Subject: DAYS OF OUR LIVES #103
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 08:02:58 -0600




I welcome articles, BIO's, stories, etc and certainly hope that all ASA Turkey Vet's will contribute and make the newsletter worthwhile. You can write whatever message you would like, and it will show up right here for others to read and I'm hoping it will spur more memories. After all, isn't that why you're reading this now? I will respond to all e-mails and will assist whenever needed, but reserve the right to edit for content and clarity and welcome any errors that may appear herein. Also, it looks like the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, from nearby Punxsutawney, PA reported that bad weather will be with us for a while yet, so why not set aside a little time from these cold, dreary days to help my DOOL efforts. It might be a good idea for those who like to take interesting photo's - to include a visit to Punxsutawney during the 7 Springs ASA Turkey reunion. Its a 2 hour drive from 7 Springs, but those arriving via I-80 can exit at Dubois, PA and take 119S to Punxy and then 119S to Indiana, PA. You received this newsletter because you requested it. To unsubscribe from this newsletter send an email to me or your relayer. Thank you, Elder RC Green, aka gH, 3094 Warren Rd., Indiana, PA 15701, 724-349-7305,


CRAM, Eugene C., (Gene), W2, W2215309, OIC T/A, Det 27, 66-67, (Phyllis), 5180 SW Gardenia Ct., Dunnellon, FL 34431, 352-489-9085, Phyllis informs that Gene was in the ICU ward, 1-5 February, with kidney trouble. He is now recuperating in a recovery ward. It is my request that those who know Gene and Phyllis send a get well card to the above address. The attachment is the Cram Family.

NODOREK, John, DOB: 21NO46, E3-E4, 76P/76T/95B, Det 27, AP67-NO67, Det 4-3, NO67-NO68, PO Box 50125 Albany, GA 31703, - Please ask that our fellow ASAer's not to send any emails.

Hello, Elder & Greg. Thanks for the good wishes. Just a fast note on 2 February 2003 to let you know what is going on. I got pretty sick in Nov and Dec and ended up getting pneumonia and was pretty weak and have been in the hospital since 15 January. I am now in a assisted living home until 27 February. After that I have no idea what will be happening. The examinations and tests found the arteries to the heart are clogged and I need a bypass operation: so I was placed in the assisted living home to get built up to handle it. Today is the 2nd time I have managed to get home and to the computer. So a fast message as I'll be here a few hours. To those with e-mailing capabilities--It will probably be better to send notes to my mailing address instead via e-mails, as I cannot get home very often to check them. That address is: PO Box 50125, Albany, Ga. 31703-0125. Ron brings me my mail every few days. I will try to respond, but my vision is blurry and makes for fun reading. I think that is due to them trying to keep my blood pressure low-- which it was not high to begin with- so why they want it lower I haven't figured that out, except maybe not to stress my heart any more than necessary. I will try to stay in touch as I can.


Compiling the Memory Book is an ongoing process--an evolution of sorts. I've interspersed opinions, remarks, witticisms and 'one liners' throughout the book to emphasize or amplify important points from ex-ASA'ers to present a stimulating insight into the thought process of other ex ASA'ers... As time progresses I accumulate more information, and it becomes a challenge to fit additional information into it from the weekly newsletters. Old information may have all new significance in the light of new information from newly found veterans. In my case, I also get to find those entries that I may have stored away in some riffraff files or made errors on when I was bleary-eyed! Recently I had trouble backing up the Memory Book file and again my friend, Chuck Bergmann, came to my rescue.


BOYD, Crawford L., E8, 98Z, Det 4, 60-MY61, born 9 Dec 1926, died 11 Feb 1998, 71y at Burgaw, Pender Co., NC., SSN 260-34-2837 issued GA - Crawford Boyd was the First Sergeant or acting Sgt Major at Det 4 in the 1960-61 timeframe. There certainly has been a lot of story-telling about Sgt. Boyd, and most are not polite. Many Sinoper's remember this BROWN SHOE Infantry Army veteran. For many, his methods were not to their liking. However, Sgt Boyd should be remembered as a career soldier who followed the Det 4 commanders directives and that made him a nasty NCO in the eyes of many and at the same time was considered a scapegoat by many at Det 4. He had a job to do and he did it the way the LEADERSHIP manuals required it to be accomplished, even though it was a remote outpost, and many thought that the book should be overlooked. It is almost a certainty that of all his duty assignments - that Det 4 was the least liked of them all. A short time before his departure his hootch was padlocked 13 straight days and each time he had to hacksaw the locks off, then his hootch was set afire and all of his belongings were lost. He departed Sinop the next morning via L-20 transport to Ankara and then on to Ft Bragg, NC. Is it possible that the epitath on his tombstone reads: "SO LONG, YOU SINOP BASTARDS" or "HERE LIES A WALKING A..HOLE" Sometime in 1958 a "mutiny of a few weeks" took place at Sinop and by and large, mum was the word, but what happened was the CO had tried to impose regular Army discipline and routine on the men and they too rebelled.

REDDING, Ozro F Cpl RA14539633 Det 4, 28AP56-57, S.O. #79 dtd 28AP56, b-5DE33 d-12FE95 Tulsa, OK. Anyone remember Corporal Redding?


There's an almost unbelievable amount of information on the Internet. The challenge is to locate what you need at any given time. To find what I need, I use a variety of search engines. for phone numbers

BOONE, Skip, E5, Det 27, 63-65 - The following I found in a TUSLOG Det. 3-2 Guest Book, dated 3 Feb 2003: Hello, I'm Harold (Skip) Boone. I was stationed at Manzarali (Site 23) in 1962. I played basketball and have some nice memories of a tournament played in Bitburg, Germany. I am trying to find an article that must have been written in the Stars and Stripes about the Mediteranean basketball tournament held in Istanbul during the month of February, 1965. I remember the first two games we won - I scored 40 points per game, but the games had to be replayed because the clock was off by a minute or two?? Anyway, I was due to ship back to the states and left for Ankara via train to return to the states. I am looking for any article which was probably written in the Stars and Stripes newspaper about the tournament....... could anyone please help?? [I contacted George Campbell who is the web- master for the Det 3-2 site and he informed that Skip Boone did not leave a address or email in his query. - George posted a note for Boone to post his email so that others can contact him- - -gH]

CHAMNESS, Ike E6 Det 4, 64-65, E7,Det 27 & 4-2, 67-68, (Dora), 22248 Haas Ct., NE., Ten Strike, MN 56683, 208-586-2735, . - Dora Chamness here. Ike doesn't do the screen thing since his eye surgery -- We have received many e-mails since returning home to MN after the ASA picnic, thanks to you and the Days Of Our Lives newsletter, reacquainted with many misplaced friends. Very nice meeting you at the 2002 ASA picnic at Blobs Park, MD --especially good for Ike, enjoyed being there with so many that have served the nation.


Ike signed on the dotted line on 29 November 1955 to be a Infantryman. He took Basic Training at Ft. Leonardwood, MO., and then to his surprise was sent to Signal Corps School at Ft. Mommouth, NJ., for AIT in an ELINT Collections Course. He graduated in June 1956 and was awarded PMOS 204 and won an all expense paid vacation to the 7214th Technical Support Unit at Gambel, Alaska. This included round trip air fare, shelter, and three square meals a day thrown in for good measure. It was at this time that a ASA technical team arrived in 1956 to conduct tests to determine the island's suitability for a permanent field station. Since then it has been called Shemya and reorganized and redesignated many times. On completion of the 12 month tour Ike volunteered for a 90-day extension to "Project X" which later became known as Field Station Shemya. Shemya is located near the western end of the Aleutian chain, roughly 1500 miles away from Anchorage, Alaska. The island of Attu is just to the northwest, while Agattu is just off to the west and can be seen from Shemya on a clear day.

Duty Stations

Basic Training FtLeonardwood 29NO55–56

AIT School SigC Sch Ft.Monmouth, NJ 56–JN56

Ops 204 MOS 7214th TSU Shemya, Alaska 56–SE57

Ops 204 MOS 251stASA Det Ft Huachuca, AZ SE57–NO57

Ops 204 MOS ASA Hqs Arlington Hall NO57–NO58

ELINT NCOIC 279th ASA Co Rothwesten, Ger NO58-

ELINT NCOIC 319th ASA Bn Rothwesten, Ger –JL62

ELINT NCOIC 303rd ASA Bn Ft. Walters, TX JL62–DE62

ELINT NCOIC Co D, 313th ASA Bn Ft Hood, TX DE62–JA64

ELINT NCOIC TUSLOG Det 4 Sinop, Turkey JA64–JA65

Instructor, "F" Div USASATC&S Ft Devens, MA JA65–MR67

ELINT NCOIC TUSLOG Det 4-2 (SAD-2) Incirlik, Turkey MR67-68

ELINT NCOIC SAD-2 Ramstein AFB, Ger 68–69

Instructor, "F" Div USASATC&S Ft. Devens, MA 69–AP71

ELINT NCOIC Field Station Shemya, Alaska AP71-AP72


At Rothwesten, Germany Ike Chamness worked for 1st Lt. Thomas J. Flynn who retired as a Major General.

Retired .. Dec 1975 at Fort Devens, MA as a Master Sergeant E-8.

Upon retirement we bought a farm in Northern Minnesota (north of Bemidji), where we farmed and I managed an Agronomy Center for most of twenty-five years for a large Co-operative System until I again retired in September 2001. Since I have stayed busy on the farm and when I find time I spend it hunting and fishing.

COX, Dennis, DOB: 25AU38, E5, 058, E5, A/Sgt, Det 4, JN60-JL61, (Marilyn), 5880 Reatha Ct., Hubbard, OR 97032, 503-266-7687, Contacted on 21 January 2003.

Dennis Cox will never forget his 13 hour trip from Istanbul to Sinop on a US Military Bus with about 15-20 other newks. It was dark and the bus stopped at the Mess Hall. Nearby was a group of guys who were inebriated and were yelling "Knock off the BS. It's your choice." or something like that. Below them was the BOQ and standing nearby was a 55 gallon drum of diesel fuel to show that they meant business. WOW, that sure was a weird way to welcome newks.

Colonel John Cox and 1SG Crawford Boyd

Col John Cox became the Post Commander shortly after my arrival. The previous CO might have been LtCol George Mullen and LtCol Daryl Arena the Ops Officer. The Ops Sgt was SFC Jerry Fritz. I was not related to Col Cox but he referred to me as his brother. Also recall the time that the self proclaimed Sgt. Major [1SG Boyd] went to take a shower and returned to his hooch finding the door padlocked and a sign stating, "Hoping for bad weather". His hooch was burned down around the 4th of July 1961 and they had to fly him out early. We had no wall lockers and mud was everwhere, even in the barracks. I remember the time we had to stand inspection in dress greens for an inspection.... and one of my roommates took his green uniform and threw it on the floor and stomped on it before putting it on and then wore it for the inspection. The only thing I ever had stolen on the site was my toothbrush - hard to come by. The PX for an unknown reason only stocked children's toothbrushes with whistles on the end. The Hill was the only place that I experienced the mud sucking the heels off a pair of boots. Replace-ment wood heels rotted during the winter months. Our laundry smelled like fish and sea weed. Still recall the water filled hole where the CO before Cox, fell into one night and the next morning, a sign appeared stating "no swimming". I understand the unit flag was "transferred" to the P.I. by a certain Sp4 who had no capacity for alcohol.


The riot at Det 4 happened about 2 1/2 months before I left the hill. I'm not sure, but it was my understanding that the 'incident' was because the Kurds were being excluded from being a part of the construction crew on the post. I think the construction foreman was a Israeli. We just came off a "graveyard" and everything went wild. Since we had no weapons, my trick grabbed baseball bats and supports for our double bunks to assist one of our trick who got caught by roving Turks. One of my friends had his gold wrist watch taken by one of the Turks. Col Cox came roaring up in a jeep and ordered me to get my Trick back in the barracks. It was my understanding that a Airborne unit in Germany was alerted to assist if needed. Dennis

GLUBKA, Roger A., E1-E3-E1, 72B, Det 27, FE64-JL65, (CW3 Michelle), PSC 303, BX 25 APO AP 96204-0025 (Korea), - Sorry for the DOOL delay Maulers. I've been in D.C. from the 13th to the 31st. My boss sent me to some management courses. Roger

HASSETT, Joe DOB: 4MR41, 058, E4, Det 4, SE60-SE61, (Joy),2701 Burlington Dr., Ashtabula OH 44004, 440-964-3044, . Contacted on 1 February 2003 after Jerry Glaser mentioned Joe as one of his friends at Sinop. Jerry wanted me to ask him if he remembered April 12, 1961 - the day Yuri Gagarin went up. Joe Hassett has many fond memories of his time on the 'hill' and like, most everyone else, promised to write about his many SINOP memoirs and send them to me for inclusion in the DOOL and Memory Book. He remembers the mud, the mission, the riot, the nightfighters, Mr K., and, of course, Sgt. Boyd. Said that he was a 058 Trick Chief, a PVR50 operator and once worked in a sub in the Black Sea. Joe related that he will never forget the unforgetable Boyd and that most others won't either. Said that 'someone' padlocked Boyd's hootch for 13 days and that on each occasion Boyd had to get a hacksaw and cut the locks. Shortly thereafter, 'someone' torched Boyd's hootch the day before he was scheduled to rotate - and all of Boyd's worldly possessions went up in flames and that Mr. K flew Boyd away from Sinop the next morning and onward to Ankara. Joe referred to the Turk askeri's who lived near Diogenes Station as the "nightfighters" because, according to him, they were never out in the day time and their barracks had no windows. Said that he flew with Mr. K quite often and remembers Mr. K heading northbound on the Black Sea as a friendly gesture to alert the Soviet radar operators that a small plane was heading their way and for them to scramble the MIG's after him. Said that Mr. K would often wash the tires of the L-20 in the Black Sea, etc... He was told that the Turk was killed by an MP who was showing the Turk guard how to quick draw his .45. Let's all wait for Joe Hassett to write and share his BIO with us.

KERNS, John Det 4, JL60-JL61, (Sherry), 105 Hillside Dr., West Oelwein, IA 50662, 319-283-2117, I met John Kerns at the 2002 Hershey reunion. John is a modest person who at one time was a mortician and owned several funeral homes in Iowa. He has vivid memories of the 1961 so-called riot and would like to join the others who have intimate knowledge of that event in a round table discussion at the 2003 reunion.

LAPP, Dean A., DOB: 20JN44, RA15733828, E3-E4, MP, Det 4, 10JA66-21DE66, (Deborah), 3629 Trails End Dr., Medina OH 44256, 330-723-3629, - Elder, Chuck Bergmann contacted me and we had breakfast on Saturday morning, the 1st of Feb...Chuck and I enlisted on the 'buddy plan', but he got ditty-bop school at Devens and the ASA sent me to Fort Gordon, GA for MP training...Chuck wanted to be an MP and I wanted Morse Code.....The buddy-plan almost came true as he, too, was sent to Turkey...Him to Manzarali and me to Sinop...His wife, Helen, went with him and I visited them in their Ankara apartment for several days...At the breakfast...he handed me a copy of your last three newsletters (ASA - Turkey)...I found them interesting...they brought back some old memories...Have you heard about the Askari who got a broken leg at the main gate in 1966 and another Askari running off...I'll jog my memory and jot the details down and send to you...After the breakfast - I pulled out and dusted my scrap book and looked at, was I skinny and young back I'm about 220 and trying to get to 200...I remember the time that the houseboys went on strike for better wages, etc., and to show that they meant business...they blew up the FRESH WATER line to the post and it also interrupted the water supply to the village of Sinop...During that strike we had to use mouthwash to shave and learned to enjoy C-rations for every meal for about 4 days...I recall my time on the 'hill' with a smile and will sit down and write about my experiences at Det 4 and then send it to you for inclusion in the Days of our Lives newsletter...I still have a MP helmet liner and the MP arm band...After the Sinop tour I was posted to Vint Hill Farms as a MP, but soon became the post photographer, a duty that I enjoyed until my ETS in 1969...I'll scan the orders assigning me to Sinop and will send and also mail some pictures, etc to you. We will try and attend the 7 Springs reunion on the Labor Day week-end...please add my name to your e-mail roster... Would you have an address for a fellow MP from Sinop (1966) his name is Robert O. Nelson, he was from somewhere near Madison, WI. [See below for Bob Nelson's entry- - -gH]

NELSON, Robt O (Bob),DOB: 3FE45, US55831031, E4, MP, Det 4, 6JA66-21DE66, (Janis), RR2, Fence, WI 54120, 715-336-2767, . Contacted on 2 February 2003 after Dean Lapp inquired if I had any info on Nelson. I didn't, but found him on Bob was drafted and completed MP training at Fort Gordon before being assigned to Det 4 for 11 months and 10 days. He owns his own logging company and enjoys hunting in Wisconsin and in western North Dakota. Bob admits that he don't know how to turn the computer on, but will have his wife check the web on a regular basis at

OSBOE, Mike, DOB: 9DE39, E4, 982, Det 4, JN60-MY61, (Sandy), 17451 Grider Pond Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42104, 270-781-0141, . Contacted on 31 January 2003. Mike remembers the HUGE First Sergeant at Ankara who processed him to Sinop. He couldn't believe that the Army permitted such an obese person to stay in the military, let alone be a role model for the young soldiers or for the Turks to wonder about. Mike remembers the RIOT being in May 1961 just before he was transferred to Gutluet Kaserne in Frankfurt, Germany with duty in the I.G. Farben building as a Traffic Analyst and was an expert rider of the paternoster. At Sinop Mike worked as an on-call T/A reporter. He remembers that one of those involved in the 'riot' was kept in the Ops A building until being sent to Det 27. He saw that person at Gutluet Kaserne being transferred to the states. Mike was told that the riot involved horse play and a shoving match at the front gate, but never knew the real reason.

THIEDEK, Vic, DOB: 27DE40, E5, 059, Det 27, AP60-JN62, (Judy), 1513 Selby Ave., St Paul Park, MN 55071, 651-459-7042, . Contacted on 4 February 2003. Vic promised to send me his memories of his Tour of Duty at Manzarali. He related to me several incidents that I had not heard before and I'm surprised that those who were at Site 23 in the early 60's never mentioned it. Some GI's did unusual things to get out of Turkey, but this one takes the...... It involved a despondent GI climbing to the top of the WATER TOWER at Manzarali and seconds later plunged headfirst to his death while being watched by others in a bewildered and stupefaction states. Excessive spirits may have contributed to this negative effects The other incident involved a GI named John F. Kennedy who in 1960 owned a 1954 Cadillac that he had brought into Turkey. At Lake Golbasi he run over and killed a Turkish kid while intoxicated. Somehow he was never prosecuted for that misdemeanor, but a short time later, he was picked up by the Turk police for DUI and was sent to the prison in Ankara for an unknown period of time. Vic remembers visiting Kennedy in the prison


I recieved 100/101/102...thanks. Elder, what made you call ME the other night??? Really curious. vic

Will get info to you in bits n patient with me and always remember, B.A. don't pay....hahaha

THOMPSON, James E., DOB: 19JN41, E5, 058, Det 27, AU62-JA64, 3124 Midland Dr., Erie, PA 16506, 813-838-8045, . Contacted on 4 February 2003

WORKMAN, Ken, GS-18 Sylvania Tech Rep, Det 4, DE65-JN67, (Jennifer) NC, - Elder: Just a brief note to express my appreciation for the DOOL newletters. I read and reread every one. While I feel a bit left out, being that I served as a Contractor/civilian at Det 4, the Newsletter makes me feel part of something greater. I am still writing my remembrances for submission to DOOL and I'm ashamed to say that my procrastination is still winning. So, the bottom line is that many people mean to say "thank you", but never get around to it. For them, and most especially for me, THANK YOU for your time and effort helping to keep the "family" together .