Fri, 5 Jul 2002 09:00:30 -0500
MAIL-call  - PRESERVING  FORGOTTEN MEMORIES This newsletter may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged.  It is intended only for the use of the individuals named as recipients in the message.  If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer.  Thank you. Elder RC Green - - -gH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 
NEWLY FOUND TURKEY VET's  TUSLOG Det 27 was organized on 01 October 1957.  On 26 December 1957 Det 27's TD was 3 Officer's and 15 EM.  Maj Cambell, CPT William E. Loving, CPT Ancil D. Adams and WO Alfred I Diehl were probably the first  officer's assigned to Det 27.  Maj Cambell got there shortly thereafter and was under the command of USASAEUR and Col. Peterson in Frankfurt, Germany.  This needs to be confirmed by those who were there.  Morale on the whole was excellent and with the help of Maurice Cammack I've been able to reconstruct the names of 13 of the 15 EM as follows: Reynold L. Allgood; Maurice Cammack; Sgt Ronald Crocheron-NCOIC of C/C;  Robt D. Castle; Jerry W. Coker; Thos J. Garrity; Harry W. Hoben; Johnny F. Kelly; Sgt George Kerns-NCOIC of Maintenance; Lyle A. McSparren; Ronald R. Rutherford; Thos O. Stephens and Sgt Woodard,  The initial location of the detachment was in the JUSMMAT Hqs complex. On 01 February 1958, the detachment moved from the JUSMMAT complex to the new Hqs bldg located at 329A and 331A Ataturk Blvd across from the American Embassy. It was known as Det 4-1.  The mission of Det 27 at that time was to monitor the construction of Site 23, provide the initial authorization for the unit and perform such other activities as were assigned by USASAEUR. The EM asgnd to Det 27 at that time were housed in the USAF billets in Ankara. However, approx 10% of the E4s and above without dependants lived on the Ankara economy. Special services support, medical support and messing facilities were provided by the USAF in the city of Ankara, Turkey. Of the two buildings that were occupied by Detachment 27 in its embryonic days, the building at 329A Ataturk Blvd contained the office of the CO, the Adjutant (CPT Adams) and the Admin section. The balance of the buildings were occupied by TUSLOG Det 14 (an element of the Army comm admin network-possibly Det 66 was formed from Det 14, but not sure). The building at 331A Ataturk Blvd contained the motor pool dispatcher's office, the fiscal office, the supply office, unit supply and a combined conference and training room. The motor pool performed 1st echelon maintenance on the assigned vehicles. All other maintenance was the responsibility of the TUMPANE company which was under contract to TUSLOG.

CAMBELL, Chas K., Maj-SigC-CDR Det 27, 57-58, (Lillian-dec), 83 Lee Dr., Modoc, SC 29838, 864-333-2575. DOB: 1917. Name submitted by Maurice Cammack.  I chatted with the retired Major on the 4th and he informed that he served only one (unhappy) Tour of Duty with ASA and that was as CDR of the Det 27 when there were no buildings at Site 23, and that they were digging the underground ducts for the cables from the antenna field to the planned opns bldg.  He retired in 1960 as a Major. 

CROCHERON, Ron, E6, NCOIC C/C, Det 27, 57-59, (Joyce), 1079 Galway Rd., Davidson, MD 21035, 301-261-7340,  DOB: 1935, Ron served in the ASA 1952-72 and retired as a Major.  He remembers Det 27 as one of his fondest assignments and told me that the personnel there were all first class. 

HOBEN, Harry W. Sgt E-5, 722, Det 27, 57-JA59, (Barbara), 3412 Cayton Rd., Westlake, LA 70669, 337-436-7042, no e-mail. Name submitted by Maurice Cammack. 

SINOR, Walter, SP4, F&AO, Det 27, 62-63, (Betty), 3049 County Road 239, Valley Head, AL 35989-4721, (256)635-6860, Ken Patterson remembered Walt's name. From: To:; Cc:  Ken,  Received e-mail from Elder RC Green and tried to call you and left msg on answer machine. I can be reached during the week at 877 453-5097 which is a toll free number. My home number is 256 635-6860 however the answer machine for that number is on the blink.  Look forward to hearing from you! [Walt told me that I was the 1st ex-ASA'er to contact him since his discharge in 1963. He lost all of the Turkey photo's in 1974.  He remembers having to pull guard duty because someone broke or disturbed the bushes/trees that were planted.  Does anyone remember this incident?  If so, please send the data for inclusion in the DAYS OF OUR LIVES. 
e-mail changes
FM: GAMBLE, Buzz, 059, Det 27, JA66-JN67, (Linda), Bethel, ME Please check my address to as this address is just a small pocket emailer and will send and receive only a page and deletes the rest.  I also dug up more names and addresses. thanks, FM: MAU, Norman  Subject: Re: DOOL's gH,  Since my hotmail account is almost full, could you please send the relays to Thanks,
                                                                 DITS 'n DAHS From: Maurice Cammack Cc: Jimbo Stephens Subject: Some More Names of Old Det 27 Guys  - Elder, appreciate the telephone call last night. As I promised, here are some names of Det 27 folks in the 57-59 time frame that I took off old promotion orders. Also am including the names of the Six 722's that were shipped into Ankara in Dec 57 from Hqs, ASAE in Frankfurt. Frankfurt 722's: Reynold L. Allgood; Maurice E. Cammack; Thomas J. Garrity; Harry W. Hoben; Johnny F. Kelly and Thomas O. Stephens Other Names I have located:  On 17 Jul 58, the Commander was CPT William E. Loving, QMC (Think he was a Mortician who was recalled for Korea and decided to stay in) On 10 Nov 58 the Commander was MAJ Charles K. Cambell, SigC. On 10 Nov 58, I was promoted to SGT, along with Johnny F. Kelly and Ronald R. Rutherford.  On the same orders, there were three promotions to E-4; Robert D. Castle, Jerry W. Coker and Lyle A. McSparren. Other names I recall:  Comm Center OIC was CWO Alfred I. Diehl.  Comm Center NCOIC was SFC Ronald Crocheron.  Comm Center Maint NCOIC was SFC George Kerns.  As I find more digging through my files, will forward them on. Hope this helps some.  If Tom Stephens can think of others, he will forward them on, I am sure. Best wishes and hope your July 4th is a good, safe one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: John Buttrick - SP5, 72B, Det 27, JA67-MR68, (Mary Ann), Phoenix, AZ,    It is certainly not true that "Det 27 closed in Dec 67." I was there from Jan 67 until March or April of 68 and was not the last American to leave. The operational mission may have been, in the main, transferred in 67, but much went on after that time. Just thought you'd like to know.
I found information on Judge John Buttrick on the Maricopa County webpage and include it (edited) for other Det 27 Vet's who knew John at Manzarali:  (The buttrick attachment is John Buttrick). "- In what appears to be a historical first, Libertarian John Buttrick was named a judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court in Arizona on 1 May 2001 by the state's Republican governor, Jane Hull, beating 39 other contenders for the position.  This is believed to be the first time any third-party member has ever been appointed to a judgeship in Arizona and it may possibly be the first time a registered Libertarian has been appointed to any judgeship anywhere in the country. Following high school graduation, Buttrick joined the United States Army Security Agency (ASA); serving as a cryptographer in Turkey, the Republic of Viet Nam and other locations around the world.  He received his undergraduate degree in philosophy from the University of Denver in 1973 and and his law degree in 1976 from Harvard Law School.  After law school, he joined the law firm of Brown & Bain P.A., where he became a partner in 1982.  For the past 25 years, Buttrick has worked as an attorney for Brown & Bain, a Phoenix law firm. Specializing in antitrust, product liability, contract, environmental, and patent litigation, and has represented high-profile clients like IBM and Intel. John Buttrick is well-known in Arizona for his political activity, including a run for governor in 1994 and a campaign for state representative in 1998. His appointment is a major milestone for the Libertarian Party and is a big step forward for the party's credibility and influence.  Keep in mind, the government is composed of three branches: Legislative, executive, and judicial.  Libertarians have tended to seek legislative and executive positions, but may forget that the judicial branch wields just as much power. The Libertarian's  predict that Buttrick will be a pioneer for many more Libertarian judges in the future.  As a Superior Court judge, Buttrick, 54, has jurisdiction over all civil matters where more than $10,000 is in dispute, as well as felony criminal matters up to and including capital offenses. Buttrick, a Harvard Law School graduate, expects that the majority of his cases will likely deal with civil litigation and that his libertarian ideology will not influence his actions as a judge.  It's the job of lawyers to raise Constitutional questions and the judge to rule on them.   Buttrick said he will uphold the legitimacy of jury nullification..  Jury nullification is the legal doctrine that allows jurors to rule on the validity of the law itself, as well as the facts in a case. For example, jurors could vote to acquit someone charged with a medical marijuana offense, even if he was technically guilty, to show disapproval for what they saw as an unfair law.  Buttrick earned his appointment as judge the old-fashioned way:  With hard work and honesty.  Many people thought that Buttrick would  have had a better shot at getting appointed if he had switched his registration to Republican or Independent, but he was not willing to change his convictions whenever it was professionally expedient. As you sow so shall you reap," is Buttrick's philosophy.   As Maricopa County Superior Court judge, John Buttrick will serve until 2004. If he wishes to continue serving after that, he will have to stand for election for a four-year term. Until then, he is looking forward to hearing legal arguments instead of making them. "I wanted to take a step in a new direction, and now I have that opportunity," he said. "I'm going to honor the Constitution every chance I get." In addition to his campaigns for public office, Buttrick was a member of the Libertarian National Committee (1997-2000), and was the chair of the LP National Platform Committee (1998 and 2000). Judge Buttrick has been involved in community activities by supporting the Phoenix Threatre, the Phoenix Symphony and the Phoenix Library. He is a member of the American Bar Association and the Mariopa County Bar Association.

From: Mike Findley Elder,  Finally had a knowledgable friend come over today and get this new 'puter working.  Haven't been doing much the last few months ... other than ... after being divorced 14 years, I suddenly and unexpectedly find myself w/an SO.  I'm afraid that I've been spending much of my time concentrating on her.  Hope this note finds you happy and in good health. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Ken Patterson, SP4, F&AO, Det 27, 63-64, (Bertha), 300 Rutland Dr., Tupelo, MS 38804, 662-844-3925,> Have you located Walter Sinor yet.  My search turned up a Walter Sinor who is the right age (born in 1942) in Valley Head, AL.  I was his replacement in the Accounting Office.  He was there a few weeks after I arrived.  He taught me the Manzarai Station method of accounting.  I believe he was originally from the Nashville, TN area.  He was a classmate of country singer Brenda Lee.  He apparently runs in the over 55 division in 5K runs.  He was shown to have been in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Riverbend Run 5K in Chattanooga, TN in  2001.  Happy hunting.--KEN Walter Sinor, 3049 County Road 239
Valley Head, AL 35989-4721, (256)635-6860
From: Ken Patterson, I want everyone to know right away that I in no way was saying that the photographer(I still don't recall his name--y'all think it was Jon Wood) was doing anything wrong.  He was an artist just as surely as some great painter did nude studies and Georgia O'Keefe did her flowers, which if you are familiar with Georgia O'Keefe's work represented something totally different.  You just have to stare at them awhile to get the point.  Thus, I was expressing admiration of the photographer's talent and artistry.  There is nothing to be defended.  Art is art.  Vulgarity exists in the minds of those who can't accept art for art's sake.  When it comes to the First Amendment I am pretty much of a liberal here in the "hills" of Mississippi (less than 807 ft above sea level at its highest point.)  The highest spot in MS is "Mt." Woodall at only 806 ft.  Please rest assured that nothing I said about the photographer should have been taken as disparaging his memory. LATER--KEN
From: Charles Mcclevish, E3,711,DET 27,63-64, HQS CO, S2 CLERK> To: <> Cc: "ercgreen" <> STAN:  I think I remember you.  I worked for Major Lindgren as a clerk, along with Phil Kelly from 63-64.  I think you were next door.  Jim Orr worked for you as a clerk.  He and I came to Det 27 on the same 707.  Was Investigator Schulz the agent who was interested in foreign cars (FIAT) and was always designing them.  I wonder if he ever became an auto designer.  I've spoken to Phil Kelly and couple of times and the last time I spoke to Joe Lindgren, I promised him I would visit him.  He sounded great. He still sounds the same and I'm sure he is still the same wonderful person he was at Det 27.  I recognized his voice from the first few words he spoke. Thanks for clearing up the frog story.  I thought it was an annual migration.  You are right.  They were the thickest on the sidewalk from the mess to Hqs bldg.  Do you remember the story I told in an earlier message to Elder about the Turk driver taking a van load of us across the Ankara Airport landing strip from the civilian side to the military side.  I think it may have been you who asked me to take the curse words out of the report, because otherwise you would have to stamp it obscene? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FROM: Greg Kearney, SP5, 05H, Det 4-4, SE68-OC71, (Lonnie), Hesperia, CA.,
gH,  have sent the two relay's  #73 and #74.  I discovered that I have a group forwarding capability with my server and can probably handle another 10 to 20 names very easily. If you need to give me more names to forward, just let me know.  Have a great 4th of July.
From: "Heese, Larry {Quaker}" <> Subject: Up dated info HEESE, Larry J E3-E5 058 Det 27, 60-62, (Jean), 7906 Wieneke Cir., Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, 319-396-4226,
From: John Bircher  - Elder:  Below please find our new mailing address and temp phone number.  Also, please note the new email address is “us” and NOT .com. BIRCHER, John E III O2-O3 Det 27, NO65-NO66, (Carol), 6001 Spinnaker Loop, Lady Lake, FL 32159, 352-603-0009, Thanks! John E. Bircher III, President, Bircher³ Consulting International, Inc. 6001 Spinnaker Loop, Suite 250, Lady Lake, FL 32159, Off: 352-603-0009, Home:  352-603-0009, email: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Francis W. Boldway, Here is an update for your Master roster: BOLDWAY, Francis W. (Wife Lois) 04 AGC, Det 27 66-67 (Left in early 68), 4302 Hollow Hill Dr., San Antonio, TX 78217-1718.  210-653-2542. Retired in Dec 1982 as Colonel, 06 (Wife & I good bowlers and dancers)  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Elder,  - My wife accidentally deleted your voicemail today but tried to give me the gist of the message. Thanks for the call.   Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the reunion.  My company just moved me to a new job where everyone is working long hours.  I'm just hoping we take a break by Christmas. One would think we would be in control of our own lives by this time.  But I do like what I'm doing so have no one to blame.  Anyhow, take care.  Hope you get your email fixed.  Thanks for the call.  Hope that everyone has a great time in Hershey, PA. 

From: Paul Aspinwall, 1LT, Supply, Det 4, 12JA65-22DE65, Middleton, WI.,, I am getting DOOLs from Roger Glubka, and thanks to both of you.  Elder, from Aug, 1964, to Dec, 1964, I was at Fort Benning and then Fort Devens with a Lt Ron Hehn, who then headed for Det 27 and should have arrived about the time you were leaving. I didn't see him on the roster and wondered if you had any contact with him then or since. regards,  Paul C Aspinwall, Process Architect, IPD BPE Staff, Route 100, Som2 4J-15, 8-826-2505 (914-766), Fax 914-766-8250, MD 2426, Paul Aspinwall/Somers or
From: HOWARD C STEPHENS, SR., Det 27 12/60 through 09/62  To: ; ; ; ; A. Thomas Ullmann ; ; ; ; ; Good Afternoon "ASA'ers": As mentioned in my last note to each of you, Elder Green has asked that we help him out by agreeing to fwd the Days Of Our Lives (DOOL) missives, to ten (10) of our former ASA comrades.  Hope you enjoy reading these as much as I do.  Goodness knows there is too much "Spam" on the internet these days.  If you don't wish to receive these e-mails, please reply and let me know and I assure you that you will receive nothing further from me. Hope that you and yours are all having a great summer! Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: norman mau Again if you need a relayer, I can try from here.  Regards, [Thanks.  I'll be giving you ten emails soon for you to relay the DOOL's]- - -gH

From: Chuck Bergmann Elder - Here is a list of email ADR's  that do not work. Not sure why but they do not go through. Maybe you have a better e-mail address for them.; I called Ken Binns and he said that his email ADR (cable modem) is still valid, but is down a lot, like the Regas family is now (Majority owners?); 
Lanny Couvillon To: ercgreen Subject: Re: IS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS STILL VALID? Mine is working and I do get and read your updates. I will get personal info to you as well as any information on the guys I hung around with--Potts-Botta-Cummings-MacCartan-Nelson-Hunsaker-O'Brien
--etc..but I am getting your information and Bergmann's too. LC - From: Michael Comroe To: ercgreen Subject: Re: IS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS STILL VALID? 10-4 on your e-mail. I am getting all Chuck's messages as far as I know. My reservations are made and you should get a big brown envelope in snail mail shortly. Mike Comroe;; - should be:; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=
Gene Cram, CW2, OIC T/A, Det 27, 66-67, (Phyllis), Dunnellon, FL.,  Maybe you should give me three more e-mail addresses--the following three keep coming back as undeliverable  --??? #75 1. Virgil Rearick promised to send new ADR, but nil hrd to date 2. -- Still checking 3. -- Still checking
SEPTEMBER IS GETTING CLOSER AND I'M GETTING ANTSIER!!! REGARDS -- GENE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John J. Nodorek Jr., SP4, 76P, Det 27 AP-NO67 & Det 4-3 NO67-NO68, Albany, GA To:,  Cc: ercgreen@yourinter.netI received #73 & 74. As I am new to the DOOL's, I am missing #1 to 65-68. No biggie tho.
I found #74 hard to read.  I presume Elder Green put in the background, but it was hard on my eyes.  I had to copy it and move it to a new page. Then it would become black on white and become more readable. May I offer a thought: Move it to a new page where hopefully it would lose the background and become more readable.  Also consider not send it as an
"attachment". I personally do not like attachments as they can contain a virus. But then again, if your equipment is like mine, I could not transfer any photo's that may be in it. So I would probably have to send it along as an "attachment" too. So you might not have a choice on that part.  Keep up the good work and keep the DOOL's coming.
Jones, Ed To: Chuck Bergmann Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 3:39 AM Subject: RE: Master Roster Det 27, 4-4, 17, 53, 66, 83, 120 and 4 as of 28 June 2002 Thank you my entry is correct.. Herbert E. (Ed) Jones, Senior Global Technical Support Manager, ESCO Corporation, (217) 477-7223, (217) 477-7213 (Fax), (503) 805-2180 (Cell);
From: Daniel Schoppe, SP5, 32G, Det 27, AP65-OC67, Marjorie), Leander. TX,  I will be attending the TUSLOG Det 27 and 4-4 Reunion and request that a NONsmoking room (King) be reserved for me for 13-15 Sep 2002 @ $79 per day, per agreement with Elder RC Green and Donna Centofanti and Alison English.  Please call me at 512-467-9355 for my credit card info.  Please advise of any other requirements.  Daniel Schoppe

 From:  Paul J. Kuehl, 05D, E3-E5, Det 27, NO65-OC67, 630 Brule Rd., DePere, WI 54115,  I was at Det 27 11/65 to 10/67.  TDY in Sinop for a few months in summer of '66.  Returned to States, Vint Hill Farms, from there to Ft Bragg in 2/68 and to Nam with the 82nd.  They couldn't convince me to re-up so I returned in 7/68 and went back to school.  All seems so long ago !! Keep up the great work and take care.
Paul J. Kuehl, Human Resources/Recruitment, Computech Resources, Inc., P. O. Box 28320 Green Bay, WI  54324 920-336-1387/FAX 920-336-7728 Toll Free: 877-500-3330
From: James Q. Nolan, CW4, A/S4, Det 27, JA64-JN66, (Rita), Hopewell, VA I will be attending the TUSLOG Det 27 Reunion and desire a non-smoking room with a king size bed for 13 & 1.4 Sep 2002. I understand that we have a special rate of $79.00 per night. Please call me at (804) 541-1578 for credit card information. The best time to call would be in the evening . Dear Elder, check for the. Sat meal being dropped in the mail in the morning.  I just noticed your mailing address, Indiana, Pa. I'm somewhat familiar with that place  as I was raised in Greenburg, Pa.  Hope the responses for the Reunion is good.Regards, Jim Nolan
From: "James E Beller" <> Subject: master roster det 27.  Info listed correctly for me  Thanks,  Jim Beller
From: Daniel Drachman, SP4-SP5, 98GRU, Det 27, MR63-JN64; Great Master Roster list guys!! Thank you. I am so sorry that I cannot join you there in September!! I had a roommate in Turkey (in the barracks) by the name of Mike Sorrell.  One of my sadnesses for many years is that I have never been able to find him since we were there.  At Presidio of Monterrey we also knew each other.  His parents had a bookstore for many years in Baltimore??  Has anyone else had contact with him?  He was a quiet guy but a good friend to anyone who wanted to sincerely be his friend.  Is the Hughes listed the Major Hughes who also helped Chaplin Devanney to coach us basketball in Nov '63 to March '64?  did not see Chaplin Devanney either?  If Skip Boone shows up -- say hello to him from the Georgia guy who he used to battle at guard.  And John O'Brien played basketball at Univ. of Seattle -- any way to check with them for him?  My rank went from E-4 to E-5 while there.  Thank you for connecting all of us!  Dan Drachman  (I had a good conversation with John Lampe with your help!) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: IANNELLI, Dominic  (Dom), Det 17, 64-66, (Elaine-div),  750 N.Atlantic Ave. #608 Cocoa Beach Fl. 32931 , 321-230-0652, Dominic A. Iannelli., LMEIS; Sr. Staff; Lead., Pgm. Control & Planning., Orlando, Fl. 32825
Cell: (321) 230-0652., Cell Text Message, Office: (407) 306-4737
Fax: (407) 306-3770
" Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------