, Arnold, DOB: 5FE37, RA16568829, E3-E4, 283, Det 4, JL58-JL59, (Janet), 1043 Old Humboldt Rd., Jackson, TN 38305, 731-664-5058, The Steffen's called me on 16 March 2003 to let me know how much they appreciate the DOOL's and to say that they will be coming to the 7 Springs, PA 2003 reunion. Arnold is a native of Elroy, Wisconsin. The Det 4 First Sergeant in 58-59 was John Austin who was also a native of Elroy, WI. Once took the steamer to Istanbul and then vacationed in Athens. On return to Sinop from Ankara Arnold and 3 other GI'd drove a jeepster (stationwagon) back to Sinop. While at Sinop members of the Rod and Gun Club re-built a jeep from scrounged parts and painted it red and used it for their hunting trips. It was kept in the Motor Pool and it stood out from the other OD vehicles. It was discovered by the IG and that was the end of the RED jeep Arnold is retired from Bell Telephone with 35 years service. Janet informs that Arnold is keyed up and can't wait until they head up I-81N to Pennsylvania. They are interested in seeing where the weather forecaster's den is in Punxsautawney, PA and to the sites of Flight 93 and the trapped miner are in the area. One of their sons is in the National Guard and on his way to Kuwait.
TUCKER, Irv, E3, Det 4, 73, 14831 Anderson Ct., Dale City, VA 22193, 703-670-5813, - Thanks for offering me the chance to look at the Turkey newsletter, however, please do not send me any more. I am not interested. While I did send Bill Simons some pictures, I do not look back at my time in Sinop (or the Army generally, for that matter) fondly. I didn't want to be in either of them and literally laughed in the sergeant's face when he gave me the re-up talk. My year in Sinop was the worst year of my life although I know it was God's protection because I could have been in Vietnam where guys were getting shot at. I am not interested in ASA or any other Army reunions. Please delete my email from your mailing list. Thanks. [DELETED!!]
VANNOY, Claude E 03-04 Opns O Det
27, JN65-JN68, (Ginny), 177 Welcome Home Rd., North Wilkesboro,
NC 28659, 366-667-7036, - Please do this and pass it on. It is one of the
most worthwhile "pass-ons" I've received and really has
nothing to do with which side of the current
debate we each favor! Please visit the Department of Defense web
page below and sign in thanking
the men and women of the U.S. military services for defending our
freedom. The compiled list of names will be sent out to our
soldiers at the end of the month. It is National Military
Appreciation Month so please take a second to sign. The entire
exercise takes 10 seconds...literally. Please pass it on to your
email friends.
WALK, Bob, E3, 058, Det 4,
Thanks for sending the email note. I have only looked through
three or four of the newsletters and found them very interesting.
I will continue to look through them to see if I can find my old
roommates, Ron Tarr and Leo Loder. I was on the softball team
that went to Samsun to play in the two-day tournament. I enjoyed
reading about guys that got to fly into Sinop. In and out, I was
in the back of a deuce and 1/2 truck to Samsun (the Turk driver
didn't know about brakes through the mountains, just the horn). I
was so happy to leave Turkey that I took a Turkish
"Greyhound" bus to Ankara so that I could go home. I
will look through my old 35mm slides to see if I can find some
pictures that might bring back some memories for all your
readers. Thanks for adding me to your list, I look forward to
reading more stories about "The Hill".