From: "ercgreen"
Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #108
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 08:25:14 -0600
This message may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity named as recipients in the message. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. Do not deliver, distribute or copy this message, and do not disclose its contents or take any action in reliance on the info it contains. Thank you. Elder RC Green - - -gH
Some people come and go in our lives, like passing ships, nameless faces, never meant to be part of our lives, but they are. Friends share simple, ordinary times in our lives, moments that become memories that stay in our hearts forever and we will never, ever be the same........ Author Unknown
Editor's Mailbag
My inbox has been bursting at the seams with messages and questions from readers, so in today's DOOL, I've addressed a few of the more frequently asked questions. Q: How many ASA Turkey veteran's receive the DOOL and how do you get it to them? A: The DOOL distribution list continues to grow and is sent via e-mail to over 500 ASA Turkey veterans by the following relayers: Chuck Bergmann, Gene Cram, Walt Dubicki, Roger Glubkar, Zip Hargus, Bill Hartranft, Gary Jorgensen, Gregg Kearney, Phil Kelly, Norman Mau, Ralph Richter, Drew Robinson, Howard Stephens and Stan Winarski. Q: What do you do with the info that is in the weekly DOOL's? A: I edit the entries and then paste them into the 2003 Memory Book that is being prepared. To find out if your entry is therein just ask for it! Q: How do you keep track of the names, etc? A: Good question. There are times when things get misplaced and omitted and that drives me crazy. My desk is always filled with loose papers that contain info that needs to be added to the DOOL. But, in between our trips to the YMCA etc - some of the data gets lost and is forgotten by me. But keep in mind that I always try my best to be fair and impartial to everyone. Q: Why Is The DOOL Weekly? A: The volume of mail dictates a weekly issue, but that might change soon because of trips to Colorado Springs, CO. Q: What If I miss A DOOL Newsletter? A: dont fret Its also posted on the web by ex-Sinoper, Bill Simons. It can be accessed at <> which will take you to a chronological list of DOOLs and then click on one of the numbered DOOLs. Bill Simons has made the website searchable. Just because you don't find a name in a search, doesn't necessarily mean that that person is not there. Important Tip--do not attempt browsing in the 2001 Memory Book unless you have some time to spare. Those with cable or DSL hook-ups should download it quickly.
Regarding the Sinop Entrance attachment - I will include the responses and a map of the area in DOOL #109 and HOPEFULLY additional comments will be sent to me.
ANDERSON, Mary, DOB: DOD: 9 August 2002 at Bethany Beach, Delaware. Mary was the wife of Gary J., SP5, 058, Det 27, 27MY66-31MR68, 6404 Willowood Ln., Alexandria, VA 22310, 703-971-9017 <> Gary was assigned to Vint Hill Farms after completing his 22 month Tour of Duty at Manzarali, Turkey. Gary met Mary at James Madison University and was married on 1 August 1970.
BOYTE, James Monroe, Sr., DOB: 12JA1937, DOD: 28OC97, RA24999515, E4, Det 4, 3AU56-21MY59, SSN: 456-60-2266 iss Texas. (Janet) 355 Campbell Rd., Carthage NC 28327. On 12 March 2003 I made contact with James M. Boyte, Jr., who is the son of the late ex-Sinoper who was instrumental in getting donations, etc for the erection of the chapel at Det 4 and later wrote and published his memories of Det 4 at Sinop. Jim explained the details of his father's tragic death on 28 October 1997 and remembers the many hours that his father discussed his 32/33 months that he served on the hill called Diogenes Station. Those who remember Jim Boyte Sr say that a smile was always a part of his facial make-up. Jim Jr is xeroxing his father's scrapbook and will be mailing them to me for my review and write-up. Therefore, I will not attempt to decipher my rough notes at this time. If anyone is interested in purchasing a copy of LOOK HOMEWARD - use <> and then type in LOOK HOMEWARD by James M. Boyte. It lists as $9.95 + postage. [See Richard Riedy entry below for his review of the book. Keep in mind that Richard Riedy did not know that James Monroe Boyte was deceased]
VA Tinnitus Compensation Eligibility: The US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims has announced a decision in the case of Wanner v. Principi. At issue was whether service connection or compensation for tinnitus should be allowed only for "head injury, concussion or acoustic trauma." The Court held that persistent tinnitus, no matter how it was acquired during service, entitles a veteran to compensation under the rating schedule. Accordingly, in claims for service connection for tinnitus filed before June 10, 1999, including those now on appeal, claimants will now be entitled to service connection without regard to how the tinnitus was acquired. The court did not decide whether veterans are entitled to separate ratings for service-connected bilateral tinnitus (tinnitus in each ear). [Source: Armed Forces News Issue 28 FEB 2003]
VA IVM Program: The VA has published Income Verification Match (IVM) program procedures for determining how they will meet provisions of the law (Title 38 United States Code (U.S.C.) 1722), which sets forth eligibility requirements for certain veterans receiving cost-free VA health care. The veterans affected are those with non-service connected disabilities and those with a zero percent service connected disabilities that receive no monetary compensation. The law allows the VA to verify a veteran's income information with the IRS and the Social Security Administration for when that info-rmation indicates the veteran is eligible for cost-free VA health care. The VA intends to verify those veterans' income through computer matching activity with IRS and SSA. To read the VA Directive governing this program, visit VA's web site at <> [Source: MOAA Benefits Update 3 MAR 03]
As you may know, when/if a worm virus gets into your computer, it
heads straight for your address book and sends itself to everyone
there, thus infecting all your friends. This trick won't keep the
virus from getting into your computer, but it will stop it from
using your address book to spread further; and it will alert you
to the fact that the worm has gotten into your system. Here's
what you do: first, open your address book and click on "new
contact", just as you would do if you were adding a new
friend to your list of e-mail addresses. In the window where you
would type your friend's first name, type in AAAAAAA or 000. Then
type <> or wprmvirus in the email slot. Now.
Here's what you've done and why it works: The name 000 and
AAAAAAA will be placed at the top of your address book as entries
#1 and #2 respectively. This will be where the worm will start in
an effort to send itself to all your friends. But, when it tries
to send itself to 000 or AAAAAAA, it will be undeliverable
because of the phony e-mail address you entered. If the first
attempt fails (which it will because of the phony address), the
worm goes no further and your friends will not be infected.
Here's the second great advantage of this method: If an e-mail
cannot be delivered, you will be notified of this in your Inbox
almost immediately. Hence, if you ever get an e-mail telling you
that an e-mail addressed to AAAAAAA could not be delivered, you
will know right away that the worm virus was in your system. You
can then take steps to get rid of it!
Can anyone identify
anyone in the RAT FINKS ATTACHMENT that Mike Campbell posted on
Bill Simons webpage?
incoming MAILBAG
ALEXANDER, Robt W., E7, Det 4, 59-60, <>. I was at Det 4 in 1959, but remember so little of the front entrance gate it amazes me. These days I have lots of senior moments. I would very much like to receive your weekly DOOL newsletter. In the last year Ive made contact with several people that I knew in the service, but none from Det 4. Please put me on your mailing list and, even with my poor memory, I'll be glad to help in any way I can (remember!). Thanks,
BOYTE, Janet, widow of James Monroe DOB: 12JA1937 DOD: 28OC97 RA24999515 E4 Det 4, 58, 355 Campbell Rd., Carthage NC 28327 919-947-3269, <>
CHELIK, Alex J., DOB: 17JA43, RA19835995, E4-E5, 98GRU, Det 4, MY66-MY67, (Rosalie), 703 Plank Rd., Mayfield, PA 18433, 570-876-3107, <>
COX, James (Jim), E4-E5, MP, Det 4, 66, (Vicki), 1711 Pomotaw Tail, Anniston, AL 36206, 256-236-5872, <> I actually extended my first enlistment for assignment to Sinop. I was promoted to SGT E5 after only 23 days on the hill. I have never regretted volunteering for Sinop. I have many fond memories of my Sinop assignment. My early promotion to E5 aided in my later accelerated promotions. I remained in ASA until June 1971 when I was retrained in another MOS I made the army a career and retired as a MSG E8.
DONOHUE, Steve DOB: 18AU45, RA13845472, E4-E5, 98GRU, Det 4, MR66-MR67, (Caroline), 2360 Collins Rd., Pittsburgh, PA., 15235. 412-243-3541, <mailto:?> Dear gH, I was surprised to get your email with the Diogenes Station Front entrance photo. I was in Sinop from 66-67, and I don't recall any of those buildings in the photo. The main gate did not have anything around it. I really enjoyed your phone call on 11 March 2003. Here are the names of my group at Sinop. We were all Monterey Mary Russian Linguists (98G2L63). After Monterey we went to Vint Hill Farms for about a month of radio training. We flew United to Ankara (stopping in Paris and Istanbul), and stayed at a hotel or apartment building with a condemned elevator for two days before flying up to Sinop in the twin Beech. I may have some of the spelling and first names wrong: Theodore Garcia from Detroit; Mike Blessington from Oklahoma; Theodore Galezweski from New York City; Alex Chelik from Scranton, PA; Tom DeBerg from Iowa; Ken Koob from Minnesota; Horace Fleming from Alabama; Bernard English from Toledo, OH; Arthur (Doc) Hegewald from Ormand Beach, FL. We were there during the blizzard of 1967, where the Black Sea froze around Sinop, and the supply ship couldn't get close enough to unload. I have lots of slides of the area. As I think of more stuff, I'll let you know. Sorta enjoyed the year on the hill. Plan to attend the 2003 reunion at 7 Springs. I will now be spending some time reading your newsletters. Please add me to your distribution list and keep up the good work. Have fun. Steve
DRIGGERS, Robert (Bob) Det 4,
<>. Merhaba, My memory seems to be fading fast. After
looking at the Diogenes Station Front Gate Photo for a long time
the only thing I remember is that the building on the right was
for shelter. For some reason I seem to remember that the Turkish
guard stayed in that building. I do remember that the Turk had a
weapon while the GI's only had a billy club. The weapon the guard
carried was a "Grease" gun and they were very
menac-ing, actually pointing it and gesturing and asking for
"Zippo". Believe me I stayed on my side of the road.
Sorry I can't be of more help. By the way I was on the
"Hill" from March of '58 til March of '59.
Please put me on your mailing list and if you have any pics from
that period, I would be most grateful if you could share them. I
have some pics, but being the brain dead computer person I am it
will take me some time to figure out how to scan and send.Thanks
for helping keep the Diogenes memory alive.
Bob Driggers
ENGLISH, Bernard (Bern), DOB: 3AU41, RA15730903, E4-E5, 988RU, Det 4, MY66-MY67, (Kim), 9870 Lakewood Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46280, 317-848-0387, <>. Was able to locate Bern English on info received from Steve Donohue. Called Toledo and chatted with Bern's mother (Pauline) who was most kind and put me in touch with Bern in Indianapolis, IN. Bern informed that he was a Monterey Mary who was trained in the Russian language at DLWI. He and about 12 of his classmates were shipped to Turkey for their 11 month and 10 day tour of duty at Sinop. The group he was with departed Ankara on a bus that made its way to Samsun, always on the extreme through the twisty roads and hillsides that had no guard rails. At Samsun they were airlifted to Sinop on a Beechcraft that hugged the Black Sea shore line and the pilot told the group that it was his solo flight. Bern says that he has at least two sets of orders and will extract the names and send that info to me for inclusion on the Master Roster. He mentioned Steve Donohue, Rick Bach and Al Chilla. After Sinop - he was sent to Ft Devens where he attended T/A school and then assigned to Okinawa where he enjoyed the tour and worked as a Traffic Analyst. After his discharge - Bern went back to Okie as a civilian and taught English for nearly a year. After that he worked at the Bell Labs (AT&T) in New Jersey for 25 or so years. Bern, like all others, promised to send a BIO and photo's.
FUCHS, Russell M., E4, 982, Det 4, FE62-FE63, (Alice), PO BX 1000, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553, 609-497-1466, <> Merhaba, Nasasin?? I arrived on the Hill in early to mid Feb 1962 and left early to mid Feb 1963. 1959 was before my time. Although the road way in the Sinop entrance attachment looks familiar, those buildings were not there when I arrived. During the time I spent on the Hill there was never any mention of the shooting and subsequent death of a Turkish Soldier. During my entire stay on the Hill there were no Turkish Soldiers guarding our butts, all security was provided by MPs. Would you be so kind as to enter my address on your e-mail list for the newsletter. Alasmaladik, Russ
HERRING, Jim, DOB: 25JL45, RA15736915, E3-E5, 058, Det 27, 27MY66-DE67, (Susan), 9735 Creek Run Ct., Evansville, IN 47711, 812-867-3385, <>. Talked to Jim Herring on 8 March 2003. Jim and Susan have been CHARTER members of the ASA Turkey reunion and are making plans to attend the 7 Springs get together in 2003.
JONES, Ed, DOB: 20JA44, RA18664602, E5, 059, Det 27, OC62-MR65, (Florence), 30 Woodland Hills Dr., Bismarck, IL 61814, 217-759-7773, <>. Ed called on 11 March 2003 and informed that on his way from Bismarck, IL to Harrisburg, PA - he stopped at 7 Springs, PA for a look see and was impressed with the facilities and offered to assist at the reunion. Ed and Florence were at the Hershey reunion and will be to the 2003 reunion.
KESSLER, Lawrence G., (Larry), DOB: 30DE42, RA12635152, E4, 716.20, Det 4, FE62-FE63, PO BX 27, Elma NY 14059 716-691-0202, <> - Re: Det 4 - Main entrance 1959 Hi Elder,- Spent Feb 62-Feb 63 at Sinop, worked in personnel. Only heard stories of the shooting. Can't remember much of the scenery. Have many fond? memories of the "Hill". My how the time flies! Would like to receive your newletter........ Thks,
KELLY, Phil DOB: 5JN44, RA ?, E4, S2, Det 27, DE62-MY64,(Donnie), 1225 Pony St., Ridgecrest, CA 93555, 760-377-5619, <> see <>. Talked to Donnie Kelly on 8 March 2003. Phil and Donnie are CHARTER members of the ASA Turkey reunions and hope to be able to attend the 2003 reunion at 7 Springs. Phil has his prostrate problems under control and life is back to normal for this ex-coal miner, like me!
LAMBETH, Henry, (Hank), DOB: 22JL40, RA14750951, E4, 283.1, Det 4, JN62-MY63, (Kitty), 1419 Marvin Dr., Vinton, VA., 24179, 540-890-4508, <> (cable). Had a lengthy and interesting chat with Hank Lambeth on 8 March 2003. Found Hank's entry on Bill Simons website and have copied parts of it herein. Flew in early June 1962 from Frankfurt to Ankara and then to Samsun on a THY DC-3 and to Sinop in the back of a iki bachuk. I worked in the EM Club for a short period flipping hamburgers. Damned if I didn't serve up some monsters. Remember those Playboy pinups, "dime-nights", "nickel-nights" and the devastating "free-nights"? Beck's, Heineken's and Lowenbrau! Departed Sinop on a twin engine aircraft to Ankara and on to the 319th USASA Bn., at Rothwesten. About five or six of us were sent TDY to Helmstedt, making a somewhat routine "Maintenance Assistance" circuit around the "British Zone" (area North and East of Kassel, including the sites at Saint Andraesburg and Lubeck) when we heard that JFK had been shot. Sometime around 1800-2000 hours a gaggle of us were headed into the Helmstedt NCO Club. Seems, as best I can recall, the club was on the second floor of the building, not terribly far from our billet. In any event, just as we opened the door to enter the club, someone came scurrying out, saying, "Someone shot at President Kennedy". I have that moment and phrase etched, forever, in my mind. An understatement for sure. During the ensuing hours of confusion, we were reacting to a bunch of out-house-rumors! Finally someone in our "party" realized that the ASA would be on alert status and our full field gear was at Rothwesten. A Sergeant named Zeigler drove back to Rothwesten in his new Chevy Impala Convertible (the rest of us were driving or riding in deuce-and-a-halves) and drew our "combat gear" and high-tailed it back to Helmstedt. Everyone was somewhat concerned about the situation vis-a-vie the Ruskies. However, as we all know, the situation cooled down and we all went on with our lives.
This is a composite view of Sinop from the old ruins that I cobbled together back in late '62 or early '63. It shows the harbor and across the isthmus toward the Yeni Hotel with Diogenes Station in the far distance. If you look closely you can see The Arctic Tower (where I worked) along the crest
The PFC Lambeth attachment was taken around Sept.'62--pretty yeni, judging by the progress of the obligatory moustache and the fact that I was taking my "gerbs" off in the new barracks, not the old Jamesways we first lived in. The SP4 Lambeth photo was taken in late '62 to early '63 and sporting those handlebars. The Lambeth-Waters-? attachment was taken in late 1962. Sam Waters was from New Jersey and had attended Rutgers before enlisting in the ASA. Does anybody out there know where Sam Waters is or how to get in touch with him? I guess I'll just try all the Sam Waters in NJ that I can find on a net search. Couldn't be more than a couple thousand or so!
LANDVOIGT, W. Arnold, (Arnie), DOB: 9JL42, E3-E4, 283, Det 4, JN62-JN63, (Lois), 8521 Williams St., Savage, MD 20763, 301-498-0070, <>, <> and <http://www,> Hank Lambert put me in touch with Arnie. Arnie owns the 1926 Pontiac Boat-tail racer as shown in attachment arnilap.jpg and below. Go to <> to read the details about this one of a kind racer. Arnie says that he might have a free week-end and will bring the 1926 Pontiac racer to the Seven Springs reunion.
Arnie ask if anyone has wrote about the Det 4 Volleyball team
that won the MSC Volleyball Championship during the 1962-63
season. Arnie does not remember any of the team members, but
recalls that they were gone for at least 6 months. First they
beat the AF at Samsun, then defeated Det 27, then won the
tournament at Greece and then went to Germany and England for
MITZNER, Dennis, Det 4, JN68-JL69,
Oak Forest, IL 708-525-3508,
<> Mr. Green: An Army buddy forwarded your e-mail to
me, and you guys are doing a hell of a good job. I was stationed
at Det 4 from June '68-July '69. From there I went to Chitose for
two years. Three months at NSA and I was again a free man. I will
send my memories shortly. Do you have a "Where Are They
Now" list? Again, good job and we'll be talkin'. P.S. I
still keep in touch with about twenty guys and will forward your
e-mail onto them.
MOSER, Alan H., DOB 22JL29, RA17275672, E5-E6, 98C3LRU, Det 4,
AU64-AU65, (Mary), 14625 S. Locust St., Olathe, KS 66062,
<>, CW2, Ret. - Elder, Well, I consulted my
not-too-handy Farley-file as to where I was and when. I was at
Sinop from Aug64 - Aug65. Not very many memorable dates on which
to hang memories. I arrived as a SP5 and left as SP6 982. One
detail that I had was "officer of the guard" [as a SP6,
shortage of commissioned officers] on the evening of the day that
we were told that former president Herbert Hoover had died [20
Oct 1964] and that we were to fly the flag at half-staff from
then until his funeral. Fine, but we shared flagstaffs with the
Turks and couldn't fly our flag lower than theirs. I woke the
colonel, he contacted someone, the Turkish military were the
government that year I was told. The word came back that the
Turks would also honor President Hoover. After WWI the Hoover
Plan [similar to the Marshall Plan after WW II] had helped the
Turks get back on their feet. All went well until we found that
the line had come off the pulley at the top of our flagstaff. A
Turk fireman shinnied up the staff and fixed things. We raised
the flags and brought them to half-staff. The fireman started
petting my shoulder and and talking to me. The MP Turkish
translator said he was calling me 'friend' because I had a
Indianhead [2nd Inf Div] patch on. The fireman had served in
Korea with the 2nd Div in the Turkish Brigade. So I said
'tomodochi' [friend] and he said 'hai' [yes]. Later we
chit-chatted in talkytalky Japanese and Korean. I gave him a
Indian Head Patch and had a friend for life. There was a contract
farmer who supplied the site with fresh vegetables. He had done a
good job the previous year, I was told. However, he decided to
plant seeds from the last year's produce instead of fresh
[hybrid] seeds. The squash cross-pollinated with the melons ...
gah, terrible. Sinop was a no-dependants and no POV tour when I
was there. The site doctor was an Air Force captain. His wife,
pregnant and blind (!! really !!), came to Sinop via Istanbul and
the Black Sea steamer. I think that they thought no one would
realize that she was there. But, that was how the Brits brought
in their people. So, when she arrived in Sinop, everyone knew
that she was there. The day I rotated four of the EM were going
to see the site commander during an 'open-door' session, and ask
'if he can do it, why can't we?' I wonder how that turned out.
Best regards, and thanks for the 'phone call. More later, if you
MYHRE, Leon, DOB: 8 June 1939, RA17493292, E4, Ration Breakdown, Det 4, OC59-SE60, (Ruth), 917 E. Grove St., Caledonia, MN 55921 507-725-2122, no e-mail. Contacted Leon on 8 March 2003 based on information received from Fred Schwartz (see below). Leon enlisted for the ASA and took Basic Training at Ft. Carson, Colorado. Then on to Ft Devens where he received training in Ration breakdown and stayed there almost 2 years. Part of that time was spent in Minnesota where he was told to go and await assignment orders. After several months and not being paid, went to Camp McCoy in SW Wisconsin to inquire about his pay. They investigated his status and received word from Ft Devens that he was to report to Ft. Hamilton in New York within 24 hours for travel to Turkey via ship. Leon attempted to get the Camp McCoy personnel to issue him a ticket for travel to New York from Minnesota but was told that it was his responsibility to get there or be AWOL. When he arrived at Ft Hamilton he was told that since he was an E4 he would be flying to Turkey from McGuire AFB. Eventually he arrived at Ankara and was briefed by an obese sergeant. The next day he rode to Sinop in the back of a deuce and a half. Each was given a boxed lunch for the 12 hour trip. During one of the P stops, the driver told everyone that he would stop in Samsun for a hot meal at a cafe that he had eaten in many times. He assured them that it had excellent food. Well, they stopped and Leon says that he climbed slowly off the truck, dog tired and the cafe was far beyond anything that he had imagined. Nearby a donkey was braying and chickens were all over the place. Inside It had a dirt floor with sawdust scattered here and there. The driver ordered his meal without hesitation, while the others were bothered with the monoton-ous buzzing of the flies and the passing of cats were everywhere. The owner noticed their concern and invited them into the kitchen to select what they wanted to eat. The sight was an eyeopener. Cats were up on the tables slurping at the food. Needless to say, the yeni's retreated, but not before they were offered a drink. They all accepted in order not to hurt his feelings, in spite of the fact that the glasses looked like they hadn't been washed for days. Later, they ask the driver about the place and he just shrugged his shoulders. That more or less was Leon Mhyre's fondest memory of his Tour of Duty at Sinop. He remembers rooming with Fred Schwartz in the supply hut and that Fred was kept busy writing and reading letters from his beloved Rose. Leon was discharged at Ft Hamilton and returned to Caledonia, MN where he owned a Oil Company for 30 plus years. He sold the business and still works for the new owner as long as he so desires. Fred and the talkative Rose visited and stayed a week and haven't been heard from since then.
OLSEN, Ben Oley, E4, 283, Det 4, 56-58, 3336 Sage Trail, Thatcher, AZ 85552, 928-428-1929, <> - [edited] Dear Elder RC Green. My name is Sgt Ben Olsen originally from Maine. I am very pleased to find other veterans who served at Sinop. It was Jerry Anderson from Det 27 who introduced me to your website. We served together at Two Rock Ranch Station in Petaluma, California in summer of 1958. What a coincident and a great surprise to find old friends. I, Oley the Turk, along with Frederick Anderson from Maine, Phillip Knapp from New York State, William Schivley possibly from Maryland, John Feigle from Corpus Christi, Texas and a Sgt who I can't remember went to Ft. Monmouth, NJ for 33 weeks of Radar and Countermeasures Training. Speak of chicken .... (manure). That Post was it, even worse than Ft. Benning, GA in 1953. I trained in an Airborne Division a while, but made no jumps. I'm an earth person. We five were dubbed the 'Original Five' and received additional training at Mountainview, California in the winter of 1957. We were Electronic Radar/Counter Measures Repairmen. I believe the MOS was 283. The company in Mountain View California built the equipment with receivers, tape drives and I remember theTall Tower with the 600 Mhz antenna on it. We were the ones who flew to Turkey with the New System, set it up and operated it until February 1958. This is what sticks in my mind. The British had a site to the south of us a few hundred yards, On one occasion I saw a couple of Limies out side with a telescope about 3 feet long looking our way. I went over one day and got acquainted. They told me the frequency of the antenna on our High Tower. I was amassed! In less that a week, they built one and showed me their signals on the scopes. One Captain we had had a degree in chemistry. He instructed our group to build a corner reflector at some Frequency. I told him it wouldn't work as it had directivity, but LOW GAIN. He got pissed off at me. John Feigle built it and the mission was a flop. After that he and I didn't get along too well. Oh Well !! John Feigle then built a Yagi at that frequency and the signal was high enough to be recordable. If looks could kill, I'd been L O N G - G O N E We lived in Jamesways until December 1957 when the Turks started building the Barracks. I believe there were 3 at that time. It was no picnic as it has seemed to be in later years. Our chow was wild boar, eggs, Turk bread, Kellogs cereals and Pet Milk to drink. I didn't gain any weight, however; we got the job done.
Gimp, our dog was a fine friend and companion. Everyone gave him a lot of food and attention.
The officers must have thought we were dumb or something as they had several MP Corporals go to the BOQ and serve them and clean-up also. They came back and told us that they served the officers steak, chicken and all kinds of good things. When Major Green went to Ankara with Captain ??. - some of us got a little rowdy and rolled 3 or 4, 55 gallon drums of diesel fuel over to the hill overlooking the BOQ, opened the bungs and started chanting: "Let's all go and burn down the BOQ, Burn down the BOQ etc. Well, the officers in there were a mite scared and after Major Green came back, he "PUT US ALL ON RESTRICTION and put up some chin-up bars outside of the mess hall. It did no good because the NCO's were ALL overweight and couldn't do more that 2 or 3. What a laugh! Restricting us to Post. The building in the Sinop Entrance photo could be one of the barracks, as there WAS one near the entrance. The Jamesway there must be the MP's Hut. The mess hall was a short distance from the showers, The BOQ was down the hill toward Sinop, The dispensary was toward the south east of the Mess Hall. It was built in summer of 1957 as I remember. When we got there, there were no cement sidewalks going to the Operations Buildings, we grew at least an inch in height going oneway and the acid in the mud ate the threads away in our boots. We slept 4 to 5 in a Jamesway for 9 months or so. Well that is about all I can think of at this time pertaining to my Tour of Duty at Sinop. I did take a few hundred color shots of the Hill and Town. I got along with the Turks and learned their customs and I can still pick a Turk out of a crowd and talk with him. After Sinop, I was assigned to Two Rock where the First Sergeant had me cross trained as an MP. That was a wrong choice for him. No one liked him and some feared him. He was a heavy drinker. One night I picked him weaving all over the road. He was tighter that usual. I asked him out of the vehicle and to walk the line. He refused at first. I then patted my trusty 45 and told him I was going to take him in. No one else would have. They busted him for that and other things to a Staff Sgt. Everyone told md, nice work OLEY. I had many more friends after that. Well that's all I can think of for now. I'll look up the color slides and see if I can get some e-mailed to you and others. I have a friend that I met In Samsun. He and I keep in touch guite a bit I'll add his E-mail on this one. I'd like to hear from others that knew me. My address is Ben Oley Olsen, 3336 Sage Trail, Thatcher, Arizona 85552. I have been retired from the Army since December 1990 after serving 21 + years for Uncle Sam. Thanks for all the info. Your Turk Buddy, OLEY
RIEDY, Richard D., DOB: 5OC3636, RA19549080, E-4, 965.1676 (Turkish Interpreter), Det 4, OC57-MR59, (Never married), 260 Gensen Drive SW, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505-865-3874, <> [edited]
I have many fond memories of time in the ASA. I enlisted for the ASA and after basic was sent to language school where I met Joe Delnero. We were known as Monterey Marys and were trained as Turk translators/linguists. We reported to Ft Dix, NJ for overseas assignment. My orders were cut and said assignment to Det 27 and Joe Delnero to Det 4. While waiting in formation for the bus ride to McGuire AFB someone called my name and said that there was a error in my orders. They had my name as REIDY instead of RIEDY and because of that minor error Delnero ends up at Det 27. That error for some unknown reason caused me to remain in casual status at Ft Dix for almost two months and then received orders for Germany and was scheduled to go to Baumholder until someone realized that I was a Turk translator and they kept me at Gutleut Kaserne working around the Orderly Room for another month or so. I remember mopping the Orderly Room floor when the First Sergeant told me that I would be leaving for Turkey in two hours. I protested that I was broke and needed spending money for the trip. I scampered and gathered my goods together and stuffed the duffel bag again for the trip to Ankara. Off to the Frankfurt Airport they took me with the first stop to be in Rome. Yep, you guessed it - I was on the wrong plane! It landed in Geneva, Switzerland and here I sat without any money and no one could speak English. It was late and they told me that I could not stay in the airport. I kept trying to get someone to listen and get my ticket corrected. Finally a Brit gentleman appeared and after lengthy deliberations got my ticket changed to Zurich and then to Rome. They told me not to get off that plane at Zurich, but the stewardess insisted that I must exit the plane. A little old lady intervened and told me to pay no attention and stay on the plane. I did, and the plane did stop in Rome before flying to Ankara as I recall. I'm hoping that Richard Riedy will re-write this entire article as it is quite possible that I've gotten some of the experiences twisted a bit! In an email Richard Riedy says, "I finally received James Boyte's 170 page book 'Look Homeward' from I was the 'official' Monterey Mary trained as a Turk translator/linguist on the hill while Jim Boyte was there and can relate to most of what he has in the book. There's a beautiful picture of the church on the cover, but only four small pictures of the site in the book, and none are of the construction going on. The book was published in 1996. After Boyte left the service, he obtained a Ph.D. in mathematics, and was a professor of mathematics, living and also farming with his family near Carthage, North Carolina. The book, unfortunately, is a bit of a letdown overall when it comes to getting good, hard details, facts, names, dates, etc. Rather, it's a very discreet, gentle memoir with vignettes organized around the genesis and building of the church. Some of the vignettes were right on target, but I kept wishing Boyte would get down to the nitty-gritty, name names, and you know what. Much of it has to do with Boyte's friends and the small group of guys, led by Boyte, who started the project. Lots of narrative, excerpts from letters from Boyte's parents, meditative passages, and woven through much of it is the poignant story of the dog Gimp. I was surprised that Jim Boyte says nothing about the church bell, and that's a specific conversation I remember involving the Governor of Sinop, but not Boyte, that took place at a dinner at the BOQ. I was only peripherally involved, you might say, because as site interpreter I was drawn into some discussions at the Sinop Province Governor's office about a Christian church being built on the Hill. If I remember correctly, it was to be the first free-standing Christian church erected in Turkey in decades, and there may have actually been some law against it. At any rate, the last I heard before my time was up was talk of the Turks donating the church bell as an ecumenical gesture. But a sense of place is very muted, and there is very little of the Sturm und Drang many of us associate with Sinop. However, perhaps it would not be consistent with Boyte's character to dwell on that aspect. He uses a lot of first names, and I haven't been able to decide whether he uses actual names or pseudonyms. He names the CO at Det 4 as being a Major Thomas, who gave permission for the church to be built, originally as a temporary structure, and his replacement as a Major Brown. Neither of those names rings a bell with me even though I was the CO's jeep driver. He also relates that Major Brown instructed him to have a Specialist Ziegler arrange a meeting for Boyte with the Governor of Sinop to discuss the lighting of the large cross on the front of the church. Specialist Ziegler did the interpreting. This is a mystery to me. Who was Specialist Ziegler? I left Det 4 in March 59, but I cannot honestly recall whether my replacement was on board by then or not. I recently pulled an all-nighter unsealing stored boxes and going through pictures and slides--even got out the old slide projector. All the 35mm slides I took on Kodachrome have held up beautifully, but everything on Ansachrome is hopelessly faded. Even so, I have 5 or 6 pictures of the church under construction, one showing Boyte up on scaffolding, and one of Boyte posing beside my jeep when we were on our way to Ayancik to dicker for lumber. All in all, I enjoyed the 'Look Homeward' book. It came via from a bookseller called Book Wagon (I think--it's abbreviated on the invoice). The publisher is ORC Press, 1495 Alpharetta Highway, Suite I, Alpharetta, Georgia 30201. It's paperbound (1996), 170 pages, and on the back of the book it says $9.95, though I paid a used book rate of $6.95 (looks to me like it was not used). I liked Jim Boyte, one of those fresh-faced quiet country types with courage of his convictions. I certainly would like to attend the 2003 reunion, but am sorry to report that I cannot find 'housesitters' for my animals on my desert property in New Mexico. <>
RODRIGUES, Charles, (Charlie), DOB: 15FE39, RA12540753, E4, Supply, Det 4, 59-60, (Patricia), 210 Benham Ave., Syracuse, NY 13219, 315-487-1195, <> - I admit that I've been guilty of reading the DOOL's every week and enjoy reading and viewing photo's of other ex-ASA Turkey Vet's my own age and thinking...but surely, I cannot look that old! Please, my chokee ocadosh, permit me to relate this short story about me relating to my age. While waiting for a recent dental appointment in the reception room of a new dentist, I noticed her certificate, which bore her full name. Suddenly, I remembered that a pretty girl with the same name had been in my high school class some 40 years ago. Upon seeing her, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This gray lady with the deeply lined face was too old and too heavy to have been my classmate. After she had examined my teeth, I asked her if she had attended the local high school. "Yes," she replied."When did you graduate?" I asked. She answered, "In 1957." "Why, you were in my class!" I exclaimed. She looked at me closely and then asked, "What did you teach?" Charlie has 5 children and 15 Grandchildren (all with first wife). Pat and I have been married 25 years (No children).
SCHWARTZ, Fred L., DOB: 24JL39, RA17523856, 550, E3, Det 4, NO59-DE60, (Rose), 321 Fain St., Morganton, GA 30560, 706-374-4302, <> - Fred is a native of Swea City, in Kossuth County, Iowa, a small town in North Iowa. Graduated from High School and enlisted for ASA duty. Took Basic Training at Fort Carson, Colorado and then on to the ASA Training Center and School at Fort Devens, Massachussetts. His test results indicated that he was an excellent candidate for the 058 morse code school. Fred was elated, but that exultation lasted only a few days. Soon he was on the go again. This time to Fort Lee, Virginia where he trained for 8 weeks to be a Supply Handler (550). While at Devens Fred met Rose who was from Lowell, MA. On 17 October 1959 he and Rose were married and Fred left Ayer, MA Thanksgiving evening in 1959 for an isolated tour in Turkey. Flew to Shannon, Ireland, from there to Hamburg, Germany and then to Istanbul. Went from there to Sinop Det 4 in the back of a 2 1/2 ton truck. His first impression of Det 4 was when he jumped from the back of the truck and went knee deep in mud. He worked and lived in the Supply Hut which he shared with Leon Myhre while the other GI's at Sinop lived in Jamesway huts. They had it made! It gave them a semi-private living arrangement. The Jamesway huts had been set up as temporary barracks while permanent barracks were being built. Fred says that he went to Ankara once for a 3 day pass with a few civilian workers and what a truck trip that was. Saw a few "Belly Dancers" that he would not leave home for and did not mention to Rose in his letters. In fact one of the belly dancers was so exciting that she had eggs thrown at her. Was also invited to a few Turks homes for dinner but can't remember if the food was good or even what was served. Brought back a few souvenirs. His thirteen months there were an eye opener and made him realize what a Great Country we live in. He was sent to Fort Dix, NJ after he left Sinop for discharge and was mustered out on 22 December 1960. Moved to Swea, IA for a short period of time. While there visited the Myhre's in Minnesota and then went to Warwick, Rhode Island where he worked as a Federal Food inspector for 23 years and after being disabled on the job then became Office Manager for the Poultry Plant in Providence, RI for 7 years. For their retirement home they moved to Morganton, a small town in the north Georgia mountains, not far from Blue Ridge Lake in the Chattahoochee National Forest. Fred and Rose have made their reservations for the 7 Springs Reunion and are looking forward to meeting everyone. Elder, I finally got through to Leon. We talked to him about making it to the Reunion and he said they were considering attending. I made copies of all the information we had about the time, place and date of the Reunion and sent it off to Leon this afternoon. He is supposed to send Rose an e-mail address so that he could receive the DOOL letters you send out. My question is will it be alright to pass it on to the person who sends the DOOL to us? We can also pass the address on to you. Leon said they have a friend with a computer that will share any news that pertains to him. Thanks again for giving us Leon's address and phone number. Fred Schwartz has entered 4 pictures on Bill Simons Sinop website.
"dolmuS" drivers are
independent, and like to set Guiness records for number of
passengers per seat on every ride. Figuring out
"dolmuS" routes is not easy to newcomers, but just
asking the locals will make you familiar with the routes you will
need. A "dolmuS" is a one-person enterprise, so rides
become a very social event: a passenger up front acts as
volunteer cashier when new passengers board and reach their money
through to him with the mention of their destination; a lookup
table indicates the fare, and he uses the driver's cash-box to
obtain the change and reach it back to these new passengers!
Everybody cooperates in these money transfers, and Turks are
quite amused to see a foreigner (a) board a "dolmuS"
(upper-class Turks don't take a "dolmuS") and (b) know
what to do, and do it well. All this now means that the driver
can actually concentrate on the driving (makes sense, no?), and
usually he will hate to use his brakes except for picking up or
dropping off new passengers: "dolmuS" drivers are
infamous for their reckless driving... But this only
implementation disadvantage notwithstanding, I believe that
collective taxis are a very reasonable and ecological solution to
traffic-congested cities, and that they could/should be
implemented in Western countries as well.